12 April 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12APR2011 - GAM Lunar Week Begins!

Meteorite Hunters (1 Letter to the Editor of the New York Times)
New York Times
Private meteorite hunters are not the bane of science (“Black Market Trinkets From Space,” April 5). As a result of the harvesting done by Bedouins, Berbers and others, 32 specimens from Mars and 43 specimens from the Moon have been discovered in the ... (The New York Times - Letter to the Editor by Darryl Pitt)

Theory of Titan ice volcanoes gets cold shoulder
In the new study, a team of scientists say Titan's identifiable surface features were likely created by weather or other external forces — meteorite strikes, wind and rain — rather than volcanic activity. This suggests that the huge moon's interior ...

NASA Allsky Camera Network - TN Meteor April 6
9 sec
NASA Allsky Camera Network Image of Tennessee Meteor on April 7, 01:21:57 UTC / April 6, 20:21:57 CDT.. Copyright ...
youtube.com -

Editoryal: Pamalandong sa panahon
Sun Star Sun, 10 Apr 2011 08:35 AM PDT
KALUHA sa paghamtong sa kalibotan ang daghang panghitabo ug kausaban. Sumala sa Wikipedia, ang edad sa kalibotan naa sa 4.54 bilyon ka tuig base sa radiometric age dating sa 
meteorite materials. read more

More about comets and Comet Elenin | Astro Bob
By astrobob
Being crumbly, comets sometimes break in two or even more pieces. Breakups can release lots of extra dust and gravel bits. If at some point, Earth intersects a shattered comet's orbit, we can experience a meteor shower. ...

Fireball - or a UFO in Flames?
On the evening of April 8 hundreds sent out Twitter messages indicating that a fireball-shaped UFO was streaking over the city's sky at high speed. The story did not go beyond that. However, authorities are looking into the object that plowed its way ... (Veracruz, Mexico meteor)

A moonstruck generation
Korotev's career of studying moon rocks took him to the deserts of Antarctica, where scientists have discovered most lunar meteorites. The study of meteorites and lunar samples has helped provide a clearer picture of events on Earth billions of years ...

GAM Lunar Week Begins!

The Moon is at center stage for GAM Lunar Week
 - April 10 to 16 A week-long special series of programs, from April 10 through 16, will be dedicated to the Moon to help people rediscover our closest companion in space. Lunar Week takes place while the Moon is well-placed for observation in the evening sky. Observing the Moon by telescope and naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures are all avaialble.
Some Lunar Week highlights:

Do you have a question about the Moon? Ask a Space Scientist! During Lunar Week Professor Bernard Foing, a Space Scientist at the European Space Agency

, will be answering your questions about the Moon. Perhaps you have always wondered what the Moon is made of, or how the Moon was formed, or even how humans or robots might explore the Moon in the future. The answers to the best questions will be posted on the GAM website.

Like the constellations, different observers in different latitudes observe the same sky differently. Now it is your turn to help us build a map with pictures of the Moon in different countries.  Your images should be acquired on the nights of 9, 10, 11 and 12 of April. A map with all the images will be produced to share with everyone.

Beginning at 19.30UT
During GAM Lunar Week you can reach the Moon from home! The Virtual Observatory's immensely popular series of special online, live remote observing events continues withWalking on the Moon. You see it all as astronomer Gianluca Masi moves the telescope, takes images to show you and narrates from the Virtual Observatory in Italy. You can also join in the chat with others tuning in from around the world.
Throughout April - Moon and Culture

The Moon and Culture project seeks to bring together the unique cultural perspectives of our closest neighbor in space, the Moon, from cultures around the world. Every culture on earth has a view of the moon that is unique to them, their heritage and their identity as a people. Share your cultural Moon stories with others through this unique collection.
Throughout April - Moonlight Poetry

This year the Astrpooetry Blog's special edition for Global Astronomy Month focuses on two topics: 1) Dark Skies Awareness and 2) the Moon. Write your “moonlight cocktails” of poetry now and send them in to be published on the GAM Astropoetry Blog.
Throughout April - MoonDays

The Moon—Earth’s traveling companion in space—is an integral part of life on Earth. Still, few people notice it or recognize its importance to us. The Moon is being celebrated throughout Global Astronomy Month via MoonDays,
 with programs during Lunar Week and beyond.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
For information on sponsorship opportunities for Global Astronomy Month 2011 or specific programs during GAM see the GAM Sponsorship page
 or contact Mike Simmons .
More information:

