As the week progresses the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not interfere with meteor observing as it is thin and will set long before the ...
When is the next meteor shower? | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky
Unless you are still seeing some stray Ursids flying, the next meteor shower is the Quadrantids on the morning of January 4, 2012.
Waitt Patagonia Meteorite Impact Field Project ...
15 sec
A possible meteoric impact site has been recently re-discovered by NGS/Waitt ...
Ursid Meteor Shower Peaks Thursday Night
By KSEE News ( When sky-watchers think of meteor showers during the month of December, they immediately think of the Geminids, which over the years has evolved into the most prolific and reliable of the dozen or so annual meteor displays that ...
Meteor lights up the sky
Kawartha Media Group
(PETERBOROUGH) Warren Morrison didn't need his telescope Monday night to watch a fierymeteor flash through the sky above him. An amateur astronomer, Mr. M
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Many theories suggest star jelly is deposited on earth during meteor showers, while the gel may have paranormal origins or could even just be the remains of dead frogs. Chris Livingstone, chair-man of the Worcester Astronomical Society, ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
A Christmas meteor story for Collingwood
Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin
In a Torstar piece three days later it was said that six cameras from the University of Western Ontario's Southern Ontario Meteor Network recorded a slow-moving fireball, estimated to be no bigger than a basketball, at 6:04 pm It first entered the ...
Was the Star of Bethlehem a Star, Comet ... or Miracle?
The audience was then asked: "Was the star seen by the Wise Men an unusual, eye-catching gathering of naked eye planets, or was that fabled 'sign in the sky' a meteor, comet, nova, or something supernatural?" In later years, the tedious running-back of ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Alberta / Saskatchewan ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News. Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls & Related News. Make a meteor report. ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Top Astronomy Events in 2012
By Adrian West
2011 was a poor year for meteor showers due to the presence of a largely illuminated Moon on all of the major showers; this prevented all but the brightest meteors being seen. In contrast 2012 brings a welcome respite from the glare of the ...
Universe Today
Japan quake, asteroid flyby, Neanderthal sex top science news in 2011
The top five science-related stories of each month on have been recapped below: January Polar bear swims 9 days straight Volcanoes led to world's largest extinction: study Meteorshower arrives Monday night Deadly floods fed by intense La ...
Ursids meteor shower tonight
Baltimore Sun (blog)
If the skies cooperate, we may be lucky enough to view the Ursids meteor shower tonight. The display is product of the comet 8P/Tuttle, which orbits the sun every 13.6 years. It's not a big event and the intensity of the fireballs often disappoint. ...
8 sec
This is the new martian meteorite NWA 7032, classified by Tony Irving (unpaired, so it's ...