15 April 2011

California NROL-34 Atlas V Rocket Launch NOT Meteor Vandenburg AFB 14APR2011

California NROL-34, Atlas V Launch from Vandenburg AFB
NOT Meteor Fireball Event ~9:30 pm PDT 14APR2011

Goleta California  9:25 pm 4-14-2011
Hi,  I just came across your blog searching the  web just wondering if anyone had seen what I just had. My husband and I saw a bright burning flame ease its way across the sky. It looked like there were flames trailing it it was a bright amber color in the beginning and then as it faded became more white even blue/greenish until it seemingly burnt out leaving our sight with two bright flashes. It did not shoot fast across the sky like most other "Shooting Stars" but rather glided through the air for about 2 whole minutes spanning almost a 180 degree eyeshot. Anyways, it was magical and amazing and I've never seen anything like it, and thought that you people/experts might know more about what it was. viewed in Goleta California 4-14-2011 9:25 pm Thanks!
-Meagan F Thank you Meagan for the first report!

Studio City, CA 19604. Saw it around 9:45pm PDT from Studio City, CA 19604.
Sitting on condo porch looking southward. Watched object travel from West to East. Color appeared to be orangish. Small spherical object in center with a halo of same color favoring the leading edge. No trail otherwise. Watched object for 5 to 7 seconds, then it disappeared in the clouds, but reappeared for 1 or 2 seconds before vanishing entirely.

Port Hueneme, California event 9:30 PM, 14 APRIL 2011
Did not see the event, but my home In Port Hueneme was rock by a sonic boom like explosion. The whole neighborhood came out to the streets to investigate with no visual result. John S.

Laguna Beach, CA Orange Red Fireball 9:30pm(PDT)
My brother and I were at the beach tonight in Laguna Beach, CA; we witnessed a orange and red fireball starting on the far right hand side of the horizon rise toward the left in a large arch, ending a little on the our left as we were facing straight west toward the ocean. It rose steadily and shook visibly at times until it got to its brightest point and fishtailed so we could see two tails as it burned off. The entire thing lasted approximately 1 minute 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and occured around 9:30pm(PST). We would love to know more about what it was we witnessed and are very excited to hear back.

Bakersfield, CA
I think it was around 9:30pm as I was walking out to my car facing south. I looked up into the sky, and from the West I saw a huge red "star" at first glance. At second glance, it appeared to be MOVING and became a more deep red color. Then it grew a tail that became a little longer over the long seconds. It was slow moving and glided across the sky just south of the moon. My boyfriend and I watched in amazement and tried to record it but our phones were unable to capture it clearly. It was slow moving and began to fade, as did the tail, then disappeared into a cloud. Then there were a few bright glares and it was gone. We thought it was a comet, but we're still not sure. Amazing to witness! -Raianna

Coronado, California 9:25 pm 4/14/11
I was walking around town when i saw an orange object going across the sky with an extremely wide amber/peachish colored trail behind it going from west to east, i only saw it for a brief period of time, it was gone by the time i hit the camera function on my phone, and when it disappeared, a few seconds later it reappeared for a second without the trail and disapeared completely. - Dan Smith

Santa Barbara, CA
Tonight, I witnessed something beautiful.
In the southern sky off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA, an orange ball of light began descending. It was large. So large my body reacted in fear, while my mind reacted in wonder.
It lasted no more than fifteen seconds. Or maybe slighty more, I don't remember.
This thing existed, from the point of view of at least one observer. Confirmation would be nice.
Sincerely, An observer - David

Los Angles, CA
Yes, my fiancee and I were driving into los angeles and I saw a red streak across the sky, i t looked like darth vaders light saber, it was bright, then it looked like plane lights for a second, the the tail came back fatter and cloudier, then it dissaperred and reappered and then finally it was gone, one of the coolest things I've ever seen in the night sky!!!! -Keyonne

Palm Desert, CA 
Glad to see I'm not the only one who witnessed this incredible event! I observed what I would describe as a bright orangish red shooting star travel from west to east in the southern sky viewing from my location in Palm Desert, CA the time was 9:28 PM PDST. The object seemed to be moving slower than any meteor I have ever seen, and it seemed to have a plume or glowing field around it. Its trajectory was very horizontal and it dissipated and seemed to reappear a few seconds later in a few red flashes and that was it. - N.T

Chula Vista CA
9:30 pm -Chris f.

