24 July 2014

OK KS IA Meteor 23JUL2014

OK KS IA Meteor Approx 0100 CDT 23JUL2014
"click on image to enlarge"
OK KS IA Meteor Approx 0100 CDT 23JUL2014
v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets and tell them about this website; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
23JUL2014 Dillon Davis Henryetta, Oklahoma 130 2 seconds i was facing north it was heading west southwest orange red like a bright venus no very bright very fast heading to Oklahoma city.

23JUL2014 Kyle Trilk Cumming,Iowa,USA 1:20am Central time 7 (1-10) bright moon S/SW facing SW Blue/green glowing Moon A little Coolest thing I've ever seen

23JUL2014 Melonie B Blackwell, Oklahoma kay county 1:00:00 between 20-30sec NE headed SW i was standing E NE bright firey looking thing shooting across the sky no sound between sun/moon no looked like a ball with a light stream behind it like a shooting star just bigger and brighter all i can say is i have never in my life seen anything like it it was a big bright fire flame looking shooting thing across the sky it was amazing 

23JUL2014 Michael Hunt Ellsworth, Ks 67439 0053 CST (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) Approx. 5 seconds E/NE-W/SW I was facing East when I first saw it Orange glow, like a fireball Bright as headlights of an oncoming train No fragmentation that I could see I woke up to step outside, and looked up just in time to see a fireball quietly shooting at several thousands of miles per hour (judging from the speed of airplanes flying at that altitude) from the E/NE to W/SW at 0053 hrs this morning, directly over Ellsworth Ks. Did ANYBODY ELSE see this too? Is it a single meteor, space junk falling from space, or a UFO crashing down to earth, and WHERE did it crash down on land? It was going too fast for me to even pull my phone out of my pocket to video it. It had NO sound to it at all.

All 4 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Okayama, Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014 - 20時14分34秒に-4.5等の火球

Okayama, Japan Fireball Meteor 2014 Local Time 19JUL2014 - 20時14分34秒に-4.5等の火球
"click on image to enlarge"
Japan Fireball Meteor 2014 Local Time 19JUL2014 - 20時14分34秒に-4.5等の火球
c2014 mars / SonotaCo
SonotaCo Meteor Forum with details and video of  this event-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 July 2014

NEO Asteroids Close Approach July 2014

NEO Asteroids Close Approach July 2014
Behemoth Cometh Asteroid Advances
c2014 Dirk Ross... Tokyo
All Rights Reserved
Alert- Increased Bolide, Fireball and Meteor activity expected through 10  JULY. Cameras ready?!
There are  4 5-6 7 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass within approximately 10LD or less, LD stands for "Lunar Distance", in the month of July; expect that another 5-10 or more NEOs will be should have been! discovered before month end. Be ready for some bolide, fireball, and meteor activity!
- LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2014 MJ26 , 2013 AG69 , 2014 MF6,  2011 PU1 , 2014 MV41 
,2014 OP2 2014 OW3

updated 28JUL2014
(2014 OW3) 2014-Jul-290.02479.683 m - 190 m22.523.17

updated 27JUL2014 -posted after the fact by NASA
(2014 OP2) 2014-Jul-240.00130.54.2 m - 9.4 m29.011.67

