08 July 2009

East Coast Meteor July 6, 2009- NEXRAD Radar Images 8JUL09

Mason-Dixon Fireball On Radar?

July 7, 2009

UPDATE: One of my blog readers asked if the meteor was caught by the U.S. Government's NEXRAD radars. The short answer is: Probably not. I've saved off the radar loops here if you want to download* them. They seemed to be centered in York County, Pennsylvania and Baltimore County, Maryland, near the Maryland border. ... (more) with NEXRAD images


Maryland Meteor News- July 6, Meteor 8JUL09

02:48 - Yesterday video.aol.com
It's not known exactly what happened. Kai Jackson reports.

Maryland Meteor News- July 6, 2009 Meteor 8JUL09

Meteorite hunter says: Check security camera tapes

Maryland Weather-

Professional meteor hunter Steve Arnold is asking home and business owners in central Maryland and southern Pennsylvania to check their security tapes from early Monday morning for evidence of the meteor that scores of residents across the region have been reporting.

Most reader reports to this Blog put the time between 1:00 a.m. EDT and 1:15 a.m., July 6, with many focused on 1:08 - 1:10 a.m. ...


Maryland Meteor News- 6JUL09 Meteor 8JUL09

Meteor lights up Mid-Atlantic area's skies

Startled observers report brilliant flash, 'thunderous' sonic booms

Pennsylvania Meteor News- July 6, 2009 Meteor 8JUL09

Meteor creates sonic boom
People reported the noise after 1 a.m. Monday.
Daily Record/Sunday News
Updated: 07/07/2009 07:02:42 AM EDT

Andy DeMoss and some friends were hanging around a campfire in New Park early Monday morning when the trees suddenly lit up and turned white.

They looked up and saw what at appeared to be a shooting star, said DeMoss,18, of East Hopewell Township.

But then they realized ...

Maryland Meteor News- 6JUL09 Meteor

Meteor explodes in sky over Baltimore

July 6, 11:13 AM
Baltimore Counties, and southern PA began
around 1am this morning. A flash of light and an explosion was heard in the sky. MEMA (Maryland's emergency Management Agency), NORAD and The National Weather Service was contacted, and can not confirm what was seen and heard. The best explanation was that a meteor exploded in the sky. ...

Maryland Meteor News- 6JUL09 Meteor

Police Investigate Reports Of A Meteor In Md.

HARFORD COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) ―July 6, 2009

Pennsylvania Meteor News- July 6 Meteor Video 8JUL09

'Fireball' May Have Been Caught On Security Camera

Large Boom, Flash Of Light Seen In Night Sky Likely A 'Fireball'

POSTED: 12:17 pm EDT July 6, 2009
UPDATED: 7:05 pm EDT July 7, 2009

WGAL TV- http://www.wgal.com/news/19966650/detail.html

A fireball that reportedly barreled across southern Pennsylvania skies early Monday morning may have been caught on tape.

VIDEO: 'Fireball' See What The Surveillance Camera Caught

IMAGES: Frame-By-Frame 'Fireball' Surveillance Images

Comments left read those reports here.

German Meteorite News- Thomas Grau Finds Meteorite Fall in Slovenia 9JUL09

Deutscher findet Meteorit in Slowenien

Ein seltener Meteoritenfund ist einem Deutschen nach eigenen Angaben in Slowenien gelungen. Thomas Grau aus Bernau (Brandenburg) entdeckte in der Grenzregion zu Österreich einen 2,35 Kilogramm schweren Gesteinsbrocken aus dem All. Der Meteorit war am 9. April im Karawanken-Gebirge niedergegangen und zerbrochen. Er hatte seinen Fund aus dem Mai kürzlich auf einem Treffen des deutschen Feuerkugel-Netzwerks vorgestellt. Grau hatte bereits den Meteoriten entdeckt, der im Januar für eine spektakuläre Feuerkugel am Himmel über dem Ostseeraum gesorgt hatte. Er fand das Stück im März auf der dänischen Insel Lolland.

English Translation:
A German according to own information in Slovenia has managed a rare meteorite finding. Thomas Grau from Bernau (Brandenburg) discovered in the border region to Austria a 2.35 kilogram rock lump from a Fall. The meteorite had come down on the 9th April in the Karawanken mountains and had broken. He had introduced his finding from May recently on a meeting of the German fire ball-network.
Grau had already discovered the meteorite which had provided in January for a spectacular fire ball in the sky about the Baltic Sea area. He found the piece in March on the Danish island Lolland.

