06 February 2012

Breaking News - Ontario / MI / NY / PA / OH / IN Meteor Fireball 6FEB2012

Breaking News - Ontario, Canada / MI / NY / PA / OH / IN, USA Meteor Fireball~6:40 AM EST 6FEB2012
ONT, Canada / MI, NY PA Meteor Fireball 06FEB2012
v.5 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without PRIOR written permission

News agencies may publish this information IF they provide full citation to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News with a link http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
If legitimate news persons wish to contact me for written permission: drtanuki@gmail.com
YouTubers, Facebook, Twitter, Forums please use the main link above and get the word out; thank you.  -LunarMerteorite*Hunter  Dirk Ross...Tokyo, Japan

Anyone with artwork, photos, videocam, security camera images please email me: drtanuki@gmail.com 
(DO NOT MAKE YOUR SIGHTING REPORT TO THIS EMAIL; it will NOT get published, instead kindly use the sighting report form below; thank you!

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Now OVER 145 reports thus far! Thank you ALL!

06FEB2012 Janice Beichner Venus, PA  USA 6:43 am  EST 7-8 seconds NE/E  Left to right Green with orange leading edge- quite large quite bright considering time of day (brighter than Venus) no 20 degrees or so above horizon- 45 degree angle of descent

06FEB2012 Jason Dugard Waterdown, ON, CAN 6:40am EST 4 sec NE-SW Orange/Flame Very bright - brighter than moon. Yes.  Looked like about 7-10 pieces. Relatively slow moving and large.

06FEB2012 mike ithaca, ny 6:40:00 3sec left to right, west to east white to green ball very bright not that i could see amazing.

06FEB2012 MStephens New Baltimore, MI  USA 6:40:00 5 seconds N-S Green/Blue Not too bright but very noticable no no tail, went from N-S then looked like it went down.  Awesome and scarry at the same time!  My daughter saw it at the same time I was driving her to school.

06FEB2012 Sean Williams Rochester, NY, USA 06:37 EST 5 seconds N sky approx 10 degrees of inclination travel L to R when facing N Green with a dispersion cloud about 2 seconds after the initial light disappeared brighter than moon no fragmentation dispersion cloud could be traced for another 2 seconds

06FEB2012 Greg Norwich NEWMARKET, ON, CANADA 6:38:00 2 sec N-E Blue green no tail Moon No My first Bolide

06FEB2012 Jordan Belleville, Ontario, Canada 640 6 sec West to East Bright Green Moon Yes A bright green mass moving West to East for about 6 sec. then deteriorated.

06FEB2012 Brian Silver Bath, Ontario, Canada 0650 EST 3 secs, view blocked at end northern sky W-E white light breaking up brighter than moon yes descending behind structure west to east

06FEB2012 Courtney Graham Brampton 0641 EST 5 Sec N-S Left to Right Green ball of light getting brighter Moon No Started light green light (like wing light of airplane) then got brighter/bigger. Like fireworks intensity. Developed bright white center, and then went out. seemed to be trevelling almost horizontally, with slightly downward trajectory (~5 degrees).

06FEB2012 Cynthia Langlois Brampton 6:40:00 8 to 10 sec S/E Left to right White Blue moon no Bright white blue streak long tail with a more bluish ball  travelling on an arc

06FEB2012 Carol Goulet Toronto, Ontario, Canada 6:40 a.m. 3 to 4 seconds north to south bright green with long green tail arching downward moon brightness no fragmentation travelling east on the QEW highway, city & highway lights too bright to see stars, but this was very visible.

06FEB2012 edward koopman toronto, ontario, canada 6.30 am 5 seconds left to right white colour bright light no thought it was small plane crashing near the airport

06FEB2012 Jennifer Cambridge, ON, Canada 6:45:00 5 seconds NE, L to R White, no sound Brighter than a normal star No fragments Definitely noticeable as something odd, came to this site to confirm what I saw, this was not a fireball, closer to a falling star but brighter.

