01 November 2015

Gdansk, Poland / Germany / Austria Fireball Meteor 31OCT2015 with videos

Gdansk, Poland / Germany / Austria Fireball Meteor 1805UT / 1905 CET 31OCT2015 with videos
updates pending
Polish MeteorRats Scramble for rocks!

Witness Reports from Poland and Germany-
"I've senn this meteor on the sky in Bytów (Poland)." -Anon.

Saw it from the plane, real close! - Anna Luce
31OCT2015 Lynnami Walddorfhaslach , Germany 1910 PM about 5 seconds right to left slight angle. Facing North Green with yellow /orange tail very bright. like fireworks no fragmentation scary...

31OCT2015 Daniel Leonhardt Berlin, Germany 19:05 5 South-North Yellow trail, sky went bright white/blue Sun Didn't see N/a

31OCT2015 Chris Jones 20km south of Mlawa, Poland 19:00 CET (UTC+1) The bright 'burnup' lasted 2-3 seconds I was facing roughly SE on road 7 and the meteor was on my right, roughly parallel Very bright greenish-blue light in sky, trail visible in the sky faintly for approx a minute afterwards. didn't hear anything because I was in a car. Considerably brighter than a full moon, but not as bright as the sun. Scattered light visible in spite of street lighting. hard to say. very clear 'sparkling' trail though. didn't appear to hit the ground. Clear sky, very light wind, temperature 5 deg C
Video 1

Meteor Gdańsk 31-10-2015
Posted to YouTube by Innero01 1,167 views

Video 2 compilation
Meteor Bolide falling over Poland 31.10.2015 compilation / meteoryt bolid nad polskim niebem
Posted to YouTube by miczekNBA 1,832 views

Video 3
UFO! ;) Warszawa Rembertów
Posted to YouTube by lets paint 6,920 views

Video 4
31- Meteoryt - silne światło
Posted to YouTube by michaljmicka 206,468 viewshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xaaxz0yWnE

Video 5
2015 10 31
Posted to YouTube by Mariusz Wiśniewski 40,861 views

Video 6
Posted to VidMe   2,022 views

Video 7
Meteoryt 31.10.2015
Posted to YouTube by MarcinW 478 views

Meteoryt na wybrzeżu
Posted on YouTube by falszywyemail 18,397 views

Video 9
Bolid / Meteoryt 31.10.2015 , 19:05, Poland / LUBUSKIE / KOŻUCHÓW
Posted to YouTube by Piotr Markiewicz 837 views

Video 10

Meteor Poznań 31.10.2015
Posted on YouTube by radcoree 1,143 views

Video 11
Olbrzymi jasny rozbłysk na niebie - Bolid - Meteor 31.10.2015 - Police Car
Posted to YouTube by Paweł Luntek 12,903 views

Video 12
31.10.2015. Meteoryt, niebieski bolid
Posted to YouTube by frajdapolska.pl 3,825 views


Kontak24 TV

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01NOV2015

Basingstoke, UK Bolide Meteor 31OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Click on Image to Enlarge Basingstoke, UK Bolide Meteor 2228 UTC 31OCT2015 Photo Credit- Allan in Hampshire, UK ...

November 2015 - Poland Bolide
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Gdansk, Poland Fireball Meteor 30OCT2015 with video updates pending. Witness from Poland- "I've seen this meteor on the sky in Bytów (Poland). "

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteors 30OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteor/s 2245 / 2330 CDT 30OCT2015 -updates pending reports. Please report your meteor sightings to this ...

Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK Bolide Meteor 31OCT2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31OCT2015

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
This spectacular and very bright bolide (fireball) from Southern Taurids meteor shower was observed this evening at 18:12 UTC, Oct 30th, 2015.

Announcement from Planetary Science Research Discoveries [PSRD]New Headline Article: Age Rules
-- Rules for determining the most reliable ages for Moon rocks shed light on what rocks formed
when during construction of the ancient lunar highlands crust.
-- FULL ARTICLE at: http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Oct15/age_rules.html

Europeans Saw A VERY Bright Meteor Last Night
Slate Magazine (blog)
But if this fireball was in fact from a chunk of metal, it wasn't related; Taurids come from an old comet, and have essentially no metal. Hopefully we'll ...

Meteor Fireworks in November
The Monitor Daily
Traditionally, a meteor shower refers to an astronomical event in which celestial bodies radiate from one point in the night sky. Meteorshowers are ...

