29 June 2016

Opal Discovered in Antarctic Meteorite

Opal Discovered in Antarctic Meteorite

Opal-Studded Meteorite Hints at Origins of Earth's Water
By Nola Taylor Redd, Space.com, June 27, 2016

New Meteorite Offers Clues About the Origins of Life on
Earth By Sophie Kleeman, Gizmodo, June 7, 2016

Opal discovered in Antarctic meteorite
Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), June 27, 2016

Oxygen Isotopes and Origin of Opal in an Antarctic Ureilite
by Downes H. Beard A. D. Franchi I. A. Greenwood R. C.
79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2016) [#6141]


Paul H.

ALL Pauls's Writings can be seen here-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Meteor captured by stations: MAD2/DF and LCS1/GO - BRAMON

Meteor captured by stations: MAD2/DF and LCS1/GO - BRAMON

Date: 28/06/2016 - 06:14:04 UTC
Analyze results J8-SSS

300g 'meteorite' crashes through roof of Thai house. 28JUN2016

300g 'meteorite' crashes through roof of Thai house. 28JUN2016
As reported in today's Bangkok Post.
Excerpt: "Department head Sarawut Tuantam said the rock’s crust was charcoal black, indicating it had been burned entering Earth's atmosphere at very high speeds. The test also found the chunk contained large amount of iron and was attracted by a magnet."
Please visit the original article for full details.
  • Latitude: 16.84N,100.23E (NW Thailand).
  • Time: 07:26AM Local / 00:26AM UTC

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28JUN2016

'Meteorites' crash into home smashing through roof and walls- Thailand
A family were left in shock after meteorites started crashing through the roof of their home as they were eating breakfast. The largest rock, the size of a ..

Mercury May Be Meteor Like Dark Thirty News
Geologists at MIT have traced part of Mercury's cooling history and based on their findings have determined that the planet likely has the composition ...

Today in science: Egypt’s first meteorite
By Daniela Breitman in EARTH | SPACE | June 28, 2016
June 28, 1911. Life was unfolding as usual in the small village of El Nakhla El Bahariya, Egypt, when, at 9 a.m. local time, the villagers heard explosions coming from far away. They later reported a white trail of smoke that approached them from northeast. About 40 pieces of rock rained from the sky, with a total weight later determined to be about 22 pounds...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUM2016 Post
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUN2016. Couple loans unexpected find to UCLA Meteorite Gallery ...

Quasicrystal meteorite Important Finding! VIDEO!
Quasicrystal meteorite. Cedric Avilez. ...

Finding stars the way Bo Peep finds sheep: this week on The Dark Sky
... or center point of an early summer meteor shower, called the Boötids. ... of the sky that might suggest that the meteor shower is his gift to humanity?

Researchers trace Mercury's origins to rare meteorite
by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 27, 2016

'Forbidden Symmetry' Found in 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite
Until recently, crystals with ‘forbidden symmetry’ were thought impossible to naturally occur. Yet, a 4.57 billion-year-old meteorite was found in the far northeastern region of Chukotka, Russia exhibiting crystals with naturally occurring ‘forbidden symmetry‘...

Jupiter climate creates amazing fireball images
Dazzling images capturing Jupiter`s weather phenomena and maps offer a unique insight into the internal life of the solar system`s largest planet, ...

NASA Rover Findings Point to a More Earth-like Martian Past
Chemicals found in Martian rocks by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover suggest the Red Planet once had more oxygen in its atmosphere than it does now.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUN2016

Couple loans unexpected find to UCLA Meteorite Gallery
dailybruin.com BY ANJISHNU DAS
The Eltrichs, who live in Venice, California, said they discovered the meteorite while hiking near Baker, California, in the Mojave Desert. The stone is approximately 5 inches long, 6 inches wide and about 4 inches thick....

