08 November 2009

Russian Meteor/Meteorite News- Past Week 8NOV09

Латвийские законодатели: А за "метеорит" ответите!

Комсомольская правда - ‎2009年11月5日‎
Компания сообщила о падении в Латвии огромного метеорита 25 октября. Информация прошла по всем телеканалам, об этом писали и российские, и зарубежные СМИ. В итоге оказалось, что крупное научное событие всего лишь "рекламная акция, благодаря которой мир должен узнать о Латвии". ...
The Latvian legislators: And for "meteorite" will answer!
The Komsomol truth - ‎2009年11月5
Company has informed on falling in Latvia a huge meteorite
On October, 25th. The information has passed on all telechannels, about it wrote and Russian, and foreign mass-media. As a result it has appeared, that large scientific Event only " the advertising action owing to which the world should
To learn about Latvia "....

Падение метеорита в Латвии организовал Tele2

Любимый город - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Упавший в Латвии метеорит оказался рекламной акцией, которую спонсировал оператор мобильной связи ООО "Tele2". Придумавший акцию директор по маркетингу компании Янис Спрогис заявил, что сделано это было для того, "чтобы латвийское общество поверило в себя и увидело, что с помощью одной ...
Falling of a meteorite in Latvia has organized Tele2
Favourite city - ‎2009年11月2
the meteorite which has Fallen in Latvia has appeared the advertising action which was sponsored by the operator of mobile communication Open Company " Tele2 ". The director who has thought up the action on marketing company Janis Спрогис has declared, that it has been made for that, " that Latvian
The society has believed in itself and has seen, that by means of one...

Колонка редактора: Метеорит в Латвии вызвал эпидемию гриппа на Украине

Литовский курьер - ‎2009年11月4日‎
Тогда уже можно поднимать вопрос, что будет, если метеорит упадет на Литву». Премьер как в воду глядел. Метеорит «упал». Правда, «упал» на Латвию. Но, возможно, он целился в Литву, просто промахнулся. По крайней мере, так можно было еще думать в первые дни «падения», когда еще не было объявлено, ...
Column of the editor: the Meteorite in Latvia
the Lithuanian courier - ‎2009年11月4
has caused a flu epidemic in Ukraine Then it is already possible to lift a question that will be if the meteorite will fall to Lithuania ». Prime-minister as in water looked. A meteorite
"Has fallen". "Has However, fallen" to Latvia. But, probably, it целился to Lithuania,
Has simply missed. At least, so it was possible to think in the first
Days of "falling" when it has not been declared yet...

«Метеорит» еще напомнит о себе

penki.lt - ‎2009年11月5日‎
Недавно «упавший» на Латвию «метеорит», который впоследствии был не раз назван «телеоритом», еще заявит о себе, предполагает газета Neatkarīgā. Возможно, это всего лишь часть огромной рекламной кампании, продолжение которой нас ожидает в ближайшее время. Представители телекоммуникационного ...
"Meteorite" still will remind of itself
penki.lt - ‎2009年11月5
"meteorite" which has recently "fallen" to Latvia,
Which subsequently not time has been named «телеоритом», still will declare itself, Newspaper Neatkarīg assumes. Probably, it only a part huge
Advertising campaign which continuation expects us in the near future.
Representatives telecommunication...

Индейцы наска вымерли из-за собственной беспечности

Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月3日‎
Совсем недавно ученым удалось найти очередные подтверждения того, что доисторические индейцы Кловис вымерли из-за падения метеорита. В частности, на острове Санта-Роза был обнаружен лонсдейлит - аллотропная модификация углерода, образующаяся при падении небесных тел. ...
Indians наска have died out because of own carelessness
Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月3 More recently scientists managed to find that the next confirmations, that prehistoric Indians Кловис have died out because of falling a meteorite. In particular, on island the ßá¡Ôá-rose has been found out лонсдейлит- аллотропная the updating of carbon formed at falling heavenly

В латвийском законодательстве предусмотрят меры ответственности за розыгрыши вроде падения "мазсалацского метеорита"

Интерфакс-Казахстан - ‎2009年11月5日‎
ИНТЕРФАКС/BNS - Сформированная после случая с "мазсалацским метеоритом" министерством внутренних дел Латвии рабочая группа оценит, адекватна ли предусмотренная действующим законодательством ответственность за действия с признаками обмана в отношении общества и государственных структур, ...
In the Latvian legislation will provide measures of the responsibility for draws like falling " мазсалацского a meteorite "
the Interfax-Kazakhstan - ‎2009年11月5
ИНТЕРФАКС/BNS - Generated after a case with " мазсалацским a meteorite "
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Latvia the working group will estimate, whether is adequate The responsibility stipulated by the current legislation for
Actions with attributes of a deceit concerning a society and state Structures...

Технология дурачения общества от отца «метеорита» (видео)

Kompromat.lv - ‎2009年11月3日‎
Янис Спрогис, директор по маркетингу шведской компании «Теле2», недавно дал интервью Первому Балтийскому Каналу. В числе прочего он признался, что кратер рыли 9 человек, и использовались только лопаты, но никакой техники. О розыгрыше никто из внешнего мира не знал, за исключением хозяйки участка ...
Technology дурачения societies from the father of "meteorite" (video) Kompromat.lv - ‎2009年11月3
Янис Спрогис, director on marketing Swedish company " Теле2 ", recently
Has given interview to the First Baltic Channel. Among other it has admitted,
That a crater dug 9 person, and shovels, but any were used only
Technics. Anybody from an external world did not know about draw, except for
Mistresses of a site...