All reports can be viewed here: http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.com/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Australia Meteor Bright Green Fireball 05FEB2012

Australia Meteor Bright Green Fireball 05FEB2012

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

05FEB2012 Jon Sydney, NSW, Australia past 2200 05-10 sec West looked like a star (like a dot) looked like a star no looked like a star (like a dot) however, it was moving, cruising through space

5FEB2012 Brad Shoalwater 110 7-10 seconds e-w Green very bright yes no Photo. I was looking through my phone at the time and noticed a green reflection in my glass table. Long tail, travelled quite slowly and then seemed to burn out. No sound at all. If i had to use a ruler at arms length and measure the sky into the distance I would guess at about 10cm in length.

05FEB2012 Christian reynolds Perth, western Australia, Australia 01:15 wst 15 secs E - w Green Moon Yes No

05FEB2012 Andrew M Perth, WA, AUS 01:15 (+8 GMT) 10 sec E - W green and blue Moon yes - small blue flakes just prior to burning out Incredible. Never seen anything like it. Four observers witnessed in Cannington, WA

05FEB2012 AWG leederville perth australia 100.05 3 / 4 seconds right to left, low in western sky multicoloured aura around a white sphere centre and white tail, no sound, I've scene hundreds of meteors before and this was like no other. strong bright steady, and so colourful full spectrum of colours brighter than the moon not as bright as sun. you could look at it no fragments but an extremely long bright tail amazing id love to hear more info on it

05FEB2012 Kate Perth, WA, Australia 1250 - 0130h < 2 seconds NE - SW Bright white core with orange-yellow outer glow, bright blue tail. No discernable sound. Brighter than moon. No fragmentation I observed the object through my open bedroom window in Forrestfield. I can see and hear the planes coming in to land at the airport, the object seemed to follow almost the same trajectory as the planes landing, however it was travelling much faster. The object was large, almost the size of the moon which was also visible at the time; it was also brighter than the moon. It was a bright white colour with a orange-yellow glowing rim; there was also a bright blue tail, probably three fingers width (at outstretched arm) in length. No fragmentation or lingering train was observed. No immediate or subsequent noise was heard, or if subsequent noise was present it wasn’t discernable from usual noise of urban industry, traffic and airport noise.

05FEB2012 Rod Perth Western Australia 1.10am 5 sec north to south green same as moon no no photo

05FEB2012 Tim Perth, WA, Australia Midnight more than 10 E-W Green moon solid Green object flew (30 degree slope to earth surface) over West Perth direction from east to west. Object coloured green had quite long tail. Speed less than normally falling star, but faster than the plane. Undefined distance.

05FEB2012 Darren White Boddington Western Australia 0100hrs 5 right to Left, west sky Large Bright Green Moon No Large as the Moon very low

05FEB2012 sas Perth 01.10am 10 Australia yellowish huge yellowish shooting star not that i saw no photo

05FEB2012 Rhett WA Kalgoorlie 1:05:00 15 seconds N-S Green As the moon N/A I've never see anything like it, it had a huge tail..

05FEB2012 dan perth, WA, Australia 118 15 seconds N-S orange, blue, yellow brighter than moon, larger than moon none massive, bigger than moon.

05FEB2012 Baf perth, wa, australia 105 10-20 seconds east to south west Shot across the sky so fast, had very bright white head, trailing a long bright green tailte head, very bright, as bright as Venus Not that I saw Was so fast, disappeared from view after an amazing spectacle of green light

05FEB2012 Tara Isaac Perth, Western Australia 01.10 hours approx 20 secs E-W Large, bright green fiery head,long white tail Brighter than venus No No photo, seen while driving freeway North

2012 THE Year of Meteors! 
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06FEB2012

Fireball streaks through Virginia sky | InsideNova
More than 100 people from New Jersey to North Carolina reported seeing a bright streak of light with a tail shooting through the night sky late Friday.
www2.insidenova.com - Local

Tucson gem show's meteorites give 'rare' a whole new meaning
The Republic
The rarest rocks on Earth are actually chunks of other planets, and Tucson's Gem, Mineral and Fossil Showcase is ground zero for the meteorite-obsessed. Meteorites — space rocks that survived a fiery plummet through Earth's atmosphere — are the main ...

Meteor hunters zero in on intergalactic treasure
They're looking for space treasure — the remnants of a large meteor that streaked across the North Texas sky last week. "I mean, this is all about the world's biggest Easter egg hunt for science people," said Taylor, who's from the Texas Meteorite ...

