28 November 2013

Meteor Alert! - Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-04DEC2013

Meteor Alert-  Large Meteor Outburst Possible Near CERTAIN! 20NOV2013-04DEC2013
AS originally Published on 21/11/2013 17:37 Japan Standard Time
except 25NOV2013 29NOV2013 updates below about NEO 2013 WY 2013 WH25

Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 227 views
Video Published on Nov 21, 2013
Thank you Elias in Greece for making the video production for me!!
Currently we are nearly moon-blind for discovery of approaching, yet undiscovered, NEOs by ground-based telescopes.  I suspect that we will have a few large meteor events during the period of 20NOV-04DEC2013 as we will have three 1.0km  diameter or greater known asteroids passing Earth's  neighborhood  during this period of days.  Observers do have your  security cameras or allsky cameras ready 24/7 please.  If possible get out and observe and you might just be lucky enough to witness a spectacular meteor, fireball, or bolide! Who knos we may get lucky and even have some new meteorites! Please get the word out via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, ATS, GLP, or your favorite forums and kindly mention this website; thank you-

Please report your meteor sightings to this website; thank you in advance.
Dirk Ross-LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo, Japan

updated 29NOV2013
(2013 WH25) 2013-Nov-290.00090.43.2 m - 7.1 m29.620.89

updated 26NOV2013- only change since original post
(2013 WY) 2013-Nov-250.01797.015 m - 33 m26.34.30

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
85774 (1998 UT18) 2013-Nov-210.172467.1380 m - 860 m19.213.62
(1997 YM9) 2013-Nov-220.185972.342 m - 94 m24.03.74
(2013 VN13) 2013-Nov-230.138654.038 m - 85 m24.29.59
(2013 UF3) 2013-Nov-230.125048.7100 m - 230 m22.117.44
(2013 SC25) 2013-Nov-240.119146.4400 m - 900 m19.118.39
(2012 XJ16) 2013-Nov-250.191074.348 m - 110 m23.78.50
376879 (2001 WW1) 2013-Nov-250.125048.6110 m - 240 m22.011.81
(2010 CL19) 2013-Nov-250.096637.6800 m - 1.8 km17.623.66
(2013 NJ) 2013-Nov-260.00632.5120 m - 260 m21.86.82
269690 (1996 RG3) 2013-Nov-260.160862.6530 m - 1.2 km18.511.24
(2007 VW83) 2013-Nov-260.065625.540 m - 90 m24.16.28
(2008 WT62) 2013-Nov-260.113944.373 m - 160 m22.811.60
(2006 YF13) 2013-Nov-270.182771.1270 m - 590 m20.017.89
(2009 LD) 2013-Nov-270.081931.915 m - 34 m26.25.79
(2013 UH9) 2013-Nov-280.177569.1530 m - 1.2 km18.512.06
(2013 VP12) 2013-Nov-290.070027.239 m - 87 m24.29.86
(2000 KA) 2013-Nov-290.059923.3130 m - 300 m21.511.79
Data/Table Source- http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

NOTE- This is my personal observation and work NOT any official statement by NASA or any governmental body. -LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo.

originally published Published on 21/11/2013 17:37 Japan Standard Time2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Greece / Italy Fireball Meteor/s 27NOV2013

Greece / ItalyFireball Meteor/s 27NOV2013
"Click on image to enlarge"
Greece / Italy  Fireball Meteor/s 27NOV2013
v2 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Report your meteor sightings please-

This appears at this time to have been a very large event based upon the MBIQ Bot Data Set that was Sampled in minutes after the event.  I will have the data available posted soon once I have time;  thank you.  - LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo

Important please get this information  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and your favorite forums. AND please tell your local newspapers and TV and Radio stations about this website with a link to the main sitehttp://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
Please check your All Sky captures and security cameras as well;  thank you! If photos or videos were captured please kindly email to 

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
27NOV2013 Rassannie Polyfito Kozani Greece 18:45 GMT+3 12 sec NW to SE White, yellow rim More than Venus, less than moon Yes irregular brightness, long white tail, seemed very close. fizzled to nothing at SE end of its track, Possilby lost view over mountains

27NOV2013 Kate Black Kefalonia Greece 21:33 EET (GMT+2) 2 South Not seen Not observed Not Seen Loud bang rattled windows, local reported observations of light in sky and loud bang. First mistook for strange earthquake