Ничто астрономическое нам не чуждо

ТВ-6 Владимир - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Это был метеорит, врезавшийся в землю в районе села Сима. Фрагменты разбросало на большие расстояния. Первый обломок метеорита нашел охотник села Кузьминское. Он пошел поохотиться и вдруг увидел темное пятно на снегу, тут же прицелился и выстрелил. "Ура, готов хорек," - подумал охотник. ...
Anything astronomical to us is not alien
TV-6 Vladimir - ‎2009年11月6
It was a meteorite run the ground in area of village Sima. Fragments has scattered on greater distances. The first fragment of a meteorite
The hunter of village Kuzminskoe has found. It has gone to hunt and has suddenly seen Dark spot on a snow, has there and then aimed and has shot. " Ur, it is ready
хорек, " - the hunter has thought....

Учёные на пути к разгадке причины вымирания динозавров

IzRus - ‎17 時間前‎
Группа американских учёных под руководством Санкара Чаттерджи, работающая в Техасском технологическом университете, предполагает, что метеорит, упавший на Землю 65 миллионов лет назад неподалёку от города Бомбей в Индии, мог стать причиной полного вымирания динозавров, сообщает интернет-ресурс ...
Scientists on a way to a solution of the reason of extinction of dinosaurs
IzRus - ‎
Group of the American scientists under direction of Санкара Чаттерджи,
Working at the Texas technological university, assumes, that a meteorite,
Fallen to the Earth 65 million years ago nearby from the city of Bombay in
India, could become the reason of full extinction of dinosaurs, informs
The Internet-resource...

Марсоход Spirit вновь занедужил амнезией

Известия - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Тем временем двойник Spirit - находящийся на противоположной стороне Красной планеты марсоход Opportunity - успешно продвигается в направлении огромного кратера Индевор. Ему за последние два месяца посчастливилось обнаружить на поверхности Марса два метеорита и изучить их с помощью своих ...
Mars rover Spirit again занедужил an amnesia of
Известия- ‎2009年11月2
In the meantime double Spirit - being on the opposite party
Red planet mars rover Opportunity - successfully moves ahead in
Direction of huge crater Индевор. To it for last two months
Has had the luck to find out on a surface of Mars two meteorites and to study them by means of the ...

Токсичные водоросли могут погубить Землю

КM.RU - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Согласно теории американских ученых из университета Клеменсона, массовое вымирание живых организмов, которое произошло 65 миллионов лет назад, могло быть вызвано не ударами метеоритов, вулканическими извержениями, как считалось до этого момента, а чрезмерным ростом популяции ядовитых водорослей. ...

Один странный марсианский камень

InFuture.ru - Почувствуй будущее! - ‎15 時間前‎
Ещё один метеорит? Большой кусок породы, выброшенный в результате давнего столкновения? В этом районе разбросано множество других обломков. Камень назвали Marquette Island (Остров Маркетт). Марсоход попытается приблизиться к камню и исследовать его, при том, что песчаные дюны, окружающие его не ...
One strange martian stone
InFuture.ru - Feel the future! - ‎ one more meteorite?
The big piece of the breed which have been thrown out as a result of old collision? In
This area the set of other fragments is scattered. A stone have named
Marquette Island (Island Markett). The mars rover will try to come nearer to
To stone and to investigate it, that the sandy dunes surrounding it not...

Вымирание динозавров спровоцировали водоросли

Yoki.ru - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Согласно гипотезе, в тот период в мировом океане находилось очень много различных водорослей, которые стали токсичными в результате падения крупного метеорита. Соответственно, водоемы, куда приходили динозавры на водопой, оказались отравленными. Как сообщает издание Правда.ру, данную теорию пока ...
Extinction of dinosaurs was provoked with seaweed
Yoki.ru - ‎2009年11月2
According to a hypothesis, during this period at world ocean was much
Various seaweed which became toxic as a result of falling
Large meteorite. Accordingly, reservoirs where came
Dinosaurs on a watering place, have appeared poisoned. As informs the edition
Правда.ру, the given theory while...

Над Индонезией взорвался крупный метеорит

siteua.org - ‎2009年11月1日‎
Индонезийская пресса сообщила о том, что сильный атмосферный дым и последующий взрыв, наблюдавшийся жителями города Боне 8 октября примерно в 11 утра по местному времени, был вызван метеоритом, причем довольно большим. В местном центре климатических и атмосферных исследований говорят, ...
Above Indonesia the large meteorite has blown up
siteua.org - ‎2009年11月1
The Indonesian press has informed that a strong atmospheric smoke and
The subsequent explosion, observed city dwellers the Check on October, 8th
Approximately in 11 mornings on local time, has been caused by a meteorite, and it is enough greater. In the local center of climatic and atmospheric researches speak...

Ученые нашли нового виновника гибели динозавров

Telegraf.by - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Ключевую роль в массовых вымираниях живых организмов, которые происходили несколько раз в истории Земли, возможно, играли не удары метеоритов и извержения вулканов, а спровоцированный ими бурный рост токсичных водорослей. К такому выводу в результате проведеного исследования пришли ученые из ...
Scientists have found the new originator of destruction of dinosaurs ()
Telegraf.by - ‎2009年11月2
Key role in mass вымираниях alive organisms, which
Occured some times in history of the Earth, probably, played not impacts of meteorites
And eruptions of volcanos, and the rapid growth provoked by them toxic
Seaweed. To such conclusion as a result проведеного researches ...

древнейшее орудие труда в Северной Америке

Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Новые результаты позволяют восполнить этот пробел в исследовании. Культура Кловис существовала в Северной Америке более 13 тысяч лет назад. Примерно 12900 лет неожиданно наступил ее резкий упадок. Многие исследователи полагают, что это связано с катастрофическим событием - падением метеорита, ...
The most ancient instrument of work in Northern America
Lenta.ru - ‎2009年11月6
New results allow to fill this blank in research.
Culture Кловис existed in Northern America more than 13 thousand years
Back. Approximately 12900 there has unexpectedly come its sharp decline. Many
Researchers believe, that it is connected with catastrophic event-
Falling of a meteorite...