updated 01JUL2014
(2014 MV41) 2014-Jul-170.027110.538 m - 86 m24.213.95

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2011 UZ255) 2014-Jul-010.066525.961 m - 140 m23.214.08
177049 (2003 EE16) 2014-Jul-010.096637.6310 m - 680 m19.721.92
(2007 YQ56) 2014-Jul-020.122647.7280 m - 620 m19.918.01
(2014 MJ26) 2014-Jul-020.02499.729 m - 64 m24.88.68
(2014 KF39) 2014-Jul-060.072528.227 m - 59 m25.02.00
(2014 MF19) 2014-Jul-080.099438.743 m - 97 m23.913.03
(2012 UU9) 2014-Jul-080.132451.544 m - 99 m23.911.54
(2013 AG69) 2014-Jul-080.00682.79.2 m - 21 m27.317.38
(2006 VX2) 2014-Jul-090.155360.428 m - 62 m24.99.28
(2014 LX9) 2014-Jul-090.178769.553 m - 120 m23.55.90
(2014 MF6) 2014-Jul-090.02349.1190 m - 420 m20.711.40
(2004 YG1) 2014-Jul-110.163563.6140 m - 310 m21.413.47
(2001 RV17) 2014-Jul-110.114644.6240 m - 540 m20.211.43
(2014 LX21) 2014-Jul-120.067026.151 m - 110 m23.66.88
(2011 MF) 2014-Jul-130.116145.2120 m - 260 m21.86.85
(2014 MS5) 2014-Jul-130.044917.573 m - 160 m22.811.85
164202 (2004 EW) 2014-Jul-160.101939.7180 m - 410 m20.86.17
(2006 SD25) 2014-Jul-160.146857.142 m - 94 m24.011.09
(2013 AB4) 2014-Jul-160.086933.89.2 m - 21 m27.311.39
(2006 TS7) 2014-Jul-170.101539.5150 m - 340 m21.216.39
(2011 PU1) 2014-Jul-170.02047.927 m - 59 m25.05.02
(2014 MJ6) 2014-Jul-180.087934.2150 m - 340 m21.215.91
(2013 NC24) 2014-Jul-180.185472.123 m - 52 m25.313.88
(2013 NG10) 2014-Jul-200.176768.877 m - 170 m22.716.97
(2014 ER49) 2014-Jul-200.169165.8530 m - 1.2 km18.515.61
(2013 YG) 2014-Jul-220.127649.722 m - 49 m25.44.61
(2014 MA6) 2014-Jul-230.048719.036 m - 81 m24.33.79
(2014 DJ80) 2014-Jul-230.082932.315 m - 33 m26.32.52
(2013 QV1) 2014-Jul-260.181470.6110 m - 240 m22.013.16
(2014 DM22) 2014-Jul-280.112543.8460 m - 1.0 km18.828.33
(2012 VU76) 2014-Jul-290.182571.019 m - 43 m25.73.42
(2008 LV16) 2014-Jul-290.136052.9230 m - 520 m20.312.33
(2014 HF177) 2014-Jul-300.130550.8310 m - 680 m19.77.82
(2010 AF3) 2014-Jul-300.177168.916 m - 36 m26.110.58
(2014 MD6) 2014-Jul-310.075029.2130 m - 300 m21.57.19
Source- NASA/JPL http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

reposted 23JUL2014
original post 01JUL2014
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Sao Paulo, Brasil Bolide Meteor 22JUL2014

Sao Paulo, Brasil Bolide Meteor 19:09 Local 22JUL2014
Asteroid Grazes Atmosphere!
Sao Paulo, Brasil Bolide Meteor 19:09 Local 22JUL2014
c2014 BRAMON
Fireball captured over São Paulo state, Brazil
Posted to YouTube by Carlos Bella 6 views - BRAMON

We had a new fireball, captured over São Paulo state by the PU2VLW station. The fireball was reaches magnitude -3.6, had a long duration of 4.6 seconds. He was also captured by the station in the city of Mogi das Cruzes of Marco Mastria, so we can obtain its exact orbit and trajectory. But the most interesting factor was that there was an eyewitness (Bruno Caspirro) of the fireball in the Itu city. He commented about the intense brightness of the object, its "slowness" and an intense yellow color. It was fantastic the accurate evaluating of the direction of the fireball and its altitude above the horizon. this was the type first interaction between independent eyewitnesses and video capture in BRAMON. - Carlos Augusto Di Pietro

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ontario, CA / NY MA Meteor 22JUL2014

Ontario, CA / NY MA Meteor Approx. 2200 EDT 22JUL2014
"click on image to enlarge"
Ontario, CA / NY MA Meteor Approx. 2200 EDT 22JUL2014
v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
22JUL2014 jeremiah woodbeck Selkirk NY 9:59 EDT 4 seconds upper left to bottom right none very bright halfway through sighting it split into two split like a "y"

22JUL2014 Jake Merrickville, Ontario, Canada 22:00hr EST 3/5/2014 South East Orange/red moon? split into 2 and faded out quickly just saw it out my house window

22JUL2014 Ziggy Sutton, Ma USA 10:20 PM EDT 10 secs nw to se bright white as bright as the moon no It seemed to be pretty big, the light burst was bright. All three people in the car saw it.

