Showing posts with label Martian meteorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martian meteorites. Show all posts

03 June 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUN2024

Martian meteorites offer insights into Red Planet's structure - Space Daily
Space Daily
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 01, 2024 - Mars has a distinct structure in its mantle and crust, with identifiable reservoirs, as revealed by meteorites ...

Ha usato un pezzo di meteorite come fermaporta per dieci anni: valeva 75mila dollari
Passione Astronomia
Un meteorite ha vagato nello spazio interstellare per chissà quanti anni non sapendo che il suo compito sarebbe stato un altro: essere un ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 26NOV09

Mogelijk toch sporen van leven gevonden in Marsmeteoriet - Netherlands
Nieuw onderzoek van structuren in dezelfde meteoriet (ALH 84001) heeft opnieuw indirecte aanwijzingen voor bacteriële activiteit opgeleverd. ...

Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite
Martian bacteria arrived on Earth on a meteorite which smashed into the Antarctic 13000 years ago, Nasa scientists believe. By Ben Leach Their fossilised ...

SBIG allsky camera can track clouds, meteors, and ufos

The allsky cameras are designed for extended, unattended sky watching such as monitoring the weather, detecting meteors, or keeping an eye out for ets. ...

Examining 'Marquette Island'

Opportunity is performing an extensive analysis of this rock, which initial investigation suggests may be a stony meteorite.

Martian may show signs of life Video

Video See topic http www disclose tv forum martian meteorite may show signs of life t12248 html November 25th 2009 New Findings On Alan Hills ...

Allen Hills Meteorite Thar be life? NASA

Popular Science
The same NASA team that discovered the controversial Allen Hills meteorite has shared new data that points to a biological origin for structures within the ...

Life from Mars

The Sun
The microscopic aliens arrived on a meteorite which smashed into the wastes of the Antarctic. Their fossilised remains have been found in ...

Approaching 'Marquette Island'

... a rock informally named "Marquette Island" as the rover was approaching the rock for investigations that have suggested the rock is a stony meteorite. ...

New Findings On Alan Hills Meteorite Point to Microbial Life
Universe Today Wed, 25 Nov 2009 06:28 AM PST
Scientists caused quite a stir in 1996 when they announced a meteorite had been found in Antarctica that might contain evidence for microscopic fossils of Martian bacteria. While subsequent studies of the now famous Alan Hills Meteorite shot down theories that the Mars rock held fossilized alien life, both sides debated the issue and [...]

Martian meteorite surrenders new secrets of possible life
Spaceflight Now Tue, 24 Nov 2009 21:46 PM PST
Compelling new data that chemical and fossil evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars was carried to Earth in a Martian meteorite is being elevated to a higher plane by the same NASA team which made the initial discovery 13 years ago.

29 August 2009

ALH 84001 -Photo by NASA

Balmy water once bathed Mars rock claimed to host life
New Scientist Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:32 AM PDT
Researchers have yet to confirm a controversial claim that a meteorite from Mars boasts fossilised life, but a new study suggests the rock did form in hospitable conditions ....

24 July 2009

Russia Meteor/Meteorite News- 24JUL09

Тайны падения Тунгусского метеорита

РИА Новости - ‎9 時間前‎
Предполагали также, что н Землю мог упасть железный или каменный метеорит с включением никелистого железа; ледяное ядро кометы; неопознанный летающий объект, звездолет; гигантская шаровая молния; метеорит с Марса, трудно отличимый от земных пород.

Метеорит е причинил масово измиране на видовете преди 13 000 години - ‎5 時間前‎
Учени от Калифорнийския университет са доказали, че масовото измиране на видовете в Северна Америка преди около 12 900 години е било предизвикано от ...


Деловая пресса - ‎6 時間前‎
При падении метеорита, как считают авторы, происходит не только образование кратера, но и “укрепление” грунта вблизи места падения. Лед во внешнем слое поверхности нового кратера, разумеется, превращается в пар, однако нижние слои спрессовываются и предотвращают естественное испарение в более ...

Ученые: когда-то Марс был шаром жидкой магмы

Vlasti.NET - ‎6 時間前‎
Анализу подвергся метеорит с Марса. Конечно, не тот, который упал на поверхность Красной планеты (на сегодняшний день ни один космический аппарат не может привезти на Землю образцы горных пород с Марса), а тот, который еще в 1911 году нашли в Египте. Тогда геологи обнаружили фрагменты метеорита ...

23 July 2009

Mars Meteorite News- Martian Meteorites 23JUL09

Molten Mars may have prevented life to evolve on its surface -
The findings are based on analysis of radioactive isotopes of rare elements in an ancient meteorite, known as nakhlite, after the place in Egypt where it ...

03 July 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News 3JUL09

How Earth Got its Oxygen - Michael Schirber -
... and comparing it to other carbonaceous-mineral associations known to be of non-biological origin, including minerals found in a Martian meteorite. ...

Uranium exists on the moon, according to new data from a Japanese spacecraft. ... moon, or even that Earth's satellite could serve as a mining source for uranium ...

Clues to origin of life revealed in Tagish Lake meteorite -
New research into a meteorite that crashed into northern British Columbia nine years ago is revealing startling clues that could help unravel the origins of ...

Man on the Moon: 40 years of myth and legend

Scene -
We now know that the Moon is made of rocky material that has been variously melted, erupted through volcanoes, and crushed by meteorite impacts. ...

Comets Probably Seeded Earth's Nitrogen Atmosphere

Slashdot -
One favored theory is that our water is the leftovers from a bombardment of comets early in Earth's history. But the ratio of hydrogen and deuterium in the ...

Study: Tunguska explosion caused by comet

Times of the Internet -
But Cornell University researchers say findings from their study indicated the explosion was nearly certainly caused by a comet entering the Earth's ...