Descanso, Ca 
Hello, I came across this site and saw exactly what was described already. I live in Descanso, Ca (San Diego East County). My girlfriend and I both saw a slow moving, amber/redish object with a fading tail behind it. after watching it travel nearly 180 degrees across the sky it disappeared and then seemed to burst into red before disappearing completely. The entire event took nearly two minutes and had no sound. it was nothing like any falling star we have ever seen before! -Ethan

Carlsbad, CA
I live in Carlsbad, around 9:30 pm while walking my dog I saw a bright red and black ball in the sky, to the right of the moon and starting around the middle of the skyline, looked like it was traveling southwest. The red and black ball was surrounded by red/orange/white "flames" (for a lack of a better of describing it) that made a cone line shape around the ball. The ball itself was much larger than a standard airplane in the sky (maybe 5-6 combined) and the flames were incredibly long, I can't accurately describe how long, but it felt like you could play connect the dots with the stars. It lasted maybe 10-15 seconds, seemed to extinguish, then reappeared farther along it's path. The ball was a deeper red, and the flames a darker orange and much shorter in length. It then extinguished completely after maybe 3-5 seconds.
I've read some reports of a boom and shaking thereafter, but didn't hear or feel either. However, it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. -Sasja Tse

Santa Barbara, CA
I was walking toward my house north, when I look up over my roof, and I said to myself that a bright colored street light, I took maybe one more step, and came back outside, and I said thats a comet, first one I ever saw. It was a wonderful orange color and it was moving maybe southwest, I called my soon to brother in law, and we watch it together, I wanna say for a minute, but it felt like 10 minutes. It had a long trail, we cross the street, because my street has big trees, and finally it got dimmer and dimmer and disappered. Maybe a half hour ago. Awesome! -Gregory M.

Santa Barbara, CA
Hello, we witnessed the large fireball. We did not see it until it was between the horizon and regulus( around Hyrda). It had 3 trails. In the beginning while it was moving it had no trail, stopped moving when it developed more trails blew up into white flames and disappeared. After it disappeared we thought we saw a red color re-appear then disappear again. If you find the meteorite would you let us look at it? Good luck! -Amanda and Nick

Southern CA, Simi valley
Approx 45 mins ago from the time stamp of this e-mail to you.
Location: Southern CA, Simi valley.
Sound only. Though may have been aircraft, no reasonable answer as only commercial aircraft pass by, less than sound barrier. Ciao. -GPHESQ

castle park high
Hey, i was looking for pictures of what i witness to one of a lifetime event
after doing my running exercise at castle park high on my way home
something caught my eye on the sky, i did not know what to think at first because i had never seen anything like it my first thought that it was a UFO after i just stood in shook to see that a bright C shaped amber burned the sky across my very eyes after a long 10 second going north to south, i was fasing westward what looked to be a supersonic blast, it dissapeared for two whole seconds reapeared smaller burning then dissapeared on the very sky im glad i could witness what i did not know what was going to happen this very day - Chris F.

Santa Barbara, CA. 
Time was from about 9:24 to 9:29 pm. Viewed from Hwy 101N just north of Santa Barbara, CA. Saw large yellow/orange light moving from approximate NNE to SSW. Largish fireball with a large profile and tail turned to bright white with a much smaller profile and thinning white tail to tail-less smaller object then towards the end of the event a white plume/halo appeared to the forefront of the object. Moments later it was all but gone. It left a large, (assuming high altitude) scattered con trail to the NNE as well...

Manhattan Beach, California
Hello, around 9:25 PM I saw a large fireball heading south/south east.
It was visible for over a minute. It was slow moving and at first I thought it was an airplane that was taking the turn east like other planes just taking off from LAX. Except that it was bright orange. It then headed southeast over land and finally appeared to burn out over the South Bay/Palos Verdes area. Very bright and beautiful. -Jack

Disneyland, CA 
Was south in sky. 3/8inch to the eye. Traveled right to left in sky
Had a "C" shape. With the center of the back of the c the head end
Saw orange and red only on the edges of the c. Center was void of colors. Moved very slow. Came in and out of being visible. Glad others saw it. We thought it was a.plane flying backwards.

Creston, CA Not sure how to use your site. Saw the same bright lights described by Megan F in Goleta. My location is in Creston in northern San Luis Obispo County. It moved and brightened/dimmed exactly as she reported. Seemed to be in the sky for at least 1 minute perhaps 2. At first it seemed to be stationery but then, on further looking I think it was always moving from west to east at a slow speed. Appeared to be approximately 20 to 30 degrees above our horizon (we see hills to south so this may not be an accurate measure of its actual angle from our position.) Interesting phenomenon. -Jim M.
Dena Lachance Piquette: 9:30pm 11-14-11 Huge, slow moving, red fireball with a long red tail! I ran in to get my daughter & she saw it with a white tail before it went out. I've never seen anything like that before! SO AWESOME!

