04 May 2013

MA PA NJ NY RI CT Meteor 04MAY2013

MA PA NJ NY RI CT Meteor approx. 03'10 EDT 04MAY2013
"click on image to enlarge"
MA PA NJ NY RI CT Meteor 04MAY2013
v.6 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
There should be meteorites found from this event and we need the local peoples to assist.  Thank you! 

 IF you find more original videos OR information about a meteorite being found please email me at  

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

04MAY2013 Heather Kelco old bridge, nj united states 321 10-15 seconds n-s i was facing east no sound, bright long tail disintegrating as it traveled downward and south sun it was losing pieces from the tail as it dropped long tail it was falling downward as it traveled north to south tail was long and seemed to get fatter as it was dropping could distinctly see bright pieces falling off tail

04MAY2013 Gerry ROCKAWAY NJ USA 311 7 N-S L-R EAST 400-500MPH WHITE WHITER THAN AIRCRAFT LANDING LIGHTS WAS 1 THEN 3 AT LOS Was 3x faster than local airport traffic and elongated at the loss of sight. Great!
04MAY2013 Stephanie Stamford, ct 3:15:00 10 seconds South - left to right Bright white Moon Yes N/a

04MAY2013 Sid KENDALL PARK, NJ USA 3:05:00 4-5 seconds North to South Bright light streaking across sky, no sound moon, first quarter Fell apart as it streaked across sky While watching stars, saw a bright streak across sky from North to South breaking apart leaving smaller trails of bright lights as it went south

04MAY2013 veronica whiting Allentown, PA USA 3:10am EST 20 sec left to right gold sparkle started off bright and faded yes very close...airplane distance

04MAY2013 Mike Reardon North Andover MA 03:15 hrs 5-10 sec n-s i was facing east orange/red long tail. very bright yes, seemed to be Most amazing thing Ive seen.

Over 45 Reports!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 May 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03MAY2013

Possible MeteoriteFragments from 1908 Tunguska Explosion Found
Thu, 02 May, 2013 01:32 PM PDT
The 1908 explosion over the Tunguska region in Siberia has always been an enigma. While the leading theories of what caused the mid-air explosion are that an asteroid or comet shattered in an airburst event, no reliable trace of such a body has ever been found. But a newly published paper reveals three differ...Continue reading Bad Science at its best!

Billion-year-old meteor could hold clues to Mars life
They found mineral and chemical signatures on the meteor that indicate terrestrial weathering -- changes that took place on Earth -- and say identification of these kinds of changes will provide valuable clues as scientists examine the meteorites further.

Possible first fragments of 1908 Tunguska meteorite!
EarthSky (blog)
On February 15, 2013, a meteor apparently exploded in the air over Russia. Since then, many have said it was the largest meteor explosion in Earth's atmosphere since the Tunguska event – also in Russia – in 1908. The February 15 event broke windows in ... Bad Science at its best!

Several satellites visible in night sky
Saturn can be seen for most of the night sky during May. Uranus is low in the eastern dawn sky. Neptune can be seen in the eastern morning sky. May 5 - The Eta Aquarids meteor shower peaks after midnight. As far as meteor showers go this is a minor one.

Ancient meteorite could reveal Martian secrets
Thu, 02 May, 2013 11:17 AM PDT
In an effort to determine if conditions were ever right on Mars to sustain life, a team of scientists, including a Michigan State University professor, has examined a meteorite that formed on the red planet more than a billion years ago. read more Continue reading

Eta Aquarid meteor shower this weekend; was Wednesday night fireball sneak ...
Washington Post
A spectacular fireball shot through the D.C. region's western skies Wednesday night, a possible prelude to the Eta Aquarid meteor shower which peaks this weekend. At least 3 dozen skywatchers in 6 states in the Mid-Atlantic reported the fireball around ...

The Second Largest Iron Meteorite Found in USA ...
3 min
This is the second largest iron meteorite found in USA. Found in 1975 in the Old Woman ...

May's meteor showers and bright star powers
Pacific Daily News
I got several inquiries about the Lyrid meteor shower last month, but the Lyrids aren't a particularly dense shower and there weren't a whole lot of meteors to see. There's a better meteor shower coming up this weekend. It's called the Eta Aquarid ...

Stargazing in May: Meteor shower, eclipses in store
Mother Nature Network
The annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower and an annular solar eclipse both occur at the beginning of May, while a less impressive lunar eclipse is set to take place at the end of the month, but that isn't all. Constellations, planets and other celestial ...

