21 January 2010


Tourists held over space rocks
Straits Times Tue, 19 Jan 2010 15:57 PM PST
KHARTOUM - Three European tourists have been detained in Sudan for acquiring the remnants of a rare meteorite that hit a remote region in 2008, their lawyer said on Tuesday. 'They were arrested two weeks ago in Abu Hamad (500km north of Khartoum) and were transferred on Sunday to the Bahri prison' on the outskirts of the capital, Adil Yacoub Ahmed told AFP.

Space rocks land foreigners in the dock
Independent Online Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:57 PM PST
Three European tourists have been detained in Sudan for being in possession of the remnants of a rare meteorite that struck a remote region of the country two years ago.

YouTube - 天文館知性之旅__1
我在美國貝林傑Barringer隕石坑錄到不可思議的神秘聲音. 1740 views ... 2009 天文年 台北天文館隕石展有3500kg 大隕石. 141 views. peterlin2009family ...

asahicom朝日新聞社南極隕石隊快挙続々 貴重なユレーライト鉄隕石発見 ...

Monday Night Meteor (story with video)
People from Billings to Helena said they saw a meteor light up the evening sky Monday night. Most of the witnesses say they saw the ...

Richmonders report seeing meteors
Richmond Times Dispatch By Staff Reports
Meteors are bits of space rock or gravel that burn and create light when they hit the atmosphere. Some people call them shooting stars. ...

Meteors, fireball seen in region's skies
Richmond Times Dispatch
"I've seen a lot of meteors, and I'm sure that's what it was," said Kraft, 85, a retired teacher. "This was very bright, very bright. ...

How to Find a Meteoriote (video)
What type of metal detector is best for meteorite hunting? Fisher Gold Bug 2 or Whites Gold Master 2) Do I need to build a big metal detector ...youtube.com

Burning Ball in Jersey Sky Revealed
NBC Philadelphia
“What it appears to be is a meteor,” said Dr. Joseph Sowers, adjunct professor of astronomy at Richard Stockton College in Galloway Township, after seeing ...

On TV Wednesday, Jan. 20
SERIES PREMIERE Meteorite Men, 9 pm, Science A couple of guys scour the Earth for really old rocks that hit the ground from outer space. ...

Curium erschüttert Altersbestimmung unseres Sonnensystems
Neue Analysen der Uran-Isotopenverteilung in Meteoriten deuten darauf hin, dass das Alter des Sonnensystems doch nicht so klar bestimmt ist, ...

20 January 2010


Twilight meteor reported Monday in Maryland
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The Tuesday morning mail contained the following report from a reader in Reisterstown, Md. He and his wife spotted a bright meteor to their south after ...

Planetary hide and seek
Also get ready for some spectacular meteor shows this year including Perseids, Leonids and Geminids. All of these showers should be a great show. ...

Callers report possible meteor
Billings Gazette
Several people reported seeing a meteor fall Monday night west of Billings in an area between Red Lodge and Molt. One caller “said it lit up the sky and ...

Town fights over space rock
The Courier Mail Mon, 18 Jan 2010 05:21 AM PST
RESIDENTS of an Outback town are bickering over the discovery of a 25kg object which could be the state's second-biggest stony meteorite. ...

Meteor Shower A Quiet Centaur and A Carpenter's Square – Meteor ...
A site all about the meteor showers of 2010, meteors and more. ...

Google Earth Images Confirm Mythological Meteor Impact - PopSci ...
Australian Aborigine mythology begins in a period known as the"dream time", before the emergence of humanity. Many stories aboutthe dream time include ...

Turkmenistan ex-leader Niyazov's arch to be removed
BBC News
Cities, airports and even a meteorite were named after him. He introduced increasingly personal laws, and a book he wrote to be a "spiritual guide" for the ...

Seeing differences between stars, planets
Pasadena Star-News By Bill Sones and Rich Sones
Q.Skywatching at night, do you know a star from a planet, a meteor from a satellite? A. Stars twinkle, planets don't, ...

19 January 2010


With a meteor shower as a decoy for ICBM Attack American ...
By Josh Rivera
With a meteor shower as a decoy for ICBM Attack In the event that a threat to the security of the nation of America is a pre-emptive strike, we want to do is to create a news event of an expected meteor shower in the media or the view, ...

