23 May 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2013

Watching for hazards: ESA opens asteroid centre
European Space Agency
22 May 2013
ESA today inaugurated a new hub that will strengthen Europe's
contribution to the global hunt for asteroids and other hazardous
natural objects that may strike Earth.
Near-Earth Objects, or NEOs, are asteroids or comets with sizes
ranging from metres to tens of kilometres that orbit the Sun and
whose orbits come close to that of Earth. There are over 600 000
asteroids known in our Solar System, and almost 10 000 of them are
NEOs. ... more

Asteroid not hitting earth on May 31: But will certainly scare us
Northern Voices Online
On February 15th , the Russians got a preview of the events that would take place following ameteor attack. Thousands of people of Chelyabinsk in South-western Russia were shocked beyond belief when an 11-ton meteorite that exploded above their city ...

Witnesses in Md. and region report seeing meteor
The Virginian-Pilot
A bright light seen traveling across the sky over the weekend by dozens of witnesses across Maryland and the region is what astronomers are calling a fragmenting meteoric fireball. The Frederick News-Post of Maryland reports witnesses saw the fireball ...

Huge Asteroid to Fly Close to Earth in 2028; What if it Hits Earth?
TopNews New Zealand
The meteor left the people in a state of shock as it comes unexpectedly without any public announcement by the authorities. Fortunately, the meteor has already fall down after detaching lots of its energy as it broke in the upper area of the atmosphere.

Witnesses in Maryland and region report seeing bright light of a meteoric fireball
Washington Post
The Frederick News-Post (http://bit.ly/18ibFNM ) of Maryland reports witnesses saw the fireballSaturday as early as 12:18 a.m. and as late as 1 a.m., with the majority of the sightings around 12:30 a.m. Some witnesses also reported hearing delayed booms.

Look up at the stars…
The term meteor shower is often used loosely, but a meteor storm is much rarer. Probably the best example is the Leonids, a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. When the meteor shower was seen in 1883, it was estimated that ...

Sky's the limit for Durham astronomy club
July 27, 28: Delta Aquarids meteor shower. The Delta Aquarids is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to Aug. 23.

Large Fireball with Booms over PA & MD with bonus fireball in CO ...
On the east coast over 25 witness reported a fragmenting fireball with delayed boom sounds around 12:30 EST (4:30 UTC). The fireball entered the atmosphere ...

Maryland Residents See Meteoric Fireball Shoot Across Sky « CBS ...
A bright light seen traveling across the sky over the weekend by dozens of witnesses across Maryland and the region is what astronomers are calling a ...

Astronomers: Bright light in sky early Saturday was fragmenting meteoric fireball
The Herald-Mail
... fragmenting meteoric fireball. The Frederick (Md.) News-Post reports witnesses saw the fireballSaturday as early as 12:18 a.m. and as late as 1 a.m., with the majority of the sightings around 12:30 a.m. Some witnesses also reported hearing delayed ...

Mars Meteorite May Fetch $160,000 At Auction
Wed, 22 May, 2013 09:05 AM PDT
A meteorite that originated on Mars is expected to fetch at least $160,000 when it hits the auction block June 2 as part of a collection of rare geological specimens.Continue reading

A giant meteor - not overhunting - wiped out the woolly mammoth ...
Research published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that ameteor strike 12800 years ago caused rapid climate ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10MAY2013 | Space
-The UK meteor WAS NOT an ETA from Halley! Soccer-ball-sized meteor burns green in sky over Fort Collins The Coloradoan The red line in this image shows ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 May 2013

MBIQ Detects Alberta / NWT Canada Meteor 21MAY2013

MBIQ Detects Alberta / NWT Canada Fireball Meteor 21MAY2013
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
21MAY2013 rod Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA 22:30 MDT perhaps 2 seconds Initially spotted due North ..... disappeared to the NE, .. I was facing north Brilliant white (looked almost like ISS (bright halogen like) ... but wrong direction, wrong location, and much faster than ISS Very bright (Venus like, .. ISS like when ISS passes in orbit close by) Not that I had time to witness or observe It appears that something was detected over NWT / CANADA last evening

MBIQ Data Sample-
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
12:35:34 -- 16 minutes ago

Calgary, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching forMAY 21 2013, CALGARY SW, STRANGE LIGHT ON THE SKY.
12:30:16 -- 21 minutes ago

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2013

County witnesses report seeing large, bright meteor
Frederick News Post (subscription)
If you saw a bright light blazing across the sky early Saturday and thought you might be going crazy, you're not, and you're not alone. Dozens of witnesses across the state and the region reported seeing what astronomers are calling a fragmenting ...