Meteor Crater-like blast today a killer - Arizona Daily Sun
Arizona Daily Sun
Ballistic shock waves radiated across the landscape as the asteroid moved through the atmosphere above Arizona at speeds in excess of Mach 50. When the iron spacerock that created BarringerMeteor Crater smashed into Earth outside of present-day ...

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend, On May 5 2013
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower will be reaching its peak this weekend, during the very early morning hours of Sunday, May 5, 2013. The meteor shower will put on a beautiful show for those watching for a few days before and after though, so get out when ...

Plan a Meteor Shower This Weekend at College of San Mateo
Free; If you ever spend a night under the stars watching for meteors and saw something unusual, you may want to meet astronomer Dr. Peter Jenniskens. He's an expert on meteor showers and author of Meteor Showers and their Parent Comets, a 790 page ...

A gathering of three bright planets
The Guardian Charlottetown
One of two meteor showers associated with the famous Comet Halley (the other is the October Orionids), the Aquarids are not a prolific shower, with only about 15-plus meteors/hour under a dark sky. However, the Aquarid meteors hit Earth's atmosphere at ...

SA to witness meteor shower
Eyewitness News
CAPE TOWN - The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) on Wednesday urged people to keep their eyes glued to the skies over the next few days for a meteor shower. When meteors enter earth's atmosphere they vaporise as they come into ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteors April 22, 2013 ...
The Lyrid Meteor shower peaks on the evening and early morning hours of 22APR2013. If you have good weather and are patient you may see as many as ...

2 min
PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/ Gabehash ...

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower: When And Where To Catch The Cosmic 'Ring Of Fire'
Latin Times
"Like many other meteor showers, the Eta Aquarids are caused by the Earth passing through the dust particles of a comet," states Spacedex. "In this case, that comet is Halley's Comet (1P/Halley).Each spring, Earth passes into a trail of dust from ...

Russian Meteorites Offered as Prizes at Tucson Event
Space Ref (press release)
PSI's CEO and Director Mark Sykes is available to the media to discuss the Russian meteor and PSI's plans to launch a Tucson-based meteorite lab to analyze meteorite specimens. Please contact Alan Fischer at fischer@psi.edu or 520-382-0411 to schedule ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 May 2013

Breaking News - VA PA MD DC OH WV DE NJ Fireball Meteor 01MAY2013

Breaking News - VA PA MD DC OH WV DE NJ Fireball Meteor approx. 23:45 01MAY2013
-Sonics Reported!
"click on image to enlarge"
VA PA MD DC OH WV DE NJ Meteor approx. 23:45 01MAY2013
v.11 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
"click on image to enlarge"
Sonics Reports
VA PA MD DC OH WV DE NJ Meteor approx. 23:45 01MAY2013
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
There should be meteorites found from this event and we need the local peoples to assist.  Thank you! 

 IF you find more original videos OR information about a meteorite being found please email me at  

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

01MAY2013 Erica Leesburg, Virginia , USA 23:45:00 2 seconds I was facing west and it shot to the right White and red Moon No Size was comparable to the moon

01MAY2013 Anthony Camill Venetia, PA 2342 8-9 seconds n to e (I was facing east) white blue lights on a plane coming in for a landing larger piece and two smaller falling off very bright and falling fast, and breaking up before fading out

01MAY2013 Michael Cockeysville, MD  US 23:50 EDT 2 seconds E-W yellow/white fireball moon a little.   It looked like a single ball of fireworks except that it was falling rather than ascending.

01MAY2013 melissa massillon, oh 2345 10sec s-e right to left i was facing s-e blue green moon not sure no
01MAY2013 Michael Burchett Front Royal, Va 23:45:00 7 seconds headed west travelling right bright white, fireball moon but brighter plus fireball behind unsure strange

01MAY2013 David Batchelder Washington, Virginia Eastern 3 Sec E-W white, yellow, and blue as it broke up moon Yes East to West

01MAY2013 Zach Bethany, wv, United States 23:43:00 3.2 Seconfs N-S White then bright yellow with hint of orange Nearly as bright as the Sun No fragmentation It was a pretty quick event, but spectacular nonetheless

01MAY2013 Brittany Cummings MILTON, WV, USA 23:50:00 2seconds I was facing east, and saw it start in the North Eastern sky and head west Yellow Comparable to a street lamp when staring at it at night Yes, seemed to shatter with a bright explosion once behind the tree line It's travel was comparable to that of a firework