Guest227 (guest): 9:30pst, 4/14/2011 Los Angeles,Ca. Huge,slow moving red ball with a bright fire orange fantail. Went out for 1-2 secs.came back on in a bright orange fireball.heading west to east.

Guest862 (guest): Los Angeles. Came from the NW to SE. 9:35 PST. Looked like a missile at first because it was so bright and fireball like. Then dimmed for about 20-25 seconds. Then brightened up again and disappeared.

Guest786 (guest): I saw the same thing did you see the jets that was following it?

Guest862 (guest): Na.I noticed a plane a little after it burned up but thats it. Just watched battle:la so i was prepared for anything. lol.

Guest227 (guest): I saw a jet going in opposite direction

Guest786 (guest):Right after this had happen i noticed the traffic of comercial planes where not to be seen for 20 mins after

Guest862 (guest):From my vantage point it crossed a planes path leaving lax. but it was probably way up higher.

Guest786 (guest): ok it was a rocket that lest Van. CA

Guest231 (guest): It was west and south of us and was moving slowly toward the east. It was orange and was wide from side to side (like from wing tip to wing tip of a plane) but trailed out the entire length.It looked like a comb that had been melted to the shape of a boomerang, with the leading edge a solid line and the trailing teeth wispy following.It glowed orangish.The light when out for a couple of seconds,then flashed once again, then nothing more.

Guest524 (guest): I'm in Lake Elsinore and I saw it!

Guest482 (guest):South Orange County, CA, around 9:15-9:30pm Apr 14,2011. Three of us saw what we first thought was a plane on fire with glowing contrails. It looked like a typical comet shape, and changed colors before fizzing out, but then there was a small after burn, much like a firework. It was the most magical celestial event I've seen in my life. -LR

Guest680 (guest): My husband and I saw a huge comet I guess .. Over Santa Barbara as we were driving north on the 101 at about a little past 9pm ... It looked increadie and very scary! lol any one else see it?

oscar (guest): hi i just saw around 9.45 p m the same asteroids was in clear sky here in palmdale CA i saw it for a minute and then disappeared with a explosion

villafana1: Around 9:45 In the City of Santa Barbara, Ca.Like cuple of miles on top of us, Miguel Ramirez. I forgot to add, it was like a flame, when my girlfriend and my 3 year old nice saw it,from one side of the truck looked as a flame them infrom of us, we clearly say the tail redish as it traveled then it became a blue,yellow probrably was the view from the back, it was amasing, I berely could see the one tail I was looking for the other one, incredible.

Guest883 (guest):April 14 on Pine Springs Ranch at around 9:45
I was able to see it for about 10 sec. then exploded. reddish glow came back a few seconds later

Santa Barbara, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for sky object falling April 14, 2011.
13:43:48 -- 7 seconds ago
Ontario, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Large Green Meteor Fireball 5APR2011" by searching for california meterite 2011.
13:43:31 -- 24 seconds ago
Santa Barbara, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor santa barbara april 14 2011.
13:43:23 -- 31 seconds ago

Los Angeles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Roseville/Sacramento CA Meteor? 9:45pm PST 4APR2011".
13:43:01 -- 53 seconds ago
Encino, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in the sky april 14, 2011.
13:42:20 -- 1 minute ago
Upland, California left via amsmeteors.org from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News"
13:41:58 -- 1 minute ago
Marina Del Rey, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flames in the sky near santa barbara 14 april.
13:41:29 -- 2 minutes ago

Upland, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite april 14, 2011.
13:41:12 -- 2 minutes ago
Azusa, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 14th 2011 light across the sky.
13:41:08 -- 2 minutes ago
Whittier, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- Meteor/Meteorite News Internet Traffic Indicates Possible Meteors 19JAN2011 20JAN2011" by searching for what is that arge white trail in the sky tonight.
13:41:08 -- 2 minutes ago

Beverly Hills, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for pictures of meterorite falling from sky.
13:40:06 -- 3 minutes ago
La Mirada, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for comet across california sky april 14, 2011.
13:39:57 -- 3 minutes ago