Cunnamulla meteorite ownership divides town
Courier Mail
If the rock turns out to be a meteorite, it could be worth a small fortune. Mr King hopes it will be housed in Cunnamulla's museum in the town centre. ...

18 January 2010

18JAN2010 Meteor/Meteorite News

Astronomy.FM Congratulates 2009 "Amateur Astronomy Picture

TransWorldNews (press release)

There are also live multi-media special events such as meteor and moon watches, future live astro-imaging sessions, and an upcoming virtual NASA launch ...

Meteoriten fyller år

Sydsvenskan - ‎12 時間前‎
Dagarna efter himlafenomenet var fyllda med spekulationer, innan Geologiska museet i Danmark konstaterade att det rörde sig om en meteorit och att ...

Kometen, Asteroiden und Meteoriten Kleine Wilde aus dem All

Bayerischer Rundfunk. - ‎2010年1月12日‎
Millionen von Asteroiden und Kometen rasen durchs All. Trudelnd und taumelnd sind viele der Geschosse auf wilden Bahnen unterwegs. ...

WikiAnswers - Is it true that a meteor will hit earth

Astronomy question: Is it true that a meteor will hit earth? Several thousands of meteors hit the Earth each day. Most of them are the size of a grain of ...

NASA-Wissenschaftler: Beweise für Leben auf dem Mars noch in diesem Jahr

grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de (Blog) - ‎22 時間前‎
Seit der Entdeckung und Untersuchung des Mars-Meteoriten "ALH84001" konnten die Wissenschaftler auch in zwei anderen Meteoriten vom Roten Planeten ...

Kristallberge auf dem Mond belegen einstigen Magma-Ozean

grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de (Blog) - ‎2010年1月14日‎
Forscher vermuteten, dass diese entweder von eingeschlagenen Meteoriten und andern Himmelskörpern zerstört oder von späteren Lavaströmen überdeckt wurde. ...

Bio in Berlin

PresseAnzeiger (Pressemitteilung) - ‎2010年1月11日‎
... Saurierskelett aus dem Jura, das Fossil des Urvogels Archaeopteryx, das größte bislang gefundene Stück Bernstein sowie Meteoriten vom Planeten Mars. ...

Asteroid fliegt an Erde vorbei: Steinschlag im All

STERN.DE - ‎2010年1月12日‎
Asteroiden sind größer als Meteoriten und folgen als "Kleinplaneten" einer Umlaufbahn um die Sonne. Alle 2000 Jahre, so schätzt die NASA, ...

Die Gezeiten der Galaxien

ORF.at - ‎2010年1月13日‎
Ihr zufolge können einfache Lebensformen auf Meteoriten durchs All reisen und so eventuell auch auf die Erde gelangt sein. Gegen die Hypothese spricht unter ...

17 January 2010

17JAN2010 Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteorite Men TV Series Promo

What could be better then looking for giant rocks from outer space? Join the Meteorite Men on their hunt for space rocks beginning January 20th at ...

Mars bid scientists examine meteorite

Representatives of Nasa and the European Space Agency, or ESA, landed in York on Thursday to examine a meteorite which hit North Yorkshire in 1881. ugh ...

Proof of life on Mars will come by year-end: NASA expert

Times of India
"Powerful new microscopes and other instruments will establish whether features in martian meteorites are alien fossils," said McKay. ...

Viewing the Night Sky - January Meteor Showers - The Quadrantids

One such viewing opportunity is The Quadrantid meteor shower. ... This meteor shower was first recorded in the 1830s by a Belgian astronomer named Adophe ...

16 January 2010

16JAN2010 Meteor/Meteorite News


UK Express
By Daily Express reporter The team will take a 3D scan of the surface of the Middlesbrough Meteorite, housed at the Yorkshire Museum, York. ...

Geminid meteor shower tonight may be the best space show of the ...

The Geminid meteor shower hits Sunday. Here's when and where to look.

International Year of Astronomy

Piggott Times (blog)
I will be doing a podcast for this site on the 80th anniversary of the Paragould Meteorite next month, on Feb. 17. I did 2 podcasts during 2009 (see ...

Meteorite show at the UofA

Since 1891, more than 95 separately classified meteorites have been found in Arizona. The goal of the laboratory is to display at least one piece from each ...

Mars probe scientists in York to examine space rock

The Press, York
Representatives of NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) arrived in York yesterday to examine a meteorite which hit North Yorkshire in 1881. ...

