27 April 2010

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News Roundup 27APR2010

Meteorites turn sleepy village into a boomtown

Michael Farmer, whom the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, calls the "world's top meteorite hunter," said that as soon as he saw video ...

Hal Hoberecht

Napa Valley Register - ‎12 分前‎
... which was maintained by the WPA While in high school, he also identified a stony-iron meteorite, which was purchased by the Smithsonian Institution. ...

地球面臨眾多自然災害威脅 火山灰只算小兒科

中國評論 - ‎1 時間前‎
大約每隔1000年就會有直徑50米左右的小行星撞擊地球,雖說和恐龍時代直徑6英里的巨型隕石相 比微不足道,但小行星依然會對地球產生巨大衝擊。1908年6月30日,直徑30米左右的小行星落在西伯利亞通古斯卡地區,造成當量相當於200萬噸 TNT的爆炸,摧毀了周圍400平方公里的 ...

Wat is de kans dat ik door een meteoriet word geraakt?

FAQT - ‎2010年4月19日‎
Ik zag op het nieuws dat er een grote meteoriet over Amerika heen is gevlogen. Hoe groot is de kans dat zo'n ding mij raakt? – Coco. ...

Zomer 2010: tien places to be

Scientias.nl - ‎2010年4月24日‎
Voor degenen die niets met vulkanen, maar wel met astronomie hebben, wacht in de Amerikaanse staat Arizona een hele andere krater: die van een meteoriet. ...

de wraak van IJsland

DePers.nl - ‎2010年4月15日‎
Mogelijk ging het ook hier om de inslag van een meteoriet, maar er werd (en wordt nog steeds) gespeculeerd dat het om een Israëlische atoomproef ging; ... HOAX

Angeblicher Meteorit brennt an israelischem Strand

ShortNews.de - ‎17 時間前‎
Wenn ein Meteorit (also ein Gesteinsbrocken) in die Erdatmosphäre eintritt, glüht er durch die Reibungskräfte. Und er fängt nicht erst Feuer, ... HOAX

China: Invasion der Außerirdischen? Sichtungen von UFOs häufen sich immer mehr

ShortNews.de - ‎9 時間前‎
Allerdings könnte auch einfach ein Meteorit/Asteroid auf die Erde knallen mit Bakterien/Viren gegen die wir wie die Indianer hilflos sind anfangs. ...weil ...

Meteoriteneinschlag an israelischem Badestrand?

Web.de - ‎17 時間前‎
Experten rätseln nun, ob es sich dabei um einen Meteoriten handelt. Ein Meteorit mit einem Durchmesser von ungefähr vier Zentimetern ist an einem ... HOAX

El Museo de Ciencias Naturales expone un centenar de meteoritos

Europa Press - ‎2010年4月22日‎
El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales ha inaugurado una exposición sobre meteoritos y minerales que incluye una muestra de más de 100 meteoritos de todo ...

El meteorito Murchinson. Jesús Martínez Frías, geólogo planetario del CSIC

Fusión - ‎2010年4月23日‎
Fragmentos del meteorito Murchinson cayeron en Australia en 1969. Recientes análisis han revelado que posee una riqueza de compuestos orgánicos desconocida ...

Filmaron la caída de un meteorito en EEUU

La Gaceta Tucumán - ‎2010年4月19日‎
Una videocámara logró filmar el momento exacto en que un meteorito cayó en Estados Unidos, el jueves pasado. La filmación fue subida a internet, ...

Un meteorito revela los misterios de la evolución geológica de Marte

EFE - ‎2010年4月15日‎
Un nuevo análisis de un meteorito que cayó en los hielos antárticos procedente de Marte ha revelado que data de un periodo en que ese planeta tuvo un campo ...

¿Qué tamaño tienen los meteoritos más peligrosos?

Deutsche Welle Español - ‎2010年4月24日‎
Apelando a tecnología de punta, científicos de Friburgo investigan las consecuencias que los impactos de meteoritos sobre la Tierra podrían traer para la ...

