The Guardian
With the Lyrid meteor shower set to give its best show on Friday morning, we reveal everything you need to know about this astronomical event.
Lyrid meteor shower 2016: How to see the annual spectacle over the UK
The Independent
The Lyrid meteor shower is set to appear in the skies tonight, providing a great opportunity for stargazers to catch a glimpse of this annual spectacle.
Lyrid Meteor Shower Battles Full Moon Predawn Friday (blog)
The first major meteor shower since January is here. The Lyrids peak on the morning of the 22nd. However, this is the morning of the full moon.
Fossil teeth suggest that seeds saved bird ancestors from extinction
Science Daily
Now, researchers suggest that abrupt ecological changes following a meteor impact may have been more detrimental to carnivorous bird-like ...
Paleontologist: Surprising Dinosaur Study Opens up New Questions
The dinosaurs were already extinct, when a massive meteor hit Earth and wiped out two-thirds of all plant and animal life, new research shows.
Stargazers capture amazing moment gigantic 'fireball' scorches through the sky over Hampshire
The UK Meteor Network has recorded incredible pictures of a "fireball" lighting up the skies over Hampshire. Stargazers took advantage of the clear ...
Dinosaurs Already in Decline Before Massive Meteor
VOA News
Researchers say they now believe the giant reptiles were already in decline before a large meteor helped to finish them off 66 million years ago.
Via- Carlos Fernando Jung
April 21 at 11:41pm
Imagem da câmera da estação com a Lua durante a Chuva de Meteoros Lirídeas no dia 21/04/2016 as 5:15 horas!

Imagem da câmera da estação com a Lua durante a Chuva de Meteoros Lirídeas no dia 21/04/2016 as 5:1...
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Good morning I live in southern california I was on the 91 freeway, at about 3:15 a.m. I see a ball of fire falling from the sky fast it looked so big but orange and red ball of flame it was amazing and scarey at the same time.I would say it was like maybe towards the Long beach, Ca. Area
Tonight around 10:10pm pst phoenix arizona usa, there was a huge flash a loud boom and a smoke cloud that was that went from west to east. Smaller in the western sky and larger in the eastern sky where the flash came from. The boom was loud enough to feel and came about 25 to 30 seconds after the flash.
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