22JUL2014 Toni Ottawa, Ontario Canada 2158 4-7 sec Moving south east Fire ball fragmented out into two. Smaller fragment moved away from larger due south fire ball color yes, one smaller fragment, none

22JUL2014 randy farrar Napanee Ontario canada eastern 10:20 pm 6 sec s to n facing east green and hew of yellow moon yes off the tail what was it

All 5 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Alberta, Canada / ID MT Bolide Meteor 22JUL2014 - Breaking News

Breaking News - AB ID MT Bolide Meteor Approx 0130 MDT 22JUL2014 - video
Likely produced meteorites! Canada???
11 Meteor Sighting Reports! - Radio interference reported.
"click on image to enlarge"
AB ID MT Bolide Meteor Approx 0130 MDT 22JUL2014
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Montana Meteor
Posted to YouTube by Nick Welker 58 views

Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
22JUL2014 David Hennessey Calgary Alberta Canada 01:33 Mountain AM Perhaps 10 sec. 15 maybe East to West Saw streak of light very long. Very long. With round front and long tail. Front seemed to burst ?! Then tail section glowed very bright in sudden flash. Like high beams of car. Then started to fade out but visible for some time. I was on back deck when saw. I couldn't believe my eyes so was watching very close. The light got so bright it actually scared me for a moment. Started like moon. Burst went like sun or more. Insane bright. No. Looked like front may have burst ? I have not seen anything like this. I have witnessed shooting stars. This was far more bright , intense and scary then anything. It literally scared me the burst of light. I am a 40 year old man. For two hours now I have checked online and local news to see what this was and nothing. Insanely crazy. Wow. Once in a lifetime !!!!!!

22JUL2014 Kraay Banff Alberta canada 1:15:00 Approx 5-10 secs N-S,left to right. I was heading east Bright green with a train that seemed reddish and fizzed out to orange/rust colour before fading out. Thought it heard a sound like hissing almost. Very bright! More like the moon Didn't seem so No photos. I was driving. Was in the middle of nowhere so it was very dark and it was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. Wished it lasted longer. 

22JUL2014 Nathan Lefsrud Calgary, Alberta, Canada ~0130 MST Around 10 seconds. WSW from left to right It was a huge meteor, and it exploded in the atmosphere brightly enough to light up the night sky. For a few seconds, it had a glowing blue tail, and the meteor itself exploded into a shower of red and yellow. Much brighter than the planets, I'd say on par with the brightness of the Moon. At the moment of explosion, it looked as though it was a very large and nearby lightning strike. I can't say about before the explosion, but it shattered into many pieces. None that I can think of. It was quite extraordinary, though. 

22JUL2014 Thomas Steuart Kitscoty Alberta Canada 01:26 MDT 3-4 seconds southern Sky East to SouthEast Streak then a big flash which lit a huge area . For Miles ! It was almost daylight,,,,greenish ? Had a hue of some sort only a second of flash pretty smokey, didn't see parts Im sure my co work, driving south, got a great view of this. Ive seen streaks before but never a flash. I was driving home from work and the streak caught my eye, then FLASH ! It was very cool, the highway was all lit up, the sky was bright

22JUL2014 Kat Wildwood AB Can 125am 3 sec? SE to NW I think greenish daylight none none

22JUL2014 Shayla Vizbara Strathmore, Alberta, Canada 1:24 AM MDT 4-6 seconds Facing S.E travelling S.W Bright blue flash of light, lit up the sky, shrunk to an orange ball of light and shot off leaving a bright blue trail behind. Initial flash was brighter than lightning, the orange ball looked like a street lamp, the blue trail was as bright as Venus. Trail fragmentation First time sighting!

22JUL2014 Seth norman Ponoka, AB 1.47 am 40 Travelling North left Bright white, then large blue tail at the end redish Sun No fragmentation Scattered my radio

22JUL2014 Drew Red deer alberta canada 1:41am (24hr clock)mountain time About 5 seconds It was heading south east. I was facing south Blue tail. It lit up the whole sky. As bright as lightning N/A It was as big as a bus...(so it appeared as it was entering the atmosphere

22JUL2014 Victor Garcia Rexburg, Idaho. United States 1:30:00 3 seconds Fireball travelling E-W, Driving S-N Green tail, no sound Very bright. Close to the moon brightness No fragmentation It lit a big part of the sky green for good 3 seconds.