Opal-Studded Meteorite Hints at Origins of Earth's Water
By Nola Taylor Redd, Space.com Contributor | June 27, 2016 09:10am ET
A gem of a meteorite found in Antarctica is studded with pieces of opal, a crystal that is associated with water. The discovery lends greater strength to the idea that meteorites brought water to asteroids and may also have seeded the Earth with the liquid necessary for life to evolve....

PSI's Vishnu Reddy Discusses Meteor Crossing Tucson's Skyline
Planetary Science Institute
PSI's Vishnu Reddy Discusses Meteor Crossing Tucson's Skyline. vishnu on news. After a mysterious bright light streaked across the predawn sky in ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUN2016

June Bootids meteor shower
The June Bootids meteor shower will peak during the night of June 26 into June 27. This is a very, very fickle meteor shower. Most years it features ...

Alternative radio source for meteor detection
Stargazers Lounge
As a result of checking out the BAA Radio Astronomy Section's web page, I came across a paper by David Morgan on the use of aircraft radio location ...

Astronomy for July: Venus returns to view; meteor shower peaks
Akron Beacon Journal
Venus has been lost in the glare of the sun, but reappears the third week of July low in the west-northwest. Look for Jupiter sitting less than 6 degrees ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUN2016

Fireball in skies over Nova Scotia lights up social media
A meteor was likely behind numerous reports of a bright light in the skies over Nova Scotia Thursday night. Numerous people reported on social ...

'fireball' over Eastern Passage, expert says it could be anything
News 95.7
HALIFAX – Twitter lit up on Thursday night about a potential fireball in the sky over Eastern Passage, leading to online speculation as to what the ...

Fireball lights up Nova Scotia skies
Signs of the Times
He says fireballs aren't rare astronomical phenomenon, but they aren't always spotted. "When people see these things they become really excited, like ...

Fireball lights up sky over Nova Scotia
Local Xpress
Multiple Nova Scotians report seeing a fireball burning across the sky Thursday night. The fiery phenom occurred just before 10 p.m. ...

NASA Scientists Discover Unexpected Mineral on Mars (Tridymite)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jun 22, 2016

Scientists have discovered an unexpected mineral in a rock sample at Gale
Crater on Mars, a finding that may alter our understanding of how the
planet evolved.

Where to watch meteor showers in Georgia
The Perseid meteor shower will peak August 11 -12 and can be seen throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere.

Meteor Activity Outlook for June 25-July 1, 2016
American Meteor Society
The half-illuminated moon will interfere with meteor observing, but to a much lesser degree than when near its full phase. Toward the end of the period ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24JUN2016

NASA Scientists Discover Unexpected Mineral on Mars (Tridymite)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- Jun 22, 2016
Scientists have discovered an unexpected mineral in a rock sample at Gale Crater on Mars, a finding that may alter our understanding of how the planet evolved. ...

Cool, fast meteorite races across sky over Halifax
Hopefully a meteor? Did anyone else see this?” wrote user fussball_eh. Twitter user @kennymahar said he saw a meteor burn up as he sat in his ...

The Spacecraft that Fell to Earth Slowly
SETI Institute
Creating a horizon-to-horizon man-made meteor, this spectacular re-entry was studied by an international airborne team led by SETI Institute scientist ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUN2016

Amazing June Lyrid fireball recorded over Spain
Meteor News
The event was recorded by eight cameras deployed at four meteor-observing stations operating in the framework of the SMART Project. The analysis ...

Sugar derivatives in meteorites shows enantiomeric excess
June 22, 2016 by Heather Zeiger
(Phys.org)—Chiral molecules can be found in chemically equivalent left-handed (L) and right-handed (D) mirror-image forms - each commonly referred to as an enantiomer. Synthetic sugars and other chiral molecules made in the lab from non-chiral precursors, or any process that does not use asymmetric reagents such as enzymes in biological reactions,...

