WFMY News 2
In 1922, a 20-ton meteor crashed near Blackstone, Va. In 1930, Chicago's Adler Planetarium first opened to the public. In 1949, the Soviet Union lifted the Berlin Blockade, which the Western powers had succeeded in circumventing with their Berlin...
10 min
A rock from the fireball that caused a sonic boom as it fell in Nevada last month will join the ...
Meteorites From Big Fireball Spark Space Age 'Gold Rush'
Scientists are on an epic treasure hunt for meteorite fragments from a spectacular fireball that lit up the daytime sky over California last month. The space rocks came from a minivan-size asteroid that plunged through Earth's atmosphere and exploded ...
Asteroid Belt Planetoid Somehow Escaped Being Eaten by Earth, Mars
Scientists have pinpointed Vesta's handouts to a special type of meteorite -- howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) -- which account for approximately 6 percent of the total meteorites that collide with Earth yearly. Their source was confirmed by ...
Photos Fireball Drops Meteorites On Calif | Meteorites | Spacecom
See meteorite photos from the daytime fireball over California and Nevada on April 22, 2012. NASA is actively searching for fireball meteorites.
Astrophile: Two craters that launched 1000 meteorites
New Scientist
And those strikes dug up enough material to create an entire class of meteorites. If Helen of Troy had "the face that launched a thousand ships", then Vesta has Rheasilvia and Veneneia, the craters that launched a thousand meteorites.
Meteorite discovery spurs hunt for more pieces
NASA Ames and SETI Institute meteor astronomer Dr. Peter Jenniskens collects the Sutter's Millmeteorites using aluminum foil to not contaminate the stones by touch. April 24, 2012 Image credit: NASA / Courtesy of Dr. Peter Jenniskens ( ...
2012 THE Year of Meteors!