22JUL2014 Pamela Brandvold Lewistown Montana USA 1:30 AM aprox was power walking so time was not on my mind and no phone with me to time it perfectly two or three seconds NE-SW right to left facing north Orange head with a core of colors red to black surrounded by a comet tail, cocoon white envelope bulging from head to the point following. 1/2 of night sky facing my view of Dipper seen from town can never remember if that is major or minor til I pay attention lit up the sky like full moon and a micro second of the sun in initial burn up It look like three pieces together fell straight but again trajectory implied different it had a distinct shape which I will draw but I have no scanner. I was out doing a very late power walk and it took me by surprise as to its brightness and the size of meteor when it glowed and its shape visible

All 11 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUL2014

Breaking News: Fireballs, Bolides Over US, Canada and Sao Paulo, Brazil 22JULY2014
YouTube ⋅ 02:12
http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.gr/ Alberta, Canada / ID MT Bolide Meteor22JUL2014 - Breaking News Breaking News - AB ID MT Bolide ...

Alberta, Canada / ID MT Bolide Meteor 22JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
22JUL2014 Nathan Lefsrud Calgary, Alberta, Canada ~0130 MST Around 10 seconds. WSW from left to right It was a huge meteor, and it exploded in ...

Meteor shower to light up Vietnam skies
VOV Online Newspaper
(VOV) - The southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower with radiants reaching a zenithal hourly rate or ZHR of 20 will make its appearance over the skies ...

Montana Meteor
YouTube ⋅ 01:09
... and just happened to watch this burning mass fly through the sky. Checked our security cameras and sadly they didn't catch the actual meteor ...

'What the heck was that?' Fireball flashes across Calgary sky
Calgary Herald
The Rothney Observatory posted this photo to its Twitter account Tuesday afternoon, saying the object in the bottom-left corner is a fireball over ...

Early Life May Have Thrived in the Wreckage of a Meteorite
The geologists looked at the roughly 30 million-year old Haughton meteorite impact crater in northern Canada. They collected 28 rock samples from ...

Watch for Delta Aquarid, Perseid meteors through end of July
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Two meteor showers have their peaks in the coming weeks, but the moon's interference could mean this week and next offer good opportunities to see ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 July 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUL2014

Are we ready to face space Armageddon?
Times of Oman
One Italian manuscript stated that in one Milanese friar was killed by meteorite in 1677. One Ugandan boy was hit with tiny fragment of meteor in 1992.

Amazing Meteorite Discovered on Mars
YouTube ⋅ 01:34
This rock encountered by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is an iron meteorite called Lebanon, similar in shape and luster to iron meteorites found on ...

2014 Meteor Shower: Where and How to Best View Delta Aquarids MeteorShower Peak on July ...
International Business Times AU
The months of July and August will offer sky watchers the viewing experience for the 2014 Delta Aquaridsmeteor shower. The sky display started on ...

Fireballs in space: Amazing video shows Nasa's 'flame extinguishment experiment' in action
The Independent
This is what a fireball looks like in space: first there's ignition, and then a miniature sun blossoms in mid-air. It flares for a second and then fades away, ...

Mars rover Curiosity finds 'Lebanon' on Red Planet aka huge ironmeteorite
Tech Times
An iron meteorite nearly 7-feet long discovered on Martian surface by NASA rover. The iron-rich space rock has been dubbed "Lebanon" by scientists.

Meteor Mania at Kitt Peak in Tucson
Best Boomer Towns
Would you believe three meteor showers all peaking at right about the same date? Although these showers do not have high Zenith Hourly Rates ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 July 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20/21JUL2014

TX OK Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 19JUL2014 Miguel Borromeo Arlington 22:25 CDT 2 United States Green brighter than Venus No seen from car ...

GA TN Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ Sonics
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
"click on image to enlarge" GA TN Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ Sonics Reported v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth ...

SC NC VA Meteor 18JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 18JUL2014 Jacob Quick Cheraw, S.C. 22:30:00 Lated approx. 3sec. west, right to left then down blue with a tail no ...

A meteorite falls in Morocco and attracts hundreds of curious, seeking his remains
YouTube ⋅ 01:56
Apparently, people in the place not known meteorite chunks that have a market value in some cases superior to gold, as the fragments of rare pieces ...

