IL KY Fireball Meteor 15APR2016
Breaking News-- The Moon MAY have an Asteroid Orbiting iit!
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Just a note that I've received more astrometry for this object. In particular, I just got PanSTARRS data via Peter Veres that extended the arc back a ...
Extreme universe events recreated in lab
India Today
Scientists have predicted that the same thing could happen when a meteor hits graphite in the ground, and that these impacts might be powerful ...
Scientists recreate the most extreme conditions in the universe
... if it would produce a shockwave similar to one produced by ameteor impact, and whether that would be powerful enough to produce lonsdaleite.
Meteor spotted throughout the Midwest, including in Wisconsin
ST. LOUIS, MO — A green meteor streaked across the St. Louis area Friday, April 15th at 10:16 p.m. We received many reports about the shooting star ...
VIDEO: Fireball seen in IL/MO/IA on 4/15/16
Check out this great video of a fireball/meteor passing in the sky that our photographer Nick Stewart took with his dash cam!Watch the YouTube video ...
Bright green meteor fireball spotted over Kentucky, Illinois
Signs of the Times
Initial Meteor Reports 15APR2016 Tiffany Binkley Calvert City, Ky 2230 3-5 N-W green; moon, no I was driving and there were trees all around me, but ...
Watch a meteor streak across the skies of St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR) - A meteor streaked across the St. Louis area on Friday at about 10:16pm. We received many reports from viewers about the ...
Apparent meteor lights up Hendricks County night sky
Apparent meteor lights up Hendricks County night sky. Written By WTHR Indianapolis Posted: 04/16/2016, 02:03am. If you saw a sudden bright light ...
Daylight Meteor
Stargazers Lounge
Friday 15/04/16 @ 20:10 I was in the front room just having a look outside when right in front of me a very bright,very fast,very short lived meteor z...
College Heights students 'visit' Mars through university program
Joplin Globe
Students also visited the Grand Canyon and a meteor crater in Winslow, Arizona, which is billed as the best preserved meteor impact site on the planet ...
The Sky Tonight Update: The Lyrids Meteor Shower
Irene W. Pennington Planetarium -
This April 16th through the 25th we can look up towards the Lyra constellation to experience the annual meteor shower known as the Lyrids.
NJ Night Sky: Jupiter, the prince and the moon get together
The Lyrids meteor shower comes to a peak this week, but alas, so does the moon. The shower is not a particularly strong one, displaying 15 to 20 ...
Via- Carlos Augusto Di Pietro
April 16 at 11:41pm
Nova edição do Space Today aborda sobre o megabólido de Minas Gerais. Sergio Sancevero aborda aspectos até agora inéditos resultantes das análise das capturas do objeto pelas câmeras da BRAMON, bem como algumas dúvidas que ainda permanecem.
Agradecimentos a Cristovao Jacques pelo apoio na produção.
Bólido Sobre Minas Gerais - Space Today TV Ep.198
No dia 31 de Março de 2016, um bólido com magnitude de -11 cruzou os céus de Minas Gerais e foi regi...
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
India Today
Scientists have predicted that the same thing could happen when a meteor hits graphite in the ground, and that these impacts might be powerful ...
Scientists recreate the most extreme conditions in the universe
... if it would produce a shockwave similar to one produced by ameteor impact, and whether that would be powerful enough to produce lonsdaleite.
Meteor spotted throughout the Midwest, including in Wisconsin
ST. LOUIS, MO — A green meteor streaked across the St. Louis area Friday, April 15th at 10:16 p.m. We received many reports about the shooting star ...
VIDEO: Fireball seen in IL/MO/IA on 4/15/16
Check out this great video of a fireball/meteor passing in the sky that our photographer Nick Stewart took with his dash cam!Watch the YouTube video ...
Bright green meteor fireball spotted over Kentucky, Illinois
Signs of the Times
Initial Meteor Reports 15APR2016 Tiffany Binkley Calvert City, Ky 2230 3-5 N-W green; moon, no I was driving and there were trees all around me, but ...
Watch a meteor streak across the skies of St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR) - A meteor streaked across the St. Louis area on Friday at about 10:16pm. We received many reports from viewers about the ...
Apparent meteor lights up Hendricks County night sky
Apparent meteor lights up Hendricks County night sky. Written By WTHR Indianapolis Posted: 04/16/2016, 02:03am. If you saw a sudden bright light ...
Daylight Meteor
Stargazers Lounge
Friday 15/04/16 @ 20:10 I was in the front room just having a look outside when right in front of me a very bright,very fast,very short lived meteor z...
College Heights students 'visit' Mars through university program
Joplin Globe
Students also visited the Grand Canyon and a meteor crater in Winslow, Arizona, which is billed as the best preserved meteor impact site on the planet ...
The Sky Tonight Update: The Lyrids Meteor Shower
Irene W. Pennington Planetarium -
This April 16th through the 25th we can look up towards the Lyra constellation to experience the annual meteor shower known as the Lyrids.
NJ Night Sky: Jupiter, the prince and the moon get together
The Lyrids meteor shower comes to a peak this week, but alas, so does the moon. The shower is not a particularly strong one, displaying 15 to 20 ...
Via- Carlos Augusto Di Pietro
April 16 at 11:41pm
Nova edição do Space Today aborda sobre o megabólido de Minas Gerais. Sergio Sancevero aborda aspectos até agora inéditos resultantes das análise das capturas do objeto pelas câmeras da BRAMON, bem como algumas dúvidas que ainda permanecem.
Agradecimentos a Cristovao Jacques pelo apoio na produção.

No dia 31 de Março de 2016, um bólido com magnitude de -11 cruzou os céus de Minas Gerais e foi regi...
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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