01MAY2013 nate Clarion, pa 2345 Eastern 3 seconds north to south, facing south, close to horizon orange, no sound moon no pretty awesome

01MAY2013 Carrie Nanticoke pa USA 11:40 pm est 5 sec Sw Bluefish Moon Mambo No

Over 70 Reports!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Breaking News - NY VT ONT QC RI CT MA Fireball Meteor 01MAY2013

Breaking News- NY VT ONT QC RI CT MA Fireball Meteor approx. 21:35 EDT 01MAY2013
"click on image to enlarge"
NY VT ONT QC RI CT MA Fireball Meteor approx. 21:35 EDT 01MAY2013
v.3 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp/
There should be meteorites found from this event and we need the local peoples to assist.  Thank you! 

 IF you find more original videos OR information about a meteorite being found please email me at  

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

01MAY2013 Gary Shelhamer Dryden, NY  USA 9:36 pm, 8 seconds N to NE   I was facing North white yellow orange very biight...looked like an airplace burning ? the most awesome one I have ever seen!

01MAY2013 John Pendelton, NY 21:35:00 3 seconds east white blue/green  red Fire work unknown the object was lower than the range planes fly

01MAY2013 Al Hunter Kanata 21:30 pm 6 seconds Canada Greenish bright light Sun no North to south

01MAY2013 Randy Sabourin Cornwall, Ontario 9:40 pm eastern 4-5 seconds N-S A red ball with a bit of white circling it More red ? Did not have time to take photo

01MAY2013 Eric Beitzel Accident 21:45 Eastern 5 sec United States Blue fairly bright no no photo

01MAY2013 Trent Hagerty Jericho, Vt 05465 Aprox 21:40 3-4 Seconds Facing W Travel W to SW White/Green Brighter than Iridium Flare, about Moon. Fragmented into three parts. A meteorite trail was spotted much higher in the sky traveling in the same direction, appearing as a normal meteorite from a shower about 20 seconds prior.

01MAY2013 Shaun Cicero NY about 21:30 est 3sec N-SE orange trail bright as the moon yes awesome

01MAY2013 megan montreal, canada 2h30 3-5 seconds r to left while facing ouest green bright green no no
Over 40 Reports!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02MAY2013

Studying meteorites may reveal Mars' secrets of life
Wed, 01 May, 2013 04:50 PM PDT
In an effort to determine if conditions were ever right on Mars to sustain life, a team of scientists has examined a meteorite that formed on the Red Planet more than a billion years ago.Continue reading

NASA Invites Public to Send Names And Messages to Mars (MAVEN)
WASHINGTON -- NASA is inviting members of the public to submit their
names and a personal message online for a DVD to be carried aboard a
spacecraft that will study the Martian upper atmosphere. ...

4th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
The 4th Planetary Crater Consortium (PCC) Meeting will be held in the
Building 6 (Shoemaker Center for Astrogeology) Roddy conference room at
the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff, AZ, Wednesday August 14 through
Friday August 16, 2013. ...

Space balls! Meteorite hits house in Connecticut ...
1 min
Description: Meteor hits house: A weird black rock that smashed through a house in Wolcott ...

Wishing on a star
McCook Daily Gazette
If you are a die-hard meteor shower observer, set your alarm clock so you will be outside at your favorite dark-sky place by 3 a.m. Sunday morning, May 5, when the Eta Aquarid meteor shower will peak. Meteors from shower itself are visible between ...

1 min
Breaking News: Last friday morning a meteorite crashed through a house roof in the town of ...

Meteor Shower and Eclipses of Sun and Moon to Grace May Sky
A meteor shower and a cosmic "ring of fire" will dominate the night sky this month. The annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower and an annular solar eclipse both occur at the beginning of May, while a less impressive lunar eclipse is set to take place at the ...

'Comet of the Century' Could Create New Meteor Shower - SKYE on ...
Instead of burning in a flash of light, particles will drift gently to Earth.

FIRE IN THE SKY: Meteorite Crashes Through Roof ...
5 min
The CELESTIAL Convergence | http://thecelestialconvergence.blogspot.com/ April 24, 2013 ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 May 2013

WV PA MD NC Fireball Meteor 01MAY2013

WV PA MD NC Fireball Meteor approx 00:26 EDT 01MAY2013
'click on image to enlarge'
WV PA MD NC Meteor approx 00:26 EDT 01MAY2013
v.3 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-


01MAY2013 Tomas Strong philadelphia 12:29 a.m. 2-3 seconds e-w yellow fireworks(burning gunpowder) yes, broke into 3+ parts Te beauty of matter and energy clashing.  One of the biggest meteors ive seen.