07 July 2009

UK Meteorite News- Meteorites in the NHM 7JUL09

Better Know A Meteorite Collection: Natural History Museum in London, United Kingdom

Written by Linda M. V. Martel
Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
The Natural History Museum in London, with its combined collections of over 70 million specimens of minerals, fossils, plants and animals and its brilliant public galleries, is also home to first-class scientific research departments. The Mineralogy Department's meteorite collection is one of the world's finest and a focus for scientific discoveries by researchers based at the museum and around the globe. The collection has about 5000 individually registered specimens, collected from every continent, representing just under 2000 distinct meteorites. In the jargon of meteoritics, there are falls and finds. Falls are meteorites that are recovered after eye witness accounts of fireballs and thunderous noises lead to their collection. Finds are meteorites that are found later. The U. K. collection has a significantly large number of meteorite falls, about 600, perhaps the most of any collection. ...

East Coast US Bolide News- Fireball with Explosion 6JUL09 7JUL09

Large Boom, Flash Of Light Seen In Night Sky Likely A 'Fireball'

WGAL Channel 8

POSTED: 12:17 pm EDT July 6, 2009
UPDATED: 6:20 pm EDT July 6, 2009

A number of viewers throughout the Susquehanna Valley have contacted News 8 about a bright light they saw in the night sky, and an explosion they heard and felt early Monday morning (01:05~01:10EDT).

States with reports include: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Maryland.

VIDEO: VIDEO: Witness Describes Light In Sky As 'Phosphorous Green Fireball'

Whole Story: http://www.wgal.com/news/19966650/detail.html

Other Reports:

A Mason-Dixon meteor?

The Baltimore Sun
http://weblogs.marylandweather.com/2009/07/a_masondixon_meteor.html Comments (47)

The York Dispatch: In York County, Pa., police officers from Penn Township, Southwestern Regional and Newberry Township reported seeing a flash and hearing a boom around 1:15 a.m. Monday, July 6, according to local 911 centers. Officials in Harford County, Md. also reported seeing a flash and hearing a boom near the Mason-Dixon Line. Read comments


Capital Gazette: An Annapolis city police officer reported that she and her partner both saw what she described as a "bright blue light in the sky" just after midnight. It was followed by "a light with a tail, falling from the sky," according to our informant. Annapolis police reported hearing a similar report on Baltimore County police radio.

Gary Moon, reporting to The Sun's News Tips: "I heard and felt a deep earth blast similar to an earthquake, which shook my home in Glen Rock, Pa., early Monday morning. I thought I would hear MUCH more about this one ... nothing."

Deborah Markow, Havre de Grace: "Last night, couldn't sleep, went out on back deck, laid on lounge, eyes closed and then it was like someone pointed a flash light in my eyes it was so bright. I saw another one streak through the sky ... It was one of the most thrilling sights to behold a ball of fire flying through the sky."

06 July 2009

Readers of The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7JUL09

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Japan RESEARCH NEWS- Valuable Research Available 7JUL09

Most complete Earth map published

The most complete terrain map of the Earth's surface has been published.

The data, comprising 1.3 million images, come from a collaboration between the US space agency Nasa and the Japanese trade ministry.

The images were taken by Japan's Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (Aster) aboard the Terra satellite.

The resulting Global Digital Elevation Map covers 99% of the Earth's surface, and will be free to download and use. ...


Arizona Meteorite News- Photos of Southern Arizona Meteorite Fall 23JUN09 6JUL09

New photos of meteorite from the 23JUN09 Southern Arizona fall near Sierra Vista, AZ.

04 July 2009

Arizona Meteorite News- Jack Schrader Finds Meteorite from 23JUN Bolide 4JUL09

Jack Schrader, Sierra Vista, AZ writes,
"I have a very important announcement to make and one I am sure everyone will
be very excited about. Most of you have already heard the news about the
fireball which was sighted over Southern Arizona at 9:22 pm on the evening
of Tuesday June 23. I would like to announce that I have recovered
material from this fall. I recovered a 155.6 gram stone at 6:20 pm on
Thursday, June 25, which is 44 hours and 58 minutes after the fireball was
sighted. Fortunately the material recovered was recovered in an absolutely
pristine state as the area had no monsoon season rainfall previous to my
discovery. I was able to very quickly zero in on the area with the help of
numerous phone calls and eyewitness reports which were all thoroughly
investigated with follow up visits. With GPS, compass and notepad in hand,
I put well over 300 miles on my vehicle in less than two days. The area
people were extremely excited about this event and more than willing
to offer whatever information they had about the sighting. I was born and
raised in this part of Arizona and my intimate knowledge of the country, the
terrain, the trails and back roads has proved invaluable in my search."