Huge Fireball Over Tokyo, 2 February 2012 -- Fire in the Sky -- Sott.net
Huge Fireball Over Tokyo, 2 February 2012. lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com. Sun, 05 Feb 2012 05:06 CST. Print this article Discuss on Cassiopaea Forum ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for February 4-10, 2012 « The Transient Sky ...
By Carl Hergenrother
February offers the meteor observer in the northern hemisphere a couple of weak showers plus falling sporadic rates. This may not seem too exiting but you never know when surprises are in store. An errant earthgrazer from the Centaurid ...
The Transient Sky - Comets, Asteroids...

Tom Phillips Thin Sections - Meteorite & Rock Art NWA 969 LL6/7

NWA 969 LL6/7 Chondrite

NWA 969 LL6/7 Chondrite VII - 2100X
(c) 2012 Tom Phillips - All Rights Reserved
NWA 969 LL6/7 
I can't quite explain why, these are just about my favorite meteorite micrographs. Yes, the material is interesting, and that is undoubtedly part of it, but I just like the colors I guess.... (more)

Neon Green Bolide Meteor Fireball Over Corfu, Greece 21JAN2012

Neon Green Bolide Meteor Fireball Over Corfu, Greece 21JAN2012
Bolide over Corfu, Greece on 21JAN2012 at 22:23 UT
(c) 2012
 Photograph by Bill Metallinos 
Used with permission.
A fantastic photograph of a bolide over Corfu, Greece on 21JAN2012, 22:23 UT by Bill Metallinos

AstroVox Forum Website:
Η ερασιτεχνική αστρονομία στην Ελλάδα http://www.astrovox.gr/forum/album_search.php?mode=user&search=bi2l 

Greece / Macedonia Bolide 21JAN2012 update with Corfu Sighting
(c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo ?Google Earth
My original post with reports on this fireball: 

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors! -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

05 February 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05FEB2012

Fireball reported over area skies Friday night
Observers wrote in to the American Meteor Society's Fireball report from Virginia, Maryland, and as far north as New York saying they saw something in the sky. There's still no word from the FAA, the National Weather Service or NASA about what it was ...

Fireball Over Corfu, Greece - Earth Science Picture of the Day
Photographer: Bill Metallinos; Bill's Web site Summary Author: Bill Metallinos; Jim Foster The photo above showing a startling fireball appearing to rip apart the night sky was seen during a star observation session at Mount Pantokrator on the ...
Earth Science Picture of the Day

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Hugh Fireball Over Tokyo ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
(click here to report a meteor / fireball). If you find LunarMeteorite*Hunter sites useful please help by BOOKMARKING and POSTING A LINK to your site, facebook, youtube, twitter, local news outlets or your favorite forum; thanks: ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Police officer captures UFO blazing across Texas sky... but FAA says it was ...
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter The Federal Aviation Administration says a bright, streaking light seen in the skies over parts of Oklahoma and Texas last night was 'most likely' ameteor. Reports from people who saw the object as far north as Oklahoma City and ...

Fireball streaks through Virginia sky
Inside NoVA
NASA, the FAA and the National Weather Service have yet to weigh in on the sky phenomena, but the website “The Latest Worldwide Meteor” had 85 posts Saturday about the fireball from people in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Maryland and North Carolina.

Large Texas Bolide / Fireball Feb 1 2012 at 7 ...
1 min
Video from my allsky camera in Hawley, Tx of the large bolide / meteor that caused sonic ...

ITN News: UFO or Meteor? Fireball Over Texas - Feb ...
53 sec
Apparently MSN news thinks it's movements were "too precise to be ameteor" xD I found ...

Hugh Fireball Over Tokyo 02FEB2012

Hugh Fireball Over Tokyo 02FEB2012

Media citing my report:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Western Australia Bolide Meteor Fireball 5FEB2012

Western Australia Bolide Meteor Fireball ~01:10 am 5FEB2012

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

05FEB2012 sas Perth  01.10am 10 sec Australia yellowish huge yellowish shooting star not that i saw no photo

05FEB2012 Rhett WA Kalgoorlie 1:05:00 15 seconds N-S Green As the moon N/A I've never see anything like it, it had a huge tail..

