Showing posts with label Leonid meteors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonid meteors. Show all posts

04 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 4NOV09

France Obit Levi Strauss

Suomen Kuvalehti
... director of the Smithsonian's astrophysical laboratory at Cambridge, Massachusetts, inspect a meteorite fragment which fell in western Canada in 1960, ...

VERITAS and Fermi Findings; Parachute Problems
The Taurid meteor shower peaks this week, too. Although this shower, which is at its maximum from the 5th-12th, only averages about 5 meteors per hour, ...

Leonid meteors are up next

Baltimore Sun
Astronomers are predicting an exceptional year for the annual Leonid meteor shower, which will peak two weeks from today. The Leonids are among the best ...

Taurid Meteor Shower coming... likely not as great as coming Leonids.

By Chuck George - email TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - The earth is about to fly through a leftover tail of a comet called Encke. Have you ever seen a fireball, ...