Falling Stars and Black Stone: Humanity's Worship of Meteorites
The Epoch Times (blog)
NASA's Curiosity rover recently discovered a massive metal meteorite on the surface of Mars. The first encounter of its type, the two meters (6.5 feet) ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 July 2014

TX OK Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ video

TX OK Fireball Meteor Approx 2220 CDT 19JUL2014 - w/ video
Check your security cameras!
"click on image to enlarge"
TX OK Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
"click on image to enlarge"
TX OK Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014
Sandia Sentinel Hawley, TX Station
c2014 Kevin Palivec
http://centexallsky.blog spot.com
TX OK Fireball Meteor 19JUL2014
Sandia Sentinel Hawley, TX Station
c2014 Kevin Palivec

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
19JUL2014 Miguel Borromeo Arlington 22:25 CDT 2 United States Green brighter than Venus No seen from car heading west

19JUL2014 joel busch arlington tx 2230 25 east green moon couldnt tell na

19JUL2014 Derick Norman, Oklahoma USA 22:20 pm central time 4 seconds North Green Moon

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

GA TN Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ Sonics

GA TN Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ Sonics Reported
"click on image to enlarge"
GA TN Meteor 19JUL2014 w/ Sonics Reported
v.2 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Ear
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

19JUL2014 A. Smith Maryville, Tennessee, USA 22:50:00 EASTERN about 5-10 seconds South to East Blue and White in colour. Long thin tail The moon when 3/4 full. Roughly. It looked like it was breaking up. It seemed much brighter and closer than I have ever seen here before. 

19JUL2014 ben donaldson byron georgia 10:45 p.m. EASTERN 2 sec s-n RIGHT TO LEFT. FACING NE red yellow ball green trailing tail. 40-60 watt light bulb no disappeared in the sky, very low in the sky, looked like it could landed or burned up between byron and macon ga

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 July 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19JUL2014

Meteor passed directly over Central Virginia
WTOC.com is the local Southeast News Leader for information in Savannah, GA....

Meteor passes directly over Central Virginia
Meteor reports stream in after a huge fireball is sighted in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Reports came in fast and ...

Giant Crater in Siberia: Scientists and Researchers Provide Answers
Headlines & Global News
What the researchers found might perhaps disappoint the public, as it was confirmed the crater was not a result of a meteorite or a UFO. (Photo ...

Video: Meteor Fireball in the Sky Caught on Camera Over Central, Upper Appalachia
Appalachian Area News
Dan Perjar, a 24-year-old software developer at North Carolina State University, recorded the meteor on his dash cam while driving on I-440 from Cary ...

Midlothian man's video helps NASA capture meteor's path
Waxahachie Daily Light
The meteor that flew over Midlothian on July 12 was also captured by New Mexico State University's All Sky Camera Network in Lufkin.

Man Captures Dashcam Video of Meteor in Raleigh Sky
TWC News
RALEIGH—Dan Perjar, a software developer at N.C. State University, said he caught footage of a meteor on his dash cam and then posted it to ...

NASA Detects Huge Meteor entering the Atmosphere over the Mid Atlantic, Fireball July 18 2014
Before It's News
The meteor was moving southeast at a speed of 32,000 miles per hour. The meteor was last seen by a North Carolina camera at an altitude of 37 ...

Meteor over North Carolina? Video shows bright flash in the sky
WRAL-TV reported that Dan Perjar, a software developer at North Carolina State University, captured the apparent fireball on his car's dashcam.

Mysterious fireball spotted on East Coast as far south as Carolinas
WBTW - Myrtle Beach and Florence SC
The AMS reports came in between 9:15 p.m. and 10:45 p.m. on Thursday. The time code on Perjar's video indicates he captured to fireball around ...

95 reports
American Meteor Society
AMS received 95 reports about a fireball seen over DC, DE, MD, NC, NJ, PA, VA and WV on July 18th 2014 around 02:12 (UTC)

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

SC NC VA Meteor 18JUL2014

SC NC VA Meteor Approx 2215 Eastern 18JUL2014 - Second Bright East Coast Event on July 18th!

Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
18JUL2014 Jacob Quick Cheraw, S.C. 22:30:00 Lated approx. 3sec. west, right to left then down blue with a tail no sound the moon yes partswerefalling off. lasted longer than usual

18JUL2014 Joy Clayton, NC USA 22:18PM 3 near Dubhe on the big dipper, headed west(right to left), while facing north bright streak of flashing light lasting only a couple of seconds, with bright flashing enough to light the ground around. No sound as bright as a lighting bolt No. It was straight like a laser. It was much bigger and brighter than a falling star, but not as big or unorganized as lighting.