35 km nad Ziemią eksplodował meteoroid, znaleziono części

Wirtualna Polska - ‎2010年3月31日 ‎
Po miesiącu poszukiwań słowaccy astronomowie odnaleźli fragmenty meteorytu "Koszyce". Meteoryt spadł przy granicy słowacko-węgierskiej w nocy 28 lutego. ...

Une boule de feu géante dans le ciel américain ! Regardez

Le Blog de Jean-Marc Morandini - ‎1 時間前‎
"Une grande météorite pourrait avoir provoqué cette boule de feu", souligne l'organisme. Le terme "météore" désigne la traînée lumineuse produite par ...

Μετεωρίτης έπεσε στις ΗΠΑ. Βίντεο

Madata.gr - ‎2010年4月15日‎
Ένας μεγάλος μετεωρίτης έπεσε χθες το βράδυ στην κεντρική περιφέρεια των ΗΠΑ, ένα φαινόμενο, το οποίο έγινε αντιληπτό από τους κατοίκους της Iowa, ...

Метеорит пролетел над центральными штатами США

РИА Новости - ‎2010年4月16日‎
МОСКВА, 16 апр - РИА Новости. Над несколькими центральными штатами США в ночь на пятницу пролетел яркий болид: метеорит, раскалившийся от трения в атмосфере и начавший светиться, сообщает сайт американской метеорологической службы. Болид в небе видели жители Миннесоты, Висконсина, Айовы, ...

Жители пяти американских штатов увидели метеорит

Новости Америки - ‎2010年4月16日‎
Ученые утверждают, что над Землей пролетел метеорит. По словам очевидцев они увидели огромный шар, который очень ярко осветил небо, а затем разделившийся на несколько светящихся объектов. Это длилось не более 15 минут и многие люди успели снять событие на видео, поэтому сейчас с ним можно ...

Вероятно, обнаружен фрагмент болида из Висконсина

CNews.ru - ‎2010年4月19日‎
... имеет массу около 100 г и напоминает по размеру земляной орех (арахис). Образец покрыт "корой плавления", характерной для подвергшихся разогреву в земной атмосфере метеоритов. Согласно предварительной информации, метеорит может происходить из пояса астероидов Солнечной системы.

Над США пронісся великий метеорит

Kореспондент - ‎2010年4月16日‎
За словами вчених, над Міссурі, Айова, Вісконсіном, Іллінойсом і Індіаною пролетів метеорит. Очевидці стверджують, що побачили кулю, яка яскраво освітлювала ...

Мулдашев: Участвал съм в общо 16 експедиции

БГНЕС - ‎15 時間前‎
... да обикалям планините, а с научна гледна точка, сподели известният учен. Професор Мулдашев заяви, че е организирал 10 експедиции, а като се прибавят към ...

Метеорит рассказал американцам о своем истинном возрасте

Росбалт.RU - ‎2010年4月16日‎
Группа ученых под руководством Томаса Лэпена из Хьюстонского университета США обнаружила, что старейший из марсианских метеоритов младше приблизительно на 400 млн лет, чем ранее предполагалось, хотя и по-прежнему является старейшим из найденных. Как передает портал «Вокруг Света», ...

आज धरती के पास से गुजरेगा उल्का पिंड

प्रातःकाल - ‎2010年4月8日‎
हाल ही में खोजा गया एक उल्का पिंड शुक्रवार सुबह धरती के पास से गुजरने वाला है, लेकिन इससे धरती को कोई खतरा नहीं है। नासा की स्पेसगार्ड टीम ने कैटलिना स्काई सर्वे में हाल ही में ''2010 जीए6'' नाम के इस उल्का पिंड का पता लगाया था जो शुक्रवार सुबह चार बजकर 36 मिनट पर धरती के सबसे नजदीक बिंदु पर होगा। विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार इससे धरती को कोई खतरा नहीं है और यह नजदीक होने के बावजूद धरती से तीन लाख 59 हजार किलोमीटर दूर रहेगा। ...

