Montrose Daily Press Sat, 20 Oct 2012 01:09 AM PDT
Montrose meteorite enthusiast Steve Curry had one basic reaction Friday to the outcome of a Grand Junction case in which he was charged with fraudulently passing off a piece of iron as a meteorite.
Fireball caught on video so loud it shook houses blazing across the sky
On the night of October 17, a fireball lit up the skies over the San Francisco Bay area. But not only was the meteor streaking across the sky seen by many in the central California region, it was also heard, because a loud sonic boom heralded its ...
7-Day Archives
Ashland City Times Sat, 20 Oct 2012 00:13 AM PDT
Eastern Kentucky University has acquired a 33-pound meteorite from an eastern Tennessee family that... - 1:46 am
EKU gets meteorite from TN family
Ashland City Times Sat, 20 Oct 2012 00:12 AM PDT
RICHMOND, KY. â Eastern Kentucky University has acquired a 33-pound meteorite from an eastern Tennessee family that used the space rock as a doorstop and flower bed ornament over the years.
4 Billion Year Old, Extremely Valuable Meteorite Used As Doorstop By ...
Huffington Post
According to Arizona State University's Center for Meteorite Studies, a meteorite is a solid body from outer space that has fallen to the Earth's surface. The Lewis meteorite is classified as a "find" by the center, since it was not observed falling to ...
Dramatic fireball seen in Bay Area likely not part of Orionid ...
Don t fret if you missed Wednesday s fireball, because this weekend will be a prime time to view other shooting stars as Earth passes Halley s comet.
Orionid meteor shower comes from Halley's Comet dust
Los Angeles Times
Orionid meteor shower comes from Halley's Comet dust. October 20, 2012 | 9:28 am. increase text size decrease text size. Orionid meteor shower. Experts said the best chance of seeing the annual Orionid meteor shower is to get out of the Los Angeles area.
"Beautiful" Orionid meteor shower to peak early Sunday
ATLANTA, Ga. -- Clear skies overhead on Sunday will set the stage for some celestial fireworks thanks in part to Halley's Comet. The Orionid meteor shower will create nearly 25 shooting stars per hour during the predawn hours of October 21 as Earth's ...
Look At The Sky: Meteor Shower Passing Over NY Tonight!
If you were thinking about staying up late tonight to enjoy the acting and musical stylings of raconteur Bruno Mars on Saturday Night Live, we have an alternative suggestion: Saturday night into Sunday, you'll be able to see the peak of the Orionids...
Meteor Mystery Spreads – Where Did the Pieces Fall?
If pieces of the meteor that exploded over the Bay Area Wednesday fell to the ground, they may be found in a band of land shaped like an ice cream cone stretching north from southern Marin County through Fairfax and Novato up to Sonoma, an astronomer ...
Orionids meteor shower will peak overnight
The meteor shower probably wasn't the source of the large fireball seen Wednesday night over the San Francisco Bay area. The Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland said that fireball was a car-sized piece of rock and metal from the asteroid belt.
Orionids Meteor Shower 2012
Get ready for a spectacular light show in the skies. The offspring of Halley's Comet are about to put on quite a show in the skies over East Atlanta Patch. Earth began passing through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet on Oct. 15, which gives us ...
Eyes to the sky: Meteor shower peaks tonight
The Grand Rapids Press -
GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- You're in for a show tonight if you can sneak away from the metro area: The annual Orionid meteor shower will light up the sky. Keep your eyes peeled late Saturday night and early Sunday morning to catch a glimpse of the meteors at ...
Orionid Meteor shower tonight
Today's THV
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KTHV, Sarah Fortner) - Tonight across the mostly clear Arkansas sky there will be an Orionid Meteor Shower. Meteors can appear anywhere in the sky so the best way to watch ameteor shower is laying flat on the ground looking straight ...
Orionid meteor shower peaks tonight; NASA is live-streaming video
Los Angeles Times
For those who cannot see the Orionid meteor shower in person, NASA has images streaming on the Internet. The live feed is being filmed at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. Officials have warned the shower will be hard to see in urban ...
Orionid meteor shower: Wake the kids, make a memory
Christian Science Monitor
This weekend astronomers at NASA have promised Americans a rare glimpse of a heavenly event – the Orionid meteor shower – and with it, the opportunity for parents to join their children in a sense of wonder they may not have experienced since their own...
Meteor Shower, Atlanta
We will have great visibility for tonight's Orionid meteor shower. Don't be surprised if you see some glowing fireballs, falling stars, or meteors falling through the sky overnight! It is called the "Orionid" meteor shower because many of the meteors ...
