Showing posts with label Ontario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario. Show all posts

10 November 2013

DeBeers Mine, Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 09NOV2014

DeBeers Mine, Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 09NOV2014

M20131109 220138 LLL
Published on 10 Nov 2013
Meteor or Prossible GOCE entry or a skip bounce entry
Posted to YouTube by trinity98662 2,203 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 September 2013

Guide to the Geology of Sudbury, Ontario, Impact Structure

Guide to the Geology of Sudbury, Ontario, Impact Structure

The below field trip guidebook should be of interest
to many of the people on the meteorite mailing list.

Rousell, D. H., and G. H. Brown, 2009, Guide to the
Geology of Sudbury, Ontario. Open File Report no. 6243,
Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, Ontario. 200 pp.
and geological map.
61 MB PDF file at

Related publications are:
Pye, E. G., A. J. Naldrett, and P. E. Giblin, eds., The
Geology and ore deposits of the Sudbury Structure.
Special Volume 1, Ontario Geological Survey,
Toronto, Ontario. 603 pp with additional geological
and geophysical maps, charts, plates, and reprints.
113 MB PDF file at

Rousell, D. H., 1998, Bedrock Geology of the Regional
Municipality of Sudbury. Map Series no P3187, Ontario
Geological Survey, Toronto, Ontario.
PDF file at

More publications can be found using the below web pages.

Geology Ontario - Publications PDF Search

Geology Ontario - Publications Search

Yours, Paul H.

For All of the writings of Paul H.-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 August 2013

MBIQ Detects Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 02AUG2013

MBIQ Detects Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 02AUG2013 - Confirmed

If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports-
02AUG2013 David Wilsher FLAMBOROUGH, ONTARIO, CANADA 1:15:00 Viewed for approximately 20 seconds, did not appear to be travelling very quickly Facing South East, Direction Meteor East Rather large front with tail extending, white, reds, yellows. Flames off tail Moon No From our distance looked like travelling over city of Hamilton. Ontario. Canada towards either Lake Ontario or Toronto Burlington area

02AUG2013 ls cameron london ontario canada 12:45am/eastern aprox six seconds facing south west it went from north east towards south east towards yellow/white did not here any sound from it quite bright ex white flame not that i could see but trailed off with tail like appearance was amazing

02AUG2013 Kelly Caister Centre West Lincoln Ontario Canada 1245am 10-12 seconds W-N left to right i was facing west no sound color was yellow to white sun in front of it no

All meteor sighting reports can be seen at-

MBIQ Sample Data Set-
Kingston, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball eastern lake ontario 02 august 2013.
15:19:29 -- 21 minutes ago

Saint Catharines, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Ontario / Michigan Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for meteor over hamilton august 2, 2013.
14:55:33 -- 44 minutes ago

BOOKMARK the MBIQ Website-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 July 2013

Ontario, Canada Meteors 21JUL2013

Ontario, Canada Meteors 05'45 / 06'47  21JUL2013

If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please post about this event and website on your Facebook.Twitter YouTube, or favorite forum.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
21JUL2013 Millicent Todd Oshawa, Ontario, Canada 06:47am Ontario Canada 10 seconds North left to right I was facing North I was in a high rise apartment when suddenly I saw a flash in the sky and a bright red (like fire) falling from out of the clouds above a tall Hospital building 10 mins walk from here. The fire was falling steeply and the colour changed from wide to thinner and white it was squirly in shape by this time and it got thinner and thinne and fell steeply on the other side of the hospital Very red like fire and diminshed fast to a thinner white stream I was less than a 1/4 of a mile away and it fell behind the building but was really small by this time It all happened too quickly and unexpectedly to take a photo but my discription iis accurate 

21july13 Sandy Harriston, ontario, Canada I was driving near 5:45:00 4-5 seconds I was driving north east and saw it on my left going toward the earth in the same direction. Red ball with white behind it and a thick long green tail. It seemed close, like within a half hour drive away, but having never seen one before its hard to tell. It was daylight already so the green tail is what stood out Not sure It was startling to see one in the daylight. Spectacular. 

