05 November 2016

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise
NASA/JPL press release Nov. 5, 2016

What would we do if we discovered a large asteroid on course to impact
Earth? While highly unlikely, that was the high-consequence scenario
discussed by attendees at an Oct. 25 NASA-FEMA tabletop exercise in El
Segundo, California.

The third in a series of exercises hosted jointly by NASA and FEMA --
the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- the simulation was designed
to strengthen the collaboration between the two agencies, which have
Administration direction to lead the U.S. response. "It's not a matter
of if -- but when -- we will deal with such a situation," said Thomas
Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission
Directorate in Washington. "But unlike any other time in our history, we
now have the ability to respond to an impact threat through continued
observations, predictions, response planning and mitigation."

The exercise provided a forum for the planetary science community to
show how it would collect, analyze and share data about a hypothetical
asteroid predicted to impact Earth. Emergency managers discussed how
that data would be used to consider some of the unique challenges an
asteroid impact would present-for preparedness, response and public warning.

"It is critical to exercise these kinds of low-probability but
high-consequence disaster scenarios," FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate
said. "By working through our emergency response plans now, we will be
better prepared if and when we need to respond to such an event."

Exercise attendees included representatives from NASA, FEMA, NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, the Department of Energy's National Laboratories,
the U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor's Office of Emergency

The exercise simulated a possible impact four years from now -- a
fictitious asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2
percent probability of impact with Earth on Sept. 20, 2020. The
simulated asteroid was initially estimated to be between 300 and 800
feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, with a possibility of making impact
anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including a narrow band of area
that crossed the entire United States.

In the fictitious scenario, observers continued to track the asteroid
for three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the
probability of impact climbed to 65 percent. Then the next observations
had to wait until four months later, due to the asteroid's position
relative to the sun. Once observations could resume in May of 2017, the
impact probability jumped to 100 percent. By November of 2017, it was
simulated that the predicted impact would occur somewhere in a narrow
band across Southern California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

While mounting a deflection mission to move the asteroid off its
collision course had been simulated in previous tabletop exercises, this
particular exercise was designed so that the time to impact was too
short for a deflection mission to be feasible -- to pose a great future
challenge to emergency managers faced with a mass evacuation of the
metropolitan Los Angeles area.

Scientists from JPL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia
National Laboratories, and The Aerospace Corporation presented predicted
impact footprint models, population displacement estimates, information
on infrastructure that would be affected, as well as other data that
could realistically be known at various points throughout the exercise

"The high degree of initial uncertainty coupled with the relatively long
impact warning time made this scenario unique and especially challenging
for emergency managers," said FEMA National Response Coordination Branch
Chief Leviticus A. Lewis. "It's quite different from preparing for an
event with a much shorter timeline, such as a hurricane."

Attendees considered ways to provide accurate, timely and useful
information to the public, while also addressing how to refute rumors
and false information that could emerge in the years leading up to the
hypothetical impact.

"These exercises are invaluable for those of us in the asteroid science
community responsible for engaging with FEMA on this natural hazard,"
said NASA Planetary Defense Officer Lindley Johnson. "We receive
valuable feedback from emergency managers at these exercises about what
information is critical for their decision making, and we take that into
account when we exercise how we would provide information to FEMA about
a predicted impact."

NASA provides expert input to FEMA about the asteroid impact hazard
through the Planetary Defense Coordination Office
<https://www.nasa.gov/planetarydefense>. NASA and FEMA will continue to
conduct asteroid impact exercises and intend to expand participation in
future exercises to include additional representatives from local and
state emergency management agencies and the private sector.

JPL News

NASA JPL latest news release

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 November 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04NOV2016

1490慶陽 隕石事殺死10000人 / 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10000 ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10,000 People 1490慶陽 隕石事殺死10,000人. English only ...

Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 19"07 Local 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation Report your meteor sightings please-

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2016. NASA's New Asteroid Alert System Gives 5 Whole Days of Warning Universe Today

NASA's new asteroid alert system gives five days of warning
Look at the Chelyabinsk meteor from 2013. It was a 10,000 ton meteor that exploded over the Chelyabinsk Oblast, injuring 1500 people and damaging ...CAVEAT- IF Object is DETECTED!-LMH

LOOK: Curiosity Spots Meteorite on Mars
NASA's Mars Curiosity rover snapped images of a tiny, iron meteorite on the Red Planet on Oct. 30.

Aνακαλύφθηκε ένας περίεργος σιδερένιος μετεωρίτης στον Άρη
Athina 9.84 fm
Ο σκούρος γυαλιστερός σφαιρικός μικρός μετεωρίτης έχει μέγεθος όσο μισή μπάλα του γκολφ και οι επιστήμονες τον βάφτισαν «αυγό». Τέτοιου είδους ... Story about iron meteorite found on Mars in Greek.

Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
A beautiful fireball streaked the sky tonight. Here seen streaking the sky above the Sunnmøre Alps, Ørsta, Norway. Photo details: Canon EOS 650D, ...

Smoking meteor through Pleiades
Cloudy Nights
Smoking meteor through Pleiades - posted in Beginning and Intermediate Imaging: While blinking through my 570 ten second Pleiades subs from last ...

