Milky Way and Exploding Meteor
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Nasa
Explanation: Tonight the Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its maximum. Grains of icy rock will streak across the sky as they evaporate during entry into ...
What you need to know about watching the biggest meteor shower of the year the next few nights
WLKY Louisville
It's time for the biggest meteor shower of the year the next several nights. I have seen various reports on the internet talking about "the best show ever" ...
Meteor light show set to dazzle
BBC News
Skywatchers around the world are in for a dazzling display as the annual Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak on Wednesday night. Viewing is ...
Perseids meteor shower - Professor Monica Grady
Professor in Planetary Sciences Monica Grady gives the lowdown on what the Perseid Meteor Shower is all about and how to watch it. Free learning ...
Perseid meteor shower to put on a spectacular show in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post
... a belt of comet debris known as the Perseids, astronomers say. The meteor shower will peak on the night of Aug 12 to the morning of Aug 13. While.
Annual, brilliant Perseid Meteor Shower to light up Wyoming skies this week
(Wyoming) – Starting tonight, the annual Perseid meteor shower will light up the sky giving stargazers the ability to view 60-100 shooting stars per ...
How to view the 2015 Perseid meteor shower
Amy Sayle from the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center explains how you can see the Perseid meteor shower.
Brilliant meteor shower likely for late Wednesday, early Thursday
Bangor Daily News
If you need a good excuse to stay up late this week, stargazing could be at the top of your list, as a meteor shower promises to light up the sky with as ...
How to take photographs of this week's Perseidmeteor shower
A meteor streaks across the sky over Japan during one Perseidmeteor shower. Perseids tend to be faster and brighter than most meteors, ...
Here's what you'll actually see when you watch this week's meteor shower
Business Insider
Meteor showers are nature's nocturnal entertainment. During large showers, like the Perseids and Geminids, you can see as many as a hundred ...
Perseid Meteor Shower
This year's Perseid meteor shower is shaping up to be more spectacular than usual. To explain why, and how you can see it, David Common was ...
Perseids 2015: View The Perseid Meteor Shower In NYC, LA And More; Best Spots And Tips
International Business Times
The annual meteor shower always puts on a good show, with anywhere from 60 to 100 meteors per hour, and it's relatively easy to observe. Living in a ...
08/11/2015 – Ephemeris – Perseid meteor shower is tomorrow night
Bob Moler's Ephemeris Blog -
The Perseid meteor shower is growing in numbers of meteors seen per hour. The expected peak is Thursday morning about a quarter after 2.
Rosetta Comet Outburst Captured
A dramatic outburst from Rosetta's target comet is recorded by several instruments, including the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer, which uses NASA-built electronics.
Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Aug. 12-13
Look to the northeast Wednesday night, August 12, into Thursday morning, August 13, for what could be the best show of shooting stars all year.
Watch the Perseid meteor shower peak this week
Baltimore Sun (blog)
The Perseids, one of the year's best meteor showers, peak this week. And they could be even more brilliant than usual, thanks to some good timing.
How to watch the Perseid meteor shower
Washington Post
Forecasters say the Perseid meteor shower could be an especially good show this year because the Moon is nearly new when the shower peaks on ...
How to watch tomorrow night's big meteor shower
San Jose Mercury News
The Perseid meteor shower was first documented by Chinese astronomers in 36 A.D., and is visible from mid-July to mid-August each year.
Perseid meteor shower set to delight stargazers
Irish Times
Irish stargazers are set for an exciting week as one of the year's biggest meteor showers, the Perseids, peaks in activity. Wednesday night is due to ...
Pretty, prolific meteor shower to light the sky on Wednesday night
Sun Sentinel
The Perseid meteor, featuring between 50 and 100 streaks per hour, will be late Wednesday and early Thursday.
Video: Perseid meteor shower - Everything you need to know
Belfast Telegraph
The Weather Network interviews Robert Massey from The Royal Astronomical Society, who discusses the best ways to watch the Perseid meteor ...
When, where, how to see the Perseids meteor shower
Sky watchers are in for a treat this week. As Matt Sampson explains, this year's Perseid meteor shower is expected to be stellar.
Perseid Meteor Shower: Best Places to See 'Shooting Stars' This Week
Live Science
The annual Perseid meteor shower is typically the most spectacular "shooting star" display for people in the Northern Hemisphere, and this week, ...
How to watch the Perseid meteor shower in Colorado
The Denver Post
A lone perseid meteor is captured flying over the summit of Mount Evans early in the morning on August 12, 2012. The bright area in the sky is the ...
Perseid meteor shower hits peak
The Perseid meteor shower is near its peak, and as many as 100 streaks per hour may be visible in the sky Tuesday night. Derrick Pitts, chief ...
Moonless Sky to Make for Spectacular 2015 PerseidMeteor Shower Starting Wednesday
Sue and John Schafer wait for the Perseid meteor shower to unfold from Anzo-Borrego Desert State Park in 2013. (Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Gets a Boost from Dark Moon, Jupiter
The Perseid meteor shower is the most widely observed and dependable annual meteor display of the year, and its peak this week has all the ...
Your Alberta guide to watching the Perseids MeteorShower
EDMONTON – Astronomy buffs and amateur sky watchers alike will have their heads tilted to the heavens this week for the annual Perseids meteor ...
Live Skywatch August 11th...Perseids Meteor Shower 2015
Live Celestial Observation of The Perseids Meteor Shower 2015 for all three cams ...mine, americanroadwarrior from Boston ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
12 August 2015
11 August 2015
شهاب Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut
شهاب - Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut
Two farmer witnesses describe to a team of YJC.IR journalists the meteor event, what they saw and heard, and the later finding of the meteorite in the farm field. Several sonic booms were heard and one witness saw and heard a rock fall and later found it in a small shallow impact pit in a crop field. - LunarMeteoriteHunter
شهاب Iran Meteor Strike Local Report July 31, 2015- uncut full video
Two farmer witnesses describe to a team of YJC.IR journalists the meteor event, what they saw and heard, and the later finding of the meteorite in the farm field. Several sonic booms were heard and one witness saw and heard a rock fall and later found it in a small shallow impact pit in a crop field. - LunarMeteoriteHunter
شهاب Iran Meteor Strike Local Report July 31, 2015- uncut full video
Posted to YouTube by psuedon name 7,895 views
Latest official Iranian Mehr News Agency report-
An incident recorded meteorite!
Latest official Iranian Mehr News Agency report-
An incident recorded meteorite!
Mehr News AgencyMehr News Agency discusses the meteor event ..."The interesting point is that the film was published interviews with inhabitants of a village and a group of journalists to portray the meteorite that crashed meteorite true, but not yet officially confirmed...."
LunarMeteoriteHunter Note- It seems that there is discussion as to who owns the meteorite under Iranian law and therefore there is a sudden "lack of information" . The article discusses monetary, cultural heritage and scientific values and indirectly concludes that the rock belongs to the State.
Link to post in Farsi-
related posts-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
related posts-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
7:13 am
NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015,
video iran meteorite,
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11AUG2015
When can I watch the Perseid meteor shower? Best times to see spectacular astronomical show
Stargazers are in for a treat this week as the annual Perseid meteor shower will be streaking across the sky. Here's when you can see it. Share; Share ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Expected To Peak This Week
Huffington Post
Stargazers are especially excited because this year marks the first time since 2010 that the meteor shower aligns with a new moon, making for ideal ...
Clear skies may present perfect view of Perseidmeteor shower for Metro Vancouver
Vancouver Sun
This summer's Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak next week, starting Tuesday, and sky watchers in Metro Vancouver should see hundreds of ...
Perseid meteor shower: How to catch the most falling stars
You're in luck — it's a particularly good year for viewing the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks this week and is widely considered to be the best ...
Meteor show set for skies over Burton and South Derbyshire
Burton Mail
THE skies over Burton and South Derbyshire will be littered with shooting stars for a few days this month, as the annual Perseid meteor shower gets ...
Astronomical calendar: Perseids Meteor Shower and more
India Today
The year started with Quadrantids Meteor Shower giving way to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in the month of February. Also, there was a total ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: When and where to watch
The annual Perseid meteor shower will start to get more active this week, peaking anywhere from Aug. 12 to Aug. 14, according to astronomers.
Perseid meteor shower, 2015
Delaware Gazette
Most of the pieces are no bigger than a grain of dust, so meteor showers are not known for their bright fireballs. Mostly you'll see relatively faint streaks ...
Perseid meteor shower: moon and International Space Station line up to make yearly show even ...
The Independent
A Perseids meteor shower in the night sky from the mountains of the Sierra Norte de Madrid near the municipality of Valle del Lozoya "It will move from ...
The Perseid Meteor Peaks TONIGHT - Here is how you can see it!
It's time to witness the annual remarkable Perseid meteor shower, one of the perkiest meteor showers of the year. And even NASA says this as a ...
Perseid meteor shower: What's the best night to see it in CNY?
A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky during the Perseid meteorshower on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 in Vinton, Calif. (Kevin Clifford | The Associated ...
Perseid meteor shower peaks this week, will South Florida see it?
Palm Beach Post (blog)
Stargazers have been waiting all summer for this week as the Perseid meteor shower peaks Tuesday and Wednesday, sending as many as 50 ...
Perseid Meteor Shower August 12th
Westchester Amateur Astronomers
WAA members will be viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower at its peak on the night of Wednesday, August 12th into Thursday morning. The moon will ...
