08 November 2015

California Missile Launch Seen by Thousands 07NOV2015 w/video

California Missile/Rocket Launch Seen by Thousands 1800 PST 07NOV2015
Update - US Navy Missile Test Launch confirmed.
"The Navy Strategic Systems Programs held a scheduled missile test flight at sea from USS Kentucky, which is a ballistic missile submarine. The test was conducted off the coast of Southern California, the Pentagon said in a statement." - 

 I have received several tens of reports and emails describing this event seen in California, Nevada and Arizona; some viewers have included several photographs and a video of this event.  From the images and details of duration of 40 seconds up to over 5 minutes and more, and descriptions I conclude that a missile launch was witnessed. I don"t have any information of scheduled launches. I will get confirmation of my analysis, if available, and post later that and the images received.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Missile Launch from California 1800 PST 07NOV2015
Claudia S., Millbrae California
2015 Copyright  All Rights Reserved

Click on Image to Enlarge
Missile Launch from California 1800 PST 07NOV2015
c2015 bgalindo All Rights Reserved

Click on Image to Enlarge
Missile Launch from California 1800 PST 07NOV2015
c2015 bgalindo 
All Rights Reserved
Bgalindo writes, "I saw this fireball in the sky over Aromas, CA on November 7, 2015 around 6:01 pm... It was huge! And had a blueish green trail that remained for several minutes after the meteor moved on."

Click on Image to Enlarge
Missile Launch from California 1800 PST 07NOV2015
c2015 Nathan T. All Rights Reserved
Nathan T. writes, "Hey I just saw this comet explode in into a brilliant blue color !6:00pm Vista, California 92084 November 7, 2015."

Click on the start arrow 2x to get the video to play.
Launch video supplied by one viewer of this site, Nolina.
c2015 Nolina All Rights Reserved
Nolina writes, "Seen from San Diego California U.S... sometime after 6:00pm pst. Lasting a few minutes in duration. Moving about the speed of an approaching aircraft with landing lights on. Then a slow burst into a halo that grew very large as center of light slowly dimmed and disappeared."

BEST Compilation! UFO, Meteor, Rocket over California
Posted to YouTube by Paul Steele 111 views

Posted to YouTube by Julien Solomita 393,485 views

Initial Sighting Reports-
07NOV2015 Dan Scottsdsle,AZ 7:00 pm 30-40 seconds West to Northeast Bright white surrounded in a fog Moon Single light with blue streak No photo

07NOV2015 BRIAN Garden Grove, Ca 18:00 30 Facing south heading SE. Blue/white Moon No https://www.facebook.com/brian.reay.3/posts/10207900246134014

07NOV2015 Megan Bruhn Santa Barbara, CA 1800 pacific 6 minutes West Green trail moon yes Changed directions, then trail changed to above and below the material. Green trail bright and wide

07NOV2015 Kieran Chavez Corcoran Ca 18:00 Pacific 15 minutes Northwest White bright light( cone shaped) with green trail Full moon brightness Not that I could tell Cone looking light trail green trail stayed for another 10 min after no longer visible. Video footage captured.

07NOV2015 AJH Los Angeles County 1800 20s Souther Sky, Traveling East to West Bright White Light Equivalent to Full moon Unsure N/A

07NOV2015 James Ventura, CA. USA 18:10 pm PST 10 seconds East To West blue-green and white no sound moon yes blue-green contrail with white burst of loght

07NOV2015 Keith Thomas Riverside, CA 18:06 25-30 seconds N-W left to right White Bright as a full moon No fragmentation; however, it appeared to stop after burning off? Then it streaked across the sky without a tail or halo. I could not get a picture. But the tail was bluish-green and white.

07NOV2015 Suzy Southern California 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. 1-2 minutes south to north Green,blue,started orange Bright like the moon spiral I uploaded it to YouTube SuzyQuee11 Quee

07NOV2015 Kathryn Watkins NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA, USA APPROX 18:00 PST 30 seconds Approximately 30-40 degrees above horizon traveling South to North WHITE, BLUE after glow, seemed to ionize a large are of moist air, very distant roar Full moon no. but seemed to skip a little Initial appear like a police spotlight, but with a wise swallowtail like cloud forming behind it

07NOV2015 Tom Broekaert Camarillo, CA 1820 180 SW to NW white, some bluegreen light in tail brighter than moon no first small, then very large, then faded out

07NOV2015 Dan Olesnicky Palm Desert, CA 1800 Over one minute It looked like it was coming from the Northwest, turned around and looked like it headed North and up. Reddish orange with white center and surrounding blue halo that was massive. Very Bright when burning up Looked like fireworks exploding in the sky It turned almost 180 degrees

07NOV2015 Jeff Pratt Camarillo, California, USA 1800 pst 20 seconds Facing south object moving west to east bright pinpoint head with wide trail venus brightness broke into several fragments went below horizon

07NOV2015 Emmanuel corona 18:00/pacific 10_15seconds facing west traveling grom south to north bright white light which lit the with a pie shaped tail of light smallest section of pie closest to object. resembling a greater than less than symbol >* bright as the moon no none ------>*

07NOV2015 nicole Seal Beach, CA 18:00 PST 40 seconds It was off to the southwest After it exploded it glowed greenish/blue haze in the night sky Venus no phone video but doesn't do it justice