All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 November 2013

Breaking News- QLD NSW, Australia Meteor 27NOV2013

Breaking News - QLD NSW, Australia Meteor Approx 1955 AEST 27NOV2013
If this was not space trash?  METEORITES  LIKELY PPRODUCED!
"click on image to enlarge"
QLD NSW, Australia Meteor Approx 1955 AEST 27NOV2013
v1 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Report your meteor sightings please-

This appears at this time to have been a very large event based upon the MBIQ Bot Data Set that was Sampled in minutes after the event.  I will have the data available posted soon once I have time;  thank you.  - LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo

Important please get this information  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and your favorite forums. AND please tell your local newspapers and TV and Radio stations about this website with a link to the main sitehttp://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
Please check your All Sky captures and security cameras as well;  thank you! If photos or videos were captured please kindly email to 

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
27NOV2013 Mark D Brisbane, Qld, AUSTRALIA 20:15 AEST (UTC+10) 9seconds N-S Facing West Red main body with yellowish tail Venus Started as one moving light, fragmented into 2 clusters, larger cluster at the top, maybe 20-30 fragments, smaller cluster at the bottom, maybe 5-10 fragments awesome. scared the kids a little bit!

27NOV2013 Tiff Logan City, Qld, AUSTRALIA 1955 About 10 seconds. North-SouthWest Viewed facing west. Yellow/white. No sound. At least as big and bright as the moon. Started out big and solid then as it travelled it broke up into numerous smaller pieces that fizzled out. It was very, very low and fairly slow. I've never seen anything like it. Amazing!

27NOV2013 Delgray Mountain creek, Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia Between 7.30-8pm 10-15 seconds N/NE - S/SW White/yellow/gold, no sound Possibly the moon but a bit more yellow co,luring Yes, definitely fragmentation, 1 major part and the numerous trailing afterwards I am not sure what this was, defiantly had numerous fragments and wasn't moving too fast across the sky, but disappeared down to the SW of maybe Brisbane city, AUSTRALIA

27NOV2013 Kevin Druery Chambers Flat, Qld, Australia 19:55:00 3-5 secs N-S, right to left, facing west Large orange ball which broke into a number of smaller ones as it travelled. No sound As bright as a near full moon, but orange Yes Amazing experience! Never seen anything like this before.


27NOV2013 Karen Stevenson Calliope River Qld Australia 19:55hrs; Australian Eastern Standard Time, PM 15 seconds north west to south east direction; observed travelling from left to right. First Noted just above horizon trailing across sky to other horizon no sound. Colour yellow to orange moon yes multiple parts trailing an amazing site - at first thought it was a falling star however far more spectacular.

All 21 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27NOV2013

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects California ...
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
West Covina, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: CA OR Morning Meteor 26OCT2013" by searching for ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Upstate NY, Canada: Meteor or Earthquake? Loud Sound and ...
A loud sound and shaking in upstate New York and Canada near Montreal spurred a flood of speculation about an earthquake or meteor on Tuesday night.

MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013 | Portal ...
MBIQ Sampled Data Set-Montreal, Quebec arrived from google.ca on "Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News: Meteor Alert! - Large Meteor Outburst Was ...

Upstate NY, Canada: #Meteor or #Earthquake? Loud Sound and ...
After an area from West Montreal to Cornwall, Ont., to upstate N.Y. was reportedly rocked by the sound of a massive explosion Tuesday, residents began ...

Blog Archive » Possible Meteor Rattles Ontario-Quebec Skies
This may be signs of a meteor event and could indicate the stone – which could be anywhere in size from a sofa to compact car- may have fragmented with ...

Mystery explosion may be a meteor: expert
CTV News
According to astronomy expert Andrew Fazekas, all signs point to the explosion and light being caused by a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Massive blast heard near Quebec, Ontario border likely a meteor ...
National Post
This has the hallmark of a meteor blast,” said Andrew Fazekas, a spokesman with the Montreal Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. “It could be ...

Mysterious Bang, Explosion Heard Near Montreal Sparks Twitter ...
Huffington Post Canada
It's not clear yet, but the guesses on social media range from explosion tometeor to UFO. Andrew Fazekas, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, told the ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects Quebec ...
MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013 ... Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013" by ...

Appears to have been very large Meteor over Quebec 26NOV2013
MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013 Report your meteor sightings please- This appears at this tiem to have been a very large event ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Comets ISON and Encke ...
For ALL of the Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports. "click here" ... Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013.

