24 December 2012

Japan Meteor 23DEC2012 火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 23DEC2012
2012年12月23日 4時49分18秒 -5.8等の火球
  This event was captured by two SONOTA Corp. cameras, Okayama and Osaka, at 04:58:18 JST.

Photos and details:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

23 December 2012

NEO Close Approaches DEC2012

NEO Close Approaches DEC2012

(2012 YS1) 2012-Dec-240.02098.127 m - 60 m25.017.41

Yet More Found- UPDATE - 15DEC2012
(2012 XP134) 2012-Dec-150.00311.27.7 m - 17 m27.78.84
(2012 XL134) 2012-Dec-150.00180.77.4 m - 16 m27.810.07

Much more meteor activity ahead!
(2012 XJ112) 2012-Dec-100.00612.411 m - 24 m27.011.03
(2012 XE54) 2012-Dec-110.00150.620 m - 44 m25.713.27
(2012 XL55) 2012-Dec-110.01094.210 m - 23 m27.118.76
2009 BS5) 2012-Dec-110.02178.48.8 m - 20 m27.45.69
(2012 XB112) 2012-Dec-140.00210.83.0 m - 6.7 m29.74.43
(2012 XH112) 2012-Dec-150.00441.710 m - 23 m27.014.37
(2012 XM16) 2012-Dec-160.00803.119 m - 42 m25.712.98
(2012 XM55) 2012-Dec-230.00783.17.2 m - 16 m27.82.88
(2012 XP55) 2012-Dec-270.02349.141 m - 92 m24.114.06
Source: NASA/JPL http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

  The approaches by NEOs thus far detected for DEC 2012 only includes ONE with an LD (Lunar Distance) of less than LD10!

 Asteroid 4179 Toutatis with a diameter of 5.4 kilometers (3.36 miles diameter - big enough!!!) will pass safely at 18LD but there may be debris from it that will increase meteor activity a few days  just prior and following its passing on 12DEC2012; CAMERAS and OBSERVERS READY! - File a sighting report on this site IF you witness a bolide, fireball or meteor; thank you!

 This list WILL certainly be updated or proven incomplete this month, December 2012. Meteor/Fireball activity for December 2012 will continue to be at an increased level. Check back as more NEOs will be found and announced.
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2008 KT) 2012-Dec-010.164263.96.0 m - 14 m28.27.83
(2012 VJ46) 2012-Dec-020.095237.040 m - 90 m24.17.33
(2010 TK7) 2012-Dec-050.197476.8200 m - 450 m20.614.59
(2012 TH79) 2012-Dec-050.138453.8130 m - 290 m21.69.19
(2008 WJ60) 2012-Dec-080.163163.5160 m - 350 m21.29.11
(2011 KG4) 2012-Dec-080.153959.967 m - 150 m23.013.04
(2007 WM3) 2012-Dec-080.156160.864 m - 140 m23.19.47
(2008 YZ28) 2012-Dec-090.163763.7270 m - 590 m20.021.11
(2012 SD22) 2012-Dec-100.173967.7260 m - 580 m20.010.77
(2006 VB14) 2012-Dec-100.106541.5510 m - 1.2 km18.616.14
(2009 BS5) 2012-Dec-110.02178.48.8 m - 20 m27.45.69
4179 Toutatis 2012-Dec-120.046318.05.4 km15.311.91
(2011 OB57) 2012-Dec-140.166064.617 m - 37 m26.04.93
88213 (2001 AF2) 2012-Dec-150.181270.5510 m - 1.1 km18.621.31
(2002 XQ40) 2012-Dec-170.119946.798 m - 220 m22.214.61
(2004 YA5) 2012-Dec-170.059723.281 m - 180 m22.620.23
(2011 LT17) 2012-Dec-180.122647.7120 m - 260 m21.816.54
(1999 NW2) 2012-Dec-190.169566.062 m - 140 m23.15.31
(2012 VA5) 2012-Dec-190.110943.1120 m - 260 m21.89.35
(2012 QQ50) 2012-Dec-190.147057.2310 m - 690 m19.710.77
(2012 HK31) 2012-Dec-200.180770.322 m - 50 m25.43.86
(2004 XL14) 2012-Dec-200.196276.3150 m - 340 m21.218.32
203471 (2002 AU4) 2012-Dec-210.102339.8490 m - 1.1 km18.711.92
(2004 JO1) 2012-Dec-220.197576.9190 m - 440 m20.717.87
163899 (2003 SD220) 2012-Dec-230.153659.81.1 km - 2.5 km16.910.18
33342 (1998 WT24) 2012-Dec-230.177969.2700 m - 1.6 km17.914.85
162911 (2001 LL5) 2012-Dec-240.157161.1420 m - 940 m19.08.75
(2009 LD) 2012-Dec-240.159061.916 m - 35 m26.25.65
(2010 BB) 2012-Dec-260.055521.6270 m - 590 m20.09.53
(2000 WL63) 2012-Dec-260.177269.0330 m - 730 m19.610.35
(2011 HS60) 2012-Dec-280.177068.9130 m - 290 m21.516.39
(2012 VF37) 2012-Dec-280.038815.1170 m - 380 m21.012.76
(2003 UC20) 2012-Dec-290.065925.7600 m - 1.3 km18.28.01
Source: NASA/JPL - http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/
Subject to change!

