Showing posts with label Indonesian Asteroid Fireball 8OCT2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian Asteroid Fireball 8OCT2009. Show all posts

06 November 2009

Indonesia Meteor/Meteorite News- Bone, Indonesia Large Meteor Detonates 8OCT09 6NOV09

Ledakan Bone: Sukhoi Atau Meteor Jatuh?

(google earth)

INILAH.COM, Makassar - Ledakan keras di kawasan Teluk Bone, Sulsel, mengejutkan warga. Saksi sempat melihat ada bola api di angkasa. Benda apakah itu gerangan? Warga berspekulasi benda itu adalah jet tempur Sukhoi atau meteor yang jatuh.

Warga bernama Kasmir mengaku melihat ada bola api di langit dan kemudian berbentuk memanjang saat jatuh. "Cahaya api itu bukan pesawat jatuh, sebab bentuknya memanjang yang penuhi api seperti sebuah meteor besar," katanya di Bone, Kamis (8/10).

Warga lainnya yang berdomisili di sekitar Teluk Bone menuturkan suara ledakan terdengar di atas laut. Sehingga mereka menduga ledakan itu disebabkan meledaknya sebuah pesawat yang melintas di wilayah itu.

Sampai saat ini, informasi yang beredar masih simpang siur. Beberapa warga menyebutkan, selain ledakan pesawat, kemungkinan suara ledakan juga berasal dari pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi yang sementara latihan di wilayah itu.

Seorang warga lainnya, Rusmin, menyebutkan ledakan tersebut disebabkan aksi bom ikan yang dilakukan nelayan setempat. Ratusan warga Kecamatan Awangpone di perbatasan Kabupaten Bone-Wajo, dilaporkan bergerak melakukan pencarian asal suara ledakan itu.

Indonesian-English Machine Translation:

INILAH.COM, Makassar - loud explosion in the Gulf of Bone, South Sulawesi, surprising residents. Witnesses saw a fireball in the sky. The thing is it hell? Residents speculated it was a Sukhoi fighter jet or a meteor that fell. People called Kashmir claimed to see a fireball in the sky and then elongated shape when dropped. "Light the fire was not a plane crash, because the elongated shape such as a fire filled a large meteor," he said at the Bone, Thursday (8 / 10). Other citizens who are living in the Gulf of Bone tells us about the explosions sounded in the sea. So they suspected the explosion was caused by explosion of a plane that crossed the region. Until now, information is still circulating maze. Some people say, other than a plane explosion, explosive sound may come from Sukhoi fighter jets that while training in the area. A fellow citizens, Rusmin, said the explosion was caused by fish bombing carried out the local fishermen. Hundreds of residents in the border district Awangpone Bone-Wajo, reportedly moved to search the sound blast.

Meteor/Meteorite News- 6NOV09

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Begin watching for Taurid fireballs tonight

ScienceDude (blog)
Map courtesy of Most people have heard of the annual Perseid meteor shower, which reaches its peak during a night-long period every August. ...

Media: Hit or Miss - Latvian mobile phone firm's staged meteorite crash blows ...

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Ice chunks from sky batter a North Side house

Chicago Tribune
"Was it a meteorite?" asked Michele Halleran of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as she looked at a picture, the question reflecting the complications ...
Unusual meteorite found by time-lapse camera observatory

Natural History Museum
An unusual meteorite with an interesting orbit has been tracked to the ground using a photographic observatory that records time-lapse images of fireballs ...

Unusual meteorite found by time-lapse camera observatory
PhysOrg Thu, 05 Nov 2009 12:52 PM PST
( -- An unusual meteorite with an interesting orbit has been tracked to the ground using a photographic observatory that records time-lapse images of fireballs traveling across the sky.

Leonids meteor shower set to spark November skies (subscription)
The Leonids meteor shower is expected to produce upwards of 500 meteors per hour on Nov. 17. While Youngstown is not the best area to see the better part of ...

Spectacular meteor shower forecast on Nov. 17
17 and you may view a spectacular meteor shower, possibly even a meteor storm, meteorologists said. Radiating from the constellation Leo, the Leonids meteor ...

Leonid meteor shower is coming

Global Times
Leonid, which means meteor shower of Leo, will reach its climax in the predawn hours of November 18. The period of 4 pm November 17 to 8 am November 18, ...

November nights bring easy viewing, meteor shower

Seattle Times
Western Washington residents should look for a nice view of Jupiter and its moons in November, and the spectacular Leonids meteor shower midmonth. ...
Spacecraft's data upset theories about origins, evolution of Mercury

Baltimore Sun
Its interior is surprisingly smooth and free of subsequent meteor impact craters, suggesting there were lava flows into the center as recently as a billion ...
Observing the Taurid meteor shower
The peak of this year's Taurid meteor shower begins tonight and lasts throughout the coming week. There are actually two related groups of meteors falling ...

John Deere Planetarium Presents Holiday Show

Quad-Cities Online
... browse the Getz-Rogers Gallery, which includes full-color images from the Hubble Space Telescope and a quarter-ton piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite. ...