03 June 2009

Russia Meteorite News-Новая гипотеза: метеориты принесли на Землю воду и тепло 2JUN09

Новая гипотеза: метеориты принесли на Землю воду и тепло

02.06.2009, 14:32

Большая метеоритная бомбардировка, которой Земля подвергалась около четырех миллиардов лет назад, могла сделать нашу планету более пригодной для жизни, став одним из источников земной атмосферы и океанов, сообщает Imperial Colledge London.

Когда метеориты достигали атмосферы планеты, то в условиях крайне высокой температуры при входе в атмосферу некоторые минералы и органические составляющие в их внешнем слое выделяли значительное количество водяного пара и углекислого газа.

Ученые считают, что имено эта вода могла сделать атмосферы Земли и Марса более насыщенными влагой. А высвобождение "парникового" углекислого газа позволяло удерживать солнечную энергию, чтобы сделать атмосферу Земли и Марса достаточно теплой для возникновения океанов.

В новом исследовании ученые из Королевского Лондонского колледжа проанализировали минеральный и органический состав пятнадцати фрагментов древних метеоритов, найденных в разных местах земного шара, нагрев их до очень высокой температуры, сопоставимой с той, которая возникает при вхождении метеоритов в атмосферу.

Для этого ученые использовали новую технологию FTIR-пиролиза (pyrolysis-FTIR), которая с помощью электричества позволяет за секунду нагреть фрагменты метеоритов до температуры 20000 градусов по Цельсию.

Потом ученые измерили выделившийся газ.Оказалось, что в среднем каждый метеорит может высвободить воду, равную 12% их собственной массы и углекислый газ, равный около 6% массы. На основе этого ученые пришли к выводу, что вклад от отдельных метеоритов был слишком мал и вряд ли мог иметь важное влияние на атмосферу.

Однако далее ученые проанализировали данные по метеоритному дождю, получившему название "Последняя тяжелая бомбардировка" (Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB)), которая происходила 4 млрд лет назад на протяжении 20 млн лет, когда миллионы метеоритов падали на Землю и Марс.

Они подсчитали, что предполагаемое количество метеоритов могло высвобождать около 10 млрд тонн углекислого газа и 10 млрд тонн воды ежегодно, в то время как масса современной земной атмосферы составляет около 5 тысяч триллионов тонн. А этого бы хватило для того, чтобы сделать атмосферы обеих планет более теплыми и влажными и, соответственно, более пригодными для жизни.

Профессор Марк Сефтон (Mark Sephton) считает исследование крайне важным ключом к разгадке прошлого Земли.

"В течение долгого времени ученые пытались понять, откуда на Земле столько воды по сравнению с другими планетами Солнечной системы. "Последняя тяжелая бомбардировка" может оказаться ключом к разгадке".

"Благодаря своему химическому составу, древние метеориты могли оказаться теми, кто "населил" нашу Землю водой. И вот сейчас у нас есть данные, показывающие, как много воды и углекислого газа принесли на нашу планету метеориты. Эти газы могли сразу начать оказывать действие - за счет парникового эффекта удерживая воду и согревая нашу планету", - говорит Сэфтон.

Правда, по словам ученых, Марс в отличие от Земли не смог удержать свою птицу счастья - гидросфера и атмосфера Марса, некогда почти такая же мощная, как и на Земле, не сохранилась из-за слабого магнитного поля планеты и недостаточной вулканической деятельности. Все это вызвало смещение жидких океанов к полюсам, где они превратились в лед.

Результаты исследования опубликованы в журнале Geochimica et Cosmochima Acta.

Динозавры вымерли не от столкновения с астероидом

Российские ученые разгадали тайну свечения Галактики

Ученые NASA: Земле удалось избежать экологической катастрофы

Движущийся задом наперед: ученые обнаружили потенциально опасный астероид

Ученые увидели звезду, взорвавшуюся 13,1 млрд световых лет назад

Автор: САН-Новосибирск

01 June 2009

Meteorite storms brought Earth alive 1JUN09

Meteorite storms brought Earth alive

by Skymania.com
Researchers at Imperial College London analysed the remains of 15 fragments of ancient meteorites that had crashed around the world. They then baked them at very high temperatures just like they would experience when entering the ...
Skymania News | Space headlines - http://news.skymania.com/

Buzzard Coulee Meteorite Photos Link 1JUN09

Geoff Notkin of www.aerolite.org has posted some photos of his recent meteorite hunt at Buzzard Coulee, Canada.

31 May 2009

Japan Meteorite News: 32nd Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites 31MAY09

32nd Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites to be Held
Tokyo, Japan
The 32nd Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites will be held at National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan, on June 3 and 4, 2009.


The program and abstracts are downloadable from

Response to Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman 31MAY09

Response to "Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman "
by Martin Altmann, Germany:
I just want to add some information, partially missing in the article, and
maybe not so well known.

To avoid any misunderstanding I first have to say,
that the Suisse searching campaign are exemplary and a success.

"Amateur collectors of meteorites have been accused of inappropriately
handling them and inadequately documenting their finds, making life
difficult for the scientists who want to study the rocks."

There is missing a "wrongly" and the term "amateur" is somewhat improper.

Because these searchers documented each find with all data, took the
geographical coordinates, made in-situ photos, were sometimes describing the
properties of the surrounding soils and brought them to the normal
classification process, so that they were published by the Meteoritical
Furthermore the finds were available to everyone, of course to scientists
too and that more readily than e.g. the Antarctic finds with their
distribution system.

Several of these searchers were trained geologists and some of them even
were employed at one of the leading institutes of meteorites.
Additionally many of them were responsible for the earlier desert finds in
Libya, before they opened up with their activities the desert of Oman for

Another hint, that these searchers should rather be called "professionals"
might be their find record.
Let's take a look on the lunaites and Martians, because they are highlighted
in the article.

These searchers found all in all

78 stones of lunaites, representing 19 different falls, with a combined
weight of 10,077 grams.

The Suisse campaigns from 2001 on found
1 stone, representing 1 lunaite, weighing 206g.

The "amateurs" found 3 different Martian meteorites, totaling 12,282grams
Suisse teams: 1 stone, 223grams - an additional find of a Martian, where of
the amateur searcher had found the 2 years before more than 10kgs.

Nowadays, since a few years, searching and export permits are issued by the
Omani authorities only for the Suisse-Oman-team and for nobody else anymore.

A situation, where one could come to the opinion, which is far from being
ideal, at least seeing the requirements of planetology and science.
A solution could be, to involve the so successful searchers from former
times into the official campaigns.

"in fact it was the appearance (and sale) of those rocks"

The commercial argument is proven to be weak.
E.g. seen the costs for the expedition, salaries & insurances and the
classification and lab equipment, there wouldn't have any difference, if the
authorities of Oman would have acquired ready classified chondrites up to
5-10kgs from these private searchers, if I remember their prices correcly.
(didn't made the stats, but I would be surprised, if less than 80%++ of all
finds in Oman would be ordinary chondrites).
And in general, as explained here several times - the acquiring costs of
annual World-output of new meteorites by the private/commercial side
do not exceed the costs of 3-4 normal midsized research projects in other
displines of 1st-World-universities.