波黑男子房屋5次被陨石击中 怀疑被外星人盯上

凤凰网 - ‎2010年4月25日‎
坠落在地球上的陨石一般都很稀有,不过对于波黑的一名男 子来说,可能这辈子他再也不想见到陨石了,因为他的房子竟连续5次被坠落的陨石击中,以至于他开始怀疑自己被外 ...


视界网 - ‎2010年4月25日‎
据以色列媒体24号报道,日前,一块来历不明的陨石坠落 在了靠近以色列城市特拉维夫的一处海滩上。 这段视频是当时在海滩上的一名救生员用手机拍下来的。 ... HOAX

Large Earthquakes Yahoo Video

26 April 2010

Wisconsin Meteorite Fall- Meteorite Registry, UW-Madison

Wisconsin Meteorite Fall- Meteorite Registry, UW-Madison


Please go to the link above to see all of their information and photos.
Thank you to Dr. John W. Valley for providing this link and information.
(c) UW-Madison 2010

Weight in grams

Click to enlarge images


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Meteor/Meteorite News 26APR2010- incomplete

Meteorit: Slovenský unikát

Svet komunikácie - ‎2010年4月21日‎
Meteorit "Košice", po oficiálnom schválení a katalogizovaní, bude 15. prípadom meteoritov s rodokmeňom, prvým na Slovensku. Od posledného pozorovaného pádu ...

Meteorit rozžiaril nebo nad Spojenými štátmi

JOJ.sk - ‎2010年4月19日‎
Niektorí sa domnievajú, že išlo o padajúci meteorit. Oslepujúce svetlo bolo možné pozorovať asi 15 minút a videli ho obyvatelia Wisconsinu, Illinois, ...

Oblohu nad středozápadem Spojených států ozářil meteorit

Novinky.cz - ‎2010年4月16日‎
Podle odborníků se však nejednalo o návštěvu mimozemské civilizace, ale o meteorit. Obyvatelé se obávali podivné záře na obloze. Náhodně se dokonce podařilo ...

Week in Review: Meteor-fragments hunt 'crazy

Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Sipiera, a meteor researcher with the Planetary Studies Foundation and Chicago's Field Museum was one of hundreds of people searching for fallen fragments ...

Check It Out
Israel National News
Sun, 25 Apr 2010 06:29 AM PDT
(IsraelNN.com) The Jerusalem Geological Institute confirmed Sunday afternoon that the object that fell on the beach at Bat Yam on Shabbat was artificial and not a meteorite.

Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments
Norwalk Reflector Sun, 25 Apr 2010 03:29 AM PDT
LINDEN, Wis. â Billions of years before April 14, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasleyâs farm field.

25 April 2010

Alien Contact Danger 25APR2010

Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens
‎ -

4 hours ago
Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should make every attempt to avoid them, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a series for the Discovery Channel the ...

Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking

posted on YouTube by eWiregrass (9 views) 2010年04月25日

Meteor/Meteorite News 25APR2010

Livingston catches hold of fever
(NECN/WISN: Livingston, Wisc.) - It is an epidemic gripping one Wisconsin town -- meteorite fever. Ever since a fireball was seen barreling ...
Dad and teen sons find fragments
CHICAGO (NBC/WMAQ) - Two Illinois teens and a man from Southwestern Wisconsin said they believe they've recovered fragments from a meteor that ...

Gosses Bluff Crater - Northern Territory Australia
3, 2009 5:42am EST (Eastern Standard Time) More More See all Show me Michael Olsen's

Midwest Meteor Explodes on Tape - CBS News Video

CBS News video: Midwest Meteor Explodes on Tape - Many in the Midwest saw a bright meteor light up the sky. A Howard County, Iowa police dash-cam caught the ...

Major Green Meteor Lights Midwest Night Sky

See the huge, greenish fireball that turned night to day before likely landing in Wisconsin—and get the science behind the sky show.