Sanford hosts meteor viewing
Chronicle Times
A gathering to view the Perseid Meteor Shower will be held (weather permitting) at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13 at the Cherokee Little League fields.
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 Gearing Up Peak This Week
The 2015 Perseid meteor shower will happen from July 13 to August 26, with activity peaking this week — Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, ...
Look up! The Perseid meteor shower hits its peak on August 12-13
Each year between July 17 and August 24, the Perseid meteorshower puts on one of the brightest cosmic events to hit the night sky. At its peak ...
Kopernik Observation Center Open For MeteorShowers
Kopernik Observatory will be open on clear nights starting at 9 p-m this Tuesday through Thursday for viewing of the Perseid meteor shower.
شهاب Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut
Posted: 10 Aug 2015 04:40 PM PDT
شهاب - Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut Two farmer witnesses describe to a team of YJC.IR journalists the meteor event...
One person injured while trying to watch meteorshower in KCMO
Police say three people were watching the Perseid meteor shower when one of them fell off the rocks of a cliff near Roanoke and Madison in KCMO.
Perseids meteor shower will peak this week with 100 shooting stars every HOUR
Daily Mail
Stargazers are in for a treat this week as the Perseid meteor shower is set to put on a dazzling display as it reaches its peak on Wednesday night.
Perseid meteor shower: how best to observe the skies tonight and tomorrow
The Guardian
The Perseid meteor shower as seen in August 2010 above the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope at Paranal, Chile.
CAN'T MISS: The most spectacular meteor shower to light up the sky this week
Catholic Online
Astronomers announced last Friday that the Perseid meteor shower will be extra spectacular this year, creating a natural display of fireworks in the sky.
Perseid meteor shower to light up BC skies
The annual Perseid meteor shower — an event that could bring as many as 100 fire balls every hour — will reach its peak overnight on Tuesday.
Don't Miss the Perseid Meteor Shower Peak!
Point your eyes to the sky this Wednesday night! The Perseid meteor shower will peak during the late evening hours of Wednesday, Aug. 12 and into ...
Perseid meteor shower: Good and bad news for Alaska
The Perseid Meteor shower peaks this Wednesday night and into Thursday morning, with some places being treated to as high as 100 meteors an ...
How to watch the most incredible meteor shower of the year this week
Business Insider
There's a new moon coming around, which is good news for viewers because it sets the stage for what will be the most spectacular meteor shower of ...
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015: The Perseids Will Dazzle This Week, Weather Permitting
International Business Times
The sleepy stargazing summer is coming to an end with the main astronomy event of the year. The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks this week ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Stargazers are in for a treat this week as the annual Perseid meteor shower will be streaking across the sky. Here's when you can see it. Share; Share ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Expected To Peak This Week
Huffington Post
Stargazers are especially excited because this year marks the first time since 2010 that the meteor shower aligns with a new moon, making for ideal ...
Clear skies may present perfect view of Perseidmeteor shower for Metro Vancouver
Vancouver Sun
This summer's Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak next week, starting Tuesday, and sky watchers in Metro Vancouver should see hundreds of ...
Perseid meteor shower: How to catch the most falling stars
You're in luck — it's a particularly good year for viewing the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks this week and is widely considered to be the best ...
Meteor show set for skies over Burton and South Derbyshire
Burton Mail
THE skies over Burton and South Derbyshire will be littered with shooting stars for a few days this month, as the annual Perseid meteor shower gets ...
Astronomical calendar: Perseids Meteor Shower and more
India Today
The year started with Quadrantids Meteor Shower giving way to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in the month of February. Also, there was a total ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: When and where to watch
The annual Perseid meteor shower will start to get more active this week, peaking anywhere from Aug. 12 to Aug. 14, according to astronomers.
Perseid meteor shower, 2015
Delaware Gazette
Most of the pieces are no bigger than a grain of dust, so meteor showers are not known for their bright fireballs. Mostly you'll see relatively faint streaks ...
Perseid meteor shower: moon and International Space Station line up to make yearly show even ...
The Independent
A Perseids meteor shower in the night sky from the mountains of the Sierra Norte de Madrid near the municipality of Valle del Lozoya "It will move from ...
The Perseid Meteor Peaks TONIGHT - Here is how you can see it!
It's time to witness the annual remarkable Perseid meteor shower, one of the perkiest meteor showers of the year. And even NASA says this as a ...
Perseid meteor shower: What's the best night to see it in CNY?
A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky during the Perseid meteorshower on Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 in Vinton, Calif. (Kevin Clifford | The Associated ...
Perseid meteor shower peaks this week, will South Florida see it?
Palm Beach Post (blog)
Stargazers have been waiting all summer for this week as the Perseid meteor shower peaks Tuesday and Wednesday, sending as many as 50 ...
Perseid Meteor Shower August 12th
Westchester Amateur Astronomers
WAA members will be viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower at its peak on the night of Wednesday, August 12th into Thursday morning. The moon will ...
Sanford hosts meteor viewing
Chronicle Times
A gathering to view the Perseid Meteor Shower will be held (weather permitting) at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13 at the Cherokee Little League fields.
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 Gearing Up Peak This Week
The 2015 Perseid meteor shower will happen from July 13 to August 26, with activity peaking this week — Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, ...
Look up! The Perseid meteor shower hits its peak on August 12-13
Each year between July 17 and August 24, the Perseid meteorshower puts on one of the brightest cosmic events to hit the night sky. At its peak ...
Kopernik Observation Center Open For MeteorShowers
Kopernik Observatory will be open on clear nights starting at 9 p-m this Tuesday through Thursday for viewing of the Perseid meteor shower.
شهاب Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut
Posted: 10 Aug 2015 04:40 PM PDT
شهاب - Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut Two farmer witnesses describe to a team of YJC.IR journalists the meteor event...
One person injured while trying to watch meteorshower in KCMO
Police say three people were watching the Perseid meteor shower when one of them fell off the rocks of a cliff near Roanoke and Madison in KCMO.
Perseids meteor shower will peak this week with 100 shooting stars every HOUR
Daily Mail
Stargazers are in for a treat this week as the Perseid meteor shower is set to put on a dazzling display as it reaches its peak on Wednesday night.
Perseid meteor shower: how best to observe the skies tonight and tomorrow
The Guardian
The Perseid meteor shower as seen in August 2010 above the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope at Paranal, Chile.
CAN'T MISS: The most spectacular meteor shower to light up the sky this week
Catholic Online
Astronomers announced last Friday that the Perseid meteor shower will be extra spectacular this year, creating a natural display of fireworks in the sky.
Perseid meteor shower to light up BC skies
The annual Perseid meteor shower — an event that could bring as many as 100 fire balls every hour — will reach its peak overnight on Tuesday.
Don't Miss the Perseid Meteor Shower Peak!
Point your eyes to the sky this Wednesday night! The Perseid meteor shower will peak during the late evening hours of Wednesday, Aug. 12 and into ...
Perseid meteor shower: Good and bad news for Alaska
The Perseid Meteor shower peaks this Wednesday night and into Thursday morning, with some places being treated to as high as 100 meteors an ...
How to watch the most incredible meteor shower of the year this week
Business Insider
There's a new moon coming around, which is good news for viewers because it sets the stage for what will be the most spectacular meteor shower of ...
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015: The Perseids Will Dazzle This Week, Weather Permitting
International Business Times
The sleepy stargazing summer is coming to an end with the main astronomy event of the year. The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks this week ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
10 August 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10AUG2015
SHOOTING STAR SPECTACLE: Hundreds of Perseid meteors to light up Derbyshire's night sky
Derbyshire Times
Up to 100 shooting stars are set to dart through Derbyshire's night sky during an amazing meteor shower which promises to be better than ever.
Spectacular Persied meteor shower to light up night skies over Britain
The spectacular Perseid meteor shower will light up the night sky above Britain next week. The incredible annual meteor shower will give stargazers ...
Starwatch: Celestial fireworks
The Guardian
Get ready to watch nature's very own fireworks display as the Perseids meteor shower rolls into town. The shower can be seen every year between 17 ...
Mingo Observatory Perseid Meteor Viewing Party, Dusk to Dawn Wednesday, August 12-13, 2015
Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh
From Ken's Mingo Perseid Meteor Shower Email Blast*: “Come join the Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh observe Perseid meteors, ...
Perseid meteor through the Milky Way
Stargazers Lounge
This is likely to be a Perseid. It is definitely a meteor because it shows the characteristic green excitation from oxygen and pink from molecular nitrogen ...
Video: How to watch the Perseid meteor shower in the UK
The Weather Network
Called Perseid, as it appears to originate from the constellation Perseus, the meteor shower is one of the reliable showers in the year. It's unlikely you ...
State parks invite visitors for Meteors & S'mores during Perseid meteor shower
8-15 to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower. Participating state parks in Michigan will stay open late and offer "Meteors & S'mores" events throughout the ...
Meteor season begins early Wednesday with Perseid show
Charlotte Observer
Tuesday night is the start of the 2015-16 meteor shower season. It just happens that most of the good showers fall in the same few months as football ...
Mark your calendar: Perseid Meteor Shower on Aug 12
Science Recorder
It's Christmas time for you sky watchers – the most visible meteorevent of the year is coming fast – the Perseid meteor shower, expected to take place ...
Best meteor shower of the year peaks Wednesday
Peak meteor activity will stretch from Aug. 11 through Aug. 13. It's not uncommon to see a few meteors in the nights leading up to the peak, but ...
