18 March 2010

Mississippi Fireball 14MAR2010

Fireball streaking across sky in MS

JACKSON, MS (WLBT) A bizarre daytime occurrence had the phones ringing in WLBT's newsroom Sunday.
Viewers calling with wide spread reports of mysterious fireballs in the sky and loud booms baffled state agencies and eye witnesses alike.
"It didn't last but maybe three or four seconds, and it was gone," said Phoronia Coring.
She was driving north from Tylertown Sunday afternoon when something strange in the sky caught her eye.
"I looked sort of to the east of 55 and it was just this fire ball that was falling out of the sky and it made you think of a falling star expect during the day, and it was just bright red," said Coring.
The Madison resident said it was around 1:45 p.m. while in traffic on I-55 in Brookhaven when she saw it.
Then she said a smoke trail lingered in the sky for about 15 minutes.
"As soon as it disappeared I called my husband. I said 'Stanley you won't believe what I just saw'," said the shocked motorist.
And Coring was not alone.
WLBT received numerous calls of the sighting.

New York Meteor 18MAR2010?

Report of large meteor from Watertown, New York area on 18MAR2010.
Dean wrote, "
I saw a meteor this morning--about 5 am in the southern sky from Watertown, NY. It was a big-un! "

Anyone with more information?

Please leave your information and contact email address in a comment; your email address will NOT be published. or email me directly at drtanuki@gmail.com

18 MAR 2009

Wolfe Creek Crater

by Alex Bevan and Ken McNamara Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a cosmic missile smashed into outback Australia, creating the second largest meteorite ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17MAR2010

Last hurrah for Grimsby meteorite hunt
St. Catharines Standard Wed, 17 Mar 2010 13:10 PM PDT
This weekend is your last chance to join an organized hunt for the great Grimsby meteorite. Scientists from the University of Western Ontario are rallying space rock enthusiasts for one final, massive search of farm fields and escarpment properties around Grimsby from Friday through Sunday.[...]

16 March 2010


Boom baffles region
The Daily Star Tue, 16 Mar 2010 07:41 AM PDT
The source of an enormous boom heard by some across parts of Mississippi on Sunday afternoon remains a mystery. James Hill, director of the Rainwater Observatory in French Camp, said the the loud, long noise Grenada County residents heard could be anything from a jet sonic boom to a meteorite exploding. ...

Miss. Residents Report Seeing Flashes In Sky

WAPT Jackson
The National Weather Service in Jackson said the flashes were from the Gamma Normid Meteor Shower, which was active in the area until Monday and peaked in ...

Loud boom heard in area last week likely a "meteor"

Jena Times
A meteor hurtling through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound likely caused the sonic like boom that startled many residents in LaSalle Parish and ...

Wetumpka seeks money for meteor crater visitor center | al.com

Scientists say a meteor struck near Wetumpka about 83 million years ago, creating a crater that's still visible today. A group started working on a master ...

Q-fire in the sky

Fireball A fireball is a brighter-than-usual meteor. The International Astronomical Union defines a ...


Japanese animation of asteroid hitting the Earth.

Tucson Arizona Meteor 14MAR2010

Sunday, March 14 a bright fireball seen over Tucson at ~10:14 pm (5:14 UT). First reported by astronomer Richard Kowalski of Tucson, Az. Two videos of the fireball, a still captured by the MMT All-Sky camera can be seen at:
The Transient Sky – Comets, Asteroids, Meteor
by Carl Hergenrother

Bolide West of Sacramento area California 15MAR2010

(click on image to enlarge)
Image : Dave Kenyon (c) 2010\Google Earth
Updated with triangulation solution:
Bolide on Mar 15, 2010 0613:33 PDT, 1313:33 UT. a steep angle bright fireball exploded due west of Yuba City, California.