21JUL2013 Robert Toronto, ON, Canada 0535 EDT streak lasted approx 3 seconds Travelling North.  Yellow/White streek to NNW from West to East with approx 45 degree downward trajectory Yellow/white streak with small bright object in front of streak Very bright in dawn sky small object out in front of streak  none. 

21JUL2013 Brendan Edwards Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 5:30EST 3 sec Almost straight downward. I believe we were facing N-E at the time. white, yellow, blue As bright as sun not noticeably Approx. location 43.4528° N, 80.4908° W 

21JUL2013 Doug & Beth Britt, Ontario, Canada 5:30:00 5 t0 10 seconds NW to SE Left to right.  We were driving N on Hwy 69 - 2 miles south of Magnetawan River Road long very bright tail (yellowy orange) and ball(orangy red) at front  Brighter than the moonMoon -  breaking up in small pieces, then ball exploded and disappeared. Never personally seen one before - it was spectacular

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 December 2012

Ontario, Canada Two Meteor Events 12DEC2012

Ontario, Canada Two Meteor Events ~22:30 and ~23:50 ET 12DEC2012

If you witnessed a meteor event please FILE METEOR SIGHTING REPORT; thank you!

12DEC12 Glen London, Ontario, Canada 23:50 EST 4 seconds Straight down, looking east Bright Green large firework slight frangmentaion upside down firework.

12DEC2012 Yvonne MacInnis TORONTO Canada 1130PM 2-3 seconds E-W N-S Bright orange with white blue tail sun/moon travelling s-e at redpath & Eglinton brilliant!!

12DEC2012 Vafa Toronto, Ontario, canada 22:30:00 2.5 seconds NE-SW   facing North Bright whit, yellow, orange same as the Sun Explosion large enough to suspect fragments Bright ribbon across the sky then explosion into fireball the shape of a pumpkin

12DEC2012 Craig Toronto, ON, Canada 22:27 EST 1-2 seconds Facing north north east, streaked north Fireball orange and read (didnt hear sound) bright burning orange/red the mass appeared to break up explosively into several fragments This was a large meteor.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen @:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

15 June 2012

Breaking News, MBIQ Detects, Ontario, Canada / Ohio / Michigan / Meteor Fireball 14JUN2012 with Video

Breaking Meteor News - MBIQ Detects Ontario & Quebec, Canada / Ohio / Michigan / New York/ Meteor Fireball ~21:54 14JUN2012 - video recorded!

Meteor video capture over Grand Rapids,MI: 14JUN2012

We need you meteor/fireball sighting reports and video (check your security cameras if you have video, photo or artwork email ; thank you: 

Please help by getting the word out about this website and this story to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TV and Radio, your favorite forums.  Thank you! 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News by LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan

Over 325 Sighting Reports!
For all sighting reports see:

Initial Sighting Reports:

14JUN2012 Alexandre Gatineau, Québec, Canada 21:53:00 5 sec S-W Green moon no Big green ball falling from the sky at high speed

14JUN2012 Ben Dawson London, ON, Canada 9:45 PM EST (GMT-5) <2SEC E-W bright white moon trail none.

14JUN2012 Zahra Toronto (Mississauga) Ontario Canada 21:50EST 3 seconds N bright white, yellow same as sun yes not sure what it was but it was awesome!

14JUN2012 Andrei Venter London Ontario 21:54 Eastern Standard Time 2-3 seconds Facing northeast went down to the left Greenish and fire seemed to disappear  no sound was inside Bright enough to draw my attention from the TV and look outside No Seemed to catch fire

14JUN2012 CHANTAL FRADETTE Ontario, Canada Eastern ~ 21:55 3-5 sec North Yellow and green light Bright flash similar to a camera Could not tell Amazing to have seen one :)

14JUN2012 Brian MacGillivray Naughton, ONTARIO, CANADA 2155 Looking through a window, crossed the frame in about 1 second SE-NW (left to right, facing south) blue and orange Bright colours but didn't light up the sky at dusk Didn't see any Seemed to be very, very close - not like a shooting star.

