26 May 2012

Katol, Vidharbha area, Maharashtra, India Meteorite Fall 22MAY2012

Katol, Vidharbha Area, Maharashtra, India Meteorite "Shower" Fall  ~ 2:30 pm 22MAY2012
-Meteorites hit building(s).

The Geological Survey India reports:

"A meteorite fall occurred in the Katol area on afternoon of 22MAY2012 with a loud noise heard between 2:00 to 2.30 pm. Meteorites were collected from four localities in and around the Katol city. Samples collected are of stony meteorites with varying size, shape and dimensions with typical dark brown burnt surface. Compositionally these meteorites are dominated by silicates with little iron. There is very good chance of getting meteorite samples from other part of the Vidarbha area between Akola and Nagpur as huge sound with very bright and dazzling light was seen between Akola and Nagpur by many peoples in a stretch of around 150 km in ENE/WSW direction." ...

Photos of Katol / Nagpur India Meteorite:

Nagpur Ulkapat

YouTube Published on 25 May 2012 by starmajha 41 views

2505 shrikant pathak on ulkapat

YouTube Published on 25 May 2012 by Zee24Taas 3 views

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

UPDATED! 4 NEO Asteroids Close Calls!!! 28-31MAY2012

UPDATED! 4 NEO Asteroids Close Calls!!! 28-31MAY2012
Source: NASA/JPL
Be ready with eyes and video cameras to capture increased meteor/fireball activity 2-3 days prior and 2-3 days after this passing.  Please get the word out by posting a link to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, your favorite forum, or website; thank you:
If you have a sighting of a meteor/fireball please make a sighting report:
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter- Tokyo, Japan

There were 5!  NASA just update their site after the fact.(30MAY2012)

(2012 KC45) 2012-May-280.00522.03.5 m - 7.7 m29.46.17

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 KP24) 2012-May-280.00040.115 m - 33 m26.313.27
(2012 KT42) 2012-May-290.00010.054.6 m - 10 m28.817.03
(2001 CQ36) 2012-May-300.025810.077 m - 170 m22.75.62
(2002 OA22) 2012-May-310.119746.6370 m - 820 m19.37.01
(2012 KZ41) 2012-May-310.02088.127 m - 61 m24.912.38

previously posted
AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 KO11) 2012-May-250.073128.430 m - 66 m24.88.88
(2012 HL8) 2012-May-250.131651.249 m - 110 m23.76.64
(2012 KD6) 2012-May-250.033513.052 m - 120 m23.510.47
(2012 KX) 2012-May-260.056622.059 m - 130 m23.37.07
154330 (2002 VX94) 2012-May-260.186972.8670 m - 1.5 km18.013.62
(2012 KF25) 2012-May-260.029111.323 m - 52 m25.38.61
(2002 AW) 2012-May-260.192474.9210 m - 460 m20.66.95
(2012 KB4) 2012-May-270.090435.222 m - 49 m25.43.44
(2012 KP24) 2012-May-280.00040.116 m - 36 m26.113.33
(2001 CQ36) 2012-May-300.025810.077 m - 170 m22.75.62
(2002 OA22) 2012-May-310.119746.6360 m - 820 m19.37.01
Table source: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26MAY2012

Meteorites add to Tuesday sound mystery
Times of India
The fire balls seen by some people in Akola district and city on Tuesday were meteorite showers spread over an area of over 200km. They travelled in eastern direction and some fell in Katol tehsil of Nagpur district. It is the first time that meteorite ...

UCD Professor Needs Public's Help to Find Meteorites
According to UC Davis Geology Professor Qing Zhu Yin it wasn't just any meteorite, “This happens to be a rare type of meteorite.” Rare usually means money, which is why hundreds flocked to the two towns to search for fragments.

Organic Carbon In Meteorites Came From Mars
Science 2.0
Molecules containing large chains of carbon and hydrogen, which happen to be the building blocks of all life on Earth, have been found in meteorites from Mars but scientists have been unsure how this organic carbon was formed and even disagreed on ...