"the Oman project is the only long-term search program currently being
conducted in a hot desert."

Unfortunately that is true.

Which leads two to questions:

How legitimate or how meaningful are then the restrictive legislation, which
was enforced (and which is about to be enforced) in other countries with
deserts similar productive like the Omani desert, prohibiting private
if the research policy in these countries isn't able to conduct continously
official meteorite expeditions?

The complete break-down of the number of finds in Libya and Australia is
documented in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database published by the
Meteoritical Society:

The same type of legislation is planned for the NWA-sector,
Possibly leading to similar results.

And secondly,
one could feel a wrong weighting of meteorite science, if not more of such
expeditions are carried out.
Here the article is very good, in outlining, that the research on meteorites
is the essential research about the solar system, our origins and in
gathering basic information for planetology.
Seen the expenses for Earth-bound observatories and space-flight missions,
handling similar questions,
it is hardly understandable that so few means are used for the search for
meteorites and the scientific work on them,
as there exist no research on our solar system, which is so efficient like
the research on meteorites.
To invest in a more sufficient way in labs and expeditions for meteorites,
especially for desert meteorites, where the cost compared to the Antarctic
campaigns are lower with a factor of 50-100 (and where the find rates are
would still be, compared to the budgets of the neighbouring disciplines,
nothing else than peanuts.

Insofar, such articles are very important, to raise more attention.

" samples weighing four tons."

Wasn't there a publication last year -- speaking
of six tons?

All the Best!

28 May 2009

India Meteorite News- Allahabad University to Study Meteorites 28MAY09

Allahabad University to Study Meteorites
Yahoo News-India 26MAY09
K. Sandeep Kumar

Tue, May 26 12:55 AM

EXPERTS at the Allahabad University's department of earth and planetary sciences (EPS) have begun an in-depth study of samples of meteorites that have hit the Indian soil in the last seven years. The study, being undertaken by a team led by Dr J.K. Pati, is expected to unfold the mineral mysteries of these meteorites and help understand the complex process of the formation of planets and the solar system.

The AU's department of EPS also has the unique distinction of discovering the largest meteoritic impact crater, formed between the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia called the Dhala impact crater that could well emerge as the oldest on the planet. "We are studying the meteorites that hit the earth between 2001 and 2008.

This includes Dergaon meteorite from Assam (March 2, 2001), Mahadevpur meteorite, Assam (February 21, 2007) and Sulagiri meteorite, Tamil Nadu (September 12, 2008)," said Dr Pati. He said that these are the pieces of asteroids revolving between Mars and Jupiter.

Dr Pati said that their study is essential to understand the process of formation of planets and the solar system, in general.

German Meteorite News-Tagish Lake Meteorite 28MAR09

Meteorit birgt hohen Anteil organischer Ameisensäure

Der Tagish-Meteorit | Copyright: NASA

Toronto/ Kanada - In einem im Jahr 2000 im Tagish-See gestürzten Meteoriten haben kanadische Wissenschaftler einen enorm hohen Anteil von Methansäure-(Ameisensäure)-Molekülen außerirdischen Ursprungs entdeckt, wie sie auch zu den Grundbausteinen des organischen Lebens auf der Erde zählen.

Die Untersuchungen durch das Team um Dr. Christopher Herd an der University of Alberta erbrachten in dem kosmischen Brocken einen vier Mal höheren Anteil der Säuremoleküle als in anderen bisher untersuchten Meteoriten. Auf dem Treffen der American Geophysical Union (AGU) haben die Forscher ihre Ergebnisse jetzt erstmals vorgestellt. ...


Czech Meteorite News-Tunguzský meteorit 28MAY09

Mimozemšťané prý zachránili Zemi, odstřelili Tunguzský meteorit


Může to znít velmi šíleně, ale teorie ruského vědce Jurije Lavbina stojí přinejmenším za vyslechnutí. Lavbin se domnívá, že Zemi zachránili v roce 1908 od totální devastace mimozemšťané, kteří zapříčinili výbuch Tunguzského meteoritu ještě před samotným dopadem. Kdyby totiž meteorit dopadl na zemský povrch, znamenalo by to konec života na naší planetě. Vědec má pro svou teorii hned několik podpůrných důkazů. ...


Richard Norton Has Passed Away 27MAY09

O. Richard Norton, Meteorite Book Writer- Deceased
1937 - 2009

Richard Norton passed away last week, after a long illness.I had known fot quite some time that Richard was in poor health, still the news of his death came as a shock. Last time I called Dorothy, I heard piano playing in the background, Chopin and very good, I thought it was a CD playing or the radio, but Dorothy told me it was Richard, and we stopped a moment to listen, it was beautiful, I had no idea Richard was such a virtuoso.I had met Richard and Dorothy several years ago in Tucson, Thanks to Twink. I was very much a new comer then , and I found Richard to be bright, friendly, funny and so approchable. I still remember showing him a slice of Tafassasset, he looked at it with his loupe for quite a while, then told me that this meteorite left him speechless. Dorothy laughed, apparently Richard was rarely speechless.And now there is that great big hole in the middle of the Meteorite Community.

O. Richard Norton passed away at Hospice House in Bend, Oregon, on May 17 after a long illness. A life-long educator and the author of popular books and articles about meteorites, astronomy and planetariums, Richard discovered his life’s passion when he built his first telescope at 14. His love for the sky and all things astronomical led him from an after-school job at Cave Optical Company in Long Beach, California, to a career in public science education.
While studying astronomy and meteoritics at UCLA, he was a lecturer at Griffith Observatory and Planetarium in Los Angeles. In 1957 he worked at the Nevada Test Site as a field researcher for the Atomic Energy Commission. There he witnessed the last 10 above-ground nuclear explosions and conducted research at the test site on the ecological effects of radiation. After graduation in 1960, he worked briefly as an optical engineer at Northrop Corporation and Tinsley Laboratories.
But he soon returned to his beloved planetariums. After 2 years at Morrison Planetarium in San Francisco, in 1963 he became Director of the University of Nevada’s Fleischmann Planetarium in Reno, where he also taught astronomy. There Richard designed the world’s first 35mm fisheye motion picture system, called the Atmospherium, which was used to project realistic time-lapse motion pictures of developing weather systems onto the interior of a planetarium dome.
His first book, The Planetarium and Atmospherium, An Indoor Universe, was published in 1969. He was a planetarium design engineer and consultant for Minolta Camera Company in Osaka, Japan. Richard became the founding director of the University of Arizona’s Flandrau Planetarium in 1973, where he continued teaching and co-designed a fisheye projection camera system which flew on the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1984, producing the first full sky motion pictures from space.
In 1978 he started Science Graphics, a company that manufactured sets of teaching slides in astronomy and other sciences for use in college level courses.
Richard loved teaching and sharing his enthusiasm for astronomy, the space program, photography, geology and telescope making. He gave public lectures and taught community education classes, even venturing into the Arizona State Penitentiary to teach in maximum security and protective custody. He led field trips to Cape Canaveral, where he had his fisheye cameras at most Apollo launches, and on solar eclipse trips around the world, from Mexico to Romania.
In 1986 he moved to Bend, where he taught astronomy at Central Oregon Community College for 7 years. In Bend he rediscovered his early passion for meteorites. His book Rocks From Space was published in 1994, followed by The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites in 2002. His wife Dorothy Sigler Norton, who is a scientific illustrator, produced the illustrations and cover designs. The Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites, published in 2008, was co-authored with Bend geologist Lawrence Chitwood. Many of Richard’s meteorites are on display at the Sunriver Nature Center in Sunriver, Oregon.
Richard loved classical music and had studied piano since the age of 7. In Bend he started a series of concerts called the Four Seasons, which were held for more than 10 years at the Norton home on the equinoxes and solstices.
Richard is survived by his wife Dorothy, his sister Gloria Berg, three children from previous marriages and a granddaughter.