Московскому планетарию исполнилось 80 лет

Вести.Ru - ‎2009年11月5日‎
Как отметил представитель компании "Покровские ворота", после завершения реконструкции в обновлённом планетарии планируется открыть интерактивную галерею и музей, где будет представлена самая большая общедоступная коллекция метеоритов и лунного грунта, а также уникальное собрание астроприборов ...
To the Moscow planetarium 80 years were executed
Вести.Ru - ‎2009年11月5
As the representative of the company " Покровские has noted a gate ", after
End of reconstruction in updated planetaria it is planned to open
Interactive gallery and museum where the greatest will be presented
Popular collection of meteorites and lunar ground, and also unique assembly of astrodevices...

Давай покрасим холодильник в черный цвет…

РАКУРС - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Журналисты и ученые эксперты на целый день бросают все дела, чтобы заняться метеоритом. Жителей страны обуревает широкая гамма чувств – от восторга до страха. Восторг, потому что «нашу страну посетил гость из космоса». Ужас от осознания того, что, войди метеорит на минуту раньше в атмосферу ...
Give we shall paint a refrigerator black color …
Journalists and scientific experts on all the day throw all business to borrow in a meteorite.
Inhabitants of the country are overwhelmed with wide scale of feelings – from delight up to fear.
Delight because « our country was visited by the visitor from space ». Horror from
That comprehension, that, enter a meteorite a minute earlier into an atmosphere...

Россия – родина мамонтов

Родное Подмосковье - ‎2009年11月5日‎
Впрочем, что именно стало причиной внезапной гибели здешних мамонтов – наводнение, падение метеорита, радиация или поразивший популяцию вирус, - ученым доподлинно неизвестно. История севской находки, вскоре ставшей палеонтологической сенсацией, вкратце такова. Летом 1988 года в Брянской области, ...
Russia – the native land of mammoths
Native Moscow suburbs - ‎2009年11月5
However what exactly became the reason of sudden destruction of local mammoths – flooding, falling of a meteorite,
Radiation or the virus which has amazed a population, - scientists for certain
It is not known. History севской the find which soon have become paleontologic
Sensation, it is in brief those. In the summer of 1988 in Bryansk area...

NASA опубликовало уникальные снимки из космоса

TOP News.RU - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Однако, при более детальном изучении структуры, можно обнаружить, что эта окаменелая "лава" – в действительности гора, расплавленная от удара метеорита о Землю. Система ASTER, установленная на спутнике Terra агентства NASA сделала снимок кратера Tenoumer в Мавритании 24 января 2008 года. ...
NASA has published unique pictures from space
TOP News. RU - ‎2009年11月6
However, at more detailed studying structure, it is possible to find out, that
This fossilized "lava" – actually the mountain fused from impact
Meteorite about the Earth. System ASTER established on the satellite
Terra agencies NASA has made a picture of crater Tenoumer in Mauritania 24
January, 2008....

Экология территории промышленных центров УЗбекистана

Каталог Минералов - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Вторгшиеся в земную атмосферу метеориты из межпланетного пространства от наноструктурных размеров (менее 100 нм) до отдельного камня (1-10 см и более) или метеоритного тела (болиды), которые за счёт сопротивления воздуха при продвижении подвергаются торможению и нагреванию, образуя "дымный" или ...
Ecology of territory of industrial centres Uzbekistana
Catalogue of Minerals - ‎2009年11月6
meteorites which have Intruded a terrestrial atmosphere
From interplanetary space from наноструктурных the sizes (less than 100
Nanometer) up to a separate stone (1-10 sm and more) or a meteoric body
(болиды), which due to resistance of air at promotion
Are exposed to braking and heating, forming "smoky" or...

Жители Краснодара могут посмотреть на звезды в обсерватории КубГУ

ЮГА.ру - ‎2009年11月5日‎
Это ураган, который бушует уже более 400 лет на Юпитере", - рассказал ROKS FM сотрудник обсерватории КубГУ Александр Иванов. Он отметил, что кроме того, все желающие могут в университетском клубе астрономии посмотреть на метеориты...

Inhabitants of Krasnodar can look at stars in observatory КубГУ ЮГА.ру - ‎2009年11月5
It is hurricane which storms already more than 400 years on the Floodlight ", - has told
ROKS FM the employee of an observatory KubGu Alexander Ivanov. It has noted, that
Besides all interested persons can in university club of astronomy
To look at meteorites.

Только факты

Бизнес & Балтия. Латвия - ‎2009年11月3日‎
Фальшивый метеорит пожарным обошелся в 2600 латов, а стражам порядка — в 754 лата. Теle2 обязался возместить ущерб. Скандально известный издатель Айвар Гарда и его "девушки" Илзе Лиепа и Лига Музиканте планируют обратиться в суд, чтобы взыскать с Полиции безопасности и Генеральной прокуратуры 4 ...
Only the facts
Business and Baltic. Latvia - ‎2009年11月3
False meteorite
The fireman has managed in 2600 латов, and to guards of the order — in 754 лата. Теle2
Has undertaken to indemnify. Infamous publisher Ajvar Garda and
Its "girls" Илзе Лиепа and League Muzikante plan to address in court,
To collect from the Security police and the State Office of Public Prosecutor 4...

Московскому планетарию исполнилось 80 лет

Медиакратия - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Как отметил представитель компании "Покровские ворота", после завершения реконструкции в обновлённом планетарии планируется открыть интерактивную галерею и музей, где будет представлена самая большая общедоступная коллекция метеоритов и лунного грунта, а также уникальное собрание астроприборов ...
To the Moscow planetarium 80 years
Медиакратия - ‎2009年11月6
As the representative of the company " Покровские has noted a gate ", after
End of reconstruction in updated planetaria it is planned to open
Interactive gallery and museum where the greatest will be presented
Popular collection of meteorites and lunar ground, and also unique assembly of astrodevices...