Prof. Kenyon`s Triangulated solution can be viewed over a Google Earth Satelite image of
California at:

Bolide West of Sacramento area California 15MAR2010
captured from Yuba City, CA (c) YCSentinel 2010

See video!
Video of 15MAR2010 Yuba City fireball (c) YCSentinel 2010

15 March 2010

Jackson, MS Daytime Meteor Reports 14MAR2010 15MAR2010

Fireball streaking across sky alarmed witnesses
WLBT-TV Mississippi 14MAR2010
... "wide spread reports of mysterious fireballs in the sky and loud booms baffled state agencies and eye witnesses alike." ...


Funding sought for visitor center at Alabama meteor crater

(AP) — Officials are seeking money to build a visitor center at the site of a crater created when a meteor hit central Alabama more than 80 million years ...

La Suceava „plouă“ cu meteoriţi marţieni
Adevărul - ‎7 時間前‎
O expoziţie cu obiecte extraterestre în miniatură este deschisă până pe 14 aprilie la Observatorul Astronomic. Răzvan Andrei, singurul român membru al Asociaţiei Internaţionale a Colecţionarilor de Meteoriţi, a adunat peste 1.000 de pietre cosmice. ...
In Suceava "rain" with meteorites Martians
An exhibition of miniature alien objects is open until April 14 at the Astronomical Observatory. Razvan Andrei, Romanian only member of the International Association of meteorite collectors, gathered over 1000 cosmic rocks. ...

Zem ohrozuje meteorit. NASA vyšle sondu
HNonline.sk - ‎2010年3月13日‎
Vedci z NASA predložili koncepciu sondy na let k planétke, ktorá môže prezradiť okolnosti zrodu slnečnej sústavy, ale sa aj zraziť so Zemou. ...

10 Ways to Participate in Global Astronomy Month This April. New Global ... >
PR-USA.net (press release) - ‎2 時間前‎
Lyrids Watch – (physical event) 21st and 22nd April Meteor showers are one of nature's great displays: dozens of “falling stars” that scratch the night sky. ...

14 March 2010


Cratera rara que forma cerro no RS foi formada por meteorito
Terra Brasil - ‎14 hours ago‎
A comprovação rendeu a produção de um artigo que deverá compor a próxima edição do livro Large Meteorite Impacts IV a ser lançada, em março, pela Sociedade ... (more)
Rare crater what it forms is closed by me in the Rio Grande do Sul it was formed by meteorite-Terra Brasil
The proof brought in the production of an article that will have to compose the near publication of the book Large Meteorite Impacts IV to be launched, in March, by the Society...

B.C. lasers may help save Earth from asteroid
The Province - Randy Boswell - ‎2 hours ago‎
The potential impact, says University of Calgary meteorite expert Alan Hildebrand -- the principal Canadian investigator on the project -- would be ...

A history of the natural world in six objects

The Guardian
The Nakhla Meteorite crashed to Earth in 1911. Photograph: Natural History Museum "There are about 38000 meteorites in museum and private collections in the ...

秋田市で白瀬・南極展 ミュージカルPR版も初披露
秋田魁新報 - ‎15 時間前‎
このほか会場には白瀬中尉や歴代の南極探検隊の活躍を紹介するパネル展や、南極の岩石や隕石(いんせき)、氷に触れることができるコーナー などが設けられている。 14日は午後1時から元岩手大教授で地質学が専門の矢内桂三氏が「極点旅行と南極隕石の発見」と題して ...
Shirase Antarctic musical exhibition in the city of Akita
An exhibition and other venues to introduce the panel of former and active in the lieutenant Shirase Antarctic Expedition, Antarctic rocks and meteorites , has been established. On March 14th at 1:00 pm Dr. Keizo Yanai, geology professor at Iwate University from the original "Pole trip with the discovery of Antarctic meteorites titled" ...

中国网 - ‎5 時間前‎
科学家们认为,这个环形结构应该是一个巨型陨石坑,直径大约为36到46公里。 据英国广播公司网站报道,由于大面积的森林砍伐,近日在刚果民主共和国境内发现了一个巨大 ...
Congo (DRC) was found inside a giant crater about 46 kilometers in diameter (Figure) China Network - 5 hours ago Scientists believe that this ring should be a giant crater, diameter of about 36-46 km. According to the BBC Web site reported that due to massive deforestation, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has recently found a great ...