07NOV2015 Marina Auburn, California shortly after 1800 not sure Legt to Right and then straight up, then zig zag white/blueish Like a beam of light BRIGHT not that I saw Not sure what it was

07NOV2015 J Los Angeles, CA, USA 1758 PST 2-6 Mins W-S;W-N White Ball, Blue Tail, made a Green/Blue Band in its wake Bright as a Large Star Yes, then they disipated Never seen anything like it. Left a band of green/blue in its wake that lasted 4-8 minutes

07NOV2015 Nicole Seal Beach, CA 18:00 PST 40 seconds It was off to the southwest After it exploded it glowed greenish/blue haze in the night sky Venus no Phone video but doesn't do it justice

07NOV2015 Jeff Pratt Camarillo, California, USA 1800 pst 20 seconds Facing south object moving west to east bright pinpoint head with wide trail venus brightness broke into several fragments went below horizon


07NOV2015 Robert Nunez Los Angeles, California, USA 1807 PST Observed for about 15 seconds Facing West, south to north Bright light with a giant white Circle around it slowly moving north. Then turning into a white cone with a blue tail. Finally exploding and a smaller object continuing north. Bright as a full moon on a clear night. At the point of explosion smaller parts dalling away. There was a bluish aura left in the sky for a couple of minutes after the object disappeared.

07NOV2015 Jones Barstow Ca, USA 17:59 PST 3 min. From SE travelling NW Green and white Bright as Venus yes Exploded and left green after light in sky

07NOV2015 Harlan Marshall Tucson, AZ 7 pm AZ time not a fireball, ten minutes East a few degrees above horizon going up and slightly to th north very bright light in blue haze turned to blue haze streak, bright light faded, grabbed binoculars, saw dim object up and to the right of the blue haze with a wide conical tail pointing down towards the hirizon, the object faded un just a few minutes but the blue haze splotch remained for about ten minutes afterwards. brighter than the moon not that I saw This was not like a fireball falling to earth. It was much more like a big object skipping through our atmosphere. Astroid near miss?

07NOV2015 Gabriel Jaramillo San Bernardino, California, United States 18:02pm 40 secs Eastward White, Blue, some red moon unknow This was an interesting event. You can tell it was a moving object in space, then it enters the atmosphere. Don't know where it went after

07NOV2015 Stephen Miller Pasadena, CA 18:02 PST 40 sec South to North orange to bright white dull orange then changed to bright white when orange it looked as though sparks were coming off of it. photo at 18:02

07NOV2015 David Blodgett Carson City 1759/pacific 20 secs or more E-W. Facing South Bright White light in a fan shape with a yellowish object heading away from the vertex / didnt hear anything brights full moon no the light lingered in the sky for a minute or two after the object was out of sight.

07NOV2015 Robert Nunez Los Angeles, California, USA 1807 PST Observed for about 15 seconds Facing West, south to north Bright light with a giant white Circle around it slowly moving north. Then turning into a white cone with a blue tail. Finally exploding and a smaller object continuing north. Bright as a full moon on a clear night. At the point of explosion smaller parts falling away. There was a bluish aura left in the sky for a couple of minutes after the object disappeared.

07NOV2015 connie redlands, ca usa 6:15pm 6:30 30 sw to nw blue v shape venus no no

07NOV2015 Dante Estores San Jose PST 1800 20 seconds S / N-W White wide cloud/wake + light in front Sun No By the time I pulled phone out it wasn't as bright, and to faint for the camera phone, but still clear to the eye

07NOV2015 Brandon Adams Sacramento, Ca. 95833 1800 10 min 1800 140degrees south east to 200 degreessouth west yellow until it blew up helicopter spot light bright yes Kcra 3 showed video of it, but they did not show he brightness of the explosion.

07NOV2015 Larz San Pedro, CA, USA 18:10 PM over 30 seconds N-NE, Left to Right, facing West. Bright White, Orange Fire, Blue-green Plume Venus Unseen A teal-colored cloud lingered in the sky for about 20-30 minutes

For all meteor reports-

More about this event since post-


Everybody lost it when a Navy missile test lit up the night sky over the west coast

Social media went nuts Saturday night because of reports of a bright light that appeared in...
Business Insider

Mystery Light in Southern California Sky Sparks Anxiety - CNN.com
(CNN)A Navy missile test sparked a light that shot through the night skies in Southern California, rattling nerves along the coast. Panic and speculation spread when the bright white light lit up the sky Saturday. Residents posted a flurry of videos on social media, together with theories of aliens…

A meteor? Aliens? West Coast surprised by mystery rocket launch
Beach-goers seeking a romantic evening under the stars on Saturday in Southern California got quite a surprise. Shortly after sunset, a fireball overhead sparked widespread confusion and speculation. Was it a meteor, rocket, or, perhaps, an alien spacecraft? By late Saturday, it was confirmed to be…
Ars Technica

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Michael Farmer - Bingöl, Turkey Howardite Meteorite Fall Catch!

Michael Farmer - Bingöl, Turkey Howardite Meteorite Fall Catch!