Ukrainian Dashcam Captures Meteor | RTM ...
A meteor was caught on camera, after a driver's dashcam in the Ukraine picked up a big burst ...

Will comet 209P/LINEAR generate the next meteor storm?
Previous studies have suggested that comet 209P/LINEAR may produce strong meteor activity on Earth on 2014 May 24; however, exact timing and activity level ...

Mercury meteorite among world's rarest rocks
PhysOrg - 9 hours
(Phys.org) —Talk about a precious stone—the largest piece of the only known meteorite from the planet Mercury has found its way to Yale, ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects California ...
West Covina, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: CA OR Morning Meteor 26OCT2013" by searching for ...

Beauty and adventure in Egyptian oasis
While out exploring the fossils, we discovered what Baghi believes are fragments of a meteor. We couldn't be sure, seeing neither of us are meteor experts or ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013

MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor apprx. 1950 EST 26NOV2013
IF this was NOT Thundersnow ,Winter Lightning/Thunder, METEORITES  VERY LIKELY PRODUCED by a WV VAN-sized object!

Posted on YouTube by ILLINOISFURY 265,553 views
Uploaded on Feb 28, 2009
Jim Cantore from TWC was caught off guard when lightning lit up the sky during an intense snowstorm.

METEOR??? Maybe not!? I am lacking eye-witness reports of anyone actually seeing anything, only hearsay; NO videos?. We need video of this event; email videos please LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Was this Winter Lightning/Thunder only?; this is now my best guess. 
Check back as this story may develop further.
"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Red lines indicating distances from Report Posts 50km, 16km 6km
v1 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Additional Reports Include Quebec, Ontario and New York.
v2 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Quebec Main Cluster of Reports Map
v3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
LOUD SONICS REPORTED! OVER 7000 9000 10,000 individual 22,354 people looking for info related to this event just on this site in a 1 2 3 hour period! 43,385 pageviews!  Thank you all for your interest and support.

English follows the French translation  below.

Signalez vos observations de météores s'il vous plaît -

Cela semble à ce time avoir été un très grand événement sur ​​la base du MBIQ Bot ensemble de données qui a été échantillonnée en minutes après l'événement . Je vais avoir les données disponibles posté bientôt une fois que j'ai le temps de faire les autres confirmations ; je vous remercie. - LunarMeteoriteHunter ... Tokyo

Tl Important obtenir cette information via Facebook , Twitter , YouTube et vos forums favoris .
S'il vous plaît vérifier vos caméras locales au Québec pour tous les captures ciel et des caméras de sécurité ainsi ; je vous remercie ! Si des photos ou des vidéos ont été capturés s'il vous plaît écrivez bien vouloir LunarMeteorHunter@google.com

Report your meteor sightings please-

This appears at this time to have been a very large event based upon the MBIQ Bot Data Set that was Sampled in minutes after the event.  I will have the data available posted soon once I have time to get the other confirmations;  thank you.  - LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo

Important tl get this information out via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and your favorite forums.
Please check your local cameras in Quebec for All Sky captures and security cameras as well; thank you! If photos or videos were captured please kindly email to 

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
26NOV2013 Carolynn Mille-Isles, Quebec 8:45:00 3-4 seconds North blue white; no sound full moon (bright as blowing hydro transformer) No/unseen I thought it was a hydro transformer blowing. We have had trouble with hydro and weather (wind, etc.) recently.

26NOV2013 Roy, JH Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, Canada 8PM EST approx 1 sec Did not see light or object Strong muffled explosion; trembling of roof none none exact location: 45,5371, -73,9118

26NOV2013 Pia Sainte Anne De Bellevue, Quebec, Canada 20:00:00 1 Didn't see Boom, like as if something very heavy fell about 100 meter away. Didn't see Didn't see The walls of my house shook once, as if someone had slammed the door really hard.
26NOV2013 Johanne Ile-Bizard, Quebec 19h50 rumble was 2 seconds long West side of the house- did not see it- was inside at the time Heard a rumble was inside the house - know air traffic controllers - pilots saw a bright light in the sky was inside the house - did not see where it hit sorry - just my dog that growled

MBIQ Sampled Data Set- not all posted yet sorry too many!
Montreal, Quebec arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor Alert! - Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013" by searching fornovember 26 meteor.
11:48:00 -- 24 seconds ago

Lasalle, Quebec arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013" by searching for meteorite nov.26 2013.
11:47:50 -- 34 seconds ago

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

Media reports since my post-

INTERVIEWS: A meteorite rips the sky Quebec Story and Audio Files
Posted by: Stephen Phoenix ephenix@astral.com · 2013-11-27 11:55:00
It would be indeed a meteorite that many Quebecers have seen or heard last night around 20h.
The "boom" followed by a blue light were seen in the greater Montreal, Montérégie, Eastern Ontario and to Plattsburgh in upstate New York in the United States. ... Citing The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!

