Showing posts with label Zanjan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zanjan. Show all posts

11 August 2015

شهاب Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015 video of meteorite found -uncut

شهاب - Zanjan, NW Iran Bolide Meteor 30JUL2015  video of meteorite found -uncut
  Two farmer witnesses describe to a team of YJC.IR journalists the meteor event, what they saw and heard, and the later finding of the meteorite in the farm field. Several sonic booms were heard and one witness saw and heard a rock fall and later found it in a small shallow impact pit in a crop field. - LunarMeteoriteHunter

شهاب  Iran Meteor Strike Local Report July 31, 2015- uncut full video
Posted to YouTube by psuedon name 7,895 views

Latest official Iranian Mehr News Agency report-
An incident recorded meteorite!
Mehr News AgencyMehr News Agency discusses the meteor event ..."The interesting point is that the film was published interviews with inhabitants of a village and a group of  journalists to portray the meteorite that crashed meteorite true, but not yet officially confirmed...."
  LunarMeteoriteHunter Note- It seems that there is discussion as to who owns the meteorite under Iranian law and therefore there is a sudden "lack of information" . The article discusses monetary, cultural heritage and scientific values and indirectly concludes that the rock belongs to the State.
Link to post in Farsi-

03 August 2015

Zanjan, Iran Meteorite Claimed Fell 30JUL2015 w/ photos and video

Zanjan, Iran Meteorite Claimed Fell 30JUL2015 w/ photos and video report
Iran TWO Meteorite Falls in 2015!
-Google translated from Farsi
News Report- Meteorite in Zanjan, Iran Reported Found- Photo
Vista News- Iran
Sunday, Persian date 11 Mordad 1394 at 20:40
Click Image
Zanjan, Iran Claimed Meteorite Fall 30JUL2015
Red Markers mark locations of initial reports.
c 2015 Dirk Ross / Google Earth
Another NEW Photo!
Click Image
Zanjan, Iran Meteorite Fall 2015
Source- Tabnak News - Iran
Iranian TV Channel 2 News Video Report
اولین فیلم منتشر شده از شهاب سنگ فرود آمده در زنجان!
Posted on YouTube by IranianTvChannel2 3,133 views

News Report-  Meteorites around a village in Zanjan, according to the officials being investigated.
Click Image
Meteorite Reported Found in Zanjan, IranSource- Vista News, Iran
According to the appeal, there is a luminous object in the sky after a few provinces have different opinions on this issue have taken place.

The people of Zanjan, Qazvin, Hamedan and Alborz province saw a luminous object in the sky, but it is still unclear what the object is and where it happened.

But after that things happened in some parts of that said, the remains of the meteorite, but officials said that the accuracy is pending.

Photo taken forward by a reporter Zanjan, Zanjan piece of stone that said a farmer who witnessed the collision has been said, the stone piece of meteorite has been found.

Vista News- Iran- Original report in Farsi-


Tabnak News - Iran Original report in Farsi-

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