Mike writes, "I've just left Bingöl Turkey with pieces of the new Howardite fall,Bingöl.
Needless to say the price was almost extortion. But we brought enough cash to sway them to allow us to select only what we wanted, which was the best pieces. We had more than $50,000 in cash and blew through it in minutes."

Click on Image to Enlarge
71.8g  Bingöl, Turkey Howardite
c2015 Michael Farmer
Click on Image to Enlarge
71.8g  Bingöl, Turkey Howardite
c2015 Michael Farmer

Click on Image to Enlarge
71.8g  Bingöl, Turkey Howardite
c2015 Michael Farmer
71.8g AWESOME STONE Oriented. Clear glass fusion crust showing all clasts inside on rounded face. Extremely mirror like crust on sides and back. Flow lines and rollover lip.

55.2 g Awesome Bingol Stone
Bingöl, Turkey Howardite
c2015 Michael Farmer
More Information About Bingol-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 November 2015

Japan Earthquake Mag 4.9 2245 JST 07NOV2015

Japan Earthquake Mag 4.9 Approx 2245 JST 07NOV2015
In Tokyo extremely long duration 20-30 seconds - no damage reported - minor delays in transport expected

Be PREPARED for possible aftershocks or larger quake!

Occurred at (JST) Latitude
(degree) Longitude
(degree) Depth Magnitude Region Name
22:45 JST
07 Nov 2015
110 km
Ibaraki-ken Nambu

JMA Official Site-

Detailed Seismic map-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 07NOV2015 w/ Video

Nýdek, Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 0153 UTC 07NOV2015 w/ Video

Nýdek, Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 0153 UTC 07NOV2015
c2015 Martin Popek

Taurida 7.11.2015
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 14 views

Thank you Martin Popek!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Scotland Fireball Meteor 07NOV2015

Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Fireball Meteor 0120 GMT 07NOV2015
updates pending - Seeking More Reports!

Click on Image to Enlarge
Aberdeenshire, Scotland Fireball Meteor 0120 GMT 07NOV2015
c 2015
Leigh-Ann Mitchell , photographer

Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Sighting Report-

07NOV2015 Stewart Gray Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 01:33 GMT 4sec N-S White/orange/green/blue Bright as moon lit up whole sky Very long tail N/A

Thank you Stewart Gray for your kind report and followup emails.

For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Spain Fireball Meteor 07NOV2015 w/ Video

Cordoba, Spain Fireball Meteor  2316 UTC 07NOV2015 w/ Video

Fireball on 7 Nov. 2015 (23h 16m UT)
Posted to YouTube by Meteors 31 views
A second fireball flies tonight Andalusia, about 0h17m am. The collision occurred on the atmosphere of another fragment of Comet Encke. The event took place on the vertical of the province of Cordoba.

Una segunda bola de fuego sobrevoló esta noche Andalucía, sobre las 0h17m de la madrugada. La produjo el impacto contra la atmósfera de otro fragmento del cometa Encke. El evento tuvo lugar sobre la vertical de la provincia de Córdoba.


2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Spain / Morocco Bolide Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015 w/ Video

Spain / Morocco Bolide Fireball Meteor 2049 UTC 06NOV2015 w/ Video

Fireball on 6 Nov. 2015 (20h 49m UT)
Posted on YouTube by Meteors 49 views

A spectacular fireball was spotted by many people in Spain last night at Peninsular 21h49m local time. The event, however, occurred over northern Morocco, but thanks to its enormous brightness could be seen from much of southern and central Spain. It was produced by the impact with the atmosphere of a detached

Una espectacular bola de fuego fue avistada por multitud de personas en España la pasada noche, a las 21h49m hora local peninsular. El evento, sin embargo, tuvo lugar sobre el norte de Marruecos, pero gracias a su enorme brillo pudo ser contemplado desde buena parte del sur y centro de España. Fue producido por el impacto contra la atmósfera de un fragmento desprendido del cometa Encke que generó un impresionante bólido.


2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07NOV2015

Andhra Pradesh, India Meteor 06NOV2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Andhra Pradesh, India Meteor 2130 Local 06NOV2015 Initial Meteor Report- I was flying in an Airplane from Delhi to Chennai. The flight took off from ...

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015

Niihama, Ehime, Japan Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06NOV20...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015- 2015. Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News Click on Image to Enlarge Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 ...

Mock meteorite strike to help train High River volunteers for disaster recovery
Alberta Canada Meteor Strike Drill!
Bill Graveland- The Canadian Press - Septemer 27, 2015
HIGH RIVER, Alta. -- Hasn't High River suffered enough?
After surviving one of the worst flood in Canadian history a couple of years ago, the Alberta town of 12,000, 70 kilometres south of Calgary is preparing for a meteorite to hit this week. ...

Massive Meteorite Killed Everything after Striking Canada 70 Million Years Ago
By Hannah Osborne- International Business Times- May 7, 2014
Canada experienced a massive meteorite strike some time in the last 70 million years that killed everything in the near vicinity....Published in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, researchers discovered an ancient ring-like structure in southern Alberta that they believe to be the site of the strike. ...

Solar viewing and star gazing at Sugarloaf
Sonoma Index-Tribune
17, there will be another star party beginning at 8 p.m., with meteorobserving after 11:30 p.m. The Leonid meteor shower happens every year at this ...