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 2 November 2016
Space Ref (press release)
Meteor Operations: CDR changed out the hard drive and diffraction grating on the Meteor camera located in the Window Observational Research ...

Ball of Fire Seen Over Perth – Reports of Explosions
So Perth (blog)
It's possible the fireball was connected to the South Taurid meteor shower, which peaks every year around late October and early November.

Meteor fireball seen over Perth, Western Australia
Signs of the Times
People across Perth have seen a huge ball of fireball over the city tonight. Some people even said they heard explosions like fireworks in the moments ...

Event 4268-2016
Fireball event
Report a Fireball · Events · Reports · Log In · Sign up ... AMS received one report about a fireball seen over Nova Gorica on Wednesday, November ...

Meteorite showers to continue over Perth after Wednesday night burst
When it's as bright as the full moon, that's when it's called a fireball. ... The Fireballs in the Sky research team at Curtin University has called for footage ...

Perth motorist films 'meteor' on dash-cam
The West Australian
A fiery meteor was spotted flashing across Perth skies on Wednesday night, exciting both citizen scientists and motorists who saw the burning object ... One of the poorest meteor videos I have wasted time watching!-LMH

UFO flashing green 'fireball' filmed shooting across the night sky in Japan
The Sun
A MYSTERIOUS huge green fireball is captured in this footage shooting across the night sky in Japan on Monday. The bizarre object was filmed ...NOT mysterious or a UFO;anything for a headline!

BRIGHT and blazing
The Hindu
November makes it special for all sky watchers as it brings you two meteor showers. Beginning tonight, watch out for the South Taurids. The showers ...

2 meteor showers to dazzle Cincinnati skies this month
WLWT Cincinnati
The Leonids will be most visible, and some may see a few meteors from the Taurids. The Taurids are not a prolific meteor shower, only producing ...

Guided walk under the Leonid Meteor Shower planned for Headlands
Petoskey News-Review
With the upcoming Leonid Meteor Shower the public is invited to join Headlands International Dark Sky Park staff under the dark of night for an ... NOV 18th event.

Your guide to this month's constellation and meteor show
San Diego Entertainer Magazine
Perhaps one of the more exhilarating scenes is set to occur on late Nov 11, which will mark the starting point of the North Taurid meteor shower.

Meteorite showers to continue over Perth after Wednesday night burst
Collie Mail
"A fireball, or or bolide, is the official term," Mr Woods said. "While it's still in space it's a meteoroid; when it hits the atmosphere, a meteor; if it hits the ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 November 2016

1490慶陽 隕石事件殺死10,000人 / 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10,000 People

The 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10,000 People 
1490慶陽 隕石事殺死10,000人
English Wikipedia Entry Source Link-wikipedia.org/wiki/1490_Ch%27ing-yang_event

1490年慶陽事件 / 中文zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/1490年慶陽事件

The Ch'ing-yang event of 1490 (also Ch'ing-yang, Chi-ing-yang or Chíing-yang meteor shower) is a presumed meteor shower or air burst in Qìngyáng (Ch'ing-Yang, simplified Chinese: 庆阳; traditional Chinese: 慶陽) in March or April 1490.[1][2] The area was in the district of Shaanxi (陕西, now part of Gansu甘肃 Province). If a meteor shower did occur, it may have been the result of the disintegration of an asteroid during an atmospheric entry air burst.

A large number of deaths were recorded in historical Chinese accounts of the meteor shower, but have not been confirmed by researchers in the modern era. In the same year, Asian astronomers coincidentally discovered comet C/1490 Y1, a possible progenitor of the Quadrantid meteor showers.

Meteor shower
At least three surviving Chinese historical records describe a shower during which "stones fell like rain", killing more than 10,000 people. At least one report of the event is found in the official History of the Ming Dynasty, and other journal records which describe the event are also generally considered reliable.[3] But the official Ming Dynasty history omits the number of casualties, which has been frequently either doubted or discounted by present-day researchers.[1][4]

Due to the paucity of detailed information and the lack of surviving meteorites or other physical evidence, researchers have also been unable to definitively state the exact nature of the dramatic event,[5] even examining the possible occurrence of severe hail.[1] However Kevin Yau et al. of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory did note several similarities of the Ch'ing-yang meteor fall to the Tunguska event, which would have destroyed a highly populous district.[1][6]

One surviving account records:[1]
"Stones fell like rain in the Ch’ing-yang district. The larger ones were 4 to 5 catties (斤, about 1.5 kg), and the smaller ones were 2 to 3 catties (about 1 kg). Numerous stones rained in Ch'ing-yang. Their sizes were all different. The larger ones were like goose's eggs and the smaller ones were like water-chestnuts. More than 10,000 people were struck dead. All of the people in the city fled to other places."