Perseid meteor shower can be seen on Aug 12
The Sun Daily
KUALA LUMPUR: The public will get an opportunity to see the Perseidmeteor shower which is expected to occur between 8pm on Aug 12 and the ...
Where to watch the Perseid meteor shower next week
Malay Mail Online
The comet orbits around the Sun every 130 years.KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — The public will get an opportunity to see the Perseid meteorshower ...
5 Great Celestial Events to see at the Lake of the Ozarks
This annual meteor shower is visible for two nights this year: August 11 and 12. You can go out as soon as it gets darks and catch a glimpse of these ...
Night sky ready for its annual meteor show
Wichita Eagle
The Lake Afton Observatory is offering free public viewing of themeteor shower Thursday night outside the building. Doors also will be open from ...
Perseid meteor shower: How, where and when to see this annual astronomical marvel
The Independent
The annual Perseid meteor shower is set to peak in the coming days, and if skies are clear, will provide stargazers with some of the most stunning ...
Prairie stargazers expect perfect conditions for Perseid meteor shower
While the meteor shower will peak on Tuesday, the day before the new moon, some people are already taking advantage of the night time star activity.
Potentially Dazzling Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
The annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak this week, giving amateur skywatchers with clear dark skies a potentially dazzling celestial light ...
Meteor shower slated to dazzle Edmonton sky
Edmonton Journal
This year's Perseid meteor shower will peak in ideal conditions. The shower streaks light across the sky for days at a time in August, but this ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Derbyshire Times
Up to 100 shooting stars are set to dart through Derbyshire's night sky during an amazing meteor shower which promises to be better than ever.
Spectacular Persied meteor shower to light up night skies over Britain
The spectacular Perseid meteor shower will light up the night sky above Britain next week. The incredible annual meteor shower will give stargazers ...
Starwatch: Celestial fireworks
The Guardian
Get ready to watch nature's very own fireworks display as the Perseids meteor shower rolls into town. The shower can be seen every year between 17 ...
Mingo Observatory Perseid Meteor Viewing Party, Dusk to Dawn Wednesday, August 12-13, 2015
Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh
From Ken's Mingo Perseid Meteor Shower Email Blast*: “Come join the Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh observe Perseid meteors, ...
Perseid meteor through the Milky Way
Stargazers Lounge
This is likely to be a Perseid. It is definitely a meteor because it shows the characteristic green excitation from oxygen and pink from molecular nitrogen ...
Video: How to watch the Perseid meteor shower in the UK
The Weather Network
Called Perseid, as it appears to originate from the constellation Perseus, the meteor shower is one of the reliable showers in the year. It's unlikely you ...
State parks invite visitors for Meteors & S'mores during Perseid meteor shower
8-15 to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower. Participating state parks in Michigan will stay open late and offer "Meteors & S'mores" events throughout the ...
Meteor season begins early Wednesday with Perseid show
Charlotte Observer
Tuesday night is the start of the 2015-16 meteor shower season. It just happens that most of the good showers fall in the same few months as football ...
Mark your calendar: Perseid Meteor Shower on Aug 12
Science Recorder
It's Christmas time for you sky watchers – the most visible meteorevent of the year is coming fast – the Perseid meteor shower, expected to take place ...
Best meteor shower of the year peaks Wednesday
Peak meteor activity will stretch from Aug. 11 through Aug. 13. It's not uncommon to see a few meteors in the nights leading up to the peak, but ...
Perseid meteor shower can be seen on Aug 12
The Sun Daily
KUALA LUMPUR: The public will get an opportunity to see the Perseidmeteor shower which is expected to occur between 8pm on Aug 12 and the ...
Where to watch the Perseid meteor shower next week
Malay Mail Online
The comet orbits around the Sun every 130 years.KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 9 — The public will get an opportunity to see the Perseid meteorshower ...
5 Great Celestial Events to see at the Lake of the Ozarks
This annual meteor shower is visible for two nights this year: August 11 and 12. You can go out as soon as it gets darks and catch a glimpse of these ...
Night sky ready for its annual meteor show
Wichita Eagle
The Lake Afton Observatory is offering free public viewing of themeteor shower Thursday night outside the building. Doors also will be open from ...
Perseid meteor shower: How, where and when to see this annual astronomical marvel
The Independent
The annual Perseid meteor shower is set to peak in the coming days, and if skies are clear, will provide stargazers with some of the most stunning ...
Prairie stargazers expect perfect conditions for Perseid meteor shower
While the meteor shower will peak on Tuesday, the day before the new moon, some people are already taking advantage of the night time star activity.
Potentially Dazzling Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
The annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak this week, giving amateur skywatchers with clear dark skies a potentially dazzling celestial light ...
Meteor shower slated to dazzle Edmonton sky
Edmonton Journal
This year's Perseid meteor shower will peak in ideal conditions. The shower streaks light across the sky for days at a time in August, but this ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
09 August 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09AUG2015
100 shooting stars per minute: Night skies to stage Perseid shower peak Wednesday
The Perseid meteor shower is an annual event, but astronomers believe this year could be something well worth waiting for. Over 100 shooting stars ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Where to watch shooting stars in US cities
International Business Times UK
The Perseid meteor shower is set to reach its annual peak on 12 and 13 August as shooting stars will fill the sky. Nasa says this is "considered to be ...
The Perseid meteor shower is an annual event, but astronomers believe this year could be something well worth waiting for. Over 100 shooting stars ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Where to watch shooting stars in US cities
International Business Times UK
The Perseid meteor shower is set to reach its annual peak on 12 and 13 August as shooting stars will fill the sky. Nasa says this is "considered to be ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Muscat: Perseids meteor showers, which started on July 17 and continues up to August 24, continue lighting the Sultanate's skies. The meteors will .
Dubai Astronomy Group Persides Meteor Shower Night Party 13/14AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Astronomy lovers are in for a treat this summer as the, all-time favourite, Perseid MeteorShower peaks coinciding with the new moon on August 13.
Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower in August 2015
Brevard Times
Meteors from the 2015 Perseid Meteor Shower are visible for about two weeks before and after its peak which occurs on August 13, 2015
Here's When to See the Perseid Meteor Shower
The Perseid meteor shower will be lighting up the night sky starting Wednesday. The annual display could fill the sky with as many as 100 meteors per ...
Spectacular Perseid meteor shower to light up skies above Greater Manchester
Manchester Evening News
The annual meteor shower is one of the brightest of the year and stargazers will be able to see up to 100 meteors or 'shooting stars' an hour. It occurs ...
Meteor Showers: A Billion-Year Journey For A Second Of Brilliance
Every year at around the same time, reliable meteor showers grace our skies, with the biggest ones occurring in mid-August (the Perseids), ...
Perseid meteor shower expected to be stellar
The annual Perseid meteor shower, which is known for being among the brightest of meteor showers, is happening near the tail end of summer.
Tips for viewing the 2015 Perseid meteor shower
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
This annual meteor shower is already happening and is predicted to peak the night of August 12-13, 2015 (Wednesday evening into Thursday ...
August astronomical events: Perseid meteor shower, new moon and supermoon
Yahoo News UK
August is set to be an exciting month for stargazers, starting with the spectacular Perseid meteor shower. One of the brightest showers of the year, ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Everything you need to know about the spectacular shooting stars
Yahoo News UK
The annual Perseid meteor shower is set to light up the night sky next week with a dazzling display of shooting stars. One of the brightermeteor ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Where to watch shooting stars in US cities
Yahoo News UK
Nasa says this is "considered to be the best meteor shower of the year". It explained: "With very fast and bright meteors, Perseids frequently leave long ...
Meteor shower to peak on August 12
Viet Nam News
HA NOI (VNS)— Vietnamese astronomy enthusiasts will have a chance to observe the Perseid meteor shower, one of the two largestmeteor showers ...
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 Will Peak Aug. 12-13
The brightest meteor shower of the year is coming up, and it should be very easy to see. The 2015 Perseid meteor shower is under way through Aug.
'Spectacular' meteor lit up early morning sky
Washington Post
A little before 4 a.m. Monday some Washington area residents who were still awake, or were just getting up, were rewarded by a glimpse of a ...
Northwest Illinois Audubon Society to host meteor shower campfire, prairie walk
Journal Standard
FORRESTON — The Northwest Illinois Audubon Society will host a viewing of the annual Perseid meteor shower at 7 p.m. Aug. 12 at Elkhorn Creek ...
Impressive Perseid meteor shower to peak next week, says CU-Boulder expert
CU Boulder News & Events
It's August and that means the hottest show in the night sky -- the Perseid meteor shower -- will make its annual appearance, peaking in the pre-dawn ...
Nature Center to hold meteor shower skywatch Tuesday, Aug. 11
Shore News Today
The Perseid meteor shower is expected to light up the nighttime sky the second week in August, and participants in the Nature Center of Cape May's ...
You're invited to a meteor shower
Nashoba Publishing
You're Invited to a Perseid Meteor Shower Viewing Celebration Thursday, Aug. 13, 8-11 p.m. at the Heald Street Orchard (one of Pepperell's nicest ...
Hard Labor Creek Park officials encourage camping at the park during meteor events
Hard Labor Creek Park Ranger Phil Delestrez, at right, along with park naturalist Audrey Camp will lead Perseid Meteor Shower events, including a ...
Impressive Perseids meteor showers will be visible August 11-14, says CU-Boulder expert
The Denver Channel
A multiple exposure picture taken in the early hours of August 11, 2013 shows a Perseids meteor shower in the sky, near the municipality of La Hiruela ...
