09 September 2011

MBIQ Indicates North Carolina / South Carolina Meteor 8SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Queries) Indicates North Carolina / South Carolina Meteor 8SEP2011
North Carolina / South Carolina Meteor 8SEP2011
V.1 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved (click on image to enlarge)
Apex, NC Meteor 8:00PM 8SEP2011
Something fell from the sky to the south of Apex, NC around 8PM. It looked like a shooting star, but more orange, then as it approached the horizon the fireball erupted from the light then it disappeared. Would like to know me and one other person on my Facebook that said they saw it are not nuts and where it landed. -Paul Miller  Thank you Paul!

Clayton, NC Green Fireball between 7:50-8:00 pm 8SEP2011
Just saw a huge green fireball fall straight from the sky in Clayton, NC. This is not the first one that I have seen. I have seen four total in NC---once in 1999 in Fayetteville, one time in Raleigh 2010, in Clayton early in 2011, and finally tonight September 8, 2011 between 7:50pm-8:00pm. They have all been huge green balls of fire that seem to fall slowly. Please contact me with any questions. I have many myself and would like to ask what are they, are they normal, just for example. I always have kept a watch on the stars and any information would be beneficial and fun facts for me and share the information with friends and family since they don't believe me.
Thank you, Candace  Thank you!

Morrisville, NC
I happened to catch the meteorite while driving at 7:55pm around Morrisville.
It appeared to fall straight down as I was headed East at an extremely slow pace. The meteorite also appeared to change color from white to orange to green until it dropped out of my view due to the horizon. Also the object was quite large (I noticed the core and the colors surrounded it) and very bright (at least twice as bright as Venus) taking about 3.5 seconds to fade over the horizon.Like nothing I have never seen and I have seen my share of meteor showers and meteors. -Ian Squires  Thank you Ian!

Florence, SC
 I spotted the meteorite shortly after 8:00 pm last night,September 8, 2011. It was white and green in color. It became out of my view due to houses and trees. This was the first one I have ever seen, and definitely a neat experience! -Chrystal  Thank you Chrystal!

Garner, NC
I was in Garner near Timber Drive Elementary School last night around 8pm. We were on Thompson field watching my sons Football practice I saw a large object and told the guy next to me "look there is a shooting star. He said that cant be a shooting star its too big. It looked like it was trailed by tail of fire. My son also told me he saw it. -Jeff Bloom  Thank you Jeff!

Myrtle Beach, SC
I am glad others saw this also. Just before 8 pm on 9/8 I saw a large “fireball” fall to the east of Myrtle Beach. I am about 10 miles inland, due west of MB and it fell just north of east of MB. I only saw it for about 1 sec and it was reddish in color. It was an awesome thing to see.
Gil McDougal, Conway, SC - Thank you Gil!

Wilmington, NC
Viewed 9/8/11 at 8 pm Wilmington NC looking at eastern horizion. Stated around 85 degrees overhead. Slow moving perfect teardrop shape orange/white ball, blue tail. Disappeared over ocean horizion. Wow! -SouthWindMotel  Thank you!

Rocky Mount, NC
My co-worker saw a meteorite come down here in rocky mount, he was by Wendy's on 301 and it went down by the theater(premier theater on 43). was big had a long tail, and was orange.
Wendy  Thank you Wendy!

Greenville, NC
I am glad that GOOGLE found this site, as I too observed a magnificent fireball of some sort while driving south on NC 43 a few miles south of Greenville,NC last night ( 9/8/11 ) just shortly after 8pm. It first caught my eye as a typical falling star, but much closer to earth. It seemed as if it was almost right out in front of me and falling straight down. The lighted tail that initially caught my eye quickly evolved into a very bright ball that seemed to be falling straight to earth and appeared to have visible burning streaks coming off of it. I have never witnessed anything like it before in my life. It was very awesome to say the least. Sincerely, Michael  Thank you Michael!

MBIQ Data:
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for asteroid green and orange tail.
12:27:03 -- 1 minute ago

West Columbia, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Meteor sighting September 8, 2011.
12:19:50 -- 7 minutes ago

Apex, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor fayetteville, north carolina.
12:15:19 -- 13 minutes ago

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- Meteor/Meteorite News Internet Traffic Indicates Possible Meteors 19JAN2011 20JAN2011" by searching for meteor in myrtle beach.
11:51:38 -- 37 minutes ago

If anyone else saw this event please email your sighting report;thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

08 September 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7-8SEP2011

Kenya's Rain of Meteorites
Statistically, every year roughly 1400 meteorites of pebble size and larger fall somewhere on Earth's lands. But few of these are ever found — and even fewer (about 3%) are actually seen as they arrive. Because they're rare, these witnessed falls are ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates NE ...
Colorado east of Greeley and Northeast of Kersey Colorado Bright Blue/Green Meteor Fireball 4:00 am 2SEP2011 My friend and I were at work out at 70 Ranch ...

National GeographicBased on analysis of some of the world's oldest rocks, scientists have the first direct evidence that a cataclysmic meteor shower changed early Earth's chemical composition. The presence of precious metals in Earth's mantle and crust poses a puzzle, ...