Любопытные тюлени острова Сааремаа

Rata News - ‎2009年11月1日‎
В окрестностях деревни Каали находятся несколько небольших озерков удивительно правильной круглой формы, как будто циркулем нарисованы – это следы падения метеоритов. Диаметр самого большого – 110 метров, глубина – 16 метров. С кратерами связано много мифов, в частности, их считают местом ...
Curious seals of island Saaremaa
Rata News - ‎2009年11月1
In vicinities of village Kaali are a little small озерков
Surprisingly correct round form as though by a compasses are drawn–
These are traces of falling of meteorites. Diameter of the biggest – 110 meters, depth – 16 meters. Many myths are connected with craters, in particular, them consider as a place...

Боевая спутница Земли ("Город 812", Санкт-Петербург)

РГРК "Голос России" - ‎2009年11月2日‎
Ученые выдвинули гипотезу, что в этих районах как раз и могут сохраняться ледяные ядра комет, то и дело падающих на Луну. Атмосфера на Луне настолько разреженная, что практически не защищает ее ни от метеоритов, ни от комет. Поэтому Луна и выглядит как Грозный после миротворческой миссии. ...
Fighting спутница the Earth (" City 812 ", St.-Petersburg)
РГРК " the Voice of Russia " - ‎2009年11月2
Scientists have put forward a hypothesis, that in these areas just and can
To be kept ice kernels of the comets continually falling on the Moon. An atmosphere on the Moon so rarefied, that practically does not protect it neither from meteorites, nor from comets. Therefore the Moon also looks as Terrible after peace-making mission....

Не кара

Популярная Механика - ‎2009年11月1日‎
Заговорили даже о том, что ее окрасили не пыль, а споры внеземных организмов, попавших в дождь с метеоритом. Разумеется, ученые изучили и проанализировали химический состав красного дождя Кералы. Оказалось, густой красный цвет был связан со взвесью красных сферических и овальных микрочастиц ...
Not a penalty
Popular Mechanics - ‎2009年11月1
Have started talking even that it have painted not a dust, and disputes of the extraterrestrial organisms which have got during a rain with a meteorite.
Certainly, scientists have studied and have analysed a chemical compound
Red rain of Kerala. It has appeared, dense red color has been connected with
Suspension of red spherical and oval microparticles...

Знайшли найдавніше знаряддя праці в Північній Америці

Хрещатик - ‎2009年11月6日‎
Нові результати дозволяють заповнити цю прогалину в дослідженні. Культура Кловіс існувала в Північній Америці більше 13 тисяч років тому. Приблизно 12900 ...
Got the oldest tools in North America
Khreshchatyk - 2009年11月6日
New results to fill this gap in the study. Clovis culture existed in North America more than 13 thousand years ago. Approximately 12900 ...

Japan Meteor/Meteorite News- Another Fireball Over Saitama 6NOV09 8NOV09

Another Fireball Over Saitama 6NOV09
I have now learned that there was a second fireball over Saitama, Japan on the same night as the one reported earlier. The other meteor was filmed by the Sonota Corp cameras at 8:05 P.M. with and entry position from about the same position and an Earth path just slightly different.
K. Ohtsuka , of Sonota Corp., writes, "Interestingly, another bright meteor (mag. -1),
of which orbital parameters are quite similar to those of the fireball,
was observed on the same night. "


Meteor/Meteorite News- 8NOV09


淮北新闻网 - ‎2009年11月3日‎
目击者有的认为是太空的卫星残骸或者陨石进入大气层燃烧,有人认为是彗星,有人则认为是飞机飞行时留下的尾烟…… 市气象台业务科长单勇恰巧也看到了这一景象,并拍了 ...

School participates in NASA project

Times Daily
A new 16-inch telescope is being purchased to be used in the district's planetarium to study lunar meteorite impacts. Planetarium director Dwight McGee said ...

One Strange Mars Rock

Universe Today
Another meteorite? A big clump of ejecta from an old impact? There's lots of other debris scattered around this area as well. ...

Unusual meteorite found in Australia

The Hindu
PTI An unusual meteorite that could reveal crucial information about the evolution of solar system has been found at the Nullarbor desert in Western ...

Meteorite Sighting Startles Yolo County Residents

The Leonid meteor shower lights up the sky above China's Great Wall as stargazers brave the minus 20 degrees Celcius (minus ...

Great balls of fire in the Bay Area skies

San Francisco Chronicle
(11-07) 19:07 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- The annual Taurids meteor showers put on a show in the Bay Area Saturday evening, with one especially spectacular ...

Meteor shower prompts 911 calls

Contra Costa Times
FELTON - Numerous residents in Felton and elsewhere called authorities starting about 5:40 pm after a meteor shower sent streaks across the sky at sunset ...

Meteor Shower Lights Up Skies

It was all actually part of a yearly event called the Leonid meteor shower. Still, 911 dispatchers were flooded with calls with people reporting everything ...

Meteor/Meteorite- Meteorite Hunting on BBC Radio 8NOV09

BBC Radio News- Leading Edge


programme information
related links

Listen now (30 minutes)

Geoff Watts meets meteorite hunters tracking down the birth of planets.

The oldest rocks on Earth are aliens! They are the left-over building rubble from the formation of the solar system and can be dated to an incredible 4,568 million years old. A surprising number fall to Earth each year as meteorites.

November 5th is probably the worst night of the year for spotting incandescent rocks streaking through the sky, but tracking down a fresh meteorite, before it gets contaminated by terrestrial chemicals, is the ultimate prize for the hunters. A rare few carry complex carbon compounds - perhaps remnants of the material out of which the first life on Earth formed.

Geoff Watts hears from meteorite hunters who scour the deserts of Arizona and Australia and the ice of Canada and Antarctica to seek out extra-terrestrial rocks and meets those who analyse them, using traces of rare elements to track their history and reveal their origins.