Affiché par: Étienne Phénix ephenix@astral.com · 2013-11-27 11:55:00
Ce serait bel et bien un météorite que plusieurs Québécois ont vu ou entendu hier soir vers 20h.
Le "boom" suivi d'une lumière bleue ont été perçus dans le grand Montréal, en Montérégie, dans l'Est Ontarien ainsi qu'à Plattsburgh dans l'État de New York aux États-Unis....

Mystery explosion may be a meteor: expert
CTV News
According to astronomy expert Andrew Fazekas, all signs point to the explosion and light being caused by a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Massive blast heard near Quebec, Ontario border likely a meteor ...
National Post
This has the hallmark of a meteor blast,” said Andrew Fazekas, a spokesman with the Montreal Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. “It could be ...

Mysterious Bang, Explosion Heard Near Montreal Sparks Twitter ...
Huffington Post Canada
It's not clear yet, but the guesses on social media range from explosion tometeor to UFO. Andrew Fazekas, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, told the ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Comet ISON Activity Video Updates 26/27NOV2013 - ISON The Sheep Herder

Comet ISON Activity Video Updates 26/27NOV2013 - ISON The Sheep Herder

COMET ISON Breaking News: Fragmentation Event ? The Nucleus May Be Non-Existent
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 1,402 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 November 2013

Comets ISON and Encke updates and DEC Astronomy Update 26NOV2013

Comets ISON and Encke updates and DEC Astronomy Update 26NOV2013
Comet Ison 2013
Image Credit- NASA
NASA Hosts Nov. 26 Teleconference and Nov. 28 Hangout to Discuss Comet Nearing SunNASA will host a media teleconference Tuesday, Nov. 26 and a Google+ HangoutThursday, Nov. 28 to discuss Comet ISON's journey through our solar system and what the public worldwide may see in the coming days as the comet traverses the sun on Thanksgiving Day....To join the Hangout, visit:http://go.nasa.gov/IiODhsLive audio of the teleconference will be streamed at:http://www.nasa.gov/newsaudioFor NASA TV streaming video, downlink and scheduling information, visit:http://www.nasa.gov/nasatv--------------------------

A Tale of Two Comets: MESSENGER Captures Images of Encke and ISON
MESSENGER Mission News- November 25, 2013
On November 18, NASA's Mercury-orbiting MESSENGER spacecraft pointed its Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) at 2P/Encke and captured this image
of the comet as it sped within 2.3 million miles (3.7 million kilometers) of Mercury's surface. The next day, the probe captured this companion image  <http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/gallery/sciencePhotos/image.php?image_id=1304>
of C/2012 S1 (ISON), as it cruised by Mercury at a distance of 22.5 million miles (36.2 million kilometers) on its way to its late-November closest approach to the Sun. MESSENGER's cameras have been acquiring targeted observations
of Encke since October 28 and ISON since October 26, although the first faint detections  <http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/news_room/details.php?id=245> didn't come until early November. During the closest approach of each comet to Mercury, the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) and X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) instruments also targeted the comets. Observations of ISON conclude on November 26, when the comet passes too close to the Sun, but MESSENGER will continue to monitor Encke with both the imagers and spectrometers through early December. ...

Track Comet ISON's Journey as Bright Planets and Starry Events Fill the Sky this December
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 1 view

Comet ISON NASA's Latest Update: Dazzle or Dust? Get the Facts About Comet ISON
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 108 views

Tonight's Sky December 2013 - Constelations, Deep-Sky Objects, Planets and Events HDPosted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 87 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013

MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013

Report your meteor sightings please-

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
26NOV2013 Priscilla Romero La Puente,Ca. USA 02:47 am/ PST 1sec eastern trajectory white / blue moon no frags first
MBIQ Data Set-
West Covina, California arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: CA OR Morning Meteor 26OCT2013" by searching for meteorites in sky 11/26/13 @ 2:47 am over so california.
19:54:11 -- 1 minute ago

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 November 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25NOV2013

Far out! Local kid hit by meteor?
Local kid hit by meteor? Story By: Karl Man/CBS 12 News Loxahatchee , Fla -- He's the walking, talking, living, breathing seven-year-old who just had a very ... VERY dubious of this one!

Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 21 ...
2 min
LATEST WORLDWIDE METEOR/METEORITE NEWS http:// lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.jp ... youtube.com

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects Georgia ...
MBIQ Detects Georgia Bright Meteor apprx. 11:20 PM EST 24NOV2013 -updates pending. InitialMeteor Sighting Reports- Zack Knight Jefferson, GA, USA ...

Rare Martian Meteorite Reveals Mars Formed Its ...
A rare piece of Mars' crust that fell to earth has revealed a rough timeline of the planet's ...

Rock, said to be from Mercury, at Peabody
Connecticut Post - 1 hour NASA - The heavily-cratered surface of Mercury appears like that of the Moon, although the Moon and Mercury have little geology in common. ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for November 23-29, 2013 | American ...The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 4 for observers located in the northern hemisphere and 3 for those viewing south ...

Connecticut Post - 1 hour NASA - The heavily-cratered surface of Mercury appears like that of the Moon, although the Moon and Mercury have little geology in common. ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24NOV2013 -earlyMost of the meteor vaporized on impact and the remaining fragments were scattered across the sands of the Western Sahara. A couple of hundred years later, .lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/.../the-latest-worldwide-m...

Meteor and Comet Attack, TPTB will NOT warn you, they will lie even ...The recent Russia Asteroid/Meteor event shed light on one important fact. The powers that be, the experts, will not warn you when the Shite is about to hit the fan ...beforeitsnews.com/.../meteor-and-comet-attack-tptb-will-not-w...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ontario, Canada Meteor/s 24NOV2013

Ontario, Canada Meteor/s Apprx. 1945 EST 24NOV2013

Report your meteor sightings please-

Meteor Sighting Reports-
24NOV2013 Alana Ottawa, ON Approx. 7:45 and 7:55/EST/PM Approx. 5 sec E Yellow Venus As it fell towards the ground, it appeared to break apart and trail off in different directions before completely disappearing. My friend and I both saw two fireballs falling towards the ground in the Eastern direction, directly outside of Ottawa, ON at approximately 7:45 and 7:50 PM. Both lasted a few seconds and fragmented quickly, however they were both falling in the same direction, heading directly towards the ground. My friend commented that they almost appeared like bombs dropping out of the sky.

24NOV2013 Robert Gater Ottawa, Ontario , Canada 19:44 and 19:47 Eastern standard 1 sec per First sighting, vehicle travelling north, meteor travelling south/west. Second sighting, vehicle travelling north, meteor travelling north Both sightings - bright green "shooting star" Brightness 1-10 would be a 6 Unknown N/A

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Georgia Bright Meteor 24NOV2013

MBIQ Detects Georgia Bright Meteor apprx. 11:20 PM EST 24NOV2013
- other meteor reported in TN at 2037 EST 24NOV2013

Report your meteor sightings please-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
Zack Knight Jefferson, GA, USA Around 11:20 PM EST 7 North East to South West White About as bright as the Moon None that I noticed This thing was MASSIVE.

Other Sighting 24NOV2013- Tenn.-
24NOV2013 Rachel Hulsey Chattanooga, TN 20:37 pm 7 United States White Moon brightness Small flickering fragmentations Had a tail and came straight down from sky

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Alberta, Canada Large Meteor 24NOV2013

MBIQ Detects Alberta, Canada Large Meteor apprx.  2005 MTN 24NOV2013
-updates pending

Report your meteor sightings please-

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
24NOV2013 mark CALGARY CANADA 2005 MTN PM 1-2 sec E-W,right to left, facing north ball of fire yellowish sun no flying horizontal

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 November 2013

The Hunt For Libyan Desert Glass and Finding Diamonds From Space - BBC video

The Hunt For Libyan Desert Glass and Finding Diamonds From Space - BBC video
Diamonds Found In Meteorite Diamonds Found In Meteorite
Uploaded to YouTube by ancientalien3 8,988 views

Libyan Desert Glass- Wikipedia entry-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

UAE and Abu Dhabi Stargazing on 25th November, 2013

DAG and NG Abu Dhabi inviting you on Monday 25th Nov 2013 to our Zubair camp to observer:

What amazing weather, hop you had good time, DAG and NG Abu Dhabi inviting you on Monday 25th Nov 2013 to our Zubair camp to observer:
- Jupiter, Moon, Mars, and maybe Comet Ison, Saturn and Mercury.

