28 August 2012

Meteor Breaking News - New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected 27AUG2012

Meteor Breaking News - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected ~2127 EDT
 ~ 22:10 Atlantic AUG2012
  Minutes ago MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot detected a meteor event over Massachusetts and Maine in the USA & New Brunswick / Nova Scotia, Canada .
Sighting reports now indicate that this event was seen in NB NS PEI Canada / ME NH  and MA USA. 
(click on image to enlarge)
NB NS PEI ME NH MA Bolide 27AUG2012 Sightings Map
Neon markers = sighting reports
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:

Initial Sighting Reports:
27AUG2012 Ryan Weymouth, Massachusetts 9:10 pm EST 6-7 seconds Left to right Red Fireball streak across sky Brighter than the moon No, leaving a tail though. It was honestly really cool to see.

27AUG2012 Mike Poland, Maine 21:20 EST 5-7 sec west to east Green/Blue ball on fire, orange trail like a firework in the sky, but from very very high, and across the sky in a "toward Earth" downward direction maybe a bit, orange trail flickered as blue/green ball passed first I've seen like it, very fast and def falling.  I observed this over the Auburn Airport in Maine

27AUG2012 David Kelley Quincy, MA USA 21:05:00 3-5 seconds W-E Lime Green, looked like a fireball Fairly Bright, very noticeable No Falling at an angle at a rapid speed. Lost track of it through the trees

27AUG2012 David Nelson Southwest Harbor,ME USA 2120 eastern time 8 sec facing north, west to east(left to right) until breakup within sight in eastern sky white to orange at breakup looked like rocket brightness of moon yes breakup in the east 50 degrees off horizen no sound

27AUG2012 Cathy Boston, MA  (west of ) 21:11:00 probably 2 seconds, tehn I couldn't see becasue of trees heading west to east, I was looking north yellow and orangish,white tail, tehn it glowed green suddenly very bright no never have seen anything like it

27AUG2012 Robert R. Gaudet Pennfield, NB 22:30 PM 7 sec North to South greenish blue Moon a few fragments breaking off. No comments.

27AUG2012 Steve Wohlmuth Port Williams, Nova Scotia, Canada 22:10 AST 4-5 seconds North to South white/yellow Very Bright Fragments falling... with tail none

27AUG2012 Carol St.Stephen NB Canada 22:10:00 13-15 seconds Right to left Orange, Red, Green Very Bright Yes, towards the end It was AWESOME !

27AUG2012 Tim Walter Gardiner, Maine 21:30:00 about 4 sec east / west blue ball with a red tail moon some Wow

For all meteor reports:

MBIQ Data:
Wilmington, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball 23AUG2012" by searching for green shooting stars in ma.
10:14:13 -- 17 minutes ago

Hingham, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor massachusetts 8-27-12.
10:14:42 -- 17 minutes ago

Allston, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i just saw something fall from the sky.
10:17:28 -- 15 minutes ago

Lynn, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite 8-27-12 Boston.
10:18:40 -- 14 minutes ago

Wenham, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: NEOs April 2012 Approach - Increased Green Fireball Meteor Activity Expected" by searching for green meteorite.
10:18:47 -- 14 minutes ago

Woodbridge, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falls north of boston.
10:21:06 -- 12 minutes ago

Boston, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for unusual light in the sky massachusetts. 8.28.12.
10:23:47 -- 10 minutes ago

Charlestown, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball sightings 2012.
10:25:32 -- 8 minutes ago

Hingham, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright ball of fire in sky massachusetts august 27 2012.
10:30:27 -- 4 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Sonics Heard!!! - Wales / UK Fireball Meteor 27AUG2012

UK Fireball Meteor ~23:15 27AUG2012

(click on image to enlarge)
Neon markers = sighting reports
Red circle markers indicate Sonics heard
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com
(click on image to enlarge)
Area where Sonics were heard.
Neon markers = sighting reports
Red circle markers indicate Sonics heard
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:

Thank you all for your meteor sighting reports!

Sonics Heard / Detonations Seen!!! 
- Important Information!  Meteorites Produced Perhaps!