Ancient Acidic Ocean a Killer
Discovery News
There is, for instance, not convincing evidence for a major meteor impact like the one that killed the dinosaurs. Scientists do know that gigantic volcanic eruptions were spitting large amounts of methane and CO2 into the air at the time. ...

Meteorites Pummeled Earth, Delivering Gold
Discovery News
A slew of meteorites pelted Earth some 3.9 billion years ago -- delivering that gold you may be wearing on your finger. By Jessica Marshall Gold, platinum and other precious metals were brought here by meteorites, new research suggests. ...

September Meteor Showers | American Meteor Society
Tag Archives for: September Meteor Showers. 2 ... Meteor Activity Outlook for September 3-9, 2011... Meteor Activity Outlook for August 27- September 2, 2011 ...

Meteorite storm showered planet in gold
New Scientist
A storm of meteorites slammed into it, delivering gold and other new metals to the planet. Earth's crust and mantle should not contain metals like gold, because while the planet was molten they would have sunk into the core. ...

Meteor, 31.08.2011, 02.09.2011
30 sec
Meteor 1: 31.08.2011 - 04:17:55 CEST Meteor 2: 02.09.2011 - 03:56:12 CEST Direction: South Position: 51.05°N, 14°E ...

Breaking News- Houston, Texas / Lousiana Meteor with Fragmentation 7SEP2011

Texas/Louisiana Meteor Fireball 7SEP2011
v.4 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior written permission
(Click on image to enlarge)

Those living in the Houston Area and others in Louisiana that saw this meteor fireball event please help by getting the word out that we need video (police dashcams, security cameras, cell phones) that captured this event.  Please also help by posting a link to this site on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other forums; contact your local TV or radio stations and please mention this site.  Thank you!
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan

Houston, Texas Meteor ~8:20 pm CST 7SEP2011
I just saw something big in the sky. I'm in Houston Texas, at around 8:20pm CST was facing east and saw a large what I think was meteor almost green in color lasting for about 4 seconds. From where I was looking it was moving South to North and started pretty low in the sky around tree line from where I was. It broke in two as it was dropping. It was so big I thought it was an airplane at first. Would love to know if anyone else saw it...Don't know what it was, but it was pretty cool!
Stephanie Turner  Thank you Stephanie!

Houston Large Orange Meteor with Detonation ~8:20 pm 7SEP2011
While driving east on Fairview Avenue in the Montrose section of Houston, my wife and I witnessed a large orange colored meteor over downtown Houston at an angle of 30-35 degrees. The meteor fell to the north east of downtown and broke into two large pieces and was visible for about 5 seconds or so. Regards, Mark  Thank you Mark!

Milton, Louisiana ~8:15 pm
My husband and I were sitting outside looking up something we just saw a meteor flying through the sky and then it suddenly stopped near the constellation Lyra. We were flabergastered about that and then I looked up and a enormous green and red fireball/meteor was falling to the earth! Duration of view ~ 10 seconds.
-Matt  Thank you Matt and to your wife!

Duson, Louisiana
We are in Duson Louisiana and saw the same thing that Houston saw. A large white orange star that seemed to explode and fall from south to north in the western sky. It lasted 4-5 seconds. Seemed to separate at the end. Thought it may have been a falling plane as well. Was spectacular. I saw it from the front yard and ran inside to share what I had seen and my daughter ran in from the backyard and had seen it too. Awesome. -Michelle  Thank you Michelle!

Houston,Texas 8:31pm CDT Sept.7, 2011
Saw a large green shooting star? Coming from a easterly direction downward to the west and then it separated into two separate parts before going out of site below the tree line. Was a lot larger than a shooting star so I assume it was a meteor. We are on the northwest side of Houston in the 77095 zip code. -Robert  Thank you Robert!

Houston, Meteor 8:15 pm
My neighbor and I were sitting out in her front yard tonight, Sept. 7, 2011, in southwest Houston when, around 8:15 a bright white and yellow fireball fell from just above the tree line, in the eastern sky. It made no sound and only lasted about 4 seconds. It moved from right to left. It seemed to be only a few blocks away, but my neighbor thinks it was miles away. -Debra
Thank you Debra!

Houston Meteor
Considering meteors begin burning in the Mesophere, about 85 km up...some Trig could help figure out a distance away from Houston.. About 60 miles away...that's about what it seemed like...
Depending on the angle of entry...it could have been even closer...maybe as close as 40 miles...it was close enough where I saw it break into 3 smaller pieces and saw different colors in the visible spectrum in the heat trail..  I am in the 77004 zip of Houston, (Univ. of Houston)...
was walking home looking East...meteor was light about 3 seconds..-Ricardo  Thank you Ricardo!

High Island, TX ~8:20 pm
I saw the meteor from High Island, TX on the Gulf Coast as I sat on the porch at about 8:20 PM, September 7, 2011. It began at about 30-40 degrees and seemed to be "falling" toward the ground at a steep angle. It started as a white/orange object and broke into 5 pieces as it lowered to about 15 degrees from my location. It moved from the SE to the North and lasted for about 4 seconds. Brightness was high, brighter than the stars and as bright as the cell tower lights near here then it went dark.We are in a dark area near the coast. It was an amazing site. -Sharilene Angelo  Thank you Sharilene!