​Watch for fireballs: Taurid meteor shower to put on a show
CBS News
There were six sightings reported in the U.S. Wednesday night, Cooke said, and a large fireball spotted over Poland last week. The best time to see ..

Annual meteor swarm bigger and brighter than usual
Delphos Herald
“The annual Taurid meteor shower is going on right now, and we are seeing steady activity in our meteor cameras,” explained Bill Cooke, lead for the ...

Leonid Meteor Shower in NW Travis County
Let's lay back and enjoy the annual Leonid meteor shower from a dark location in NW Travis County between Cedar Park and Volente (my home)

Taurid meteor showers can be over-achievers
The Province
VANCOUVER — Only the clouds and the city lights can come between B.C. stargazers and a celestial light show from the Taurid meteor shower.

Great balls of fire! Check out Taurid Meteor Shower now through 11/11
(KFVS) -. The Taurid Meteor Shower will peak now through Wednesday, Nov. 11. Known for their slow speed and blazing fireballs, they're forecast to ...

Cosmic fireballs about to brighten the dark November nights above B.C.
The Province
Only the clouds and the city lights can come between B.C. stargazers and a celestial light show from the Taurid meteor shower. A U.S. weather service ...

Taurid fireballs possible Friday night
KOCO Oklahoma City
The Taurid meteor shower is a weak meteor shower, with only 7 to 10 meteors per hour possible, but the Taurids may make up for the amount with ...

Watch Out for Fireballs From Taurid Meteor Shower Until Next Week
Yibada (English Edition)
The Taurid meteor showers will provide a dazzling show of fireballs this week and next week where skywatchers can spot a glowing fireball or two ...

Taurid Meteor Shower 2015: Unique Meteor Shower to Peak Again Next Week
University Herald
"The annual Taurid meteor shower is going on right now, and we are seeing steady activity in our meteor cameras," Bill Cooke, lead for the NASA ...

Taurid Meteor Shower: Madrid to Rome to Sofia to Enjoy Best Viewing Conditions in Europe
The southern half of Europe will have the best viewing conditions for the Taurid Meteor Shower, which is notorious for producing fireballs, this ...

The Carolina Bays and the Destruction of North America
Ancient Origins
Not depressions created directly by an incoming comet or meteorshower, as many of the earlier researchers of the Carolina Bays claimed, but ... The findings of this study are not widely accept within the scientific community.- LMH

Event 3083-2015
Fireball event
Events in 2015 3083-2015 KML. AMS received 10 reports about a fireball seen over MI, IL and WI on Thursday, November 5th 2015 around 03:44 UT.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Andhra Pradesh, India Meteor 06NOV2015

Andhra Pradesh, India Meteor 2130 Local 06NOV2015

Initial Meteor Report-
I was flying in an Airplane from Delhi to Chennai. The flight took off from Delhi at 9:30 PM on 06.11.15 and I was sitting on the right window. I just looked out at around 11:30 when the plane had started descending and I saw a bright green flash and saw an object descending. The time must have been around 11:45 PM - 1200 Am. I was flying over Andhra Pradesh close to the coast. Initially it looked like fireworks - a descending parachute firework. Only then I realise I was around 30,000 ft above the ground. It was definitely a meteor. It was bright green in colour and I could see the pieces descending. I tried to look for any further events till the time plane descended but couldnt find any. I thought the object would impact the Earth. -Krishnan Venkataraman

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015 w/ Video

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0204 EST 06NOV2015

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0204 EST 06NOV2015
2015 Rejean Hebert

click on the start arrow 2x to view the video
Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0204 EST 06NOV2015
c2015 Rejean Hebert

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Bingöl,Turkey Howardite Meteorite Fall Recovery 02SEP2015

Detailed information about SARIÇİÇEK Howardite meteorite fall (Bingöl,Turkey) released (updated...
The Turkish Meteorite Network has just released more information…

NASA investigated the meteorite in the village \ 08 10 2015 \ BINGOL
Posted to YouTube by Ilke News Agency ILKHA 91 views

Howardite Meteorite Fall (Bingöl,Turkey) Chunks of Vesta 2309 CEST / 2109 UTC 02SEP2015

241 specimens registered so far.
No sonics were reported, just a flash of light and the sound of  "tok tok tok"of stones pelting a roof as described by Dr. Peter Jenniskens of NASA.
Detailed information about the SARIÇİÇEK Howardite meteorite fall (Bingöl,Turkey) released (updated Nov 4)
The Saricicek meteor was detected by NASA’s satellites entering the atmosphere and the meteor (main part) the diameter of which was approximately 50cm in size, the meteoroid  was degraded at an altitude of about 40 km, the fragmentation energy was about 0.07 kilotons and the meteorite is an achondrite HED (Howardite, Eucrite, Diogenite) of the subclass Howardite type.



Thank you Jango Fixit and Karmaka.de.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Maranguape, Ceará, Brazil Meteors 03-06NOV2015 Video

Maranguape, Ceará, Brazil Meteors 03-06NOV2015 Video Compilation

Chuva de Meteoros - EEEP/BRAMON
Posted to YouTube by Lauriston Trindade 42 views

Compilation with meteors recorded by Bramon station installed in a State Public School in the city of Maranguape - Ceará, Brasil. 12 meteors were between days 03, 04, 05 and 6 November 2015.