Source: Anne Black, Denver, Colorado

2009 K3 Asteroid or Dormant Comet Headed Towards Earth Pass? 27MAY09

Yesterday the circular for MPEC 2009-K39 : 2009 KC3 was edited- 25MAY09

2009 KC3 it's an asteroid of around 1 Km in diameter with a MOID of 0.00967772 AU and with a very like comet orbit, the 1st and 2nd September 2009 shall be of 15.4a and the 24th and 25th August shall be at 0.049 U.A. from the Earth.

Around 29 August the asteroid shall pass in the near same place where shall be the Earth two day after,

At today the object it's only an asteroid but, if it's a dormient comet at the end of August this year we can to have an outburst (probably little) of slow meteors.The orbit it's calculated from an arc of only 20 days, then can change a little.

---Here is what I came up with using the elements from MPEC 2009-K39 : 2009 KC3
The asteroid will arrive at the ascending node of its orbit at 20:45 UT on August 29 and the Earth will be closest to the node at 09:15 UT on September 2 (3.52 days after the asteroid). The distance separating the two orbits at that time will be 0.014 AU.
Interestingly, going backwards in time, the asteroid's perihelion distance and orbital period seems to increase; a century ago perihelion may have been ~0.17 AU larger and its period ~0.4 year longer.
Around 1989, the orbit of Earth and the asteroid virtually intersected at the node. Looking ahead in time, the asteroid's perihelion distance and orbital period will once again increase.
In 2109 perihelion may be ~0.18 AU larger and its period ~0.4 longer. In 2028, the asteroid arrives at the node about 20-days AFTER the Earth.
Anybody else have anything to add? If there is any material trailing behind 2009 KC3, it appears that the best time to look for any associated meteor activity would be on the morning of September 2, 2009.

Roberto . . . did you calculate a possible radiant?-- by Joe Rao

North in Yuba City, California.AMS eyewitness report time is: May 25th, 2210 hrs. PDT 28MAY09

Fireball or ISS? 25MAY09
25MAY09 Fireball?/ISS? Report Updated 28MAY09

Anyone else get a photo of it, or see it around Glen Ellen, California? Glen Ellen is near the center of Santa Rosa-Napa-Petaluma triangle. I am North in Yuba City, California.
AMS eyewitness report time is: May 25th, 2210 hrs. PDT, traveling from NW30 to SE90 YCSentinel has a capture of a very bright object travelling slowly apparently toward my zenith FROM the North-West.
Sentinel camera timed out at 12 seconds with the object still bright and moving. I thought it might be a slow airplane.....until now!
My time is May 25th, 2211:34 Sentinel Light Curve is huge lasting 370 frames before time-out. I have a short (12 second composite picture & a movie) of what I did capture with the Sentinel system.

My 2nd "Handyavi" system has a corrupt file which occured just before this event. (0506 UT time). That corruption may have been caused by this long lasting fireball.
I am unable to recover that file unfortunately.

Received from Marc Fries PhD. c/c to Peter Jenniskens-- YCSentinel 28MAY09
"I haven't retrieved the radar data for this one yet, but I strongly suspect we're looking at an ISS pass.
The following pass is recorded for Sacramento using the Heavens-Above website:
25 May -2.5 22:09:04 10 NW 22:11:59 87 NE 22:12:02 85 E This records a near-zenith pass starting around 2210 and starting out of the NW. Cheers, MDF"

New North Central California Fireball Event May 27 at 0228:46 PDT 27MAY09

JUST RELEASED! will soon be updated!!!! check back
May 27 at 0228:46 PDT
This Fireball appears mid-sky south of North Central California.Characterized by what appears may be the ejection of objects which begin a now visible brief ablation or heating after a short distance from the core on either side.I can only speculate* (*no credentials for this) that PART of this fireball fragmented explosively and it may be that cool fragments reached ablation velocity momentarily. They appear stationary in my images after heating. A possible meteoroid dropping event?

Soon to be updated by YCSentinel

New Fireball event May 27 at 0228:46 PDT

New event May 27 at 0228:46 PDT image by YCSentinel

Composite image scaled with a detail insert. The movie clearly shows the ejected(?) particles.
Date and time is in the file name: May 27 at 0228:46 PDT
Date-Time 20090527_0228:46 PDT. (0928:46 UT)
Duration = 3 seconds.
Start Azimuth = 186 Deg. true North.
Start Elevation = 58 Deg.End Azimuth 153 Deg.
End Elevation 47 Degrees

Looks like the 90 second event was an ISS satellite pass.
I am hoping I can bring out the positions of the apparent fragments in the composite. If not I will attempt inserts at the top of the composite image showing where they were in respect to the core at their separate visible times.
The movie shows these hot fragments very clear during the event.

The movie shows these hot fragments very clearly during the event.
This Fireball appears mid-sky south of North Central California. Characterized by what appears may be the ejection of objects which begin a now visible brief ablation or heating after a short distance from the core on either side.I can only speculate* (*no credentials for this) that PART of this fireball fragmented explosively and it may be that cool fragments reached ablation velocity momentarily. They appear stationary in my images after heating. A possible meteoroid dropping event?

reported by YCSentinel

27 May 2009

International Science Society, Sigma Xi Honors Meteorite Professor 27MAY09

Alex Ruzicka, Portland State, Geology Dept.
Winner in Earth Sciences

Daily Vanguard- 27MAY09

When the Buzzard Coulee meteorite fell in Canada last Thanksgiving, Professor Alex Ruzicka was on the case to classify the meteorite.An expert in meteorites, Ruzicka is also the co-founder and director of the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, which provides education outreach to people in the area on meteorites. It is the only meteorite laboratory in the Pacific Northwest. ...

Tagish Lake Meteorite Makes More News 27MAY09

A more organic meteorite
Science News Tue, 26 May 2009 13:01 PM PDT
Some may contain more formic acid, a precursor to life, than previously thought ...

Meteorite Contains Record Amount of Organic Compounds
redOrbit Tue, 26 May 2009 12:12 PM PDT
Scientists have reported the discovery of formic acid at record levels in a meteorite that splashed into Tagish Lake in Canada in 2000.Formic acid is the simplest carboxylic acid. It is rich in carbon, and it has been linked to the origin of life. ...