November's cosmic forecast calls for Leonid showers
Washington Post
Occasionally the Leonid meteors produce a torrential shower, but the International Meteor Organization believes the Leonid peak on Nov. 17-18 will ...

Meteoryt nad Polska (Meteorite) 31.10.15
Meteoryt nad Polska (Meteorite) 31.10.15. Free Movie. ...

Meteorite Landings Visualization
Visual developed to illustrate the Planetary Defense Team Project at the International Space University Space Studies Program 2015.

Meteor Bolide falling over Poland 31.10.2015 compilation / meteoryt bolid nad polskim niebem
Kompilacja nagrań potężnego bolidu widzianego nad polskim niebem.

31.10.2015 dostrzeżony w Nowym Dworze Mazowieckim https://goo.gl/maps/dDZ952n7Sm72.

What's Up in November: Two meteor showers among this month's highlights
Press Herald
Then we have two more meteor showers – the Taurids and Leonids. Our brightest asteroid, Vesta, will be visible in Cetus the Whale, and even a comet ...

Meteor showers
Meteors at CalSky
The on-line software CalSky calculates the dates and times of visibility of the yearly returning meteor showers. You also learn which showers are ...

Very bright meteor tonight.
Stargazers Lounge
I include a pic of the meteor and a ground map to show the general location. If your skies were as clear as mine then you may have seen it too.

Meteorito "Gran Calabaza" pasa cerca de la Tierra y sigue su viaje en espacio
Terra España
Un gran meteorito bautizado como la "Gran Calabaza", por su coincidencia con la festividad de Halloween, alcanzó hoy a las 17.01 GMT su punto ...

Meteor Falls Over Gdansk, Poland
Meteor Falls Over Gdansk, Poland. LiveLeak. ...

Astronomy for November includes planetary gathering, three meteor showers
Akron Beacon Journal
Dawn on the first day of November shows three planets — Jupiter, Venus and Mars — gathered within a 7 degree circle on the eastern horizon, within ...

Olbrzymi jasny rozbłysk na niebie - Bolid - Meteor31.10.2015
Olbrzymi jasny rozbłysk na niebie - Bolid - Meteor 31.10.2015. Paweł Luntek.

Meteor Caught On Dash Cam | Lithuania 2015 11 31
Bright meteor in night sky. ... Meteor Caught On Dash Cam | Lithuania 2015 11 31.

LiveLeak.com Meteor Falls Over Gdansk, Poland
LiveLeak.com Meteor Falls Over Gdansk, Poland  ...

Meteor 31.10.2015
Pravděpodobně meteor zachycený na palubní autokameru.

Meteor Gdańsk 31-10-2015
Meteor Gdańsk 31-10-2015. ... Meteor Gdańsk 31-10-2015.

'Halloween fireballs' may light up the night sky
Science News (blog)
Earth might pass through a meteor swarm this weekend, which could generate some spectacularly bright shooting stars for any trick-or-treaters who ...

Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
November 1 at 1:21am
2015 TB145: UN FASCINANTE Y PELIGROSO COMETA EXTINTO. Descubrid lo que ya sabemos sobre este objeto y compartirlo, por favor, desde la web de Investigación y Ciencia: http://www.investigacionyciencia.es/blogs/astronomia/45/posts/2015-tb145-un-fascinante-y-peligroso-cometa-extinto-13674


Jose Ildefonso
November 1 at 9:02am
Visto na Polônia e na Alemanha.
"Biała kula ognia na niebie". Zdjęcia i nagrania Reporterów 24 - Meteo w Kontakt 24
"Nad Poznaniem przeleciała biała kula ognia", "widziałam niebieski rozbłysk, który rozświetlił całe ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

31 October 2015

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 31OCt2015 w/ Video

Czech Republic Bolide Fireball Meteor 0024 UTC 31OCt2015 w/ Video

TAURIDA 20151031 002432 Nydek Gor MP
Posted to YouTube by martin popek 2 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Meteoroids Associated with the Halloween Asteroid '2015 TB145' could Put on a Spooky Meteor Shower

Meteoroids Associated with the Halloween Asteroid '2015 TB145' could Put on a Spooky Meteor Shower

Asteroid 2015 TB145 - Live Webcast
Posted to YouTube by Astronomy Live 53 currently watching
Started on Oct 30, 2015
Tracking asteroid 2015 TB145 live, demonstrating a new program for continuous tracking of minor planets.