Shenandoah National Park
National Parks Traveler (registration)
There are star shows, and there are star shows, and one of the summer's best is the annual Perseid meteor showers. Next Wednesday, you can enjoy ...
Watch a meteor shower Aug. 13 at Chincoteague refuge
Delmarva Daily Times
Do you love meteor showers? Have you ever thought how cool it would be to view this spectacle of a Perseid Meteor Shower from a barrier island ...
Kick Back, Look Up, We're In For a GREAT PerseidMeteor Shower
Universe Today
This year's Perseid shower will peak on August 12-13 (Wednesday night-Thursday morning) with a meteor a minute visible from a dark sky. Credit: ...
Video "All Sky" Camera (Meteor Cam even?)
Stargazers Lounge
Never enough time, but Interesting stuff these *meteor guys* do... Not a fish-eye lens (perhaps better for it!) but around 120 degrees? But at least I can ...
NASA Is Covering Up 'Devastating' Meteor Impact In Iran To Prevent Panic Ahead Of September 23 ...
The Inquisitr
Conspiracy theory blogs are making claims that the recent meteorimpact event in the Islamic Republic of Iran “devastated” parts of the country, but ... Bravo Sierra News
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Muscat: Perseids meteor showers, which started on July 17 and continues up to August 24, continue lighting the Sultanate's skies. The meteors will .
Dubai Astronomy Group Persides Meteor Shower Night Party 13/14AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Astronomy lovers are in for a treat this summer as the, all-time favourite, Perseid MeteorShower peaks coinciding with the new moon on August 13.
Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower in August 2015
Brevard Times
Meteors from the 2015 Perseid Meteor Shower are visible for about two weeks before and after its peak which occurs on August 13, 2015
Here's When to See the Perseid Meteor Shower
The Perseid meteor shower will be lighting up the night sky starting Wednesday. The annual display could fill the sky with as many as 100 meteors per ...
Spectacular Perseid meteor shower to light up skies above Greater Manchester
Manchester Evening News
The annual meteor shower is one of the brightest of the year and stargazers will be able to see up to 100 meteors or 'shooting stars' an hour. It occurs ...
Meteor Showers: A Billion-Year Journey For A Second Of Brilliance
Every year at around the same time, reliable meteor showers grace our skies, with the biggest ones occurring in mid-August (the Perseids), ...
Perseid meteor shower expected to be stellar
The annual Perseid meteor shower, which is known for being among the brightest of meteor showers, is happening near the tail end of summer.
Tips for viewing the 2015 Perseid meteor shower
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
This annual meteor shower is already happening and is predicted to peak the night of August 12-13, 2015 (Wednesday evening into Thursday ...
August astronomical events: Perseid meteor shower, new moon and supermoon
Yahoo News UK
August is set to be an exciting month for stargazers, starting with the spectacular Perseid meteor shower. One of the brightest showers of the year, ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Everything you need to know about the spectacular shooting stars
Yahoo News UK
The annual Perseid meteor shower is set to light up the night sky next week with a dazzling display of shooting stars. One of the brightermeteor ...
Perseid meteor shower 2015: Where to watch shooting stars in US cities
Yahoo News UK
Nasa says this is "considered to be the best meteor shower of the year". It explained: "With very fast and bright meteors, Perseids frequently leave long ...
Meteor shower to peak on August 12
Viet Nam News
HA NOI (VNS)— Vietnamese astronomy enthusiasts will have a chance to observe the Perseid meteor shower, one of the two largestmeteor showers ...
Perseid Meteor Shower 2015 Will Peak Aug. 12-13
The brightest meteor shower of the year is coming up, and it should be very easy to see. The 2015 Perseid meteor shower is under way through Aug.
'Spectacular' meteor lit up early morning sky
Washington Post
A little before 4 a.m. Monday some Washington area residents who were still awake, or were just getting up, were rewarded by a glimpse of a ...
Northwest Illinois Audubon Society to host meteor shower campfire, prairie walk
Journal Standard
FORRESTON — The Northwest Illinois Audubon Society will host a viewing of the annual Perseid meteor shower at 7 p.m. Aug. 12 at Elkhorn Creek ...
Impressive Perseid meteor shower to peak next week, says CU-Boulder expert
CU Boulder News & Events
It's August and that means the hottest show in the night sky -- the Perseid meteor shower -- will make its annual appearance, peaking in the pre-dawn ...
Nature Center to hold meteor shower skywatch Tuesday, Aug. 11
Shore News Today
The Perseid meteor shower is expected to light up the nighttime sky the second week in August, and participants in the Nature Center of Cape May's ...
You're invited to a meteor shower
Nashoba Publishing
You're Invited to a Perseid Meteor Shower Viewing Celebration Thursday, Aug. 13, 8-11 p.m. at the Heald Street Orchard (one of Pepperell's nicest ...
Hard Labor Creek Park officials encourage camping at the park during meteor events
Hard Labor Creek Park Ranger Phil Delestrez, at right, along with park naturalist Audrey Camp will lead Perseid Meteor Shower events, including a ...
Impressive Perseids meteor showers will be visible August 11-14, says CU-Boulder expert
The Denver Channel
A multiple exposure picture taken in the early hours of August 11, 2013 shows a Perseids meteor shower in the sky, near the municipality of La Hiruela ...
Shenandoah National Park
National Parks Traveler (registration)
There are star shows, and there are star shows, and one of the summer's best is the annual Perseid meteor showers. Next Wednesday, you can enjoy ...
Watch a meteor shower Aug. 13 at Chincoteague refuge
Delmarva Daily Times
Do you love meteor showers? Have you ever thought how cool it would be to view this spectacle of a Perseid Meteor Shower from a barrier island ...
Kick Back, Look Up, We're In For a GREAT PerseidMeteor Shower
Universe Today
This year's Perseid shower will peak on August 12-13 (Wednesday night-Thursday morning) with a meteor a minute visible from a dark sky. Credit: ...
Video "All Sky" Camera (Meteor Cam even?)
Stargazers Lounge
Never enough time, but Interesting stuff these *meteor guys* do... Not a fish-eye lens (perhaps better for it!) but around 120 degrees? But at least I can ...
NASA Is Covering Up 'Devastating' Meteor Impact In Iran To Prevent Panic Ahead Of September 23 ...
The Inquisitr
Conspiracy theory blogs are making claims that the recent meteorimpact event in the Islamic Republic of Iran “devastated” parts of the country, but ... Bravo Sierra News
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
08 August 2015
Nagano, Japan Fireball Meteor 08AUG2015 - 2015年8月8日4時26分15秒ペルセウス座流星群の流星バースト(木下現象)?
Nagano, Japan Fireball Meteor 0426 JST 08AUG2015
SonotaCo Meteor Forum-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
Click on Image to Enlarge Japan Fireball Meteor 0426 JST 08AUG2015 2015年8月8日4時26分15秒ペルセウス座流星群の流星バースト(木下現象)? c2015 hkawa / SonotaCo |
SonotaCo Meteor Forum-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
8:25 am
Japan Fireball Meteor 08AUG2015,
07 August 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08AUG2015
Meteor shower illuminates Oman's sky
Times Of Oman
Muscat: Perseids meteor showers, which started on July 17 and continues up to August 24, continue lighting the Sultanate's skies. The meteors will ...
Lightning can change atomic structures just like meteor impacts
Then it turned out that they are encountered worldwide in craters left by meteor impacts. Volcanoes cannot produce such pressure, so geologists long ...
If You See One Meteor Shower This Year, Make It August's Perseids...
Weinberg's Weather Blog - Typepad
August's Perseid meteor shower peaks just after midnight on a moonless mid-August night. It should put on a great show this year. A good number of ...
Meteor shower over Edmonton skies will be easy to see
Edmonton Sun
Meteor shower over Edmonton skies will be easy to see This NASA image obtained June 27, 2015 shows what Astronaut Ron Garan, Expedition 28 ...
Observing event planned for August 12 meteor shower in Spalding
KXLY Spokane
The event is free and open to the public and will begin at 8 p.m. at the visitor center with Kriss providing information about the Perseidmeteor shower ...
Perseid meteor shower could be best in years
Calgary Sun
TOPSHOTS A multiple exposure picture taken in the early hours of August 12, 2014 shows a Perseids meteor shower in the night sky from the ...
Perseid meteor shower visible from Cincinnati area, peaking Aug. 12
The Perseid meteor shower is visible from Cincinnati area without a telescope, making it one of the best astronomical events of the year for amateur ...
The Perseids meteor shower arises out of the debris of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which last made a pass by Earth in 1992.
4 must-see spots on the way to Eilat
Timna Park, some 17 miles north of Eilat and one of the country's largest nature reserves, is one of the best places to view the Perseidsmeteor shower ...
Get ready for the best meteor shower of the year
The Budapest Report
Astronomy fans are expecting quite a show this August as one of the most anticipated meteor showers happens.This year, the Perseids peak Aug.
Meteor Activity Outlook for August 8-14, 2015
American Meteor Society
This weekend the waning crescent moon will rise during the early morning hours but will not interfere too much with meteor viewing. While not nearly ...
Looking Up: What a great week to see meteors
Worcester Telegram
This is an excellent year for the Perseid meteor shower, one of the strongest and most popular meteor showers. Not only is the moon reaching full ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Approaching
Drudge Retort
August is prime time for meteor watching in the northern hemisphere. The Perseid meteorshower reigns king during the warm evenings of midsummer ...