Come down with friends and families, it’s free event, sponsored by National Geographic Abu Dhabi.
The event will include:
- Presentation of comet – observation
- Short primer of NG ISON comet show which will be aired on 28th Nov.
- Free Gala dinner for all
- General Astronomy talk
- Observing Planets and Moon with Telescopes

The gathering will start from 10PM and program will end at 5AM,
Wish you astronomical times.

Best Regards
Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri
Dubai Astronomy Group

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24NOV2013

Meteorite unveils secrets of ancient Mars
By Elizabeth Landau, CNN- November 20, 2013
(CNN) -- Its name is Black Beauty, and it has traveled a long way to tell you about its home: Mars.
This meteorite, discovered in northern Africa, contains preserved materials from the Red Planet that are 4.4 billion years old, say scientists in a new study published in the journal Nature. Black Beauty...

Mars meteorite 'Black Beauty' provides stunning glimpse into Red ...
Science Recorder
Most of the meteor vaporized on impact and the remaining fragments were scattered across the sands of the Western Sahara. A couple of hundred years later, ...

VIDEO: Meteor Lights Up Sky Above Ukraine | Fox News Insider
A meteor was caught on camera lighting up the sky above Ukraine.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23NOV2013
"click on image to enlarge" Alushta, Ukraine Bolide Meteor Location 21NOV2013 ... The 10,000-ton meteor that burst over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk earlier ...

New Meteor Detection station - Stargazers Lounge
New Meteor Detection station - posted in Radio Astronomy and Spectroscopy: I now have mymeteor detection station up and running in Exeter. The setup is ...

Meteorite Crash In Russia - YouTube
36 min
Date: 02-2013 Biography: Richard C. Hoagland is a former space science museum curator; a ...

Meteor lights up Ukraine sky - YouTube
41 sec
Subscribe for more http://goo.gl/bY5w6 --- At 3:50AM, a meteor is seen streaking across the ...

Fire in the Sky News / Brilliant RED Meteor Turns Night to Day! Sub ...
Fire in the Sky News / Brilliant RED Meteor Turns Night to Day! Subscribe to MrMBB333 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDDdnWJjd7A ISON-SUN/Battle ...

Meteorite Reveals Secrets of Mars' Past - YouTube
3 min
A piece of rock found it's way all the way from Mars to a desert in Northwest Africa . And now it ...

Visitor from planet Mercury at the Peabody
The News-Times - 1 hour
NASA - The heavily-cratered surface of Mercury appears like that of the Moon, although the Moon and Mercury have little geology in common. ...

Meteorite from Mars found in Africa
Oklahoma's NewsChannel 4 - 5 hours
AFRICA – Scientists believe a meteorite that was discovered in northern Africa is from mars. It apparently is nearly four...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 November 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23NOV2013

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Ukraine Bolide Meteor ...
For ALL of the Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports. "click here" ... "click on image to enlarge" Alushta, Ukraine Bolide Meteor Location 21NOV2013

Meteorite From Mars Discovered in Africa
Nightcap TV - 2 hours
Scientists believe a meteorite that was discovered in Northern Africa is from Mars — and, apparently, it’s nearly four and a half billion ...

Planet Mercury comes to Peabody
Yale Daily News - 16 hours
Yale Peabody Museum is displaying a piece of what could be the first known meteorite from Mercury to ever strike earth.

Mars Rock Older Than Thought
Slashdot - 14 hours
Rambo Tribble writes "The BBC reports on a finding, reported in Nature, (abstract), that the so-called 'Black Beauty' rock, discovered in the ...

Scientists Say Fireball Photographed Over Portland ... ???
1 min
November 20, 2013 KOMO 4 News / KING 5 News http://MOXNews.com.

Analyzing a Giant Meteor Blast | Scripps Institution of Oceanography ...
The 10,000-ton meteor that burst over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk earlier this year at 40,000 miles per hour shocked the inhabitants of the region and left ...