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Asteroid 2015 TB145
Pan-STARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System).
Photo Credit - NASA

Meteoroids Associated with the Halloween Asteroid '2015 TB145' Could Put on a Spooky Meteor Shower
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 3,401 views

All eyes are on the "Great Pumpkin" asteroid ahead of its Halloween close approach. Asteroid 2015 TB145 still poses no threat to Earth, but it does continue to deliver some surprises. The latest observations reveal meteoroids associated with the asteroid are unlikely to hit Earth, but, if anything changes, they could put on a show for some skywatchers, particularly in Asia.

The 1,300-foot-wide asteroid 2015 TB145 was discovered less than three weeks ago and will be zoom past Earth at a completely safe distance of approximately 310,000 miles. Without any fear of impact, the asteroid provides an ample opportunity for scientific research, according to NASA. The latest observations indicate asteroid 2015 TB145 may be a dormant comet complete with meteoroids.http://www.ibtimes.com/halloween-aste...




2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Artvize, Slovenia Bolide Meteor 30OCT2015

Artvize, Slovenia Bolide Meteor 18:12 UTC 30OCT2015

Click on Image to Enlarge
Artvize, Slovenia Fireball Meteor 18:12 UTC 30OCT2015
Photo credit and c2015 
 Marko Korosec

Report by professional photographer, Marko Korosec-
Caught my first very bright meteor this evening! This spectacular and very bright bolide (fireball) from Southern Taurids meteor shower was observed this evening at 18:12 UTC, Oct 30th, 2015.... more see-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteors 30OCT2015

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteor/s 2245 Central / 2330 CDT 30OCT2015
-updates pending reports
This may be the same meteor, one person reported in Central time and the other CDT.
Click on Image to Enlarge
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteor/s 2245 / 2330 CDT 30OCT2015
Sighting Reports
c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check security cameras for videos!
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

30OCT2015 G.Hiltz Pinawa,Manitoba, Canada 22:45 /Central, PM 3-4 SEC N-NW, RIGHT TO LEFT, FACING NORTH BRIGHT LIGHT MOON NO

On Friday October 30, 2015 @ approximately 11:30pm, I witnesses a large bright green fireball type object with a long tracer tail appearing to dissipate in the north west sky of Winnipeg. This lasted approximately 4-5 seconds and then 7 seconds disappeared. I was travelling Route 90 northbound approaching the Perimeter hwy and the object traveled very quickly down south south west direction.
Thank you for the opportunity to share :)
- Heather H.

I also seen the same thing... I was on my balcony in Steinbach...I've seen a ton of "shooting stars" this was not one! -Jess
For all meteor reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31OCT2015

Artvize, Slovenia Bolide Meteor 30OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
This spectacular and very bright bolide (fireball) from Southern Taurids meteor shower was observed this evening at 18:12 UTC, Oct 30th, 2015....

Meteoroids Associated with the Halloween Asteroid '2015 TB145'
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Meteoroids Associated with the Halloween Asteroid '2015 TB145' could Put on a Spooky Meteor Shower Please report your meteor sightings to this ...

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteors 30OCT2015

Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 28OCT2015
Posted: 29 Oct 2015 07:34 AM PDT
Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 2216 Local 28OCT2015 Updates pending. Click on Image to enlarge Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 2216 Local 28OCT2015c2015 SPMN Fireball over Madrid on Oct. 28 (22h16m UT)Posted on YouTube by Meteors 200 views Dos bolas de fuego iluminan el Mediterráneo y Madrid www.elmundo.es El Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán, (Observatorio de Calar Alto) de Gérgal,

Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015
Posted: 29 Oct 2015 06:33 AM PDT
Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015 A Small Meteorite Falls in Lake Bakal A meteorite has fallen on Lake Baikal, reported Wednesday the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Irkutsk (Siberia) on its website. He reported that the Observatory scientist, Kiril Ivanov observed the October 22, 2015 fall of a bright object. ... -In Potuguese Lea más en http://mundo.sputniknews.com/espacio/

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015 A Small Meteorite Falls in Lake Bakal A meteorite has fallen on Lake Baikal, reported Wednesday the .

THE SKY THIS MONTH: November's dawn dance of...
HamiltonNews (press release) (registration)
17: The Leonid Meteor shower peaks as Leo rises around midnight. It's best seen from a dark location and you could see 10-20 meteors per hour.