Space rock yields carbon bounty
BBC News Tue, 26 May 2009 06:42 AM PDT
A meteorite that crashed to Earth in 2000 has shown an abundance of a chemical likely to have been involved in the origins of life. ...

Space rock yields important 'ingredient in kitchen' on Earth before life began
New Kerala Wed, 27 May 2009 04:34 AM PDT
London, May 27: Scientists have found formic acid, a molecule implicated in the origins of life, has been found at record levels on a meteorite that fell into the Tagish Lake in Canada in the year 2000. ...

26 May 2009

Students search for space rocks
Meridian Booster, Lloydminster
The kids found their first meteorite before the search even started, right by the road while they were lining up in a straight line. (more)...

Climate History Of Arctic Illuminated By Study Of 3.6-Million-Year-Old Meteorite Impact Crater In Siberia 26MAY09

Climate History Of Arctic Illuminated By Study Of 3.6-Million-Year-Old Meteorite Impact Crater In Siberia
Science Daily - May 25
Scientists have studied the El'gygytgyn meteorite impact crater in Arctic Siberia. They found, from analyses of the drill cores, new information about the formation of the impact crater, as well as information they can use more fully to understand the climate history of the Arctic.

25 May 2009

Yuba City, California Fireball 10MAY09 25MAY09

Yuba City, California Fireball of 10MAY09
Time: 20090510_0341 PDT
START RA 19 hrs 41'Dec = 21 deg
END:RA 22 hrs 35'Dec = -10 deg 11'
This fireball was a little over 7 seconds and appears to travel on the celestial equator.
Duration = 7.5 seconds.
Brightness = 1/2 full moon
Start Az. = 154 Deg. True North
Start Elev. = ~25 Deg
End Az = 112 Deg. True North
End Elev. = ~10 Deg
Report was held back because of its somewhat regular & pulsation during flight. This fireball was esthetically pleasing, but did not detonate, appearing to burn itself out.
Reported by YCSentinel 21MAY09

Příbramský meteorit vynesl české vědce na špičku světové astronomie 25MAY09

Příbramský meteorit vynesl české vědce na špičku světové astronomie
iHNed.cz -
"Nedokázali jsme si jev vysvětlit, až ráno jsme se z rozhlasu dozvěděli, že na území Čech spadl meteorit." "Bolid byl jasný asi jako stowattová žárovka (more) ...

24 May 2009

Mars Impact Crater Indicates Ancient Mars Climate 23MAY09

Opportunity Reveals Long-time Water, Winds at Victoria
A sizable collaboration of researchers has unveiled an enormous set of data from NASA’s Opportunity rover today — data that testify to the rover’s lucky longevity, and paint a picture of climate events that have shaped Victoria Crater, shown in this NASA/JPL-Caltech image. The climate history is vast and compelling, including dramatic floods and terrain-shaping winds spanning [...]
Universe Today - May 22 5:47 AM

Mars was windy, wet and wild in ancient times
Washington, May 22 : The instruments aboard the Rover Opportunity, which are studying the Victoria Crater on Mars, has revealed more evidence of the red planet's windy, wet and wild past.
New Kerala - May 22 2:33 AM

23 May 2009

Morocco To Hold Meteorite Exposition 22MAY09

Expo: Meteorites of Morocco, a Heavenly Heritage

For the first time in Morocco; an exhibition of meteorites will take place at the Amazigh Heritage Museum of Agadir (Morocco) from Tuesday June 2 to Friday 12 June 2009.
The exhibition will be led by a specialist who will answer your questions and with samples to touch. This event is organized by the Scientific and Cultural Club Ibn Zohr (C.S.C.I.Z.) and the laboratory of Petrology, Mineralogy and materials of Ibn Zohr University (L.P.M.M.).
All lovers of these space random travelers that are meteors (Amateurs, Private collectors and professional from the scientific community) are invited to gather in this magical place in the center of Agadir city.
You will be able to admire many meteorites owned by the L.P.M.M. laboratory; understand the phenomenon of meteorites from their fall to their collection in the desert and learn how to distinguish between Chondrites, Achondrites, and Iron meteorites.

For any further information please contact:
Prof. Ibhi Abderrahmane
Laboratoire de Pétrologie, Métallogénie et Matériaux
Faculté des Sciences, Agadir
Université Ibn Zohr
Tèl : 0528 23 58 60
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New insights from Canadian meteorites 22MAY09

American Geophysical Union
2009 Joint Assembly
The Meeting of the Americas
24–27 May 2009
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Press conference on "New insights from Canadian meteorites" to be held on Sunday, 24 May at 1400h.

New insights from Canadian meteorites
Meteorites, being rocks from space, are solid samples of places in the Solar System to which we cannot easily go. The study of their physical and mineralogical characteristics provides insights into the diversity of processes involved in their origin. Likewise, the conditions under which they fall to Earth provide links to their asteroid or planetary parent bodies. Speakers will discuss new results regarding detection of organic molecules important for life in the unique Tagish Lake, B.C. meteorite (Herd), special conditions of formation of the 1000-year old Whitecourt, Alberta impact crater (Kofman), and the spectacular November 20, 2008 fireball that resulted in the fall of the Buzzard Coulee, Saskatchewan meteorite (Hildebrand).

Alan Hildebrand Canada Research Chair in Planetary Science, Coordinator of the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada;

Randolf Kofman Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;

Christopher Herd Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Sessions: MA11B, MA12A, MA13A, MA13C

22 May 2009

Meteorites: An Intro to Cosmic Geology 22MAY09

Cosmic Geology Lands in Berthoud
Berthoud Recorder - ‎5 hours ago‎
Matt Morgan`s show entitled, “Meteorites: An Intro to Cosmic Geology” gave fascinating highlights of some of the most notable meteorite falls, mainly focused on those (more)...

India- Press Reports Meteorite Fall 21MAY09

Two meteorites found in Muzaffarnagar
The Times of India
21 May 2009, 1733 hrs IST, PTI
MUZAFFARNAGAR, Uttar Pradesh: A Karimpur villager in the district was alarmed when two hot embers fell down from the sky in his compound after rainfall.
An expert later said the two pieces found in Shyambir's house compound are meteorites and could be part of a bigger meteor that might have exploded while rushing down the earth's atmosphere.
"Two small meteorites which fell in the house compound were hot," Shyambir claimed. The pieces, which were found yesterday, weigh about 250 gm and 100 gm, he said.
A professor in the field of astronomy and celestial bodies, Deepak Sharma, said the two pieces are believed to be parts of a bigger meteor which must have exploded.
According to villagers, the pieces fell down after rainfall in the area yesterday.
Some years ago, a big meteorite had fallen down at Kasoli village in the district, weighing about seven kg.

21 May 2009



A NASA-funded study indicates that an intense asteroid bombardment nearly 4 billion years ago may not have sterilized the early Earth as completely as previously thought. The asteroids, some the size of Kansas, possibly even provided a boost for early life. The study focused on a particularly cataclysmic occurrence known as the Late Heavy Bombardment, or LHB.