Meteor-right or Meteor-wrong? | Mountain Democrat
With all the local interest in meteors in the past month, more people are bringing out their specimens and asking, do I have a real one or a meteor-right? Or do I ...

Mystery of Martian meteorites' organic molecules solved
Organic molecules — compounds that on Earth can be linked with life — encased within Martian meteorites now reveal biological activity on the Red Planet could not have formed these materials, researchers say. Organic molecules are the carbon-based ...

Mystery of Martian meteorites (and life on Mars) solved
Mother Nature Network
comThu, May 24 2012 at 2:03 PM EST THE ROCK FROM MARS: A sample of a Mars rock from the Tissint meteorite fall, which dropped chunks of the Red Planet into the Morocco desert in July 2011. (Photo: Darryl Pitt/Macovich Collection) Organic molecules ...

Mars orbiter captures mysterious hollows in the ice on surface of planet - but ...
Daily Mail
The 'holes' aren't the circular shape of a 'normal' meteorite impact - they have two levels, a small inner crater, surrounded by a shallow depression extending outward from the inner crater. The craters seem to have exposed a layer of shallow ice that ...

Venus next to eclipse sun
London Free Press
While much of the western US, China and Japan got the full spectacle — the moon passing in front of the sun, mostly covering the fireball save for a ring of fire — in London the sun appeared as it if had been bitten. It started about 20 minutes ...

Mystery of Martian Meteorites' Organic Stuff Solved
by Charles Q. Choi, SPACE.com Contributor Organic molecules — compounds that on Earth can be linked with life — encased within Martian meteorites now reveal biological activity on the Red Planet could not have formed these materials, researchers say.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Texas Meteor Fireball ...
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls ... Texas Meteor Fireball ~00:10 am CDT 23MAY2012 ...

New Video - Sutter`s Mill Meteor Video taken 22APR2012

YouTube Published on 19 May 2012 by 1000yardnightmare  114 views
Video of Sutter`s Mill Meteor 22APR2012 by Shon Bollock.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

25 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25MAY2012

Organic Carbon Found on Mars Rocks Is Not Life, New Study Says
Popular Science
They've found some examples in meteorites purported to come from the Red Planet, but debate persists about the origin of those rocks, let alone the carbon signatures inside them, which some have (controversially) argued could indicate life.

Space Pictures This Week: Solar Eclipse, Dusty "Doughnut," More
National Geographic
Echoing the arc of the Milky Way (center), a meteor streaks earthward near Cagnes-sur-mer in southeastern France in a picture submitted May 17 by National Geographic Your Shot user Jerome Cassou. Meteors are mostly sand grain-size particles that enter ...

'Oldest antique ever seen' goes up for auction
Yahoo! News via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News Thu, 24 May 2012 03:17 AM PDT
A meteorite dating back 2.5 billion years and described as the "oldest antique ever seen" is expected to fetch £9,500 when it is sold.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24MAY2012

Tswaing Crater: The star that fell from space
Times LIVE
To some, this meteor crater north of Pretoria is a holy place. To Janine Stephen, it's a great day trip EXTREME heat can do odd things to the horizon, but this is no mirage. Stumble over the sultry lip of the Tswaing Meteorite Crater and there, ...

What the Lotus Valley meteorite can tell us
The Aggie
A fallen meteorite in Coloma, Calif. could tell us about the origins of our solar system, according to a talk given by UC Davis associate professor of geology Qing-Zhu Yin last Sunday. “If confirmed, what we have in hand is perhaps the most primitive ...

Organic Carbon From Mars, But Not Biological
Space Ref (press release)
While these molecules have previously been found in meteorites from Mars, scientists have disagreed about how this organic carbon was formed and whether or not it came from Mars. A new paper led by Carnegie's Andrew Steele provides strong evidence that ...

Meteorite-dropping fireball named after Sutter's Mill | Astro Bob
The meteorites that peeled off the California fireball last month peppering the towns of Coloma and Lotus are named Sutter's Mill after the famous locale where ...

2012: A year of rare astronomical events
People's Daily Online
In August, a Perseus meteor shower will fly across the sky at a flow rate of about 100 meteors per hour. In September and December, Uranus and Jupiter will be "opposite" the sun in turn. In 2012, the most expected astronomical event of the "transit of ...