This Bright Flash Might Look Like A UFO, But It Was Just A Meteor Exploding
This might look like it could be an exploding UFO, but it's actually an exploding meteor over New Zealand. I'm glad we're not being invaded by aliens.
Perseid Meteor Stargaze set for state park
CHESTERTON | The Indiana Dunes State Park will host its ninth annual Perseid Meteor Stargaze beginning at 8:30 p.m. Saturday to dawn the next ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Times Of Oman
Muscat: Perseids meteor showers, which started on July 17 and continues up to August 24, continue lighting the Sultanate's skies. The meteors will ...
Lightning can change atomic structures just like meteor impacts
Then it turned out that they are encountered worldwide in craters left by meteor impacts. Volcanoes cannot produce such pressure, so geologists long ...
If You See One Meteor Shower This Year, Make It August's Perseids...
Weinberg's Weather Blog - Typepad
August's Perseid meteor shower peaks just after midnight on a moonless mid-August night. It should put on a great show this year. A good number of ...
Meteor shower over Edmonton skies will be easy to see
Edmonton Sun
Meteor shower over Edmonton skies will be easy to see This NASA image obtained June 27, 2015 shows what Astronaut Ron Garan, Expedition 28 ...
Observing event planned for August 12 meteor shower in Spalding
KXLY Spokane
The event is free and open to the public and will begin at 8 p.m. at the visitor center with Kriss providing information about the Perseidmeteor shower ...
Perseid meteor shower could be best in years
Calgary Sun
TOPSHOTS A multiple exposure picture taken in the early hours of August 12, 2014 shows a Perseids meteor shower in the night sky from the ...
Perseid meteor shower visible from Cincinnati area, peaking Aug. 12
The Perseid meteor shower is visible from Cincinnati area without a telescope, making it one of the best astronomical events of the year for amateur ...
The Perseids meteor shower arises out of the debris of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which last made a pass by Earth in 1992.
4 must-see spots on the way to Eilat
Timna Park, some 17 miles north of Eilat and one of the country's largest nature reserves, is one of the best places to view the Perseidsmeteor shower ...
Get ready for the best meteor shower of the year
The Budapest Report
Astronomy fans are expecting quite a show this August as one of the most anticipated meteor showers happens.This year, the Perseids peak Aug.
Meteor Activity Outlook for August 8-14, 2015
American Meteor Society
This weekend the waning crescent moon will rise during the early morning hours but will not interfere too much with meteor viewing. While not nearly ...
Looking Up: What a great week to see meteors
Worcester Telegram
This is an excellent year for the Perseid meteor shower, one of the strongest and most popular meteor showers. Not only is the moon reaching full ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Approaching
Drudge Retort
August is prime time for meteor watching in the northern hemisphere. The Perseid meteorshower reigns king during the warm evenings of midsummer ...
This Bright Flash Might Look Like A UFO, But It Was Just A Meteor Exploding
This might look like it could be an exploding UFO, but it's actually an exploding meteor over New Zealand. I'm glad we're not being invaded by aliens.
Perseid Meteor Stargaze set for state park
CHESTERTON | The Indiana Dunes State Park will host its ninth annual Perseid Meteor Stargaze beginning at 8:30 p.m. Saturday to dawn the next ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Dubai Astronomy Group Persides Meteor Shower Night Party 13/14AUG2015
The Event
Astronomy lovers are in for a treat this summer as the, all-time favourite, Perseid Meteor Shower peaks coinciding with the new moon on August 13. The Perseid meteor shower is perhaps the most spectacular one for the Northern Hemisphere and gradually builds to a peak from 50 to 100 meteors per hour in a dark sky.
No special equipment is required to enjoy this spectacle of nature. To make things easier, you don’t even have to be an astronomy expert. We however do recommend that you bring along some mats or chairs to be comfortably seated while gazing into the night sky. And as icing on the cake, astronomers from Dubai Astronomy Group will be available to assist you to observe celestial bodies, such as the planet Saturn and the stars of the Summer Triangle, through their telescopes.
In our day and age of expanded artificial lighting, fewer and fewer people have actually seen the wonders of an inky black night sky. So make a date with the Perseid meteor shower and witness one of nature’s most remarkable sky shows!
The Venue – Mercure Grand Jebel Hafeet, Al Ain
Mercure Grand Jebel Hafeet is a unique mountain oasis resort at the top of historical Jebel Hafeet at the lofty height of 3,000 feet. The hotel features 124 rooms and suites offering ultimate comfort and tranquility in a verdant and spectacular setting with good view, free of noise & air pollution, family-oriented. The hotel is well-known for local and international market in both Business and Leisure Segments. Romantic stay for Honeymooners, Team-building activities & cool climate during summer.
GPS Coordinates - 24.077797, 55.768987
To register for the program please contact
via email at
via phone at +971 3 704 6767
Entry fees for the program is:
Family @ AED 100 (02 Adults and 02 Kids below 12 yrs)
Individual @ AED 50
Special Offer for DAG Members
First 30 DAG members with valid ID DAG membership ID cards get free entrance for the event and a discounted rate of AED 500 net BB DBL!
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
7:23 am
Dubai Astronomy Group,
Persides Meteor Shower Night Party 13/14
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07AUG2015
Lightning can change atomic structures just like meteorimpacts – study
Then it turned out that they are encountered worldwide in craters left by meteor impacts. Volcanoes cannot produce such pressure, so geologists long ...
Lightning is so powerful it changes the atomic structure of rocks
Daily Mail
Lighting bolts (like above) strike with a force equivalent to meteorimpacts, geologists have discovered. This is powerful enough to reshape the atomic ...
NASA Marshall to Host Ustream Event About Perseid Meteor Shower August 12
NASA Blogs
Enjoy a summer evening of sky watching as the annual Perseid meteor shower peaks on the night of August 12 through the morning of August 13.
Perseid Meteor Shower Star Party at Shenandoah National Park
NBC 29 News
Shenandoah National Park will celebrate the peak of the Perseidmeteor shower with a Park-wide “star party” on Wednesday, August 12. Join Park ...
Watch meteor shower at Aldergrove Park on Aug. 8
Aldergrove Star
Gaze at the night sky through a telescope, meet astronomers, and walk along lantern-lit trails at the annual Aldergrove Regional Park meteor shower ...
Here comes the Perseid meteor shower!
Quite possibly the best meteor shower of the year — the Perseids — will be coming to a sky near you next week. "If you see one meteorshower this ...
How do I see the Perseid Meteor Shower?
WWBT NBC12 News (blog)
The Perseids are typically good meteors to watch. The trick is finding a clear night. Thankfully, this year's peak is going to be on a moon-free night!
Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower All Set to Light up Skies
IT Decisions
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower came to its annual peak on July 28-29 with an estimated 15-20 meteors streaking overhead every hour. Unlike other ...
Perseid meteor shower visible from Cincinnati area, peaking Aug. 12
CINCINNATI – One of the best meteor showers of the year for stargazers is happening now, and it's easily visible from the Tri-State area. The Perseid ...
Catch the Perseid meteor shower at Baltimore Woods viewing party
This August, the moon will not be in the night sky as the meteorshower is occurring. This offers observers a clearer view of the meteors, or shooting ...
Perseids meteor shower peaks next week
Prescott Daily Courier
The Perseids meteor shower gets its name from the Perseus constellation, and the meteors entering the earth's atmosphere appear to radiate from the ...
Catching a 'falling star': August brings the annual Perseid meteor shower to the skies over ...
Peterborough Examiner
To learn more about meteor showers come join the Peterborough Astronomical Association (PAA) on Wednesday, Aug. 12 to view the premier meteor ...
2 meteor showers to dazzle skywatchers next week
Hamilton News
Not one, but two meteor showers will make for an exciting celestial show next week.Earth is now moving into the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, the ...
Fireballs possible are Perseid Meteor Shower begins
The Perseid Meteor Shower will peak during the early morning hours August 12th and 13th, but you may see some fireballs (also called Earthgrazers) ..
Unique imagery of meteor strike
Cloudy Nights
In four of the images a meteor strike with after that an expanding plasma cloud was clearly visible: Meteorite explosion by Andre van der Hoeven, ...
Japan Earthquakse 5.2 MAG 1826 JST 06AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Brasil / Argentina Super Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 w / videos ... UK Meteor Apprx. 22.10 GMT 25MAR2014 "click on image to enlarge" UK Meteor ...
Skygazers looking forward to Perseids meteor shower
Maine News Online
It has been reported that the Perseids meteor shower will soon reach its peak. The meteor shower is considered as one of the best among those that ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Then it turned out that they are encountered worldwide in craters left by meteor impacts. Volcanoes cannot produce such pressure, so geologists long ...
Lightning is so powerful it changes the atomic structure of rocks
Daily Mail
Lighting bolts (like above) strike with a force equivalent to meteorimpacts, geologists have discovered. This is powerful enough to reshape the atomic ...
NASA Marshall to Host Ustream Event About Perseid Meteor Shower August 12
NASA Blogs
Enjoy a summer evening of sky watching as the annual Perseid meteor shower peaks on the night of August 12 through the morning of August 13.
Perseid Meteor Shower Star Party at Shenandoah National Park
NBC 29 News
Shenandoah National Park will celebrate the peak of the Perseidmeteor shower with a Park-wide “star party” on Wednesday, August 12. Join Park ...
