25 August 2013

MBIQ Detects Slovakia / Czech / Hungary / Poland Meteor 24AUG2013

MBIQ Detects Slovakia / Czech / Hungary / Poland Meteor 21:00 GMT+2:00 24AUG2013
 Sonics Reported! Video Capture!

"click on image to enlarge"
Slovakia / Czech / Hungary / Poland Meteor 21:00 GMT+2:00 24AUG2013
v.3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Tűzgömb Magyarország felett (02:05)
2013-04-17 - Kedden este lépett be a Föld légterébe az a meteor, aminek fényét az egész országban lehetett látni.

Fireball 20130824_190208 UT from car

Roman PifflCEMeNt – Central European Meteor Network
We have one casual video taken from a car with quite good quality (but fireball is very low over horizon). Maybe it will be usable for velocity determination. I will ask where exactly this video was taken but as i know roughly it was close to Radom in central Poland... — in Radom, Poland.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
24AUG2013 Alexandra NOVE ZAMKY, SLOVAKIA 21:00 GMT+2:00 to 10 sec N-S (north to south), we were facing south bright white light enlightened the entire sky, then big white "ball" (with white tail) slowly flew through the sky and disappeared. after around three minutes, we heard subdued blast. not so remote blast. not sure if that blast was any connected with meteor. "ball"/meteor was bright maybe as much as moon, sky was widely enlightened as if enlightened by lightning no no photos; other observation - we heard blast 2 or 3 minutes after meteor disappeared

24AUG20113 Boris Nove Zamky, Slovakia 21:00:00 2-3 second strart close ti zenith,explode 30° South, N-S from center red orange to green before explosions moon didn't see any fragments, because of clouds after 2-3 minites, me and my family heard sound of explosion

24AUG2013 Michal Ambroz Cáslav, Czech Republic 21:02 UTC+2 4 sec W-E green tail moon unknown Photos of this event were captured on cameras of Humlnet
http://kamery.humlnet.cz/en/kamery/ on cameras Medvedin and Cerna Hora 24/08/2013 21:02

24AUG2013 Ludek Frydlant nad Ostravici, Czech Republic, 49.675883°N,018.3739553°E 21:04 GMT +2 2-3 second, that it goes behind hill on horizont Facing south, right to left Start at blue blast (no sound),then slightly orange colour as moon looks like split to 3 parts continuing in paralell start az210°,alt 35°(ophius),end az173°,alt7°(sagitarius). Probably the same meteor event mentioned as AUG24 Slovakia

24AUG2013 Martin Hlavňa Ležiachov, Žilinský Kraj, Slovakia 21:XX GMT+1 (Summer Time ) 6 Right To Left bright light flame stopped near ground Same as Sun Don' know nothing

24AUG2013 Viktor Sárkozy Nesvady, Slovakia 9pm 7 sec W-E, left to right green color, no sound same as the sun, night was bright as day no fragmentation I've never seen anything like it

24AUG2013 Saleh Livia Stará Kremnička, Slovakia 21:09:00 4 sec Right to left, facing south Bright big burning ball with a long tail Moon Not sure The meteor seemed to be very near, but we have not heard any sound of collision, since we were in a car.

24AUG2013 ERIKA Tvrdosovce, Slovakia 2103 4 S direction Nove Zamky blue-white color, sound N/A brighter than ful moon N/A The sky was cloudy,first it seems like thunders, but very bright, and first the shining came behind the clouds and than we saw how it is coming out from clouds.

24AUG2013 Michal MIELEC, POLAND 21:03:00 3 sec (between clouds) SW, Right to left, 20 degrees above the horizon GREEN moon --- ----

More on Internet-
Br, Hunor, Hungary, writes,  "I read few reports on the internet.
See below:---PHOTOS---
The reports come from north-Hungary, locations: Mezokovesd, Szecseny, Tata, Szokolya, Sarisap, Satoraljaujhely, Nyiregyhaza, Tatarszentgyorgy, Miskolc, Vac.
The first few pictures were taken in Slovakia and Poland.
Another local info source and best one I found in the TV news, includes local pictures taken in Hungary: ---PHOTOS---
At the end of report is mentioned the bolid from two years ago and the found pieces"
Thank you Br. Hunor!

