Showing posts with label LISA Simulations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LISA Simulations. Show all posts

03 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil 3NOV09

Bacteria Could Survive in Martian Soil
Written by Nicholos Wethington
Universe Today
October 30, 2009

Multiple missions have been sent to Mars with the hopes of testing the
surface of the planet for life - or the conditions that could create
life - on the Red Planet. The question of whether life in the form of
bacteria (or something even more exotic!) exists on Mars is hotly debated,
and still requires a resolute yes or no. Experiments done right here on Earth
that simulate the conditions on Mars and their effects on terrestrial
bacteria show that it is entirely possible for certain strains of bacteria
to weather the harsh environment of Mars. ... (more)

Sources: Arxiv papers: