07 April 2011

Tennessee / North Carolina/ Alabama/Arkansas/Kentucky Meteor 6APR2011

Tenn, N Carolina, Alabama Bolide 6APR2011
Red=AMS;Yellow=ELP;Aqua=LMH sightings reported
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter- Tokyo/ Google Earth
Tennessee / North Carolina/ Alabama/Arkansas/Kentucky
6APR2011 Meteor
(c)MEO- NASA, Bill Cooke
Tennessee / North Carolina/ Alabama/Arkansas/Kentucky
6APR2011 Meteor Data
(c)MEO- NASA, Bill Cooke

We need your help. If you saw this, have a photo, security camera video/ phonecam/policecam video please contact LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Thank you!
To make an official report see the AMS site (button left sidebar).

Dyersburg, Tennessee Meteor ~8:22pm 6APR2011
I don't know alot about these things but my husband wanted me to get on the net and see if there was some type of showers. We live in Dyersburg, Tennessee. We sighted a large What looked like a fire ball about 15 to 20 minutes ago. Very bright. It looked as though it was the size of a basketball coming down. Only lasted few seconds before was gone. Beautiful. Came across this sight maybe u know. What it was and maybe helpful to your work. Thanks  -Christy
Christy wrote more:
It was 8:22 pm. No sound. It looked like an airplane at first. Then we noticed it was on fire. That made us really pay attention. Came out of south was heading north. It was a greenish blueish color.I guess you would call turquoise. It was not small. Nothing was falling off of it. Just was so bright and firey. Would really love to know what its called or I guess What it was. Have never seen anything like it. Thanks. - Christy
Thank you Christy!  You most likely saw a green fireball.  You are lucky; most people never see one.

Lobelville, TN USA Meteor ~7:00 pm 6APR2011
i saw a metior flair in lobelville tn usa
at 7:00 pm date 5,6,11 i saw a light out of the corner of my eye it was like a expanding flame in the sky then it blew up it was not big but i saw it and it was like nothing iv ever saw. -Johnny G.

Memphis, TN Huge Meteor about ~8:30 pm 6APR2011
Saw a HUGE meteorite over Memphis, TN about 8:30 pm, in Memphis, TN. It was HUGE. What was odd though, it didn't look round. I couldn't figure out what I was seeing. Almost thought it was a plane crashing, but it burned out before hitting ground. That thing did some damage to something when it hit! -Debbie Mosley

Hickory, NC Meteor Spotted 9:15 pm EST 6APR2011
about an hour ago 9:15 est. i am in hickory nc
- Gina Moser

Knoxville, TN HUGE! Meteor 9:40
I live in Knoxville TN and saw it around 9:40. It was amazing. It was HUGE! It was a large ball of light with a long tail and it arched beautifully in front of the moon. I had to get online and see if I imagined it because it was so unreal. I'm glad you all saw it too. I saw it straight on and it was headed north. I didn't see any fire though. I was at a stop light luckily so I got to watch it go until it was out of sight. Micheline G
your location when viewed (city, country) – KNOXVILLE TN USA
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) - north to south just below the moon
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – facing it, moving from up to down on the ground not across
color(s) –green and blue bright
meteor direction of travel – north to south just below the moon
duration (secs) – 5
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – sun
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – no
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – no
and other comments that you think are important –
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential)
KNOXVILLE TN USA ~9 pm Bright as the Sun Bolide 6APR2011
I saw this as i was gazing at the stars on a blanket with my binoculars. I have no idea who to tell and I googled it and found this site. Basically I was looking at the moon and just below it I noticed a light which was green and blue. It got bigger and longer and wider and finally disappeared. My brain could not understand what i saw. I have seen these before but way way way smaller and not as bright at all. This was bright enough to light up the sky. My husband was inside and I ran in and told him what i saw he told me it was a metor. I said it had the longest widest tail i have ever seen and was just below the bright crescent moon, just below it this is why I saw it since I was looking at the moon through my binoculars. It scared me a little because it was as bright as the ones in the movies, could it have been a comet? IDK I mean was it a near earth comet? How big does something have to be before considered a comet??? I think it was a comet and not a meteor. -sophie