Br. Martin, Germany, writes including more reports-
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Name of observer: Marek Jureček
Location: near Zilina
District: Slovakia, Žilina
Circumstances observations:
When you return to the High Tatras I looked out the window car probably south and I saw strong greenish glow of the tail. In the first moment I thought it flares. Then I saw on the internet photo
bolide of observations in the similar time, so I'm almost sure I saw it too. Certainly lighted and earth, because driver thought that someone had flashed the high beam.
source: http://meteor.asu.cas.cz/db/report/disp.phtml?id=14472
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Name of observer: Josef Vitoul, Miloš Jelinek Wed
Location: Nemotice
District: Vyškov
Circumstances observations: When returning from visit famous we roughly middle of the village, when crossing žel.přejezdu tracks Nemotice-Korycany, both suddenly spotted over southern greenish horizon
ft ^ ^ ^ ^ something that about 2/3 of the visible smoke trails visibly about 1 second brightened green flash so that it could be seen clouds in nejbližím brightening the area. As we walked in direction from west to east, we phenomenon on the right hand. We smoke trails could not miss it because Its color and length. A more precise time seconds are not able to determine I could only look for mobile phone,
but it was after 21.hod.between first and second minute.source: http://meteor.asu.cas.cz/db/report/disp.phtml?id=14474
Thank you Br.Martin!

All Meteor Sighting Reports Can Be Seen HERE-

MBIQ Sample Data Set-
Surany, Nitra arrived from google.sk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2013" by searching for meteor 24.08.2013.
16:20:33 -- 6 minutes ago

Slovakia arrived from google.sk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2013" by searching for meteorit 24.8.2013 .
16:13:52 -- 12 minutes ago

Slovakia arrived from google.sk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2013" by searching for 24 august 2013 meteorit.
16:08:42 -- 17 minutes ago

Bratislava arrived from google.sk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2013".
16:06:52 -- 18 minutes ago

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 August 2013

Canberra Bolide Event 13AUG2013 Video II

Canberra Bolide Event 13AUG2013 Video II and Summary to Date
"Click on image to enlarge"
Canberra, NSW, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013 GIF
Frames provided by Stromlo Observatory, Star Identification by Jodie Reynolds, and GIF by Dirk Ross
c2013 All Rights Reserved LunarMeteoriteHunter

Jodie Reynolds, USA PI, and Dirk Ross, Japan Researcher, have spent the past seven days, X20 hours a day, to get reports and information documented and calculated before sending teams to the field.

Maps of the projected strewnfield and overall observer data completed.  An orbit has been calculated for the meteoroid/s.  Maps are available for legitimate Australian Researchers upon request and verification.

A team of four has visited the area to search.  Congrats MeteorRats!  Thanks!

Second team arrived today for search of a different portion of the projection. - no report yet.

In all, three videos of the event have been recovered and several key witnesses came forward with sonics data and sighting information.  Thank you all!

Original Post-
Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013

Related posts in order of posting-

Camberra Australia MeteorRats Scramble! The Hunt HAS started...D+2 update

Canberra, Australia Meteor D+3 Update 16AUG2013

Canberra Meteor/ite Event 13AUG2013 Hunt D+4

Bruces Boy Found With Australian Meteorite Fall - Canberra Meteor/ite Event Hunt D+7

Canberra, Australia Meteorite Hunt Field Day D+8

The Year of the Snake!
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE yet to come!!

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches August 2013

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches August 2013
August 2013 NEOs with an LD of 10 or less-
2013 LF7 , 277475 2005 WK4 ,   2007 CN26 , 2013 PJ10  , 2013 PS13 , 2013 QR1
EXPECT more to be discovered soon!