Green meteor amazes stargazers
Staffordshire Newsletter
Green meteor amazes stargazers. Witnesses have described watching a green-tinged meteor flash across the evening sky. The "fireball" shot over England and Wales in a northerly direction at around 9.45pm on Wednesday. Experts believe the meteor might...

News - Meteor captured over Indonesian volcano - The Weather ...
As if it wasn't impressive enough to capture a picture of a meteor-- one person snapped one as it streaked across the sky above a volcano! The volcano was ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects Michigan ...
MBIQ Detects Michigan, Ohio, Ontario Meteor 11MAY2013 ... If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches May 2013

UPDATED- See added updates in red below.
Alert Large Fireball Meteor Events Pending 21-25 MAY 2013
Passing NEOs 2013 KT1, 2013 KS1, 2013 KB, will pass 21-22 MAY with an Lunar Distance of less than 5LD.
I expect that there are others leading or trailing them that have not been detected,
and some will produce meteors or large fireballs.
Be ready for observations and camera capture. We may soon have some new meteorites!

If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/

NEO Asteroids Close Approaches MAY 2013 -published 01MAY2013
  At the time of this posting there were no NEOs with an LD of 10 or less.  I expect that we will see several fireballs 2-3 days prior and following 10MAY2013 as 360191 (1988 TA) passes.  On May 23 163364 (2002 OD20) with a diameter of 470 m - 1.0 km will pass so I  expect some activity 2-3 days prior and after. Also as 285263 (1998 QE2)  with a diameter of 1.3km passes on 31MAY2013 expect some increased worldwide meteor activity 2-3 days either side of May 31.  If there are any later new discoveries of NEOs this page will be updated ASAP.   -LunarMeteoriteHunter,  Tokyo

(2013 KT1) 2013-May-210.00823.213 m - 29 m26.55.82
(2013 KS1) 2013-May-220.01234.811 m - 25 m26.99.50

(2013 KQ1) 2013-May-160.01696.611 m - 26 m26.85.55

(2013 KB) 2013-May-220.00813.29.8 m - 22 m27.26.75

(2013 KA) 2013-May-170.00532.16.1 m - 14 m28.25.18

(2013 JM22) 2013-May-160.02037.969 m - 150 m22.929.34

(2013 JU17) 2013-May-090.030611.916 m - 35 m26.16.96
(2013 JR7) 2013-May-100.02349.111 m - 24 m27.07.13
(2013 JV17) 2013-May-060.01054.17.2 m - 16 m27.88.69

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2006 HC) 2013-May-010.155860.620 m - 45 m25.65.54
(2013 EU9) 2013-May-010.095137.0120 m - 270 m21.72.57
(2007 WU3) 2013-May-010.157661.356 m - 120 m23.45.11
(2009 TP) 2013-May-030.154760.252 m - 120 m23.510.82
359592 (2010 VA1) 2013-May-030.117645.8260 m - 590 m20.06.63
(2006 YF) 2013-May-040.106541.4170 m - 380 m21.08.74
(2008 UC202) 2013-May-040.110242.96.0 m - 13 m28.26.19
(2013 GQ38) 2013-May-050.052920.657 m - 130 m23.37.72
(2012 DL31) 2013-May-050.177068.977 m - 170 m22.75.84
(2013 GR38) 2013-May-050.048118.7110 m - 250 m21.913.33
(2010 KX7) 2013-May-050.113644.2110 m - 240 m21.910.88
(2009 BL2) 2013-May-070.134252.2350 m - 770 m19.49.03
360191 (1988 TA) 2013-May-100.033613.1400 m20.813.51
(2013 GF) 2013-May-110.145056.4140 m - 320 m21.38.57
(2012 VO76) 2013-May-120.106041.2180 m - 390 m20.920.62
(2008 OX2) 2013-May-120.141855.2260 m - 580 m20.114.98
(2010 SO16) 2013-May-140.153759.8210 m - 460 m20.59.75
(2010 LF14) 2013-May-150.096037.443 m - 96 m23.95.78
(2013 HT15) 2013-May-160.044617.3120 m - 270 m21.712.27
(2012 XM55) 2013-May-160.129350.37.2 m - 16 m27.82.04
(2012 FC71) 2013-May-210.057422.324 m - 53 m25.23.25
(2011 KG4) 2013-May-220.177969.267 m - 150 m23.011.99
(2000 GD147) 2013-May-220.144556.3250 m - 560 m20.115.11
(2012 VN82) 2013-May-220.184371.7270 m - 610 m19.912.09
163364 (2002 OD20) 2013-May-230.038815.1470 m - 1.0 km18.810.18
(2009 SB) 2013-May-230.196976.6200 m - 460 m20.631.78
172722 (2004 BV102) 2013-May-250.179569.9840 m - 1.9 km17.526.53
(2012 KF25) 2013-May-260.079330.923 m - 51 m25.39.14
(2011 KE3) 2013-May-300.130350.743 m - 97 m23.95.36
285263 (1998 QE2) 2013-May-310.039215.21.3 km - 2.9 km16.610.58
Source- NASA/JPL http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