This event occurred approximately 3.9 billion years ago and lasted 20 to 200 million years. In a letter published in the May 21 issue of Nature magazine titled "Microbial Habitability of the Hadean Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment," Oleg Abramov and Stephen J. Mojzsis, astrobiologists at the University of Colorado's Department of Geological Sciences, report on the results of a computer modeling project designed to study the heating of Earth by the bombardment.

Results from their project show that while the Late Heavy Bombardment might have generated enough heat to sterilize Earth's surface, microbial life in subsurface and underwater environments almost certainly would have survived.

"Exactly when life originated on Earth is a hotly debated topic," said Michael H. New, the astrobiology discipline scientist and manager of the Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

"These findings are significant because they indicate that if life had begun before the LHB or some time prior to 4 billion years ago, it could have survived in limited refuges and then expanded to fill our world."

"Our new results point to the possibility life could have emerged about the same time that evidence for our planet's oceans first appears," said Mojzsis, principal investigator of the project.

A growing scientific consensus is that during our solar system's formation, planetary bodies were pummeled by debris throughout the Late Heavy Bombardment. A visual record of the event is preserved in the form of the scarred face of our moon. On Earth, all traces of the bombardment appear to have been erased by rock recycling forces like weathering, volcanoes or other conditions that cause the crust to move or change. Surface habitats for microbial life on early Earth would have been destroyed repeatedly by the bombardment.

However, at the same time, impacts could have created subsurface habitats for life, such as extensive networks of cracks or even hydrothermal vents. Any existing microbial life on Earth could have found refuge in these habitats. If life had not yet emerged on Earth by the time of the bombardment, these new subsurface environments could have been the place where terrestrial life emerged.

"Even under the most extreme conditions we imposed on our model, the bombardment could not have sterilized Earth completely," said Abramov, lead author of the paper. "Our results are in line with the scientific consensus that hyperthermophilic, or 'heat-loving,' microbes could have been the earliest life forms on Earth, or survivors from an even more ancient biosphere.

The results also support the potential for the persistence of microbial biospheres on other planetary bodies whose surfaces were reworked by the bombardment, including Mars." NASA's Astrobiology Program's Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology Program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., through its support of NASA's Postdoctoral Program, provided funding for this research.

The Astrobiology Program supports research into the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life on Earth and the potential for life elsewhere.

For more information about NASA's astrobiology activities, visit:

May 20, 2009
Dwayne Brown Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1726 dwayne.c.brown@nasa.gov
Jim Scott University of Colorado, Boulder 303-492-3114 jim.scott@colorado.edu
RELEASE: 09-111

20 May 2009

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York' 20MAY09

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'
By Molly Bentley, Science reporter
A huge wave crashed into the New York City region 2,300 years ago, dumping sediment and shells across Long Island and New Jersey and casting wood debris far up the Hudson River.
The scenario, proposed by scientists, is undergoing further examination to verify radiocarbon dates and to rule out other causes of the upheaval. ...

Oldest Surface on Earth Discovered 20MAY09

Oldest Surface on Earth Discovered
(Live Science)
A new study of ancient "desert pavement" in Israel's Negev Desert finds a vast region that's been sitting there exposed, pretty much as-is, for about 1.8 million years, making it the oldest known vast expanse of surface area. more...

Describen el primer cráter elíptico por impacto de meteorito 19MAY09

En Australia
Describen el primer cráter elíptico por impacto de meteorito
MADRID, 5 May. (EUROPA PRESS) - Prácticamente todos los cráteres por impactos de meteorito en la Tierra son circulares. Formaciones alargadas sólo pueden producirse con impactos producidos con un ángulo menor a 12 grados sobre el horizonte.
Un equipo de geólogos ha descrito en Australia el primer cráter de estas características, que puede proporcionar valiosa información sobre los mecanismos de formación de cráteres con pequeños ángulos de impacto.
El diámetro del cráter Matt Wilson, localizado en el Territorio del Norte (Australia) mide 7,5 por 6,3 kilómetros, con un eje alrgado en dirección noreste-suroeste. La superficie del interior del cráter muestra una acumulación de placas apiladas dentro de una elevación central, lo que indica que el material se transportó en dirección suroeste.
Esto se explica debido al vestigio de velocidad horizontal transferida por el meteorito a las rocas contra las que que impactó. La estructura Matt Wilson proporciona evidencias respecto a la utilidad de las asimetrías estructurales como herramienta de diagnóstico para inferir la dirección del impacto.
El estudio, realizado por Thomas Kekmann y Michael H.Poelchau, se publica en la edición de mayo de la revista Geogology, informa ScienceDaily.

19 May 2009

Mass Extinctions- Medea Hypothesis 19MAY09

Peter Ward on mass extinctions

Speakers Peter Ward: Paleontologist

The Medea Hypothesis: Is Life on Earth Ultimately Self-Destructive? by Peter Ward

Using the latest discoveries from the geological record, he argues that life might be its own worst enemy.”

“According to the Medea hypothesis, it does. Ward demonstrates that all but one of the mass extinctions that have struck Earth were caused by life itself. He looks at our planet's history in a new way, revealing an Earth that is witnessing an alarming decline of diversity and biomass--a decline brought on by life's own "biocidal" tendencies.”

Did a Nickel Famine Trigger the "Great Oxidation Event"? 19MAY09

Did a Nickel Famine Trigger the "Great Oxidation Event"?

Carnegie Institution of Washington
Contact:Dominic Papineau, 202-478-8908
April 8, 2009

Washington, D.C. -- The Earth's original atmosphere held very little oxygen. This began to change around 2.4 billion years ago when oxygen levels increased dramatically during what scientists call the "Great Oxidation Event."

The cause of this event has puzzled scientists, but researchers writing in Nature[*] have found indications in ancient sedimentary rocks that it may have been linked to a drop in the level of dissolved nickel in seawater.

"The Great Oxidation Event is what irreversibly changed surface environments on Earth and ultimately made advanced life possible," says research team member Dominic Papineau of the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory. "It was a major turning point in the evolution of our planet,and we are getting closer to understanding how it occurred."

The researchers, led by Kurt Konhauser of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, analyzed the trace element composition of sedimentary rocks known as banded-iron formations, or BIFs, from dozens of different localities around the world, ranging in age from 3,800 to 550 million years.

Banded iron formations are unique, water-laid deposits often found in extremely old rock strata that formed before the atmosphere or oceans contained abundant oxygen. As their name implies, they are made of alternating bands of iron and silicate minerals. They also contain minor amounts of nickel and other trace elements.

Nickel exists in today's oceans in trace amounts, but was up to 400 times more abundant in the Earth's primordial oceans. Methane-producing microorganisms, called methanogens, thrive in such environments, and the methane they released to the atmosphere might have prevented the buildup of oxygen gas, which would have reacted with the methane to produce carbon dioxide and water.