Houston Big Greenish Fireball 8:12 pm CDT
I was facing East and saw a big greenish fireball traveling from South dropping toward the North. There was a trail of debris behind it. I lost sight of it as it dropped behind the skyline of houses and trees. Lasted about 3 seconds. I immediately looked at my cell phone and it was 8:12 pm CDT. -Roy and Jean  Thank you Roy and Jean!

Friendswood, TX (southeast of Houston) 8:10 pm 
I also witnessed a huge red and yellow fireball with a long tail traveling very low and slow across the sky at about 8:10 pm this evening while I was taking a walk. It was visible for about 5 seconds before it disappeared behind some trees. It was moving from South to North at about a 20 degree angle above the horizon. It was a spectacular sight I won't soon forget!
-Kathy Jones  Thank you Kathy!

Austin, Texas
Just like all the people in Houston at 8:15 for about 4 seconds .. KeyeTv news Facebook page reports a helicopter crash but search crews found nothing!! I saw the meteor it was huge and FAST !!! -Teresa  Thank you Teresa!

Covington, LA. 
Hi, As I was traveling to pick my daughter up from softball practice tonight, I caught a few seconds of what everyone is describing. A large, green fireball traveling from S to N and fragmenting into two parts. It fell behind the tall pine trees. I asked my daughter if she had seen anything and she described exactly what I saw. It was about 8:15 and in Covington, LA. 
-Joy and Rebecca  Thank you Joy and Rebecca!

Blue, Texas
Looking east from my location in Blue, TX I saw an impressive meteor appear at approximately 30 degrees above the horizon moving from a 2 to 7 o'clock position. The meteor had a distinctive greenish hue and split into at least two pieces at about 15 degrees above the horizon. The duration of its visibility was about 5 seconds. i just happened to be looking in the right direction at the right moment. It was beautiful. -Steve Ross  Thank you Steve!

Austin, Texas
I was driving home from a meeting in Austin, TX this evening right around 8:20 or so and saw a ridiculous meteor due East right as I got on highway 290. It was so big I thought it was some sort of firework, but since it was East (over Bastrop co.), I knew that couldn't be the case... Then I thought maybe a rescue flare? Anyway... now I realize it was a meteor! Greenish fireball streaking across the sky heading North!!! Amazing. -Tommy Lather Thank you Tommy!

Houston, TX
It was really bright. I am in West Houston. We were at the stoplight at
Wilcrest heading east on Memorial. At first at thought it was a plane
flying in an awkward downward direction. Then I realized it was a meteor
because it was so bright against the dark sky. Even though I was in the
city, it was amazing how defined it was because the sky was really black.
From my eastward looking direction it was falling from the South to the
North. It broke into two pieces and then into several before disappearing.
It was the first one my daughter has seen. She was too little to remember
seeing the Perseids when we went late one night years ago. -Jennifer  Thank you Jennifer!

League City, TX
I spotted this in League City, Texas (south of Houston, north of Galveston). I was driving east and spotted an object in flames heading approximately northeast. I happened very fast, but my impression was it broke apart and then "vanished" from my view. I couldn't say if it "went out" or dipped below my horizon. I actually turned off my radio to listen for an impact as I considered it could have been a small plane going down. I am fairly close to both NASA and the George Observatory and I had been searching for confirmation regarding what I saw when I found your website. -Lisa  Thank you Lisa!

Raceland, LA
My family and I had just viewed a passing of the International Space Station at 1955 over Raceland, LA. Approximatly 2025 I was looking just South of due West and saw a rather large fireball moving from South to North over the horizon at approximatly a 20-25 degree altitude. Color was a yellow to greenish duration of several seconds. Witnessed fireball break up into several large and many smaller pieces. Great night. Had a two for one, the ISS and a large Meteor, - Andre  Thank you Andre!

Lufkin, TX
I operate an all sky meteor camera about 100 miles north of Houston near Lufkin, TX. The Camera captured an event low in the southern sky at 01:10:51 UT and tracked it until 01:10:54. The computer clock is 61 seconds slower than GPS time so the corrected start time should be 01:11:52 UT or 8:11:52 PM CDT. The event is not very bright due to the smoke and haze caused by the ongoing wildfires in south eastern Texas. I didn't see evidence of fragmentation, but then the object is only a few pixels on the monitor. From my perspective it traveled from south towards the east. The camera is currently uncalibrated in azimuth but I could probably come up with a bearing estimate tomorrow since it skimmed the top of a tree. -Ernie Iverson  
Thank you Ernie!

Romayor, TX
I also saw a fireball/meteor and thought it was a falling airplane..it was big, bright white and yellow/orange with a long tail that lasted 4-5 seconds. It was 8:20 cst when I saw it. I was facing south...it was coming from an easterly direction to the west traveling low. I am on the northside of Liberty County (Romayor). -Melissa  Thank you Melissa!