Moon's 'Dark Side' Of Moon Visible Due To Earthshine TONIGHT
Huffington Post
It's very rare for a meteor to kick up enough light when hitting the moon's surface to be visible from Earth, but it has happened, and has been confirmed by photographs from different locations, usually during the Leonid meteor shower.

Astronaut Snaps Stunning Meteor Pictures from Space Yahoo News
From Yahoo! News: The Lyrid meteor shower of April put on an eye-catching sky show as seen from Earth, but the view from space was truly spectacular.

Astronaut Snaps Stunning Meteor Pictures from Space
The Lyrid meteor shower of April put on an eye-catching sky show as seen from Earth, but the view from space was truly spectacular. Don Pettit, a NASA astronaut aboard the International Space Station, pointed his camera downward during the peak of the ...

Pieces Of Tahoe Meteor Found In Small Town Parking Lot
Robert Ward, an amateur meteor hunter and collector from Arizona, was apparently the first to come across the fragments of rare material known as "CM" — carbonaceous chondrite — believed to be millions of years old. Ward, who drove straight from ...

Meteorites Discovered Along Huge Fireball's Path in Calif.
Two small meteorites found in California are most likely from the minivan-size asteroid that exploded in a dazzling, and rare, daytime fireball over the Golden State and parts of Nevada on Sunday (April 22), according to press reports.

First issue of new "Meteorites" journal.
Here full issue in PDF
“A first open - access journal focusing exclusively on meteoritics"
Please visit our web page to check profile of journal:
In September issue will be exclusively about Soltmany fall (7 publication, international authors who worked last year on this fall).
Journal is created by :
- Tadeusz Przylibski (Editor),
- Tomasz Jakubowski (Managing Editor),
- Tomasz Stawarz (Web Page),
- Jason Utas (Native)
- Jakub Radwan (Linguistic Editor).
Associate Editors are vissible on page
And most important information for authors

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

24 May 2012

IL IA WI MI Meteor 23MAY2012

IL IA WI MI Meteor ~9:40 pm CDT 23MAY2012
IL IA WI MI Meteor ~9:40 pm CDT 23MAY2012
v.3 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
(click on image to enlarge)

Anyone else see this; if so please make a sighting report:

Initial Reports:

23MAY2012 Jonathan Kimmel Iowa City, IA, USA 9:40pm CST 1.5 seconds Facing east, it was traveling due east Bright neon green.  Silent. at least as bright as a very bright meteor, but larger, and strikingly Green none very bold green color, swift, silent, eastbound

23MAY2012 william beith campton hills IL 2140 CST 8-12 sec. Long enough to tell my wife (next to me) get her attention, point and her to find it Traveled from overhead to west white then changed to orange with bits dropping off increased to moon bright Parts falling off rear Distinct objects falling off as color changed from white to orange

23MAY2012 Shauna Eldridge, IA, USA 2140 5 sec E - N R-L Bright orange, yellow, very bright Venus couldn't really tell - looked like 3 tails at one point Awesome!

23MAY2012 Jack Lockport, IL USA 21:50:00 4 seconds north west - right to left very bright fire ball bright white like moon unknown don't have one

23MAY2012 audrey earlville, iowa, usa 21:30:00 8seconds east white head, bright greenish yellow tail, like a picture of a cartoon haleys comet street light streak not that i could see was not like a notmal shooting star, had great range and long timing, was like in slow motion, had a tail like i have never seen before, like a small rocket ship would make similar to.that of a jet in the sky, seemed lower than usual, more bold, and lower arch to.it than usual, in the souh sky form highway 20,heading east

For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Australia Meteor Fireball 24MAY2012

Australia Meteor Fireball ~5:40 am AEST 24MAY2012
Australia Meteor ~5:40 am AEST 24MAY2012 Sighting Reports
v.3 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
(click on image to enlarge)
Anyone else see this; if so please make a sighting report:

Initial Reports:
24MAY2012 John PENRITH, NSW, AUSTRALIA 05:45 +10 10 sec EST W, Left to Right, Facing West Bright Green with an orange tail Brighter than a full moon Yes Fragments where falling off it during its decent, ending is a bright flash and a large number of orange fragments.