A drop in nickel concentration would have led to a"nickel famine" for the methanogens, who rely on nickel-based enzymes for key metabolic processes. Algae and other organisms that release oxygen during photosynthesis use different enzymes, and so would have been less affected by the nickel famine. As a result, atmospheric methane would have declined, and the conditions for the rise of oxygen would have been set in place.The researchers found that nickel levels in the BIFs began dropping around 2.7 billion years ago and by 2.5 billion years ago was about half its earlier value.

"The timing fits very well. The drop in nickel could have set the stage for the Great Oxidation Event," says Papineau. "And from what we know about living methanogens, lower levels of nickel would have severely cut back methane production."What caused the drop in nickel? The researchers point to geologic changes that were occurring during the interval. During earlier phases of the Earth's history, while its mantle was extremely hot, lavas from volcanic eruptions would have been relatively high in nickel. Erosion would have washed the nickel into the sea, keeping levels high. But as the mantle cooled, and the chemistry of lavas changed, volcanoes spewed out less nickel, and less would have found its way to the sea."The nickel connection was not something anyone had considered before," says Papineau. "It's just a trace element in seawater, but our study indicates that it may have had a huge impact on the Earth's environment and on the history of life."

[*] Kurt O. Konhauser, Ernesto Pecoits, Stefan V. Lalonde, Dominic Papineau,Euan G. Nisbet, Mark E. Barley, Nicholas T. Arndt, Kevin Zahnle & Balz S.Kamber, Oceanic nickel depletion and a methanogen famine before the Great Oxidation Event, scheduled for publication in Nature on 09 April, 2009.

Asteroid Impact Prediction 19MAY09

Can We Predict When An Asteroid Will Impact Earth
by Staff Writers Bonn, Germany (SPX)
May 19, 2009
Objects with orbits that bring them near to Earth are potential killers. ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19MAY09

Possible Meteorite-NOT Found in Field
FOX 4 News Dallas - Fort Worth
Mon, 18 May 2009 11:05 AM PDT
Scientists have visited a field in Somervell County to see if a mysterious rock is indeed a meteorite. ...

Collector pays $50,000 for a 5-pound rock
Chicago Sun-Times
Mon, 18 May 2009 07:30 AM PDT
The Garza stone has a new home. The five-pound meteorite that crashed into a Park Forest home in 2003 was bought by a private collector for $50,787.50 Sunday during an auction by Dallas-based Heritage Auctions. David Herskowitz, director of natural history at Heritage, says it's the Garza's provenance that makes it exceptional. "The added value of this meteorite is that it hit a man-made ...

(New Method for Detecting Extraterrestrial Life)
Wired Vision
この説の証拠としては、太陽系形成初期からあまり変質していないと考えられているマーチソン隕石に地球上に存在していないアミノ酸が検出され、このアミノ酸がL体が ...

18 May 2009

Swiss Geologists Return From Oman with Meteorites 18MAY2009

Searching for Meteorites in the Deserts of Oman
By Simon Mitton
Astrobiology Magazine --May 18, 2009
Rub Al-Khali desert close to the border to Saudi Arabia.
The team checked out flat area between the 100-metre high dunes and the salt marsh in the foreground, making several meteorite finds in this location. ...

Related Articles:

Note: Meteors, Comets and Asteroids

Extraterrestrial Microdiamonds Found in Ancient Foraminifera 18MAY09

Image: (c) E.R. Degginger/SPL
Sea creatures had a thing for bling
New Scientist
08 May 2008 by Lewis Dartnell
Call it extraterrestrial bling. Fossilised sea creatures have been found that coated themselves in tiny diamonds created in the asteroid impact that killed off the dinosaurs.
The fossils were discovered by a team led by Michael Kaminski, a geologist at University College London. They went to the Umbria-Marche basin of eastern Italy in search of the fossilised remains of deep-ocean creatures called agglutinated foraminifera. These amoeba-like single-celled organisms build protective "tests" around themselves by sticking together sediment grains from the sea floor. Curiously, they seem to prefer heavy grains, presumably to help them sink to the bottom of the ocean. ...

17 May 2009

Carlisle, England Fireball Reported16MAY09

Meteor strike may have caused peat bog fire near Carlisle
News & Star
By Phil Coleman
Carlisle, Cumbria, North-west England
Saturday, 16 May 2009
A huge fire which tore through a Cumbria peat bog near Carlisle may have been caused by a meteor strike, according to some locals.
Firefighters spent several hours on Monday morning battling the blaze at Wedholme Flow, near Kirkbride, which at its height stretched for half a mile, leaving a wall of fire visible from miles around. ...

15 May 2009

Dr. John Spray, Impact Researcher in the News 15MAY09

Professor's love of space turning him into a star
Daily Gleaner - ‎May 15, 2009‎
He was asked to talk about how the impact of meteorites creates metal deposits and can ultimately benefit humans. "The impact crater in Sudbury is now the (more)...

14 May 2009

27DEC08 Merced,California Fireball-Request 13MAY09


If you witnessed this fireball from the greater Stockton Area and you saw it travel to the EAST and/or NORTHEAST, then for sure, you should contact Dr. Fries at the email or phone number in the above article: http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/2009/05/nasa-scientist-begins-search-for.html

BUT, if you saw the fireball to the SOUTHEAST, then I would really like to talk to you about what you saw, and in what direction you last saw the meteor end its flight.
Please telephone (818)599-5071
or email at: bolidechaser@yahoo.com

More info here:

Odessa Crater-Hopper the Meteorite Dog Heads West 13MAY09

Hopper the meteorite dog has been sold to Ruben Garcia and Ruben took the dog on a tour of Odessa Meteorite Crater on the way west back to Ruben`s home.

13 May 2009

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAY09

Meteorite that crashed into suburban home to be auctioned
WBBM Newsradio 780 Chicago
Tue, 12 May 2009 06:22 AM PDT
PARK FOREST, Ill. (AP) -- A 5-pound meteorite piece that crashed into a suburban Chicago home in 2003 is going up for auction. The so-called "Garza Stone" will be auctioned on May 17 by Dallas-based Heritage Auctions. The rock is named for steelworker and Park Forest resident Noe Garza.


(Meteor Crater, Arizona)

自由時報 The Liberty Times - Taipei,Taiwan 13MAY09

亞利桑納隕石坑位在美國亞利桑納州的溫斯洛(Winslow)小鎮附近,是在大約5萬年前,由一顆半徑50公尺的鎳鐵隕石以超過3倍音速以上的速度衝撞而成,坑的半徑1.2公里,深 ...

穿太空衣、摸隕石 今明「童」樂
(Taipei Observatory Meteorite Exhibit 3.5 Ton Iron Meteroite Featured)
The Liberty Times- Taipei, Taiwan

12 May 2009

Meteorites-Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria 12MAY09

Better Know A Meteorite Collection:
Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria
Written by Linda M. V. Martel
Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology

PSRD highlights places and people around the world who play central roles in caring for and analyzing meteorites.
Join us as we visit the meteorite collection at the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria and talk with the people who help make history and new discoveries come alive. ...