Huntsville, Alabama falling star 8:30 pm 6APR2011
Just entered a post on Lunarmeteoritehunters blog about a meteorite I saw tonight 4.6.11 in Huntsville AL around 8:30.  It fell out of the center of the sky to the North west, very bright, like an airplane, really, much brighter than planets.  It had a long tail and fell slowly compared to other "falling stars" I have seen.  The color went from white, to pinkish, to seafoam green.  
It disappeared over the trees.  It probably lasted 5 seconds, although it seemed to last for a long time.  
Samantha Hathorn, Owner, Big Dipper, Sam & Greg's Pizzeria

Cookeville, Tennessee
Saw an amazing fireball go across the sky. Vivid colors of fire then to greenish glow. Long tail... at 8:25 p.m. April 6, 2011.
found your site and am glad to report this wonderful viewing. WOW!
Glenda Nelms
Knoxville, Tennessee
Guest619 (guest): I just saw at 9pm ET in knoxville Tennessee a HUGE meteor fall out the sky with a long blue green tail that went on forever and was very wide. I am in Farragut off Lovell road (pelissipi Highway) I almost fainted it looked like those in movies that end the world. no joke
It was directly below the moon and fell at a bird's flight across from me, how would i know where it landed? would this make the news? wow i am so amazed and a little scared about what i saw. I had my binoculars since I was star gazing

Chattanooga, TN
Guest865 (guest):Just saw a meteor in Chattanooga, TN.Time was 9:55 PM ET. started in Eastern sky and lasted aprox. 3 sec.Line of sight distance about 45 degrees.White with yellow tail.

Burns, TN
Burns, TN April 6 8:30 pm CST. Meteor went over my house.Huge. Bright. Moving very fast.

Micheline Gahagan: Knoxville TN 9:40pm saw phenomenal ball of light with the longest tail stretching across the sky just below the moon. I was facing West and it seemed to be moving North. It was going left to right. It lasted for about 5 to 6 seconds if not longer.I didn't notice anything falling from it.

Harvest, Alabama, USA 4/6/2011 approx 8:20 pm
Date/Time – 4/6/2011 approx 8:20 pm
your location when viewed (city, country) – Harvest, Alabama, USA
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) -
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – west, meteor was to my right moving left
color(s) –light orange or pink that turned into a light blue before dimmed out
meteor direction of travel – southwest
duration (secs) – 5 to 7 seconds
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – very bright colors like the sun. very vivid. 
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – no sounds that i could hear but was in a car
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – not that i saw
and other comments that you think are important – one of the neatest things i have ever seen in the sky. -Chelsy

Guest596 (guest): 8:30 pm April 6 Cookeville,Tennessee southeast to northeast direction. long tail green fireball.duration about 3-4 seconds.

Niota, Tn.
After 9, not sure exactly.
I had just stepped out onto the back porch. About the get into our hot tub
when I just a HUGE orange fireball. It moved across the sky and right thru the
moon and then just disappeared. It was so awesome. I've never seen that
before. I'm not good with directions and stuff so I can't put all that. But it
did travel left to right...lasted just a few seconds. No sound... I live out
in the beautiful country around Niota Tn.  -Patti

Farragut TN
I was driving down Parkside Dr. towards Lovell Rd. In Knoxville/Farragut Tennessee about 9:20 pm on April 6th (last night) when I saw a huge egg shaped ball of light shoot across the sky towards Oak Ridge right over the tree tops. I was pretty freaked out and my first thought was "I just saw a UFO!" I think it must have been a meteor though... It was pretty awesome, very large and as bright as the sun. It was shooting across the sky for 3-5 seconds and then disappeared.
Miranda, Farragut TN

Talbott, TN
My Son and I were driving home on April 6, 2011 at 9:15pm and saw a meteor in Talbott TN. The Meteor was a 1/2 from us at about 3000 ft heading from South to North. We seen it change from a fire ball to a greenish/blue when it entered the clouds then it burn out. It was a beautiful site.  Ande Munsey Talbott TN.
Guest815 (guest):Pretty sure I saw one on the outskirts of Montreal. It was falling North as I was driving West on the highway. Looked like a mini yellowish fire work that was fizzling out.

---Thank you all for your reports!
If Anyone else saw a meteor please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com   Thank you! 
*(please cut and paste into email with your answers; thanks):
Date/Time –

your location when viewed (city, country) – 
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) - 
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – 
color(s) –
meteor direction of travel – 
duration (secs) – 
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – 
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – 
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – 
and other comments that you think are important – 
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential) 

To make an official meteor report see the AMS button on the left sidebar.  Thank you.