05FEB2012 dan perth, WA, Australia 1:18 15 seconds N-S orange, blue, yellow brighter than moon, larger than moon none massive, bigger than moon.

05FEB2012 Tara Isaac Perth, Western Australia 01.10 hours approx 20 secs E-W Large, bright green fiery head,long white tail Brighter than venus No No photo, seen while driving freeway North

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Breaking News -Morocco Meteor/Meteorite News - Another New Meteorite Fall in Morocco? 4FEB2012

Another New Meteorite Fall in Morocco? ~4:00 pm 4FEB2012
Another new meteorite fall may have occurred in Morocco,
Over 100 cars went in the direction of Bouarfa to look for it. They this afternoon at around 4:00 pm local time there was a fireball and a boom that scared the local people. All of Morocco is after this fireball, after what they saw on TV about Tissint.
Habibi Aziz, Erfoud, Morocco

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

04 February 2012

Breaking News - DC MD VA WV PA NC NJ NY RI Bolide Meteor Fireball with Sonics & Fragmentation 3FEB2012

Breaking News - DC MD VA WV PA NC NY NJ RI Bolide Meteor Fireball with Sonics and Fragmentation ~22:15 EST 3FEB2012
DC MD VA WV PA NC NY NJ RI Bolide Meteor 3FEB2012
Neon Markers = Sighting Reports
Red Circle Markers = Allsky Camera Locations
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross/ Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - No copy without prior written permission
News agencies may publish this information IF they provide full citation to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News with a link http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
If legitimate news persons wish to contact me for written permission: drtanuki@gmail.com
YouTubers, Facebook, Twitter, Forums please use the main link above and get the word out; thank you.  -LunarMerteorite*Hunter  Dirk Ross...Tokyo, Japan

Anyone with artwork, photos, videocam, security camera images please email me: drtanuki@gmail.com 
(DO NOT MAKE YOUR SIGHTING REPORT TO THIS EMAIL; it will NOT get published, instead kindly use the sighting report form below; thank you!

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Reports thus far:

03FEB2012 Jacob Baltimore, MD 2217 EST 2-4 sec SSW-NNE, stopped mid sky white/green ball with orange/fire tail Venus no fragmentation seen Very bright, white/green ball streaking from SSW-NNE with long fire tail.  Seen from my apartment window over downtown Baltimore

03FEB2012 John Dunellen,NJ,USA 2215 EST 3 sec ENE-WSW Green Fireball moon none seen solid green no color changes

03FEB2012 Mike Bernat Chesapeake, VA, USA 22:15 EST 3-5 seconds max 5 degrees (almost due north) appeared to be falling almost vertical bright white, no sound brighter than venus fragments just before burned out appeared to have a tail, burned out just above treeline, no more than 5 degrees elevation

03FEB2012 RLambdin Amissville, VA USA 22:22:00 6 sec NW/SE Blue green then went black and saw red fragments Moon Yes Quite large. Soft but bright light

3FEB2012 Chloe Zebulon, NC, USA 22:16 EST about 4-5 seconds Started in NE, then went down, a little to the left White and then a neon-ish green Probably as bright as a full moon, definitely brighter than any start or Venus No It was really freaky :p haha

03FEB2012 Patty Larson Chevy Chase, MD Montgomery 2225 5 seconds low in Southern sky moving west to east white to red to green Venus no most spectacular meteor I've ever seen

03FEB2012 Donald Jacobs Check VA USA 10:15 pm Eastern time 8 sec S-N Green Blue white Very Bright no Did go dark for a few seconds then brighter with more blue

03FEB2012 Yigiter izgordu East Brunswick 22:30:00 5 seconds left to right Bright Green Bright as a firework no close to horizon

03FEB2012 dm Silver Spring,md us 2200 5 seconds nw green blue moon no no

3FEB2012 Laura Williamsburg, VA, United States 2215 7 seconds N-S Very bright blue and orange Bright as the moon No Very large and very bright, changed colors as it fell from blue to orange

03FEB2012 C Boyle Newtown PA USA 22:16 EST 3-4 sec E-S  left to right white/yellow very  moon sparkler Looked like it was sizzling like a sparkler

03FEB2012 Jeri A Falls Church 22:30 eastern 20 SE-NW Blue,Red, Yellow, very bright up close landed within  5 to 10 miles max sun yes na
3/2/2012 Jeff fields Ellicott City MD 10:16 pm set 2-3 second right to left green Like a roman candle no no

3FEB2012 Jill Clifton, NJ USA 22:25:00 5 sec S-N Greenish White and Huge Like a planet It had a tail that is it It looked like a huge shooting star, that was greenish white and then just vanished. It really was huge though!