One source of Chinese astronomical information of celestial events, the Zhongguo gudai tianxiang jilu zongji (Complete collection of records of celestial phenomena in ancient China) records ten works that discuss the March–April 1490 event,[2][7] including the official History of the Ming Dynasty. Additionally there are records of it in local gazettes and histories of the region.[2] The History of Ming work (the 明史, or Míng Shǐ) states only that there was a rain of uncountable stones of various sizes. The large objects were as big "as a goose egg, and the small ones were the size of the fruit of an aquatic plant". The date given was the third lunar month of 1490, which translates as March 21 to April 19, 1490.[2]

Although the Ming Dynasty history did not record the number of deaths or injuries, other sources do. One semi-official document recorded that a provincial Shaanxi official reported there had been a rain of stones that weighed as much as 4–5jin (市斤), down to 2–3 jin (modern jins being 605 grams). The number of deaths in this account was in the several tens of thousands.[2] The semi-official report and two others date the event to the second lunar month with one source dating the event as April 4, 1490, part of the 3rd lunar month.[2]

Yau, K., Weissman, P., & Yeomans, D.Meteorite Falls In China And Some Related Human Casualty Events, Meteoritics, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 864-871, ISSN 0026-1114, bibliographic code: 1994Metic..29..864Y.

Webb, Sterling K., Juhl, Robert A. Meteorite deaths in Qingyang (Ch'ing-yang) in 1490, MeteoriteCentral.com website as archived on Mail-Archive.com, January 1, 2010. Retrieved March 13, 2013.

Death from above in ancient China, Sky & Telescope, March 1995, Vol. 89, Iss. 3, p. 15, ISSN 0037-6604.

Gritzner, C. Human Casualties in Impact Events, WGN Journal of the International Meteor Organization, pp. 222-226, bib. code: 1997JIMO...25..222G.

Asteroid's close shave ranks among Earth's biggest hits (and misses), NBCNews.com website, February 14, 2013. Retrieved March 8, 2013.

"Zhongguo gudai tianxiang jilu zongji, (Complete collection of records of celestial phenomena in ancient China)", Nanjing: Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1988, pp 73-74. (Chinese)

Ball, Phillip. Dead comet spawned New Year meteors,Nature online website, ISSN 1744-7933, doi:10.1038/news031229-5, published online on December 31, 2003.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2016

Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 19"07 Local 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation
NASA's New Asteroid Alert System Gives 5 Whole Days of Warning
Universe Today
It was a 10,000 ton meteor that exploded over the Chelyabinsk Oblast, injuring 1500 people and damaging an estimated 3,000 building in 6 cities.

Curiosity Mars Rover Checks Odd-looking Iron Meteorite
Laser-zapping of a globular, golf-ball-size object on Mars by NASA's Curiosity rover confirms that it is an iron-nickel meteorite fallen from the Red Planet's sky.Iron-nickel meteorites are a common class of space rocks found on Earth, and previous examples have been seen on Mars, but this one, called "Egg Rock....

Meteor Strike
Nova Documentary: Meteor Strike - On February 15, 2013, a 7000-ton asteroid crashed into the Earth's atmosphere over Russia with the power of 30 ...

Evening meteor fireball lights up skies from Ontario to Massachusetts
Signs of the Times
More than 160 reports The AMS has received over 160 reports so far about of a fireball event over seen over Pennsylvania on November 1st, 2016 ...

Multiple people across northeast report seeing fireball Tuesday night
Primarily seen in Pennsylvania, the fireball was also spotted over a number of northeastern states, including New York. Many people in Buffalo said ...

Fireball Flashes Across WNY Sky Tuesday
According to the American Meteor Society, this is called a bolide. It only lasted about a second or two, but was impressive for those who saw it!

November supermoon and meteor showers: Amazing astronomical events you can see with the ...
In fact, the supermoon will be the biggest one since 1948 - it'll be roughly 14% bigger and 30% brighter than an average full moon. The reason for the ...

What are these 'fireballs' in the sky?
WTAE Pittsburgh
It is no wonder that Pittsburgh's Action News 4 has been getting reports of a fireball in the sky, as the South Taurid Meteor Shower is nearing its peak.

November features two meteor showers and a supermoon for Cincinnati-area stargazers
But if we can catch a break from Mother Nature, we've got two different meteor showers and one of the biggest supermoons we've seen in nearly 70 ...

Night Sky: Colder but cooler stargazing in 'November'
Canada News
Look on Friday night, midnight till dawn, for the Southern Taurid meteor shower, know for bright fireballs. Look high in the east for the constellation ...

Slow-moving fireballs a feature of Taurid meteor shower this week
The Taurids meteor shower is firing this week and although it's not the most robust show in the universe, it is notable for producing one of the most ...

(Oct., 24/25 2016) Orionid observations from North Florida
Meteor News
I'm still trying to play catch up on reporting all the meteor observations Brenda and I made this week for the post maximum of the 2016 Orionid Meteor ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 November 2016

Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation

Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 19"07 Local 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures.
If you have a video or still image please send to me @ drtanuki@gmail.com ; Thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports-
02NOV2016 Lucas Mckay Shenton Park, Perth 19:08 pm 15 sec se;nw i was facing nw red and white Venus broke up as it flew saw it over perth from Matilda bay on the river

02NOV2016 Chris Perth, Australia 19:07 7 ESE to WNW Blue to orange Same as Venus Split into 2 separate fireballs at end of flight path Did not appear to reach earth

02NOV2016 Glenn Perth Western Australia Australia 7.07pm 5 - 7 sec NE - NW Orange white Flames Venus Flames Flames Ball shape , burnt out, I thought it was a small plane at first

02NOV2016 Margaret Warburton Melville WA Australia 7.07 (GMT +9) 13-15 sec E - W fiery-white sun broke into 4 parts as I was watching like a long tailed comet, I was at traffic lights and it was just a couple of degrees above my natural sight line. Have reported to Perth Observatory. Brightest and longest I have ever seen.