Glendora, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- Fireball in Baltimore MD & York PA - Nov 12, 2010 Meteor/Meteorite News 13NOV2010" by searching for breaking news meteorite.
13:39:06 -- 4 minutes ago
Los Angeles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 14 meteor explosion.
13:39:00 -- 4 minutes ago
Apple Valley, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Southern California Meteor Event 10SEP2010 11SEP2010" by searching for Meteor over southern calif.
13:39:00 -- 4 minutes ago
Whittier, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Meteor 14MAR2011" by searching for meteor over Los Angeles.
13:38:14 -- 5 minutes ago
Ontario, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i just seen an asteroid tonight april 14.
13:38:08 -- 5 minutes ago
Lomita, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor april 14th 2011.
13:38:07 -- 5 minutes ago

Palos Verdes Peninsula, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for comet sighting today april 14th 2011.
13:38:04 -- 5 minutes ago

Hacienda Heights, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for comet meteor sighting los angeles 2011.
13:37:41 -- 6 minutes ago
Canyon Country, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor 4-13-2011.
13:37:32 -- 6 minutes ago
Moreno Valley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 5APR2011 News With Lots of Ketchup" by searching for meteor recent news.
13:37:27 -- 6 minutes ago
Canyon Country, California arrived on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Meteor 14MAR2011".
13:37:14 -- 6 minutes ago
Fontana, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor in la, april 14.
13:37:13 -- 6 minutes ago
Palm Desert, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid april 14 2011.
13:36:50 -- 7 minutes ago
Los Angeles, California arrived from lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
13:36:29 -- 7 minutes ago
Cypress, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Los Angeles, CA Meteor 29MAR2011" by searching for meteorite los angeles.
13:36:23 -- 7 minutes ago
Cerritos, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Large Green Meteor Fireball 5APR2011" by searching for shooting star california news.
13:36:11 -- 7 minutes ago
Murrieta, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for southern california meteor showers april 14, 2011.
13:35:13 -- 8 minutes ago
La Mesa, California arrived from webcache.googleusercontent.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
13:34:53 -- 9 minutes ago
Santa Barbara, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Goodman, Mississippi Bright Green Meteor Fireball 14APR2011" by searching for meteor april 14 2011.
13:34:52 -- 9 minutes ago

Corona, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Ireland Meteor 8.30pm GMT 1MAR2011" by searching for meteorite 5 gmt.
13:34:41 -- 9 minutes ago
Calabasas, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Large Green Meteor Fireball 5APR2011" by searching for large shooting star Los angeles.
13:34:32 -- 9 minutes ago
Colton, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Meteor 14MAR2011" by searching for meteor in california 2011.
13:34:16 -- 9 minutes ago
Rosemead, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 14 2011 space night meteor.
13:34:14 -- 9 minutes ago
Torrance, California left via 4.bp.blogspot.com from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News"
13:34:13 -- 9 minutes ago
Los Angeles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Large Green Meteor Fireball 5APR2011" by searching for fireball meteorite Los Angeles.
13:34:09 -- 9 minutes ago
Santa Barbara, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for california asteroid april 14 2011.
13:34:02 -- 9 minutes ago
Los Angeles, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: CA and TX Meteors Reported 1FEB2011 Meteor/Meteorite News 2FEB2011" by searching for meteor over Los Angeles 9:20 April 14.
13:33:55 -- 9 minutes ago
Simi Valley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting today.
13:33:49 -- 10 minutes ago
Torrance, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting today.
13:33:25 -- 10 minutes ago
Mountain View, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor santa barbara sky Apr 14, 2011.
13:33:19 -- 10 minutes ago

14 April 2011

Goodman, Mississippi Bright Green Meteor Fireball 14APR2011

Goodman, Ms bright green streak  meteor 1:18am. April 14, 2011
MSGuest (guest): 1:18am. April 14, 2011.Goodman, Ms. I was driving with my girl friend and a very bright green streak fell from the sky. I was hoping someone might know what it was. Has anyone else seen anything like that? -KLRH

Anyone else see this or other meteor event?  Please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

OH PA WV MD NJ Meteor 11:35 pm 13APR2011

Baltimore, MD. Meteor 11:35 pm 13APR2011 
Baltimore MD. April 13th. 11:35 PM. Saw a very bright meteor in the western sky with a sparkler tail. Brightest I've ever seen. maybe 20 degrees north of the moon. -Dave Tanner

Balltimore, Maryland Greenish Emerald Streak Shooting 1:35-11:40 tonight (4/13/2011)
I live in Balltimore, Maryland and around 11:35-11:40 tonight (4/13/2011) I was getting off the 295 exit to get onto 695 going towards Towson I noticed a greenish (emerald color) streak shooting across the sky. Did I really see a comet? I wanted to know if you know of any scheduled comets coming in view of our area around this time and if anyone else as reported seeing something similar tonight in the sky? Thanks, Romelle B.  Sorry no comets scheduled this week.