NASA Scientists Discover Unexpected Mineral on Mars
Scientists have discovered an unexpected mineral in a rock sample at Gale Crater on Mars, a finding that may alter our understanding of how the planet evolved.
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, has been exploring sedimentary rocks within Gale Crater since landing in August 2012. In July 2015, on Sol 1060 (the number of Martian days since landing), the rover collected powder drilled from rock at a location named "Buckskin." Analyzing data from an X-ray diffraction instrument on the rover that identifies minerals, scientists detected significant amounts of a silica mineral called tridymite....

In search of stardust: finding micro-meteorites on your roofWith a strong magnet and a fine sieve you can discover meteorites that have landed on your home.
By Markus Schwabe, CBC News Posted: Jun 21, 2016
Seven years ago Jon Larsen was preparing to eat his breakfast outside at his home in Norway when a meteorite slammed onto his patio table. But the meteorite didn't do any damage, because it was the size of a piece of dust. ...

Watch the night sky
The Hindu
June 30 is World Meteor Watch Day. Meteors are also known as 'shooting stars'. Look up into the night sky and you might see a sudden streak of light.

Instructions for Building a Portable Double Cross Antenna: Great for NOAA/Meteor Weather Satellites
A double cross antenna is great for reception of satellites like NOAA and Meteor since it has a sky oriented radiation pattern with very few nulls.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUN2016

Bright meteor fireball observed over southern Spain
Signs of the Times
Fireball recorded over Spain just one minute after the start of summer (June 20, at 22:35 UT).
Russia to make satellite orbit catalogue public?
Russian news outlets suggest that Russia will make its orbital catalog
> public, including western classified objects:
> http://izvestia.ru/news/619052
> http://sputniknews.com/science/20160622/1041718824/russia-us-satellites.html

> https://www.rt.com/news/347744-russia-satellites-database-norad/

FRIPON: A New All-Sky Meteor Network
Sky & Telescope
French researchers estimate that 10 meteorites fall in France every year, but ameteor sighting followed by a subsequent meteorite recovery has been ...

Rates, Flux Densities, and Spectral Indices of Meteor Radio Afterglows
Wiley Online Library
the spectrum steepening over time for each meteor afterglow. ... Beamformed measurements of two meteorradio afterglows recorded on October 17,.

Listen to Meteor Showers
Earth Tone Electronics
Meteor shower events are a great way to spend time outdoors. During events such as Leonids the bright display of a meteor traveling through the ...

Meteor Crater to Celebrate Asteroid Day June 30, 2016 with Family Fun Events
Meteor Crater
Meteor Crater to celebrate Asteroid Day on June 30th with arts and crafts, a costume contest, a movie screening and other activities for the whole ...

5 dark sites perfect for stargazing in the United States
The park hosts several astronomy events throughout the year, giving people of all ages an opportunity to view the night sky, meteor showers or lunar ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21JUN2016

Multiple sightings of a meteor fireball over Japan
Signs of the Times
The plume, brightened by the light of the moon, showed the path that the apparent meteor took as it made its way through the atmosphere.

OMSI Perseid Meteor Shower Star Party in Corbett, OR
O.M.S.I Perseid Meteor Shower Star Party on Aug 12, 2016 in Corbett, OR(Portland metro area) at Rooster Rock State Park. Learn more about this ...

Asteroid Day 2016: Be Prepared, Houston on June 30
Houston Press
The Odessa Meteor Crater is a collection of five craters that were produced by an iron asteroid. And the Marquez Crater, which isn't exposed at the ...

Stargazers in Spain to enjoy summer of celestial delights
The Local.es
Stargazers will be spoilt for choice this summer, as Spain's skies light up with five planets, two eclipses and the famous Perseid meteor shower.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20JUN2016

The facts about asteroids, certain death from the sky (eventually)
Fabius Maximus website (blog)
See the map below; the dots represent the meteor's size. For a rough conversion between the measured optical radiant energy and the total energy: ...

Mine Tales: Unraveling the mystery, marvels of Meteor Crater
Arizona Daily Star
Located 35 miles east of Flagstaff and 6 miles south of Interstate 40, Meteor Crater and its fragments were first recognized after the discovery of iron ...

Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
Meteor? Taken by David Gilyan on June 18, 2016 @ Indianapolis. Click photo for larger image. Camera Used: OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO.,LTD C300Z, ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19JUN2016

Meteor fireball filmed over the state of São Paulo, Brazil
Signs of the Times
This earthgrazer meteor was filmed by cameras of the Brazilian Meteor Observation Network (Bramon) over the state of São Paulo, Brazil on June 14, ...

Earthgrazer meteor over the state of São Paulo, Brazil
Strange Sounds
This earthgrazer meteor was filmed by cameras of the Brazilian Meteor Observation Network (Bramon) over the state of São Paulo, Brazil on June 13, ...

Universe’s first life might have been born on diamond planets
kurzweilai.net - June 7, 2016
New findings by scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) suggest that planet formation in the early universe might have created carbon planets consisting of graphite, carbides, and diamond and that astronomers might find these diamond worlds by searching a rare class of stars. ...

Mystery Meteorite Found In Swedish Quarry
A rock that plummeted to Earth 470 million years ago has been identified as the first ever known meteorite of its kind. Named Öst 65, it was discovered ...

Scientists say new type of meteorite is remnant of ancient asteroid collision
A meteorite discovered in a Swedish quarry appears to be the only remnant of one part of a massive asteroid collision more than 470 million years ago ...

Meteorite seen in New York City sky
Thanks for EarthCam by recording with his Midtown Skyline HD Streaming camera.

Nature and mystery at Jones Lake State Park
Fayetteville Observer
One of the most notorious of the theories is that the bays were formed by a meteor shower; however, Garner said that despite core samples, nothing ...
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18JUN2016

Meteor News- 18 June 2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
A beautiful earthgrazer meteor over São Paulo state, Brazil. We managed to catch the beginning (VLW station), middle (CSP station) and the end of ...

Meteor fireball spotted in skies over Massena, New York
Signs of the Times
A 7 News viewer caught what might have been a meteor falling from the sky over Massena. The pictures were taken by Sara Lytle after 4 p.m. near the ...

Main Street Morning: This Japanese start-up wants to create artificial meteor showers on-demand
Washington Post
Welcome to Main Street Morning, The Washington Post's daily collection of news affecting entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses with a ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for 18-24 June 2016
Meteor News
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 2 for observers located in the northern hemisphere and 3 for observers ...

American Meteor Society
Fireball seen over my house at 9:50 PM on Saturday, May 28, 2016. This was in Pelham, AL USA. I have tried twice to report this, and both times got a ...

So You Want to be a Palaeontologist: Meteor Madness Wrap Up Party
Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum
This week's theme is Meteor Madness Wrap up Party. Join us as we wrap up the summer programming with space themed crafts. Thursday's programs ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Sao Paulo, Brazil Earthgrazer Fireball Meteor 13JUN2016

Sao Paulo, Brazil Earthgrazer Fireball Meteor 0847 UTC 13JUN2016

A beautiful earthgrazer meteor over São Paulo state, Brazil.
We managed to catch the beginning (VLW station), middle (CSP station) and the end of the trajectory (HAL station),

Video by BRAMON

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17JUN2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16JUN2016
Posted: 16 Jun 2016 02:00 PM PDT
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News BREAKING! ONT NY NJ Fireball Meteor 2130 EDT 14JUN2016 Fragmentation reported. MeteorRats take a look! Report your meteor sightings please- ... The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15JUN2016 ONT QC NY NJ PA MA Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016 - Breaking! NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016 Scientists have identified a completely new type of ...

Bizarre Meteorite - First Of Its Kind - Unearthed In Sweden
Tech Times
A quarry in Sweden is the resting place of a meteorite unlike any ever seen on Earth. What is the history and geology of this bizarre extinct meteorite?

Meteor Spotted Over Massena?
A 7 News viewer caught what might have been a meteor falling from the sky over Massena. The pictures were taken by Sara Lytle after 4 p.m. near the ...