Houston, TX (Southwest Houston)
I was sitting in my backyard in southwest Houston, Westbury neighborhood, at about 8:15 pm, looking in the eastern sky. I saw a very large white ball of fire with a tail coming down fast and low, at an angle, in the eastern sky. (Just like the pictures of meteors you see in books or magazines) It was as bright as a full moon on a clear night. I saw no other colors nor any breaking. It looked low and close. In reality it was probably far away on the east side of downtown Houston. -Noreen Thank you Noreen!
Metairie, Louisiana
Seen on Sept 7, 2011 around 8:15 p.m. in Metairie, Louisiana -- I also saw this enormous white meteor or fireball with beautiful tail, fall in the western sky, low, streaking from South to North. It seemed to wobble and was slow moving, then it went down behind the trees. I was driving and thought it had to be a firework display but there was no noise. I turned into the neighborhood to see if any kids were shooting fireworks, just to rule that out, and no one was around. It had to be a fireball/meteor. Amazing to see such a huge one! It only appeared white to me and I missed seeing it "split". Lasted about 4 seconds. Very large and bright. -Daphne  Thank you Daphne!

Houston, TX
I live in West houston (kirkwood & Memorial) when I saw the meteor passing for a short second or so. It is the second time in my life that I saw one that size. You could actually clearly see the "flaming or fiery" (for lack of a better word) trail behind and the relative slow speed at which it was falling. From the position I had I would say that the direction taken was rather heading on a East-northeast trajectory. However I had no open or global sky view to make a definite statement. I did not see the "breaking" of it as I have read in some other testimony but I can believe it since I only saw it quickly disappear behing houses roofs and could not follow it for very long. Too bad. Seeing a meteor of this size is a rather rare occurence. Last time I saw one that size was about 20 years ago in the south of France over the mediterranean sea. hope you can find it, I am sure it was a sizeable one and there shoud be something left on the ground. Goodluck.
-Chris  Thank you Chris!

Dayton, Texas
My hubby and I were sitting outside enjoying the crisp cool weather facing east. Shortly after 8pm, we witnessed this huge fireball streaming across the sky. I thought it was an airplane going down. It was low in the sky traveling south to northeast. It was huge and seemed so close. It had a vivid orange tail that separated into another piece and then disappeared over the tree line. It was so close, we were expecting to hear a crash but heard nothing. It's the first time in my life I have ever seen one that close. It was truly an amazing sight! So glad I found this site to hear that other people in my area witnessed it too -Teresa Thank you Teresa!

Katy, TX ~10:00 PM CST
I was looking for others that may have saw what I saw last night and I came across your site, except that the witnesses all saw an event around 8:15 that lasted for 4-5 seconds. The event I saw was around 10:00 PM. I am about 20 miles east of Houston and it began over the sky, southeast of me, appearing right over Houston, from my vantage point. I thought it was a plane at first glance because it was flying at a very shallow angle, almost parallel to the ground and not very fast, consistent with the speed that a plane flies across the sky. However, it was giving off a variable orange glow that seemed to get brighter and slightly dimmer occasionally. It streaked all the way across the sky from south to north and got dimmer as it approached the northern sky and then burned out. It lasted for about 20-30 seconds. -Randy LeBlanc Thank you Randy!

League City, TX
I saw the same meteorite breakup SE of Houston, TX on 7 Sep 2011 described by many on your website. I was in League City, TX (SE of Houston) and walking outside with a friend in an easterly, northeasterly direction at approximately 8:20 pm CST. The initial appearance of the object into the atmosphere was so bright and low on the horizon that at first I thought it was an airplane. About 2-3 sec after initially seeing the object move in an easterly direction (right to left across the sky), it broke apart into at least 3 distinct objects. I was shocked as it reminded me of the footage of the breakup of STS-107 (Columbia) over East Texas in 2003. The breakup was so bright (orange/yellowish streaks with the objects themselves being bright and star-like) that it also reminded me of the fireworks shows seen in Kemah, TX over the water every Friday in the Summer. I was both amazed and startled thinking that we may have just witnessed something potentially catastrophic. Since there have been no reports of airplanes breaking up SE of Houston that night, it must have been a meteorite entering the atmosphere and breaking up.
Jonathan Bulseco -League City, TX  Thank you Jonathan!

If YOU saw this or another meteor event we request your help by emailing us with your sighting report:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

07 September 2011

MBIQ Indicates Guam / Mariana Islands Green Meteor 6SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates Guam / Mariana Islands Green Meteor 6SEP2011

Yigo, Guam arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for green shooting star.
20:56:28 -- 57 minutes ago

Yigo, Guam arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Worldwide Readers of The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUN2011" by searching for meteor mariana islands.
21:49:40 -- 5 minutes ago

We need YOUR meteor sighting reports for confirmation; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Seen Over British Columbia, Canada 6SEP2011

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Seen Over British Columbia, Canada 6SEP2011
Surrey, BC, Canada Meteor 11:00 pm 6SEP2011
I live in Surrey BC , my wife and I were looking out our window just after 11:00PM tonight at what I think is Venus in the Eastern sky. Just below Venus we saw a large orange glowing object streaking across the sky from right to left (North). I have never seen such a large meteor before in my life. -Steve and Mary-Anne
 Thank you for your sighting report!