Photo of the meteorite: http://www.rocksfromspace.org/July_4_2009.html

Photos of search area: http://www.rocksfromspace.org/July_5_2009.html

Hungarian Meteorite News- Meteorit talált el egy iskolába tartó diákot 4JUL09

Meteorit talált el egy iskolába tartó diákot

[origo] oktatás 2009.07.03 14:33:53
... Egy kavics méretű meteorit landolt, és vájt apróbb krátert az utca betonjában – éppen a tizennégy évesk Gerritt Blank előtt, aki az iskolába igyekezett. „Először egy nagy fehér fénygömböt láttam, majd megfájdult a kezem, és a fény az utca betonjába csapódott” – mesélt az ifjú áldozat tapasztalatairól a Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungnak. „Miután megláttam a fehér fényt, éreztem valamit a karomon.”...

German Meteorite News- Steinheim/Nordlingen Impact Crater 4JUL09

Der Eisen-Meteorit von Steinheim

Augsburger Allgemeine - Augsburg,Bayern,Germany
Nördlingen/Steinheim (RN) - Er sei überzeugt, dass „die bisherige Geschichte über die Entstehung des Steinheimer Beckens in wesentlichen Teilen ...

Meteor News- USAF Clarifies "Hush-Hush" 4JUL09

Military Seeks Common Ground with Scientists on Fireball Data Flap
By Leonard David
SPACE.com's Space Insider Columnist
posted: 03 July 2009
03:10 pm ET

... In an exclusive SPACE.com interview June 30, Rego he made it clear that there has been no change to the data-sharing policy. Air Force Space Command has recently reiterated its existing, published guidance on bolide data classification to ensure "consistent" public release of information across a specific suite of government agencies, he said. ... (more)

03 July 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News 3JUL09

How Earth Got its Oxygen

LiveScience.com - Michael Schirber -
... and comparing it to other carbonaceous-mineral associations known to be of non-biological origin, including minerals found in a Martian meteorite. ...

Uranium exists on the moon, according to new data from a Japanese spacecraft. ... moon, or even that Earth's satellite could serve as a mining source for uranium ...

Clues to origin of life revealed in Tagish Lake meteorite
CBC.ca -
New research into a meteorite that crashed into northern British Columbia nine years ago is revealing startling clues that could help unravel the origins of ...

Man on the Moon: 40 years of myth and legend

Scene -
We now know that the Moon is made of rocky material that has been variously melted, erupted through volcanoes, and crushed by meteorite impacts. ...

Comets Probably Seeded Earth's Nitrogen Atmosphere

Slashdot -
One favored theory is that our water is the leftovers from a bombardment of comets early in Earth's history. But the ratio of hydrogen and deuterium in the ...

Study: Tunguska explosion caused by comet

Times of the Internet -
But Cornell University researchers say findings from their study indicated the explosion was nearly certainly caused by a comet entering the Earth's ...

日本語 Japanese Meteor/Meteorite News 3JUL09

ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト - ‎16 minutes ago‎
この大爆発の謎の解明に、現代のスペースシャトルがひと役買うかもしれない。 ツングースカ事件と呼ばれるこの爆発の際には、シベリア辺境の森林が2000平方キロメートルにわたってなぎ倒された。 当時は目撃者がほんの一握りしかおらず、隕石孔や天体の破片も残ってい ...


マイコミジャーナル - ‎Jun 19, 2009‎
広島大学大学院理学研究科の寺田健太郎准教授が、1949年にモンゴルに落下した普通隕石の中に含まれていた花コウ岩の形成年代が、約45億3000年前であることを突き止めたことを発表した。 花コウ岩は、地球の大陸地殻を形成する岩石の1つで、古くから城の石垣や墓石にも使用 ...


エクスプロア中国 - ‎Jun 22, 2009‎
上海植物園にある「隕石」。この隕石が本物の隕石であるかどうかが、最近話題になっている。 植物園の資料によると、この隕石は1997年にある市民から寄贈されたもので、新疆エリアのものだ、といわれているが、その事実関係は明らかになっていない。