07 November 2009

Japan Meteor/Meteorite News- 日本ー北陸 大火球ー Large Green Fireball Over Sayama, Japan Area 6NOV09 7NOV09

Direction of termination point from Nerima point of observation. The fireball was seen traveling from WN to WNN (~310 degrees to ~335 degrees from magnetic North).
(c) 2009 Dirk Ross, Meteor/Meteorite News

UPDATE with several great videos and more information!
Thank you to Dr. Ohtsuka, Katsuhito and SonotaCo Network JAPAN !!!
The official name and time of the event:
2009年11月6日 20:28:59 北陸 大火球

SEE : http://sonotaco.jp/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2151

Japanese Newspaper Report (Japanese to English edited machine translation follows):

Shooting stars brighter than in Toyama Prefecture "fireball"
Kita Nippon Shimbun- North Japan Newspaper- reported November 7, 2009 9:00
Several observed a meteor fireball while emitting a brighter than usual flash at around 8:30 pm on the 6th of November; it was observed throughout the province. According to the Observatory, Toyama, it was a "fireball", a rare phenomenon called that because of the large mass of the meteorite.
According to the Observatory, the fireball was observed in the direction of the north. Was shining from two to three seconds, falling to the bottom-right. Divided into several individual pieces of the meteorite exploded in the middle with a white or yellow, and red emission.
Usually a meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere, because of the state of the atmosphere it burns up in the heat of friction and is called a "shooting star".
The Massive "fireball" caused a fervor in a wide area during the time it took to burn out; unlike a shooting star, it gave a strong longer glow.
A male worker (48), an apartment dweller at Apartment 4, Toyama-shi, 布瀬 Machi Minami, saw the fireball from his home city of Toyama was "surprised to see the first (fireball(?))" and warmly told others. The observatory said there were numerous queries.

Large Fireball Over Sayama, Saitama-Tokyo, Japan Area 6NOV09
by Dirk Ross...Tokyo

I first reported it as a large fireball over Tokyo, but later refined to the area of Sayama, Saitama-Ken, Japan. I witnessed a bright fireball officially at 20:28 on Friday, 6NOV09 from a tenth floor apartment balcony in Nukui, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
The fireball was seen at approximately 15-20 degrees above the horizon and traveling from WN to WNN (~310 degrees to ~335 degrees from magnetic North). When first spotted the fireball changed color from blue to red to green and entered dark flight at approximately 10-15 degrees above the horizon in the direction of Sayama, Saitama-Ken.
The duration of visible flight was about two seconds with a possible maximum of three seconds. No sound report was heard. The brightness was about the same as the moon.

UPDATE video and official info have now been provided:

Thank you!

Meteor/Meteorite News- 7NOV09

Forecast Calls for Meteor Showers; No Umbrellas Necessary

That means the moon won't be visible the morning of the 17th, so there won't be any moonlight in the sky to keep you from seeing the meteors. ...

A right-brainer's universe

The Earth's motion also creates the spectacles known as meteor showers. When our planet plows into the dusty remnants lefts by comets over the millennia, ...

RMS: Asteroids, One More Reason to Diversify Your Portfolio

Insurance News Net (press release)
Of course, smaller particles, called meteors and meteorites (when they hit the earth), are fairly common, and property insurance would cover any damage ...

December 2009: Hubble's great new images

Astronomy Magazine
A year of flashing meteors — In a year expected to have great meteor showers, the April Lyrids and the August Perseids might be the best. ...

Technical Difficulties

Red Shtick
Most recently, there was the “Latvian meteorite strike” in a meadow near the Estonian border. Military units and scientists were sent to investigate a ...

06 November 2009

Indonesia Meteor/Meteorite News- Bone, Indonesia Large Meteor Detonates 8OCT09 6NOV09

Ledakan Bone: Sukhoi Atau Meteor Jatuh?

(google earth)

INILAH.COM, Makassar - Ledakan keras di kawasan Teluk Bone, Sulsel, mengejutkan warga. Saksi sempat melihat ada bola api di angkasa. Benda apakah itu gerangan? Warga berspekulasi benda itu adalah jet tempur Sukhoi atau meteor yang jatuh.

Warga bernama Kasmir mengaku melihat ada bola api di langit dan kemudian berbentuk memanjang saat jatuh. "Cahaya api itu bukan pesawat jatuh, sebab bentuknya memanjang yang penuhi api seperti sebuah meteor besar," katanya di Bone, Kamis (8/10).

Warga lainnya yang berdomisili di sekitar Teluk Bone menuturkan suara ledakan terdengar di atas laut. Sehingga mereka menduga ledakan itu disebabkan meledaknya sebuah pesawat yang melintas di wilayah itu.

Sampai saat ini, informasi yang beredar masih simpang siur. Beberapa warga menyebutkan, selain ledakan pesawat, kemungkinan suara ledakan juga berasal dari pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi yang sementara latihan di wilayah itu.

Seorang warga lainnya, Rusmin, menyebutkan ledakan tersebut disebabkan aksi bom ikan yang dilakukan nelayan setempat. Ratusan warga Kecamatan Awangpone di perbatasan Kabupaten Bone-Wajo, dilaporkan bergerak melakukan pencarian asal suara ledakan itu.

Indonesian-English Machine Translation:

INILAH.COM, Makassar - loud explosion in the Gulf of Bone, South Sulawesi, surprising residents. Witnesses saw a fireball in the sky. The thing is it hell? Residents speculated it was a Sukhoi fighter jet or a meteor that fell. People called Kashmir claimed to see a fireball in the sky and then elongated shape when dropped. "Light the fire was not a plane crash, because the elongated shape such as a fire filled a large meteor," he said at the Bone, Thursday (8 / 10). Other citizens who are living in the Gulf of Bone tells us about the explosions sounded in the sea. So they suspected the explosion was caused by explosion of a plane that crossed the region. Until now, information is still circulating maze. Some people say, other than a plane explosion, explosive sound may come from Sukhoi fighter jets that while training in the area. A fellow citizens, Rusmin, said the explosion was caused by fish bombing carried out the local fishermen. Hundreds of residents in the border district Awangpone Bone-Wajo, reportedly moved to search the sound blast.