Surrey, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star Sept 6, 2011.
15:26:44 -- 56 minutes ago

Vancouver, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Seen in California and Nevada 6SEP2011" by searching for meteorite seen september 6 2011.
15:43:33 -- 39 minutes ago

Kelowna, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Updated w/ Video- Montana, Washington, Idaho, Alberta, British Columbia Meteor Detected 13/14MAY2011" by searching for meteor in bc.
16:15:23 -- 8 minutes ago

We need YOUR sighting report; thank you!;
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Indicates Meteor(s) Seen in California and Nevada 06SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Queries) Indicates Meteor Seen in California and Nevada 06SEP2011
California Meteor(s) 06SEP2011
v.2 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
(click on image to enlarge)
Kensington, California Bright Green Meteor ~8:02 pm 6SEP2011
Just about 20 minutes ago, at 8:02 pm Pacific Daylight Time, I saw what looked like a bright green meteor (I called it a "shooting star" at first). It lasted only a couple of seconds, and from where I was, it seemed to originate in the south-east portion of the sky, streaking in a diagonal downward path toward toward (I think) the east. I don't know when it first became visible because I was in my car and couldn't see the top of it, but it was definitely a bright clear green -- no doubt about the color. I had music playing in my car and couldn't tell whether there was any noise.
I was in Kensington, California when I saw it, and although I was no more than 1/2 mile from home, my exact home location is [redacted by LMH]. (I had a plaque with this information made for my husband last year.)
I hope this information proves useful to Trackers of the Green Meteor.
Respectfully submitted, Deborah
Thank you very much Deborah for your fast and kind report!

Antelope, CA Meteor ~8:00 pm
tonite at approximately 8PM i was out walking my dog and saw a very close shooting star fall and disappear very near the area where i live (antelope, ca in sacramento county). it was beautiful and so very vivid. I decided to look up shootings stars when i got home so i googled and your site came up amongst others. I know there are supposed to be called meteors or what have you, however, I still like it being called a shooting star... it was awesome to know that someone else on your site also saw the same thing... it looked yellowish/whitish and very bright... could have been greenish. -Anita P.  Thank you Anita!

Cupertino, CA
I was talking to a friend yesterday and around 8:00pm, I saw a bright orangish fire like ball with a tail going across the sky. It was amazing as I had never seen anything like this before. I thought it was a shooting star. On googling yesterday, I could not find anything, but today morning I found this site and was glad that I had not imagined that, though I was sure that I had seen it. -Shaila  Thank you Shaila!

Newcastle, CA
Hi, I live in Newcastle, California, about 20 miles above Sacramento in the foothills. Yesterday evening at 8:02 pm I saw a very large vivid meteor in the southeast direction.
It was greenish/blue with a large red tail. It was headed downward. I ran for a better look as it appeared to be crashing into the earth. I heard or saw nothing. What a sight! -Dolores M
Thank you Dolores!

Nevada City, CA
Just after dark on September 6, 2011, I was sitting outdoors in Nevada City, California. A large fireball appeared in the sky falling straight down from the south east. It was much larger then most other “falling stars” that I have seen and very bright as it was easily seen even in the lights of town. -Kim Vail  Thank you Kim!

Campbell, CA
I was in my backyard near Campbell, CA 95008 . Around 8pm I saw a burning green meteor or Space Debris. It had a long blue trail and the ball was bright with a green glow with some Bright blue gas vapor trailing. It originated in the South western portion of the sky towards Santa Cruz and descended towards the South Eastern sky. It was visible for about 3 seconds…..Mike 
Thank you Mike!

Old Station, CA
Last night (Sept 6, 2011), we saw a meteor outside of Old Station, CA, while on highway 89. It was just after 8 pm, probably about 8:05 pm. The meteor looked bluish green and had a very noticeable glow. It was moving very fast and we lost it in the tree line. It fell close to Mt. Lassen. A few hours later I saw that my sister in law posted on facebook that she saw a falling star that was very close in Roseville, Placer County, CA. Over 100 miles away, but at the same time that we saw the meteor in Shasta County, CA. -JStanley Thank you!

Second Meteor Event?
Carlsbad, CA about 8.55pm Pacific
At home in Carlsbad, North of San Diego.
Very bright blue-white ball, long red tail, traveling South East, lasted no more than 3 seconds
-Tim  Thank you Tim.

Garden Grove, CA ~9:20pm 9-6-11
I saw a large bright light that flew across the sky. It had a long tail.
Loc Nguyen  Thank you Loc.

Laguna Niguel, CA
Sitting at the intersection of Golden Lantern and Sweet Meadow Ln, facing south southwest. Saw a brilliant bright white meteor with a greenish tint on it's edges streaking right to left in a slight downward angle. had a nice tail on it, Visible for 4 or 5 seconds. Awesome sighting!-Bruce W.
Thank you Bruce!

Encinitas, CA
Sitting on my back patio, in Encinitas Ca, last night (9/6/11) around 8:30pm, I saw a meteorite enter our atmosphere in the south-east corner of the sky. It started off red with a firey tail and burned out to green. It lasted about 4 seconds or so. Really cool seeing that!
Hope this helps! -Scott  Thank you Scott!