Compilação com os meteoros registrados pela Estação BRAMON instalada em uma Escola Pública Estadual no município de Maranguape - Ceará. Foram 12 meteoros entre os dias 03, 04, 05 e 06 de novembro de 2015.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Niihama, Ehime, Japan Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015

Niihama, Ehime, Japan Fireball Meteor 2012 JST 06NOV2015

Click on Image to Enlarge
Niihama, Ehime, Japan Fireball Meteor 06NOV2015
Photo via Junichi Yokomichi, Japan
Ehime Prefecture Niihama off the coast of the Seto Inland Sea, -6.4 Mag. fireball,
a November Orionid. - via Junichi Yokomichi, Japan
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06NOV2015

Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015- 2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Click on Image to Enlarge Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 Local 04NOV2015 2015 -11 金牛座流星. Screen grab via YouTube - Rachel Poon ...

California Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
California Fireball Meteor 1900 PST 05NOV2015 Check your security cameras! Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- ...

Massachusetts Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015
Posted: 05 Nov 2015 11:05 PM PST
Massachusetts Fireball Meteor Apprx 2250 EST 05NOV2015 updates pending Please report your meteor sightings...

California Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015
Posted: 05 Nov 2015 10:35 PM PST
California Fireball Meteor 1900 PST 05NOV2015Check your security cameras! Please report your meteor sightings...

Vitamin B3 Might Have Been Made in Space, Delivered to Earth by Meteorites
Bill Steigerwald- NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.- April 17, 2014
Ancient Earth might have had an extraterrestrial supply of vitamin B3 delivered by carbon-rich meteorites, according to a new analysis by NASA-funded researchers. The result supports a theory that the origin of life may have been assisted by a supply of key molecules created in space and brought to Earth by comet and meteor impacts....

Watch the Amazing Taurid Meteor Shower - Nov 5 to Nov 12
Huffington Post
This astronomic event will create one of this year's longest meteorshowers, with at least a couple of shooting stars per hour from now until November ...

Great Balls of Fire! Two Meteor Showers in Nov.
International Dark-Sky Association
This month offers several opportunities for seeing meteor showers and maybe even a fireball or two! The Taurid and Leonids meteors showers will ...

Study questions dates for cataclysms on early moon, Earth
by David Tenenbaum -University of Wisconsin- October 16, 2015
Phenomenally durable crystals called zircons are used to date some of the earliest and most dramatic cataclysms of the solar system. One is the super-duty collision that ejected material from Earth to form the moon roughly 50 million years after Earth formed ...

Cosmic flash catches eyes in Batavia sky
The Daily News Online
Motyka said numerous workers noticed about 10 p.m. what they believe to have been a meteor in the sky above the Richmond Avenue property....

Taurid meteor shower fireballs may be visible in BC
The Taurid meteor shower is a yearly occurrence that is the result of a stream of debris from Comet Encke, according to meteorologist Dave Samuhel.

Meteor Activity Outlook for November 7-13, 2015
American Meteor Society
This weekend the waning crescent moon will rise during the late morning hours but will be too thin to cause problems for meteor observers.

Event 3060-2015
Fireball event
AMS received 23 reports about a fireball seen over IA, IL, MO, KS, WI, OH, IN and MI on Thursday, November 5th 2015 around 03:55 UT.

Taurid meteor shower expected to put up great show this time
Northern Californian
One of the activities that star gazers are definitely going to love is the show to be put up by the Taurid meteor shower, which is an annual affair.

Meteor sighted in skies over Yuen Long
EJ Insight
A meteor looking like a blue-green fireball streaked above the sky in Hong Kong Wednesday night, according to video footage captured by some ...

Was that a meteor? Keep your eyes open for fireballs from Taurid shower
The Virginian-Pilot
Cosmic fireballs are likely to grace the night sky over the next week, as the Taurid meteor shower approaches its height. "Every year, the Earth passes ..

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Cosmic fireballs could light up the skies for the next week.
CBS Local
The fireballs are often very bright meteors that last for several seconds and can light up an entire countryside when they're at their brightest. You may ...

Fireball streaks across Oxford Hills
Lewiston Sun Journal
The American Meteor Society received 124 reports of a fireball across New England and Canada on Sunday evening. Locally, a man thought he saw ...

Taurid Meteor Shower Likely Good Views For Southern Albertans
102.1 CJCY
Southern Albertans have a chance to see quite the light show over the next week. The Taurid Meteor Shower is taking place, which produces large ...

Cosmic fireballs about to brighten the dark November nights above BC
The Province (blog)
The Taurid meteor shower will approach its peak between Nov. 5 to 12 and B.C.'s weather forecast suggests we have a fair chance of seeing fireballs ...

Even in Portland, fireball watching is getting downright Taurid
Sightings stemming from the Taurid meteor shower have been showing up online, including the American Meteor Society's interactive fireball maps.

LOOK UP! 2015 Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks Soon
The Leonid meteor shower will light up the sky this month, a shower that NASA says produces “some of the fastest meteors out there.” Viewers across ...