14JUN2012 Yana Toronto, Ontario, Canada 21:50:00 4/8/2012 Facing North, travelling West Bright Blue Fading to White before losing visibility Brighter than Venus Not sure Big bright blue ball with long blue/white tail, the biggest one that I've ever seen.

14JUN2012 Yolanda Mak Toronto, Ontario, Canada 17:50:00 10 seconds North North West to West North Yellow, red, green, white. HUGE!!!! Less than moon but HUGE! Yes, fragmentation, long tail, big blasts. North West sky looking from downtown Toronto.

14JUN2012 Tammy Kitchener, ont 21:52:00 5 seconds West...right to left White orb  with blue shimmery outline...fell quickly Brighter than the moon Didnt notice... Was very quick, trees got in line of view during decent....was headed in waterloo, ont, canada direction

14JUN2012 David Longueuil, Québec, Canada 21:50 EST 6-8 sec NW towards NE Greyish and blue colored tail Very bright sky was not completely black and the meteor was seen anyways. Towards the end, then the view was blocked. I was looking towards Polaris (north) from a 4th floor balcony.

14JUN2012 Randy Leonard Saxonburg, PA USA 2150 hours Eastern time 3 or 4 secs NW to W and descending large trail changing from white to bright green bright, thick and amazing shade of green before going below treeline no but pretty far off amazing

14JUN2012 Kari Prigge Napoleon, OH, USA 21:54:00 3 seconds Facing north, E-W Green, white Moon White sparks N/A

14JUN2012 Samuel Barnes Marten River Ontario Canada 21 55 eastern standard time 6-10 seconds traveling east to west bright white head with long tail changing from red to green to red very very bright no wish I had a camera

14JUN2012 JODI STONEY POINT, ON. CANADA 09:50 EST 4 sec E-W  facing N GREENISH-FIRE TRAIL moon no different from a "falling star" because of the colour.

14JUN2012 Bruce Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 21:51:00 EST 3-5 secs SE;NE 326 D from
my location white thru Green very bright, sky was pre dusk not seen as the sun had just set in the west the sky was bright no stars could be seen and this was very visible

14JUN2012 Laura Burlington, Ontario, Canada 21:51:00 3 seconds I was facing north west and the object was traveling from right to left. bright white object. May have had a blue tail. Twice as bright as the average firework before it explodes. None that I could tell. I've never seen anything falling so low. Lost stight of it when it vanished behind the houses across the way.

14JUN2012 Kristen Tecumseh, Ontario , canada 2158 pm 2 sec North Green Bright as a green traffic light No? Flashed 3 times

14JUN2012 Tina Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2145h EDT 5 seconds SW to NW Large blue/green head with a trail of red/orange Very bright against a sky at dusk no parts falling It appeared to not make it to the horizon, and the size though far away would have been close to that of an full size passenger jet just a few miles out

14JUN2012 Adam Brauer Tonawanda NY USA 2150 5 seconds NW sky headed north south west white shooting star, explosion of green and white and what looked like a dust cloud that remained 15mins moon yes impressive. dust cloud remained in the sky and you actually could see it change shape and eventually disappear.

14JUN2012 Jeff Brooklin,Ontario Canada 2155 5 sec nnw, appeared to track straight down light green and white with smoke trail remaining a few minutes after ball left sightline bright as lightning appears debris in tail, smoke trail appeared to be large

14JUN2012 Meaghan TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA 21:57 North American Eastern Time Zone 5 sec right to left.  I was facing North White and green Extremely bright - definitely as bright as the moon I didn't notice fragmentation none

14JUN2012 Sue Bowmanville 21:55:00 10-15 sec. N-W Orange then Green Sun left a trail for 20-30 sec after none

14JUN2012 Kevin Doherty London Ontario Canada approx 22:00 5 seconds maybe east to west looking north many bright colours sun no no photo. first time i've seen one that large and close to earth