MORE- All 4 meteor sighting reports can be seen here-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02NOV2016

BREAKING- Asteroid 2016 VA Passes Earth and is Captured 02NOV2016

NEO Close Approaches NOV 2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/2000/11/meteor-fireball-report-form.html. There are currently 7 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass ...

Breaking - NY ONT Fireball Meteor 01NOV2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
New York and Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 2015 EDT 01NOV2016 Witnesses reported that it was as bright as the Sun or Moon. Report your ...

Mysterious green fireball observed in skies above Japan on Halloween likely a meteor
The Japan Times
“The color of bolides depends on the components of the atmosphere, such as oxygen, and of the meteor. Green is one of the most common colors,” he ...

Mysterious green light 'fireball' spotted in Japan sky
“A fireball is another term for a very bright meteor, generally brighter than magnitude -4, which is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus in the ...

WATCH: Huge Fireball Lights Sky on Fire off Japan Coast
Sputnik International
“A fireball is another term for a very bright meteor, generally brighter than magnitude —4, which is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus as ...

Fireball over Pennsylvania
American Meteor Society
The AMS has received nearly 130 reports so far about of a fireball event over seen over Pennsylvania on November 1st, 2016 around 08:15pm EDT ...

Mysterious green light 'fireball' spotted in Japan sky
“A fireball is another term for a very bright meteor, generally brighter than magnitude -4, which is about the same magnitude of the planet Venus in the ...

A Massive Green Fireball/Meteor Over Japan
Meteor fireball streaks across northern Japan is caught by several cameras. A mysterious fireball darts across the predawn skies of Niigata Prefecture ...

Little green yen: Mysterious emerald-green orb 'UFO' appears over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks ...
Daily Mail
A mysterious green 'UFO' has been spotted over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks behind it as it travelled across the sky. The green orb was seen in ...

Nasa's 'Scout' asteroid-spotter catches large space rock hurtling towards Earth
Daily Mail
Their 180 million year long reign is thought to have been ended by a double-whammy when the shockwave from the meteor impact caused a storm of ...

Fireball seen over Japan
Deutsche Welle
Japan woke up early Monday to a fireball streaking across its skies. Astronomers say space debris or piece of an asteroid are the likely cause ...

A Meteor Whose Mass Was About 1.4×108 Kg Struck T...
A meteor whose mass was about 1.4×108 kg struck the Earth (mE=6.0×1024kg) with a speed of about 16 km/s and came to rest in the Earth.

NASA Meteor Watch
NASA Meteor Watch. 665.215 curtidas · 2.447 falando sobre isso. A place for NASA researchers, amateur meteor watchers, and the general public to ...

Fireball Flashes Across WNY Sky Tuesday
Did you see it? A fireball streaked across the western New York sky Tuesday evening.

How to make a Meteorite Ring

November Celestial Events: Record Supermoon
Science World Report
November marks the beginning of meteor displays, planet sightings, and other dazzling displays that would give us reasons to look up at the night sky ...

Post maximum 2016 Orionid observations from North Florida
Meteor News
This time, I was back on the trusty “meteor roof” of my home on Crazy Horse Trail in St. Augustine, Florida. I figured with the moon still depressing the ...

Oct 30/31 2016 meteor observations from Matanzas Inlet, Florida
Meteor News
I managed two more hours of beautiful dark sky meteor viewing this morning as the walls of fog piled up around the horizons in all directions, but ...

Oct. 25/26, 2016 (Wednesday morning) Orionid observations from the
Meteor News
I managed to get in1.25 more hours Orionid observing in the pre-dawn on Wednesday morning from up on the meteor roof of my home in St.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

BREAKING- Asteroid 2016 VA Passes Earth and is Captured 02NOV2016

BREAKING- Asteroid 2016 VA Passes Earth within 75,000KMs and is Captured 02NOV2016
w/ Imagery

Click on Image to Enlarge
Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 VA 01 Nov. 2016 Image Captured by Virtual TelescopeImage Credit- G. Masi, Italy using Virtual Telescope

The Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 VA was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Sky Survey, Arizona, USA on 01NOV2016, Tuesdayy, and announced later the same day by the Minor Planet Center. The is going to have a very close encounter with the Earth, at 0.2 lunar distances (about 75.000 km) on 02NOV2016, today, Wednesday.

For More information and images-

First NEO asteroid discovery of new period "V" (01-NOV-2016 to
15-NOV-2016) announced via Minor Planet Center:

Object ID: 2016 VA
Classification Type: Aten
(Semi-Major Axis < 1.0 AU; Aphelion > 0.983 AU).