update 23DEC2012
updated 4/12/2012 16:46 Japan Standard Time
original post 03/12/2012 16:46 Japan Standard Time

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23DEC2012

Ursids Meteor Shower Peaking Tonight December 21 2012
“The Little Dipper asterism is in the constellation Ursa Minor the Lesser Bear — hence, the Ursid meteorshower. This shower has been known to produce short bursts of over 100 meteors per hour. But typically the shower is much sparser than that. It ...

California Meteorite Study Shows Sutter's Mill Space Rock Fragments Are ...
Huffington Post
"It was done very quickly," said Peter Jenniskens, a meteor researcher who suddenly found himself managing a small army of volunteers when the Sutter's Mill meteor broke up April 22. Dozens of scientists jumped to Jenniskens' aid as he searched for ...

Meteorite From California Fireball Reveals Its Secrets Yahoo News
From Yahoo! News: Barely eight months after a fireball lit up California and Nevada skies, the first scientific paper is out examining the meteorites it ...

Grains Gang Up to Bear Brunt of Missile and Meteorite Impacts (with video)
Sat, 22 Dec, 2012 01:27 PM PST
Grains Gang Up to Bear Brunt of Missile and Meteorite Impacts (with video)

Nevada Seismology Lab used quake-monitoring network to track Sutter's Millmeteorite
Sat, 22 Dec, 2012 10:44 AM PST
When the Sutter Mill's meteorite streaked across the Nevada sky in April, it made a loud boom and shook homes throughout the region. Ken Smith, associate director for the Nevada Seismological Laboratory at the University of Neva Copyright 2012 Record-Courier. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Record-Courier Nevada Seismology Lab ...

Delhi - [ Min 9.5 °C
Sat, 22 Dec, 2012 06:08 AM PST
A mini van-sized meteorite, one of the fastest and rarest to have hit the earth, detonated this April over California's Sierra foothills, yielding a goldmine of scientific data.

New meteorite suggests that asteroid surfaces more complex than previously thought
Sat, 22 Dec, 2012 03:09 AM PST
These are some of the 77 fragments of the Sutter's Mill meteorite fall that were collected in April 2012. Credit: NASA/E. James.

Meteorite fragments found in El Dorado County a scientific gold mine
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 04:43 PM PST
By Matt Weiser, Sacramento Bee The meteorite fragments that crashed down in El Dorado County in April contain some of the best-preserved elements from the dawn of the solar system ever recovered, according to a study. The Sutter’s Mill meteorite, as it has been called, entered Earth’s atmosphere at about 8am on April 22 with [...]