New Jersey Meteor 11:45 pm 13APR2011
I just saw a meteor at 1145 pm in NJ 4/13/2011 looked huge like a white ball with a trail of neon blue and green trail of flames following it as it dropped straight down from the sky.First time I have ever seen anything like that. It was amazing!!! -mamayamaha

Greenbelt, Maryland 11:30 pm 13APR2011
I saw a brief, bright white light not long after 11:30 pm, above Greenbelt, Maryland (intersection of Washington Beltway/495/95 and Baltimore-Washington Parkway/295). It was in the northeastern sky and moving from southeast to northwest. The northwest side of it looked like a bright burst of white light. This was followed on the southeast by a white tail. Overall, it followed a smooth arc, as I would have expected, but it made an erratic jagged dip down, across, and back up before it disappeared. (It looked celestial to me, but we do get a lot of varied aircraft here because we are near both Washington, DC, and NASA.)

Independence Ohio Meteor ~11:42 April 13, 2011
As I was driving home this evening I spotted a meteorite.
I was traveling eastbound on Pleasant Valley Road and noticed a blue-white streak seemingly traveling north to south in the south / southeast sky.
It was approximately 11:42 EST. I was in Independence Ohio and looking south. It was bright enough to take my attention off the road. Hank D.


Granvile, Ohio
I saw a fire ball between columbus and granvile ohio around 1135pm 4.14.2011 appeared to be heading north in the eastern sky. - FreshBasted

Youngstown, NY 
While letting the dog out I saw an emerald green sparkling tail meteor at 1140pm. For me it appeared to the south soaring very low. Awesome!

Blackwood NJ
Just saw a green fire ball with a yellow tail shoot down the sky in Blackwood NJ.Amazing to see!
Danielle Curcio Maiocco

Harrisburg, PA large meteor blue/green with a large tail11:40PM
Harrisburg, PA around 11:40PM saw a very large meteor blue/green with a large tail traveling south-east. I have never seen anything like it. It looked as though it was going to land just a mile or so away. It was so close.

Silver Spring MD
Guest400 (guest): I just saw a green and yellow fire ball about 7 mins ago. From Silver Spring MD

Guest783 (guest): I live in Williamstown,NJ...about 20 mins ago saw a fireball so close that the i was able to see an orange glow off the tail of it. Never in my life have i seen something so close!it was an experience i will not forget.

 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
I saw the same bright light-green shooting star towards the south. Waterloo, ON.

Clarksburg, WV
Guest566 (guest): I was driving north on I79 between Rt 50 in Clarksburg, WV and Jerry Dove Dr about 11:35 pm on April 13,2011 when I spotted a white ball of light that appeared to be an object on fire falling fast and straight down. I thought it was a plane on fire at first.It appeared to be in the local area around Bridgeport,WV and disappeared behind the treeline.

Charleston, South Carolina Meteor 13APR2011

Spring hill, florida  possible meteor hit on the moon, ~10:20pm April 13th 2011
Michael Rollo: ive photgraphed and recorded a possible meteor hit on the moon, at approximately 10:20pm April 13th 2011 location is Spring hill florida. and it is still there to look at  if you have your scope out, or have one to bring out, id suggest to do so -Michael Rollo

W. Columbia SC Meteor ~10:33 pm 13APR2011
April 13th here in W. Columbia SC and I'm in the Three Fountains area and just saw a beautiful nice medium sized one streak across the sky at around 10:33 p.m. - Kit W.  Thank you Kit for the correct date!