Lunar and Planatary Laboratory Holds Arizona Meteorite Exhibition

UA News (press release)
The largest single gathering of meteorites found in Arizona will be on display on Jan. 30 during the Arizona Meterotie Exhibition. By Rebecca Ruiz-McGill, ...

15 January 2010

Infrared Hunt Begins: WISE Starts All-Sky Survey

Infrared Hunt Begins: WISE Starts All-Sky Survey

Infrared Hunt Begins: WISE Starts All-Sky Survey
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
January 14, 2010

NASA's Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) began its survey of
the infrared sky today. The mission will spend nine months scanning the
sky one-and-a-half times in infrared light, revealing all sorts of
cosmic characters -- everything from near-Earth asteroids to young
galaxies more than ten billion light-years away.

WISE, which launched Dec. 14, 2009, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California, will uncover hundreds of thousands of asteroids, and
hundreds of millions of stars and galaxies. Its vast catalog of data
will provide astronomers and other missions with data for mine for
decades to come.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the Wide-field Infrared Survey
Explorer for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The
principal investigator, Edward Wright, is at UCLA. The mission was
competitively selected under NASA's Explorers Program managed by the
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The science instrument was
built by the Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, Utah, and the spacecraft
was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo. Science
operations and data processing take place at the Infrared Processing and
Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Caltech manages JPL for NASA. More information is online at
, http://wise.astro.ucla.edu


Alaska Meteor Bolide News: Muldoon Fireball 10JAN10 15JAN10

Meteor shower lights up Muldoon

A meteor was captured on this weather webcam falling past Muldoon into the Chugach Mountains Sunday morning. (Courtesy FAA)

by Channel 2 News staff
Sunday, January 10, 2010

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- People watching the skies over Muldoon ... (more)

15JAN2010 Meteor/Meteorite News

Dr. Gero Kurat (1938-2009) Passed Away


Prof. Gero Kurat, the former curator of the meteorite collection at the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria, and past president of the Meteoritical Society died on November 27, 2009, at the age of only 71.

Christian Anger, Austria Passed away 14.dec 2009
Active Meteorite, Impactite Researcher/Collector Passed Away Recently
He will be sorely missed by family, friends and colleagues worldwide. He is survived by two young daughters and his ex-wife. God Bless his kindness; may Christian RIP.

Meteorite Men: Triangulation & Gridding

Steve shares his insight on how video triangulation and gridding can narrow down search areas.

Meteorite Men: Rocks & Detectors

Geoff and Steve reveal how their gear, "The Rock Hound" and metal detectors help them during their search for meteorites.

Meteorite Men: Jerky Anyone? : Video : Science Channel

Steve and Geoff have a difference of opinion on whether or not beef jerky should be considered a "treat."
Meteorite Men: Backhoe

Steve seemed to have a good plan, until Geoff reminds him that the backhoe may not be the "best" tool for digging.
NASA use Yorkshire Museum meteorite to prepare for Mars trip

The meteorite, which landed in 1881 to the surprise of nearby workmen on a railway, is an unusual specimen because it did not tumble through the earth's ...

世界10大著名陨石坑- Worldnews.com

中国日报网消息:据国际在线消息,“天外来客”从世界诞生之日起便存在,然而他们并不是 科幻小说中的外星人,而是陨石。现在就让我们看看10大最令人惊奇的陨石坑。

ESA mission analyst suggests 2010 AL30 might be Venus Express rocket

The Planetary Society Blog By Emily Lakdawalla
Jan. 13, 2010 | 09:30 PST | 17:30 UTC
Well, now, this is interesting. 2010 AL30 zipped past us harmlessly about five hours ago. Because of its one-year orbital period, many people speculated it might be a manmade object ...

Earth Dodges An Interplanetary Bullet

Discovery News
Dining room table sized objects: These often fragment in the atmosphere and scatter pieces on the ground as meteorites. Meteors that blow apart lower in the ...

14 January 2010

14JAN2010 Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Proof of Martians 'to come this year'

Scientific American
Two of the meteorites - ALH84001 and Yamato 593 - were found in the Antarctic by American and Japanese scientists after they lay in the icy desert for ...