Meteor/Meteorite News- 6NOV09

Meteor explodes over Indonesia

Estimates of the meteor's size range from 5 to 10 meters. Had it survived to hit the ground, it could have done considerable damage to the area around its ...

Leonid meteor shower coming in mid-November

The Leonid meteor shower is expected to peak just before dawn on November 18, 2009. Starting in the evening on November 17 and continuing to approximately ...

Begin watching for Taurid fireballs tonight

ScienceDude (blog)
Map courtesy of Spaceweather.com Most people have heard of the annual Perseid meteor shower, which reaches its peak during a night-long period every August. ...

Media: Hit or Miss - Latvian mobile phone firm's staged meteorite crash blows ...

Fake crater - A mobile phone company in Latvia was slammed for staging a 'meteorite crash'. Tele2 said the stunt was designed to give people something ...
Ice chunks from sky batter a North Side house

Chicago Tribune
"Was it a meteorite?" asked Michele Halleran of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as she looked at a picture, the question reflecting the complications ...
Unusual meteorite found by time-lapse camera observatory

Natural History Museum
An unusual meteorite with an interesting orbit has been tracked to the ground using a photographic observatory that records time-lapse images of fireballs ...

Unusual meteorite found by time-lapse camera observatory
PhysOrg Thu, 05 Nov 2009 12:52 PM PST
(PhysOrg.com) -- An unusual meteorite with an interesting orbit has been tracked to the ground using a photographic observatory that records time-lapse images of fireballs traveling across the sky.

Leonids meteor shower set to spark November skies

TheJambar.com (subscription)
The Leonids meteor shower is expected to produce upwards of 500 meteors per hour on Nov. 17. While Youngstown is not the best area to see the better part of ...

Spectacular meteor shower forecast on Nov. 17

17 and you may view a spectacular meteor shower, possibly even a meteor storm, meteorologists said. Radiating from the constellation Leo, the Leonids meteor ...

Leonid meteor shower is coming

Global Times
Leonid, which means meteor shower of Leo, will reach its climax in the predawn hours of November 18. The period of 4 pm November 17 to 8 am November 18, ...

November nights bring easy viewing, meteor shower

Seattle Times
Western Washington residents should look for a nice view of Jupiter and its moons in November, and the spectacular Leonids meteor shower midmonth. ...
Spacecraft's data upset theories about origins, evolution of Mercury

Baltimore Sun
Its interior is surprisingly smooth and free of subsequent meteor impact craters, suggesting there were lava flows into the center as recently as a billion ...
Observing the Taurid meteor shower

The peak of this year's Taurid meteor shower begins tonight and lasts throughout the coming week. There are actually two related groups of meteors falling ...

John Deere Planetarium Presents Holiday Show

Quad-Cities Online
... browse the Getz-Rogers Gallery, which includes full-color images from the Hubble Space Telescope and a quarter-ton piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite. ...

05 November 2009

Ecuador Meteor/Meteorite News- Daule, Ecuador Meteorite Fall Recovered 23MAR08 5NOV09

The Daule (provisional name) meteorite fell at approximately 9:00 am on 23 March, 2008 near the city of Daule in Ecuador. This is Ecuador`s first meteorite on record.
Mike Farmer and Hans Koser have recovered a second stone of
6,580 grams from the fall. In all, three stones were witnessed to have fallen, but only two have been recovered to date.

NEWSPAPER links to articles about the Daule meteorite fall Click here for article.

Mike Farmer (left) and Hans Koser (right) holding the second mass of Daule that they recently recovered.
For more details and photos:

Meteor/Meteorite News- 5NOV09

The Taurid Meteor Shower

San Diego Reader
By Jerry Schad | Posted November 4, 2009, 9:47 am The Taurid Meteor Shower, featuring about 10-15 visible events per hour -- as seen under clear, ...

BBC News
Messenger spies iron at Mercury

BBC News
... measurements of Mercury's "atmosphere", the extremely tenuous cloud of atoms which is lifted off the surface by solar activity and micro-meteorite impacts.

The end of the world

Dickinson Press
A large soaring meteor with a tail that reaches from here to the moon could hit us tomorrow. Or the Yellowstone National It could happen any day. ...

04 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite Nerws- Science`s Praise to the Almighty! 4NOV09

Science`s Praise to the Almighty!
featuring Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye

Meteor/Meteorite News- 4NOV09

France Obit Levi Strauss

Suomen Kuvalehti
... director of the Smithsonian's astrophysical laboratory at Cambridge, Massachusetts, inspect a meteorite fragment which fell in western Canada in 1960, ...

VERITAS and Fermi Findings; Parachute Problems

The Taurid meteor shower peaks this week, too. Although this shower, which is at its maximum from the 5th-12th, only averages about 5 meteors per hour, ...

Leonid meteors are up next

Baltimore Sun
Astronomers are predicting an exceptional year for the annual Leonid meteor shower, which will peak two weeks from today. The Leonids are among the best ...

Taurid Meteor Shower coming... likely not as great as coming Leonids.

By Chuck George - email TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - The earth is about to fly through a leftover tail of a comet called Encke. Have you ever seen a fireball, ...

03 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Comet Dust has `Ultra-Primative` Particles 3NOV0

'Ultra-primitive' particles found in comet dust

Washington, D.C.—Dust samples collected by high-flying aircraft in the upper atmosphere have yielded an unexpectedly rich trove of relicts from the ancient cosmos, report scientists from the Carnegie Institution. The stratospheric dust includes minute grains that likely formed inside stars that lived and died long before the birth of our sun, as well as material from molecular clouds in interstellar space. This "ultra-primitive" material likely wafted into the atmosphere after the Earth passed through the trail of an Earth-crossing comet in 2003, giving scientists a rare opportunity to study cometary dust in the laboratory.