Announcements from Planetary Science Research Discoveries [PSRD]

New Section: CosmoSparks. Short reports that draw attention to recent observations or discoveries in cosmochemistry.http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/CosmoSparks/

New Headline Article: Wet, Carbonaceous Asteroids: Altering Minerals, Changing Amino Acids
-- Aqueous alteration in asteroids containing organic compounds leads to formation of hydrous minerals and changes in the mix of amino acids.
We invite you to:
READ: First summary paragraph for a quick overview
PRINT: pdf version
VIEW: short slide summary with notes

Find all the headline articles in our archives:

PSRD is an educational web site supported by NASA's SMD Cosmochemistry Program and the Hawaii Space Grant Consortium to share the latest research on meteorites, asteroids, planets, moons, and other materials in our Solar System.

11 April 2011

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Meteor 12:29AM. 11APR2011

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 12:29AM. April 11, 2011
Apr 11 2011, 3:37 PM Tokyo Timestamp
Guest25 (guest) wrote: Just saw something resembling a meteorite or fireball in Edmonton on April 11, 2011 at 12:29AM. I live in the far side of West Edmonton and was facing south when I saw a orange streak moving from East to West. Would have landed 2-5 km south of Edmonton near Enoch Reserve. It appeared to be breaking up and had quite a trail of orange debris. Lasted possibly 2 seconds or so.

411 Japan Earthquake 7.1M Tsumami Warning Issued Ibaraki Prefecture 11APR2011

411 Japan Earthquake 7.1M 11APR2011 (USGS)

One month after the devastating 311 Japan 9.1M earthquake of March 11, 2011

411 Japan Earth Quake 7.1M
~5:16 pm Japan Local Time

Tsumami Warning Issued Ibaraki Prefecture
Evacuate all low lying areas in Ibaraki, Chiba and Fukushima areas. - set to soon expire.

NHK http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/

NHK TV from home TV

10 April 2011

Ontario, Canada / Mid West US Green Bolide Fireball Meteor Multiple Events? 9APR/10April2011

Hamilton, Ont., Canada Green fireball April 10 1:30am 

Hi there,
I didn`t want to leave my e-mail on the public message boards, but was looking to see if anyone else had seen something like this.
I just saw a green fireball or meteor falling in the sky, I`ve never seen anything bright green light this in the sky. It was also larger than any falling star I`ve seen. I am located in southern ontario near Hamilton. I attached this article because of the illustration that is very similar to what I saw but with a longer tail. I was having a campfire with a group of people, a few of us all saw it and were astonished. Any explanation would be greatly appreciated!

Kingston, Ontario  12:45 AM 10APR2011
I may have seen a meteor just to the West of Kingston, Ontario at about 12:45 AM... It was green, and lasted for about a second and a half. 
Catherine M.

Wooler, Ontario  Bolide Fireball with Rumbling and Popping 12:51 am 10APR2011
Apr 10 2011, 2:43 PMGuest618 (guest): Hi.Saw the biggest thing i have ever seen tonight. 12:45am Wooler, Ontario thought it was lightning at first, then a huge falling star streaking across the sky. Lit up the dead of night for a good 4 to 5 seconds. About a minute later you could hear a noise like thunder and almost like fireworks,rumbled for close to 30 seconds. very creepy.
Wooler is east of toronto. just north of trenton. never have i seen anything like it. pretty cool the time diference in siting.travelling east to west, which is the way i thought it was going. but to take 10 to 15 min to travel less than 200 km seems weird it is the noise afterwards that is still giving me chills. rumble and popping.  i looked at my cell phone and it was 12:51 but it was a good few minutes afterwards. i was jamming with a couple friends and we were getting in the cars to leave when it happened isaw the sky lighting up and thought there must be some lightning around. then there was a streak across the sky and the ball seemed to expand just like a firework would, right over our heads and disapeared

Hamilton, ON, Canada April 10 approx 1: 30am. 
Yes I can confirm I also saw a large meteor falling in the sky similar to Melissa's post from near Hamilton. I am in Dundas. I saw it from inside my home facing East. Appeared to be moving quickly southwest to northeast. By the time I saw it before it disappeard in a couple of seconds, it was low on the horizon and appeared a large white fireball, much larger than a typical meteor shower like the persaids, must have been extremely close! Glad to have confirmed others witnessed it!
All the best,
Katie West