24MAY2012 Reeves Canberra, ACT, Australia 0544 Australian Eastern Standard Time Approximately 4 or 5 seconds W-E Bright yellow mass about 8mm in diameter with numerous bright yellow fragments tailing behind. The smaller fragments were easily distinguished as individual fragments. The structure was identified in the sky fro 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock position. There was no sound associated with its passage across the sky and no sound suggesting impact with the earth. Brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun (brightness was closer to that of the sun) Yes. There were many individual fragments in the immediate wake of the main body. They were bright yellow in color. No photo. My wife also seen the mass.

24MAY2012 Conall O'Shannessy WORONORA, NSW, AUSTRALIA 0543 hrs (Eastern Standard Time - Sydney GMT +10) 1-2 seconds Located in western sky. Direction of travel from South to North White/Blue. increasing brightness from dim star to brightness slightly brighter than sirius. 1 second or less after observing object completely broke up and had the appearance of a small firework Object started out dim and increased in brightness until "exploding" like a firework in the direction of travel. Object appeared to seperate into approximately 8-10 pieces before fizzling out. My location was on Woronora Bridge. Specific location of object was west of bridge. Possibly over township of Menai or further west.

24MAY2012 Ken Campbelltown, Australia 5:40:00 2 west travelled L to R Yellow/Orange Sun Yes fire ball then explosion of sparks

24MAY2012 Sonja Jindabyne NSW 05.35am 5 seconds Facing North... travelling from left to right / east - west Large fireball, very bright green and orange, no sound Very bright not witnessed n/a

24May2012 Karen Borenore, NSW Australia 05.35 AEST 5-6 sec I was facing east the fireball/s were travelling to the ground from the south to the north I heard a boom and then the whole sky was light up then I saw a trail of fireballs descending toward the ground in bright reds, oranges and yellows it was brighter than a full moon but not as bright as the sun Yes, it appeared as though there were many individual parts that were in s stream I returned outside again about 5 minutes later to hear another louder boom sound but as I was in the dark i went back inside and decided against going for my morning walk

For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

23 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2012

Fireball appears north west of Perth, Australia -- Fire in the Sky ...
The skies in the north west were alight on Saturday night. We've had a couple of reports of giant orange things dropping from the sky. You can check out some of ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for May 19-25, 2012 | American Meteor Society
As the week progresses the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not cause any problems with meteor observing. This is especially true for ...

One way or another, someone discovered Meteor Crater
One way or another, someone discovered Meteor Crater, You pretty much have to assume that some folks that were around here before the Europeans showed ...

Daylight meteor showers are here
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
If you have never experienced any meteor scatter signals on VHF before, then now is your chance to learn something about it. Starting this week the Earth is passing through two intense daylightmeteor showers, the Arietids and the Zeta Perseids with ...

NASA, SETI investigators look for Sierra meteorite ...
3 min
NASA and SETI investigators in a Zeppelin airship flew over the Sierra foothills Thursday looking ...

May issue of Meteorite Times
The following URL gives access to the Web Browser View, Flash Magazine View, and Mobile PDF.
This page has an easy way to view all of the "Mag View" issues in the "Archives" section of the page.
This URL provides an easier way to access the archive of articles by column from April 2002 through August 2009. This URL is available from the Home page and also on the Horizontal Menu Bar.
Enjoy!  -Paul and Jim

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Texas Meteor Fireball 22/23MAY2012

Texas Meteor Fireball late 22MAY2012 / ~00:10 am CDT 23MAY2012
Texas Meteor(s) 22/23 MAY2012
Green Markers indicated reports prior ro midnight
Neon Markers indicated reports after midnight
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
(click on image to enlarge)

  Reports for this/these events are from late 22MAY/ early 23MAY.  Reports include sighting of smoke trail and sound.  At least one report of the flash made the surroundings as bright as daytime.  Perhaps some meteorites survived to the ground?!!!