Man Unearths Brenham Meteorite in SW Kansas 11MAY09

Man Unearths Meteorite in SW Kansas
May 11, 2009 07:52 AM

Man Unearths Meteorite in SW Kansas
By Alana Rocha
They come from outer space and are embedded in fields across Kansas. Countless meteorites, of all shapes and sizes are uncovered every year here.
Eyewitness News traveled to the southwest part of the state to witness the latest discovery and learn what it says about the area.
To most of us, it's a field with a rock sitting in a hole in the middle of it. To Don Stimpson, "This is just a tremendously unique area in the whole world."
As curator of the Kansas Meteorite Museum in Haviland, Stimpson has no problem explaining why.
"We just have the streamfield of this meteorite, of this type of meteorite in the whole world," he said.
Sunday just east of Greensburg, he was ready to unearth his latest find - a rather odd-shaped piece Stimpson believes is a major chunk of the Brenham Meteorites.
Brenham Meteorite History
It took Stimpson and some friends less than an hour to harness it in, test the hold and hoist it out of the ground.
It's estimated the meteorite has sat in the ground 20,000 years. And this day is the result of about two weeks of digging and a couple of months waiting on good Kansas weather to lift it out.
Stimpson says, "Maybe not everybody is a rock hound, but certainly within that community you can't help but be fascinated by coming out and picking up a piece of rock that came from space."
With the meteorite in place, the Stimpsons make their way into town to see how much it weighs.
"Looks like 1,220 pounds," Stimpson calculates.
He says of his find, "That's another one of the main masses from this field. We've found several of them now. It's filling in the science of how this thing came in and broke up there."
With a metal detector in hand, Stimpson vows to continue scouring the fields in his area to help fill in the gaps.
Stimpson will now spend some time cleaning the meteorite before displaying it in his museum near Haviland.

11 May 2009

Forty Thousand Meteor Origins Across the Sky

(click on image to enlarge)
Credit & Copyright: SonotaCo Network, Japan

Forty Thousand Meteor Origins Across the Sky
Explanation: Where do meteors come from? Visible meteors are typically sand-sized grains of ice and rock that once fragmented from comets. Many a meteor shower has been associated with a known comet, although some intriguing orphan showers do remain. Recently, a group of meteor enthusiasts created a network of over 100 video cameras placed at 25 well-separated locations across Japan. This unprecedented network recorded not only 240,000 optically bright meteors over two years, but almost 40,000 meteors seen by more than one station. These multiple-station events were particularly interesting because they enabled the observers to extrapolate meteor trajectories back into the Solar System. The resulting radiant map is shown above, with many well known meteor showers labelled by the first three letters of the home constellation. Besides known meteor showers, eleven new showers were identified by new radiants on the sky from which meteors appear to flow. The meteor sky is ever changing, and it may be possible that new shower radiants will appear in the future. Research like this could also potentially identify previously unknown comets or asteroids that might one day pass close to the Earth.

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News Readers 10MAY09

(click on image to enlarge)
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10 May 2009

Highton, Australia explosion may have been meteorite 10MAY09

Highton explosion may have been meteorite
Geelong Advertiser - ‎20 hours ago‎
A NEWTOWN man has described seeing a meteorite-like shower of sparks over Highton the night the suburb was rocked by an explosion. ...

"Meteorite Men" Airs Sunday 10MAY09

Meteorite Men special airs Sunday, May 10 at 9pm ET/PT on Discovery's Science Channel. In the Pacific Time Zone, you may be able to view it at 6pm depending on your cable service or Directv. Two ...

New special from Discovery's Science Channel premieres Sunday, May 10 at 9pm ET/PT.

09 May 2009

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 9MAY09

新浪網 - Beijing,China
但是現在格塔‧凱勒(Gerta Keller)教授表示,從墨西哥東北部伊爾佩恩區域(El Penon)的山下挖出的植物和動物化石痕跡顯示,小行星撞地球形成希克蘇魯伯隕石坑(Chicxulub ...

Fireball may have been a meteorite
Tahlequah Daily Press
Eric Wichman, a private researcher for Meteorites USA, a California organization, said the idea that the fireball may have been a plane or helicopter hasn't ...

Kansas meteorite featured on TV show Sunday
The Wichita Eagle Fri, 08 May 2009 06:33 AM PDT
Nearly four years ago in a flat wheat field in western Kansas, former Wichitan Steve Arnold found a 1,400-pound meteorite. The search and discovery is one of the subjects of an hourlong special that premieres at 8 p.m. Sunday on the Science Channel.

Children of Mars
Cosmos - ‎2009年5月6日‎
by Paul Davies How did astronomer Paul Davies come to propose that life arose on Mars and then seeded the Earth? Here he elucidates a theory that could ...

How an Intern Stole NASA`s Moon
By Carmel Hagen
May 6, 2009
In 2002, rogue NASA interns stole millions of dollars in moon rocks. This is the untold story of how they did it. ...

08 May 2009

NASA Scientist Begins Search for Meteorite Fall in California 8MAY09

NASA searches for meteor fragments
WALLACE - Ranchers and other property owners in western Calaveras County and eastern San Joaquin County may soon be getting calls from Marc Fries, a NASA scientist.
The Stockton Record - May 08 12:05 AM

If you find a meteorite related to the 27DEC08 Merced, CA fireball please leave a comment to this post on this website.

To contact Marc Fries directly:
If you find a meteorite that might be from the Dec. 27 fireball or if you saw or heard something that night, NASA meteoriticist Marc Fries would like to hear from you. Contact him at (818) 393-2756 or marc.d.fries@jpl.nasa.gov.

Mars Crust: Made of Basalt 8May09

Announcement from Planetary Science Research Discoveries [PSRD]
New article online:

Mars Crust: Made of Basalt-- Chemical analyses of rocks on the Martian surface indicate that the Martian crust was built of basalt lava flows not much different from those on Earth.


07 May 2009

`Meteorite Men` Hunting Meteorite on Science Channel 7MAY09

'Meteorite Men' debuts Sunday at 6
Arizona Daily Star
Thu, 07 May 2009 16:22 PM PDT
Tucsonan Geoffrey Notkin and Steve Arnold will appear in a pilot for the potential new series "Meteorite Men" on the Science Channel on Sunday.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7MAY09

Czechs uncover rare meteorite in Australia
Prague Daily Monitor

Meteorite museum adds fresh exhibit
The Pratt Tribune Wed, 06 May 2009 09:47 AM PDT
The Kansas Meteorite Museum fits the definition of rural tourism â located on a dirt road in a community now identifiable only by a faded name on a grain elevator, with a post office address of a town of about 600, yet it contains some of the most recognizable space rocks on the planet, as well as a piece of the freshest meteorite to fall to earth.