Quadrantid meteor shower to reach peak on January 4
China Post
For astronomy buffs who want to greet the first meteor shower of the year, the museum suggested it would be better to head out long before midnight to avoid the interference of a rising moon. The origin of the Quadrantids remains unclear, the museum ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

CO UT Daylight Meteor 21DEC2012

CO UT Daylight Meteor ~17:15 MST 21DEC2012

21DEC2012 Linda mossman Eagle, Co. 17:30 ish? About 7 seconds We were facing west. Object started SW sky and fell to NW horrizon. Started w red flash like fireworks then bright white as it crossed the sky Moon At the begining yes This was very cool to watch with my son. We couldn't believe it stayed in the sky as long as it did.

21DEC12 Jerry Hernandez Monticello, Utah, USA 17:19 MST 03 sec I was traveling north on hwy 191 directly over the center of windshield traveled south to the right. It was not fully dark and a very bright light streaked down and a spark of it came off the top right. Both continued down. Brighter than Venus A spark came off the top right Amazing it was bright considering it wasn't even dark yet.

21DEC2012 John Hill Nederland,CO,USA 17:17 Mountain Standard Time 3 seconds Facing West, Direction of travel South to North Bright White with no sound observed in closed car Brighter and larger than a planet no Very round, quite large, and relative slower moving than a Meteor

21DEC2012 Kathy Treanor Salem, UTAH, USA 17:15:00 5 sec S;N-E White, no sound, very bright and low Same color as moon 5 pieces fell off in trail daylight hours

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

22 December 2012

Meteor detected over AZ, NM 21DEC2012

MBIQ Detects AZ NM Meteor 21DEC2012
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) Bot has just detected a meteor event over NM and AZ.  We need your reports to confirm this event.  Thank you!

MBIQ reports will soon be moving to the MBIQ Meteor Bot Internet Query website and will not always be reported on The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News; only confirmed meteors will be reported.
Please BOOKMARK the MBIQ website IF you want advanced meteor intel; thank you!

MBIQ Data for this event can be viewed directly at:

Event confirmed; Initial Meteor Sighting Reports:
21DEC2012 Mark Tucson, AZ, USA 22:42:00 3 sec Started over center of sky, travelling eastward green less bright than sun, brighter than planets, as bright as moon no fragmentation n/a

21DEC2012 esther douglas arizona 1045 5 seconds sout white same as sun no looked like a shooting star with fire
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen here:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

2013 The Year of Meteors and Comets!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22DEC2012

'All Clear' Given on Potential 2040 Impact of Asteroid 2011 AG5
"All Clear" Given on Potential 2040 Impact of Asteroid 2011 AG5
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
December 21, 2012
NASA scientists have announced that new observations of 2011 AG5 show
that this asteroid, once thought to have a worrisome potential to
threaten Earth, no longer poses a significant risk of impact.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor detected over AZ ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
MBIQ Detects AZ NM Meteor 21DEC2012 Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) Bot has just detected ameteor event over NM and AZ. We need your reports to confirm this event. Thank you!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Peter Jenniskens Discusses Meteorite finds - YouTube
78 min
Peter Jenniskens Discusses Meteorite finds ... Sutter's Mill Meteorite: a Californian ...

Meteorite Found In California Contains Some Of The Oldest Material In The Solar System
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 09:23 AM PST
To earthbound observers, the SUV-sized meteorite looked like a bright streak of green and white in the daytime sky, causing an intense boom as it burned up at a safe distance above Earth's surface.

New meteorite suggests that asteroid surfaces more complex than previously thought
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 08:46 AM PST
Meteorites that fell from an asteroid impact that lit up the skies over California and Nevada in April are showing scientists just how complex an asteroid surface can be. A new study describes the speedy recovery of the meteorites and reports that this space rock is an unusual example from a rare group known as carbonaceous chondrites, which contain some of the oldest material in the solar system.