03FEB2012 Kristi Purdy centreville, VA, USA 22:25 EST 4 seconds South white and orangish white Very Bright.   No Was white w/ a tail

3FEB2012 Steve Hunterdon County, NJ, USA 22:25 EST 4 sec NE - SW green brighter than Venus possibly Another witness upon arrival home/ 2-3 miles apart at time of sighting.

03FEB2012 Michael Jerkins Glen Allen, Va 10:14:00 5 seconds east blue color moon two pieces trailing piece was smaller I saw it out my window from my apartment

03FEB2012 Jeri Almansi Falls Church VA USA 22:30 eastern 20 SE-NW Red, Blue, Yellow, Very Close within 5 miles to 10 max, sun Yes Very Close had to have landed in Near McLean VA or Arlington or Falls Church area of N VA area. Could see a lot of detail in it and small parts breaking off

03FEB2012 Aric Lexington Park, MD 22:12:00 3 sec East, right to left blue/white Very bright some fragmentation very fast and very bright blue white light seemed to explode at the end of flight.  Heard a rumble in the distance a few minutes after sounded like a distant sonic boom or explosion.


03FEB2012 Sarah Williams Spotsylvania, Virginia, United States 22:10:00 6 sec Right to left Blue with a long tail sun no there was a very bright blue explosion at the end and then it disappeared

03FEB2012 Harry Smith Franklin Twp, NJ, USA 22:17 EST 3 SE-NW NO Brighter than normal meteor Bright tail NO


03FEB2012 Mark Pankowski Olney, MD 10:15 p.m. EST About 4 seconds Lasted five seconds. Seen while driving south dropping left Orange with white tail VERY bright. Thought it might be a small firework. "Sparks" seemed to be flying off it like a firework Had windows closed so I didn't hear anything. But it definitely was very bright.

03FEB2012 Carla Porter Sunderland, MD, USA 22:50, Eastern Std. Time Guessing 3 sec I'm looking East, it moved from South to North White, bright white, no sound (indoors) Very bright, as bright as moon, more than Venus Didn't see any Awesome, I was busy on the computer when it's brightness and movement caught [corner of] my eye, I turned and watched the brief act.

03FEB2012 Peggy Boyd STANARDSVILLE VA USA 2240 7 seconds NE falling left green front white tail bright as the moon no thought it was a falling star at first but got brighter and green in the front and looked like it came much closer to the ground than a falling star I've ever seen

03FEB2012 Kathi Newtown, PA 22:00 EST 5 - 8 sec Southwest Bright white, slow, low to the ground Bright as white fireworks pieces or a tail falling off no other comments

There are over 100 sighting reports !
See all of the Sighting Reports here: http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.com/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04FEB2012

Texas Meteor/Fireball/Space Junk (UFO?) Feb. 1 ...
3 min
A Sheilaaliens exclusive... lol.... ^.~ also check out http://lunarmeteoritehunters. blogspot.com ...

UFO Or Meteor? FAA Weighs In On Burst Of Light Shooting Over Texas Sky
Huffington Post
The bluish-green streak seen as far north as Oklahoma City and as far south as Houston was "most likely" a meteor or piece of space junk, officials say, according to the Austin-American Statesman. FAA officials hunkered down with dashboard camera ...

Light That Streaked Through The Sky Likely A Meteor
OKLAHOMA CITY (February 2, 2012)—A bright, streaking light that some residents here and elsewhere in Texas and Oklahoma saw streaking through the sky Wednesday night was likely a meteor, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

Meteor creates sonic boom across area, social media buzz online
The Federal Aviation Administration said it received reports from people who saw a meteor streaking across the Texas sky, ranging from as far north as Oklahoma City and to as far south as Houston. “We had a lot of reports from people who heard a sonic ...