Orionid meteor shower tonight as earth passes through debris from Halley's Comet
According to NASA Chats on Oct. 20, there is something pretty spectacular appearing in the night sky this weekend. If you look up at just the right time, you will see an Orionid meteor shower, caused by the earth passing through debris from Halley's Comet.
Meteor Shower October 2012: Orionids Peak Tonight, Watch Live Stream Video ...
The Orionid meteor shower will peak at about 12:00 a.m. PST on Sunday morning, but one of the best times to watch the show is about an hour or two before the sun rises, because Orion will be high in the sky. To find the best times to watch near you ...
Orionid meteor shower highlights weekend skywatching
If you can get outside and beneath a dark night sky in the wee hours of Sunday morning, the reward might be a chance to see remnants of Halley's comet. The annual Orionid meteor shower will peak at 10 pm MDT, but the best viewing of the spectacle will ...
Look up! Meteor showers over North America this weekend
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY. A big meteor shower this weekend could produce as many as 60 falling stars an hour as the Earth passes through the trail of Halley's comet. The yearly shower, called the Orionids, will have peak visibility over North ...
Orionid meteor shower to peak this weekend, may produce 25 meteors per hour
The Orionid meteor shower is set to peak this weekend with a radiant point from the constellation Orion the Hunter. Forecasters predict that the best period of viewing will be late Saturday night into early Sunday morning. According to ...
Meteor Shower Peaks Overnight
NBC 10 Philadelphia
Meteor Shower Peaks Overnight. The Orionid meteor shower, which occurs every October, will be at peak visibility beginning just after midnight until dawn. By Dave Warren and David Chang. | Sunday, Oct 21, 2012 | Updated 12:07 AM EDT. View Comments (. ) ...
Orionids Meteor Shower 2012: How to Watch Tonight's Meteors
The Orionids Meteor Shower, the offspring of Halley's Comet, began putting on a show Monday in the skies over Southern California, but in the early morning hours before dawn Sunday, the shooting stars are expected to put on a more dazzling display.
The new meteor shower is caused by the comet 209P/LINEAR, scientists say.
Meteor showers light up Bay Area skies - San Jose Mercury News
Reports of bright fireballs streaking across the skies were reported from as far north as Mendocino County. A cloud-free sky and the warm temperatures that are ...
When and where meteor shower will peak on weekend - MarketWatch
Orionid meteor shower will be visible in U.S. rural areas in the southern sky.
Meteor shower on Jaws. There also seems to be a fast-moving ...
"When the three guys are out on the boat in the dark looking for the shark, a meteor shoots past Roy's right shoulder - this meteor was a real one. In the next few ...
Meteor Streaks, Strong Winds, Storm Chances
CBS 11
After a cool morning temperatures in the low 50′s temperatures leaped into the upper 80′s this afternoon thanks to very strong south winds. The dewpoint at 6am at DFW was 40°, by 4pm it was at 63°. This warm moist air will be in place now until next ...
Orionid meteor shower time, schedule: How to watch the Orionid meteor shower
(CNN) -- Silver fireballs will streak over the Northern Hemisphere on Saturday and Sunday. The much-anticipated Orionid meteor shower is scheduled to peak over the weekend, greeting October skies and stargazers with a brilliant show. The Orionidmeteor ...
Orionid meteor show reaches its climax
The Orionids can best be described as a junior version of the famous Perseid meteorshower and is scheduled to reach its maximum before sunrise on Sunday morning. Patient night sky observers with clear, dark skies could see dozens of meteors an hour, ...
The annual Orionid meteor shower created by Halley's Comet will peak overnight tonight and
A newly discovered meteor shower created by the comet 209B/LINEAR is expected to light up
'Beetlejuice' sparks? Meteor shower brings 'shooting stars' and 'earthgrazers'
Christian Science Monitor
Projected clear skies and low moonlight across much of the country Saturday night and Sunday morning will help fans of celestial phenomena witness a peak of whizzing visitors across the sky as part of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Skip to next ...
Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How to Watch Online
The 2012 Orionid meteor shower will peak early Sunday (Oct. 21), but should still be an impressive sight throughout the overnight hours of late Saturday, NASA scientists say. The space agency will stream live meteor shower views from an all-sky camera ...
Newfound Meteor Shower May Spawn Meteor Storm in 2014
While the Orionid meteor shower from Halley's Comet has our full attention this weekend, recent calculations made by meteor experts suggest there's a far-greater celestial fireworks display coming to in 2014. In May 2014 there appears to be a ...