Over 325 Sighting Reports!
For all sighting reports see:

MBIQ Data:
Toronto, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star 06/14/2012.
11:00:43 -- 2 minutes ago

London, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite london ontario.
11:06:23 -- 1 minute ago

Oshawa, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for did i just see an asteroid falling in ontario.
11:07:11 -- 1 minute ago

Maple, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball toronto.
11:08:30 -- 46 seconds ago
plus another 100++ search queries.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

25 November 2011

Belleville, Ontario, Canada Bolide Meteor 24NOV2011

Belleville, Ontario, Canada Bolide Meteor 02:30 am 24NOV2011
I saw this bolide on November 24th, 2011 at 0230 exactly.
I was in the City of Belleville in Ontario, Canada. At the time of the sighting I was traveling northbound on Sidney Street in a car, so I am unsure if there had been any noises or sounds during the sighting.
I have seen quite a few bolides before, as I work nights and am in a car driving all around constantly, but this one was quite alarming as it seemed to be traveling faster than any I have seen before. It was about 30-40 degrees above the horizon directly in front of me as I traveled straight north. The bolide started out at the top left of my view, it remained as what looked like a plane in the sky, a small-ish dot, but larger than a normal plane (Belleville is located 15 minutes away from Trenton, Ontario where our major air base is, there are all kinds of military aircrafts in the air all the time.). I for about half of it's travel distance it remained a tiny, bright light that slowly grew brighter before it burst into a bright cobalt blue shade and seemed to break into at least three, if not five pieces.
The entire thing may have lasted five or eight seconds, it was over quite quickly, though I have seen bolides burn out much quicker than this one did.
As for brightness, while it was still tiny and looked like a plane, it was as bright, or possibly a tiny bit brighter than Venus, but it seemed to lose a lot of the brightness after the initial combustion into the blue flames.
I was unable to take video or pictures of this, though I would suggest looking into the sky cameras Ottawa's Colleges have. I have seen many bolides around Belleville, and they are always captured on the cameras the universities use for study.
All in all, it was pretty darn cool! Forgot to make a wish though, rats. -Emily Thank you Emily!

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

22 November 2011

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Meteor 21NOV2011

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Meteor ~19:00 EST 21NOV2011
It was Monday November 21st sometime between 19:00 and 19:02 Eastern Standard Time.
It was really bright with a long tail and appeared very close, lasting for a few seconds before disappearing into pieces when it reached the atmosphere.
I am in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Hope this helps! -Celeste  Thank you Celeste!

Any other sighting reports? 
Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

17 November 2011

Dryden, Ontario, Canada Bolide Meteor 9NOV2011 Video Re-Post 17NOV2011

Dryden, Ontario, Canada Bolide Meteor - Most recent major meteor event

Security Camera video of Ontario 9NOV3011 bolide. Video supplied by reader. NO Copy Allowed

For those of you that missed reading and seeing the video.  Please help by getting the word out to the press and public in Canada about this major meteor event.
original posting with sighting reports:

16 November 2011

Ontario, Canada Meteor 15NOV2011

Belle River, Ontario, Canada Meteor ~11:50 PM EST 15NOV2011
I saw a meteor tonight (november 15) around 1150pm west of Belle River Road just before County Road 42. Meteor was heading south to north. It was pretty low to the ground and quite bright, sort of mustard yellow. It travelled quite fast, Im happy I was paying attention. -Kelly  Thank you Kelly!

More Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

05 November 2011

Ontario, Canada Four Meteor Fireball Events 4NOV2011

Event 1: Also seen in Michigan.
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada Meteor 8:30 PM 4NOV2011
Fire ball or meteor seen in Richmond hill Ontario in north west direction approx. 8.30pm. -Maurice Thank you Maurice!

