Showing posts with label Asteroid 2016 VA 02NOV2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asteroid 2016 VA 02NOV2016. Show all posts

02 November 2016

BREAKING- Asteroid 2016 VA Passes Earth and is Captured 02NOV2016

BREAKING- Asteroid 2016 VA Passes Earth within 75,000KMs and is Captured 02NOV2016
w/ Imagery

Click on Image to Enlarge
Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 VA 01 Nov. 2016 Image Captured by Virtual TelescopeImage Credit- G. Masi, Italy using Virtual Telescope

The Near-Earth Asteroid 2016 VA was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Sky Survey, Arizona, USA on 01NOV2016, Tuesdayy, and announced later the same day by the Minor Planet Center. The is going to have a very close encounter with the Earth, at 0.2 lunar distances (about 75.000 km) on 02NOV2016, today, Wednesday.

For More information and images-

First NEO asteroid discovery of new period "V" (01-NOV-2016 to
15-NOV-2016) announced via Minor Planet Center:

Object ID: 2016 VA
Classification Type: Aten
(Semi-Major Axis < 1.0 AU; Aphelion > 0.983 AU).

Close-Approach Date/Time: 02/00:41Z
** Close-Approach Distance: 54,517 miles (nom.) from Earth surface **
Close-Approach Distance (Lunar Distances): 0.246
Velocity (Relative): 21.249 km/s = 47,810 mph
Estimated diameter: 11m-24m

Position @ closest-approach: RA:01 41 59.76, DEC: -28 20 20.3
Constellation: Sculptor

Orbital Elements:
2016 VA Earth MOID =
0.0000 AU
Epoch 2016 July 31.0 TT = JDT 2457600.5 MPC
M 184.95866 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.12483691 Peri. 309.40717 -0.91448499 -0.24374777
a 0.9156785 Node 219.74724 +0.25323682 -0.96731690
e 0.5283836 Incl. 30.33796 -0.31557615 -0.06989306
P 0.88 H 27.2 G 0.15 U 4

MPC entry:

NASA/JPL SBDB entry:;old=0;orb=0;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#cad
Eastern Intelligence Security & Survival Co.
Norfolk, UK.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!