MBIQ Data:
Placerville, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: East Sacramento, CA Bright Green Meteor ~4:40am 17JUN2011" by searching for sacramento shooting star green.
12:07:52 -- 12 minutes ago

San Jose, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball over san jose september 6 2011.
12:08:18 -- 12 minutes ago

Reno, Nevada arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Göteborg, Sweden / Denmark Large Blue/Green Meteor 6SEP2011" by searching for meteor sep 6.
12:09:15 -- 11 minutes ago

San Jose, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Göteborg, Sweden / Denmark Large Blue/Green Meteor 6SEP2011" by searching for meteorite september 6 2011.
12:09:58 -- 11 minutes ago

Berkeley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green meteor 2011.
12:10:12 -- 11 minutes ago

San Jose, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling star breaking news.
12:11:08 -- 10 minutes ago

Alameda, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star sightings oakland.
12:11:27 -- 10 minutes ago

San Jose, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball over san jose, ca 9/6/11.
12:12:22 -- 9 minutes ago

Healdsburg, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Meteor 16APR2011" by searching for meteor California.
12:17:06 -- 5 minutes ago

Pleasanton, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star tonight over bay area.
12:18:28 -- 4 minutes ago

Citrus Heights, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Asteroid 2011 MD Today 27JUN2011 to Pass NOT Kiss!" by searching for meteor today.
12:20:48 -- 2 minutes ago

We need YOUR sighting report; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!

2011 The Year of Meteors!

06 September 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 5-6SEP2011

Meteorite man Rob's £58000 from auction
Fife Today
The meteorite collector has revealed that he scooped £58000 from the latest auction of the 'space rocks' he originally scooped out of the ground. The sum, netted from an auction held in Edinburgh earlier this month, was well above what the lots were ...

Dallas, Texas Blue/Green Meteor Fireball 4SEP2011
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite ... Page, Arizona Green Large Meteor Fireball 1SEP2011. ...

Borrego leads dark-sky movement
During this 13-second exposure, a bright meteor shot across the sky and added even more drama to the scene. The glow spilling over the mountains to the southwest is light pollution from the San Diego metropolitan area, some 30-50 miles away. ...

MBIQ Indicates Italy (Italia) Meteor 5SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates Italy (Italia) Meteor 5SEP2011

Bari, Puglia arrived from it.ask.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 5 settembre 2011 meteorite.
20:46:57 -- 1 minute ago

Naples, Campania arrived from google.it on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for05/09/2011 meteorita.
20:42:58 -- 3 minutes ago

Bari, Puglia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for meteorite 5 settembre.
20:16:58 -- 5 minutes ago

Novoli, Puglia arrived from google.it on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for meteorite 5 settembre 2011.
20:07:43 -- 14 minutes ago

Naples, Campania arrived from google.it on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for meteorite 5 settembre.
20:03:24 -- 19 minutes ago

Molfetta, Puglia arrived from google.it on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for meteorite 5 settembre 2011.
19:45:52 -- 37 minutes ago

Italy arrived from google.it on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite 05/09/2011.
18:56:58 -- 1 hour 26 mins ago

We need your sighting reports; please:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!

Göteborg, Sweden / Denmark Large Blue/Green Meteor 6SEP2011

Sweden / Denmark Meteor ~1:00 am 6SEP2011
v.1 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
(click on image to enlarge)

Göteborg, Sweden Large Blue Green Meteor ~1:00 am 6SEP2011
just saw a large meteor in göteborg sweden , maybe 2 hours ago now. i have seen shooting stars before but this was a lot bigger slower and blue green in appearance . The time was around 1am , blue green metor heading north west keeping a steady hight. I saw it for about 5 seconds before I lost it behind a hill. brightness around quarter moon. no sounds that I heard. I cant find any info on it though .just thought would let you know as i was looking though your site to see if anyone else had spotted it . how often do these things happen. it was an amazing sight
best , Dave   Thank you Dave!

Göteborg Meteor  00 52 am 6SEP2011
I was wittness to a green and blue meteorite fall on 266 west exactly at 00 52 min on 06 09 2011,it was very beautiful spectacle about 6 seconds or more maybe .Good continuations to your research on meteor/ites! -Louali Y  Thank you Louali!

Aalborg, Denmark green/blue meteor ~ 1.00  6 sep.2011
I don`t know if is was the same meterite that was observed i Gøteborg, but I also saw a large green/blue meteor In Aalborg, Denmark in north direction. Not sure about the exact time but it was around 1.00 at 6 sep.2011; it fell straight down and lastede for about 6 sec. - Anette
Thank you Anette!

Ljungby Sweden Big Green/Gold Fireball , 6 September 00:52
I saw the big green /Gold colored meteor, it was by far the biggest I’ve ever seen, it ended after a few seconds with a smaller “flash” I saw it Close to Ljungby Sweden
It looked like it would go all the way down to the ground. - Christian A.  Thank you Christian!

We need your meteor sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!

2011 The Year of Meteors!

Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011

Florida Meteor Sightings ~6:45 am 5SEP2011
(Click on Image to Enlarge)
v.2 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter/Google Earth
All Rights Reserved-No Copy without written permission

Fort Myers, Florida Meteor ~6:45 am 5SEP2011
This morning about 6:45am I saw traveling southeast and I saw a blue green fireball that looked like a firework shooting across the sky from east to west. The meteor seemed close but it was moving a lot faster than a firework. It eventually burned up but I have never seen a meteor so close before!-Joseph L.  Thank you Joseph!