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Lime Green Meteor Fireball  20:35 EST 4NOV2011
Facing West, south end of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada at 20:35 EST, I saw a very slow moving, bright lime green fireball descending nearly vertically down to the nearest tree line on the Western horizon. It was the biggest, brightest, slowest moving meteor I have ever seen. Now flashing or sparking, perhaps a very small trailing tail of light extending nearly perpendicular to the horizon.
I thought it might have been fireworks/flare, but after seeing other internet reports of same sighting at same time in my area, I believe it was the strangest fireball I have ever observed. -Kevin  Thank you Kevin!

Ontario, Canada ~8:36 PM 4NOV2011
I saw a meteor for the 3rd time in 3 years. The last 2 times are a while ago but the newest one happened tonight at around 8h36 pm over the 401 between thickson and stevenson (or if you want right in front of the oshawa go/viarail station. It was comimg down from the sky colored blue and very small looking and then suddenly extinguished. Because of the smoke trail you could tell it wasn't fireworks plus it was 1 singular light! The other 2 ones I saw was identical colored but different sizes. Now I think that's a meteorite or some debris falling from space? -Kim
 Thank you Kim!

Whitmore Lake, Michigan, USA
I was driving on the freeway in Michigan on 23 north. I had just passed Whitmore Lake MI when I saw a bright ball of white light falling from the sky. It looked as though it was coming right at me so I would say the direction was south. It lasted maybe 5 seconds and it disappeared. It was at 8:36PM, November 4, 2011, only know this because I immediately called my husband after I saw it and the time is on my phone. I had to research on the internet to figure out it was a meteorite, I have definitely never seen anything like it before. -Hodge  Thank you Mrs. Hodge!
Event 2:
Everett, Ontario Meteor Fireball ~9:40 PM 4NOV2011
I live in Everett, Ontario Canada and just saw a very large white/blue bright light rapidly go over the top of our neighbors home, and then I lost sight of it. I was waiting for a bang or rumble but didn't hear one. This happened at approx 9:40 pm nov4/11. Was this expected tonight? Regards,
Wendy  Thank you Wendy!

Event 3:
Trenton, Ontario Bolide Meteor Fireball 10:55pm 4NOV2011
Trenton Ontario - 10:55pm - November 4, 2011 - direction south from Lake Ontario, east towards Kingston/Ottawa - brightness *sun*..extremely long fire tail - duration, maybe 5 seconds or a bit longer, also witnessed by husband. Appearance was unlike others I have seen. -Anon.

Event 4:
Kingston, Ontario. At around 11:45 pm 4NOV2011
Nov 4th , 2011 I was driving towards downtown Kingston, Ontario. At around 11:45 pm, I witnessed a very bright large green fireball with a long trailing tail shooting straight down in the Southwest sky. I have never seen anything like it in my life. Approximately five minutes later I saw another smaller green light shooting across the Southeastern sky. I wish I had gotten pictures but they were moving very fast. -Amanda P.  Thank you Amanda!

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

11 October 2011

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada Meteor 11OCT2011

Cambridge, Ontario Meteor 8:00 pm October 11, 2011
My husband and I were in a nearby park using our iphone app GoSkyWatch and all of a sudden right in front of us was a meteor fireball, it came down in the south –western sky and exploded and then trailed off. Coolest thing we’ve ever seen in the skies! -P&M Vyse  Thank you P&M!

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Meteor 11OCT2011

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Meteor ~1:00 am EST 11OCT2011
I just saw a bright blue/white meteor a few degrees south of west. It was about as bright as Jupiter at its maximum brightness. I viewed it for two seconds.
-Sg  Thank you Shawn!

We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

10 October 2011

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Daytime Meteor Fireball 9OCT2011

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Daytime Meteor Fireball 11:05 am 9OCT2011
While traveling home from Church on Hwy 417, traveling East at acres Rd., I saw what looked like a very bright star traveling fast across the sky from South West to North East. Suddenly it appeared to explode and I saw a puff of smoke for a couple of seconds, then it dissipated. I have no idea whether this was a meteor or part of a satellite. -Marian Thank you Marian!