Anyone else see this; if so please make a sighting report:

Initial Reports:

23MAY2012 Autumn Cleburne, TX 00:15:00 7 sec Downward going westward Green Bright Flash like a camera flash Nope It was just coincidental I happened to be looking that way when driving and saw it. It was a very neon green color, it was amasing to see for the short amount of time it happend too. :)

23MAY2012 Sean Round Rock, Texas 00:10 Central ~3 seconds Facing east, left to right Blue/Green color Brightness like the sun, like a welder viewed at a 30ft distance. No fragmentation Seemed to be over North Austin, pulsating light, smoke trail

23MAY2012 Javier Houston, TX USA 00:08:00 5 seconds Facing west White head and some color in the tail; I think I saw green. Almost as bright as the sun. I couldn't see any. It didn't look like any regular meteor I've ever seen. It was the biggest. I thought it was a plane exploding in the sky. I was waiting for the earth to shake. I thought it was the end for us all.

23MAY2012 Ted San Antonio, Texas, United States of America 00:00 hours central standard time 4-5 second S-N; left to right FACING SW white then brilliant lime green bright like a large close proximity firework, brighter than moon no fragments just smoke exciting, no sounds

May 23 2012 @ 12am in san antonio texas i was outside smoking looking into sky talking to a friend when what @ first looked like a falling star got bigger and looked like a fireball as it came from the north falling southeast it lit up the whole sky as it fell it then had a white tail behind then it turned green looked like it exploded as it got closer to ground it looked like it was so close but i doubt it. It was so amazing while it lasted for a about 10 seconds -FBoyd

OVER 14 reports!
For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Another NEO Detected to Make Close Pass May 2012

Another NEO (2012 KT12) Detected to Make Close Pass 23MAY2012

Have your allsky cameras and surveillance cameras ready.  Get out and watch as there may be some meteor, fireball activity just prior to or just after the close approach date.  If you have a meteor sighting please make a report on this site; thank you!
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter Tokyo, Japan


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 JV11) 2012-May-220.01726.742 m - 93 m24.019.52
(2006 KY67) 2012-May-230.149958.368 m - 150 m23.013.88
(2012 KT12) 2012-May-230.00371.415 m - 35 m26.23.77
(2011 KG4) 2012-May-240.121647.367 m - 150 m23.011.50
(2012 HZ33) 2012-May-240.159161.9230 m - 510 m20.312.76
(2012 KK11) 2012-May-240.058822.924 m - 54 m25.25.42
(2002 KM3) 2012-May-240.184571.890 m - 200 m22.415.67
(1994 NK) 2012-May-240.118646.2270 m - 610 m19.96.87
(2012 KO11) 2012-May-250.073428.628 m - 63 m24.98.93
(2012 HL8) 2012-May-250.131651.249 m - 110 m23.76.64
(2012 KD6) 2012-May-250.033513.054 m - 120 m23.510.47
(2012 KX) 2012-May-260.056622.059 m - 130 m23.37.07
154330 (2002 VX94) 2012-May-260.186972.8670 m - 1.5 km18.013.62
(2002 AW) 2012-May-260.192474.9210 m - 460 m20.66.95
(2012 KB4) 2012-May-270.090435.222 m - 49 m25.43.44
(2001 CQ36) 2012-May-300.025810.077 m - 170 m22.75.62
(2002 OA22) 2012-May-310.119746.6360 m - 820 m19.37.01
Table Source and for the latest updates:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

22 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2012

NASA engineer speaks as moon rocks, meteor material exhibit opens
Gadsden Times
He spoke Monday at the Gadsden Public Library's opening of an exhibit of moon rocks and meteormaterial and a display on astronomy. Robinson said “good things” happen when people push the envelope, and that “educating our children and keeping smart ...

Stunning View of Lyrids and Earth at Night - YouTube
22 sec
On April 21, the 2012 Lyrid meteor shower peaked in the skies over Earth. While NASA allsky ...