27AUG2012 Toby Service Ludlow, Shropshire, UK 2315 5-7 seconds West to East and appeared to be heading downwards Bright white with long trail behind Very bright. If it wasnt so silent I would have said it was a plane crashing. A small moon maybe No parts falling off as far as i could see but left a trail behind. I only  noticed it because it was so bright, it lit up my garden for a second or two. I turned to see it dissapear behind some houses. Ludlow is a very quiet town, especially late on a Monday evening so although very coincidental, there was also a long low 'boom' about 4/5 mins after the sighting.

27AUG2012 Shirley Taylor N. Herefordshire, UK 23.05 12 -15 secs N - SSE  Facing S Very bright Silver/White, +orange flames Brightest thing I've ever seen There did appear to be bits "spitting" off just before it vanished In 26 years of sky watching up in the hills I have never been so close to a "heavenly" body. About 2-3 mins after going out of sight there was a massive bang that shook the ground, followed by a 2nd bang.

Initial Reports:
27AUG2012 latimer rainhill, united kingdom 23:17gmt 3 seconds right to left bright blue and orange brighter than moon none visible blue fireball with orange centre and long blue tail

27AUG2012 Adam Barry Town South Glamorgan Wales 23:15pm 2 n/a green no sound sun no no

27AUG2012 Andy Jones New Mills, Derbyshire, UK 23:18 GMT 3 seconds E - W Green Very Bright like a firework No Directly under the moon
27AUG2012 Trudy boyton, Cornwall, UK 23:20:00 3 seconds w-e green red woomf bright no just absolutly lovelly

27AUG2012 I J Potter St Helens, Merseyside, UK 23.15 approx 3 seconds i was facing south, it came from the northwest headed southeast green with a long tail about half as bright as the moon long tail none

27AUG2012 Nicky Stow Hull, UK 23.2 7 secs S-E Green Mint Green Not sure Moving very fast

27AUG2012 Hannah Sabido United Kingdom 23:10ish BST(UT+1) 3 - 5 seconds SW - NE sited over head bright white ball with long bright tail possibly green hue, became more orange towards NE giving off orange "sparks" before bursting out. no sound distinguishable above background. began brighter than moon yes first noticed as very bright glowing light behind cloud, travelling very fast.

27AUG2012 T Doran New Brighton, Wirral, Merseyside, UK 23.10 BST ( ie GMT+1hr) 4 seconds We were on the beach walking towards the sea wall (facing SE). Travelled from R to L across sky. Start location?.. it just appeared in sky, then view was obscured by sea wall. Silent. Large orange and white globe, with long straight green tail. Very bright; brighter than the moon.. None seen; globe remained 'intact'. Wow!

27AUG2012 Nathan Jones St athan, Wales, UK 2310  GMT after about 8 sec lost line of sight due to houses Facing north, direction of travel from west to east I saw object ( can't specify what ) with heat trail behind orange and white very bright also seemed very close not that i could see No photo taken, never seen something so amazing in my life. looked like it was skimming through the atmospere due to the curved path it was taking.

27AUG2012 Gareth North Wales 23:16 GMT half a second SE direction i was facing south Very bright orange nearly white fading off into slight blue and red nearly the  same brightness as the sun but was only size of this 0 the 0 i just typed seemed to be in two parts I was playing a computer game at the time and it caught my eye, thought it was a firework that had extinguished but on second thoughts it did seem alittle more obviouse that it was some sort of meteor.

27AUG2012 D White uk south wales cwmbran 23 3 sec seen N left to right orange fire trails green front  2-3 mins later heard impact same as the sun no no pic sorry

27AUG2012 Kim Douglas 23:30:00 15 United Kingdom no sound like a ball of fire big and bright flying very quick in the sky til it went over the hill out of view. fire so like sun there were not parts falling off i though it was a plane going down at first but was moving too quickly.