MORE Fireball activity to continue.  Large and slow; get out, cameras ready and capture the events!
08AUG-14AUG especially ripe for large events! - LunarMeteoriteHunter- Japan

Updated 20AUG2013-
(2013 QR1) 2013-Aug-250.02128.2140 m - 320 m21.331.36

Updated 08AUG2013-
(2013 PS13) 2013-Aug-090.00140.58.2 m - 18 m27.617.38

Updated 04AUG2013-
(2013 PJ10) 2013-Aug-040.00251.031 m - 70 m24.66.94

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2013 NA15) 2013-Aug-010.128249.992 m - 210 m22.310.37
(2013 OF) 2013-Aug-020.067426.251 m - 110 m23.611.00
(2013 OO2) 2013-Aug-020.123448.064 m - 140 m23.17.02
(2013 LM31) 2013-Aug-020.141355.0230 m - 510 m20.312.47
(2010 TN54) 2013-Aug-040.168465.5410 m - 910 m19.14.59
(2013 LF7) 2013-Aug-050.027410.6100 m - 230 m22.19.01
(2009 CP5) 2013-Aug-080.088334.4140 m - 320 m21.49.75
(2013 NX) 2013-Aug-080.081831.899 m - 220 m22.14.54
277475 (2005 WK4) 2013-Aug-090.02078.1260 m - 580 m20.18.38
307070 (2002 AV31) 2013-Aug-110.183371.3230 m - 500 m20.411.36
6037 (1988 EG) 2013-Aug-120.184771.9480 m - 1.1 km18.720.20
(2010 AL30) 2013-Aug-120.194475.69.8 m - 22 m27.215.32
(2013 OD4) 2013-Aug-130.101939.7170 m - 390 m20.923.18
(2013 NK4) 2013-Aug-130.121747.4470 m - 1.0 km18.818.40
(2012 DY13) 2013-Aug-140.112243.76.8 m - 15 m28.020.25
164202 (2004 EW) 2013-Aug-140.182971.2190 m - 420 m20.85.69
(2008 ON10) 2013-Aug-160.046918.232 m - 72 m24.64.45
(2003 QK5) 2013-Aug-170.178469.481 m - 180 m22.68.70
(2013 OH) 2013-Aug-180.086533.7170 m - 390 m20.919.27
(2010 RX30) 2013-Aug-190.123548.19.6 m - 22 m27.27.75
(2013 JT22) 2013-Aug-200.172467.1240 m - 530 m20.210.01
(2013 HG20) 2013-Aug-210.069226.9200 m - 440 m20.610.58
137126 (1999 CF9) 2013-Aug-230.063424.7700 m - 1.6 km17.918.92
52760 (1998 ML14) 2013-Aug-240.056321.91.0 km17.710.36
(2002 QZ6) 2013-Aug-240.185672.2320 m - 710 m19.614.06
232691 (2004 AR1) 2013-Aug-250.054321.1290 m - 660 m19.811.18
4581 Asclepius 2013-Aug-250.118846.2220 m - 490 m20.47.58
(2013 OU3) 2013-Aug-250.181470.683 m - 190 m22.56.60
(2007 CN26) 2013-Aug-280.030511.9170 m - 380 m21.06.85
(2008 PW4) 2013-Aug-300.036714.390 m - 200 m22.46.77
(1996 TP6) 2013-Aug-300.177769.2250 m - 570 m20.114.31
(2010 CD55) 2013-Aug-310.046117.964 m - 140 m23.16.13
360433 (2002 JR9) 2013-Aug-310.163163.5870 m - 1.9 km17.412.65
Source- http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

reposted 24AUG2013

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Italia Meteor? 23AUG2013

Italia Meteor? 23AUG2013

Huge trail of light spotted from North to South
centrometeoitaliano.it August 23, 2013 - 21:35
The phenomenon, which occurred recently, reported by many of the regions Italian
About 25 minutes ago, a huge trail of light was seen between the Italian skies from north to south is a meteorite, probably still belongs to the Perseids, which has literally lit up the celestial sphere in an easterly direction. ...

Further searching, this may have been the ISS??