Streak of light likely a meteor
Bryan College Station Eagle
By MAGGIE KIELY The large, glowing, blue-green flying object residents reported seeing Wednesday night to authorities, media outlets and online resources across the state was most likely a meteor, officials with the Federal Aviation Administration ...

Meteor streaks across southern sky
Tulsa World
By AMANDA BLAND World Staff Writer A meteor was seen in the southern sky by people in Texas and Oklahoma on Wednesday evening. A flying fireball with a green tint and traces of red streaked across the sky about 8:30 pm, said Michael Lacy, ...

Meteor causes stir in Oklahoma
Enid News & Eagle
A meteor caused quite a stir in three states as it streaked across the sky Wednesday night. The greenish fireball was seen about 8 pm over Oklahoma. According to KAKE TV in Wichita, Kan., themeteor was seen as far north as south-central Kansas and as ...

Meteor Shower Captured Over Texas
It was all caught on the dash camera of a police cruiser from Little River-Academy, TX. The Federal Aviation Administration says it was likely a meteor. People from as far south as Waco and as far north as Oklahoma City reported seeing it.

Huge fireball in North Texas sky was meteor, FAA confirms
Fort Worth Star Telegram (blog)
A reader in Shattuck, Okla., near where the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma touch, said themeteor "is likely the largest and brightest I have observed in all my 63 years." The man, who asked that his name not be used, also said one of the photos ...

Police camera captures meteor falling across Texan sky
A police car dashboard camera has captured a bright light crossing the Texas sky that aviation officials have confirmed was a meteor.

Meteor flies over Texas, Oklahoma
EAST TEXAS (KYTX) -- People across East Texas Wednesday night reported seeing a large meteorstreaking across the sky. CBS19 Chief Meteorologist John Adams says some people reported a loud sonic boom, shaking their houses. Reports came in from Oklahoma ...

Police camera spots meteor soaring across sky
The Australian Eye
The light was seen by witnesses in Texas and, to the north, in parts of Oklahoma and Kansas. Ameteor is a particle broken off from an asteroid or comet orbiting the Sun that burns up as it enters the Earth's atmosphere, creating the effect of a ...

KEYE TV We Are Austin.com :: News - Top Stories - Large Fireball ...
A large glowing light was seen racing through the sky Wednesday night in Williamson, Travis and Llan.

Bright Light Seen in CenTex Sky is a Confirmed Meteor
The FAA has confirmed that it was, in fact, a meteor. Dash cam video from a Little River Police Department patrol car caught the image of the light shooting through the sky. The city's police chief just happened to have the camera running during a ...

A meteor streaks across the Oklahoma sky last night. Observers confirm seeing the meteor as far south as San Antonio and as far north as Stillwater. Viewers from across the state witnessed the brightly colored meteor dazzle across the sky.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Just Breaking News - DC ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
News agencies may publish this information IF they provide full citation to The Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News with a link http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/ Youtubers, Facebook, Twitter, Forums please use the main link ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteor seen over Texas, Oklahoma
Huntsville Item
By Tori Brock Staff Reporter HUNTSVILLE — Shortly after 7:20 pm Wednesday, people in two states looked to the sky to see a greenish streak of light that the Federal Aviation Administration has now said was a meteor. FAA spokesman Lynn Lunsford said ...

Falling Meteor Caught On Tape In Okla.
KOCO Oklahoma City
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Officials with the Federal Aviation Administration confirmed to KOCO Eyewitness News 5 that it was a meteor seen falling across the Oklahoma City night sky Wednesday. On the station's Facebook page, Lisa Warren wrote: "Saw a meteor ...

Oklahoma City sky lit up by meteor
It is good to know it was meteor.” Oklahomans from all over the state reported seeing the meteor. It was reported being seen from Stillwater, Oklahoma (less than an hour's drive from the Greater Oklahoma City Metro area) all the way to San Antonio, ...

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a meteor
KPRC Houston
A meteor lit up the Texas sky Wednesday night, leaving many people wondering if they just spotted a UFO. The Federal Aviation Administration confirmed the light in the sky was only a meteor. Themeteor was caught on camera during a traffic stop near ...

Flying fireball seen across three US states
US aviation officials were quick to point out that the bright light was 'most likely' a meteor and not a UFO as some people originally thought. Texas resident Vicki Ramsey told the news website theeagle.com she was in her backyard checking on her dogs ...