Slooh's Spooky Halloween Asteroid Webcast
Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks Overnight Tonight: Watch It Live Online. NASA to Unveil Big Mars Discovery Monday: How to Watch Live. Why Tonight's ...

Halloween hell: can tech save us from giant asteroids like 2015 TB145?
Headed our way – but predicted to miss Earth by about 500,000km – is 2015 TB145, a giant rock that's 28 times bigger than the Chelyabinsk meteor ...

This Week's Sky at a Glance, October 30 – November 7
Sky & Telescope
Taurid fireball alert. The long-lasting Taurid meteor shower is sparse, but a high proportion of its meteors are bright. This year we're predicted to see ...

Realtime Image Gallery
Caught my first very bright meteor this evening! This spectacular and very bright bolide (fireball) from Southern Taurids meteor shower was observed ...

Great Balls of Halloween Fire, Here Comes the Taurid Meteor Shower!
Astro Bob
Just in time for Halloween, the sky may have some fiery tricks and treats this weekend. It's Taurid fireball season with two separate showers radiating ...

Halloween Skies to Include Dead Comet Flyby
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- October 30, 2015
This image of asteroid 2015 TB145, a dead comet, was generated using radar data collected by the National Science Foundation's 1,000-foot (305-meter) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. The radar image was taken on Oct. 30, 2015, and the image resolution is 25 feet (7.5 meters) per pixel. Image credit: NAIC-Arecibo/NSF...

Fireballs may be visible in the sky on Halloween night
You may see "Halloween fireballs" in the sky this weekend-- because right now earth is in the middle of a giant meteor shower. 9NEWS at 5 p.m. ...

NASA Brought the Taurid Meteor Shower Down to Earth for Redditors
Astronomy geeks are enthusiastically awaiting the Taurid MeteorShower, which will produce several bright meteors every night for the next couple of ...

Halloween Asteroid 2015 TB145 Update: 'Great Pumpkin' May Be Joined By The Northen Taurid ...
International Business Times
The Northern Taurid meteor shower, a minor shower that often goes unrecognized, could put on a show this weekend, according to Universe Today.

Halloween asteroid fly-by shows how vulnerable Earth really is
The Halloween asteroid is 20 times bigger than the meteor that exploded with the force of 20 atomic bombs over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013, ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 October 2015

NEO Asteroids Close Approaches October 2015

NEO Asteroids Close Approaches October 2015
Update- 7, 9,12,14  17 newly discovered asteroids with 10LD or less announced! updated and reposted 30OCT2015

Asteroid 2015 TC25 Set to Pass between the Earth and Moon

Click Image to Enlarge
October 2015 "Asteroid Coded Signals"
c2015 photography by Dirk Ross / LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.

There are currently 
1, 8,10, 11,12  18 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass within approximately 10LD or less (LD stands for "Lunar Distance"), in the month of October 2015.
I expect that 10 or more 10LD NEOs will be discovered before month end.

Expect some spectacular bolides,  fireballs, and meteors this month and especially large ones 3-5 days before and following the passing of  7 small mountain-sized NEO asteroids and 1 comet, diameters ranging from 500m- 2.6km,  that will safely pass this month.

Be ready for some bolide, fireball, and meteor activity!
Cameras Ready!
If you get video or photo of a meteor please email to - LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
- LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

Currently Reported Asteroids with LD of LD10 or Less-
updated and reposted 30OCT2015
Self search parameters - http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/neo_ca
object is w/link
 (CA) Date