WATCH: 'Fireballs,' Meteor Shower To Flash In Westfield Night Sky
Cosmic fireballs will occasionally light up the night sky as the Tauridmeteor shower approaches its peak this week, according to an AccuWeather ...

The Hoba meteorite | The World's Largest Meteoritein Namibia
The Hoba meteorite has this name because it is lies on the farm "Hoba West" not far from Grootfontein, in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia....

'Cosmic fireballs' from Taurid meteor shower could light up CNY skies
Syracuse, N.Y. -- The Taurid meteor shower that peaks over the next week could produce "cosmic fireballs" capable of lighting up the night sky.

Historic Rosetta mission to end with crash into comet
Elizabeth Gibney- nature.com-04 November 2015
A year since a probe called Philae made history by touching down on a comet, the team that pulled off the feat is plotting a different kind of landing. Next September, the European Space Agency will crash Philae's ...

Blue-green fireball seen streaking across Yuen Long sky (VIDEO)
Coconuts Hong Kong
A ball of light was seen painting the Yuen Long bright green for a flash last night. The same mysterious light was seen zipping across Bangkok's night ...

Fireballs streaked across New Jersey sky last night
The reports indicate that the fireball originated above the New Jersey area, streaking toward New England. AMS says "several thousand" fireballs ...


Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
November 6 at 5:04pm
MÁS DETALLES SOBRE LA RUEDA DE PRENSA DE NASA AYER SOBRE LOS DESCUBRIMIENTOS DE SU SONDA MAVEN (Mars, Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution): El intenso viento solar fue responsable de destruir la densa, pero fragil, atmósfera marciana. ¿Recordáis mis exposiciones al respecto en "Las raíces cósmicas de la vida"? http://www.sciencealert.com/live-updates-nasa-is-announcing-what-happened-to-mars-atmosphere-right-now
It's official: NASA announces Mars' atmosphere was stripped away by solar winds
We finally have an understanding of how Mars transformed from a once habitable, Earth-like planet, i...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Massachusetts Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015

Massachusetts  Fireball Meteor Apprx 2250 EST 05NOV2015
updates pending-- photo of event pending permission to post.

Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Reports-
05NOV2015 Lily Shale Dover, MA, USA approx. 22:52 PM eastern time From the moment I turned and caught sight of it, it lasted for a second, maybe only .5 of a second approx. E/ NE, moving left As I turned around I saw a flash of white light, about a quarter or a third of the size of the moon for about a second, moving like a meteor Very bright Not that I noticed Too quick to capture

05NOV2015 Drayton Freeman Cambridge, MA 22:50 2 SW-NE Pale Green and Blue Much brighter and bigger than Jupiter No Fireball was so bright it was highly visible even through the thin clouds overhead.

I saw a fireball with a yellow tail looked like it would of been as a shooting star appears. It popped into the sky in a downward motion and then disappeared. It happened at approx 1045 EST seen from Cambridge, Massachusetts - Jane M.
For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

California Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015

California Fireball Meteor 1900 PST 05NOV2015

Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email- LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Reports-
05NOV2015 Sergei Ilchenko Lake Forest, Ca 19.00/PacificTime 3-4sec east to south white bright as moon no n/a

05NOV2015 Dymesha Glasper Los Angeles, CA 1900 PST 4 sec East White bright like moon couldnt tell as it shot down it seemingly disappeared or it's light went out
05NOV2015 Pam Santa Monica, CA 1900 PST maybe 10 seconds East going West Very very bright white with a pretty long tail that glowed green as it passed through clouds. Like a fire ball cutting through the sky. Moon brightness maybe No Saw this on my bike ride home from work. Pretty cool and startling to see in the hear of a big city where stars are hard to see as it is!

For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 November 2015

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 2312 UTC 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Taurida 20151105 231200 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 2 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor Sporadic 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor Sporadic 1721 UTC 05NOV2015 w/ Video

Sporadicky 20151105 172117 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 3 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015- 2015 -11 金牛座流星 w/ videos

Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 Local 04NOV2015 w/ videos
2015 -11 金牛座流星

Click on Image to Enlarge
Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 Local 04NOV2015
2015 -11 金牛座流星
Screen grab via YouTube - Rachel Poon
Video 1
Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 Local 04NOV2015
2015 -11 金牛座流星
Posted to YouTube by Rachel Poon 162 views
note- Yong Long highway to Tuen Mun, Gps is around 22.4362391,114.0072620
Click on Image to Enlarge
Hong Kong Fireball Meteor 2134 Local 04NOV2015
Screen grab via YouTube - TAXISSS

Video 2

2015 Fireball meteor in Hong Kong 04NOV2015
Posted to YouTube by TAXISSS 535 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05NOV2015

Search on in Thailand for debris from 'green fireball'meteor
ThaiVisa News
“It's possible that some parts of the meteor might have fallen onto the Earth's surface,” said Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, executive director of the ...

Why this year's Taurid meteor shower may be one of the best
Mother Nature Network (blog)
From November 5-12, the annual Taurid meteor shower will peak for sky watchers in North America. Unlike other celestial fireworks from recurring ...

Leonid meteor shower about to return
Valley morning Star
Leonid meteor shower about to return ... You may also see a few meteorites tonight in the same region of sky from the Taurid meteorshower, although ...