Charleston, South Carolina, USA. bright, white "shooting star"10:30PM EST 12APR11
Guest872 (guest):Saw a bright, white "shooting star" about 5 minutes ago (around 10:30PM EST on April 13, 2011).We are located in Goose Creek, SC --right outside of Charleston, South Carolina, USA. It was very bright and stunning!
Other event:
Charleston, South Carolina Meteor 5:37 am 13APR2011
I was driving to work (Charleston SC) and today Apr 13 2011, at 5:37am
I saw a very fast burning ball going down towards the west. It was
very close, it should've landed very close to Charleston. -Michael S

See a meteor?  Email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

13 April 2011

Fireball 20110410_023131UT from Italy (Switzerland) 10APR2011

Fireball 20110410_023131UT from Italy 10APR2011
Observer: Ivaldo Cervini ( video station IMTN )
  Locality: Breganzona- Lugano ( Svizzera)

46° 00' 08" N, 8° 55' 31" E, 447 m slm

Instrument:  Mintron Mintron MTV-12V6HC-EX con obiettivo Pentax 6mm f/1.2

Italian Meteor and TLE Network
Observer: Ivaldo Cervini ( video station IMTN )
  Locality: Breganzona- Lugano ( Svizzera)
Italian Meteor and TLE Network
Sattelegg in Switzerland

I have observed this objekt on the Sattelegg in Switzerland (47°07'35.12N 8°50'49,77E, altitude 1200m). A big explosion with a clear, withe flash (compareable with a photografic-flash in 10 meters distance). 2 minutes later, the "smoke-stripe" of the way from this fireball are always visible in the binoculars.
Kind regards, Peter Wüthrich

50 Years a Hero Ю́рий Алексе́евич Гага́рин / Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 12APR1961-12APR2011

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (RussianЮ́рий Алексе́евич Гага́рин,[1] Russian pronunciation: [ˈjurʲɪj ɐlʲɪˈksʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ɡɐˈɡarʲɪn]; 9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human being to journey into outer space, when his Vostokspacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961.

12 April 2011

Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois Meteor 11APR2011

Chicago, Illinois Meteor ~10:22 pm 11APR2011
Guest442 (guest): 22:10 Monday the 11th viewed from North of Chicago. South East to North West Transitioned from South of me to North West until over the horizon.Bright with tail.visible for 3 seconds or so from my vantage point. Fairly low in the sky.

Chicago, IL Meteor ~10:00 pm 11APR2011
Chicago, IL. - April 11, 2011 - About 10:00PM. A buddy of mine and I were chatting outside. Saw a very bright white light shooting across the whole sky. A shooting? Comet? Idk, but it was amazing. Never seen anything like it. Literally shot across the sky for at least 6-7 seconds then disappeared! It went from East to West. -Scuba Steve 

Horicon, Wisconsin Meteor ~10 pm 11APR2011
I saw the same shooting light in the sky around 10pm April 11th 2011! I followed it for about 3 or 4 seconds then it was gone. My husband and I couldn't figure out what it was! We're in Horicon, Wisconsin which is in between Milwaukee and Madison It was traveling from east to west.

Mount Pleasant, Iowa Meteor 10:02 p.m 11APR2011
I live in southeastern Iowa near Mount Pleasant. I was thrilled to see the blogs that I am sure was the same thing I saw. I was sitting on my deck when a bright light from the ESE that when it got overhead was orange and yellow to a greenish tail. It was huge. I have seen meteor showers before but nothing like this. It was visible for 6-8 seconds. I even had time to step up on a table to watch it longer as it dissapeared over my house. It was still lit up before the house got in my way. It was heading WNW. It was almost straight overhead of me so I had a great view. I thought maybe I heard a boom right after it left my view, but very distant and not very loud. I can not believe there has been nothing in the news here in Iowa. Hope you post this to your blog. - Ed H.

South Beloit, IL about 10:15-10:30 CST 11APR2011
I am also looking for imformation about the shooting star last night, April 11 2011 seen about 10:15-10:30 CST. We live in South Beloit IL near the Wisconsin border. This "star" came from the southeast heading northwest. We see alot of shooting stars when sitting in our hot tub but this one was amazing. Bright with a nice sized tail. We never did see it burn out as it went behind clouds in the northwest sky. Spectacular! Sarah E

Chicago Meteor April 11 2011
I live in the south suburbs of Chicago. Last night at around 10. I saw the biggest, brightest, and longest shooting stars I have ever seen! It seemed like it lasted for 10 seconds…..but I was in so much awe that I lost the concept of time. - John M.

Chicago, IL.
Saw the same thing last night as a buddy and I were walking home from the Subway near Division and Milwaukee. I had a feeling and the exact empty part of the sky I was looking at is where the object broke through and lit up like a 4th of July sparkler. I've never seen a meteor so bright and low, and it seemed to fly overhead for a long long while, and vanished into the horizon. -Anon.