18JUL2014 John Aselton Norfolk, VA, USA 2214 10 sec E-W, LEFT TO RIGHT white then red explosion Sun complete then explosion seen at roughly a 45 degrees angle in the sky

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

IN KY OH MI WV Meteor 18JUL2014

IN KY OH MI WV Meteor Approx. 0500 Eastern 18JUL2014
"click on image to enlarge"
IN KY OH MI WV Meteor Approx. 0500 Eastern 18JUL2014
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
18JUL2014 Ashley Franklin Ohio 5:03 am est 6 E Bright Green followed by red flame very bright fire balls falling off I've seen shooting stars/comets before but never seen nothing like we just saw this morning. My fiance said omg what the heck is that I look up and see a huge bright green ball falling from the sky. It was pretty cool to see

18JUL2014 Genia Bloomington, Indiana USA 5:00:00 10 Eastern sky traveling left to right Blue and red tail bright white head Brighter then the moon No It was so brilliant and colorful. 

18JUL2014 j. duke marietta, ohio 500 3 seconds Facing SW Direction of travel W to E about 30 deg RA only lost sight because of obstructions to view green with yellow halo and tail no other heavenly bodies for comparison. not as bright as the sun or moon but quite visable. Looked as a firework. single object I was returning home from work. Stopped at a traffic light. Checking for cross-traffic I observed the object, and watched as it passed veiwable area between buildings.

18JUL2014 Andrew Underwood Villa Hills, KY 500 5-10 sec East to west blue, blueish green bight as moon, maybe more yes, flashed at end no photo or video

18JUL2014 Scott Dean indianapolis, in, Usa 0500 eastern 12 to 15 seconds Facing east fireball travelled from north to southwest starting high in sky and ending above horizon neoan green sparkingly green trail started as venus got as large and bright as the moon and size of the sun tail was sparkling like a sparkler so i guess so huge and very close to us.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 July 2014

WV NC VA MD DE PA CT Meteor/s 17JUL2014 - Video

WV NC VA MD DE PA CT Meteor/s 2017 Eastern 17JUL2014 w/ video
Meteorites Likely on the Ground!!!!
23 Reports! w/ sonics and shaking reported!
WV NC VA MD DE PA CT Meteor/s 2017 EST 17JUL2014
"click on image to enlarge"
v.5 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Meteor - Raleigh, NC 7/17/2014
Posted to YouTube by Dan Perjar 300 views

Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
17JUL2014 Tiffany Fijalkovic Richmond,Va 23:00 ish eastern time ~20 East Green bright Brighter then then the full moon Yes I am an avid sky watcher and this was the most biggest brightest fireball ever

17JUL2014 Patricia McNaull Marlinton, WV 10:40 p.m. 3 secs East sky to earth, straight down white brighter than moon none seen seen from inside house out window - very large

17JUL2014 Joe Mueller Seaford, VA US 2230 EST 5-6 seconds Facing west went right to left Looked like a fireball Bright as the sun Wide trail behind it It looked like daylight then it disappeared about 6 seconds later

17JUL2014 Chad Diederichs Stevensville MD USA 22:15 EST ~4 seconds Facing south when spotted. Moving East, Southeast. Moved from right to left from my perspective Yellow, White. No Sounds. Large flare/flash just before it dropped below the tree line. Started as bright as an airplane but quickly flashed brighter then a full moon when it flared Yes, several glowing parts falling off as it flared Very low to the ground when it flared up, likely kept intact enough that large solid fragments should have made landfall on the southern portion of Kent Island MD, USA

17JUL2014 Jimmy Herring Waldorf, MD, USA 22:15:00 7 sec i was facing south and the fireball was traveling right to left i saw a flash of light then i saw a blue ball with a red tail moon no no

17JUL2014 Elizabeth Reed Chapel Hill, NC, USA 22:15:00 5 full seconds West to East.Diagonal about 45 degrees, Left to Right fireball was red and yellowgold very bright reflected of soback clouds and long tail was green very bright burst like a burning ball for last 3 seconds there were flarey bits of gold-off the ball section but no, I don't think any parts were falling off. It was beautiful. I have never seen anything like that before!

17JUL2014 Bill Lanexa, VA, USA 21:00 Eastern US 10-15 sec NW to SE Bright white More than moon less than sun Yes, some fragmentation at the end of the burn. No photo. Suddenly the sky lit bright as lightning, and something burned across the sky. We thought it was a firework, but there was no sound. Three of us saw it.