Watch meteor shower at Aldergrove Park on Aug. 8
Aldergrove Star
Gaze at the night sky through a telescope, meet astronomers, and walk along lantern-lit trails at the annual Aldergrove Regional Park meteor shower ...
Here comes the Perseid meteor shower!
Quite possibly the best meteor shower of the year — the Perseids — will be coming to a sky near you next week. "If you see one meteorshower this ...
How do I see the Perseid Meteor Shower?
WWBT NBC12 News (blog)
The Perseids are typically good meteors to watch. The trick is finding a clear night. Thankfully, this year's peak is going to be on a moon-free night!
Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower All Set to Light up Skies
IT Decisions
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower came to its annual peak on July 28-29 with an estimated 15-20 meteors streaking overhead every hour. Unlike other ...
Perseid meteor shower visible from Cincinnati area, peaking Aug. 12
CINCINNATI – One of the best meteor showers of the year for stargazers is happening now, and it's easily visible from the Tri-State area. The Perseid ...
Catch the Perseid meteor shower at Baltimore Woods viewing party
This August, the moon will not be in the night sky as the meteorshower is occurring. This offers observers a clearer view of the meteors, or shooting ...
Perseids meteor shower peaks next week
Prescott Daily Courier
The Perseids meteor shower gets its name from the Perseus constellation, and the meteors entering the earth's atmosphere appear to radiate from the ...
Catching a 'falling star': August brings the annual Perseid meteor shower to the skies over ...
Peterborough Examiner
To learn more about meteor showers come join the Peterborough Astronomical Association (PAA) on Wednesday, Aug. 12 to view the premier meteor ...
2 meteor showers to dazzle skywatchers next week
Hamilton News
Not one, but two meteor showers will make for an exciting celestial show next week.Earth is now moving into the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, the ...
Fireballs possible are Perseid Meteor Shower begins
The Perseid Meteor Shower will peak during the early morning hours August 12th and 13th, but you may see some fireballs (also called Earthgrazers) ..
Unique imagery of meteor strike
Cloudy Nights
In four of the images a meteor strike with after that an expanding plasma cloud was clearly visible: Meteorite explosion by Andre van der Hoeven, ...
Japan Earthquakse 5.2 MAG 1826 JST 06AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Brasil / Argentina Super Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 w / videos ... UK Meteor Apprx. 22.10 GMT 25MAR2014 "click on image to enlarge" UK Meteor ...
Skygazers looking forward to Perseids meteor shower
Maine News Online
It has been reported that the Perseids meteor shower will soon reach its peak. The meteor shower is considered as one of the best among those that ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
06 August 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06AUG2015
New Study Sheds Light on Origin of Most Common Meteorites | Planetary Science Institute
Tucson, Ariz. -- For decades astronomers debated the source of the most common type of meteorites ...
Perseid meteor shower news: What it's all about and where are the best places to see it
MNR Daily
The Perseids is an annual meteor shower that occurs between July 17 and August 24 when the Eath passes the path of a comet Swift-Tuttle. Although ...
Perseids Meteor Shower 2015
Dark Sky Diary -
This month sees the return of the most reliable meteor shower of the year; the Perseids. And with a New Moon occuring at the same time as the peak ...
Pajama Party at Cascade Township Park for Perseid Meteor Shower
100.5 The River
When the annual Perseid Meteor Shower reached its peak over the past two years, the sky was flooded with obscuring moonlight. This year, the moon ...
Meteor Shower Pajama Party at Devonian Gardens 8/14
Raising Edmonton
Meteor Shower Pajama Party at Devonian Gardens 8/14 ... the busiest times in the sky during the annual Perseids Meteor Shower – August 14, 8pm.
Annual meteor shower easily visible in area
The State Journal-Register
Some residents in the Chatham and Southern View areas have reported seeing activity from what is typically the brightest meteorshower of the year.
Families: Watch the Perseid meteor shower Aug. 9-13
The Bellingham Herald
Although sharp-eyed skywatchers may be spotting a few meteors already, best viewing for the annual Perseid meteor shower is over the next few days ...
Perseids Meteor Shower
Greater Wilmington Convention and Visitors Bureau
Perseids Meteor Shower. Aug 13, 2015; Times: Starting: 9:00 PM. Where: Brandywine Park. 1080 N. Park Dr. Wilmington, DE 19802. Contact: ...
Meteor shower to light up skies over Bath
Bath Chronicle
A spectacular meteor shower is expected to light up the skies over Bath ... the nights of August 11 to 14 in one of the best meteorshowers this year.
Shooting stars over Thanet
Thanet Gazette
The Perseid Meteor Shower is not really falling stars but meteors, particles left over from the comet Swift-Tuttle. The peak of the shower will be ...
Perseid Meteor Realtime Image Gallery
Perseid Meteor Taken by Marko on August 5, 2015 @ Sezana, ... Bright Perseid meteoracross the Milky Way as see above SW Slovenia last night.
Guide To Astronomical Events In August 2015
SpaceGuide To Astronomical Events In August 2015: Perseid Meteor Shower, Super Moon, New Moon ( submitted 33 minutes ago by ...
Cyprus Meteor shower August 12
Cyprus Weekly
The stars fall though out August but for Cyprus the greatest time to witness the meteorshowers will be on the evening of Wednesday August 12.
2 meteor showers to dazzle skywatchers next week
Earth is now moving into the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, the parent of the Perseid meteor shower. Debris from this comet litters the comet's orbit, ...
Tucson, Ariz. -- For decades astronomers debated the source of the most common type of meteorites ...
Perseid meteor shower news: What it's all about and where are the best places to see it
MNR Daily
The Perseids is an annual meteor shower that occurs between July 17 and August 24 when the Eath passes the path of a comet Swift-Tuttle. Although ...
Perseids Meteor Shower 2015
Dark Sky Diary -
This month sees the return of the most reliable meteor shower of the year; the Perseids. And with a New Moon occuring at the same time as the peak ...
Pajama Party at Cascade Township Park for Perseid Meteor Shower
100.5 The River
When the annual Perseid Meteor Shower reached its peak over the past two years, the sky was flooded with obscuring moonlight. This year, the moon ...
Meteor Shower Pajama Party at Devonian Gardens 8/14
Raising Edmonton
Meteor Shower Pajama Party at Devonian Gardens 8/14 ... the busiest times in the sky during the annual Perseids Meteor Shower – August 14, 8pm.
Annual meteor shower easily visible in area
The State Journal-Register
Some residents in the Chatham and Southern View areas have reported seeing activity from what is typically the brightest meteorshower of the year.
Families: Watch the Perseid meteor shower Aug. 9-13
The Bellingham Herald
Although sharp-eyed skywatchers may be spotting a few meteors already, best viewing for the annual Perseid meteor shower is over the next few days ...
Perseids Meteor Shower
Greater Wilmington Convention and Visitors Bureau
Perseids Meteor Shower. Aug 13, 2015; Times: Starting: 9:00 PM. Where: Brandywine Park. 1080 N. Park Dr. Wilmington, DE 19802. Contact: ...
Meteor shower to light up skies over Bath
Bath Chronicle
A spectacular meteor shower is expected to light up the skies over Bath ... the nights of August 11 to 14 in one of the best meteorshowers this year.
Shooting stars over Thanet
Thanet Gazette
The Perseid Meteor Shower is not really falling stars but meteors, particles left over from the comet Swift-Tuttle. The peak of the shower will be ...
Perseid Meteor Realtime Image Gallery
Perseid Meteor Taken by Marko on August 5, 2015 @ Sezana, ... Bright Perseid meteoracross the Milky Way as see above SW Slovenia last night.
Guide To Astronomical Events In August 2015
SpaceGuide To Astronomical Events In August 2015: Perseid Meteor Shower, Super Moon, New Moon ( submitted 33 minutes ago by ...
Cyprus Meteor shower August 12
Cyprus Weekly
The stars fall though out August but for Cyprus the greatest time to witness the meteorshowers will be on the evening of Wednesday August 12.
2 meteor showers to dazzle skywatchers next week
Earth is now moving into the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, the parent of the Perseid meteor shower. Debris from this comet litters the comet's orbit, ...
New Study Sheds Light on Origin of Most Common Meteorites
Planetary Science Institute
Aug. 5, 2015
Tucson, Ariz. -- For decades astronomers debated the source of the most
common type of meteorites that fall on Earth called H ordinary chondrites.
A new study by researchers at the Planetary Science Institute sheds some
light on the origin of these meteorites in the main asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter.
"H-chondrites make up 33 percent of all the meteorites that fall on Earth,
yet their origin has been the source of debate for the last few decades.
We have now added an important piece to this puzzle that will contribute
to resolve this debate," said Juan Sanchez, an associate research scientist
at PSI who is the lead author of a paper published in The Astrophysical
H ordinary chondrites have been traditionally linked to (6) Hebe, a large
asteroid located in the inner part of the main asteroid belt. This study,
however, shows that some of these meteorites might have originated in
a more distant region of the main belt.
The team of astronomers, which included PSI researchers Vishnu Reddy and
Lucille Le Corre, studied minerals on the surface of a near-Earth asteroid
named (214869) 2007 PA8 using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
on Mauna Kea, Hawaii during its close approach to Earth during November
2012. These observations showed that H ordinary chondrite meteorites came
from an asteroid similar to 2007 PA8.
2007 PA8, like all near-Earth asteroids, comes from the main asteroid
belt. However, its orbit places the origin of this object in the outer
regions of the main belt.
