Showing posts with label Breaking News - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected 27AUG2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking News - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected 27AUG2012. Show all posts

28 August 2012

Meteor Breaking News - New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected 27AUG2012

Meteor Breaking News - Massachusetts / Maine Fireball Meteor Detected ~2127 EDT
 ~ 22:10 Atlantic AUG2012
  Minutes ago MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot detected a meteor event over Massachusetts and Maine in the USA & New Brunswick / Nova Scotia, Canada .
Sighting reports now indicate that this event was seen in NB NS PEI Canada / ME NH  and MA USA. 
(click on image to enlarge)
NB NS PEI ME NH MA Bolide 27AUG2012 Sightings Map
Neon markers = sighting reports
v,1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - Copy only with credit to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AND a link to this
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)

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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports: 

Initial Sighting Reports:
27AUG2012 Ryan Weymouth, Massachusetts 9:10 pm EST 6-7 seconds Left to right Red Fireball streak across sky Brighter than the moon No, leaving a tail though. It was honestly really cool to see.

27AUG2012 Mike Poland, Maine 21:20 EST 5-7 sec west to east Green/Blue ball on fire, orange trail like a firework in the sky, but from very very high, and across the sky in a "toward Earth" downward direction maybe a bit, orange trail flickered as blue/green ball passed first I've seen like it, very fast and def falling.  I observed this over the Auburn Airport in Maine

27AUG2012 David Kelley Quincy, MA USA 21:05:00 3-5 seconds W-E Lime Green, looked like a fireball Fairly Bright, very noticeable No Falling at an angle at a rapid speed. Lost track of it through the trees

27AUG2012 David Nelson Southwest Harbor,ME USA 2120 eastern time 8 sec facing north, west to east(left to right) until breakup within sight in eastern sky white to orange at breakup looked like rocket brightness of moon yes breakup in the east 50 degrees off horizen no sound

27AUG2012 Cathy Boston, MA  (west of ) 21:11:00 probably 2 seconds, tehn I couldn't see becasue of trees heading west to east, I was looking north yellow and orangish,white tail, tehn it glowed green suddenly very bright no never have seen anything like it

27AUG2012 Robert R. Gaudet Pennfield, NB 22:30 PM 7 sec North to South greenish blue Moon a few fragments breaking off. No comments.

27AUG2012 Steve Wohlmuth Port Williams, Nova Scotia, Canada 22:10 AST 4-5 seconds North to South white/yellow Very Bright Fragments falling... with tail none

27AUG2012 Carol St.Stephen NB Canada 22:10:00 13-15 seconds Right to left Orange, Red, Green Very Bright Yes, towards the end It was AWESOME !

27AUG2012 Tim Walter Gardiner, Maine 21:30:00 about 4 sec east / west blue ball with a red tail moon some Wow

For all meteor reports: 

MBIQ Data:
Wilmington, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -NY NJ CT MA NH DE PA RI Bright Fireball 23AUG2012" by searching for green shooting stars in ma.
10:14:13 -- 17 minutes ago

Hingham, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor massachusetts 8-27-12.
10:14:42 -- 17 minutes ago

Allston, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i just saw something fall from the sky.
10:17:28 -- 15 minutes ago

Lynn, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite 8-27-12 Boston.
10:18:40 -- 14 minutes ago

Wenham, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: NEOs April 2012 Approach - Increased Green Fireball Meteor Activity Expected" by searching for green meteorite.
10:18:47 -- 14 minutes ago

Woodbridge, New Jersey arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falls north of boston.
10:21:06 -- 12 minutes ago

Boston, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for unusual light in the sky massachusetts. 8.28.12.
10:23:47 -- 10 minutes ago

Charlestown, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball sightings 2012.
10:25:32 -- 8 minutes ago

Hingham, Massachusetts arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright ball of fire in sky massachusetts august 27 2012.
10:30:27 -- 4 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!