Maitland, Florida Bright Large Meteor ~6:35 am EDT 5SEP2011
This morning (September 5, 2011) at approximately 6:35 am (EDT) I was driving south in Maitland, Florida. An extremely bright and large meteor, heading east to west, low in the sky. It was slow moving, had sparkles coming off the tail, which was a blueish, yellow large tail. It lasted for 4-5 seconds as it travelled across the whole sky - did not flame out but got lost by the trees.
(Looked like a giant Tinkerbell flying by!)
Would love any news you find on it - probably somewhere in Tampa or the Gulf if my guess.
Thanks, Joe A.  Thank you Joe!

Leesburg, Fl Bright Green Meteor Fragmenting ~6:35 am ET 5SEP2011
Around 6:35 AM ET in the morning twilight, I observed a bright green meteor with a gaseous tail, moving from East to West looking south from Leesburg, Fl 34748
at about 45 degrees above the horizon, disintegrating into small pieces at about WSW, most likely over The Gulf of Mexico.
This was a slow moving entry in the atmosphere. 2 to 3 seconds observation time.
Regards, Tom Strouder  Thank you Tom!

Deltona, Fl. Large Blue Green Meteor ~6:45 am
I saw a large blue green meteor with a green tail heading south-south west at 0645 on 9/5/11 over Deltona Fl. It had a green tail with some yellow, and reddish sparks coming from the rear as it passed behind the tree line. Extremely vivid colors. I have never seen one that close and vived before. Awesome sight.-TM Thank you TM!

Lighthouse Point, FL Meteor Fireball ~6:35 am 5SEP2011
So I believe I saw a "meteor fireball" ?? at approx 6:35 this morning. It was very colorful pink and green I think...looked like it could have been a firework! lasted about the same length of time also. It was right before the sun came up. Shot towards the west and wasn't that high up at all. Very cool!! -Jennifer O.  Thank you Jennifer!

Wesley Chapel, Florida METEOR-Round White Cross in the Sky ~6:38 am 5SEP2011
Out walking the dog and saw this round white light cross the sky. There was no sound, it was moving swiftly and smoothly without any stopping. I only saw it for about 2-3 seconds before it went behind a conservation area traveling north to south. I have never seen something like this before, it was awesome to see. -TeeDee  Thank you TeeDee!

Winter Park, Florida Greenish Blue Meteor Fireball 6:45 am EST 5Aug11
greenish blue shooting star/meteor/fireball over Winter Park, Seminole County, Florida. Very bright. Awesome!!!!! -Juli   Thank you Juli!

Melbourne, Florida Meteor with Green Tail ~6:30 am 5SEP2011
Walking my dog at 6:30 this morning l thought l saw a shooting star which
had a green tail and the front area was red. It was beautiful and headed down toward western tree area. Just found your site and saw where this was able to be reported. Glad to read of others experience. -Carole  Thank you Carole!

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida.
I too saw this huge bright lime green ball fly across low in the shy this morning around 6:38, Moved from east to west very low in the sky about the size of a traffic light! Moved very fast, looked like it was going to crash in the river I pause to listen for a crash, but it just disappeared, some fishermen also saw it! Just hunted the web to see if anyone else saw it, What was it? -Pam 
 Thank you Pam!

Orlando, Florida
I was walking my dog at approximately 6:35 AM when I saw what I believed to be a Meteorite streak across the sky from East to West. It had a bright orange tail with a touch of bright blue. It only lasted a few seconds but it was awesome! I was so excited about it I had to google it to see if anyone else saw it. Glad I found your site! -Larry H.  Thank you Larry!

Webster, Florida
I was travelling along Cortez blvd near webster fl thismorning at about 630am heading east and saw a huge red fire'ish ball with a long green tail coming from north to south not far off the ground the hole thing past very quick and was quite long in lenght .as i have no idea what i am looking for i was wondering -Justin Thank you Justin!

New Port Richey, FL
I was driving home from work early at about 645 am before sunrise and I saw a bright green almost white light about the size of a traffic light blaze across the sky from east to west with a long green/whitish tail. Amazing! -Chris Thank you Chris P.!

Bartow, Florida Meteor Seen in dawn sky between 6:30am and 7:00am
Holding up your hands, it would have covered 3 hands in diameter, very close
Bright blue circle of light with a long blue tail traveling from west to east, looked about to be 30
feet from me, as it went through a fork in a large oak tree, it had traveled about 100 ft from me,
it was as low as a street light . did not see where it hit the ground. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my 62 years. beautiful!!!!! -Pat  Thank you Pat!

Miami Beach, North Bay Road, Approx.6:35 am edt, September 5th 2011.
Not quite sunrise, clear sky, bright green/blue tailed fireball(red hot at the leading edge), silent, vivid, descending. The object appeared to be headed for Biscayne Bay and very close to me. I was spellbound and made a journal entry upon returning home. I've seen a good many meteors during showers but nothing this close, bright and beautiful. -Rick K.  Thank you Rick!