Fireballs expected in Thursday's post-midnight sky: Taurid meteor shower
PennLive.com (blog)
The Taurid meteor shower, which will peak between midnight and dawn Thursday, Nov. 5, is not known for its numbers – only about seven meteors ...

List of exciting astronomical events to take place in November 2015
Northern Californian
Among the events are new moon, full moon, Leonids meteorshower and a rare Taurids meteor shower. Below you can find information on them.

Watch | Falling meteor seen streaking across night sky in Thailand
Hindustan Times
Associated Press The event of a falling meteor seen streaking across the night sky in Thailand on Monday evening has gone viral on the internet.

What is the probability of a meteor hitting a commercial airliner?
Aviation StackExchange - Stack Exchange
The chance of a meteor striking an aeroplane was calculated as being one event in 59,000 to 77,000 years. This value was obtained from the ...

Asteroid, Meteorite Impacts Can Preserve Biodata for Millions of Years
Sci-News.com- Apr 18, 2014
In two separate studies, geologists led by Dr Haley Sapers from the University of Western Ontario and Dr Pete Schultz of Brown University have found floral, microbial and organic matter in glass created by ancient asteroid, comet and meteorite impacts. ...

Russia's First Static Meteor Observing Station is Opened in Siberia
The Siberian Times - 28 October 2015
One early visitor: a fireball streaking across the sky and splashing into
Lake Baikal. The station is in remote Tunka valley, in the Republic of Buryatia, an ideal vantage point for observing incoming meteors because of the absence of artificial lighting. Created by the astronomical observatory of the Irkutsk State University (ISU), it operates from two unmanned modules some 58 kilometres apart. ...

Event 2986-2015
Fireball event
ID, UT Date & Time, Local Date & Time, City, State, Dur. Magn. D. Sound, C. Sound, Frag. Observer, Exp. a, 2015-11-04 11:12 UT, 2015-11-04 06:12 ...

Event 2994-2015
Fireball event
AMS received 25 reports about a fireball seen over MI, IL, IN, KY, WI and OH on Wednesday, November 4th 2015 around 02:21 UT.

Fireballs streaked across New Jersey sky last night
According to eyewitness reports on the American Meteor Society (AMS) website, the fireballs ranged from yellow and orange to green. A fireball is ...

What smacks into Ceres stays on Ceres
Brown University - Kevin Stacey- October 14, 2015
Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt and closest dwarf planet to Earth, had been remarkable for its plain surface. New research suggests that most of the material that has struck Ceres in high-speed collisions has stuck - billions of years worth of meteorite material. ...

Green fireball explodes over Bangkok (Video)
Canada News
The American Meteor Society suggests a meteor could appear green when burning up in the Earth's atmosphere if it contains a high amount of nickel ... The color has little to do with the contents of the meteoroid! - LMH

Tonight marks start of fireball meteor shower peak
This map shows which regions of the United States will have the best and worst chance of catching a glimpse of the Taurid meteor shower peak, which ...

See it! Best photos of Taurid fireballs
The American Meteor Society was speaking of the North Taurids (whose peak is on the night of November 11) when it said on its website:.

11 Reports
Fireball event
AMS received 11 reports about a fireball seen over KY, WI, IN, MO, OH, IL, IA and MI on Tuesday, November 3rd 2015 around 01:45 UT.

A Typically Bland Meteor Shower Might Shine Extra Bright This Week
National Geographic
The annual South Taurid meteor shower centers around the constellation Taurus and peaks every year between November 5 and November 12.

A November sky full of bright meteors
The Guardian Charlottetown
This long-lived meteor shower (running from late September through early December) actually has two parallel components — the Southern Taurids ...

Nature's fireworks: Cosmic fireballs set to illuminate the skies tonight as the Taurid meteor shower ...
Daily Mail
Unusually bright streaks of light are set to light up the night sky as the Taurid meteor shower approaches its peak this week and into next. Each year ...

This Week's Dark Sky offering Best Celestial Events
NYC Today
Skywatchers will be able to see these stars moving more slowly across the sky than average meteor. In the dark sky of this week, about a dozen ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 November 2015

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 0052 UTC 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Taurida 20151104 005240 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 1 view
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 2104 UTC 04NOV2015 w/ Video

Taurida 20151104 210401 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 1 view
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04NOV2015

Thailand Bolide Fireball Meteor 02NOV2015 w/ Videos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Thailand Bolide Fireball Meteor 02NOV2015 w/ Videos. Thailand Bolide Fireball MeteorApprx. 1640 local / 02NOV2015 Khun H̄nū get the Thai ...

Search on for debris from 'green fireball' meteor -Thailand
The Nation
"It's possible that some parts of the meteor might have fallen onto the Earth's surface," said Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, executive director of the ...

Dashboard camera captures stunning meteor blazing across night sky
Featured on AOL
Dashboard cameras captured a meteor crossing the night sky in Bangkok, Thailand, on Monday evening.

Is it possible that meteor could strike a commercial airliner?
Aviation StackExchange - Stack Exchange
A meteorite could hit an airplane, sure. There's no known cases of it happening because meteorites which survive re-entry are very rare, and airplanes ...