For all meteor reports:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada Fireball Meteor 25AUG2012

New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada Fireball Meteor 25AUG2012
(click on image to enlarge)
NB NS Fireball 25AUG2012 Sightings Map
Neon markers = sighting reports 
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com

(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Help support this website by posting a link on facebook, twitter, youtube or your favorite forum OR contact your local news and tell them about this site;: thank you!
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:

Initial Sighting Reports:
25AUG2012 Maryann Morgan Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada 20:00 - Atlantic Time Zone, UTC - 4 LONGEST I ever saw.  By the time we saw it fly in front of us overhead, NOT high up, it then lasted upwards of 10 seconds but was going strong before we noticed it.  We actually saw the fireball extinguish itself - THAT, I have never seen so clearly before. Northern - Slightly West Appeared large fireball clearly seen, with a tail and no sound associated with it. Mini Sun - we clearly saw the entire end of the fire. Parts could not be seen falling off, but the tail was evident, thick and obvious behind it. I was going for a walk with my daughter and our dog with a flashlight in hand as it was seriously getting dark.  By the time it caught the attention of my peripheral vision, I was astonished that it was so close, so low in the sky and appeared to be only a few stories above where we were.  We watched it for what seemed like forever, for a fireball.  I've seen two other fireballs in my area over the years and the rest were 'shooting stars' but nothing like this one.  In total, it probably lasted between 8 and 12 seconds, maybe even longer and we clearly seen it - the fire, it going out and the ashes that fell as a result.  It was amazing to behold.

25AUG2012 Erin Durkee Enfield, Nova Scotia, Canada 9:00 AST 15-20 seconds Traveling  towards the North East. Perhaps towards Middle or Upper Stewiacke Was like a ball of fire, it seemed very lov and disappeared down behind the trees. just bery bright, like a ball of fire no no

25AUG2012 Reagan McAdam Fredericton 21:00 Atlantic Time ~>10 sec Right to Left (East of Fredericton to North) from Hanwell NB looking toward Fredericton. Orange and yellow (some red). No sound. More than one tail, breaking up, large. Bright as moon. Yes none

25AUG2012 Ginette Garrish Miramichi, NB, Canada approx 2100 Atlantic Daylight Time 7-9 seconds southwest/northwest, left to right, I was facing due west Bright yellow/white, appeared to have several tails of white light just before breaking up Bright as the moon Seemed to break up before fizzling out Appeared closer than I would have expected/was moving quite fast.

25AUG2012 Don LeBlanc Moncton NB, Canada 21:00:00 a couple seconds, then my view was obstructed by a house. I was facing West, it was moving from south to North It was yellow and Orange, the color of fire it was as bright as fireworks there seemed to be parts falling off I steped out on my deck at 9pm to observer the ISS due at 9:04pm. This caught me by suprise as I was turning my camera on. Sorry, no pictures

25AUG2012 Tim O Taymouth, NB 21:10:00 Approx. 15 seconds S-N (facing East) Bright Orange.  At first we thought a shooting star, but it continued across the sky and was at an altitude that seemed lower than a jet going overhead at the same time.  Watched until it extinguished in the North.  No noises were heard. Very bright.  Similar to Moon. There were pieces dropping off as it streaked across the sky, much like sparks. Fascinating event to behold!

25AUG2012 george fury moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 20:50:00 10-15 seconds N-- travelling W>E core was dark and fire was quite wide around and long behind it . it broke of into about 3 -5 piece before burning up in atmosphere was quite bright but there was still day light. could see fire clearly yes was hands down coolest thing i've seen staring at the sky. and i do alot of lookin up :D

25AUG2012 Linda Casey Grandbay-Westfield,NB ,Canada about 21:00 AT 10 sec-15 travelled south to north white Bright as moon no burned out

25AUG2012 phill Moncton N.B Canada 21:00:00 15- 25 sec. N-E redish/ orange dull orange no see a orange fireball in the N-E, sky here in moncton NB canada

25AUG2012 Susan Johnson North Williamston 20:55 atlantic time 20 seconds n - ne I was facing n so left to right I guess red and orange looked like a shooting star but larger and like it was on fire like a star that is on fire it had a tail I said oh cool a shooting star to my husband then noticed it was larger and had a tail. I watched until it just disappeared.