Montgomery, IL
Same here - from Montgomery (a suburb of Chicago). In the west section of the sky traveling NW. Lasted at least 5 seconds for me. To date, the best thing I've seen in the sky. A huge fireball that moved rather slowly and a long trail of debris. - Anon.

Anyone else see this? Reports, phonecam captures, Security camera video, Photos?  Please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada 'shooting star' meteor 11APR2011

Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada 'shooting star' meteor 10:20 pm 11APR2011
Hi there, I am just emailing about the shooting star last night April 11, 2011 @10:20pm pst time Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada. I was looking on line today to see if I could find out anything on it and also about other stars that were amazing last night, like the 3 stars in a row, very low, big, bright and twinkling. Also there was a star formation I am not sure what it was ( I do not know the different star patterns and names) looked like the little dipper wasn't, the stars in this formation were twinkling alternately and looked like they had color! Then the bright light came over the top of the house very fast and very low heading north east and then couldn't see it, then saw it again heading north west in about a 3-4 second span. I have never seen a shooting star before, I think that is what it was and I was chatting to a friend of mine on the phone at the time, telling him about the stars as they were so amazing and thought he may know what the star formation was. He didn't know but he thought it was pretty amazing! He said the 3 bright stars in the horizontal form was Orion's belt? Well there you have it, amazing night!
Hope this helps
Gail Thank you Gail!

Anyone else?  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Wichita, KS huge greenish/yellow meteor fireball 12APR2011

Wichita, KS huge greenish/yellow fireball 2:30 am 12APR2011
Guest215 (guest): My name is Mike, I live in Wichita, KS. I was driving home from work around 2:30 am and saw a huge greenish/yellow fireball heading north to south (I was heading northeast on K-42). It was very large and was traveling very fast.Lasted for maybe 5 seconds, left a tail behind it for a short time. I've never seen anything like it, it was amazing.

Anyone else see this?  Please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Perth, Australia Meteor? 12APR2011

Perth, Australia Meteor? 06:30 am 12APR2011
We saw what appeared to be a meteor in the dawn sky approx 06.30 Perth Western Australia 12 April 2011 heading in a south easterly direction. Not a very long tail, but very bright. Other people seen it but nothing on tv here?

Anyone else see a meteor?  email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Co. Cork, Ireland Meteor 04:30 am 12APR2011

Co. Cork, Ireland Meteor 04:30 am 12APR2011
Guest343 (guest) wrote: 04:30 Co. Cork, Ireland.Saw a light travelling in the sky, bright orange leaving a green trail. It moved from a north easterly direction to a south western direction. I think this was a meteor anyway. I don't know much about them but it was so different I had to check this out.

Anyone else see this?  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12APR2011 - GAM Lunar Week Begins!

Meteorite Hunters (1 Letter to the Editor of the New York Times)
New York Times
Private meteorite hunters are not the bane of science (“Black Market Trinkets From Space,” April 5). As a result of the harvesting done by Bedouins, Berbers and others, 32 specimens from Mars and 43 specimens from the Moon have been discovered in the ... (The New York Times - Letter to the Editor by Darryl Pitt)

Theory of Titan ice volcanoes gets cold shoulder
In the new study, a team of scientists say Titan's identifiable surface features were likely created by weather or other external forces — meteorite strikes, wind and rain — rather than volcanic activity. This suggests that the huge moon's interior ...

NASA Allsky Camera Network - TN Meteor April 6
9 sec
NASA Allsky Camera Network Image of Tennessee Meteor on April 7, 01:21:57 UTC / April 6, 20:21:57 CDT.. Copyright ...
youtube.com -

Editoryal: Pamalandong sa panahon
Sun Star Sun, 10 Apr 2011 08:35 AM PDT
KALUHA sa paghamtong sa kalibotan ang daghang panghitabo ug kausaban. Sumala sa Wikipedia, ang edad sa kalibotan naa sa 4.54 bilyon ka tuig base sa radiometric age dating sa 
meteorite materials. read more

More about comets and Comet Elenin | Astro Bob
By astrobob
Being crumbly, comets sometimes break in two or even more pieces. Breakups can release lots of extra dust and gravel bits. If at some point, Earth intersects a shattered comet's orbit, we can experience a meteor shower. ...

Fireball - or a UFO in Flames?
On the evening of April 8 hundreds sent out Twitter messages indicating that a fireball-shaped UFO was streaking over the city's sky at high speed. The story did not go beyond that. However, authorities are looking into the object that plowed its way ... (Veracruz, Mexico meteor)

A moonstruck generation
Korotev's career of studying moon rocks took him to the deserts of Antarctica, where scientists have discovered most lunar meteorites. The study of meteorites and lunar samples has helped provide a clearer picture of events on Earth billions of years ...