If you witnessed this or another  meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24AUG2013

MBIQ Detects Slovakia Meteor 24AUG2013
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!
  NASA Spacecraft Reactivated to Hunt for Asteroids 
Probe Will Assist Agency in Search for Candidates to Explore
PASADENA, Calif. -- A NASA spacecraft that discovered and characterized tens of thousands of asteroids throughout the solar system before being placed in hibernation will return to service for three more years starting in September, assisting the agency in its effort to identify the population of potentially hazardous near-Earth objects, as well as those suitable for asteroid exploration missions. ...

NASA: Meteor Impact caused Atmospheric Debris Plume
NASA: Meteor Impact caused Atmospheric Debris Plume
Uploaded to YouTube by ClimateState 582 views

UC Davis gets part of El Dorado County <...
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 10:24 PM PDT
A meteorite that exploded in the skies last year above where gold was discovered along the Am...

Billions-year-old meteorite goes on display at ASU
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 05:38 PM PDT
A piece of history goes on display at ASU. And not just any history -- we're talking about something that's 4-to-5 billion years old.Continue reading

Hambleton meteorite rock fails to sell at auction
Fri, 23 Aug, 2013 03:38 AM PDT
Part of the Hambletonmeteorite, thought to be the UK’s most expensive rock from outer space, has failed to sell at auction.Continue reading

News in Brief: Map tracks path of dust plume from Chelyabinsk meteor
Science News
The meteor that exploded above Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February created a particle plume (red and yellow) that eventually wrapped around the Northern ...

VIDEO: Perseids meteor showers, George Galway and the Dougie ...
This is Staffordshire
VIDEO: Perseids meteor showers, George Galway and the Dougie Mac bike ride. Trusted article source icon. Friday, August 23, 2013. Profile image for elksie.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

OKC, Oklahoma Fireball Meteor 23AUG2013

OKC, Oklahoma  Fireball Meteor 0503 CDT 23AUG2013
"click on image to enlarge"
OKC, Oklahoma  Fireball Meteor 0503 CDT 23AUG2013
v.1 c2013 OKC Sandia Sentinel All Sky / James Beauchamp
Video- OKC, Oklahoma  Fireball Meteor 0503 CDT 23AUG2013
v.1 c2013 OKC Sandia Sentinel All Sky / James Beauchamp

If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 August 2013

California Fireball Meteor 22AUG2013

California Fireball Meteor apprx. 21:54:00 PDT 22AUG2013
"click on image to enlarge"
California Fireball Meteor apprx. 21:54:00 PDT 22AUG2013
v.3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
22AUG2013 doug miranda sun valley,ca us 21:54:00 about 20 seconds south /north glowing red yellow with a little hiss sound same as moon yes many fragments the meteor died out but had a tail and it died

22AUG2013 R Sharp and Sons Ventura, Ca 21:56:00 10 seconds Facing southeast: fireball travel west to east Orange Bright as fire in sky. Way brighter than anything I've ever seen in the sky except the sun Fierey streaks and white particles Huge slow moving meteor

22AUG2013 JP Del Rey, CA 10:00 PM Around 15secs South to North Red, Yellow, Big Fireball slow moving Bright had visible tail Low flying looked as disappear half way into a tree so low the tree blocked it as it crossed the sky

22AUG2013 doug ventura,ca about 21:54 5-10 seconds sw to ne bright white,reds sun yes

8 reports- All Meteor Sighting Reports Can Be Seen HERE-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Perth, WA, Australia Meteor 23AUG2013

MBIQ Detects Perth, WA, Australia Meteor 0615 AWST 23AUG2013
WE NEED All Sky and Security Camera Videos of the meteor PLEASE HELP SEARCH for them!!!
Quality is not necessarily an issue at this time; if you own a security camera in the Perth area
PLEASE CHECK your video for capture at around 0615 23AUG2013; thank you!
email- drtanuki@gmail.com with videos.
"click on Image to Enlarge"
Perth, WA, Australia Meteor 23AUG2013
v.4 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Also, those in Australia please post about this event on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forum so that we can get the word out to a wider audience; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
23AUG2013 Ashleigh Royans Perth, Western Australia 6:15:00 4 South White Flare Light with Green Tail Bright but small no Thought it was a flare at first, but was too high and too big

23AUG2013 Pauline Freeman Bullsbrook, WA, Australia 6.15 I saw it for about 5 secs I was facing SWW. The object came straight down N to S in front of me No sound, the object was white and there was a triangular orange blaze coming from it towards the North Brightness was bigger than a planet about 3 times as big, but not as big as the moon I couldn't see any There was a plane in the sky at the time nearby and the moon was still up it was nearly full. A ball of white light fell vertically from the sky with an orange triangle of flames behind it. The day was just dawning and the sky had started to lighten up.