re-posted 19MAY2013
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21MAY2013

A giant meteor - not overhunting - wiped out the woolly mammoth because it ...
Daily Mail
They believe a huge meteor smashing through the Earth's atmosphere broke up into ten million tonnes of fiery fragments, scattering over four continents. These fragments are thought to have released toxic gas which poisoned the air and blacked out the ...

Huge asteroid to fly past Earth: What would happen if asteroid hits earth?
Northern Voices Online
Luck favoured the residents as the meteor had already crumbled after shedding lots of its energy as it broke apart in the upper atmosphere. It also came in at a shallow angle, so frictional forces slowed it down significantly. But have you ever ...

Four Fireballs at Four in Last 24 Hours | American Meteor Society
In the last 24 hours the AMS has received confirmed reports about 4 unique fireball events all occurring near 4:00 AM UTC time. The most recent event occurred ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado Fireball Meteor ...
Colorado Fireball Meteor approx. 21'45 MDT 17MAY2013 f you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 May 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20MAY2013

Meteor the Size of a Car Lands in the Bay Area - Top News - Mill ...
A large meteor that was seen and heard in Fairfax and throughout the Bay Area apparently fell in the East Bay hills Wednesday night. It is not part of.

Meteor caught on camera over volcano - ABC2News
ABC2 News
Amazing pictures out of Indonesia as a photographer snapped a photo of a meteorover a volcano. In the distance of the picture, you can see Mount Bromo as the meteorstreaks above. Mount Bromo is one of just a handful of active volcanoes in Indonesia.

Huge asteroid does a near Earth fly-by this month
The airburst blew out windows and knocked people to the ground, injuring approximately 1,500 people in Chelyabinsk, Russia. The meteor (technically, a bolide) completely surprised astronomers, who were intent on studying the near Earth fly-by of ...

Mini-meteorite lands in Bay of Plenty garage
Hollis said: "Evidence suggests that because we were going through that particular meteor storm, and the best time for viewing was in the morning of that day, it seems likely it's part of the same debris field." He said the discovery was "pretty cool ... This was NOT a meteorite!

UFO captured in Prescott, Arizona by NASA AllSky ...
17 sec
This is a strange one folks. Expand the screen. This falls to Earth like ameteorite. You can see ...

"ناسا ": نيزك يرتطم بالقمر ويثير وميضاً خاطفًا‎ - YouTube
http://www.alaan.tv http://akhbar.alaan.tv قال علماء في إدارة الطيران والفضاء الأمريكية "ناسا"، إن تلسكوباً آليا يراقب القمر، التقط ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 May 2013

KY IL AR TN MO MS Meteor 18MAY2013

KY IL AR TN MO MS Meteor approx.22:40 CST 18MAY2013
"click on image to enlarge"
KY IL AR TN MO MS Meteor approx.22:40 CST 18MAY2013
v.5 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
18MAY2013 Tristen Dixon Vilonia, AR 22:45:00 5 seconds Faced east, went from south to north Green/white Very bright white No None

18MAY2013 Jb Augusta, Arkansas, USA 22:40:00 Aprox 4 sec S-N Bright blue green white flashes Bright as the moon flashes as bright as the sun like lightning Small pieces like sparks Could swear I heard a distant jet like noise which may have been an actual jet but it did directly coincide with the meteor so ????

18MAY2013 Michael Schoelzel Mascoutah, IL, USA 22:40 cst the last 2 seconds start east traveled west, I was lookiing south super brilliant white & Green super bright fragmentation yes, looked like it disintegrated with green fragments as it was breaking 2nd probably most amazing thing I've seen, right after last weeks observation, interestingly in the same area of the sky from my point of view, simply breathtaking, something is really not right here, I've been fascinated with the sky all my life, but only in recent years, or better yet months have I ever witnessed such wild activity, thank you for the interest, I feel better now having reported it!