At high altitudes, most dust in the atmosphere comes from space, rather than the Earth's surface. Thousands of tons of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) enter the atmosphere each year. "We've known that many IDPs come from comets, but we've never been able to definitively tie a single IDP to a particular comet," says study coauthor Larry Nittler, of Carnegie's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. "The only known cometary samples we've studied in the laboratory are those that were returned from comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust mission." The Stardust mission used a NASA-launched spacecraft to collect samples of comet dust, returning to Earth in 2006.

Comets are thought to be repositories of primitive, unaltered matter left over from the formation of the solar system. Material held for eons in cometary ice has largely escaped the heating and chemical processing that has affected other bodies, such as the planets. However, the Wild 2 dust returned by the Stardust mission included more altered material than expected, indicating that not all cometary material is highly primitive.

The IDPs used in the current study were collected by NASA aircraft in April 2003, after the Earth passed through the dust trail of comet Gregg-Skjellerup. The research team, which included Carnegie scientists Nittler, Henner Busemann (now at the University of Manchester, U.K.), Ann Nguyen, George Cody, and seven other colleagues, analyzed a sub-sample of the dust to determine the chemical, isotopic and microstructural composition of its grains. The results are reported on-line in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.*

"What we found is that they are very different from typical IDPs" says Nittler. "They are more primitive, with higher abundances of material whose origin predates the formation of the solar system." The distinctiveness of the particles, plus the timing of their collection after the Earth's passing through the comet trail, point to their source being the Gregg-Skjellerup comet.

"This is exciting because it allows us to compare on a microscopic scale in the laboratory dust particles from different comets," says Nittler. "We can use them as tracers for different processes that occurred in the solar system four-and-a-half billion years ago."

The biggest surprise for the researchers was the abundance of so-called presolar grains in the dust sample. Presolar grains are tiny dust particles that formed in previous generations of stars and in supernova explosions before the formation of the solar system. Afterwards, they were trapped in our solar system as it was forming and are found today in meteorites and in IDPs. Presolar grains are identified by having extremely unusual isotopic compositions compared to anything else in the solar system. But presolar grains are generally extremely rare, with abundances of just a few parts per million in even the most primitive meteorites, and a few hundred parts per million in IDPs. "In the IDPs associated with comet Gregg-Skjellerup they are up to the percent level," says Nittler. "This is tens of times higher abundances than we see in other primitive materials."

Also surprising is the comparison with the samples from Wild 2 collected by the Stardust mission. "Our samples seem to be much more primitive, much less processed, than the samples from Wild 2," says Nittler, "which might indicate that there is a huge diversity in the degree of processing of materials in different comets."


This work was supported by NASA's Cosmochemistry (NNG004GF61G) and Origins of the Solar System (NNX07AJ71G) programs, the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), the Office of Naval Research and the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The NASA Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office provided the IDPs for the research.

*Busemann, H., et al., Ultra-primitive interplanetary dust particles from the comet 26P/Grigg–Skjellerup dust stream collection, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.09.007

Authors and affiliations:

Henner Busemann, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution (now at University of Manchester, U.K.)
Ann N. Nguyen, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution
George D. Cody, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution
Peter Hoppe, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany
A.L. David Kilcoyne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Rhonda M. Stroud, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Thomas J. Zega, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Larry R. Nittler, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution

The Carnegie Institution (www.CIW.edu) has been a pioneering force in basic scientific research since 1902. It is a private, nonprofit organization with six research departments throughout the U.S. Carnegie scientists are leaders in plant biology, developmental biology, astronomy, materials science, global ecology, and Earth and planetary science.

The NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI), founded in 1998, is a partnership between NASA, 16 U.S. teams, and five international consortia. NAI's goal is to promote, conduct, and lead interdisciplinary astrobiology research and to train a new generation of astrobiology researchers. For more information, see http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/nai.

Public release date: 2-Nov-2009

Contact: Larry Nittler
Carnegie Institution

Meteor/Meteorite News- Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil 3NOV09

Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil
Written by Nicholos Wethington
Universe Today
October 30, 2009

Multiple missions have been sent to Mars with the hopes of testing the
surface of the planet for life - or the conditions that could create
life - on the Red Planet. The question of whether life in the form of
bacteria (or something even more exotic!) exists on Mars is hotly debated,
and still requires a resolute yes or no. Experiments done right here on Earth
that simulate the conditions on Mars and their effects on terrestrial
bacteria show that it is entirely possible for certain strains of bacteria
to weather the harsh environment of Mars. ... (more)

Sources: Arxiv papers:


Meteor/Meteorite News- 3NOV09


Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Meteor experts expect this year's Leonid shower to be a wonderful show. Meteor showers occur when Earth moves through debris from a nearby comet. ...

Leonid Meteor Shower Recalled by International Astronomical Union

The Spoof (satire)
Mount Palomar, CA (IPP)- The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has issued a recall for the Leonid meteor shower which originally had been scheduled for ...

Heavenly half-storm nears

By Wayne Harris-Wyrick Comments 0 This year has been a bit of a bust for meteor showers. For the normally good Perseids, back in August, a third-quarter ...

Week of Nov. 8-14, 2009

Creators Syndicate
And if a body is large enough to survive its plunge through our atmosphere and crash to Earth, it then has a new name: a "meteorite. ...

Meteor shower over Sri Lanka

Daily Mirror
By Yohan Perera The astronomical phenomenon known as Leonids Meteor Shower will be visible in the Sri Lankan skies on November 17 and 18, Sir Arthur C. ...

Indiana University
The annual Leonid meteor shower will peak on the night of Nov. 17-18, just one day after new moon. If the weather cooperates, the absence of moonlight will ...

skywatch: Leonid meteor shower, Jupiter

AZ Central.com
Callisto is an icy world, scarred by billions of years of meteor impacts. And Europa holds a liquid ocean beneath its frozen crust. ...
See all stories on this topic
Red Phone: ufos in South Valley?