Venus getting star treatment early in May

Akron Beacon Journal
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on May 6. This shower is the result of Earth passing through the debris trail left by the passage of Halley's Comet. ...

google: 火星から来た隕石ALH84001

By 2010
A Younger Age for ALH84001 and Its Geochemical Link to Shergottite Sources in Mars 火星隕石ALH84001のより若い年代と隕石シャーゴッタイトの火星起源との地球化学的 関連性 :Lu-Hf同位体データから、ALHは約 40億年前の火成岩で、1億5000-5億7000 ...

Livingston catches hold of meteorite fever

Ever since a fireball was seen barreling through the sky, people in the area have been searching for fragments of the meteorite. And everyone is on the hunt ...
Will you join the hunt for meteor fragments?

Janesville Gazette (blog)
Last Saturday, the Gazette printed an Associated Press report that said the meteor that lit Wisconsin's skies last week likely spread thousands of fragments ...

Bat Yam Beach Hit by Meteor

Shalom Life
Israel's Channel 10 reported that a segregated Bat Yam beach used by religious people was hit by a fiery object from the sky that is thought to be a meteor. ... HOAX!!!
Don`t waste your time!

Meteorite Fever Grips Wisconsin Town

Students there were recently combing the grass looking for fragments of the meteor, which burst into countless pieces over miles of farmland the evening of ...

Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments
Norwalk Reflector Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:28 AM PDT
LINDEN, Wis. â Billions of years before April 14, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasleyâs farm field.

Meteorite fragments attract hordes to Wisconsin farms
Austin American-Statesman Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:09 PM PDT
Meteorite fragments attract hordes to Wisconsin farms

BBC News
'Meteorite' burns on Israel beach
HOAX! BBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBC News
An unidentified object, thought to be a fragment of a meteorite, has landed on a beach near Tel Aviv. Israeli police released mobile phone footage of ...

The Wonder Of Meteorites- video

The Wonder Of Meteorites

posted on YouTube by meteoritesaustralia (196 views) — 2010年04月24日
The Wonder Of Meteorites

24 April 2010

Wisconsin - Ruben Garcia finds a Meteorite

Ruben and Stanley

(c) Ruben Garcia 2010 (www.mr-meteorite.net)
Stanley Wall and Ruben Garcia examine their
meteorite find from the recent Wisconsin fall.

NEAF 2010 Steve Arnold with recovered Wisconsin meteorites

NEAF 2010 Steve Arnold with recovered Wisconsin meteorites

posted on YouTube by wmchellis (109 views) 2010年04月18日
I caught up with professional meteorite hunter Steve Arnold as he shows off the 3 pieces of meteorite from the fireball seen over the American Midwest on April 14, 2010.
These pieces were recovered near Livingston, Wisconsin.
The team used National Weather Service Doppler radar to help narrow their search area.

This is my raw video taken Sunday, April 18, 2010 at the NEAF 2010 show at Rockland Community College in Suffern, NY.

School Children find WI Meteorite - Boudreaux, Farmer

School Children find WI Meteorite - Boudreaux, Farmer

posted on YouTube by naturalbornclimbers (17views) 2010年04月23日Terry Boudreaux and Michael Farmer Livingston WI Meteorite School Children Presentation and search

23 April 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 23APR2010

The Lyrid meteor shower: contrary to popular belief, it's not over!

The Lyrid meteor shower is not finished! While last night/this morning, the shower's traditional peak, was a cloud-out bust around Cleveland, ...

How to See the Best Meteor Showers of 2010: Tools, Tips and 'Save ...

By Mark King
(PhysOrg.com) -- There are seven major meteor showers remaining in 2010 (the Quadrantids occurred in early January 2010), with some more active than others. For example, April's Lyrids are expected to produce about 15 meteors an hour at ...

Austin American-Statesman
Meteorite fragments attract hordes to Wisconsin farms

Austin American-Statesman
Rob Wesel of Portland, Ore., holds the largest meteorite piece found recently on Wisconsin farmland — 219 grams. By Meg Jones LINDEN, Wis. ...