Haiti Katastrophe- Erdstoß hatte Wucht eines 100 Meter dicken Meteoriten

Spiegel Online
Das entspricht in etwa der Energie, die laut einer standardisierten geologischen Skala beim Aufschlag eines 100 Meter dicken Meteoriten frei wird. ...

NASA says advanced instruments will allow it to definitively prove whether ...

Popular Science
By Jeremy Hsu Posted 01.13.2010 at 1:30 pm 0 Comments Life in the Rocks Scientists have found Martian meteorites in Antarctica and elsewhere that may ...

Meteorite Men, Flandreau Science Series

Arizona Daily Wildcat
By Luke Money Geoffrey Notkin, science writer and professional meteorite hunter, demonstrates how to use a magnet to test if a meteorite is real during a ...

Learning about science, nature: Free lecture series aims to educate
The Journal-Standard Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:20 PM PST
To Diane Sipiera, an ongoing Winter Lecture Series in Elizabeth sponsored by the Planetary Studies Foundation gives area residents the chance to learn more about topics ranging from history and meteorite science to bird migration. ...

'Meteorite Men' visit Science Café
Arizona Daily Wildcat Wed, 13 Jan 2010 02:31 AM PST
Geoffrey Notkin, science writer and professional meteorite hunter, demonstrates how to use a magnet to test if a meteorite is real during a Science Café talk at Cushing Street Bar and Restaurant on Tuesday. ...

Football-sized space rocks yet to be found
Niagara This Week Tue, 12 Jan 2010 19:22 PM PST
Grimsby is officially a meteorite and pieces of the billions-of-years-old space rock remain unfound in its namesake town.

Triceratops in Cranbourne
Leader Community Newspapers Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:49 PM PST
DEVON Meadows meteorite hunter and natural history enthusiast, Tom Kapitany, has a special American visitor at his place these holidays - a triceratops. ...

13 January 2010

13JAN2010 Meteor/Meteorite News

Google Earth confirma prabusirea unui meteorit mitic in Australia
Urmarind o legenda din mitologia aborigenilor australieni, cercetatorii au descoperit un crater produs de prabusirea unui meteorit, in urma cu mai multe ...

Kometen, Asteroiden und Meteoriten Kleine Wilde aus dem All
Bayerischer Rundfunk.
Millionen von Asteroiden und Kometen rasen durchs All. Trudelnd und taumelnd sind viele der Geschosse auf wilden Bahnen unterwegs. ...

Meet the Logical Lizard at Flandrau's Science Cafe Tonight
Tucson Citizen
As my regular readers know, I spent much of the second half of 2009 working on my new adventure TV series Meteorite Men for Science Channel. ...

Was Ocean City find a meteor - or something else? | delawareonline ...
Md. man says he saw it falling, but expert has doubtsUpdate: Take a closer look. ... (HOAX)

12 January 2010

Space Weather News Bulletin: Asteroid with Close Flyby 12JAN10

Space Weather News for Jan. 12, 2010

CURIOUS ASTEROID FLYBY: A curious object is about to fly past Earth only one-third the distance to the Moon. Catalogued as a 10m-class asteroid, 2010 AL30 has an orbital period of almost exactly 1 year. This raises the possibility that it might not be a natural object, but rather a piece of some spacecraft from our own planet. At closest approach on Jan. 13th, 2010 AL30 will streak through Orion, Taurus, and Pisces glowing like a 14th magnitude star. Experienced amateur astronomers are encouraged to monitor the flyby.
See Space Weather News:
Orbital elements, images, and more information are available on http://spaceweather.com