Driving 15-501 from Pittsboro on way to Chapel Hill tonight I saw a fireball red with long green tail. WOW! I saw a bright red and gold fireball with long green tail break/ clouds and streak down west to east into treeline while driving towards Chapel Hill from Pittsboro. My car clock said 10:17pm but it is a little fast-so probably closer to 10:15pm Absolutely Brillant! -Elizabeth R
News Reports-
Fireball in the sky? Video shows bright flash over Raleigh
... developer at North Carolina State University, captu
red the apparent fireball ... up to New Jersey and Pennsylvania on its fireball log Thursday night.

Meteor streaks through the skies over East Coast
Inside NoVA
An apparent fireball streaked through the skies over the Washington area Thursday evening, prompting dozens of reports to the American Meteor ...

All 23 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18JUL2014

MD VA NC WV Meteor/s 17JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
MD VA NC WV Meteor/s 2017 EST 17JUL2014 "click on image to enlarge" v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth ...

Meteor sighting on cellphone in North Carolina
YouTube ⋅ 00:33
Man catches meteor sighting on cellphone A man captured video of ameteor flashing across the sky in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was also spotted in ...

Fireball over Virginia – July, 17 2014
American Meteor Society
An bright fireball was seen over Virginia on July, 17 2014. Preliminary reports place the time of the event near 2:15 EDT. So far, this fireball has been ...

Meteor / Fireball North Carolina. Meteor Sighting Caught On Cell Phone. Raleigh North Carolina
YouTube ⋅ 01:06
meteor raleigh north carolina. Did you see Thursday night's meteor over Virginia?About 10:15 p.m. Thursday, many of you reported seeing a bright ...

Planetary Science
Tablet Magazine
Altitude, velocity, and direction of the meteor were quickly determined, and members of Mitch's group of Small Body Planetary Scientists immediately ...

Comet ISON's dramatic final hoursEuropean Space Agency- 16 July 2014
A new analysis of data from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has revealed that comet 2012/S1 (ISON) stopped producing dust and gas shortly before it raced past
the Sun and disintegrated. ...

The dual personality of comet 67P/C-G
Rosetta Blog - July 17, 2014
This week's images of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko reveal an extraordinarily irregular shape. We had hints of that in last week's images and in the  unscheduled previews that were seen a few days ago, and in that short time it has become clear that this is no ordinary comet. Like its name, it seems that comet 67P/C-G is in two parts. ...

Russian Meteorite explains mystery behind dinosaur extinction
Zee News
Washington: A new study on Russian Chelyabinsk meteorite has shed a light on the long-standing debate about the source of the asteroid that ...

Melbourne meteor visualisation and top tweets
Apologies for being late with this one, but you may have heard there was a meteor visible over Melbourne last week. In case you missed it, Twitter was ...

Breaking News- UK Bolide Meteor 17JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Breaking News- UK Bolide Meteor 0310 17JUL2014 Check your security cameras! Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

QLD VIC Australia Meteor 16JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
QLD VIC Australia Meteor 16JUL2014 Check your security cameras! Please file your meteorsightings please HERE-

Meteor breaking up.Bolide / meteor
YouTube ⋅ 00:05
Description17/07/14 02.19 BST, Location Southern UK . Camera KPC 350 BH facing approx' SW.

Scientists urge people to share photos and videos of fireball to help unlock secrets of the universe
The Daily Telegraph
People from across eastern Australia turned to Twitter to report sightings of the fireball, which was first thought to be a falling plane or huge meteorite ...

Chasing meteorite chasers all over the US
Buenos Aires Herald
Whatever happened to El Chaco, the second largest meteorite in the world weighing over 37 tons that landed on Earth some 4,000 years ago?

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 July 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17JUL2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15JUL2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Several Fox 4 viewers reported seeing a bright meteor in the sky shortly after 9:00 ... He said the meteor took about 15 seconds to cross the sky.

Curiosity spots a heavy metal meteorite
2-meter wide iron meteorite dubbed “Lebanon,” as imaged by Curiosity's ChemCam and Mastcam on May 25, 2014. Credit: ...

NASA's rover discovers huge meteorite on Mars
Hindu Business Line
Heavy metal! NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has discovered its first meteorite on the Red Planet — a huge shiny, lumpy rock made mostly of iron.

Amazing Meteorite Discovered on Mars video
YouTube ⋅ 00:57
A Meteorite on the Surface of Mars were photographed by the Mars Curiosity Rover during SOL 640 and 641. These possibly Iron Meteoritesare ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14JUL2014
Portal to the Universe
MBIQ Detects TX / LA Meteor ? 12JUL2014Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - BloggerInitial Meteor Sighting Reports- 12JUL2014 baggett ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!