23AUG2013 Leroy Jenkins PERTH WA AUSTRALIA 0615 AWST 1-3 seconds Travelled S-N vertically, I was travelling South bound on the Mitchell Fwy. Saw a bright light which expanded in size as it got closer to the ground with a blue/green triangular tail. Initially bright as Venus then just got brighter, it was brighter than the full moon in the sky. At the it looked like they were. Wonder if it made contact with the surface.
MBIQ Sample Data Set-
Perth, Western Australia arrived from google.com.au on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for what was the bright light in the sky this morning in wa .12:43:29 -- 1 hour 47 mins ago

All Meteor Sighting Reports Can Be Seen HERE-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23AUG2013

The 'violent whizz' of the rock that fell to earth... in Possil
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 03:23 AM PDT
Forget David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars - this is Glasgow's very own 'space oddity'. It may be hard to believe but more than 200 years ago, the High Possil area of Glasgow was hit by a meteorite.
Continue reading

'Space beads' push back origins of iron working
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 09:01 AM PDT
Ancient Egyptians heated and hammered meteorite metal into ornaments
Continue reading

Ancient Egyptians Made Iron Jewelry From Pieces of Meteorite, Archaeologists Say
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 03:01 AM PDT
fangmcgee writes "Researchers at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London have found that a collection of ancient jewelry is out of this world. The 5,000-year-old Egyptian beads, previously thought to be made from iron from Earth have been found to be made from hammered pieces of...
Continue reading

Main mass of raremeteorite preserved for research
Thu, 22 Aug, 2013 03:21 PM PDT
DAVIS — The main mass of a rare meteorite that exploded over California’s Sierra foothills in April 2012 will be preserved for current and future scientific discoveries, thanks to the collaborative efforts of five U.S. academic institutions.
Continue reading

NASA Prepares for First Virginia Coast Launch to Moon - LADEE Mission
In an attempt to answer prevailing questions about our moon, NASA is making
final preparations to launch a probe at 11:27 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 6, from
NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. ...

Russian Meteor Blast Created Stratospheric Dust Cloud August 23 ...
Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet
The dust plume created by Russia's Chelyabinsk meteor blast circled the world ...The meteor explosion that caused extensive damage around the Russian city ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 August 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22AUG2013

A Gustav Hahn painting of the Great Meteor Procession over Toronto. Image courtesy of Natalie McMinn/University of Toronto Archives. ...

Largest Piece So Far of Chelyabinsk Meteorite Found - Scientists
RIA Novosti August 21, 2013
YEKATERINBURG - Russian scientists have confirmed the authenticity of
a 3.4-kilogram (7.5-pound) fragment of the Chelyabinsk meteorite - the
largest piece found so far from the meteorite that hit the Urals region
in February...
Malaysia Sun
Veteran astrophotographer Tamas Ladanyi of The World at Night took this image of a meteor cruising across a Milky Way-filled sky on May 15, 2013 from the ...

Five academic institutions to share Northern California meteorite pieces
Wed, 21 Aug, 2013 12:11 PM PDT
Five U.S. academic institutions will share parts of a rare meteorite that exploded in a fireball over Northern California last year. The Field Museum said Wednesday that the meteor dates to the early formation of the solar system 4 to 5 billion years ago. It was probably about the size of a minivan whe...Continue reading

Rare meteorite preserved for present and future scientists
by Jeff Munson- Carson Now -August 21, 2013
The main mass of a rare meteorite observed in the skies over Carson City,
Carson Valley and Lake Tahoe that exploded over California's Sierra foothills
in April 2012 will be preserved for current and future scientific discoveries,
thanks to the collaborative efforts of five U.S. academic institutions. ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013
TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013 If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!
Sacramento Bee
The Field Museum said Wednesday that the meteor dates to the early formation of the solar system 4 to 5 billion years ago. It was probably about the size of a ...

