Showing posts with label Saskatoon Canada meteor 8/9APR2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saskatoon Canada meteor 8/9APR2011. Show all posts

10 April 2011

Chat box cleaning out Meteor Reports 8APR2011

Guest440 (guest):This is going to sound absolutely crazy but last night around 1:00 AM I went outside for a smoke. As I looked up in the sky I saw 2 greenish grey objects which were a far bit apart fly through the sky side by side (if I was to estimate at the distance they were I would have to say to scale roughly a few kms apart) at first they were moving slow, they almost seemed to stop, then they shot right up in the air and disappeared. I am not some crazy UFO person because I am as skeptical as anyone else but it really spooked me so I hoping someone could shed some light on the situation again, i have seen my fair share of meteor showers ect but this to me did not seem like a meteor.there was 2 objects so I guess thats what threw me off, and the fact that they moved in sync was even more messed up. I really hope I don't sound insane here but if anyone has any info. please let me know as I am trying to find a logical explanation for what I saw.
You provided no location, date or contact info;  sorry I cannot help you.  IF you wish to email me I will clarify your report.  Thank you!

Perth Western Australia Fireball Meteor 3:30am, 8 april 2011
AMZzzz (guest): around 3:30am, 8 april 2011,Perth Western Australia. I seen a green fireball in the sky south of North Beach. Haven't been able to find any reports of sightings yet.

Naples, Florida Fireball Meteor 4:18 am 8APR2011
Apr 9 2011, 8:11 AM
Guest457 (guest): i saw a fireball over naples fl this morning at 4:18 am. did anyone else see it?

Saskatoon, Canada Time??? 8/9?APR2011
Apr 10 2011, 12:21 AM
Guest388 (guest): last night I saw a fireball in the sky in saskatoon

Please include the DATE, TIME, what you saw and YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION; better if you email me directly  Thank you!