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
My name is Gregory Maza. I was driving from Stratford toward Kitchener, (Ontario, Canada) approaching to the intersection of the Highway 7 and Trussler Rd. when I saw that beautiful spectacle. For about 1.5 seconds a bolide on my front/left (North-East) went down in straight angle (or close to 90 degrees). I checked the time immediately, 12:47 am (0:47 am) – April 10-2010. It had fragmentation at least two or three pieces before reach ground (I'm sure it landed). It was intense yellow, orange and some blue. It had a persistent train for about another 1 or 2 seconds, yellow to white before it disappeared in grey. Apparent magnitude close to -11. As I said, I was driving in a car on the highway (windows closed), so no sound could be heard. It was amazing!!!! -Gregory Maza

Montreal, Canada
Last night at around 12 - 1 I was sitting on my balcony when I saw a large flaming object shooting towards the ground. I'm colorblind so I can only say it was either yellow or green- At first- I thought it was a firework- very bright, but it didn't make a sound and as I recall I've never seen a firework look like it had a trail of fire behind it. I searched on google to see if anyone else had seen it- found this website- but what I find strange is the fact that everyone is from Ontario- and I saw it in Montreal! Would you please keep me updated on this? Thank you so much for your time and consideration! Best Regards, Jonathan Beaton

Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada
Driving home from a friends place around 1am. A green light flew across the sky within a few seconds. No sound followed. - Victoria

Holland, NY
I'm so glad other people saw this! My family thought I was crazy. I live in Holland, NY about 30 miles south of Buffalo NY. It was 12:50am and I was in bed watching T.V. when I spotted a green glow shooting across the sky. It was huge and bright. Any more thoughts on what it was? - Anon.

Mulberry Grove, Illinois
My husband and I saw such a spectacular meteor on Saturday. I did a google search to see if anyone else had seen it. I found your site through this search.
We were visiting Mulberry Grove Illinois on Saturday, 9 April 2011. At around 11:00 pm, we saw a meteor to the east northeast. It was gold with a green sparkly tail. My husband noticed the smoke trail. It traveled from the south to the north, was about 20-30 degrees above the horizon, and had about a 45 degree slope to the trajectory (from higher in the sky to lower).
We hope this is detailed enough for your records. Unfortunately, we do not know the exact time when we saw it. If you need any more information, please feel free to email or call.
Wishing you dark skies,
Darcy and Howard Saxion

Peterborough,Ontario, Canada Green Bolide just after Midnight 10APR2011
Guest121 (guest):Just after midnight. In Peterborough,Ontario, Canada. Walking out of my campus university me and two friends observed a large green "firework like"object in the sky. it was far to bright and high to be a firework.it illuminated the entire sky. later researched it and found out it is known as a bolide. it was so mind-blowing.

Cambridge, Ontario Canada 1 am 10APR2011
Vince Dwyer:
 saw a greenish meteorite april 10 at 1 am going west to east over Cambridge Ontario Canada lasted about 5 to 6 seconds and was greenish to white in color and was very bright it lit up the whole sky
we are a hour ahead is wooler east of toronto? thats in the same diretion as the one i seen tonight i wonder if they are the same one yea it was very large and very bright here too im about a hour west of tornonto but it could be either one of us with are times off or clocks off  my timing might not be spot on i was out taking pictures of stars with my camera setup and was pointed in the wrong direction when i seen it yea i chatted with a few buddies myself before i went inside when i seen it it started off very green and was turning white another 20 degrees on my camera and i would have got a pic of it would have been nice yea last i seen of it it was getting larger too.
Vince wrote more:
Hi you asked me to email you about the green abject i seen in the sky Saturday night at 1 am. I live in Cambridge Ontario i`m a photographer i was outside getting a few shots of the night sky. I just finished taking a time elapsed photo right above me and then i seen the green object it started small It was coming out of the western sky and continued east while color changing from green to white it lasted for me around 5 to six seconds and it did about 4 or 5 hops all the time growing in size until it disappeared over the horizon it was very bright as it went beyond the horizon :). -Vince

Victor, NY Green Meteor 1:00 am 10APR2011
Looking North from Victor NY , I saw a green meteorite fireball at approx. 1:00 am last night, April 09,2011. It was a bright green with a glowing fireball headed west. The fireball lasted about 2-3 seconds. MY first green meteor. I was wondering if anyone else might have spotted it. Thank you
-Theresa B.