Close-Approach Date/Time: 02/00:41Z
** Close-Approach Distance: 54,517 miles (nom.) from Earth surface **
Close-Approach Distance (Lunar Distances): 0.246
Velocity (Relative): 21.249 km/s = 47,810 mph
Estimated diameter: 11m-24m

Position @ closest-approach: RA:01 41 59.76, DEC: -28 20 20.3
Constellation: Sculptor

Orbital Elements:
2016 VA Earth MOID =
0.0000 AU
Epoch 2016 July 31.0 TT = JDT 2457600.5 MPC
M 184.95866 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.12483691 Peri. 309.40717 -0.91448499 -0.24374777
a 0.9156785 Node 219.74724 +0.25323682 -0.96731690
e 0.5283836 Incl. 30.33796 -0.31557615 -0.06989306
P 0.88 H 27.2 G 0.15 U 4

MPC entry:

Eastern Intelligence Security & Survival Co.
Norfolk, UK.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Breaking - ONT NY PA NJ Fireball Meteor 01NOV2016

Ontario, Canada; NY, PA NJ Fireball Meteor 2015 EDT 01NOV2016
Witnesses reported that it was as bright as the Sun or Moon.

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures.
If you have a video or still image please send to me @ drtanuki@gmail.com ; Thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports-
01NOV2016 Alessia Mississauga, ONT Eastern- 8:20PM 3-4 seconds Straight Down - Facing south Green ball, white tail Sun No None

01NOV2016 David Peterborough, ONT 8:15pm 1 sec Facing south Blue Moon No Bearing south

01NOV2016 Sherrie Buffalo New York 14210 815pm 5 seconds North Greenish blue ball Moon No Quiet flash

01NOV2016 Fred Perkins Meteor; Guelph Ontario Area About 8:25pm, I was driving south on Victoria Road, as I was crossing the bridge just south of York Road I saw, just for a second, something falling from the sky. It was a yellow, red, green ?? and it was gone. At first I thought it was a fire work but soon realized it was falling not rising. As I walked into my home, I said “know what I saw” my daughter had been travelling south on Watson Parkway and she saw it at the same time. Beautiful it was. Peace,

01NOV2016 Gail Henderson Guelph, Ontario We just seen one fly pass!  Awesome!

MORE- All 12 meteor sighting reports can be seen here-

News Reports-
Fireball Flashes Across WNY Sky Tuesday
Did you see it? A fireball streaked across the western New York sky Tuesday evening

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 November 2016

Japan Fireball Meteor 22:31 JST 01NOV2016 - 2016年11月1日22時31分47秒 散在火球

Osaka, Japan Fireball Meteor 22:31 JST  01NOV2016
2016年11月1日22時31分47秒 散在火球

Click on Image to Enlarge
Osaka, Japan Fireball Meteor 01NOV2016
2016年11月1日22時31分47秒 散在火球
c 2016 さぎたりうす

SonotaCo Meteor Forum with more photos and videos-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Morning Fireball Meteor 05:43 JST 31OCT2016 / 2016年10月31日5時43分の酒田大火球

Japan Early Morning Fireball Meteor 05:43 JST 31OCT2016 w/Video

20161031 火球情- Video Taken from Sendai ObservatoryPosted to YouTube by sendai1300 15,669 views

Yahoo Headline News-


Twitter taken from an iPhone-

SonotaCo Meteor Forum with More Photos and Videos-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Niigata, Japan Bolide Meteor 05:00 JST 31OCT2016 w/Videos / Fragmentation

Niigata, Japan Bolide Meteor just before 05:00 JST 31OCT2016 w/Videos  / Fragmentation
Long duration of secs! With Fragmentation- shedding debris.
This may have been space trash / a re-entry vehicile or failed launch?. It was filmed from both Niigata and Sendai. -LMH

Niigata, Japan Bolide Meteor just before 0500 JST 31OCT2016
Source- YouTube / NTV

Video 1
Mysterious green ‘fireball’ lights up the skies over Niigata, Japan
Posted to YouTube by ElDI SuperNova 60 views

Video 2
Green light-emitting body Niigata airport sky of Japan is passing fireball?
Posted to YouTube by kaze shiroi 122 views
This video show severe fragmentation such as seen from space trash.

Fireball over Japan caught on video
NBC2 News
NIIGATA, JAPAN - A fireball was seen hurtling across the sky off the coast of northern Japan. A Nippon TV affiliate's weather camera captured the ...

WATCH: Fireball streaks across northern Japan
A Nippon TV weather camera captured video of the fireball. The fiery, greenish object shot across the sky for 15 seconds before vanishing to the ...

Meteor fireball streaks across northern Japan
Signs of the Times
One astronomer said the object was likely a brighter-than-typical meteor, which is technically called a fireball. The astronomer speculated that it could ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01NOV2016

NASA Scout early warning system detects first near-Earth asteroid
In February 15, 2013 a 20m wide meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, damaging hundreds of buildings and injuring more than 1000 people.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31OCT2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Increased Threat Level For Asteroid Collision, 15000 Space Rocks Near Earth Discovered The Inquisitr In 1992, a meteor blazed a fiery trail from ...

NASA's Halloween Pumpkins Are Simply Out Of This World
Huffington Post
Of course, no pumpkin competition would be complete without the obligatory display of a flaming meteor threatening to strike down GOP and ...

Planets, Constellations and the Leonid Meteor Shower In Nov. 2016 Skywatching
Find out when and where you can see Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the night sky this month. Twin fish (Pisces constellation), a ram (Aries ...

November sky highlights: Orion, Leonids meteor shower and Venus
ABC Online
This month, a cosmic saucepan enters the evening sky, the Leonids meteor shower peaks, and Venus steeps itself in the teapot. If you watch the ...