Video: See a Lyrid meteor from space in new NASA ...
Marshall Space Flight Center scientists requested the photos from space to learn how to observe ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

21 May 2012

Japan / US Annular Solar Eclipse Completed 21MAY2012 photo / videos

Japan / US Annular Solar Eclipse Completed 21MAY2012 photo/videos

Solar Eclipse Seen from Salt Lake City, Utah
(c) 2012 Barrett Flowers
(click on image to enlarge)
金環日食 2012 埼玉 - From Saitama, Japan
YouTube Published on 20 May 2012 by frankssexpositions 24 views

金環日食 2012

YouTube Published on 20 May 2012 by frankssexpositions 225 views
2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21MAY2012

Stunning Lyrid meteor over earth at night
(Phys.org) -- On the night of April 21, the 2012 Lyrid meteor shower peaked in the skies over Earth. While NASA allsky cameras were looking up at the night ...

One way or another, someone discovered Meteor Crater
Arizona Republic
20, 2012 08:41 PM Who found Meteor Crater and when? I just came back from a day trip there and I can tell you that it cannot be seen from the ground. There is a high ridge that goes all around the crater and there is no way that it can be seen from the ...

A rare meteor appears in the north west sky
ABC Online (blog)
We've had a couple of reports of giant orange things dropping from the sky. You can check out some of the reports on our facebook page. Ralph Martin is the Acting Government Astronomer at the Perth Observatory... You can follow this conversation by ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
by Fraser Cain on May 19, 2012 Just as the Lyrid Meteor Shower was peaking on April 21, 2012, astronaut Don Pettit captured this incredible timelapse sequence from the International Space Station. Of course you can see the familiar view of ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 

Fire in the sky
Tahoe Daily Tribune
By Adam Jensen Reno resident Lisa Warren took this photo of the meteor Sunday morning as she was walking her dogs. While a meteor that streaked over California and Nevada this weekend may have sounded like it landed at the South Shore, the fireball ...

Fireball spotted in Peru sky
Arequipa, Peru–On May 17, Thursday, someone shot video of a strange object that looks like a fireball. The strange fireball was seen in the sky in Arequipa, Peru and caused great surprise for onlookers wondering what it was. Strange enough, this isn't... (appears to be a jet contrail)

It took a while to decide what how Meteor Crater came to be
AZ Central.com (blog)
Who found Meteor Crater and when? I just came back from a day trip there and I can tell you that it can not be seen from the ground. There is a high ridge that goes all around the crater and there is no way that it can be seen from the ground.

Humongous exploding fireball a meteor, say scientists
Alaska Dispatch
The fireball, which was visible in towns some 600 miles apart, was almost certainly what astronomers call a bolide, an exceptionally bright meteor. The loud crack was likely a sonic boom caused by themeteor's shockwave. SPACE.com's Denise Chow quotes ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

20 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20MAY2012

Meteor Shower Timelapse Seen from the Space Station -- Fire in the ...
Just as the Lyrid Meteor Shower was peaking on April 21, 2012, astronaut Don Pettit captured this incredible timelapse sequence from the International Space ...

SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers ...
X-ray Solar Flares 6-hr max: C1 1218 UT May19 24-hr: C2 0000 UT May19 explanation | more data. Updated: Today at: 1600 UT ...

The Earth From Space: The Site of a Meteor Impact in Algeria ...
Astronauts on board the International Space Station took this picture of a crater left by a meteorstrike some 70 million years ago.

Meteor Shower Timelapse Seen from the Space Station
Universe Today
by Fraser Cain on May 19, 2012 Just as the Lyrid Meteor Shower was peaking on April 21, 2012, astronaut Don Pettit captured this incredible timelapse sequence from the International Space Station. Of course you can see the familiar view of cities ...

Stunning View of Lyrids and Earth at Night
On April 21, the 2012 Lyrid meteor shower peaked in the skies over Earth. While NASA allsky cameras were looking up, astronaut Don Pettit aboard the International Space Station trained his video camera on Earth below. Video footage has revealed ...

The black stone was proven to be a Meteorite sent ...
4 min
The black stone (Kaaba Stone) was proven to be a meteorite sent from space by Dr. Zaghloul Al- Naggar ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

19 May 2012

1958 Last Japanese solar eclipse until 20May2012

Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, to See Annular Eclipse "Ring of Fire"!