The Meteor That Streaked Over California In April Had The Energy Of Four Kilotons Of TNT
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 07:53 AM PST
Meteor astronomer Peter Jenniskens must move quickly to trap evidence of a fresh meteorite fall. In 2008, a small asteroid roughly three meters across struck Earth’s atmosphere over northern Sudan, producing a brilliant fireball in the sky.

Scientists Reveal Findings on Sutter's Mill Meteorite
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 07:04 AM PST
A meteorite that exploded over California's Sierra foothills this past spring was among the fastest, rarest meteorites known to have hit the Earth. After collecting and studying fallen pieces of themeteorite, an international team of scientists is ready to announce their research, reporting on everything from the meteorite's age, to it's travelled course and original size. The researchers found ...

California meteorite reveals secrets thanks to crowdsourcing (+video)
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 05:55 AM PST
Recently published research describes a collection of meteorite pieces that landed in California in April. The study came about through a group effort dubbed "crowdsourcing" by the lead scientist. 

Meteorite Study Shows Asteroids Surfaces More Complex Than Thought
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 04:19 AM PST
Lee Rannals for redOrbit.com - Your Universe Online A meteorite study has led scientists to believe that asteroid surfaces may be more complex than previously thought. Scientists from around the world have come together to work on a meteor analysis of the Sutter's Mill meteorite that fell down to Earth in April 2012. The scientists reported in the journal Science that this particular meteor is ...

Scientists excited by meteorite fragment found in California
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 04:18 AM PST
The meteorite fragments that crashed down in El Dorado County in April contain some of the best-preserved elements from the dawn of the solar system ever recovered, according to...

California Sutter’s Mill meteorite entered Earth’s atmosphere at 64,000 mph
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 03:17 AM PST
Back in April of this year, a meteorite entered the atmosphere of Earth creating a bright fireball in the daytime sky on April 22 over Northern California. For scientist Peter Jenniskens, the meteoriteimpacted right near his base of operations meaning he only had to drive a few hours to search for fragments from the Read The Full Story

Meteorite that fell over Northern California on April 22 was 'one of fastest and rarest ever'
Fri, 21 Dec, 2012 03:04 AM PST
A meteorite that exploded as a fireball over California's Sierra foothills this past spring was among the fastest, rarest meteorites known to have hit the Earth, it has been revealed.

NASA Video Captures 2012 Geminid Meteor ...
4 sec
Flaring brighter than the full moon, this spectacular Geminid meteor lit up the sky above ...

Meteor Sutter's Mill Sets Record for Entry Speed into Earth in California ...
Latinos Post
As Space.com reports, the meteor's entry speed was timed at 7.8 miles, or 8.6 kilometers, a second, which is faster than any meteorite fall ever recorded. The meteor also hit a peak brightness about 35 miles above the ground, breaking apart at an ...

Meteor streaks across Houston skyline - Video on NBCNews.com
Video on NBCNews.com: The mysterious light that flashed across the sky lit up the horizon and sparked debate on social media. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

The Meteor That Fell to Earth
In April 2012, a meteor was witnessed over the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. Jenniskens et al. (p. 1583) used a combination of photographic and video ...

Mysterious California fireball resulted in one of the 'rarest' meteorites in ...
The Space Reporter
Just eight months after a fireball was spotted lighting up California and Nevada skies, a team of researchers say the cause was one of the rarest bits of cosmic material ever discovered. Researchers responsible for recovering the small pieces of the ...

Scientists Say Mysterious California Fireball Resulted in One of the Rarest ...
Cleveland Leader
Eight months after a fireball was spotted lighting up the skies of California and Nevada, a team of researchers say that the cause was one of the rarest bits of cosmic material ever discovered on Earth. According to the researchers responsible for ...

The Geminid Meteor Shower 2012 - over 400 ...
2 min
Here is my video clip of over 400 Geminid Meteors burning up over my backyard observatory in ...

California Meteor Broke Speed Record for Atmospheric Entry
Scientific American (blog)
Meteor astronomer Peter Jenniskens must move quickly to trap evidence of a fresh meteorite fall. In 2008, a small asteroid roughly three meters across struck Earth's atmosphere over northern Sudan, producing a brilliant fireball in the sky. The ...