25AUG2012 Keith Crabbe Mountain, New Brunswick, Canada 21:10 Atlantic time 8-10 seconds that I could see it Right to Left facing North East Orange in colour and a trail behind, pieces coming off, appeared to be closer than a jet flying over probably due to ts size. not as bright as the sun or moon Yes there were parts falling off behind never witnessed anything like it before, much slower in movement and closer than a shooting star, more colorful also.

25AUG2012 Aaron Stanwix Sussex Corner, NB, Canada 21:02 Eastern 10-12 sec N-E left to right Bright yellow with long firey tail at least as bright as the moon and 20 times as bright as venus ther were parts falling off was like something i only ever saw on movies

25AUG2012 Denise McCluskey Moncton, NB Canada 21:00 ADT 8-10 seconds Left to Right A large fireball with a long tail was slowly moving across the sky. Then i saw the tail start to break up...then the fire ball broke up and disappeared. It was very bright and quite large..in perspective about the size of a pinky finger. Very bright reds and oranges and yellows. Very much like looking into a flame. At the end of the 10 seconds the tail boke apart..then the fries ball broke up inot small peices before it disappeared. No other comments

25AUG2012 scott smith New Germany, Nova Scotia, Canada 2103EST 15 sec NW to NE,left to right. Facing NW(I think) Wow.Huge fire ball with debris falling off it .Very low in the sky.I was driving in my car and  i couldnt stare for any length of time but to my amazement each time I glanced up , it was still there. Ive seen lots of shooting stars in my 54 years of life but never any thing that even came close to this.It was like watching a helicopter go down in a blaze of fire.It lasted for close to 20 seconds.I couldnt hear it because I was in my car.WOW. bright as the moon yes Much brighter ang larger than any shooting star.It seemed so close.


For all meteor reports:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28AUG2012

Meteor Breaking News - Massachusetts Fireball Meteor Detected
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Wilmington, Massachusetts arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball 23AUG2012" by searching for green shooting stars in ma. 10:14:13 -- 17 minutes ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Wales / UK Fireball ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
27AUG2012 latimer rainhill, united kingdom 23:17gmt 3 seconds right to left bright blue and orange brighter than moon none visible blue fireball with orange centre and long blue tail. 27AUG2012 Adam Barry Town South Glamorgan Wales ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Big late-night boom shakes homes
BBC News
I wondered if it was a meteor or something." Sally Bramald, from Staunton, Gloucestershire, said it was a mystery when she heard the noise at about 23:30 BST while lying in bed. Former BBC website science editor Dr David Whitehouse was contacted by ...

A meteor has exploded above Wales causing a sonic boom which shook ...
"I'm just glad none of it landed on my roof." Police and coastguards in South Wales had dozens of reports of a bright flash in the sky followed by a loud bang. Witness Nathan Jones, 34, who lives in nearby St Athan, said: "I've never seen something so ...

CWMBRAN BIG BANG: Astronomer says meteorites are commonplace
South Wales Argus
Dr North said the bright light you see when you spot a shooting star or meteor shower, is caused by immensely hot air being created just in front of the rubble because the speed the rubble is travelling at. Even though the atmosphere generally protects ...

Meteorite 'size of golf ball' believed to have exploded over South Wales
Police said they were not aware of the incident, but dozens of Twitter users and people on meteor forum Meteorite News said the bright light stayed within view for between three and eight seconds as it travelled. Nathan Jones from St Athan, writing on ...

Fireball Lights up the Sky in the Park!
CTV News (blog)
The next night, just after 9pm, they saw, in the western sky, what appeared to be another fireballburning up in the atmosphere and it lasted about 10 seconds. What a weekend for the gang in the park. Viewing from the city is not usually quite as good ...