We need your sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

26 September 2011

Ontario, Quebec, Canada / New York, MASS,, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont Bolide Meteor 25SEP2011

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Ontario, Quebec, Canada / New York, Vermont Meteor 25SEP2011

Averill Park, NY (near Albany) Meteor Sighting ~11:48 pm 25SEP2011
I was outside walking my dogs around 11:48 PM and saw what I first thought was a shooting star. I kept watching it and it got brighter and orange in color. It had a tail that turned a greenish/whitish color as it crossed the sky over the trees. What did I see??? -Autum Pylant Thank you Autum!

Hazleton, Pa Hugh Ball of Blue Green Meteor ~11:49 pm 25SEP2011
I live in Hazleton Pa. and at appox 11:49 pm in the sky looking north I saw a hugh ball of blue green with a silver and orange trail I yelled into the kids I just saw a falling star then thinking that was hugh it had to be a meteor. I am wondering exactly what I did see it traveled from north to east in a down word motion. -Cathy  Thank you Cathy!

Nepean (Ottawa), Ontario Canada Bright Green Fireball ~11:45 pm EST 25SEP2011
I live in Nepean, Ontario, a suburb of Ottawa, Ontario Canada. At about 11:45 p.m. EST on September 25, 2011, I took my dog out for a walk in front of my house, which overlooks an empty field. As I was standing across the street with my dog, I observed a very bright green fireball fall from the sky to the south east. It fell in a completely straight trajectory and lasted about 5 seconds before it appeared to reduce to sparks/cinders. I am unsure if this was a meteor as I don't recall hearing any news releases about meteor showers for this time of year. Anyways, I thought you might be interested. Thanks, Jamie Warren Thank you Jamie!

Hog Island, Tabor Point, Wanton, VT 11:43 pm 9 25 2011
Viewed large blue light plummet straight down. So bright viewed clearly from living room picture window. Thought perhaps a plane went down. Hopefully just a large meteor. -Phaegeoux  
Thank you Phaegeoux!

Montreal, Quebec Canada Meteor September 25th, at 11:50 p.m. EST
I was walking in Westmount Park at 11:50 about and I looked up and saw this huge fireball with a very long fiery tail. At the end of the tail you could see debris blowing up into nothingness. I have seen many meteors in my 52 years of living, but this was the biggest and weirdest one of all. just mainly because of the amount of exploding debris behind the long fiery tail.. It also seemed to be moving much slower than most other Meteors I have seen.
I am convinced it was not a shooting star at all. It was more like something falling and coming apart in the sky. Anyhow September 25th, at 11:50 p.m. EST -Paul Gallant  Thank you Paul!

Maidstone Lake,Vermont
About 11:45 at Maidstone lake,Vermont. Saw bright fireball,going northwest to southeast, white/yellow with blue too. Dark mass at front, fire tail ended w-sparks, lasted 3 seconds. Very impressive! -Mari  Thank you Mari!

Montréal Québec, Canada
J’ai constaté au dessus de Montréal (Québec, Canada) qu’une météorite est passée à 23h44 (heure avancée de l’est).
Sa direction était sud-est, elle était très brillante, principalement verte et visible pendant plus de 2 secondes. -Luc  Merci!

Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont.
The bright meteor arrived at 23:45 (+/- 1 minute) pm and it was green, with a bit of red light on the front edge.  It was bright, way brighter than any planets observable. It was approximately going from west to east. -Zijian  Xie-Xie Nin!

North Attleboro, MA large green meteor 11:38 pm EST 9/25/2011
I was sitting on my porch here in North attleboro, MA smoking a cigarette when I saw what I am guessing to be a large green meteor. It was over my neighbors house going northward. The size to me looked to be that of a minivan. It had a light green glow outside that got darker as it went in. It was teardrop shaped. This occured around 11:38 pm EST 9/25/2011. I have been researching as to what it might have been since and came across your e-mail. It had to have been somewhat low flying as the glow was on my neighbor across the streets roof. There are no street lights in my area so saw it very clearly. There was no sound either which I thought odd. Figured I would shoot you an e-mail as it seems this might be what your tracking. 
from the mind of -Christopher L Burns  Thank you Christopher

East Greenbush NY 11:48PM 9/25/11
At about 11:48 last night I was walking my dog and saw a burning object to the Northeast from my location travel from left to right. Weather conditions were very hazy as a heavy fog was setting in. It was low and traveled above the Horizon line changing from blue to green to red. What a fantastic sight! We had just been discussing these on Saturday night as I had seen one 6 Months ago that was crackling and popping as it traveled. Weird that I see an impressive one the next night. What are these Meteors? -Daniel F Bazinet  Thank you Daniel!