NASA 2010 Scheduled Close Approach NEOs to Earth:
(Jan 2010- April 2010)
1 AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2010 AL2) 2010-Jan-11 0.0297 11.5 13 m - 30 m 26.5 7.29
(2007 UR3) 2010-Jan-11 0.1382 53.8 160 m - 350 m 21.2 1.76
24761 Ahau 2010-Jan-11 0.1820 70.8 880 m - 2.0 km 17.4 11.89
(2010 AJ30) 2010-Jan-12 0.0784 30.5 86 m - 190 m 22.5 7.04
169P/NEAT 2010-Jan-12 0.1943 75.6 n/a 0.0 18.92
138893 (2000 YH66) 2010-Jan-12 0.1786 69.5 700 m - 1.6 km 17.9 28.14
(2010 AF3) 2010-Jan-13 0.0524 20.4 16 m - 35 m 26.2 7.10
(2010 AL30) 2010-Jan-13 0.0009 0.3 11 m - 25 m 26.9 9.94
(2010 AG30) 2010-Jan-14 0.0070 2.7 10 m - 23 m 27.0 18.66
(2009 BK2) 2010-Jan-15 0.1846 71.8 23 m - 52 m 25.3 5.37
(2009 DA43) 2010-Jan-17 0.0916 35.6 33 m - 73 m 24.5 4.72
(2010 AE30) 2010-Jan-18 0.0486 18.9 62 m - 140 m 23.2 11.42
(2008 XM) 2010-Jan-18 0.0791 30.8 290 m - 640 m 19.8 34.03
(2010 AG3) 2010-Jan-19 0.0228 8.9 7.9 m - 18 m 27.6 4.73
(2010 AL) 2010-Jan-20 0.1466 57.1 88 m - 200 m 22.4 9.18
(2002 PP6) 2010-Jan-21 0.1829 71.2 470 m - 1.0 km 18.8 21.46
(2003 BH) 2010-Jan-22 0.0910 35.4 220 m - 480 m 20.4 11.91
(2001 BE10) 2010-Jan-25 0.1510 58.8 400 m - 890 m 19.1 10.86
(2010 AD3) 2010-Jan-26 0.1086 42.3 45 m - 100 m 23.9 6.70
152742 (1998 XE12) 2010-Jan-28 0.1127 43.8 440 m - 990 m 18.9 23.50
(2005 OU2) 2010-Jan-29 0.1233 48.0 400 m - 900 m 19.1 28.29
(2002 AJ129) 2010-Jan-30 0.1821 70.9 530 m - 1.2 km 18.5 29.76
(2008 CN1) 2010-Jan-30 0.0950 37.0 200 m - 460 m 20.6 10.50
(2008 KT) 2010-Feb-04 0.1105 43.0 6.0 m - 14 m 28.2 2.77
(2008 CL20) 2010-Feb-04 0.0594 23.1 23 m - 52 m 25.3 9.46
(2009 VT) 2010-Feb-05 0.1632 63.5 95 m - 210 m 22.2 8.43
(2009 UN3) 2010-Feb-09 0.0367 14.3 770 m - 1.7 km 17.7 22.66
(2008 CQ116) 2010-Feb-10 0.0496 19.3 50 m - 110 m 23.6 12.73
(2010 AE) 2010-Feb-11 0.1692 65.8 340 m - 770 m 19.4 11.88
228502 (2001 TE2) 2010-Feb-13 0.0673 26.2 270 m - 600 m 20.0 7.07
(2008 CD22) 2010-Feb-15 0.1424 55.4 100 m - 230 m 22.1 7.82
(2007 DA) 2010-Feb-18 0.1929 75.1 88 m - 200 m 22.4 23.87
(2006 EE1) 2010-Feb-18 0.1275 49.6 290 m - 660 m 19.8 19.11
162882 (2001 FD58) 2010-Feb-19 0.1502 58.5 570 m - 1.3 km 18.3 22.76
(2009 UD2) 2010-Feb-19 0.0384 14.9 94 m - 210 m 22.3 6.45
(2002 XY38) 2010-Feb-20 0.0416 16.2 70 m - 160 m 22.9 5.38
(2009 WM105) 2010-Feb-21 0.1865 72.6 66 m - 150 m 23.0 3.89
141495 (2002 EZ11) 2010-Feb-24 0.1992 77.5 630 m - 1.4 km 18.1 33.42
(2009 FY4) 2010-Feb-26 0.0739 28.8 180 m - 390 m 20.9 13.04
(2006 DS14) 2010-Feb-27 0.1561 60.8 240 m - 540 m 20.2 14.15
(2008 JV19) 2010-Feb-28 0.1636 63.7 200 m - 440 m 20.7 6.52
(2007 EF) 2010-Mar-01 0.0588 22.9 180 m - 400 m 20.8 13.89
(2001 PT9) 2010-Mar-02 0.0322 12.6 250 m - 570 m 20.1 13.34