National Geographic
Space Photos This Week: Star Lagoon, Iceland Ash, More

National Geographic
A webcam on the roof of a University of Wisconsin-Madison building caught the final moments of a meteor that created a bright fireball over Wisconsin on ...

Meteorite mania: 'They're going to tell their grandchildren about this'
Wisconsin State Journal Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:41 AM PDT
The meteorite fragments that fell in southwestern Wisconsin April 14 have brought meteorite hunters to the area and provided a science lesson from the heavens for local students.

Boy Becomes Rockstar after Finding Meteorite During Recess
WSAW Wausau Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:52 AM PDT
Pieces of last week's meteorite continue to draw oohs and ahhs. One student at Iowa Grant Elementary school became a rockstar when he found a fragment during recess.

Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments
Norwalk Reflector Thu, 22 Apr 2010 03:26 AM PDT
LINDEN, Wis. â Billions of years before April 14, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasleyâs farm field.

Howard man finds potentially valuable meteorite
The Oshkosh Northwestern Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:21 AM PDT
A Howard family may have discovered a meteorite from last weeks fireball that could be worth thousands.

Meteorite 'gold rush' follows fireball's descent
Portland Press Herald Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:15 PM PDT
Southwestern Wisconsin becomes the center of the universe for collectors hoping to find a piece of history.

Lyrid Meteor Shower 2010
GreenMuze Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:06 PM PDT
The annual Lyrid Meteor Shower , one of the oldest meteorite showers on record, is set to peak on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22nd, 2010. The Lyrid Meteor Shower is produced when the Earth passes through the trail of Comet Thatcher , producing the bright streaks of light as meteor particles burn-up in Earthâs upper atmosphere. Read more...

Search Continues For Meteorite Pieces In Livingston
WISC-TV Madison Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:25 PM PDT
LIVINGSTON, Wis. -- Searchers are continue to look for pieces of the meteorite that lit up the sky over parts of Wisconsin on April 14. The latest fragments were found on Wednesday in the village of Livingston, along the Grant-Iowa county line.

Meteorite hunters descend on Wisconsin farm

Dallas Morning News
It took much less time to nudge the orbits of meteorite hunters careening to southwestern Wisconsin, where their zeal for tiny black rocks from outer space ...

火 星から来た隕石と生命の痕跡 | WIRED VISION

通称アランヒルズ隕石正式名称をALH84001というこの隕石はこれまでに発見された火 星由来の岩石として最古のものであることに変わりはないものの以前推定されていたより ...

Two Wisconsin Elementary School Students Find Meteorites! 23APR2010

Wisconsin Meteorite:

A Very well written article in the Wisconsin State Journal Paper

Friday, April 23, 2010 4:17 AM
by Brian Cox-Chicago, Illinois, USA
by drtanuki 4:29am in Tokyo, JAPAN

This is an excellent article that was written in the Wisconsin paper that honestly make me very happy and puts Meteorite Collectors in a very positive and bright light. This writer got to the heart of the story by writing about the children and their families and their farms and how Michael Farmer and Terry Boudreaux went to the local combined school for Grant-Iowa counties on the border of the two counties and spoke at the Iowa/Grant Elementary-Middle School and gave a talk and discussion and interaction with the children on the new Wisconsin meteorite fall. Congratulations to our Meteorite Hunting friends and the school and farmers and the cook and his wife where one of the first meteorites were found on their farm. I salute you all for great work in the field and your humanitarian work.


Wisconsin !st Grade Student Finds Meteorite!

MyFox Chicago
First Grader Finds Pieces of Meteor on Playground

MyFox Chicago
Chicago - Terry Boudreaux found the first pieces of the meteor that lit up the Midwestern sky last week, an event that had meteor hunters scouring Wisconsin ...