All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Florida Green Fireball Meteor 29APR2013

Florida Fireball Meteor approx. 01:24 EST 29APR2013
'click on image to enlarge'
Florida Fireball Meteor 29APR2013
v.2 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter /  Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
29APR2013 Evans Sanford, FL 1:35:00 Less than 5 seconds North/Northeast of Sanford Florida No sound/Red trail/Bright flash at horizon Flash was equal to bright flare flash Trail had dust appearance, almost like a missile would look Too fast for a camera, I just happened to look up at the right time to see my first LARGE meteor

29APR2013 Steve Land O Lakes, Fl 1:24 A.M. 4 Seconds North Green Blue  Vibrant Sun No None

29APR2013 STEPHANIE NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL. US 01:22 EST 3-4 SECONDS Facing West. Traveling from north to south, like right to left. Green/Blue straight streak of light. Bright like the sun, lit up the yard with greenish-blue light. NO It was bright enought that I could see it after it was gone, kinda like if you look at a light or the sun and look away but can still see it.

  I saw the first fireball at 1:30 am. It lit up the whole yard and drew my eyes to the sky. I saw a teal colored streak in the sky with a break in the middle. Two minutes later I saw another small one. Five minutes later I heard a big boom to the east. I'm in Ocala National Forest in Paisley. -Jamie Archer 

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01MAY2013

Watch for the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower this Weekend - Universe Today
Universe Today
This year, the peak of the Eta Aquarids as per the International Meteor Organization (IMO) comes on May 6th at 1:00 UT, or 9:00 PM EDT on May 5th. This favors European longitudes eastward on the morning of Monday, May 6th. The Eta Aquarid radiant rises ...

Museum meteorite CT scans help prepare for space ...
Natural History Museum scientists, including Caroline Smith and Farah Ahmed, are finding the ...

Meteoritic Minerals Tell a Story of Multistage Cooling, Break-up, and Reassembly of an Asteroid
-- Compositional variations in minerals in H-chondrites indicate at least two vastly different cooling rates at different temperatures, suggesting fragmentation, cooling of the fragments, and reassembly into a second-generation rubble pile. ...

2013 Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower - YouTube
34 sec
Eta Aquarids Comet of Origin: 1P Halley Radiant: constellation Aquarius Active: April 19 ...

Meteorite crashes into WOLCOTT, CT home - YouTube
2 min
Meteorite crashes into WOLCOTT, CT home. THISISZION42303·360 videos...

First direct evidence of meteors hitting Saturn's rings - ITWire.com
The meteoroids that NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected crashing into Saturn&#039 The meteoroids that NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected crashing into Saturn's rings are comparable in size to the meteor that hurtled over Russia in February 2013.

The charms of Charlevoix
Mon, 29 Apr, 2013 09:35 PM PDT
Thank a catastrophic meteorite crash, 350 million years ago, for giving us Canada’s Charlevoix — a spellbinding, 35-mile-wide inhabited crater that is unlike any landscape I’ve seen in the lower 48. From New York by car, it takes roughly 12 hours to ...Continue reading

Strange Meteor Shower Will Be Produced by Comet Of The Century This Autumn
Paranormal Utopia
While many say that ISON will be a spectacular site, some scientists believe the 3 mile long comet will fizzle out before it nears earth and will create unusual meteor showers out of the more than 110,000 pounds of dust and 130 pounds of water it's ...

PAGASA: Annular solar eclipse visible in PHL on May 10
GMA News
PAGASA OIC Vicente Malano, in the agency's astronomical diary for May, also said the annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower may be visible before dawn of May 5 and 6. "An annular solar eclipse will occur on 10 May 2013. It will be visible from Central ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 April 2013

Uruguay Fireball Meteor 27/28APR2013

Uruguay Fireball Meteor 27/28APR2013

Astronomers are confident that a meteor was seen in Rocha
The phenomenon bewildered many between Saturday night and the early hours of Sunday.The astronomer Gonzalo Tancredi has no doubt that it was a meteor, although they are still collecting items....