Quadrantids create year's first meteor shower
Unlike the more famous Perseid and Geminid meteor showers, the Quadrantids only last a few hours, so it's the morning of Jan. 3 or nothing. Given the location of the radiant—northern tip of Bootes the Herdsman—only observers at latitudes north of 51 ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

21 December 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19-21DEC2012

Researchers Dig in Mystery behind California Fireball Explosion
French Tribune
It has been said that the meteor is more of a concrete piece of jumbled rocky material, a breccias, which weighs barely 2 pounds, just before it was blasted into pieces from the April 22 fireball. The incident was apparently captured by weather radars ...

Meteorite has fallen on the territory of Turkish city ...
42 sec
According to Turkish media, the fall of the meteorite last night caused panic among the city's

Geminid Meteor Shower 2012 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Images taken at Garappata State Park, Big Sur, California on the night of December 13-14, 2012.

UC Davis Researchers Uncover Story of Coloma ...
Researches have made new discoveries since the Sutter's Mill meteoriteexploded as a ...

Meteor offers insight into solar system
San Francisco Chronicle
An exploding meteor that blasted its fragments across California's Gold Country in April has revealed rare evidence of its origin in a single family of asteroids hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, astronomers report. Seventy-seven bits of space ...

Quadrantids Create Year's First Meteor Shower
View large image A little-known meteor shower named after an extinct constellation, the Quadrantids will present an excellent chance for hardy souls to start the year off with some late-night meteor watching. Peaking in the wee morning hours of Jan.

California Meteor Broke Speed Record for Atmospheric Entry
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 02:18 PM PST
[caption id="attachment_10396" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Jenniskens recovering a fragment of the Sutter's Mill meteorite"] [/caption]Meteor astronomer Peter Jenniskens must move quickly to trap evidence of a fresh meteorite fall. In 2008, a small asteroid roughly three meters across struck Earth's atmosphere over northern Sudan, producing a brilliant fireball in the sky. The ...

In Calif. Gold Country, A Rush That's Out Of This World
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 01:52 PM PST
When a meteorite crashed down in April on the exact spot where gold was discovered in 1848, professional and amateur meteorite hunters alike fanned out to collect small chunks. Now more than 50 scientists have published an analysis of the rare space rock.

Meteorite from fireball reveals its secrets
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 01:06 PM PST
Barely eight months after a fireball lit up California and Nevada skies, the first scientific paper is out examining the meteorites it left behind.

New Meteorite Suggests that Asteroid Surfaces More Complex Than Previously Thought
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 12:27 PM PST
New Meteorite Suggests that Asteroid Surfaces More Complex Than Previously Thought

Western University astronomers part of massive NASA meteorite discovery at Sutter's Mill
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 12:27 PM PST
Western University astronomers part of massive NASA meteorite discovery at Sutter's Mill

NASA Researchers Strike Scientific Gold with Meteorite
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 12:27 PM PST
Scientists found treasure when they studied a meteorite that was recovered April 22, 2012 at Sutter's Mill, the gold discovery site that led to the 1849 California Gold Rush.

Researchers: Meteorite that hit earth in El Dorado County one of fastest, rarest ever
npc-news.sacbee.com Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 12:21 PM PST
A meteorite that exploded over El Dorado County last spring was one of the fastest, rarestmeteorites to hit earth.

Meteorite triggered scientific 'Gold Rush'
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 12:15 PM PST
A meteorite that exploded as a fireball over California's Sierra foothills this past spring was among the fastest, rarest meteorites known to have hit the Earth, and it traveled a highly eccentric orbital route to get here.

Field Museum studies rare meteorite possibly from the outer asteroid belt
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 11:30 AM PST
( Field Museum ) A research team discovered that the Sutter's Mill meteorite is a so-called carbonaceous chondrite which is much more diverse in its composition than other meteorites of this type.