Farmington, NY and on April 10th at approx. 12:55 AM
I am located in Farmington, NY and on April 10th at approx. 12:55 AM I saw what appeared to be a meteorite falling to the north of my location. The object was a bright neon green color and appeared to be round like a small ball followed by a streak of green light. It and was only visible for a couple of seconds before it disappeared behind the tree line. Almost immediately after it disappeared there was a bright flash as if there was an explosion. - Kathy

Birdsall, NY bright green ball of light ~1:00 am 10APR2011
I am so glad that I am not the only one that saw a bright green ball of light fall out of the sky and "explode" into a bright light and then disappear. I was driving home(Dansville, NY) around 1:00 am on April 10, 2011 on a back road in a small town, Birdsall, NY. I was the only car on the road. The sky was clear with very little stars. At least I had a friend with me so I wasn't totally losing my mind! I wanted to follow it by friend said "no." Thanks for the reasures that we weren't seeing things. - Wendy

Centerville ohio 12:01 April 10, 2011
Apr 10 2011, 1:49 PMGuest409 (guest): 12:01 am April 10, 2011
Centerville ohio 12:01 April 10, 2011 nice size meteor with small fire tail. saw about 3 - 4 seconds in W NW sky.

Toledo, OH
Me and my friend saw a large green meteor in Toledo, OH last night (4/9/11) just before 12am. It never faded or slowed as long as we saw it. It's approximate direction was heading NW. Such an amazing thing to see. Never seen a green one... Anon.

Auburn, New York Green Light at 12:45 am 10APR2011
 At 12:45 am I was standing outside in Auburn, New York (about 25 miles west of Syracuse) with a friend. His eyes got wide and I looked up and we watched a very bright greenish-blue... light... fly rapidly from southern horizon over the northern horizon towards northern New York/ Canada. If you've ever seen a telephone line transformer blow up then you'll the kind of light intensity we're talking here because that was my immediate thought.
Being as that it covered the span of both horizons in the space of a second and a half, I can not accurately guess what kind of speed that object was moving at... but it made NO noise. No sonic boom. There was absolutely no tail or trail following the light. If it was a meteor, or "green fireball" (I tried looking this thing up online) it behaved in no way like any meteor I've ever seen.
I'm not prone to exaggeration. I'm not prone to "wanting to believe" or "doubt." This just is what it is. Makes one want to just point a camera at the sky at all times. Last, in 2003 I saw, during the day, a monsterous fireball heading south by south east in this same area. It made the news. That one was fiery orange and red and left a brilliant trail. This one last night looked nothing like the 2003 fireball. Then again, daylight could make the difference. -Timmy J.
O'Fallon MO tonight around 11pm 9APR2011

I saw a light shoot through the sky tonight around 11pm. It looked like a shooting star or a comet but it was so large. It had to be really close or really big. It was glowing kind of green. If you have any idea what this could be would you reply to my email? It really was strange. 
Linda Becker

O'Fallon MO tonight ~11pm 9APR2011
it was in o'fallon Misssouri, at like 11 pm and it was grreen it looked like a ball and smokee.

Twin Cities Illinois saw a meteor at about 11:00 pm 9APR2011
Apr 10 2011, 2:14 PMGuest922 (guest): Twin Cities Illinois saw a meteor at about 11:00 pm or Shortly after.Was teal blue and was the size of a baseball and was awesome.

St. Louis, Mo 11 pm 9APR2011
I saw the same thing around 11 pm in St. Louis, Mo heading north. It was very large and green and teal. It only lasted for a few seconds. -Kristen Muehlenfeld

Eolia, MO April 9, approx 11pm 9APR2011
Large greenish and white fireball that burned out 20 to 25 degrees over the horizon as we looked due north. Fireball was moving east to west. Later wrote: I double checked the area where we watched the fireball on google earth, and the direction I was looking was directly northeast, not north, which means the path of the fireball was southeast to northwest.
- Adam Woehler

St Louis / Richmond Heights MO large greenish colored fireball ~11:00 pm 9APR2011
Myself and three others in a neighbor's back yard saw a large greenish colored fireball or meteorite around 11:00ish pm. Very big and not your typical small falling star. Very cool.
Bonnie Blume

St. Louis, MO bright green meteor around 11:00 9APR2011
I saw a bright green meteor around 11:00 in St. Louis, MO. It was very bright, in fact I was at a gas station with a lot of lights when I saw it. It looked like it was heading north-ish. My friend in Wright City, MO also saw it and she said it had a pretty sparkling tail. -Mandi Milenko