Could a major meteor strike cause the Earth's crust to move independently of the core, producing ...
It would probably take a series of very large meteor strikes, all over the world, in order to do the kind of mass, worldwide melting you envisage. very unlikely- no!

Perseids Meteor Shower in the Sahara
Begaa Tours
Camel Trek in the Sahara to witness Perseids Meteor Shower. Why not combine a holiday to Morocco with the amazing celestial spectacle of the ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16JUN2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
BREAKING! ONT NY NJ Fireball Meteor 2130 EDT 14JUN2016 Fragmentation reported. MeteorRats take a look! Report your meteor sightings please- ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15JUN2016
ONT QC NY NJ PA MA Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016 - Breaking!
NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016
Scientists have identified a completely new type of meteorite. - Österplana 65

Scientists have identified a completely new type of meteorite.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
An 8cm space rock called Österplana 65 was found in a ...

Small Asteroid Is Earth's Constant Companion
A small asteroid has been discovered in an orbit around the sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, and it will remain so for centuries to come. As it orbits the sun, this new asteroid, designated 2016 HO3, appears to circle around Earth as well. It is too distant to be considered a true satellite of our planet, but it is the best and most stable example to date of a near-Earth companion, or "quasi-satellite."... more

Not aliens, says expert after large fireball spotted in night sky
"It sounds like a larger-than-usual meteor that ripped through the skies," said Fazekas, adding that this event happens often, but not always in a ...

Fiery meteor fireball blazed across SE Canada and NE United States
Signs of the Times
"It sounds like a larger-than-usual meteor that ripped through the skies," said Fazekas, adding that this event happens often, but not always in a ...

Asymmetric molecule, key to life, detected in space for first time
EMTV Online
Image: A meteor streaks over the sky during the Perseid meteor shower at a windmill farm near Bogdanci, south of Skopje in the early morning August ...

470 Million Year Old Meteorite Discovered In Swedish Quarry
Universe Today
There is ample evidence of the Ordovician meteor event in the form of meteorites, and they all conform to similar chemistry and structure. So it's long ...

'Alien' rock unlike anything seen before
Perth Now
The 470 million-year-old meteorite which has proven to be unlike any of the tens of thousands of meteorites found on Earth so far....

France is building the world's biggest automated meteor-spotting network
Yahoo News
France is building one of the the world's first fully-connected and automated meteor-spotting network with a new project called FRIPON — standing for ...

Massive meteor-tracking network launches in France
Irish Examiner
By the end of the year the system will be using 100 cameras in regions across France, making it one of the biggest meteor-spotting networks in the ...

113 Reports
Fireball event
Report a Fireball · Events · Reports · Log In · Sign up ... AMS received 113 reports about a fireball seen over NH, NY, PA, Ontario, VT, MA, ME, Québec, ...

LISTEN: Valley residents call 911 after meteor
ABC15 Arizona
Police have released some of the 911 calls that came in when the huge ball of light flew across the sky. One woman delivering papers early in the ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15JUN2016

ONT NY NJ Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
BREAKING! ONT NY NJ Fireball Meteor 2130 EDT 14JUN2016 Fragmentation reported. MeteorRats take a look! Report your meteor sightings please-...

NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016. NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor Apprx. 1810 Local 14JUN2016 Report your meteor sightings please-...

Asymmetric molecule, key to life, detected in space for first time
Channel News Asia
A meteor streaks over the sky during the Perseid meteor shower at a windmill farm near Bogdanci, south of Skopje in the early morning August 13, ...

Large meteor over Norway June 13, 2016
UFO and Mysteries
The map shows the bearings of the meteor. The dark lines show the direction of observation spots for meteors appearing, and the bright lines show ...

'Fossil' meteorite was from asteroid smash-up
By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent 14 June 2016
The 8cm space rock is said to be chemically distinct from any of the 50,000 other such objects held in collections. Called Österplana 65, it was found in a limestone quarry in Thorsberg, Sweden...