NBC CH15 Video about 1st Grader Finding Meteorite:

Background Story about TWO Student`s Meteorite Finds
by Mike Farmer, Meteorite Hunter
After Terry Boudreaux and I gave a two hour presentation to more than 500 kids at the Grant-Iowa County school yesterday, we asked all the kids who was going to hunt for meteorites during recess. Of course all the children screamed and raised their hands. Minutes later, while news crews were shooting footage and doing interviews with us in the schoolyard, a 6 year old boy screamed he found a meteorite, which was a beautiful and perfect 100% crusted ~40 gram stone.

The school went crazy and another stone was found by a young girl a little while later. It was amazing to speak to the school, and every child there saw or heard the meteorite go overhead. I think that all these kids will be searching for meteorites now. The 8th-grade science teacher at the school told me he dropped his teaching plans for the next week and has moved his classes into researching meteorites on the net and doing reports on meteorites and meteorite falls. He was so happy at all of this and said that the children are so excited to come to class since the fall last week and did not want to talk about anything but the meteorite anyway so he went with it. I was mobbed by kids wanting to talk about my trips to Africa and how to find meteorites, so I think a few old falls may turn up on the farms from all this.

To bridge the gap between meteorite dealers and scientific institutions, I presented one of the stones I found as a gift to the Field Museum for the meteorite collection.

Michael Farmer

22 April 2010

Wisconsin Fireball NPR Radio Broadcast

'Fireball' Lights Up Midwest Sky

All Things Considered

Radio Broadcast by National Public Radio April 15, 2010

Wednesday night, a bright light shot across the Midwestern sky. Reports of a fireball were called into police departments in several states. The incident coincided with a meteor shower, but it could have also been a comet or space junk. To find out what it was, Robert Siegel talks with Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. ... [story and broadcast]

Listen to the Story [4 min 7 sec]

Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak Viewing 22APR2010

Lyrids meteor shower

posted on YouTube by lazerbim118 (1 view) 22 April 2010
- The Lyrid meteor shower is the first significant shower of 2010. Dating as far back as March 687 BC, the Lyrids make an annual show usually beginning on April 16th. This northern hemisphere shower occurs when the Earth passes through debris from the Comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1), discovered by A.E. Thatcher on April 4, 1861. The Comet Thatcher is expected to pass Earth again in 2267. This year, the Lyrids will peak on April 22nd with an expected show of 10 - 12 meteors per hour according to experts. The radiant of this shower is between the constellations Lyra and Hercules.

Typically, the Lyrid meteor shower presents a modest show of 10-20 meteors per hour. Occasionally, the Earth will pass through a dense clump of debris, resulting in an increased rate of meteors. In 1982, some observers counted as many as 90 meteors per hour. In 1945, a Japanese observer counted 112 meteors in 67 minutes, most of them Lyrids.

Optimal viewing time for the Lyrids will occur early morning on April 22nd. The moon will set between 1 and 2 AM, leaving a dark sky until dawn. During this time, find a dark place as far away from city lights as possible. Look to the east, giving your eyes at least 10-15 minutes to adjust to the night sky. Lie back and scan the sky for meteors with a trail that points back toward the sparkling blue-white star Vega. - http://budurl.com/SaveThisVideo

Meteor/Meteorite News 22APR2010

Meteor scorches the sky over Platteville,Wisc

Exponent Online
According to police, what Mikulecky saw was a meteor, and he was by no means the only one to see it. Platteville Police reported that the meteor streaked ...

Berthoud Recorder
Earthsky Tonight — April 22, Lyrid meteors may still be flying before dawn

Berthoud Recorder
This constellation rises over your north-northeastern horizon around 10 to 11 pm tonight and marks the radiant point of the Lyrid meteor shower. ...

Marvel at the Meteors Thursday Morning

KPSP Local 2
The Lyrid Meteor Shower will decorate the skies just before dawn on Thursday. Every year near the end of April, the earth passes through debris from Comet ...

Meteor Hunters Follow the Trail to Southwestern Wisconsin

They report seeing license plates from as far away as Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico as people hunt for fragments from the meteor. ...