NM CO Fireball Meteor 27APR2013

NM CO Fireball Meteor 20:54 MST 27APR2013
'click on image to enlarge'
NM CO Meteor 27APR2013
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

27APR2013 Mike Albuquerque, NM 2055 MST 3-5 seconds Facing N, Moved E to W Bright white in color and fire/fragment trails seen Moon Yes lots of fragmentation No photo

27APR2013 Chris Adams Los Alamos, NM 20:54 (MST) 3 sec Traveling E--->W White, silent bright moon no none

27APR2013 Linda Alamosa, CO 20:54:00 5 seconds facing SW - fell N to S greenish same as moon no no

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

South Africa Fireball Meteor 29APR2013

South Africa Fireball Meteor Approximately 06'00 am Local 29APR2013

If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
29APR2013 Michiel Pieterse Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa 06:10 +2 GMT 15 06:05 North White ball, with orange tail Sun Yes, Yellow/Orange pieces No Time, driving

29APR2013 Herman Coetzee Johannesburg, Gauteng, south africa 5:55:00 1 to 3 seconds S-N White ball with bright green / blue tail Brite as the moon, tail exceptionally bright No, did not observe any n/a

29APR2013 Ilze Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa 05h45 Since I spotted it, 5 seconds W-E;N, Bright red, orange - no sound Sun - extremely bright None Bright round burning ball with a "V"tail

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30APR2013

Lyrid Meteor Shower Photos for 2013 | Space.com
See amazing photos by stargazers of the Lyrid meteor shower of 2013 in this SPACE.com gallery.

"Comet of the century" might cause a meteor shower - CBS News
Comet ISON is estimated to graze by the Sun in November and now scientists predict it might bring meteors with it.

Meteor Lights up Night Sky Over Argentina: Video ...
55 sec
Bloomberg's Sara Eisen reports on today's "Top Headlines." She speaks on Bloomberg ...

驚見隕石! - YouTube
隕石襲俄千人傷駭人畫面首曝光by ttvnewsview 82 views; 1:52. Watch Later ...全球第一顆摩洛哥隕石疑 ...

Comet ISON Could Create Meteor Shower | Space.com
Comet ISON's trail of dust could create an odd meteor shower when the Earth passes through ...

The charms of Charlevoix
Mon, 29 Apr, 2013 10:11 AM PDT
Thank a catastrophic meteorite crash, 350 million years ago, for giving us Canada’s Charlevoix — a spellbinding, 35-mile-wide inhabited crater that is unlike any landscape I’ve seen in the lower 48. From New York by car, it takes roughly 12 hours to get to this ecological treasure along the...Continue reading

'Comet of the Century' Could Create a Strange 'Meteor Shower' with Cosmic Dust
Science World Report
The "comet of the century" is coming closer, and it could create a strange kind ofmeteor shower as scientists gear up to observe the phenomenon. Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is highly unusual in that it comes to the inner solar system for the first time and...

NASA's Cassini Discovers Hurricane on Saturn, Meteor Strikes at the Rings
Yahoo! News
There is also an indication of a particularly large meteor strike upon Saturn's innermost ring that occurred in 1983, over 20 years before Cassini arrived in the Saturn system. The Cassini mission. NASA notes that Cassini entered orbit around Saturn in ...

Death Valley Dreamlapse - Part 2!
EarthSky (blog)
EarthSky had the pleasure to talk with Gavin Heffernan about filming the Geminid meteor shower in the original Death Valley Dreamlapse. Listen to the EarthSky 22 to hear more about what Gavin Heffernan had to say. Also, if you want more awesomeness, ...

'Comet of the Century' Could Create New Meteor Shower
An incoming comet that may well turn out to be the "comet of the century" could create an unusual kind of meteor shower, scientists say. When Comet ISON passes by the Earth this year, it is possible that the dust sloughed off by the comet's tail will ...

NASA Cassini probe captures new images of meteors impacting Saturn's rings
The new images show the meteor impacts against Saturn's rings, with the space bodies themselves ranging from one centimeter to several meters across, impacting to create clouds of dust with the debris eventually subsumed into the rings themselves as ...

Rare Meteorite Grains May be from...
Sun, 28 Apr, 2013 07:26 AM PDT
Two surprising grains of sand in a pair of meteorites that landed on Earth suggest they were ...Continue reading

Environmental Almanac: When a meteorite hit Indiana
Sun, 28 Apr, 2013 07:15 AM PDT
Scientists studying the meteor that streaked across the Russian sky and exploded back in February have enormous amounts of evidence to sort through as they seek to answer questions about it. As you may know, that includes video of the event from multiple sources, along with pieces of the meteorite itse...Continue reading

VIDEO: Suspected meteor in Argentina lights up the ...
A suspected meteor lit up the skies in northern Argentina early Sunday morning.