Flagler Beach, Florida; 6:40 am, 
I could repeat all the same descriptions of the previous posts from this mornings sighting. Most fantastic meteor sighting I've ever seen, E to W, blue, 3-4 seconds, walking on the beach looking south. It reminded me of someone shooting a roman candle fireworks and at 1st I thought who the heck is lighting FW this time of the AM? Just like that, it was done and I realized what I had just seen, I stayed still for at least 5 minutes, taking in what just happened and thanked whatever spritual feeling I had for the experience. ABSOLUTLEY INCREDIBLE -H. Burke 
Thank you H. Burke.!

Lake Worth, Florida

Sarasota Bay, Florida at around 6:40 am
While jogging along Sarasota Bay at around 6:40 am I saw a spectacular blue green meteorite streaking low across the horizon heading from east to west.
It literally stopped me in my tracks! Truly a beautiful site. Lasted about 3 or 4 seconds.
-Marty Glass  Thank you Marty!

St. Lucie West,Florida
This morning at 6:35 AM my husband and I were walking our two golden retrievers I observed in the sky a green ball of light with a green trail behind it. It was beautiful but also a bit alarming because it was so unexpected and like nothing I have ever seen before. It lasted about 5 seconds and it was arched shaped across the early morning sky. We are from St. Lucie West,Florida. -Beth Thank you Beth!

Lake Rodman, Florida
At 6:47Am 9-5-11 we saw a green meteor with red front and long green and yellow tail heading west over Lake Rodman. I was heading south down the dirt road heading to the ramp at Kenwood. From that point we could only watch it for a couple of seconds. However My wife Shirley and I got a good look at it. It did not seem to be very high Unless it was it was far to the south of our location. -William Cool Thank you William!

Daytona, Florida
Thank you for your website! September 5, 2011, I was on Tomoka Farms Road, Daytona, Florida going towards the Landfill and at 6:36 a.m. I saw a beautiful sight in the sky, something I have never experienced before. It was going east to west, a beautiful fluorescent dark green, hint of red around the edges, huge ball with a long tail of white glittery sparkles,that looked like fireworks. It just seemed to come out of nowhere, went straight for a few seconds and then started to descend. I lost it as it went into the trees. I watched it for about 10 seconds. It was an amazing sight! -Sandra  Thank you Sandra!

Port St. Lucie, Florida Neon Green Light ~6:40 am
Monday morning about 6:40 AM I was walking along a dark roadway when a bright neon green light caught my eye. It was low in the South/Southwestern sky traveling fairly slow as compared to a shooting star. I witnessed it for five or six seconds before it disapeared behind the tree line. It appeared as a ball shape bright neon green in color and I did not notice a clear trail behind it. It did not appear to be close to my location though it's size looked to be about a quarter of the moon. -Bruce S. Thank you Bruce!

Key West, Florida
We were waiting for a few people to carpool up to Orlando, sitting on our porch and BAM, crazy.
From our view appeared to be going from SE to a NW kind of direction. 1st time I/we have every seen anything like it.
Lasted a few seconds in a downward motion, we could see the fireball, a bright blue right behind, followed by a long orange to yellow tail.
Very, very cool. -Randy Okum  Thank you Randy!

ST. Petersburg Beach, Florida
I saw a large bright yellow orange meteorite with a long tail, traveling low in the sky east to west at around 6:35 am 9/5/11. I was standing on ST. Petersburg beach looking south. I was standing there thanking God for all his beautiful creations when this appeared. I have never seen anything like this. Amazing! Thanks for letting me share my story. -Debbie  Thank you Debbie!

Kissimmee, Florida
September 5th 2011 6:35 am, Seen a large bright green fireball with a long green sparklely tail, moving from the East to the West at a moderate speed South of Kissimmee Florida over Big Lake Toho just above the horizon. -Don  Thank you Don!

We need YOUR sighting report:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 The Year of Meteors!

05 September 2011

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Meteor 4SEP2011

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Meteor ~10:45 pm local 4SEP2011 
time 10:45pm local time-
I just saw a HUGE and slow moving meteor/fireball overhead from hobart looking south, it was travelling northbound and looked pretty close and burning green/yellow. amazing. magnitude was great - almost as bright as the moon
SIZE = all up (without tail it was about 5 times the size of venus. three times the size of venus in the middle of its head (the brightest part which was white/yellow), and a greeny glow surrounded the rest and this outer part had a triangle/arrowhead shape. the tail wasnt very long at all compared with the common 'white line' meteors i have seen. absolutely amazing. -Gus

Thank you G!

We need your reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 The Year of Meteors!

Miami Beach, Florida Blue/Green Meteor Fireball 4SEP2011

Miami Beach, Florida Blue/Green Meteor Fireball ~4:52am EST 4SEP2011
Last night at approximately 4:52am EST (September 4, 2011). I was sitting on my balcony 12 stories up, exactly facing south looking south down the bay and south beach in Miami Beach, Florida (basically looking at the south beach skyline - condo located north of it). At this point there was a very vivid blue but mostly green meteorite heading in a south east direction that lasted about 3 seconds. Seen many meteorites throughout my life but nothing as vivid as this one. Very close and bright. Very blue/green in color with a green tail. -E  Thank you E!

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!