1958 Last Japanese solar eclipse until May 2012
YouTube Uploaded by PublicDomainFootage on 2 Oct 2011 396 views

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on May 20, 2012 - Visible in US

Published on 21 Apr 2012 by Is2012TheDate 1480 views
A "ring of fire" solar eclipse is coming to the USA this spring. It's the first annular eclipse visible from the contiguous United States in almost 18 years.
More information here:http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2012.html#SE2012May20A


Solar Eclipse 2012: When And Where To See It Best

Solar Eclipse 2012: When And Where To See
It Best, Huffington Post, May 10, 2012‎

Annular Solar Eclipse Track: May 20, 2012
Space.com, May 11, 2012‎

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse From Mount Fuji’s Peak
Sonia Paul, Mashable, April 20, 2012

Panasonic to Webcast Solar Eclipse From Top
of Mt. Fuji, Wall street Journal, May 9, 2012,

Best wishes,

Paul H.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19MAY2012

NASA - Stunning View of Lyrids and Earth at Night
A Lyrid meteor over Earth at Night, seen from the International Space Station at 5 A Lyrid ...

Scientists hunting for meteorites in Lotus, Calif.
Lotus, CA (CNN) - Scientists are hunting for meteorite fragments in a horse pasture outside Lotus, California. These space rocks came from a meteorite that fell to Earth around Sutter's Mill on April 22 nd. That's the same area where the Gold Rush ...

NASA - Stunning View of Lyrids and Earth at Night
A Lyrid meteor over Earth at Night, seen from the International Space Station at 5 A Lyrid meteorstreaks over Earth on the night of April 22, 2012. (NASA/JSC/D.

Fragments of meteorite behind 1908 Tunguska catastrophe may have been found
New Kerala Fri, 18 May 2012 08:59 AM PDT
London, May 18 : At 7.17am on June 30, 1908, an explosion like a detonating hydrogen bomb had erupted in the forests of Siberia - and up till now, scientists had been unable to offer any conclusive explanation for the event.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Japan Earthquake 4.8+ ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News. Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls & Related News. Make a meteor report. *.blogspot...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Astronomical fidget ring made from a meteorite
Boing Boing
The meteorite has been etched with nitric acid to reveal the characteristic patterns, or Widmanstatten figures, of iron meteorites, and set with 9 gemstones representing the planets of our Solar System. Mercury is represented by a rust colored Sapphire ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Brasil Installs Latin America`s First Allsky Camera System Network

Brasil Installs Latin America`s First Allsky Camera System Network May 2012

Professor Marcelo de Oliveira Souza and students Lucas Ferreira de Araujo, Jassiel Silva, Guilherme Franco of the Federal Fluminense University (IFF-Guarus) with Allsky Camera and meteorites.
Photo Credit: http://www.odiariorj.com/sem-limites-no-ceu-de-campos/
Professor Marcelo Oliveira (a direita) e os alunos do Clube de Astronomia Luis Cruls, Lucas Ferreira, Jassiel de Araújo Silva e Guilherme Franco atuam no projeto.
Camera All Sky - IFF de Guarus ganha equipamento para monitorar o céu

YouTube Published on 17 May 2012 by UmPasseiopeloCeu 13 views
Report produced by INTER TV - reportagem produzida pela INTER TV

Newspaper News Story:

No limit on Sky Field
by Priscilla Alves
Any flying object that crosses the sky field will now be properly identified. This is possible thanks to the All Sky Camera (All-Sky) Guarus installed on the campus of the Federal Fluminense (IFF-Guarus). The equipment will record possible meteors that cross the sky and will allow calculations to find the exact spot where the object falls. ...

Sem limites no céu de Campos

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

18 May 2012

Japan Earthquake 4.8+ Magnitude 17:20 18MAY2012

Japan Earthquake  4.8+ Magnitude 17:20 18MAY2012

No Tsunami warning issued and no damage reported.

Japanese Meteorological Agency:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!