18MAY2013 Gerard Randolph Lewisburg, TN USA 10:30-40 Central Time It was not beyond 30 seconds.Fiery E-W Was looking at the sky and saw what appeared to be a falling star, but started getting bigger as it kept moving toward the west. Looked like a huge ball of fire. Fiery looking. Towards the tale of it it was falling off. Really an amazing sight!!!

18MAY2013 Trevor Sales Bowling Green Ky Usa 2230 ish central standard 5 seconds United States no sound large burning fireball white flame trail with green front approximately lunar brightness appeared to be breaking slightly from my perspective approximately similar in size to the footage I saw of the large fireball seen in Russia recently shown on the daily show

18MAY2013 David Edwardsville, il 22:30:00 aprx 4 to 8 seconds. I was not expecting it Just caught it in the corner of my eye and it got my attention I was facing south it moved from n-e to s-w I saw a bright blue green streak with a long tail. it went out before hitting the ground. it was EXTREMELY close at least as bright as a full moon I could see larger lighted pieces falle from the tail area. i think I caught a faint sight of something after light went out. like I said It was CLOSE It was awesome. i am not a star gazer but wish I had my camera.

Meteor Sighting in Hot Springs, AK
I was headed west down highway 270 B around 10:30 pm on may 16th 2013. A big green meteor shot across the sky traveling north to south. It was an awesome sight. The front of it was a distinctive green color and it had a long tail behind it that appeared to be an orange color. Little pieces were breaking off of it as it approached the tree line and went out of sight. feel free to reply if you have any questions. I sighted it in Hot Springs Arkansas. - Cody B.

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall in La Paz, Mexico Meteor? 18MAY2013

MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall??? in La Paz, Mexico 4:08 pm Local Time 18MAY2013

Latest updates! 20APR2013
Nada, Nada! No evidence of Meteorite!
Nothing, nothing meteor!
- ...no evidence whatsoever that might confirm the impact of an object on the ground, trying to find evidence of the alleged secondary fires likely impact, damage to flora or property and confirm the fact. Likewise were interviewed locals to try to locate witnesses who could provide information about the course of the meteor impact site without anyone else could confirm the fact.  ...more

Military Investigating!
Personal mlitar is heading to San Pedro
...Army units have been mobilized to the area of ​​San Pedro, El Carrizal and Meliton Albañez Ejido, where residents also reported a potential impact of an unknown object. ... more

"click on image to enlarge"
La Paz, Mexico
"click on image to enlarge"
La Paz, Baja California, Sur and San Pedro, Mexico Area
Anyone who saw this possible meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you.

NOTE- The photo on Twitter was NOT from this event; it was of the Russian meteor event of 15FEB2013.

I have just been made aware of a news story about this possible meteor event in La Paz, Mexico; thank you to Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza in Brasil! -

Reports received-
18MAY2013 Jeff Gfroerer Bahia de La Ventana Baja 16:30:00 1.5 sec S Beautiful orange yellow tail Venus No First meteor I saw during daylight hours

18MAY2013 Jorge La Paz, Baja California, Sur 16:08:00 1 to 3 sec Prob N to S, facing SW. Orange - Red Yellow | Heard strong sound more than venus. SW the city Many people saw the meteorite, we heard a clear and strong sound a few minutes after falling the felt walls and windows shaking.

Possible meteorite fall in La Paz
Colectivo Pericú 18MAY2013
La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...

Another story just posted-
-Witnesses report that a ball of white / red that left a trail, crossed the horizon and seconds later heard a loud explosion.
Police looking for traces of meteorite
La Paz, B.C.S.- La caída de un objeto misterioso ocurrida a las 4:08 de la tarde de hoy y que causó una fuerte explosión que se escuchó en la ciudad capital, ha originado ya la movilización de elementos de la Policía Municipal y de Protección Civil por la zona de Chametla y El Centenario. ...
La Paz, BCS-The fall of a mysterious object that occurred at 4:08 pm today and caused a loud explosion was heard in the capital city, has originated and mobilization of elements of the Municipal Police and Protective Civil Chametla area and El Centenario. ...

MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur,. Mexico arrived from google.com.mx on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.