Farmington, Maine
My friends and I saw I giant meteor in the woods last night in Farmington, Maine. It was very bright, blue/green in color, definitely the largest meteor any of us had ever seen. -Kyle M.  
Thank you Kyle!

Corinth, NY
I saw the meteor last night at around 11:45pm, I was driving home on route 9N in Corinth, NY. It started small at first, and I thought it was just an average shooting star. As it travelled it got much bigger, and I could see all different colors in the tail and what looked like sparks flying off it. It lasted between 5 and 10 seconds, and traveled in a south-east direction. -Nicole  
Thank you Nicole!

Richmond, Maine Meteor With Sound ~11:55 PM Sept. 25 
Loud noise as something passed overhead, a roar loud as thunder that I could feel in my body like a car stereo with realy loud bass.I ran outside and saw a red light up in the sky then nothing as the tall trees obscured my view. The sound was incredible and had a low-frequency grind/rumble that cycled every few seconds even after the main noise had died away minutes after the comet passed. I had some friends in south Gardiner who hear it at the same time.It was going northeast to southwest. I am trying to find people around here who saw it better. Up north in someone saw it in West Paris, Maine at 11:40, about ten minutes before me. Other people felt ground tremors up in Bangor, Maine at 11:40 and then witnessed a fireball. Are we having fun yet?
Pete Lund -Thank you Pete!

MBIQ Data:
Ottawa, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball over eastern ontario sept 25 2011.
12:55:41 -- 20 seconds ago

Scarborough, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite september 26, 2011.
12:54:44 -- 1 minute ago

Waterbury, Vermont arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MA NY NJ CT PA ME VT MD Quebec, Canada Large Meteor Fireball 30APR2011" by searching for vermont meteorite tonight.
12:53:03 -- 3 minutes ago

Montreal, Quebec arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball falls from sky montreal september 25.
12:52:31 -- 4 minutes ago

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

02 September 2011

Burlington, Ontario, Canada Meteor Fireball ~10pm 1SEP2011

Burlington Ontario / Canada Meteor Fireball ~10pm 1SEP2011
I was sitting on my balcony in Burlington Ontario / Canada at about 10pm Sept. 1,2011 and saw a fireball or meteor.
It was moving rather slow for it to be falling from such a great distance. It appeared to be rather large and white in color. I was facing west towards Hamilton, Ontario and it apeared to be about 200 km away. It definately looks as though it landed on earth. It was rather bright and seemd a decent size considering the distance away. I saw something like this about 22 years ago when I was living in Oakville, Ontario
Justin Hill  Thank you Justin!

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!

03 July 2011

Timmins, Ontario, Canada Meteor Fireball 2JUL2011

Timmins, Ontario, Canada Meteor Fireball at 11:45pm 2JUL2011
My daughter just saw a fireball red and glowing at star lake west of Timmins going in an easterly direction very large in size. -Jerry Shannon

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? 
please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 Year of Meteors!

10 June 2011

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Meteor 9JUN2011

Toronto, Ontario Meteor at 9:45 pm. June 9, 2011
I saw a meteor in the southeast sky of Toronto, Ontario at 9:45 pm. June 9, 2011. 
- Christine Allen

We need the Date and Time of these events Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor, Start and Stop location in sky, Direction of movement, Duration of Event (seconds), Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) Color, Sounds? Photos? Videos? Thank you! Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. 2011 Year of Meteors!