ELEVATED Detected NEOs Close Approach April 2011 Green Fireball Alert 6APR2011 7APR2011 (Asia)

Eight (8) NEOs Asteroids to pass EXPECT some fireworks in the sky from tonight 6APR2011 thru the 15th of April.  The observatories have found several of these in the past 24 hours.  Way to go astronomers!!! NEOsAsteroids 2011 GW9 , 2011 GP28 , 2011 FT29 , 2011 GR36 , 2011 GZ22011 FT53 ,
 2011 GK44 , 2011 GE , 2011 GP59  will pass safely 10LD (Lunar Distance)
or less.

Get the word out (Facebook, Twitter, Forums and News; (your local weatherman or TV/Radio station) there will be some debris leading or trailing these that have not yet been detected and we are in for meteors, Green Fireballs, and perhaps some bolides.  Ready to capture on your cameras?  Get out and watch if you can.  Please post a link to this site http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/

If you see a meteor, fireball or bolide please email me at LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!  We need your sighting reports*.

(2011 GP59) 2011-Apr-150.00361.437 m - 82 m24.38.05

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2011 GW9) 2011-Apr-060.00130.56.3 m - 14 m28.111.36
(2009 HE60) 2011-Apr-060.081331.720 m - 44 m25.75.24
(2011 GP28) 2011-Apr-060.00060.23.6 m - 8.0 m29.414.82
(2011 FT29) 2011-Apr-070.01616.323 m - 52 m25.319.11
(2011 GR36) 2011-Apr-070.025710.015 m - 34 m26.29.43
(2011 GZ2) 2011-Apr-080.00692.715 m - 34 m26.215.60
(2011 FT53) 2011-Apr-090.01546.021 m - 46 m25.69.67
(2011 GK44) 2011-Apr-090.026210.220 m - 46 m25.68.40
(2011 BE38) 2011-Apr-100.123348.0560 m - 1.3 km18.416.57
(2010 VB1) 2011-Apr-100.169966.158 m - 130 m23.36.81
(2011 GA3) 2011-Apr-120.068826.825 m - 55 m25.26.80
(2011 GE) 2011-Apr-130.01234.816 m - 36 m26.19.70
Source: NASA/JPL http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

Thank you all for your reports!
If Anyone else saw a meteor please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com   Thank you! 

*(please cut and paste into email with your answers; thanks):
Date/Time –

your location when viewed (city, country) – 
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) - 
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – 
color(s) –
meteor direction of travel – 
duration (secs) – 
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – 
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – 
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – 
and other comments that you think are important – 
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential) 

To make an official meteor report see the AMS button on the left sidebar.  Thank you.

Tallinn, Estonia / Finland Major Event! Meteor- Bolide 5APR2011

Tallinn, Estonia Bolide  20:40-20:50 Europe/Tallinn) 5th april, 2011
Me an my friend saw something like meteor about 20:40-20:50 Europe/Tallinn (5th april). It wasn't even dark yet and the asteroid was really near and really bright (kind of flame in movies like armaggeddon). It was about 20 degrees of sky long and flame was really really clear. It could not be anything else, cause it was quite fast. It lasted about 3 second. It took place in Tallinn, Estonia.
Direction was from south to north. No pieces were falling off and there was no sound.
If anyone else saw it, then i would be very thankful when I could have more information about that more.
And please keep my information confidential. Also i can answer more questions if needed.
Regards! -
Thank you very much Ingmar!

Estonia, Rae vald, Rae küla, 20.50 local time 5 April.
I sighted shooting star around 20.50 local time in Estonia, Rae vald, Rae
küla, 5 April. Direction from south to north. Star was extremely bright,
it was visible approx 5 seconds. The size and brightness of the star was
similar to an airplane light during take off. -Agnes
Thank you Agnes!

Another Reader writes:
Accorinng to this news article shooting stars were seen in several cities yesterday: Tampere, Nokia, Riihimäki, Hämeenlinna, Nastola, Nurmijärvi, Veteli, Seinäjoki, Salo and Oulu.

Light phenomena hundred sightings from all over the Finland
Published: 04/05/2011 21:51, Updated: 05/04/2011 23:13

According to eyewitnesses, the songs are very bright, and fall rapidly. Also has become a public safety answering points calls.It is an exceptionally bright fire ball.
Pirkanmaa Emergency Response Centre, at 20.51 in the evening was a phone call about a strange light phenomenon Ruovesi Murole Channel Road. The alarm came ilmaliikenneonnettomuutena.