California meteorite a scientific gold mine
Thu, 20 Dec, 2012 11:23 AM PST
Sutter’s Mill rock preserves rare, fresh material from outer space

Meteorite from fireball reveals its secrets Technology & science ...
Barely eight months after a fireball lit up California and Nevada skies, the first scientific paper is out examining the meteorites it left behind.

Viewing the Ursid Meteor Shower in 2012 | American Meteor Society
The week before Christmas is not one usually devoted to meteor observing. That is unfortunate as an obscure shower known as the Ursids reaches maximum ...

2012 Ursid meteor shower active around winter solstice
EarthSky (blog)
The annual Ursid meteor shower always peaks near the time of the December winter solstice, so, in 2012, look for some possible activity over the next few nights. This shower favors the more northerly latitudes in the northern hemisphere, but even at ...

Celestial Secret: New anti-ageing cream contains meteorite stardust to keep you young
Tue, 18 Dec, 2012 04:38 AM PST
A new anti-ageing range is to launch with powdered meteorite picked up in the Sahara desert as its main ingredient.

Single Microbe May Have Triggered the "Great Dying"
Tue, 18 Dec, 2012 12:47 AM PST
An anonymous reader writes with an excerpt from Medical Daily about a new theory for what triggered the "Great Dying: " "Researchers believe that they may finally know why the event occurred, but the theory is not without controversy. There are several theories, including the possibility of a meteoritehitting the planet. Previously, most researchers believed that the Permian mass extinction was ...

Grains Gang Up to Bear Brunt of Missile and Meteorite Impacts
Mon, 17 Dec, 2012 06:08 PM PST
The way a meteorite or missile transfers the energy of its impact to sand and dirt grains is far more complex than scientists thought.

Pictures: "Beautiful" Geminid Meteor Showers Grace Skies
National Geographic
The annual Geminid meteor shower, which peaked last weekend, usually produces dozens of shooting stars per hour—making it one of the strongest and most reliable celestial shows around. (Related: "Sky-watchers Get Set for Cosmic Fireworks Show.") ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

20 December 2012

"2012" END? NOT! NASA Video

Tokyo, Japan is Still Here on 21DEC2012! @ 07:30 JST

ScienceCasts: Why the World Didn't End Yesterday -video NASA
Youtube uploaded by ScienceAtNASA· 2,451,475 views

Dec. 21, 2012: Fearful 'end of world' callers flood NASA
  Los Angles Times, 19DEC2012
If there's one government agency really looking forward to Dec. 22, it's NASA.
The space agency said it has been flooded with calls and emails from people asking about the purported end of the world — which, as the doomsday myth goes, is apparently set to take place on Dec. 21, 2012. ... (more)

NOW if you wish watch the MOVIE "2012"

Uploaded to YouTube  by TheEyeTelevision 876,474 views

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

19 December 2012

Omani Experts study meteorites

Omani Experts from Sultan Qaboos University study meteorites
Oman Daily ObserverMon, 17 December 2012
By A Staff Reporter — MUSCAT — A team of researchers from Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) are embarking on a study aimed at characterising and classifying a collection of Omani meteorites through detailed geochemical, mineralogical and petrological analysis. Professor Sobhi Nasir ... (more)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

18 December 2012

MBIQ Detected Punjab, India Meteor 17DEC2012

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot detected meteor(s) event in Punjab, India on 17DEC2012.  The event has not been confirmed by two reports.  Thank you for your reports!  Any other reports?  Please file a sighting report.

17DEC2012 kamalpreet singh jalandhar, punjab, india 19.36 5sec left to right bright yellow same as moon not exactly huge ball from sky

17DEC2012 RAHUL SHARMA JALANDHAR, PUNJAB, INDIA 18.50(+5.30) 5sec N-E heading east downward diagonally firstly bright green/blueish then changed into orange around midway,no sound so much like on day of full moon didn't notice   it was like huge burning ball. i have seen many meteors in my life, but this one was huge.it lights the sky like a firework

2012 THE Year of Meteors!