Skywatch: Planets, meteors and more!
As we welcome the month of November there's some interesting stuff to spot in the night sky this week! If you're out with the family on Halloween night ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

31 October 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31OCT2016

Increased Threat Level For Asteroid Collision, 15000 Space Rocks Near Earth Discovered
The Inquisitr
In 1992, a meteor blazed a fiery trail from Kentucky to New York where it crashed into the trunk of an orange Chevy Malibu and punched through the ...

Halloween 2016: What Is Black Moon? When & How To Watch It?
iTech Post
The lack of light coming from the moon means that the night sky of this Halloween 2016 will have plenty of opportunities for star gazers to view meteor ...

NASA's new warning system has spotted an incoming asteroid
And in February 2013, a 20-metre-wide meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk in Russia, without any advance notice at all. Scout's goal is to speed up ...

Discovering a meteor shower
Cloudy Nights
Discovering a meteor shower - posted in Space Rocks: Has an amateur ever discovered a small meteor shower? Maybe with nowadays all-sky ...

Meteor Showers for November-December 2016
Digital Photography Review
Being a long-time meteor shower observer, it is a bit disappointing to see that prospects meteor showers for the remainder of 2016 are poor. But that ...

Meteor shower guide UK
Look here for information about all the major meteor showers between now and the year's end. The meteor showers listed below are the easiest to ..

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 October 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30OCT2016

Astronomy for November: Three meteor showers light up night sky
Akron Beacon Journal
Three meteor showers occur in November. The Southern Taurid meteor shower peaks in the early morning of Nov. 5, and the Northern Taurids in the ...

Leonids will be the top meteor show to watch in November
New Jersey Herald
This year marks the 50th SFlb anniversary of the Leonid meteor storm of 1966, when it made biggest meteor show in recent recorded history.

What's Up In November: Meteor showers provide the highlight of a busy month
Press Herald
November is a transition month both on the earth and in our skies. Most of our foliage has fallen; we are halfway through autumn and getting set for ...

Event 4191-2016
Fireball event
AMS received one report about a fireball seen over TX on Saturday, October 29th 2016 around ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 October 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29OCT2016

Colorado Fireball Meteor 27OCT2016 w/Fragmentation
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
This event should have been widely seen from several states! MeteorRats possible scramble! Video Pending Report your meteor sightings please-

NJ Night Sky: Venus and Saturn so close
This is a minor shower that generally displays only a couple meteors per hour, but occasionally, a bright meteor (a "fireball") will appear, so keep an ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 October 2016

CO NM Fireball Meteor 27OCT2016 w/Fragmentation /Videos

Colorado, New Mexico Fireball Meteor 1845 MDT 27OCT2016 w/Fragmentation /Videos
This event should have been widely seen from several states! Likely more videos pending.,
MeteorRats possible scramble!

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures.
If you have a video or still image please send to me @ drtanuki@gmail.com ; Thank you!

Initial Sighting Report-
27OCT2016 Dan Fronefield  Peyton, CO, USA 1845 PM 3 to 4 seconds NE to SW, I was facing South. Appeared to be descending left to right at about 30-45 deg angle White with orange and blue Brighter than any planet. There was about 6-10 fragments Should have been picked up by Cloud Bait camera

27OCT2016 Jake  Parker, CO 1850 / 650pm MST 15 seconds of sight East to south/southwest Blue and white then orange spurts VERY bright blue and white like sun Yes as it got closer to ground South of Parker road and Arapaho maybe a mile, looked like it fell within 1/4 mile west of Parker Road beyond Broncos Parkway     

27OCT2016 Jeff Freeburg Costillo, NM 18:45 MST About 10 seconds. I was driving NE on NM Highway 522. The object traveled from the NNE slightly right to left about 10 to 20 degrees. Looked like it was North of Mount Blanca, east of the peak. It was near dusk behind a clould layer. The color was green-yellow. Brightest object in the sky. Didn't see any. Stopped glowing before it hit the ground.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here-

Other News Reports-
Video 1

Meteor seen in Littleton captured by dash cam
Posted to YouTube by Denver7 – The Denver Channel 33 views

Video 2
Meteor caught on video over Denver metro - Oct. 27, 2016
Posted to YouTube by Denver7 – The Denver Channel 170 views

Did you see it? Meteor flashes across the night sky in Colorado
The Denver Channel
At around 8:30 p.m., a Denver viewer from Littleton emailed the newsroom and said he caught the meteor on his dash cam on his way home Thursday ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28OCT2016

Colorado Fireball Meteor 27OCT2016 w/Fragmentation
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
This event should have been widely seen from several states! MeteorRats possible scramble! Video Pending Report your meteor sightings please...

What Would A Texas-Sized Meteor Impact Do To The Planet?
What would happen if a ball the size of Texas fell into the ocean? originally appeared on Quora: the knowledge sharing network where compelling ...

Did you see it? Meteor flashes across the night sky in Colorado
A meteor was captured on dash cam video as it flashed across the night sky in Colorado earlier Thursday evening.

Did you see it? Meteor flashes across the night sky in Colorado
The Denver Channel
At around 8:30 p.m., a Denver viewer from Littleton emailed the newsroom and said he caught the meteor on his dash cam on his way home Thursday ...