- The alarm came to us ilmaliikenneonnettomuutena. Fire brigade started a movement, when a caller said that a strange phenomenon had gone close to the surface condition hämyssä.

- We secure match, is there any man-made drops from the sky down to earth until the Fire Officer Kari Kankaanpää said.

Rescue Department was, however, ATC and the Armed Forces ilmavalvonnalta informed that all aircraft have landed safely.

- When the kamaraltakaan not found anything, so fire brigade was left nothing to be done, Kankaanpää said.

During the mission, we were informed that Tampere was the light corresponding to a phenomenon observed in the cloth of the head.

"Burning the trees above the track"
The first caller described the case of Kankaanpää that: "The burning of trees above the track flown."

- Probably it is a light phenomenon bright blue sky, "says pelastuspäällikkö Esko Kautto Tampere Regional Rescue Department.

- The current assumption is that there is a weather-emergent perception.Today, southern Finland, there have been many similar phenomena, "says Esko pelastuspäällikkö Kautto.

Sightings in different parts of FinnishIlta-Sanomat entering contacts on the basis of the same or similar light phenomenon was also seen at least in Tampere, Nokia, Riihimäki, Hämeenlinna, Nastolan, Nurmijärven, Veteli, Seinäjoki, Oulu, Salo, and even in the evening sky.
One eyewitness describes what he saw fire.
- No sound and lighting was not part of the phenomenon putoamisnopeus was really great.

"Spring is the time to fire balls"The stars and space -Journal writes today on its website that "spring is the time to fire balls."
It is an exceptionally bright star of the flights.
Fireballs occur in the spring equinox the weeks surrounding the sky more than usual, but a precise explanation has been found.
According to the magazine became a major balls may end up meteorites to the surface.
According to the newspaper Tuesday night's phenomenon is a case of exceptionally bright fire ball, which is potentially able to reach the surface of the meteorite. If so, it has reached the "direction of the Gulf."
Ursa that so many observations of an individual became a ball comes less than once a year.
- The fireball created when the size of a few kilos of rock hit the atmosphere, and it takes the atmosphere into smaller pieces, Tampere Ursa President Kari A. Kuure says Aamulehti .
Jussi Niiranen, Sari Autio, Kalle Pirhonen


Internet Query suggests meteor seen in Estonia/Finland 5APR2011:
Finland Meteor- Shooting Star 5APR2011
Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:
 Philippines Big Shooting star Meteor? 4APR2011" by searching for shooting star finland 5th april 2011.  

(This post was originally made on 5APR2011 4:48pm Tokyo Local Time but is now being reposted on 7APR2011 5:55am due to several new reports.)

If anyone saw this event please email time and location seen to 


tulipallo=fireball , valoilmiö=light phenomenon , kirkas valo = bright light , taivaalla=in the sky

Fort Payne, Alabama Two Meteors 6APR2011

Fort Payne, Alabama Two Meteors  2015hrs EST & 2350hrs EST 6APR2011

My name is Brian Coleman and I live in Fort Payne, Alabama; I stumbled across your blog while trying to find if someone else had witnessed the bright, old-looking meteors I witnessed on the evening of 04/06/2011.  I witnessed the first greenish hue fireball in the sky to the northwest of my house just before it faded out nearing the ground at approximately 2015hrs EST.  I had seen meteors before but never such a brilliant green and partially discounted the event as someone firing a green firework that didn't have, or failed to report.  Later that evening near 2350hrs, I witnessed a second green fireball.  This time the object was between my house and the mountain directly to my east.  Judging from the trajectory, I would guess that the impact would have to be actually on the side of the mountain.  It had the same characteristics as the first:  green and yellow in appearance and faded just before nearing the ground.  I am curious if anyone else had witnessed either of these, to me, odd events.
Thank you
Brian Coleman

Kanyakumari, Southern Tip of India Large Meteor 6:40 pm IST 6APR2011

Kanyakumari, Southern Tip of India Large Yellowish-Red Meteor 6:40 pm IST 6APR2011
I just saw a meteor fall from India ( time 6: 40 pm IST on 6th April 2011; Location: Southern tip of India- Kanyakumari) . It was a fairly large meteor with a long tail. Yellowish red color. it appeared to be heading further south or southwest towards Arabian sea. regards -Dr Santhosh

Anyone else see a large meteor?  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com