Fireball Lights up the Sky in the Park Fire in the Sky Sottnet
The summer of 2012 will go down as one of the best! The days have been incredible but so have the nights. Backyard astronomers have been over the moon with ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

26 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26AUG2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25AUG2012
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Witnesses as far north as New Hampshire and as far south as Delaware said they saw the fireball, a brighter-than-usual meteor, according to logs on American MeteorSociety and Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News. "I didn't see anything ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

New Jersey couple among witnesses who saw fireball as bright as a ...
Early Thursday morning Jason Sarabia saw a bright meteor shoot across the sky. The Frenchtown resident and his wife, Maria, were driving to the Clinton ...

Neil Armstrong: 1930-2012
Neil Armstrong was also a reluctant American hero who always believed he was
just doing his job. He served his Nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test
pilot, and astronaut. He also found success back home in his native Ohio ...http://www.nasa.gov/topics/people/features/armstrong_obit.html

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

25 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25AUG2012

NJ couple among witnesses who saw meteor
Hunterdon County Democrat - NJ.com
Witnesses as far north as New Hampshire and as far south as Delaware said they saw the fireball, a brighter-than-usual meteor, according to logs on American MeteorSociety and Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News. "I didn't see anything falling off...

Ohio farmer reaped rare meteorite, expert says
The Columbus Dispatch Fri, 24 Aug 2012 00:12 AM PDT
A stranger came to the astronomy gathering with a fist-size rock in his pocket and a long-overdue question: Anybody know what this is?

ONT Canada / NJ PA Fireball Meteor 21AUG2012 - Latest ...
21AUG2012 Cody Welland,Ontatio Canada 9-10pm est 2 seconds right to left no sound, red and blue colour venus, looked like a fireball no seen it come into ...

Meteorite Rush: E.T. treasure hunters dig deep for ...
3 min
Sometimes you have to dig deep to reach for the stars. That, at least, is the case in Central ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

24 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2012

Meteor Activity Outlook for August 18-24, 2012 | American Meteor ...
This weekend the waxing crescent moon will set during the early evening hours and will not interfere with meteor observing during the more productive morning ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -NY NJ ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Breaking News- NY NJ CT MA Bright Fireball ~05:52 23AUG2012 If you saw this meteor event please file a sighting report; thank you! (Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball) 23AUG2012 Mark Sipes Freeville, NY, ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Italian museum makes Mars meteorite find amid NASA mission
Gazzetta del Sud english
(ANSA) - Florence, August 23 - The Planetary Science Museum of Prato, near Florence, announced the discovery of a new meteorite from Mars on Thursday, as NASA's Curiosity Rover explores the Red Planet in a mission that could demonstrate the Red ...

Orionid meteors will light up the darkness
Astronomy Magazine
It's best to view meteor showers without optical aid because binoculars or a telescope restrict the field of view. If you must observe before midnight, face eastward and look about halfway up. From midnight to 2 a.m. local time, looking overhead will ...

Star Cluster Creates Coat Hanger in Night Sky This Week
During the Perseid meteor shower this month I did some reminiscing on how, as a teenager, I used to watch this famous meteor display from my Aunt Irma and Uncle Ron's house in then-rural Mahopac, New York, about 50 miles north of New York City.

Meteor sighting over Oregon, California and Nevada -- Fire in the ...
Reports of a large meteor had many people buzzing Wednesday morning. Viewers called the KCRA 3 newsroom and the sheriff's departments in several parts ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

23 August 2012

Breaking News -NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball 23AUG2012

Breaking News- 8 States- NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball ~05:52 EDT 23AUG2012

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot triggered on this event about an hour ago.  It is indicated that this fireball meteor event was seen in at least 8 States -NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI at approximately 05:52 am EDT.
(click on image to enlarge)
NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball ~05:52 EDT 23AUG2012  Sightings Map
Neon markers = sighting reports
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com
(click on image to enlarge)
Artist`s Rendition of 23AUG2012 Meteor Sighting
(c) 2012 Ricky Ortiz
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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
NOW 80+ Reports!