CA Distance


(2015 TL21)2015-Oct-06

(2015 TQ21)2015-Oct-07

(2015 TM145)2015-Oct-07

(2015 TC144)2015-Oct-088.4/0.0217

(2015 UK)2015-Oct-10

(2015 TN21)2015-Oct-10

(2015 TB25)2015-Oct-11

(2015 TK21)2015-Oct-12

(2015 TG24)2015-Oct-12

(2015 TA238)2015-Oct-13

(2015 TC25)2015-Oct-13

(2014 UR)2015-Oct-18

(2015 UH52)2015-Oct-20

(2015 TZ143)2015-Oct-22

(2015 UM52)2015-Oct-22

(2015 UL52)2015-Oct-25

(2015 UH)2015-Oct-29

(2015 TB145)2015-Oct-31

Start of Month Data Table - 
(2015 SU16) 2015-Oct-010.040315.728 m - 62 m24.99.62
(2015 FT118) 2015-Oct-010.120046.7220 m - 490 m20.411.92
(2001 RB12) 2015-Oct-020.122147.5200 m - 450 m20.68.66
(2012 FS52) 2015-Oct-020.154860.228 m - 62 m24.919.95
(2000 SM10) 2015-Oct-020.030111.740 m - 90 m24.112.91
AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2015 SR) 2015-Oct-030.037714.733 m - 74 m24.511.68
(2014 TS) 2015-Oct-030.188173.221 m - 47 m25.518.24
(2009 DB43) 2015-Oct-030.070527.413 m - 30 m26.56.29
(2012 CL19) 2015-Oct-030.044717.4110 m - 250 m21.99.50
(2015 FS332) 2015-Oct-040.047718.6580 m - 1.3 km18.321.15
(2009 TK) 2015-Oct-050.045117.692 m - 210 m22.311.06
(2014 MZ17) 2015-Oct-070.081131.640 m - 90 m24.14.10
(2007 RU9) 2015-Oct-070.051119.9190 m - 430 m20.717.13
(2010 SX11) 2015-Oct-090.039715.429 m - 65 m24.87.73
86666 (2000 FL10) 2015-Oct-100.168965.71.2 km - 2.6 km16.816.29
(2015 SZ) 2015-Oct-100.046818.254 m - 120 m23.57.64
420738 (2012 TS) 2015-Oct-120.146657.1180 m - 410 m20.88.67
401885 (2001 RV17) 2015-Oct-130.155960.7210 m - 470 m20.57.67
(2015 RW82) 2015-Oct-160.199877.753 m - 120 m23.55.94
389694 (2011 QD48) 2015-Oct-170.173367.5610 m - 1.4 km18.215.77
(2014 UR) 2015-Oct-180.00983.813 m - 28 m26.64.40
(2011 SE97) 2015-Oct-180.030711.931 m - 68 m24.712.88
194268 (2001 UY4) 2015-Oct-210.149658.2610 m - 1.4 km18.223.87
(2013 JR22) 2015-Oct-210.155860.6180 m - 390 m20.918.71
(1999 UQ) 2015-Oct-210.190274.0120 m - 260 m21.813.25
(2012 UT9) 2015-Oct-210.157961.448 m - 110 m23.716.30
(2001 TD) 2015-Oct-210.130450.725 m - 57 m25.15.22
(2015 KT121) 2015-Oct-220.146857.119 m - 43 m25.75.99
(2013 UC1) 2015-Oct-220.136153.031 m - 68 m24.77.30
(2006 UY64) 2015-Oct-220.061223.8330 m - 750 m19.513.81
(2009 UC) 2015-Oct-230.166864.913 m - 28 m26.613.85
(1998 XN2) 2015-Oct-250.077630.2330 m - 750 m19.58.80
(2015 JD1) 2015-Oct-250.149958.4200 m - 450 m20.610.36
(2009 UQ5) 2015-Oct-260.171966.938 m - 86 m24.26.64
154807 (2004 PP97) 2015-Oct-260.170066.2580 m - 1.3 km18.311.24
(2011 TK5) 2015-Oct-290.149958.473 m - 160 m22.815.05
410777 (2009 FD) 2015-Oct-290.041916.3470 m22.116.92
(2012 UB174) 2015-Oct-290.117345.628 m - 62 m24.915.35
(2015 RH2) 2015-Oct-310.100439.1110 m - 240 m22.04.74
(2012 HN1) 2015-Oct-310.155160.411 m - 24 m27.09.73

Source Table- NASA/JPL
-- for the most current version check- http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/
Self search parameters - http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/neo_ca

updated and reposted 30OCT2015
updated and reposted 21OCT2015
updated and reposted 16OCT2015
updated and reposted 14OCT2015 //2015 TD144   2015-Oct 23 /  82,921 Miles /// not yet on NASA public tables correction
updated and reposted 13OCT2015
updated and reposted 12OCT2015
updated and reposted 06OCT2015
original post 03OCT2015

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30OCT2015

Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015 A Small Meteorite Falls in Lake Bakal A meteorite has fallen on Lake Baikal, reported Wednesday the ...

Indonesia Meteorite Impact Windows Broken
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
updates pending- Meanwhile Indonesia MeteorRats Scramble! Likely Meteorite hits Bengkulu:, Indonesia - LAPAN thejakartapost.com. The National ...