West Olive, Michigan green meteor at approximately 11:55 PM EST, April 9.
green meteor at approximately 11:55 PM EST, April 9.I am located in West Olive, Michigan. I was walking west towards my house and observed a large green object in the SW sky, just above the trees (probably 20-25 degrees above the horizon). It was traveling westward, and was faster than any airplane. It seemed to have red in it also, but was predominantly green. It had a small trail behind it, but the trail quickly disappeared behind it. It was irregular in shape. I lost sight of it as it travelled past the treeline on the horizon to my SW. I observed it for approxiamtely 3 seconds after initially sighting it. My daughter was with me and she saw it also.
Kurt Sokoly

Brentwood, Tennessee fireball ~11pm April 9, 2011
I was driving North on I-65 between Franklin and Brentwood Tennessee around 11pm on Saturday, April 9, 2011 when I very briefly, perhaps a second or two, saw a fire ball in the general direction of North. It appeared to be going straight down. I took note of it because it was so bright. I knew it was pretty far away, but not that far.
Mike Plunk

My boyfriend and 3 other friends saw a fireball in the sky big as a moon ang green in Québec yesterday night 9 april 2011. -Brigitte

Last night at around 12 - 1 I was sitting on my balcony when I saw a large flaming object shooting towards the ground. I'm colorblind so I can only say it was either yellow or green- At first- I thought it was a firework- very bright, but it didn't make a sound and as I recall I've never seen a firework look like it had a trail of fire behind it. I searched on google to see if anyone else had seen it- found this website- but what I find strange is the fact that everyone is from Ontario- and I saw it in Montreal! Would you please keep me updated on this? Thank you so much for your time and consideration! Best Regards, Jonathan Beaton

Kingston, Ontario huge fireball blueish/greenish 12:50 am 10APR2011
I live in Kingston, Ontario. This morning at about 12:50 I looked out my rear window and saw a huge fireball dropping almost vertically through overcast skies, disappearing behind a ridge to the west. It had an enormous tail, almost as thick as the fireball itself. Holding my hand at arm's length for comparison, it was as long as the width of my palm. Both the head of the fireball and the tail were lit up with a blueish/greenish light. I took a drive to the west along Taylor-Kidd Boulevard, stopping on a rail overpass bridge to check for fires or emergency activity ( it was THAT close!) but saw none. I got as far as the dock for the Amherst Island ferry before turning back. I talked with a couple of constables who had stopped beside the road ( speed-trap ) and asked them if anyone had reported a fireball, but they were not aware of any. Not too surpising, since there was almost noone out and about.  Further to the info I sent ( copied below) I wanted to mention that the trajectory of the fireball was from left to right. That is, although the descent was almost vertical, it did have a slight curve that rounded out on the right side. As I was looking to the west that would mean it had come from the south or south/east.
Anyway, I was glad to find this site to share my info on. Cheers, Brian

ChatBox (timestamps Tokyo time):
Apr 10 2011, 11:03 PM
Guest704 (guest):Chauntel, 12:45am,Peterborough,ON,Canada. Last night at approx 12:45am I was walking home when the sky above me lit up. I thought it was a firework, but it didn't make a sound,and within fractions of a second a large comet-like object and streaked downward across the sky. It went for about 3 seconds then seemed to explode into a ball of fiery green light. I've never seen anything like it.

Apr 10 2011, 11:06 PM
Vince Dwyer: i seen the same green one going east last night at the same time i live in cambridge about a hour west of toronto

Apr 11 2011, 12:01 AM
Guest180 (guest):Peterborough, ON approx. 12:45AM APRIL 10 a huge green flash appeared in the sky. I don't recall hearing anything but the light was very, very bright.

Apr 11 2011, 12:32 AM
Guest414 (guest): this meteor landed about 20 feet from my car,because i was looking out the side window, not even into the sky its in the forest so im going to see if i can find it

Apr 11 2011, 2:03 AM
Guest670 (guest):Heard a loud sonic boom sound coming from the west of Kingston last night around 12:45 or so.My son also heard it at the same time.

Apr 11 2011, 5:29 AM
Chris Hart: Chris Hart, 10:30'ish PM,Bloomington, IL caught a rapidly moving blue flash that was traveling at a high speed.