November Meteor Showers - Springer
The history of the Andromedids is directly linked to the history of the remarkable periodic comet 3D/Biela. The comet was discovered on three occasions before ...

Mystery 'fireball' lights up Portland, Ore., sky
New York Daily News
Portland, Ore., residents were baffled by a mysterious fireball and smoke plume streaking across the sky this week, sparking chatter of UFOs and meteors from ...

Long Beach Meteorite - On Scene Video
29 sec
A green meteorite was spotted traveling South into Long Beach from the Southbound 710 just ...

Planetary Resources and NASA team up to crowdsource the search for asteroids
Engadget - 23 hours
Planetary Resources really wants to mine asteroids for valuable materials , but first it has to find them. So the company is partnering with ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22NOV2013
"Comet of the century" might cause a meteor shower - CBS News ... 15, a decaying remnant of the extra-terrestrial Chelyabinsk meteor plunged through Earth's ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 November 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22NOV2013

NASA, Planetary Resources Sign Agreement to Crowdsource Asteroid Detection
NASA and Planetary Resources Inc., of Bellevue, Wash., are partnering to
develop crowd-sourced software solutions to enhance detection of near-Earth
objects using agency-funded data. The agreement is NASA's first partnership
associated with the agency's Asteroid Grand Challenge....

"Comet of the century" might cause a meteor shower - CBS News
Comet ISON is estimated to graze by the Sun in November and now scientists predict it might bring meteors with it.

Was It A Fireball Over Portland? ???? Likely Not!
KOIN.com (blog)
Was It A Fireball Over Portland? Updated: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 9:00 PM PST; Published: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 9:00 PM PST. This is the shot ...

What Was That Mysterious 'Fireball' That Streaked Across The ...
Huffington Post
Previously, the U.S. Strategic Command ruled out the possibility the fireball was a man-made object re-entering the atmosphere, KATU News reported....
The Aggie
15, a decaying remnant of the extra-terrestrial Chelyabinsk meteor plunged through Earth's atmosphere at an estimated 41,000 miles per hour, roughly 40 times ...

UFO? Space debris? Exactly what was in the skies over Portland ...
Yahoo News Canada (blog)
... verified that nothing man-made had fallen from orbit (space debris or otherwise) and there were some suggestions that it may have been a fireball meteor.

Метеорит в небе над Алуштой (21.11.2013) - YouTube
21 ноября 2013 года, в районе Алушты (около горы Кастель) пролетел метеорит Видео — для сайта http://alushtaonline.com.ua.

Mars Meteorite Reveals Secrets Of Red Planet | LBC
American and French geologists found tough crystals within the meteoritecalled zircons, which ...

Nine months later: What has the Chelyabinsk meteor taught us ...
There were many things that made the meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk Russia this last February memorable. For most, the amount of camera footage of ...

Chelyabinsk meteor strike - a wake-up call for the world -- Fire in the ...
Consumer video cameras and advanced laboratory techniques gave scientists an unprecedented opportunity to study the meteor that exploded over ...

"Heads Up" Large Meteor Outburst Possible 21 NOV 2013-04 DEC ...
We will have a few large meteor events during the period of 21NOV-04DEC2013 as we will have three 1.0km diameter or greater known asteroids passing ...

Clues About Mars' Early History Locked in Meteorite
ABC News - 4 hours
Scientists say 4.4 billion year old meteorite could provide clues to Mars' early history.

'Black Beauty' reveals warm, wet dawn to Mars
The Christian Science Monitor - 2 hours
A 'truly unique' black meteorite, dubbed 'Black Beauty,' is 4.4 billion years old and contains hints about water and volcanoes on Mars.

Meteorite unveils secrets of ancient Mars
KSAT San Antonio - 22 hours
Its name is Black Beauty, and it has traveled a long way to tell you about its home: Mars. This meteorite, discovered in northern Africa, ...

Mars Meteorite Reveals Secrets Of Red Planet
Sky News via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News - 16 hours
A meteorite from Mars found by Bedouin tribesmen in the Sahara last year has been used to determine the Red Planet's crust was formed 4.4 ...

4.4 billion-year-old Martian meteorite reveals secrets about Red Planet origin
ANI via Yahoo! India News - 17 hours
Washington, Nov 21 (ANI): While a new Martian probe is set to be launched, a Florida State University scientist has uncovered what may be the ...

