Showing posts with label Baltimore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baltimore. Show all posts

02 September 2011

Baltimore, MD Meteor 31AUG2011

Baltimore, MD/ North west off 83 pkwy Meteor 11:pm 08/31/11

I was driving from the city in Baltimore, MD. headed North on 83 Jones Falls parkway exiting Northern pkwy when to my left I saw a great big blue ball with orange tips at the end shooting so fast that if I blinked I wouldn’t have saw it! I’ve never seen anything like this ever...

Kimya Atkinson  Thank you Kimya!

Bellefonte, PA  Meteor Sighting ~11:00 pm 31AUG2011
I observed last night (around 11:00pm 8/31/2011) what must have been a meteor streaking across the sky.
I was standing outside the building where I work night shift in Bellefonte PA, facing NE and was looking at the sky because it was a relatively clear night and I knew that this time of year meteor showers are not uncommon.
What I saw passed almost directly overhead and was traveling SE to NW. It resembled a large streaking firework with a multi-colored fireball and long white or silver tail. It was quite spectacular. The duration of what I observed I would estimate at 2 or 3 seconds. I remember thinking that it seemed to last much longer than a so-called "shooting star" and appeared much closer. It passed almost directly overhead. That is about as much information as I can give you. I hope it has been helpful. -Edward Casher  Thank you Edward!

Berkeley Springs, WV
I am not a science buff and have seen my share of shooting stars in my 42 years, but I never saw anything make into our atmosphere. Last night 8/31 and approximately 11:00-11:10 pm over Berkeley Springs WV, Allen district I was right about 39.606085,-78.1703 when I saw a fire ball less then ¼ mile or so in front of me shooting down at about a 45 degree angle. From my view about the size of a volleyball.
For as low as it was I only saw it flash by but I think it hit somewhere in this area 39.62473,-78.171158
I do not know if you guys had any way to check last night and see if this hit your radar or not.I was heading home from a card game. It is pitch black back there and I literally shut off my lights and started looking for fire but there are so many valleys it could have been in one. It rained today so not sure how easy it would be to find at this point.
I was on my way home. -Irv  Thank you Irv!

State College, Pennsylvania
I saw a small ball of fire in the sky on August 31st at 11:03 pm. I have never seen anything like that. I even heard the sound it made when descending. At one point it ignited and slow down as it did. I saw it for about 7 seconds and then trees got on the way of my view and did not see it anymore. This happened in State College Pennsylvania. -Wallington Jimenez-Ortiz  
Thank you Wallington!

We need your sighting reports!  Thank you!
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!

14 April 2011

OH PA WV MD NJ Meteor 11:35 pm 13APR2011

Baltimore, MD. Meteor 11:35 pm 13APR2011 
Baltimore MD. April 13th. 11:35 PM. Saw a very bright meteor in the western sky with a sparkler tail. Brightest I've ever seen. maybe 20 degrees north of the moon. -Dave Tanner

Balltimore, Maryland Greenish Emerald Streak Shooting 1:35-11:40 tonight (4/13/2011)
I live in Balltimore, Maryland and around 11:35-11:40 tonight (4/13/2011) I was getting off the 295 exit to get onto 695 going towards Towson I noticed a greenish (emerald color) streak shooting across the sky. Did I really see a comet? I wanted to know if you know of any scheduled comets coming in view of our area around this time and if anyone else as reported seeing something similar tonight in the sky? Thanks, Romelle B.  Sorry no comets scheduled this week.

New Jersey Meteor 11:45 pm 13APR2011
I just saw a meteor at 1145 pm in NJ 4/13/2011 looked huge like a white ball with a trail of neon blue and green trail of flames following it as it dropped straight down from the sky.First time I have ever seen anything like that. It was amazing!!! -mamayamaha

Greenbelt, Maryland 11:30 pm 13APR2011
I saw a brief, bright white light not long after 11:30 pm, above Greenbelt, Maryland (intersection of Washington Beltway/495/95 and Baltimore-Washington Parkway/295). It was in the northeastern sky and moving from southeast to northwest. The northwest side of it looked like a bright burst of white light. This was followed on the southeast by a white tail. Overall, it followed a smooth arc, as I would have expected, but it made an erratic jagged dip down, across, and back up before it disappeared. (It looked celestial to me, but we do get a lot of varied aircraft here because we are near both Washington, DC, and NASA.)

Independence Ohio Meteor ~11:42 April 13, 2011
As I was driving home this evening I spotted a meteorite.
I was traveling eastbound on Pleasant Valley Road and noticed a blue-white streak seemingly traveling north to south in the south / southeast sky.
It was approximately 11:42 EST. I was in Independence Ohio and looking south. It was bright enough to take my attention off the road. Hank D.


Granvile, Ohio
I saw a fire ball between columbus and granvile ohio around 1135pm 4.14.2011 appeared to be heading north in the eastern sky. - FreshBasted

Youngstown, NY 
While letting the dog out I saw an emerald green sparkling tail meteor at 1140pm. For me it appeared to the south soaring very low. Awesome!

Blackwood NJ
Just saw a green fire ball with a yellow tail shoot down the sky in Blackwood NJ.Amazing to see!
Danielle Curcio Maiocco

Harrisburg, PA large meteor blue/green with a large tail11:40PM
Harrisburg, PA around 11:40PM saw a very large meteor blue/green with a large tail traveling south-east. I have never seen anything like it. It looked as though it was going to land just a mile or so away. It was so close.

Silver Spring MD
Guest400 (guest): I just saw a green and yellow fire ball about 7 mins ago. From Silver Spring MD

Guest783 (guest): I live in Williamstown,NJ...about 20 mins ago saw a fireball so close that the i was able to see an orange glow off the tail of it. Never in my life have i seen something so close!it was an experience i will not forget.

 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
I saw the same bright light-green shooting star towards the south. Waterloo, ON.

Clarksburg, WV
Guest566 (guest): I was driving north on I79 between Rt 50 in Clarksburg, WV and Jerry Dove Dr about 11:35 pm on April 13,2011 when I spotted a white ball of light that appeared to be an object on fire falling fast and straight down. I thought it was a plane on fire at first.It appeared to be in the local area around Bridgeport,WV and disappeared behind the treeline.