Showing posts with label 火球. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 火球. Show all posts

18 December 2013

Japan Fireball Meteor 17DEC2013 - 2013年12月17日21時45分35秒の火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 21"45"35 JST 17DEC2013
- 2013年12月17日21時45分35秒の火球
"click on image to enlarge"
Japan Fireball Meteor 21"45"35 JST 17DEC2013
- 2013年12月17日21時45分35秒の火球
Image Source- c2013 SonotaCo
SonotaCo Meteor Forum with other images and videos and discussion-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 November 2013

Japan Fireball Meteor 16NOV2013 - 2013年11月16日5時8分59秒の低速長径路爆発準火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 05'08 JST 16NOV2013
- 2013年11月16日5時8分59秒の低速長径路爆発準火球

Crazy-slow Fireball/Meteor Over Japan - Nov. 16, 2013
Posted on YouTube by Sheilaaliens 15,265 views
SonotaCo Meteor Forum- photos/videos-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 July 2013

Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2013

Japan Fireball Meteor 02:14:45 JST 19JUL2013
2013年7月19日2:14:42 JST出現の爆発火球

Videos and photos and discussion of the event-
SONOTA Corp Fireball Network-

上田 昌良 ホームページ  Masayoshi Ueda - Meteor Homepage
Photos and video-

伊代野研究室 - IYO Field Laboratory -Blog of Information Space Laboratory
Department of Applied Science, Okayama University of Science
For meteor-fireball 02:14:45 JST 19 July 2013
It is the image of meteor-fireball that has been recorded in (TENGEN) Sky monitor is installed in Okayama University of Science Faculty of Science foundation Natural Sciences Building 7 rooftop.
Bright meteor-fireball image is recorded in the eastern sky to 02:14:45 JST 19 July 2013.

Ninzya Blog- 天の川と流れ星

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 May 2013

Japan Fireball Meteor 08MAY2013 -2013年5月8日 3時30分48秒 みずがめ群の-7.1等の火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 03'30'48 JST 08MAY2013
2013年5月8日 3時30分48秒 みずがめ群の-7.1等の火球
posted on YouTube by Yasser Mohammed 21 views

Sonota Corp. Allsky -see photos and videos-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 December 2012

Japan Meteor 23DEC2012 火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 23DEC2012
2012年12月23日 4時49分18秒 -5.8等の火球
  This event was captured by two SONOTA Corp. cameras, Okayama and Osaka, at 04:58:18 JST.

Photos and details:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!