New meteor flew over Petrozavodsk
Russia - LiveUAMap
New meteor flew over Petrozavodsk. source. tell friends. 3 hour ago Comments. Sniper shot at a police Department in Novosibirsk was detained.

Meteor Hits Russia's Mysterious Lake Baikal
Mysterious Universe
On October 22nd, what appeared to be a slow-moving meteor crashed into Russia's mysterious Lake Baikal barely a kilometer from the shore.

Meteor watch: Halloween could bring fireballs to our skies
Almost every month we get a major meteor shower. Right now we're in the middle of the Northern Taurids. While not normally spectacular, every so ...

Phantom Asteroid Screams Past Earth
The Monitor Daily
Although the subsequent meteoroids would be visible only in Asia, scientists say that there will be a meteor shower next year. Specialists explained ...

Rock on: Is your meteorite real?
Hundreds of people are likely to line up at the annual Earth and Space Exploration Day on Nov. 7, hoping their rocks are identified as meteorites by ASU's experts. Only one or two turn out to be each year, but the event offers plenty of interesting activities as consolation.

HALLOWEEN FIREBALLS: This weekend, Earth could run into a stream of gravelly debris from Comet Encke, source of the annual Taurid meteor shower. The last time this happened, ten years ago in Oct. 2005, the encounter sparked a two-week display of bright meteors called the "Halloween fireballs." Will it happen again in 2015? Visit http://spaceweather.com for more information and observing tips.

Meteor shower forecast in November
Asheville Citizen-Times
ROSMAN — Get ready to turn your eyes to the sky. The annual Leonid Meteor Shower is expected to return in November, according to the nonprofit ...

November's dawn dance of planets, Leonid meteor...
17 – The Leonid Meteor shower peaks as Leo rises around midnight. It's best seen from a dark location and you could see 10-20 meteors per hour.

'War of the Worlds' broadcast causes chaos in 1938
New York Daily News
A few seconds later, the announcer "flashed" the tidings that weird monsters were swarming out of the mass of metal - which was not ameteor but a ...

A Halloween Season 'Taurid Meteor Swarm' on Tap for 2015?
Before It's News
With any luck, the Northern Taurid meteor shower may put on a fine once a decade show heading into early November.(…) Read the rest of A ...

A Halloween Season 'Taurid Meteor Swarm' on Tap for 2015?
Universe Today
About once a decade, the Northern Taurid meteor stream puts on a good showing. Along with its related shower the Southern Taurids, both are active ...

Rosetta mission: Comet 67P is surrounded by huge amounts of oxygen, scientists say, potentially ...
The Independent
The air around the comet that Rosetta landed on has plenty of oxygen, scientists say, potentially changing our understanding of the beginnings of the ...

Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
October 30 at 7:42am
PREPARADOS PARA OBSERVAR EL FASCINANTE 2015 TB115: http://www.ieec.cat/es/uncategorized/17902-2/
L’Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec observarà l’objecte potencialment perillós que passarà...
Directori de Notícies anar a Directori de Notícies 29.10.2015 (IEEC) L’Observatori Astronòmic del Mo...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 October 2015

Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 28OCT2015

Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 2216 Local 28OCT2015
Updates pending.

Click on Image to enlarge
Madrid, Spain Two Bolide Meteors 2216 Local 28OCT2015
c2015 SPMN 

Fireball over Madrid on Oct. 28 (22h16m UT)
Posted on YouTube by Meteors 200 views
Dos bolas de fuego iluminan el Mediterráneo y Madrid
El Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán, (Observatorio de Calar Alto) de Gérgal, en Almería, registró a...The German-Spanish Astronomical Centre (Calar Alto Observatory) of Gérgal, Almería, reported yesterday the passage of two "bright fireballs" associated with the comet Encke over the Mediterranean Sea and the Community of Madrid....

Google translate the story from Spanish-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015

Lake Baikal, Fireball Meteor 22OCT2015

A Small Meteorite Falls in Lake Bakal
A meteorite has fallen on Lake Baikal, reported Wednesday the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Irkutsk (Siberia) on its website.
He reported that the Observatory scientist, Kiril Ivanov observed the October 22, 2015 fall of a bright object. ...
-In Potuguese
Lea más en http://mundo.sputniknews.com/espacio/20151028/1053021583/meteorito-caida-lago-baikal.html#ixzz3pxmcXaFH

Метеорит над Иркутской областью
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