If you saw this meteor event please file a sighting report; thank you!
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Initial Reports:

23AUG2012 Nick Nashua, NH, USA 547 5 seconds heading east fiery green same as moon none It was wicked awesome

23AUG2012 Jan Paterson, NJ,USA 5:50AM EST 10 sec South/North--East--Right to left--East                   o Left-East Bright Green-Darted across the sky-left a trail behind after it disappeard Same as the sun No It was incredible to see in the sky the unexpected commuting to work

23AUG2012 Stan gmitererek Hackensack, NJ 555 3/4/2012 Northeast Green/yellow Spark Slight Streak

23AUG2012 matt Georgetown,MA USA 553 2-3sec W-E bright green, no sound Bright as the full moon if not brighter did not see any gorgeous color, never seen it green light that

23AUG2012 Slick Lake Carmel, NY 0548 EST 5 sec Heading west to East glowing green, smoke trail Brightess think in the morning sky Yes, things were falling off as it passed over. I was heading east bound on Rt 84, when it shot across the sky.  Mile marker 62

23AUG2012 Leah Long island, NY 6:00am est Only a few seconds Right to left, facing east Bright green Moon It had a tail Very beautiful

23AUG2012 Mark Sipes Freeville, NY, Tompkins 5:52:00 2-3 seconds south to north . I was facing east bright Green BRIGHT!! looked like it had a tail It was huge and bright Green!!

23AUG2012 Deirdre Mountaindale, NY 5:55:00 3-5 sec I was facing east & it came from right hand sky to the left It was bright bright bright green It was very bright not like the sun just noticeable in the dusk sky Yea it exploded & just disappeared in the sky after falling The duration of this was a lot longer than shooting stars & bigger than shooting stars I've seen

23AUG2012 steve m Boston Ma U.S.A. 5:53:00 3-4 seconds nw-se bright green moon plus sudden at flameout beautiful green color at about sunrise.

23AUG2012 Michael Fairfield, CT 5:50:00 Less than 2 Faceing due south, object traveled east and descended Bright lime green ball, white tail Brilliant light, brighter than moon, Venus, No Judging from distance and trajectory the object likely made impact in long island sound. It was very low, perhaps only 40 degrees above horizon

23AUG2012 Garret hoogerhyde Fairlawn nj usa 5:52:00 5-10 sec Se Green blue Venus 2-3 pieces Looked Heading NE

For all reports: http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.com/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23AUG2012

Was that a meteor lighting up NorCal, Reno last night?
KCRA Sacramento
Viewers called the KCRA 3 newsroom and the sheriff's departments in several parts of Northern California, along with Reno, to ask about a meteor that appeared about 11:15 p.m. Tuesday. Witnesses said it lasted for about four seconds and lit up the sky. ...

Meteor shower is blamed for false alarm sea search
This is South Wales
MYSTERIOUS red lights in the evening sky above Cardigan Bay prompted fears that a boat could be in trouble and firing off distress flares. After two sightings, an RNLI lifeboat was launched and searched for two hours, off Tresaith and Aberaeron ...

Meteorite would belong to landowner or whoever found it
Brandon Sun
Re: Article “Astronomer Discounts Meteorite Claim” in the Brandon Sun, Saturday, Aug. 18, and also published in the Winnipeg Free Press the same day. I would like to clear up any misconception raised by Ms. Nicole Nixon's comments that the Manitoba ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

22 August 2012

Breaking News: MBIQ Detects Nevada / California / Oregon Fireball Meteor 21AUG2012

Breaking News:
MBIQ Detects Nevada / California / Oregon Fireball Meteor ~23:20 21AUG2012

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot has just detect a meteor event over Nevada and California.  Please supply your reports:
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

(click on image to enlarge)
NV CA Fireball 21AUG2012 Sightings Map
Neon markers = sighting reports
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com
Help support this site by posting a link on facebook, twitter, youtube or your favorite forum:  thank you! http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
And Worldwide Meteor/Fireball reports: thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.com

Initial Reports indicate at least two events:
21AUG2012 scott white city, oregon, USA 11:22p.m. PST it was at least 3-5 seconds we were facing east and it fell vertically for at least 3-5 seconds before dissapearing behind roxy anne butte. it was the color of the green traffic light and had a trail behind it as it got closer to the ground it got brighter and the outside of it turned orange/red. it was silent no sound. it looked like a green traffic light. it had a trail but i didnt see anything fall of of it. me and a buddy both saw this so i know i wasnt just seeing things.