Meteor fireball captured on dash cam over Colorado
Signs of the Times
... was fortunate enough to capture. Denver7 started getting calls about a meteor falling from the sky at around 6:50 p.m. One viewer who did not...

Slow cometary fireball on Oct. 26 (at 23:57 UT)
Meteor News
This fireball was observed over the South of Spain on Oct. 26, at 23:57 UT (1:57 local time on Oct. 27). The event was produced by a sporadic ...

Bright green flashes of light in sky baffle Siberians if it is Putin missile, meteor or aliens
International Business Times AU
Siberian Times reports that some speculate it was a comet, a meteor, a UFO or perhaps a missile that Russian President Vladimir Putin had launched ...

Water Detected on Largest Metallic Asteroid in Solar System
USGS- Release Date: October 20, 2016
Scientists have discovered possible evidence for water-rich minerals on the surface of the largest metallic asteroid in the solar system, according to a study by the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA. The asteroid, called Psyche...

NASA Moon Mission Shares Insights into Giant Impacts
New results from NASA's GRAIL mission yield insights into the huge impacts that dominated the early history of Earth's moon and other solid worlds in our solar system.

Meteor Crater Saaremaa , Estonia
Theses images show a small meteor crater in Saaremaa/ Estonia (Europe) wihich I had visited in 2009. Impact ca. 7800 years ago, one larger, several ...

When is the Taurids Meteor Shower, where's the best place in the UK to watch and when does it ...
The Sun
The Taurids meteor shower happens every year in late October and November, when the Earth passes through debris left behind by a comet called ...

American Meteor Society
Remarks, We observed the fireball from a sidewalk on the north side of Shelton Street, between a woods and a row of trees parallel to the sidewalk.

American Meteor Society
Observer. Name, Robert G. Experience Level, 1/5. Remarks, Was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in the sky. Awesome. Location. Address ...

American Meteor Society
Observer. Name, Jessie S. Experience Level, 2/5. Remarks, extremely bright, much brighter than I expected, but lasted about 3 seconds. I was driving ...

American Meteor Society
... bomb when it streaked across dawn sky (Pt Reyes Station , California. I was facing south. and the path of that fireball was basically east to west.

American Meteor Society
Observer. Name, Janna B. Experience Level, 2/5. Remarks, I have never seen anything like this in my life. My husband was driving in a vehicle behind ...

American Meteor Society
Experience Level, 3/5. Remarks, Just that this was the largest meteor I have ever seen, and its size makes me believe it was more of a fireball.

American Meteor Society
Fragmentation. Observation, Yes. Remarks, The fireball had an yellow/orange/red trail that broke apart, like a dashed line, though was it was strongest ...

New CosmoSparks Report: Measuring and Modeling the Structure of the Best-Preserved Impact Basin on the Moon
-- Orientale basin formation and structure interpreted with GRAIL gravity data and
quantitative modeling.....

Meteor Crater on Earth
Meteor Crater on Earth, Author, Posts, Views, Last post. This forum does not ... Images.Meteor Crater Saaremaa , Estonia , Wanni. 10/27/2016. 0. 0 ...

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 26 October 2016
Space Ref (press release)
Meteor Operations: FE-6 exchanged the hard drive then removed and replaced the grating in the Meteor Camera located in the Window Observational ...

The SciHawk: It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a meteor shower.
UNCW Seahawk
College photography professors Donna Cosentino and Judith Preston watch a Persied meteor streak through the starry sky above California's Anza ...

In 2016, Why Not Elect The Sweet Meteor Of Death?
Huffington Post
As it happens, there is: the Sweet Meteor Of Death. On this week's edition of “So That Happened,” we reached into the depth of space to secure an ...

25% of Millennials prefer a meteor to wipe out humankind to Clinton or Trump
Nearly one in four Millennials would prefer to be struck by a meteor than see Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton become president, according to a recent ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 October 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27OCT2016

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor 25OCT2016 w/ Video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Posted: 25 Oct 2016 06:32 PM PDT
Siberia, Irkutsk, Russia Bolide Meteor 14:33 GMT 25OCT2016 with Video MeteorRats Russia Investigate! Looks like it might be a rock producer! Ust-Kut, Russia Bolide Meteor 25OCT2016 Photo Source- astro-alert. ru Very bright fireball over southern Siberia (Irkutsk region., Rep. Of Buryatia) October 25, 2016 at 14:33 GMT Очень яркий болид над югом Сибири (Иркутская обл., Респ. Бурятия) 25  ...

Bright meteor fireball illuminates sky over Buryatia, Russia
Signs of the Times
According to baikal-daily.ru there have been numerous reports of a bright meteor fireball exploding over the Buryatia region of Russia on 25th October ...

Fiery meteor disintegrates in the sky over Ust-Kut, Russia
Strange Sounds
This fiery meteor disintegrated in the sky over Ust-Kut, Russia on October 25, 2016. Do you think it was another chelyabinsk fireball?

The Truth is Out There? Glowing Meteor Crashes in Siberia, Sparks UFO Rumors
Sputnik International
The night of October 25 saw an object falling to Earth in the Russian republic of Buryatia in Siberia; while some think it was just a meteorite, others ...

Spectacular footage captures burning green meteorite flies through the sky above stunned motorists -Russia
A burning meteorite blazes through the sky in front of awestruck motorists in this spectacular footage. Grainy dashcam video appears to capture the ..