Meteorite capsule to crash
thewest.com.au Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:56 PM PDT
A basketball-size capsule containing the first meteorite sample taken from space will crash to Earth at Woomera in mid-June after a journey of more than two billion kilometres.

Search Continues For Meteorite Pieces In Livingston

WISC Madison
Searchers are continue to look for pieces of the meteorite that lit up the sky over parts of Wisconsin on April 14. The latest fragments were found on ...

Wisconsin's meteor: 'They're going to tell their grandchildren about this'
Wisconsin State Journal Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:35 PM PDT
The meteorite fragments that fell in southwestern Wisconsin April 14 have brought meteorite hunters to the area and provided a science lesson from the heavens for local students.

Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments
Norwalk Reflector Wed, 21 Apr 2010 14:12 PM PDT
LINDEN, Wis. â Billions of years before April 14, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasleyâs farm field.

Meteorite hunters flock to southwest Wisconsin
The Sauk Prairie Eagle Wed, 21 Apr 2010 10:29 AM PDT
When Ruben Garcia saw video of the meteorite that streaked across the Wisconsin sky on Wednesday night, it might as well have been the Bat-Signal.

Meteorite crashes through North Georgia home
WRCB Chattanooga Wed, 21 Apr 2010 07:56 AM PDT
A meteorite older than Earth itself, traveling millions of miles through space before blowing through an attic in Northwest Georgia, was unveiled Tuesday morning at the Tellus Science Museum.

Howard man finds potentially valuable meteorite
Fond du Lac Reporter Wed, 21 Apr 2010 07:41 AM PDT
A Howard family may have discovered a meteorite from last week's fireball that could be worth thousands.

Scientists discover true age of meteor
The Daily Cougar Wed, 21 Apr 2010 07:24 AM PDT
The UH Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, in collaboration with NASA, has made recent discoveries that mark the oldest and most well known Martian meteorite as younger than previously presumed. After 15 months of continuous study of meteorite ALH84001, assistant professor of Geology and Isotope Geochemistry, Thomas Lapen and his team determined that the meteorâs [...]

News : Campus
The Badger Herald Wed, 21 Apr 2010 02:28 AM PDT
Wisconsin residents saw a spectacular display of color and light in the sky when a meteor blazed through the atmosphere the night of April 14. Days later, individuals from Livingston, Wis., where the meteorite landed, loaned the six fragments to the UW Geology Museum for display.

Meteorite hunters descend on Iowa County farms
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:48 PM PDT
Billions of years before last Wednesday night, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasley's farm field. It took much less time to nudge the orbits of meteorite hunters careening to southwestern Wisconsin.

Norwalk Reflector
Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments

Norwalk Reflector
Ruben Garcia holds a 21-gram meteorite found by a member of his group, April 20, 2010 in Iowa County near Livingston, Wisconsin. ...

Rocking out, meteorite hunters make rare find in Wisconsin ...

LIVINGSTON, Wis. — As dozens of meteorite hunters converged on southwest Wisconsin on Friday, a Lake Forest man and his two teenage sons stumbled upon what ...

Meteorite Hunters Comb Wisconsin Farms

(Linden, WI) -- Last week's fireball in the skies over southwestern Wisconsin is proving quite a draw for meteorite hunters from around the country. ...

Tellus Museum to Display Cartersville Meteorite

Coosa Valley News
A meteorite that hit a home in Cartersville will be displayed at the Tellus Science Museum. The meteorite hit the home in March of last year with what a ...

Scientists discover true age of meteor

The Daily Cougar
After 15 months of continuous study of meteorite ALH84001, assistant professor of Geology and Isotope Geochemistry, Thomas Lapen and his team determined ...
Meteorite hunters descend on Iowa County farms

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Visitors to the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Geology Museum on Tuesday view fragments of the meteorite that fell in southwestern Wisconsin last week. ...

Howard man finds potentially valuable meteorite

Green Bay Press Gazette
A Howard family may have discovered a meteorite from last week's fireball that could be worth thousands. Shea Gorzelanczyk was fascinated after he saw video ...