Anyone can set up a UFO/Meteor Automatic Tracking Station for less ...
I've been thinking about this lately since I have a meteor cam and thought that people who live in UFO hotspots might be interested in setting up similar ...

SEE IT: Photographer captures meteor explosion in California by ...
New York Daily News
The long-time shutterbug accidentally captured a meteor explosion while setting up a self-portrait — and the picture is being shared around the internet quicker ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ukraine Bolide Meteor 21NOV2013

Метеорит в небе над Алуштой (21.11.2013) Alushta,, Ukraine Meteorite lights up the early morning sky - Ukraine 3:50am 21NOV2103
"click on image to enlarge"
Ukraine Bolide Meteor Location 21NOV2013
v3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Meteor in the sky over Alushta (21/11/2013)
Meteorite lights up the early morning sky - Ukraine 3:50am 21NOV2103
Posted on YouTube by alushtaonlinetv 4,320 views Published on Nov 21, 2013
21 ноября 2013 года, в районе Алушты (около горы Кастель) пролетел метеорит
Videos - for the site http://alushtaonline.com.ua

Météorite dans le ciel en Ukraine 21.11.2013
Posted on YouTube by pata taphysic 966 views Published on Nov 21, 2013

Метеорит в Украине 21.11.2013 У небі на півдні країни помітили палаючу кулю (відео)
Posted by TheYou 309 views  Published on Nov 20, 2013
Точно сказать нельзя митеорит или комета, но взрыв был сильный. Все заснято на видео камеру видео наблюдения. Сьогодні вранці, о 3.50, над Кримом відбулався яскравий спалах, який освітлив більшу частину неба.

В криму упал метеорит 21.11.2013
Posted on YouTube by Prik0LTv 150 views Published on Nov 21, 2013

Метеорит 21.11.2013 вид из Ростова-на-Дону
Posted on YouTube by Александр Осипян 519 views  Published on Nov 21, 2013
Яркая вспышка зеленого цвета. Произошло примерно в 05:00.

Meteorit Simferopol 21112013
Posted on YouTube by Роман Крымо 7236 views Published on Nov 20, 2013
Сегодня над Крымом пролетел яркий метеор
21 ноября 2013 | 20:24
Сьогодні о четвертій ранку кримчани стали свідками рідкісного природного явища. Небо раптово освітилося яскраво-блакитним спалахом - над півостровом пролетів та згорів в атмосфері так званий "болід" - метеор. ...http://podrobnosti.ua/podrobnosti/2013/11/21/943751.html

mp4 video

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Comet ISON Unfolds its Wings - Second Huge Outburst - MPI Report: Fragments Break Off the Nucleus

Comet Ison Update- video and imagery
Comet ISON Unfolds its Wings - Second Huge Outburst - MPI Report: Fragments Break Off the Nucleus-- Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 6,065 views

COMET ISON: Countdown to Disintegration the Clock is Ticking Again
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 18,519 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 November 2013

MBIQ Bot Meteor Detections 20/21NOV2013

MBIQ Bot Meteor Detections 20/21NOV2013
MBIQ "Meteor Bot Internet Query" Bot has detected meteor events in Texas, Washington, Alaska, USA and New Brunswick, Canada for the night of 20/21 November.  None have been confirmed by written reports-  If you witnessed one of these or another meteor event please kindly file a meteor sighting report; thank you!

Alaska Meteor Report-
20NOV2013 Katie Noble Meadow Lakes, AK, USA Around 11AM ALASKA TIME 5-7seconds N-S? Bright white/blue Noticeable while driving my car on a bright moon night One direct line Driving birth on the Parks Highway

MBIQ DataSet 20/21NOV2013-
Humble, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for nov 20, 2013 10:20pm fireball texas.
17:19:17 -- 24 minutes ago

Bothell, Washington arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Washington State Meteor 9FEB2011" by searching for anybody just see a meteor in Washington State.
16:48:34 -- 4 minutes ago

Wasilla, Alaska arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Wasilla, Alaska Meteor 6:54am 19MAR2011" by searching for alaska meteor wasilla 11/20/2013.
16:40:49 -- 1 minute ago

Saint John, New Brunswick arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada Fireball Meteor 25AUG2012" by searching for november 21 asteroid over new brunswick canada.
14:19:57 -- 1 hour 5 mins ago

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!