5 US institutions to share pieces of rare meteorite that exploded in ...
Washington Post
CHICAGO — Five U.S. academic institutions will share parts of a rare meteorite that exploded in a fireball over California last year. The Field Museum said ...

The Perseid disappointment
McCook Daily Gazette
I certainly hope some of you had better success with viewing the Perseid Meteor shower than I did. On both of the peak nights--Monday, Aug. 12, and Tuesday ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 August 2013

MULTIPLE BOLIDE IMPACTS MAY 2013 Video Presentation by Charles O'Dale

Presentation by Chuck O'Dale
YouTube Charles O'Dale Published on Jul 15, 2013 13 views


YouTube by RASC Ottawa 10 views

For More information on Impact Craters-

Impact Crater/Structure Meeting Presentation Videos:
Multiple Bolide Impacts July 2013
Impact Craters 101 How to identify an impact structure.
Impact Distal Ejecta VS Extinctions 2012-04 The Younger Dryas Extinction, what caused it?
Ground Exploration of the Pingualuit Crater, Northern Quebec.
Eagle Butte, Alberta & Pilot Lake, NWT.
St. Martin, Manitoba
Upheaval Dome, Utah USA.
Whitecourt Impact Crater, Alberta. Gillian & Chuck explore the Whitecourt Crater.
Whitecourt Crater Update + Carswell, Elbow, Deep Bay, Gow Lake, Maple Creek & Viewfield Craters, Saskatchewan.
Caribou on the Slate Island Impact Structure.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21AUG2013

Earliest iron artefacts came from met...
Mon, 19 Aug, 2013 03:27 PM PDT
The earliest iron artefacts ever found -- funeral beads strung around bodies in a 5,000-year-old Egy...Continue reading

Dazzling Meteor Streaks Over Canary Islands (Photo)
A meteor soars across a Milky Way-filled night sky over the Canary Islands in this beautiful photo. Veteran astrophotographer Tamas Ladanyi of The World at ...

Meteor Pieces Hammered Into Iron Jewelry In Egypt 5000 Years Ago
International Business Times
Researchers have found that ancient Egyptian beads are made from iron, derived from meteorites. University College London. The earliest known iron artifacts ...

Tracking Meteor Dust in the Stratosphere
On February 15, of 2013 an extremely large and well-photographed meteor lit up the skies over Chelyabinsk, Russia. It created a tremendous explosion and ...

Meteorites Fetch $18,000 as Collector Funds New Hunt
Tue, 20 Aug, 2013 07:49 AM PDT
Shards of rock from outer space fetched 11,460 pounds ($18,000) at an auction as a British meteorite collector raised money for his next hunt.Continue reading

Earliest iron artefacts came from meteorite
Mon, 19 Aug, 2013 07:49 PM PDT
PARIS - The earliest iron artefacts ever found - funeral beads strung around bodies in a 5,000-year-old Egyptian cemetery - were made from ameteorite, archaeologists said on Monday. Hi-tech scanning of the beads, discovered by British archaeologists in the Lower Egypt village of el-Gerzeh in 1911, sho...Continue reading

Russian meteor explosion's dust cloud lingered in atmosphere for ...
Science Recorder
When a meteor weighing 11,000 metric tons exploded about 15 miles over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15, 2013, city native Nick Gorkavyi, an atmospheric ...

Chelyabinsk meteorite sent plume around the world
A frame grab of the meteor that streaked through the sky over Chelyabinsk, ...The shockwave that the meteor caused as it pushed the air ahead of it shook the ...

Council contender says Meteor too valuable to sell
Waikato Times
Meteoric: Hamilton accountant Rob Pascoe says The Meteor theatre needs to be kept a going concern – a message he and members of the One Victoria Street ...