"The fact that a near-Earth asteroid with this orbit has a composition
similar to H-chondrites suggests that some of these meteorites might not
be related to (6) Hebe, nor originated in the inner part of the main belt,"
Sanchez said.
"Moreover, it allows us to link H-chondrites to some specific asteroid
families in the outer part of the main belt. Our study shows that the
Koronis family is the most likely source region for 2007 PA8, and possibly
the source for some of the H-chondrites that fall on Earth," he said.
The research is funded by a grant to PSI from NASA's Near Earth Object
Observations program.
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
New Study Sheds Light on Origin of Most Common Meteorites
Planetary Science Institute
Aug. 5, 2015
Tucson, Ariz. -- For decades astronomers debated the source of the most
common type of meteorites that fall on Earth called H ordinary chondrites.
A new study by researchers at the Planetary Science Institute sheds some
light on the origin of these meteorites in the main asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter.
"H-chondrites make up 33 percent of all the meteorites that fall on Earth,
yet their origin has been the source of debate for the last few decades.
We have now added an important piece to this puzzle that will contribute
to resolve this debate," said Juan Sanchez, an associate research scientist
at PSI who is the lead author of a paper published in The Astrophysical
H ordinary chondrites have been traditionally linked to (6) Hebe, a large
asteroid located in the inner part of the main asteroid belt. This study,
however, shows that some of these meteorites might have originated in
a more distant region of the main belt.
The team of astronomers, which included PSI researchers Vishnu Reddy and
Lucille Le Corre, studied minerals on the surface of a near-Earth asteroid
named (214869) 2007 PA8 using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
on Mauna Kea, Hawaii during its close approach to Earth during November
2012. These observations showed that H ordinary chondrite meteorites came
from an asteroid similar to 2007 PA8.
2007 PA8, like all near-Earth asteroids, comes from the main asteroid
belt. However, its orbit places the origin of this object in the outer
regions of the main belt.
"The fact that a near-Earth asteroid with this orbit has a composition
similar to H-chondrites suggests that some of these meteorites might not
be related to (6) Hebe, nor originated in the inner part of the main belt,"
Sanchez said.
"Moreover, it allows us to link H-chondrites to some specific asteroid
families in the outer part of the main belt. Our study shows that the
Koronis family is the most likely source region for 2007 PA8, and possibly
the source for some of the H-chondrites that fall on Earth," he said.
The research is funded by a grant to PSI from NASA's Near Earth Object
Observations program.
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Japan Earthquakse 5.2 MAG 1826 JST 06AUG2015
Japan Earthquake 5.2 MAG 1826 JST 06AUG2015
No damage expected.
Occurred at (JST)- 18:22 JST 06 Aug 2015
No damage expected.
Occurred at (JST)- 18:22 JST 06 Aug 2015
Latitude (degree)- 36.5N
Longitude (degree)- 40.6E
Depth- 60 km
Magnitude- 5.2
Region Name- Ibaraki-ken Hokubu
Longitude (degree)- 40.6E
Depth- 60 km
Magnitude- 5.2
Region Name- Ibaraki-ken Hokubu
JMA Map and event link-
expanded map-
JMA Earthquake webpage link-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
expanded map-
JMA Earthquake webpage link-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
05 August 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05AUG2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04AUG2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
August is often regarded as “meteor month,” with the appearance of one of the best displays of the year. And viewing circumstances will be nearly .
Five best places to watch the Perseid meteorshowers
Los Angeles Times
Star-gazers watch shooting stars above Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in Borrego Springs, Calif. during previous Perseid meteor showers.
Watch the Perseids Meteor Shower Next Week: How and Where to See It
Science World Report
Want to see a meteor shower? Then next week may be your chance. The Perseid meteor shower will be in full swing, and you may be able to start ...
Keep your eyes on the skies for the Perseid meteorshower
Ashbourne News Telegraph
The skies over Ashbourne will be littered with shooting stars for a few days this month, as the annual Perseid meteor shower gets underway.
THE NIGHT SKY: August brings fireworks with meteorshower
South Wales Argus
From late July until mid to late August this annual festival of shooting stars always promises to be a treat, and this year, with the phase of the moon past ...
Skygazers prepare for Perseids meteor shower
NYC Today
According to reports, the Perseids meteor shower is approaching its peak, and it is expected that it will be the best meteor shower in many years.
Meteors over Wheaton party by Adler Planetarium, Cantigny nears
Suburban Life Publications
Cantigny Park will aim for an out-of-this-world experience in partnership with Chicago's Adler Planetarium for their Perseid MeteorShower Star Party.
Celestial Happenings: The Perseid Meteor Shower!
The Perseid meteor shower is annual and noted as one of the best of the year. The peak for 2015 is the morning of August 13th, however, meteors are ...
Guide To Astronomical Events In August 2015: PerseidMeteor Shower, Super Moon, New Moon
Yibada (English Edition)
The most exciting astronomical event of August 2015 is Perseidmeteor shower. The shooting star event that peaks in mid-August will light up the night ...
Local radio operators will monitor Perseid meteor shower
South Shore Breaker
Local radio operators will monitor Perseid meteor shower. Kathy Johnson. Amateur radio operators Roger Sturtevant (left) and Jim Fisher are hoping ...
Perseid Party
KVNF Public Radio
“Look!” I said excitedly, a brilliant streak of light cut through the star-shimmering sky. This was my first experience with the PerseidMeteor shower.
Green meteor crosses the sky of Buenos Aires
A video has emerged of a meteor rushing through the Argentinian sky. The footage, shot on Thursday in...
Star Guide: Perseid meteor shower peaks August 11-14
Reno Gazette Journal
August is prime time for meteor watching in the northern hemisphere. The Perseid meteor shower reigns king during the warm evenings of midsummer ...
Sky programming slated at Cherry Springs State Park
Bradford Era
Then, visitors are invited for a Perseids meteor shower watch from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Monday and Aug. 11. Participants will learn about meteor showers ...
Event 1753-2015
Fireball event
IMO received 28 reports about a fireball seen over NC, VA, PA, NJ, NY, MD, Maryland, West Virginia, KY, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York on ...
Tracking A Mysterious Group of Asteroid Outcasts
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
August 3, 2015
Fast Facts:
* A new NASA study has traced some members of the near-Earth asteroid
population back to their likely source.
* The source may be the Euphrosyne family of dark, asteroids on highly
inclined (or tilted) orbits in the outer asteroid belt.
* The study used data from NASA's NEOWISE space telescope, which has a
second life following its reactivation in 2013.
High above the plane of our solar system, near the asteroid-rich abyss
between Mars and Jupiter, scientists have found a unique family of space
rocks. These interplanetary oddballs are the Euphrosyne (pronounced you-FROH-seh-nee)
asteroids, and by any measure they have been distant, dark and mysterious
-- until now.
Distributed at the outer edge of the asteroid belt, the Euphrosynes have
an unusual orbital path that juts well above the ecliptic, the equator
of the solar system. The asteroid after which they are named, Euphrosyne
-- for an ancient Greek goddess of mirth -- is about 156 miles (260 kilometers)
across and is one of the 10 largest asteroids in the main belt. Current-day
Euphrosyne is thought to be a remnant of a massive collision about 700
million years ago that formed the family of smaller asteroids bearing
its name. Scientists think this event was one of the last great collisions
in the solar system.
A new study conducted by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
in Pasadena, California, used the agency's orbiting Near-Earth Object
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) telescope to look at these
unusual asteroids to learn more about Near Earth Objects, or NEOs, and
their potential threat to Earth.
NEOs are bodies whose orbits around the sun approach the orbit of Earth;
this population is short-lived on astronomical timescales and is fed by
other reservoirs of bodies in our solar system. As they orbit the sun,
NEOs can occasionally have close approaches to Earth. For this reason
alone -- the safety of our home planet -- the study of such objects is
As a result of their study, the JPL researchers believe the Euphrosynes
may be the source of some of the dark NEOs found to be on long, highly
inclined orbits. They found that, through gravitational interactions
with Saturn, Euphrosyne asteroids can evolve into NEOs over timescales
of millions of years.
NEOs can originate in either the asteroid belt or the more distant outer
reaches of the solar system. Those from the asteroid belt are thought
to evolve toward Earth's orbit through collisions and the gravitational
influence of the planets. Originating well above the ecliptic and near
the far edge of the asteroid belt, the forces that shape their trajectories
toward Earth are far more moderate.
"The Euphrosynes have a gentle resonance with the orbit of Saturn that
slowly moves these objects, eventually turning some of them into NEOs,"
said Joseph Masiero, JPL's lead scientist on the Euphrosynes study. "This
particular gravitational resonance tends to push some of the larger fragments
of the Euphrosyne family into near-Earth space."
By studying the Euphrosyne family asteroids with NEOWISE, JPL scientists
have been able to measure their sizes and the amount of solar energy they
reflect. Since NEOWISE operates in the infrared portion of the spectrum,
it detects heat. Therefore, it can see dark objects far better than telescopes
operating at visible wavelengths, which sense reflected sunlight. Its
heat-sensing capability also allows it to measure sizes more accurately.
The 1,400 Euphrosyne asteroids studied by Masiero and his colleagues turned
out to be large and dark, with highly inclined and elliptical orbits.
These traits make them good candidates for the source of some of the dark
NEOs the NEOWISE telescope detects and discovers, particularly those that
also have highly inclined orbits.