Another Huge Fireball Explosion Over Bangkok Re-Awakens Fears Of Asteroid Apocalypse...
- The Inquisitr

Huge fireball lights up sky over Bangkok
A bright fireball lit up the night sky above the Thai capital on Monday. A bright blue light could be seen briefly over several parts of Thailand.

Video: Halloween fireball meteors blaze through sky
Belfast Telegraph
The green fireballs, believed to be burning meteors, shot across the night sky, a sight seen from a number of areas across Thailand and Poland.

Bright green shooting star / meteor, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 Nov 2015
(Nov. 2) at approximately 20:39 am. People in many provinces of Thailand. The beam is a fireball sightings strange blue green algae. Orange has a ...

Watch: Meteor streaks across sky in Thailand
If you see fireballs streaking across the night sky this week, don't panic: It's just the annual visit from the Taurid meteor shower. The Wall Street Journal ...

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Meteor Streaks Through The Sky
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A spectacular event caught on camera in Thailand. Two car dashboard cameras were rolling when a meteorstreaked through ...

Incredible Green Meteor Caught on Camera
ABC News - Go.com
Incredible footage has emerged showing a "fireball meteor" dashing through the sky in Thailand's capital of Bangkok Monday evening.

Taurids meteor shower could be good show this year
Orlando Sentinel
There's a chance early November will be filled with what stargazers often call Halloween Fireballs as the Earth moves through the annual Taurids ...

Thailand: Video captures burning meteor as it lights up the sky
International Business Times UK
A dashcam in eastern Chonburi province, Thailand, captured a green fireball, believed to be a burning meteor, shoot across the night sky on Monday ...

Taurid meteor shower 2015: Watch belated 'Halloween fireballs'
International Business Times UK
The annual Taurid meteor shower is set to peak this week in a display of shooting stars and fireballs across the night sky. Although they are not the ...

CubeSats to an asteroid
phys.org- November 3, 2015
The five CubeSat concepts to be studied to accompany ESA's proposed Asteroid Impact Mission into deep space have been selected.
The ideas being looked at include taking a close-up look at the composition of the asteroid surface, ...

Mystery Object to Reenter Earth's Atmosphere
David Dickinson - Sky & Telescope- November 3, 2015
WT1190F will burn up over the Indian Ocean on November 13th, giving researchers an unprecedented opportunity to follow its path - and figure out where it came from. ...

Very Bright Fireball Over Europe Saturday Night
By Phil Plait- November 1, 2015
Saturday night (Halloween) at around 19:00 local time, a smallish bit of cosmic debris entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up over central Europe. It was very bright, and because it happened in the early evening, a lot of people saw it. Twitter was lit up with reports. ...

Dating Meteor Impacts Requires More Data
NASA Astrobiology
Dating Meteor Impacts Requires More Data. NAI Research Highlights. Today / Posted by: Miki Huynh. Lunar zircon brought back by astronauts from ...

نيزك ضخم يضىء سماء بانكوك ليلا...في 15 ثانية
مقطع فيديو لنيزك ضخم يظهر في سماء العاصمة التايلاندية بانكوك ليلا.

Radar Images Provide New Details on Halloween Asteroid
The highest-resolution images of asteroid 2015 TB145 yield new information about surface features.

At what altitude does a meteor burn up, or 'did I see this meteor'?
Last night I was in an aeroplane, above the Mediterranean, south of Greece, approx 20E longitude at 36000ft. I saw the most impressive meteor I...

Brilliant Fireball Meteor Over Thailand Captured On Camera
Huffington Post
The object, which was a brilliant green, was spotted over Bangkok on Monday night. Several motorists captured video of the eye-catching ...

Be Alert for Taurid Fireballs This Week
Sky & Telescope
If you see a really bright autumn fireball, it might be a Taurid meteor— a fragment of Comet 2P/Encke. The Taurid meteors of October and November ...


Gabriel Rodrigues Hickel
November 4 at 6:22am
[1511.00464] On the frequency of the superfireballs: more than 150 years of reports

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 November 2015

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 03NOV2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 2124 UTC 03NOV2015 w/ Video

Taurida 20151103 212454 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 2 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2015

Fireball Over Bangkok Skies Shocks Drivers
ABC News
Fireball Over Bangkok Skies Shocks Drivers. More. The streak of light is believed to be part of a meteor shower that's peaking in the next few days.

Incredible Green 'Fireball Meteor' in Thailand Caught on Camera
ABC News
Incredible footage has emerged showing a "fireball meteor" dashing through the sky in Thailand's capital of Bangkok Monday evening. The Thai ...

Thailand dashcam video captures the moment a glowing meteor flashes across the sky
Daily Mail
The meteor, which appeared to plummet towards earth, could be seen from a number of places in the country, including Bangkok at around 8.35pm ...

Giant Fireball Meteor Lights Up Bangkok Thailand Sky 02/11/2015
Watch giant fireball meteor stun drivers by turning night into day over Bangkok skyline Shooting Star? Meteor lights up Thailand sky Halloween ...

Meteor Streaks Across Night Sky in Thailand
Yahoo Finance
... Night Sky in Thailand on Yahoo Finance . Dashboard cameras captured a meteor crossing the night sky in Bangkok, Thailand, on Monday evening.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!