MBIQ-Meteor Bot Internet Query bot-http://mbiq.blogspot.jp/

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19MAY2013

Giant ice meteor slams to Earth near kids playing in Tennessee ...
May 14, 2013 – GRAY, TN (WJHL) - A Tri-Cities man has video of what appears to be a large chunk of ice that he says fell from the sky on Wednesday (May 8) ...

Massive asteroid 1998 QE2 set to fly past Earth
Herald Sun
Incredibly, less than 24 hours earlier a meteor exploded in the Siberian sky with the force of 20 atomic bombs, injuring more than 1,000 people as it blasted out windows and spread panic in Chelyabinsk, a Russian city in the Urals of 1 million ...

Fireball in the Sky! - Blogs - NASA
The NASA All Sky Fireball Network detected this beauty on May 16, 2013.

Big Bang: Biggest meteorite explosion rocks the Moon
The event is part of 'lunar meteor showers' observed by astronauts of the Moon exploration program. The 40-kg meteorite measuring 0.3 to 0.4 meters wide traveling 56,000 mph slammed through the Moon's surface on March 17, 2013. The explosion from the ...

Halley's Comet Meteor Spotted By Two NASA Cameras | Video ...
The all-sky and wide-field cameras at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama ...

NASA: Meteor slams into Moon, causes explosion ... - News.com.au
A MASSIVE explosion from a meteor which crashed into the Moon was visible to the naked eye on Earth, NASA says.

NASA: Meteor slams into Moon, causes explosion visible to ... - Reddit
The meteor hits with enough force to melt the surface material into magma. ... A meteor hits, vaporizes itself into the surface and throws up "sand" in a big cloud.

NASA says meteor impact on the moon glowed like a star
GREENBELT, Md., May 17 (UPI) -- NASA astronomers monitoring the moon for signs of meteor impacts say they've identified the biggest explosion in the history of the observation program. The scientists, who have spent 8 years looking for explosions ...

NASA La Lune enregistre sa plus forte explosion de météorite depuis le début ...
L'explosion qui s'est produite suite à la chute d'un météorite sur la superficie de la Lune a été 10 fois plus éclatante que toutes les explosions précédentes. Les spécialistes observent toutes les explosions produites sur la superficie lunaire afin d ...

Meteoroid impact triggers bright flash on the moon
May be related to meteor shower on Earth. By Irene Klotz. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., May 17 (Reuters) - An automated telescope monitoring the moon has captured images of an 88-pound (40 kg) rock slamming into the lunar surface, creating a bright flash of ...

Meteor crashes into moon's surface causing flash ...
A Nasa telescope captures the moment a 40kg (88lb) rock crashes into the moon's surface on ...

Video: Nasa captures the moment a meteor collides ...
A meteoroid has hit the moon's surface triggering a bright flash which was filmed by a Nasa ...

Meteor strike with moon causes massive explosion
Sydney Morning Herald
The most powerful meteor strike on the moon ever observed has just been announced by NASA. A March 17 strike on the moon caused an explosion equal to five tons of TNT and could have seen with the naked eye, said Bill Cooke, head of NASA's ...

NASA reports giant moon explosion after meteor slams into surface at 90000 km/h
National Post
This event was also paired with more meteor strikes on Earth. “On the night of March 17, NASA and University of Western Ontario all-sky cameras picked up an unusual number of deep-penetrating meteors right here on Earth,” Cooke continued. “These ...

NASA Announces Brightest Lunar Explosion Ever Recorded
National Geographic
Credit: NASA. A boulder-sized meteor slammed into the moon in March, igniting an explosion so bright that anyone looking up at the right moment might have spotted it, NASA announced Friday. NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office is reporting the discovery ...

Skies Over West Seattle: Mid-May 2013 edition
West Seattle Blog (blog)
May 17, 2013 at 7:41 pm | In Skies Over West Seattle, West Seattle news | 1 Comment. EDITOR'S NOTE: Ever wish for advance alert of an upcoming meteorshower/eclipse/etc. – and/or wonder “What's that bright 'star' up there?” Here you go! Fourth edition ...

NASA: Meteor slams into Moon, causes explosion visible to naked eye on Earth
Herald Sun
A boulder-sized meteor slammed into the moon in March, causing an explosion so bright anyone looking up at the right moment would have spotted it, NASA said. NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office is reporting the discovery of the brightest impact seen on ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07MAY2013
Hearing the Russian meteor, in America: Sound arrived in 10 hours . ... It's that time of year again: the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is scheduled to peak tonight ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06MAY2013
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls & Related News. Make a meteor report. *.blogspot ...