Suspected meteor lights up sky in Argentina - CBS News Video
CBS News video: Suspected meteor lights up sky in Argentina - CBS News Raw: Residents in ...

Argentina meteor: 130,000km per hour meteor turns night to day as ...
A music fan filming a festival in Santiago del Estero captured the fireball as it shot across the sky, momentarily illuminating the whole area.

Meteorite crashes through roof of Connecticut home ...
An expert confirmed today that an object that sailed through the roof of a Connecticut home was ...

سقوط نيزك أمام جمهور حفلة غنائية في الأرجنتين‎ - YouTube
سقوط نيزك امام جمهور حفلة غنائية في الارجنتينby RTarabic 20,922 views; 3:02. Watch Later العيساوي على موعد من الحريةby ...

Meteor in Argentina Lights Up the Sky: Video - Bloomberg
24 sec
On "Hot Shots" Bloomberg's Mark Crumpton reports on today's most compelling images ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 April 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29APR2013

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks On Sunday May 5 2013
The Eta Aquarids meteor shower will be peaking next Sunday, May 5, 2013. though the nights preceding and for a few days afterwards will be good for watching also. In fact, the Eta Aquarids have actually already begun, if you were to go out tonight you ...

Cassini-Huygens Shows Saturn's Rings Hit By Meteor Showers - iTechPost
iTech Post
Researchers used Cassini-Huygens to detect meteor impacts in 2005, 2009 and 2012. 2009 was the best year because of the angle of the sun, which caused the debris clouds to appear brighter. The meteors that impact Saturn range in size from a half inch...

Meteor shower to peak May 6
Enid News & Eagle
The Eta Aquarids meteor shower will peak on the morning of May 6, and it looks favorable this year. This shower's radiant, in the little Y-shaped water urn asterism of Aquarius, rises in twilight only an hour or two before dawn at mid-northern ...

NASA's Cassini Reveals Evidence of Meteors Crashing into Saturn's Rings
IBTimes India
The latest observations of meteors hitting Saturn's majestic rings makes the planet's rings the only location besides Earth, moon and Jupiter where scientists have been able to observe the impact of meteor strike. By studying the impact rate of ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 April 2013

The Latest WorldWide Meteor/Meteorite News 28APR2013

Meteorite crashes into Connecticut house - UPI.com
Lawrence Beck is just glad no one was hurt when outer space decided to hurl a fastball -- in the ...

Spacecraft photos show impact of colliding meteors on Saturn's rings
Under certain conditions when the sun shines on the rings at a shallow angle, the clouds of meteor debris look bright against the darkened rings in pictures from Cassini's imaging science subsystem, researchers said. "We knew these little impacts were ...

A Meteorite Curator Coaxes Secrets from Martian Rock
Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 07:33 AM PDT
Carl Agee finds ways to get his hands on samples of Earth's hellish interior and the exotic surfaces of other worlds.Continue reading

Falling 'Space Junk' Scares Novosibirsk (Photos)
Fri, 26 Apr, 2013 03:30 AM PDT
A rock-like object that crashed from the sky into a Novosibirsk sidewalk and frightened residents is not a meteorite but might be a piece of space junk, emergency officials said Friday.Continue reading

Three years in the life of the sun
Thu, 25 Apr, 2013 10:06 PM PDT
NASA time lapse video shows the sun's activity over three years. Amazing vision of ameteorite passing through the Earth's... Incredible time-lapse vision shot in New York City by Eddie...Continue reading

2013 Meteor Shower Schedule: When and Where to Watch in Ankeny
Spacedex.com says the Perseids is one of the finest meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60-100 bright, fast, and colorful meteors per hour during their peak. This annual meteor shower is active from July 23 through August 22, and usually peaks ...

Saturn's Rings Bombarded by Meteor Showers: NASA's Cassini Reveals New ...
Science World Report
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has recently provided the first direct evidence of small meteors breaking into streams of rubble and bombarding Saturn's rings. This amazing picture released by NASA shows a unique perspective of Venus in the inner solar ...

Meteor showers peaking now, could be a once in a lifetime sighting
Fenton Tri County Times
During a meteor shower, Earth runs into a trail of debris left by a comet, Walker said. “All that stuff stays in space, and there's little tiny particles, most the size of a grain of sand that stay out there and orbit around the sun. We run into their ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!