Expert: Volcanoes in today's India wiped out dinos
Volcanoes that erupted in India about 65 million years ago were instrumental in the extinction of dinosaurs, according to new research.
The Times of India - May 06 1:12 PM

A meteorite hunter's reflections on history
12:45 am CST Jan 27, 2009 (The Poles.com) The ANSMET meteorite hunters spent their last week in the field waiting for the plane to pick them up. They read Shackleton’s diary while out on the ice and compared then with now and the history of the solar system.
MountEverest.net - May 06 8:53 AM

Yeast Cells Are Set to Fly for Space Experiment
Previous experiments indicate that some organisms become hardier and more virulent in outer space and more resistant to drugs.
New York Times - May 06 7:12 AM

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 6MAY09

Češi našli u protinožců místo dopadu vzácného meteoritu
iHNed.cz - Czech Republic
Je to dosud pátý kompletně zdokumentovaný meteorit na světě, ... Meteorit zachytila nová bolidová síť v poušti Nullorbor, kterou Spurný zakládal spolu s ...

Češi pomocí výpočtů objevili místo, kam spadl meteorit. A našli ho tam
iDNES.cz - Czech Republic
Meteorit nazvali Bunbura Roskhole - černá perla. Meteorit zachytila nová bolidová síť v poušti Nullarbor. "Je to dosud pátý meteorit s rodokmenem na světě," ...

Češi předpověděli místo, kam spadne meteorit. A našli ho tam
iDNES.cz - Czech Republic
Meteorit zachytila nová bolidová síť v poušti Nullarbor. Češi spočítali dráhu a místo dopadu vzácného meteoritu pocházejícího z vnitřní části sluneční ...

Astronomové si připomínají výročí pádu meteoritu u Příbrami
ČT24 - Czech Republic
"Příbramský meteorit je možné zhlédnout v Národním muzeu v Praze," dodal. ... Meteorit narazil do vysokého smrku a dopadl na zem poblíž obce Morávka v ...

Raziskava: Izumrtje dinozavrov so povzročili vulkani v Indiji
Dnevnik/si - Slovenia
Znanstvenica je še dodala, da meteorit ni povzročil izumrtja nobene živalske ali rastlinske ... Čeprav je imel meteorit premer večji od devet tisoč metrov, ...

06 May 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 5MAY09

Space age con men detained
Vietnam Net
Tue, 05 May 2009 16:06 PM PDT
VietNamNet Bridge - Ho Chi Minh City police Monday detained three men in custody pending filing of criminal charges in a fake meteorite deal supportably worth US$3 million.
related topic-
A previous meteorite scam in Vietnam (4NOV08):

Study rejects dinosaur extinction theory
UPI Tue, 05 May 2009 07:44 AM PDT
PRINCETON, N.J., May 5 (UPI) -- U.S. geoscientist Gerta Keller says she's compiled conclusive evidence that a meteorite did not wipe out the dinosaurs.

Low-angle Collision With Earth: The Elliptical Impact Crater Matt Wilson, Northern Territory, Australia
Science Daily
Tue, 05 May 2009 05:18 AM PDT
Nearly all meteorite impact craters on Earth are circular. Elongated crater structures are expected only at impacts at angles lower than 12 degrees from the horizontal. Geologists document the first elliptical crater on Earth that provides insights into the mechanisms of crater formation at low angles.

New evidence suggests meteorite did not wipe out dinos
New Kerala
Tue, 05 May 2009 02:33 AM PDT
Washington, May 5 : A geoscientist and her research team from Princeton University have compiled new evidence disproving a popular theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.

Scientist praises meteorite donation
Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Tue, 05 May 2009 00:57 AM PDT
When Alex Mitchell received a volleyball-sized chunk of space rock, he took it to his local credit union for safekeeping. The 13-kilogram meteorite has since collected a lot of interest.

Farmer donates $400,000 meteorite to school
The Globe and Mail
Mon, 04 May 2009 23:57 PM PDT
An asteroid that streaked across the skies over Canada's Prairies last fall dropped a record number of fragments, including a bowling-ball sized chunk worth $400,000 that a selfless farmer has donated - for free - to the University of Calgary.

New Evidence That Meteorite Did Not Wipe Out Dinosaurs
Mon, 04 May 2009 19:02 PM PDT
by Staff Writers Princeton NJ (SPX) May 05, 2009
A Princeton University geoscientist who has stirred controversy with her studies challenging a popular theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs has compiled powerful new evidence asserting her position.

05 May 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 4MAY09

Despite record-setting meteorite hunt, big chunks still missing
CBC Edmonton
Mon, 04 May 2009 12:53 PM PDT
Meteorite hunters have shattered a record by finding more than 1,000 pieces of a meteor that blazed through the sky above the Alberta-Saskatchewan boundary about 4½ months ago.

Alberta-Saskatchewan meteorite find sets record
Regina Leader-Post Mon, 04 May 2009 12:25 PM PDT
The spectacular asteroid that tore through the skies above Alberta and Saskatchewan in November has resulted in a Canadian record for the number of fragments collected from a single meteorite fall, with about 1,000 pieces now recovered.

Geoscientist offers new evidence that meteorite did not wipe out dinosaurs
Mon, 04 May 2009 08:42 AM PDT
A Princeton University geoscientist who has stirred controversy with her studies challenging a popular theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs has compiled powerful new evidence asserting her position.

Princeton geoscientist offers new evidence that meteorite did not wipe out dinosaurs
Mon, 04 May 2009 08:29 AM PDT( Princeton University )
A Princeton University geoscientist who has stirred controversy with her studies challenging a popular theory that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs has compiled powerful new evidence asserting her position.Gerta Keller, whose studies of rock formations at many sites in the United States, Mexico and India have led her to conclude that volcanoes, not a vast meteorite, ...

Space rock chunk to land at U of C
The Calgary Sun via Yahoo! Canada News
Mon, 04 May 2009 03:46 AM PDT
Scientists from the U of C are set to receive the largest chunk of space rock found yet from the Buzzard Coulee meteorite that lit up the skies over Alberta and Saskatchewan in November and landed near Lloydminster.

Hundreds of valuable fragments collected from 2008 meteorite
Canada.com Sun, 03 May 2009 21:42 PM PDT
The asteroid that produced a huge fireball seen in the skies above Alberta and Saskatchewan last fall has resulted in a record-breaking find for University of Calgary researchers.

Halley`s Comet Debris Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower 4MAY09

Space Weather News for May 4, 2009

METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of dusty debris from Halley's Comet, the source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on Wednesday, May 6th, with as many as 85 meteors per hour over the southern hemisphere. Rates in the northern hemisphere will be less, 20 to 30 per hour. The best time to look is during the dark hour before local sunrise on Wednesday morning. Visit http://spaceweather.com/ for sky maps and details.

01 May 2009

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAY09

Dinosaurier - Im Reich der Giganten
Stadtmagazin München 24 - Munich,Germany...
Ozeane bilden sich, Vulkane brechen aus, Wälder fangen Feuer - bis am Ende ein riesiger Meteorit einschlägt, der zum Aussterben der Dinosaurier führt. ...

Ce a descoperit Google Earth
Evenimentul Zilei - Bucharest,Romania
Un internaut a descoperit, graţie aceluiaşi atlas virtual, un crater cu o circumferinţă de 260 de metri format de un meteorit în vestul Australiei. ...