Cosmic Queries: Asteroids, Comets and Meteor Storms | StarTalk ...
Science, pop culture & comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities & scientists .

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 May 2013

NJ VA PA MD NY Meteor Reports 18MAY2013

NJ VA PA MD NY Meteor Reports 00:15-01:00 EDT 18MAY2013
"click on image to enlarge"
NJ VA PA MD NY Meteor Reports 18MAY2013
v.4 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/

Initial Reports-
18May2013 John Pennington, NJ 1:00:00 5 sec s-n bright yellow not sure but really bright no traveling low

18MAY2013 David Manassas, Va ~00:45 ~3 Seconds E-W Blue Flickering Bright as moon but smaller, Bluish in color Obscured by clouds I personally only caught the last 2 seconds of it, but neighbors saw it from 'high noon' to horizon.  Moved very quickly.

18MAY2013 steve springfield va usa 00'45am 3 seconds north green very bright circle too fast

18MAY2013 John P BERKELEY SPRINGS 00:40 EST 10 sec United States Light Blue/Blue Same as sun Yes Very Load Deep Pitched Explosion Bright Looks like it may have hit the ground.. The light traveled far down to about a 0 degree angle

18MAY2013 Brian Mayer York, Pa 35 10 secs Nw-SE and Southern Sky blue steak and fireball at end bright blue and orange glow at end none none

18MAY2013 Daniel Harper Westminster, Maryland, USA 1:35 am eastern standard time maybe 3 or 4 seconds i didnt really time it i wax facing west Just bright blue and disappeared behind some tree cover similar to the moon not that i saw whole group of us saw it at a bonfire

18MAY2013 Anthony The service road of the Long Island Expressway in Maspeth, NY, USA Around 0030 or 12:30 am EST Maybe 5 seconds. I was facing West towards the New York City skyline and the Moon. It appeared below the Moon  and moved South to North. Similar pale yellow glow to the moon at that time but with some of what almost appeared to be green in the tail. I would say it's brightness was similar to the moon or just a notch below that. None that I could see. I was walking near the Long island Expressway and from the angle I stood at the New York City skyline was blocked by the walls next to the expressway. I saw the object just over the wall but beneath the moon in the sky. I've never filed a report like this before and I hope this is a sufficient amount of information.

18MAY2013 Matt Pritt Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 00:15 EDT approximately 3-5 seconds traveling in a southeasterly direction, I was facing towards the south at the time greenish blue streak with longish tail, seemed to flash just a bit before disappearing streak was bright enough tpo be seen clearly despite normal interference from city lights, but not so bright as to illuminate the whole sky didn't notice any pieces falling off Noticed event when I was walking south on McKee Place (300 block) in Pittsburgh, noticed the streak as I had looked up and to the left slightly, if my path would be considered 12 o'clock I would say the object moved at a trail that would be 10:30 ish or so before flashing brightly before disappearing from view

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Colorado Fireball Meteor 17MAY2013

Colorado Fireball Meteor approx. 21'45 MDT 17MAY2013
"click on image to enlarge"
Colorado Fireball Meteor 17MAY2013
v.4 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
17MAY2013 Karmen Franklin Westminster, CO 21:45 MST appx 4 seconds United States, E-W, seemed to fade over the Rocky Mountains very bright white, almost yellow brighter than Venus, like a small sun just faded slowly seemed to have a tail

17MAY2013 van hecke castle rock,co. 2155 10 seconds right to left  north white moon no no

17MAY2013 Ellen Fort Collins, CO, USA 21:45 MDST 3-4 with a short break E-W Bright white with colored tail moon Don't think so bright ball of reasonable size with short tail

17MAY2013 Jordan Koenig Greeley co 930 pm 2 seconds headed north; left to right; i was facing west; distance equal to a pens length held at arms length. it was bright green, with a luminescent yellow/green. moon no parts falling off; moving at a tremendous rate of speed. The object appeared to come blindingly fast through the sky from seemingly nowhere. It was there for 2ish seconds, than it simply disappeared into the atmosphere.

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Earthquake 5.9 Mag 18MAY2013

Japan Earthquake 5.9 Mag 14:48 JST 18MAY2013

No damage reported.
Occurred at (JST)- 14:48 JST 18 May 2013
Latitude-  201337.7N
Longitude- 141.6E
Depth- 50km
Magnitude- 5.9
Region Name- Fukushima-ken Oki

JMA Official Website Report-

For the Official notices and information of all Japanese earthquakes-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!