Oklahoma UFO? Bright Fireball Turns out to be Meteor
Since 1998, Dillin has been watching meteor showers and investigating the night sky, but this huge streak of light was much different from anything else. According to News 9 in OKC, the FAA confirmed that the fireball was actually a meteor, ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Kyoto, Japan Meteor ...
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)?

Wednesday night's Texas meteor so bright it was seen in Kansas ...
Wichita, Kansas - If you saw an unusual bright light moving across the sky Wednesday night, chances are, you were looking at a meteor. A patrol car dash ...

Meteor lights up Texas sky | News - Home
Meteor lights up Texas sky. ... Cancel. Feb. 2, 2012: A meteor lights up the Texas sky, leaving many people wondering if they just spotted a UFO. Ryan Korsgard ...

Squad car camera records meteor's fall | KMOV.com St. Louis
Many people in Oklahoma and Texas got an unexpected light show Wednesday night when what's believed to be a meteor streaked across the sky. It was all ...

Fireball in Oklahoma sky not UFO
Around 8 pm OKC viewers who were outside likely saw a huge fireball shoot across the sky. Some people wondered "is that a UFO?" Most people probably thought it was a meteor, or something else, but it was a really big one. OKC viewers described the ...

Experts race to learn more about Wednesday's meteor
Experts believe that because there was a sonic boom heard when Wednesday night's meteorinvaded Earth's atmosphere, the space rock may have actually reached the ground somewhere around Kaufman or Hunt counties, about an hour east of Dallas.

Great ball of fire: Fiery meteorite wows Oklahoma and Texas
Los Angeles Times
Astronomers said the fiery display was likely caused by a meteorite or some other space matter hurtling through the atmosphere. Texas observers blogged about the show and described it as a blue-green object trailing sparks.

Meteor brighter than the Full Moon caught on police dash camera (VIDEO)
However, just before 8pm that night, his dash came recorded a meteor about as bright as the Full Moon blaze a trail through the sky, making his imagery, perhaps, the best video of the unexpected event. At 7:56pm, the officer, whose name has not been ...

Video: Police camera captures meteor falling across ...
A meteor is a particle broken off from an asteroid or comet orbiting the Sun that burns up as it ...

Did A Meteor Streak Across Texas?
2 min
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News captured video of the allegedmeteor. A bright ...

03 February 2012

Texas Meteorite Fall 1FEB2012 Target Area Narrows - Meteorites Produced ~25Kgs 2JAN2012

Texas Meteorite Fall 1FEB2012 Target Area Narrows
Above Area is the Narrowed Target Area
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross, Tokyo, Japan / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - NO copy without prior written permission
Texas Meteorite Fall 1FEB2012 Target Area Narrows
Above Area is the Narrowed Target Area with KSHV Radar Data Supplied by Marc Fries
My predicted target area and Marc Fries' radar target finds were independently arrived at without corroboration.
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross, Tokyo, Japan / Marc Fries /Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - NO copy without prior written permission
I estimate that the meteorites produced from this event will be 25kgs + based upon the videos, entry speed, brightness, sonics and experience,  -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross-Tokyo, Japan

Radar Obs of Meteor Events
by Marc Fries
TX DFW Area 02 Feb 2012 0157 UTC
This one is a big item at the moment, to the point that I really don’t feel the need to describe it. At this time there are three (four?) allsky camera videos of this event, and hundreds of eyewitness reports both on Dirk Ross’ lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com site and the AMSmeteors.org website.. Myself, Rob Matson and others have scoured the weather radar data of this event, and I think we were all expecting to see something like the West, TX fall in there. Unfortunately, we’ve been disappointed to date. There has been a lot of discussion and several “possibles” have been examined and discarded for one reason or another. My own “favorite” radar hit at the moment is this one from the KSHV radar directly over Edgewood, TX.... (more)

I will be soon posting an ellipse map of the potential strewnfield.
- LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross -Tokyo
Check back for updates!

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2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Astronomers Without Borders - Come Join the Action in 2012

Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) - Come Join the Action in 2012
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(c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter
Japan Night Sky Watch, AWB / Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Allsky Camera
2012 THE Year of Meteors!