Apr 11 2011, 5:30 AM
Laurence Timothy Nealson: Saw a meteor enter the atmos west wales 2am traced south north, very bright fire ball lit up the whole sky. Never seen anything like it.several sonic booms in the night.camping on a beach west wales.

Apr 11 2011, 6:18 AM
natedogg (guest): i as of yesterday of about1244 am in ny spotted the green firball from warrensburg ny from on top of the mountain range called hackensack while camping is this fireball circling something

Apr 11 2011, 6:19 AM
Guest415 (guest):saw a meteor at approx. 1:15 am this morning in Orchard Park New York
green fireball very large, looked to hit the ground but turned orange and white and then gone just above the ground.

Apr 11 2011, 9:44 AM
Guest251 (guest):Never seen anything like it before in my life. I live in Apsley,ON and was drivingaprox south on West Bay rd, only about .5 K or so in from 620 and something very bright white and with kind of a Green tail went by very fast, it was at aprox 12:45 don't know the exact time,anyone else in Apsley see this??

Apr 11 2011, 10:07 AM
Guest251 (guest): If you did contact me at jwwattholdingsinc@gmail.com

Apr 11 2011, 10:13 AM
Tony Snyder: we saw a bright greenih fireball going fast downward in the northwest sky inmid-washington state at about 11:50 pm PST-totally awesome!

Apr 11 2011, 10:14 AM
Guest576 (guest):Hamilton, ON,Canada April 10 approx 1:30am. Yes I can confirm I also saw a large meteor falling in the sky similar to Melissa. I saw it from inside my home facing East.Appeared to be moving southwest to northeast. By the time I saw it, it was low on the horizon and appeared a large white fireball, much larger than a typical meteor shower like the persaids, must have been extremely close! Glad to have confirmed others witnessed it! Katie West

Apr 11 2011, 11:40 AM
Annik Villeneuve: I tought I was crazy last night when me and my sister saw a bright light then change to green before it exploded.We were driving on the 417 going toward Ottawa

Apr 11 2011, 12:49 PM
Guest489 (guest):Springfield, IL green fireball April 9 just past 11 PM .. seen several meteors in my life, never seen one that took up so much of the sky so it was either very close or very big .. green with white tail and seemed to be losing pieces .. saw it in the eastern sky and seemed to be moving from south to north

Belleville, Illinois Meteor 10:30 pm 9APR2011

Belleville, Illinois Meteor 10:30 pm 9APR2011
i live in belleville illinois and i was talking my sons friends home tonight about 10:30 and saw the most beautiful thing in the sky my son said it was a meteorite in the front of it was a glowing blue light and then green at the end never seen anything so beautiful before in the night sky.  Just wanted to email you and tell you we saw i
Amy Becker

Chat box cleaning out Meteor Reports 8APR2011

Guest440 (guest):This is going to sound absolutely crazy but last night around 1:00 AM I went outside for a smoke. As I looked up in the sky I saw 2 greenish grey objects which were a far bit apart fly through the sky side by side (if I was to estimate at the distance they were I would have to say to scale roughly a few kms apart) at first they were moving slow, they almost seemed to stop, then they shot right up in the air and disappeared. I am not some crazy UFO person because I am as skeptical as anyone else but it really spooked me so I hoping someone could shed some light on the situation again, i have seen my fair share of meteor showers ect but this to me did not seem like a meteor.there was 2 objects so I guess thats what threw me off, and the fact that they moved in sync was even more messed up. I really hope I don't sound insane here but if anyone has any info. please let me know as I am trying to find a logical explanation for what I saw.
You provided no location, date or contact info;  sorry I cannot help you.  IF you wish to email me I will clarify your report.  Thank you!

Perth Western Australia Fireball Meteor 3:30am, 8 april 2011
AMZzzz (guest): around 3:30am, 8 april 2011,Perth Western Australia. I seen a green fireball in the sky south of North Beach. Haven't been able to find any reports of sightings yet.

Naples, Florida Fireball Meteor 4:18 am 8APR2011
Apr 9 2011, 8:11 AM
Guest457 (guest): i saw a fireball over naples fl this morning at 4:18 am. did anyone else see it?

Saskatoon, Canada Time??? 8/9?APR2011
Apr 10 2011, 12:21 AM
Guest388 (guest): last night I saw a fireball in the sky in saskatoon

Please include the DATE, TIME, what you saw and YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION; better if you email me directly LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!