GAM Lunar Week Begins!

The Moon is at center stage for GAM Lunar Week
 - April 10 to 16 A week-long special series of programs, from April 10 through 16, will be dedicated to the Moon to help people rediscover our closest companion in space. Lunar Week takes place while the Moon is well-placed for observation in the evening sky. Observing the Moon by telescope and naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures are all avaialble.
Some Lunar Week highlights:

Do you have a question about the Moon? Ask a Space Scientist! During Lunar Week Professor Bernard Foing, a Space Scientist at the European Space Agency

, will be answering your questions about the Moon. Perhaps you have always wondered what the Moon is made of, or how the Moon was formed, or even how humans or robots might explore the Moon in the future. The answers to the best questions will be posted on the GAM website.

Like the constellations, different observers in different latitudes observe the same sky differently. Now it is your turn to help us build a map with pictures of the Moon in different countries.  Your images should be acquired on the nights of 9, 10, 11 and 12 of April. A map with all the images will be produced to share with everyone.

Beginning at 19.30UT
During GAM Lunar Week you can reach the Moon from home! The Virtual Observatory's immensely popular series of special online, live remote observing events continues withWalking on the Moon. You see it all as astronomer Gianluca Masi moves the telescope, takes images to show you and narrates from the Virtual Observatory in Italy. You can also join in the chat with others tuning in from around the world.
Throughout April - Moon and Culture

The Moon and Culture project seeks to bring together the unique cultural perspectives of our closest neighbor in space, the Moon, from cultures around the world. Every culture on earth has a view of the moon that is unique to them, their heritage and their identity as a people. Share your cultural Moon stories with others through this unique collection.
Throughout April - Moonlight Poetry

This year the Astrpooetry Blog's special edition for Global Astronomy Month focuses on two topics: 1) Dark Skies Awareness and 2) the Moon. Write your “moonlight cocktails” of poetry now and send them in to be published on the GAM Astropoetry Blog.
Throughout April - MoonDays

The Moon—Earth’s traveling companion in space—is an integral part of life on Earth. Still, few people notice it or recognize its importance to us. The Moon is being celebrated throughout Global Astronomy Month via MoonDays,
 with programs during Lunar Week and beyond.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
For information on sponsorship opportunities for Global Astronomy Month 2011 or specific programs during GAM see the GAM Sponsorship page
 or contact Mike Simmons .
More information:

Announcements from Planetary Science Research Discoveries [PSRD]

New Section: CosmoSparks. Short reports that draw attention to recent observations or discoveries in cosmochemistry.http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/CosmoSparks/

New Headline Article: Wet, Carbonaceous Asteroids: Altering Minerals, Changing Amino Acids
-- Aqueous alteration in asteroids containing organic compounds leads to formation of hydrous minerals and changes in the mix of amino acids.
We invite you to:
READ: First summary paragraph for a quick overview
PRINT: pdf version
VIEW: short slide summary with notes

Find all the headline articles in our archives:

PSRD is an educational web site supported by NASA's SMD Cosmochemistry Program and the Hawaii Space Grant Consortium to share the latest research on meteorites, asteroids, planets, moons, and other materials in our Solar System.

11 April 2011

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Meteor 12:29AM. 11APR2011

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 12:29AM. April 11, 2011
Apr 11 2011, 3:37 PM Tokyo Timestamp
Guest25 (guest) wrote: Just saw something resembling a meteorite or fireball in Edmonton on April 11, 2011 at 12:29AM. I live in the far side of West Edmonton and was facing south when I saw a orange streak moving from East to West. Would have landed 2-5 km south of Edmonton near Enoch Reserve. It appeared to be breaking up and had quite a trail of orange debris. Lasted possibly 2 seconds or so.

411 Japan Earthquake 7.1M Tsumami Warning Issued Ibaraki Prefecture 11APR2011

411 Japan Earthquake 7.1M 11APR2011 (USGS)

One month after the devastating 311 Japan 9.1M earthquake of March 11, 2011

411 Japan Earth Quake 7.1M
~5:16 pm Japan Local Time

Tsumami Warning Issued Ibaraki Prefecture
Evacuate all low lying areas in Ibaraki, Chiba and Fukushima areas. - set to soon expire.

NHK http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/

NHK TV from home TV