Earliest iron artefacts came from meteor
Sky News Australia
Earliest iron artefacts came from meteor. Updated: 10:37, Tuesday August 20, 2013. The earliest iron artefacts ever found - funeral beads strung around bodies ...

Russian meteor left tons of material in atmosphere
(KPLR) – The meteor that exploded over Russia last February left behind more than just debris on land. A new study found that the meteor also left behind a ...
The Age
This animated video shows how the meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia in February left a cloud of meteor dust in the atmosphere. 19/08/13. Volcano in ...

Perseid Meteor Shower 2013 at the Mount Lemmon ...
2 min
Visitors at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter enjoy the Perseid Meteor Shower on the night (and ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Canberra, Australia Meteorite Hunt Field Day D+8

Australia Meteorite Hunt Field Day


Australia Meteorite Hunt in Field -D+8
Australia Meteorite Hunt in Field -D+8
Australia Meteorite Hunt in Field -D+8
Land Down Under - *Men at Work*
YouTube posted by Carlos Alberto 2,030,359 views
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013

TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013
"click on image to enlarge"
TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013
v.1 C2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
20AUG2013 Thomas Harmon GRAMBLING, LOUISIANA, USA 2300, CDT 5-8 seconds SW-W White streak followed by intense, large green fireball, continuing green fireball to small white streak. Momentarily as bright or brighter than the moon at fragmentation Fragmented 2-3 seconds in, bright green flash surrounded by green-white fragments One of the more intense fireballs I've seen.


All Meteor Sighting Reports Can Be Seen HERE-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 August 2013

Bruces Boy Found With Australian Meteorite Fall - Canberra Meteor/ite Event Hunt D+7

Bruces Boy Found With NSW Australia Meteorite Fall
Canberra Meteor/ite Event 13AUG2013 *link*
Hunt D+7
credit- Weekly World News
via Wikipedia
Dr. Bob Dillon, Jr. of Virginia, USA while visiting the men at work in the land Doenunder, has just discovered a Bruces boy in NSW, Australia near a karst grotto. Word is, Bob found the Bruces Boy sitting in a confused state surrounded by a strewnfield of black stones someplace just past Cooma. Bob said that the Boy kept mumbling over and over, "ts nt coald, ts nt coald...".  Dr. Dillon has deciphered this as meaning that the Boy had not eaten since getting hit in the gob. Bob gave the Bruces Boy some raw eggs and slowly backed away knowing that if he slipped up the Bruces would suck his blood dry. ...
Meteor spotted near Cooma, NSW, Australia just passed 13AUG2013.
Credit- Steph L.
The casting of the first stone...

ALYN with her first stoning.
It is thought that the meteorites are chondrites.

Stay tuned as the Australia meteorite hunt continues and the scientists get serious outside of their chairs...  

This story is hot enough to boil a monkey's bum!

Bruces Philosophy of the Lost Boomerang - No Rule 6!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects MD VA NC Meteor 19AUG2013

MBIQ Detects MD VA NC Meteor 23"00 EDT 19AUG2013
"click on image to enlarge"
 MD VA NC Meteor 19AUG2013
v3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event PLEASE file a meteor sighting report to help us confirm and improve our detection; thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
19AUG2013 Neil Myler Boonesboro, Maryland, USA 2330 EST 6 sec Came straight down Green moon no big and irregular shaped. Bright Geen.

19AUG2013 Michele Etherton Easton, MD About 11:30 pm, EST 5 to 6 seconds Route 50, from north to south blue and green moon no spiralled slightly

19AUG2013 Lynn Norfolk, Va USA 11:30 EST 3/4 seconds E-W bright white Venus yes, had a long tail covered about 50% arc of sky

MBIQ Sample Data Set-
Laurel, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching fortonight around 11:28pm august 19, 2013 i saw something falling from the sky.
13:51:40 -- 18 minutes ago

Virginia Beach, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite in virginia beach, 08/19/13.
13:50:06 -- 19 minutes ago

All Meteor Sighting Reports Can Be Seen HERE-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!