Gilroy Dispatch
Red Phone: Dear UFO Watcher, We're not sure what spied, but we're pretty sure it wasn't a comet or meteor. There was a major meteor shower that did come ...
Strong Leonid meteor showers expected Nov. 17

17 on your calendar, for early that morning a moderate to possibly very strong showing of annual Leonid meteor shower is likely. ...

The Pilot
Awe for creation, pursuit of truth benefits science, pope says

The Pilot
By Carol Glatz Pope Benedict XVI examines a meteorite from Mars while visiting the new headquarters of the Vatican Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, ...

Don't miss the meteor shower

The Nation
"If the sky is clear, we will see more than 100 meteors streaming down as the clock ticks past midnight," National Astronomical Research Institute of ...

02 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite New- 2NOV09

Is This the Global Warming Ad that Will Wake Us Up?

It's as if the scientists have all told us quite clearly that Earth will be hit with a large meteorite, but people go about their lives as per normal. ...

Preparing for a big bang that fizzles

Philadelphia Inquirer
Jules is a marine biologist who, by observing the behavior of a quartet of damselfish, divines almost the exact moment when a meteor will strike Earth. ...

Meteor PR stunt backfires

For starters there was no sign of any meteor, while on closer inspection the eagle-eyed experts noted a series of distinct shovel marks and suspicious ...

Meteoryt czy dowcip?

Gazeta.pl - Poland
Czy to był naprawdę meteoryt czy tylko dowcip? Ale kilka rzeczy jest tu dość zagadkowych, doniesienia mediów są sprzeczne i dlatego trudno powiedzieć, ...

ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.01.09): Crater
The Aero-News Network Sun, 01 Nov 2009 02:11 AM PST
Crater A bowl-shaped depression caused by a comet or meteorite colliding with the surface of a planet, moon, or asteroid. On geologically active moons and planets (like Earth), craters can result from volcanic activity.

Colorado skies: Light from the sun can resemble blood on the moon

The Coloradoan
The Leonid meteor shower will reach its peak activity during the early morning hours of Nov. 16-17. Although the Leonid display this year will be no match ...

Leonid meteor shower to put on a show November 17th

With no light from the moon to obscure the light show, the Leonid Meteor shower is expected to put on a dazzling display which will peak the early morning ...

Star Gazer: Mars will be big and bright, but not enormous

November brings the Leonid Meteor Shower. This display of dusty debris from Comet Tempel-Tuttle will peak on the morning of November 17 at about 1 am About ...

Fiction Book Reviews: 11/2/2009

Publishers Weekly
... who believes she witnessed a meteor's fall, embarks on a search of small islands near her Maine home to locate pieces of the meteorite to sell on eBay. ...

01 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 1NOV09

Experts weigh in on 'axe' rocks' origin

Centre Daily Times
Very often, when a large, bright meteor is seen overhead one night, people go outside in the morning and 'discover' a 'meteorite' on their front lawn that ...

Washington Post
Going out in a blaze of glory

Washington Post
17-18, a possibly strong Leonid meteor shower brews. With a night sky free of a hindering, bright moon and Earth's cosmic positioning, astronomers think ...

Leonid meteor shower: An out-of-this-world show

The major highlight this month will be the Leonid meteor shower. It will peak on Tuesday morning, Nov. 17. This is predicted to be the best Leonid display ...

Planetarium manager offers tips for November sky

Charleston Gazette
17, the Leonid meteor shower will peak. With no moonlight in the sky to interfere, there may be a chance to see this if you are up early enough and look ...

Peak of meteor shower slated Nov. 17 and 18

Enid News & Eagle
By Bob Killam The peak of the Leonid meteor shower will be Nov. 17 and 18, and it looks like a very favorable year for this sometimes huge shower. ...

What else is in the night sky?

While we know the dates when the Earth crosses these trails, we can't tell the exact moment when a meteor will appear. It's just a matter of gazing up and ...

Meteor/Fireball News- Yuba City Sentinel Fireball 30OCT09 1NOV09

Images by YC Sentinel (c) 2009
Photo, *movie, and Light Curve sent to Dirk-San of Nihon via Yahoo
and SETI. (*Movie is currently not able to upload- sorry)

Bolide of N. California

Oct. 30th. 2009 0316 Hrs. PDT.

Final Report:
Locaton North Central California. (Yuba City.)
Detonation Brightness = >Full Moon.
Duration = 2 Seconds.
Starting Elevation = 60 degrees
Starting Azimuth = 79 deg. True North.
Ending Elevation = 43 degrees.
Ending Azimuth = 72 deg. True North.

-2 small post explosion ablating products found running movie at 1/4 speed.
A short but very nice image and Q-Time movie. Data will be sent to AMS.

Initial Reports:
Event was 2 seconds long.
Starting Elevation and Azimuth is 60 degrees Elev., 79 degrees Azimuth True North.
Ending Elevation and Azimuth is 43 degrees Elev., 72 degrees Azimuth True North.
1/4 speed movie indicates a post explosion of 2 small ablating products.
Peak brightness exceeds full moon.

0316:41 Oct. 30, 2009 PST

Exceptionally clean explosion with (no initial evidence) of post explosion
wake light or ablation products. High elevation event. I have not yet
measured Azimuth & Elevation but will do so later today and post it here.

Without further examination at this time, the apparent peak light period too
brief to even saturate a single frame but could easily be as bright or
brighter than the Sun. Over 75,000 pixels peak in Sentinels light graph.
Graph looks like a needle point. Super clean!

Yuba City, California

Libyan Desert Glass-Tektites: Ancient "Atomic Bombs" 1NOV09

Ancient Atomic Bombs

The Epoch Times
Even so, scientists have proposed that the meteorites causing the glass rocks could have exploded several miles above the surface of Earth, similar to the ...