Meteor debris spread over wine country
San Francisco Chronicle
The meteor that exploded in a brilliant burst of flame above the Bay Area on Wednesday was a lonely remnant from the birth of the solar system, and may have left its rocky debris in a band stretching east of San Rafael toward Napa and Sonoma, the...
Orionids annual meteor shower this weekend; peak times Saturday night and ...
God Discussion (blog)
For those of you who love sky shows, this weekend ought to be a good one. The Orionids meteor shower, an annual event, is set to peak on Saturday night between 11:00pm and Sunday morning at 5:40am. You ought to be able to see 25 meteors per hour ...
Shades of Halley: Watch Orionids Meteor Shower
In a sense, though, we still see Halley's Comet—or fragments of it—at least once a year, in the form of the Orionids meteor shower, which peaks this weekend. Like all comets, Halley's Comet thaws out and begins to shed tiny particles of dust, ice ...
Clouds to Clear for 2012 Orionids Meteor Shower
If you're looking up and worried about your chances of catching the Orionids meteor shower tonight, don't fret. Everything will be OK. At least the National Weather Service says it will. The meteorshower is set to peak before dawn on Saturday and Sunday.
Let the fireballs begin as Orion meteor shower set to peak this ...
The bright fireball in the sky Wednesday night that surprised Bay Area residents may or may not be part of the Orionid meteor shower that will peak this ...
San Mateo College student Paola-Castilla photographed the fireball on a cell phone while ...
Orinoid Meteor Shower 2012: When and Where to Watch
It's October. While many associate this month with Halloween, it is also the month of the annual appearance of the Orionid Meteor shower. If you step outside early Sunday morning, expect to see about 25 meteors per hour exploding through the sky. Kind ...
Orionid meteor shower promises a weekend treat
The Orionid meteor shower's peak -- expected to last from 10:30 p.m. on Saturday to 5 a.m. on Sunday across most of the U.S. -- could produce up to 25 meteors per hour, says Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. Check in with ...
Orionid meteor shower: Q & A
Los Angeles Times
If you've been looking to the skies this week, you may have seen the bright flashes of light indicating the arrival of the annual Orionid meteor shower. While some of the meteors were visible as early as Wednesday, experts say Saturday night and early ...
Meteor Shower Tonight: How to Watch
ABC News
Little bits of sky will fall tonight, and if you're lucky and blessed with clear weather, you may be treated to a pleasant, quiet show. The Orionid meteor shower peaks after midnight, and it's best seen in the hours before dawn on Sunday. The Orionids ...
Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How to Watch
Discovery News
The Orionid meteor shower will rain bits of Halley's Comet on Earth tonight in a promising weekend "shooting star" display. You can even watch the celestial fireworks online if bad weather spoils your local view. The 2012 Orionid meteor shower will ...
Pattern of Quiet Weather; Great Meteor Shower Skies Saturday Night
Dry weather will hold in place through the weekend as high pressure builds in from the Gulf of Mexico. Expect afternoon highs in the upper 60s and lower 70s for part-two of the weekend. There will be no cloud battle tonight if a meteor shower party is ...
Meteor Shower October 2012: Stargazers Get Ready to See Orionid Meteor ...
Latinos Post
Mother Nature is expected to treat us with the spectacle of its natural fireworks show as millions get ready tonight to bask at the skies looking for the expected Orionid metor shower. The meteor shower, as Fox News reports, is expected to reach its ...
Halley's Comet meteor shower expected to light the sky tonight
A meteor shower from pieces of Halley's comet will light up the sky tonight in what promises to be a dazzling show. The Orionid meteor shower occurs annually and is said to produce about 20 meteors per hour, reported DiscoveryNews. said that ...
Orionid meteor shower to peak Saturday night
CTV News
Canadians will want to cast their gaze skyward this Saturday night, as fragments from the most famous comet in the solar system will put on a show in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Our planet will be making its annual pass through the debris trail of ...
A night at the stargazer's theater this weekend, starring Orionid meteor shower
Some things never change. No matter how technologically-oriented we become, mankind still loves to look upward into the night sky and witness the spectacular array of cosmic shows that the celestial bodies perform from time to time. Show times for one ...
What is the modern and ancient meaning behind the 2012 Orionid meteor shower?
Guardian Express
By D. Chandler. Scientist have been looking at the sky in an effort glean some meaning from the behavior of the stars and planets since time memorable. This week life on earth will be the audience for the brilliant and spectacular Orionid Meteor Shower ...
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
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