21AUG2012 SL Reno,NV 23:21:00 15 sec West to East Bright white center with Red outline, changed colors Brightest thing I have ever seen slight red trail Lite up the back of my truck, look up and see this huge "fireball" streaks across the sky, disappeared and then reappeared but the strange thing was when it disappeared that section of the sky was pulsating almost like there was a lighting storm illuminating the sky but with out the lighting that lasted 5 sec before it reappeared and streaked over the mountains... what did I see?

21AUG2012 Josh Sacramento, Calf 23:20 Pacific 4 seconds N-S Bright Green with a long white tail Moon Couldn't tell Unbelievable; the size//color like nothing I have ever seen!

21AUG2012 daniel  espinosa reno nevada usa 23:00:00 2sec max s orange and green no sound sun no never seen anything like it

For all reports:  http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.com/

MBIQ Data:
Sparks, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21AUG2012" by searching for meteor 8/21/12.
15:32:01 -- 6 minutes ago

Reno, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid nevada august.
15:32:16 -- 5 minutes ago

Citrus Heights, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fire in the sky august 21, 2012.
15:30:26 -- 7 minutes ago

Sacramento, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for august 21 meteor.
15:28:59 -- 8 minutes ago

Reno, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
15:27:42 -- 8 minutes ago

Yuba City, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
15:26:31 -- 9 minutes ago

Reno, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for huge meteor august 2012.
15:26:08 -- 9 minutes ago

Elko, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
15:25:28 -- 10 minutes ago

Fallon, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite fell 8 21 2012.
15:23:07 -- 12 minutes ago

We need your Meteor sighting reports to confirm this event.
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22AUG2012

2012 RATS - NASA Kicks Off Asteroid Simulation; Media Invited to Observe
The Research and Technology Studies (RATS) test, a 10-day asteroid
exploration simulation in Johnson's Space Vehicle Mockup Facility,
kicked off this week. As NASA makes plans to send humans to asteroids
by 2025, RATS and other mission simulations provide the agency with a
way to test new operations, concepts and exploration techniques to
influence the future of exploration. ...

Spacewalkers prepare International Space Station for new Russian lab
Independent Tue, 21 Aug 2012 09:05 AM PDT
Two veteran cosmonauts sailed through a six-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station yesterday to prepare the orbital outpost for a new module and better shield its living quarters against small meteoriteand debris impacts, officials said.

More Evidence for Russian Quasicrystal Meteorite
Discovery News Mon, 20 Aug 2012 23:35 PM PDT
A rock with mysterious qualities was discovered deep in Russian mountains in 2010 -- new evidence suggests it is likely a meteorite.

Spacewalkers prepare station for new Russian lab
Reuters.co.uk Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:21 PM PDT
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two veteran cosmonauts sailed through a six-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Monday to prepare the orbital outpost for a new module and better shield its living quarters against small meteorite and debris impacts, officials said...

Peter Chianca: Where are the candidates on asteroid issues?
Leavenworth Times
For instance, if we were to be visited by a meteor like the one that hit Manson, Iowa 74 million years ago, immediately before it hit "the temperature below it would rise to some 60000 Kelvin, or ten times the surface temperature of the Sun ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

ONT Canada / NJ PA Fireball Meteor 21AUG2012

ONT Canada / NJ PA Fireball Meteor ~21:30 EST 21AUG2012

21AUG2012 Agatha Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, USA 21:30:00 5 Sec S-NW Lime Green, Yellow, White, broke up clearly into red chunks Incredibly bright lime green color as entered atmosphere, them dimmed to darker green,then bright white before breaking up into red chunks. Brightest object in the sky several red chunks broke apart suddently NA

21AUG2012 Michelle Phoenixville, PA 21:40 PM EST not even 5 seconds West - shooting left to right very bright flourescent green - no sound moon not that we could see It was awesome

21AUG2012 Samara Phillipsburg, nj 2130 About five seconds Southwest to northeast Yellow some red Venus Yes Largest one I have ever seen. Definite fireball with tail and fragment pieces. It was the closest and largest one I have encountered.