The Truth is Out There? Glowing Meteor Crashes in Siberia, Sparks...
Glowing Meteor Crashes in Siberia, Sparks UFO Rumors : The night of October 25 saw an object falling to Earth in the Russian republic of Buryatia in ...

Weekly Observations: Meteor showers come and go, and trees die and rise
Meteor showers are rooted in something from the past, and they continue beyond their beginnings, returning each year. But they also change a little ..

A meteor is predicted to destroy earth in 5 hours, how would society react?
I've always said that if I am facing certain death (i.e. terminal illness) I want to try heroin before I die. Won't have to worry about getting addicted and ...

NASA's Warning About Apocalyptic 'Fifteen Days of Darkness on Earth' Truth or Hoax?
Nature World News
14, 5h 3 Taurids meteor shower will light up the night sky. It is a minor meteor shower that will only yield about five to 10 meteors per hour. However ...

NASA's 15 days of darkness in November 2016 explained: How can Venus, Jupiter conjunction ...
Headlines & Global News
Telescopically, the two planets will appear nearly the same size -- Jupiter, though much larger in reality, is also much farther away. But their globes will ...

massive meteorite 26october 2016
massive meteorite 26october 2016 ... Meteorite Explosion - Russia Chelyabinsk 2/15/2013 - Asteroid expected to pass close by Earth - Duration: 3:20

UFO spotted over Siberia but is it a meteor, a Putin missile or aliens?
Daily Mail
Extraordinary green flashes of light have been spotted in the sky above Siberia, baffling experts and residents as they question whether it was a ...

UFO makes bright flash in the sky with green tail: meteor or missile or....?
The Siberian Times
'At 19.30 in the sky a comet or a meteor was flying. There was a powerful flash. Who else saw it?' 'Today, at about 19.50, there was was a strange ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Spain Cometary Fireball Meteor 26OCT2016 w/ Video

Spain Cometary Fireball Meteor 23:57 UT 26OCT2016 w/ Video

Spain Cometary Fireball 23:57 UT 26OCT2016
Image Source- SMART via YouTube video

Slow cometary fireball on Oct. 26 (at 23:57 UT)-Spain
Posted to YouTube by Meteors 913 views
Published on Oct 27, 2016This fireball was observed over the South of Spain on Oct. 26, at 23:57 UT (1:57 local time on Oct. 27). The event was produced by a sporadic cometary meteoroid that hit the atmosphere at about 94000 km/h. The fireball began at a height of 90 km over the province of Cordoba and ended at a height of 40 km over the Mediterranean Sea.
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 October 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25/26OCT2016

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor 25OCT2016 w/ Video
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Of Buryatia, Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor 14:33 GMT 25OCT2016 ... Algeria Bolide Meteor 21:00 Local 01OCT2016 w/ Videos MeteorRATs on the ...

Event 4140-2016
Fireball event
Report a Fireball · Events · Reports · Log In · Sign up ... AMS received one report about a fireball seen over OR on Tuesday, October 25th 2016 around ...

Newer Post
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Visitors to the Duke Teaching Observatory can view meteor showers and ... “If some major astronomical event like meteor showers or lunar eclipses .

Made to order SHOOTING STARS by 2018 as scientists perfect out of this world gift
"Okajima watched meteor showers when she was younger, but living in Tokyo (as an adult) she couldn't really see them, so that played a part in her ...

A Shocking Number of People Prefer Death By Meteorite to the Election
It remains to be seen if "giant meteor strike" can make headway as a write-in candidate before then. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get ...

Analysis of the technical biases of meteor video cameras used in the CILBO system
In this paper we analyze the technical biases of two intensified video cameras, ICC7 and ICC9 of the double-station meteor camera system CILBO ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor 25OCT2016 w/ Videos

Siberia, Irkutsk, Russia Bolide Meteor 14:33 GMT 25OCT2016
with Videos
MeteorRats Russia Investigate!  Looks like it might be a rock producer!

Ust-Kut, Russia Bolide Meteor 25OCT2016
Photo Source- astro-alert. ru
Video 1
Very bright fireball over southern Siberia (Irkutsk region., Rep. Of Buryatia) October 25, 2016 at 14:33 GMT
Очень яркий болид над югом Сибири (Иркутская обл., Респ. Бурятия) 25 октября 2016 года в 14:33 МСК
Posted to YouTube by astro-alert. ru 321 views

Original Video Post-
Bright car in Irkutsk region
Яркий болид в Иркутской областиVK 2,661 views

Video 2

Метеор Иркутск
Posted to YouTube by Ramiro Sollis 3,722 views

Video 3
Метеорит на Байкале в Слюдянке. 25 октября 2016
Posted t YouTube by Татьяна Кириллова 5,094 views
Published on Oct 25, 2016
Запись с камеры видеонаблюдения на жд вокзале г. Слюдянка Иркутской области на Байкале. Спустя минут 10 после падения был слышен глухой взрыв где-то далеко. По мнению очевидцев, в стороне Красноярска. 25 октября

Video 4 - the first video shown in this news report

Падение Метеорита в Бурятии 25 10 16 СМИ
Posted to YouTube by Игорь Слепцов 429 views
More videos coming I just need time to find them all.  Russian has many cars with dashcams....

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!