(2000 CO101) 2010-Mar-02 0.1277 49.7 430 m - 960 m 19.0 8.59
(2009 UE2) 2010-Mar-04 0.1190 46.3 240 m - 530 m 20.3 10.00
(2008 EY5) 2010-Mar-05 0.0884 34.4 260 m - 580 m 20.1 12.21
(2009 CB3) 2010-Mar-07 0.1561 60.8 330 m - 750 m 19.5 30.00
209215 (2003 WP25) 2010-Mar-07 0.1122 43.7 38 m - 86 m 24.2 7.38
(2009 VO24) 2010-Mar-07 0.1468 57.1 310 m - 690 m 19.7 9.79
(2008 EE) 2010-Mar-11 0.1584 61.6 310 m - 700 m 19.6 9.41
4486 Mithra 2010-Mar-12 0.1890 73.5 2.0 km - 4.5 km 15.6 22.64
(2005 UO) 2010-Mar-12 0.1422 55.4 100 m - 230 m 22.1 22.97
(2009 FL) 2010-Mar-13 0.1565 60.9 34 m - 75 m 24.5 23.09
88254 (2001 FM129) 2010-Mar-13 0.1056 41.1 890 m - 2.0 km 17.4 23.05
162361 (2000 AF6) 2010-Mar-16 0.1819 70.8 260 m - 570 m 20.1 17.72
(2005 XA) 2010-Mar-17 0.1996 77.7 15 m - 33 m 26.3 18.10
(2008 EZ84) 2010-Mar-17 0.1900 73.9 16 m - 35 m 26.1 11.96
(2000 EW70) 2010-Mar-23 0.0593 23.1 150 m - 340 m 21.2 11.96
(2008 EG32) 2010-Mar-24 0.1614 62.8 10 m - 23 m 27.1 13.62
(2006 SS134) 2010-Mar-25 0.1429 55.6 140 m - 310 m 21.4 14.99
220124 (2002 TE66) 2010-Mar-28 0.1233 48.0 580 m - 1.3 km 18.3 26.90
(2009 SO103) 2010-Apr-03 0.1981 77.1 920 m - 2.1 km 17.3 21.96
(2006 SU217) 2010-Apr-04 0.1664 64.8 22 m - 49 m 25.4 5.35
(2009 HE60) 2010-Apr-05 0.0550 21.4 20 m - 44 m 25.7 5.95
(2009 TJ4) 2010-Apr-05 0.1289 50.2 16 m - 36 m 26.1 5.21
(2004 ER21) 2010-Apr-06 0.0816 31.8 37 m - 82 m 24.3 7.21
(2007 RF2) 2010-Apr-08 0.1961 76.3 190 m - 430 m 20.7 25.62
(2009 UX87) 2010-Apr-09 0.1345 52.3 23 m - 51 m 25.3 7.17
(2002 FQ5) 2010-Apr-10 0.1656 64.4 210 m - 480 m 20.5 20.45
(2008 GG2) 2010-Apr-10 0.1447 56.3 77 m - 170 m 22.7 7.16
(2004 FG11) 2010-Apr-10 0.0648 25.2 180 m - 390 m 20.9 25.46
218017 (2001 XV266) 2010-Apr-15 0.1856 72.2 330 m - 730 m 19.5 6.52
(2001 HC) 2010-Apr-15 0.1693 65.9 500 m - 1.1 km 18.6 14.86
(2009 BW2) 2010-Apr-16 0.1254 48.8 25 m - 56 m 25.1 4.25
(2009 BK2) 2010-Apr-17 0.1880 73.1 23 m - 52 m 25.3 5.82
(2004 HZ) 2010-Apr-17 0.1767 68.8 95 m - 210 m 22.2 18.62
(2005 YU55) 2010-Apr-19 0.0135 5.3 110 m - 240 m 22.0 13.17
(2008 UC202) 2010-Apr-20 0.0980 38.1 6.0 m - 13 m 28.2 4.10
(2009 UY19) 2010-Apr-23 0.0227 8.8 54 m - 120 m 23.5 4.81
(2004 US1) 2010-Apr-25 0.0673 26.2 190 m - 420 m 20.7 18.07

* Diameter estimates based on the object's absolute magnitude.

Tagish Lake Meteorite Video 12JAN2010

posted on YouTube by

The ultimate deep-space time capsule, this small black rock plummeted from space carrying organic material dating back 4.5 billion years. Much of the meteorite remains frozen in the Royal Ontario Museums vaults for research, but a sizable piece is on display in the Teck Suite of Galleries: Earths Treasure and is one of the Museums iconic treasures.