21AUG2012 Cody Welland,Ontatio Canada 9-10pm est 2 seconds right to left no sound, red and blue colour venus, looked like a fireball no seen it come into our atmosphere, then is surely disintegrated 2 seconds after

See this meteor event or a different one?  Make a report; thank you!
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

New Foundland, Canada ~21:20 NST 21AUG2012
(1 hour prior):
21AUG2012 Keith Poole St. Lewis, NL, Canada 21:20 NST 6-8 sec N-S Bright Blue/Green with a bright tail(split).  There was no sound. moon no noticable parts falling but here seemed two or three tails/streaks behind it It came in from the north sky towards the south at a very steep angle and slowed as it neared the earth but did not get any less bright.  It was very brilliant, like the arc from a welder.  I spoke to at least half a dozen people in the seconds that followed reported seeing the same thing but there was no sound.

21AUG2012 David Norman 10 Minutes outside Corner Brook,NL Canada 21:22:00 Id have to say a good 10-15 seconds. I was Headed North East towards Corner Brook Newfoundland and it came from my left and headed directly across the highway to my Right. I heard nothing as i was in my Vehicle. It was round with a long tail, Green in colour,traveling very fast. Maybe like Venus but Green in colour. Did not hurt your eyes at all kind of bright just really seafoam green and well lit. None that i seen. This Green ball had a long tail behind it. It travelled very fast and seemed to be very close.My Brother was with me and he also witnessed this this object with a huge green tail trailing behind it.We watch it till it vanished behind some tree's on the highway.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

21 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21AUG2012

4 min
Heart of Louisiana Meteor Crater New Orleans News, Breaking News, FOX 8... Amightywind ...

Meteorite to go on display
Salisbury Journal
A METEORITE believed to be the largest ever to have fallen on the British Isles, will go on display at the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum next month. Weighing 90kg, the meteorite landed around 30000 years ago during the last ice age. Preserved by ...

HIGHLY Strange Fireball Breaks Apart Over Japan - 4 Cameras ...
http://sheilaaliens.net/?p=1066 Wild!!! Source: http://www.sonotaco.jp for the latest fireball ...

More Evidence for Russian Quasicrystal Meteorite
Discovery News
And the most likely origin of that rock was a meteorite from outer space. Now physicist Paul Steinhardt is back with new evidence that his theory about the origin of that Russian quasicrystal is correct, and that meteorite responsible for its transport ...

Spacewalkers prepare station for new Russian lab
Reuters via Yahoo! Canada News Mon, 20 Aug 2012 16:29 PM PDT
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two veteran cosmonauts sailed through a six-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Monday to prepare the orbital outpost for a new module and better shield its living quarters against small meteorite and debris impacts, officials said. Station commander Gennady Padalka and flight engineer Yuri Malenchenko opened the hatch on the station's ...

Seeking the deadly roots of the dinosaurs' ascent
PhysOrg Mon, 20 Aug 2012 04:35 AM PDT
Over the past 450 million years, life on earth has undergone at least five great extinctions, when biological activity nosedived and dominant groups of creatures disappeared. The final one (so far) was 65 million years ago, when it appears that a giant meteorite brought fires, shock waves and tsunamis, then drastically altered the climate. That killed off the dinosaurs, setting the stage for ...

Meteor Dust Boosts Night-Shining Clouds
National Geographic
Satellite images collected during the last five years reveal for the first time that water vapor is freezing around nanoscopic bits of meteor smoke, thus seeding the formation of high-altitude noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds. (See "Pictures ...

New NASA Mission to Take First Look Deep Inside Mars (InSight)
NASA has selected a new mission, set to launch in 2016,
that will take the first look into the deep interior of Mars to see
why the Red Planet evolved so differently from Earth as one of our
solar system's rocky planets. The new mission, named InSight, will place instruments on the Martian surface to investigate whether the core of Mars is solid or liquid 
like Earth's and why Mars' crust is not divided into tectonic plates ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!