France Launches Massive Meteor-Tracking Effort
Scientists in France are on the hunt for meteors, and they just launched a major campaign to find them. According to Scientific American, the so-called ...

Meteor caught flying by moon
Cloudy Nights
Meteor caught flying by moon - posted in Solar System Imaging & Processing: Last night June 12 I was taking a video of the moon when I caught ...

No local witnesses to overhead meteor in Marion County
According to the American Meteor Society (AMS), the fireball appeared in the sky around 11:41 a.m. The trajectory had the rock hitting the atmosphere ...

Get Ready for Artificial Meteor Showers
National Geographic
Now, if a Japanese start-up called ALE has its way, a satellite capable of generating artificial meteor showers will be in orbit sometime in the next two ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14JUN2016
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 01:43 PM PDT
Mammals Were Already Flourishing When The Axe Fell On The Dinosaurs Universe Today As it turns out, mammals may have been well on their way to displacing the dinos long before the Chicxulub meteor hastened the dinosaur's demise....

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

ONT QC NY NJ PA MA MI Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016 - Breaking!

BREAKING! ONT QC NY NJ  PA MA MI Fireball Meteor 2130 EDT 14JUN2016
Fragmentation reported. Electrophonics reported! 
MeteorRats take a look! May be rocks on the ground.
All 58 Reports

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures.
If you have a video or still image please send to me @ drtanuki@gmail.com ; Thank you!

Sighting Reports-

14JUN2016 m Kingston,ontario, canada 21:30 5 seconds heading west, low in the sky bright white/orange/blue sun it seemed to burn away to nothing, getting smaller as it moved further along I could hear a whoosh as it went overhead, it seemed really close. I almost thought it was fireworks, but it definitely was not.

14JUN2016 Kevin Tonawanda, NY 21:30/EST PM 5 to 10 seconds S-N Bright green to brigh red Bright as the moon Yes. None

14JUN2016 Ben Cahill East Amwell, NJ, USA ~ 21:30pm Eastern Time 5-8 seconds SE-NW, facing NNW, movement mostly down and away from me, slight right-to-left motion. First spotted ~ 30 degrees above horizon, moved to ~20 degrees above. Usual bright yellow/white. No sound. Venus or brighter No None.

14JUN2016 Caroline Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 21:15/EST, PM 5 sec SE to SW facing south Very bright white, yellow Airplane lights Yes I first thought it was an airplane low in the sky that was how bright and big it was. We are very close to the airport here in Ottawa.

14JUN2016 Sandro Belpanno Spencerport, NY USA 2100 EASTERN 4-7 E;NE right to left ? (Colorblind) no sound, but i was standing next to a running pool pump. Moon/venus. Very bright, and the sun ad just set. Sky was still bright. Yes, several. 5-10 It was pretty awesome. 10-20 times brighter than any i have ever seen, but im not an avid skywatcher.

14JUN2016 Lisa Pritchard Rome, NY United States approx 20:25 pm eastern time zone I just saw a small arc as it passed from behind a tree through the tree, and passed some roofs from east to west, right to left, I was facing approx north reds/oranges very bright and vivid, I'd say as bright as moon, but in oranges and reds not that I saw a bit smaller than the moon, but much larger than venus. Like a bright orange red ball of fire with a definite tail.

Anon wrote-
I was in my backyard doing yardwork and around 830pm in Orleans Ontario I saw a fireball in the sky with whoosh sound. First time I've seen this! Very cool!

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here  All 58 reports-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor 14JUN2016

NSW, Australia Fireball Meteor Apprx. 1810 Local 14JUN2016

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures.
If you have a video or still image please send to me @ drtanuki@gmail.com ; Thank you!

Sighting Reports-
14JUN2016 Jeff Death Lemon Tree Passage. NSW. Australia 18:13 3-4 seconds North - to slightly north west - left to right Bright no colour Very bright - 10 times brighter than any star No but has long tail No

14JUN2016 Jonathan Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia 18:05 10 NW nil sun no nil

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!