NEOWISE was originally launched as an astrophysics mission in 2009 as
the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. It operated until 2011
and was then shut down. But the spacecraft, now dubbed NEOWISE, would
get a second life. "NEOWISE is a great tool for searching for near-Earth
asteroids, particularly high-inclination, dark objects," Masiero said.
There are over 700,000 asteroidal bodies currently known in the main belt
that range in size from large boulders to about 60 percent of the diameter
of Earth's moon, with many yet to be discovered. This makes finding the
specific point of origin of most NEOs extremely difficult.
With the Euphrosynes it's different. "Most near-Earth objects come from
a number of sources in the inner region of the main belt, and they are
quickly mixed around," Masiero said. "But with objects coming from this
family, in such a unique region, we are able to draw a likely path for
some of the unusual, dark NEOs we find back to the collision in which
they were born."
A better understanding of the origins and behaviors of these mysterious
objects will give researchers a clearer picture of asteroids in general,
and in particular the NEOs that skirt our home planet's neighborhood.
Such studies are important, and potentially critical, to the future of
humanity, which is a primary reason JPL and its partners continue to relentlessly
track these wanderers within our solar system. To date, U.S. assets have
discovered more than 98 percent of the known NEOs.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages the
NEOWISE mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
The Space Dynamics Laboratory in Logan, Utah, built the science instrument.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. of Boulder, Colorado, built the spacecraft.
Science operations and data processing take place at the Infrared Processing
and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
NASA's Near-Earth Object Program at NASA Headquarters, Washington, manages
and funds the search, study and monitoring of asteroids and comets whose
orbits periodically bring them close to Earth. JPL manages the Near-Earth
Object Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
For more information about NEOWISE, visit:
More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is available at:
Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
August is often regarded as “meteor month,” with the appearance of one of the best displays of the year. And viewing circumstances will be nearly .
Five best places to watch the Perseid meteorshowers
Los Angeles Times
Star-gazers watch shooting stars above Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in Borrego Springs, Calif. during previous Perseid meteor showers.
Watch the Perseids Meteor Shower Next Week: How and Where to See It
Science World Report
Want to see a meteor shower? Then next week may be your chance. The Perseid meteor shower will be in full swing, and you may be able to start ...
Keep your eyes on the skies for the Perseid meteorshower
Ashbourne News Telegraph
The skies over Ashbourne will be littered with shooting stars for a few days this month, as the annual Perseid meteor shower gets underway.
THE NIGHT SKY: August brings fireworks with meteorshower
South Wales Argus
From late July until mid to late August this annual festival of shooting stars always promises to be a treat, and this year, with the phase of the moon past ...
Skygazers prepare for Perseids meteor shower
NYC Today
According to reports, the Perseids meteor shower is approaching its peak, and it is expected that it will be the best meteor shower in many years.
Meteors over Wheaton party by Adler Planetarium, Cantigny nears
Suburban Life Publications
Cantigny Park will aim for an out-of-this-world experience in partnership with Chicago's Adler Planetarium for their Perseid MeteorShower Star Party.
Celestial Happenings: The Perseid Meteor Shower!
The Perseid meteor shower is annual and noted as one of the best of the year. The peak for 2015 is the morning of August 13th, however, meteors are ...
Guide To Astronomical Events In August 2015: PerseidMeteor Shower, Super Moon, New Moon
Yibada (English Edition)
The most exciting astronomical event of August 2015 is Perseidmeteor shower. The shooting star event that peaks in mid-August will light up the night ...
Local radio operators will monitor Perseid meteor shower
South Shore Breaker
Local radio operators will monitor Perseid meteor shower. Kathy Johnson. Amateur radio operators Roger Sturtevant (left) and Jim Fisher are hoping ...
Perseid Party
KVNF Public Radio
“Look!” I said excitedly, a brilliant streak of light cut through the star-shimmering sky. This was my first experience with the PerseidMeteor shower.
Green meteor crosses the sky of Buenos Aires
A video has emerged of a meteor rushing through the Argentinian sky. The footage, shot on Thursday in...
Star Guide: Perseid meteor shower peaks August 11-14
Reno Gazette Journal
August is prime time for meteor watching in the northern hemisphere. The Perseid meteor shower reigns king during the warm evenings of midsummer ...
Sky programming slated at Cherry Springs State Park
Bradford Era
Then, visitors are invited for a Perseids meteor shower watch from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Monday and Aug. 11. Participants will learn about meteor showers ...
Event 1753-2015
Fireball event
IMO received 28 reports about a fireball seen over NC, VA, PA, NJ, NY, MD, Maryland, West Virginia, KY, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York on ...
Tracking A Mysterious Group of Asteroid Outcasts
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
August 3, 2015
Fast Facts:
* A new NASA study has traced some members of the near-Earth asteroid
population back to their likely source.
* The source may be the Euphrosyne family of dark, asteroids on highly
inclined (or tilted) orbits in the outer asteroid belt.
* The study used data from NASA's NEOWISE space telescope, which has a
second life following its reactivation in 2013.
High above the plane of our solar system, near the asteroid-rich abyss
between Mars and Jupiter, scientists have found a unique family of space
rocks. These interplanetary oddballs are the Euphrosyne (pronounced you-FROH-seh-nee)
asteroids, and by any measure they have been distant, dark and mysterious
-- until now.
Distributed at the outer edge of the asteroid belt, the Euphrosynes have
an unusual orbital path that juts well above the ecliptic, the equator
of the solar system. The asteroid after which they are named, Euphrosyne
-- for an ancient Greek goddess of mirth -- is about 156 miles (260 kilometers)
across and is one of the 10 largest asteroids in the main belt. Current-day
Euphrosyne is thought to be a remnant of a massive collision about 700
million years ago that formed the family of smaller asteroids bearing
its name. Scientists think this event was one of the last great collisions
in the solar system.
A new study conducted by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
in Pasadena, California, used the agency's orbiting Near-Earth Object
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) telescope to look at these
unusual asteroids to learn more about Near Earth Objects, or NEOs, and
their potential threat to Earth.
NEOs are bodies whose orbits around the sun approach the orbit of Earth;
this population is short-lived on astronomical timescales and is fed by
other reservoirs of bodies in our solar system. As they orbit the sun,
NEOs can occasionally have close approaches to Earth. For this reason
alone -- the safety of our home planet -- the study of such objects is
As a result of their study, the JPL researchers believe the Euphrosynes
may be the source of some of the dark NEOs found to be on long, highly
inclined orbits. They found that, through gravitational interactions
with Saturn, Euphrosyne asteroids can evolve into NEOs over timescales
of millions of years.
NEOs can originate in either the asteroid belt or the more distant outer
reaches of the solar system. Those from the asteroid belt are thought
to evolve toward Earth's orbit through collisions and the gravitational
influence of the planets. Originating well above the ecliptic and near
the far edge of the asteroid belt, the forces that shape their trajectories
toward Earth are far more moderate.
"The Euphrosynes have a gentle resonance with the orbit of Saturn that
slowly moves these objects, eventually turning some of them into NEOs,"
said Joseph Masiero, JPL's lead scientist on the Euphrosynes study. "This
particular gravitational resonance tends to push some of the larger fragments
of the Euphrosyne family into near-Earth space."
By studying the Euphrosyne family asteroids with NEOWISE, JPL scientists
have been able to measure their sizes and the amount of solar energy they
reflect. Since NEOWISE operates in the infrared portion of the spectrum,
it detects heat. Therefore, it can see dark objects far better than telescopes
operating at visible wavelengths, which sense reflected sunlight. Its
heat-sensing capability also allows it to measure sizes more accurately.
The 1,400 Euphrosyne asteroids studied by Masiero and his colleagues turned
out to be large and dark, with highly inclined and elliptical orbits.
These traits make them good candidates for the source of some of the dark
NEOs the NEOWISE telescope detects and discovers, particularly those that
also have highly inclined orbits.
NEOWISE was originally launched as an astrophysics mission in 2009 as
the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. It operated until 2011
and was then shut down. But the spacecraft, now dubbed NEOWISE, would
get a second life. "NEOWISE is a great tool for searching for near-Earth
asteroids, particularly high-inclination, dark objects," Masiero said.
There are over 700,000 asteroidal bodies currently known in the main belt
that range in size from large boulders to about 60 percent of the diameter
of Earth's moon, with many yet to be discovered. This makes finding the
specific point of origin of most NEOs extremely difficult.
With the Euphrosynes it's different. "Most near-Earth objects come from
a number of sources in the inner region of the main belt, and they are
quickly mixed around," Masiero said. "But with objects coming from this
family, in such a unique region, we are able to draw a likely path for
some of the unusual, dark NEOs we find back to the collision in which
they were born."
A better understanding of the origins and behaviors of these mysterious
objects will give researchers a clearer picture of asteroids in general,
and in particular the NEOs that skirt our home planet's neighborhood.
Such studies are important, and potentially critical, to the future of
humanity, which is a primary reason JPL and its partners continue to relentlessly
track these wanderers within our solar system. To date, U.S. assets have
discovered more than 98 percent of the known NEOs.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages the
NEOWISE mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
The Space Dynamics Laboratory in Logan, Utah, built the science instrument.
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. of Boulder, Colorado, built the spacecraft.
Science operations and data processing take place at the Infrared Processing
and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
NASA's Near-Earth Object Program at NASA Headquarters, Washington, manages
and funds the search, study and monitoring of asteroids and comets whose
orbits periodically bring them close to Earth. JPL manages the Near-Earth
Object Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
For more information about NEOWISE, visit:
More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is available at:
Media Contact
DC Agle
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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