Ижевские ученые нашли космический мусор вместо метеорита
Комсомольская правда - ‎2010年3月11日‎
Ученым Удмуртского госуниверситета так и не удалось найти останки яркого метеорита, который пролетел 21 мая 2009 года в небе над несколькими районами республики, сообщает «Моя Удмуртия». Есть множество свидетельств, но нет реального места падения метеорита. Удалось только найти кусок твердого ...
The Izhevsk scientists have found space dust instead of a meteorite the Komsomol truth - ‎2010年3月11 Scientific Udmurt state universities and it was not possible to find remains of a bright meteorite which has flown by on May, 21st, 2009 in the sky above several areas of republic, « My Udmurtiya » informs. There is a set of certificates, but there is no real place of falling of a meteorite. It was possible to find only a piece firm...

Σαουδική Αραβία, σύζευξη δύο κόσμων
Η Καθημερινή - ‎2010年2月27日‎
To πρώτο έκθεμα του Μουσείου ένας μετεωρίτης, περίπου τριών τόνων, που εντοπίσθηκε από τον Αμπντουλάχ Φίλμπι, τον πατέρα του Κίμ Φίλμπι, που τη δεκαετία του ...
Saudi Arabia, coupled to both worlds The Daily - 2010年2月27日To the first museum exhibit of a meteorite, approximately three tons, which was detected by Abdullah Philby, father of Kim Philby, who the late ...

Cratera rara que forma cerro no RS foi formada por meteorito
Terra Brasil - ‎7 時間前‎
... próprias para datação geocronológica, o que eventualmente poderá fornecer informações mais precisas sobre a época do impacto do meteorito. ...
Rare crater what it forms is closed by me in the Rio Grande do Sul it was formed
for meteorite
Land Brazil - ‎7 時間前‎ ... own for dating geocronológica, which eventually will be able to supply informations more precise on the time of the impact of the meteorite....

Die unglaubliche Geschichte des Meteoriten “Paris”
euronews - ‎2010年2月17日‎
Er ist 1,3 Kilo schwer und über viereinhalb Milliarden Jahre alt – ein Meteorit gelangte nach einer langen Odyssee in das Nationalmuseum für Naturgeschichte ...
The unbelievable history of the meteorite "Paris"
euronews- 2010年2月17 日‎
It is 1.3 kilos and more than 4,5 billions Year-old – a meteorite reached after a long Odyssey in
the national museum for natural history...

Zem ohrozuje meteorit. NASA vyšle sondu
HNonline.sk - ‎10 時間前‎
Vedci z NASA predložili koncepciu sondy na let k planétke, ktorá môže prezradiť okolnosti zrodu slnečnej sústavy, ale sa aj zraziť so Zemou. ...
Meteor threatens Earth. NASA sends probe
HNonline.sk - 10时间前
Scientists from NASA presented the concept of the probe to fly to the asteroid, which may reveal the circumstances of the birth of the solar system, but also crushed by the earth. ...

Ewenkien – in der Mitte Russlands
NZZ Online - ‎18 時間前‎
Im Süden, bei der Ortschaft Wanawara, findet sich die Stätte eines Mysteriums, das weit über Russland hinaus bekannt ist: 1908 soll hier ein Meteorit ...
Ewenkien – in the middle of Russia

NZZ On-line - ‎18 時間前‎
in the south, with the place Wanawara, it is found site of a mystery which is known outside Russia: In 1908 should go here a meteorite...

LAPSZEMLE: Világ hazafiai, egyesüljetek!
Paraméter - ‎21 時間前‎
... foglalkozó püspököt nevezett ki Nový Čas – Egy negyvenes pasi partnert újított... A lapnak pedig mostanra esett le a meteorit, s itt is Kassa környékén...
Lapszemle: World patriots, unite!
Parameter - 21时间前... appointed Bishop of Novy CAS - A renewed contact forties guy ... The newspaper is now the meteorite fell, and here near Kosice ...

Argentina Meteor/Meteorite 9MAR2010 video/ repost

Argentina Meteorite? Fall- video added
originally posted on 10MAR2010 repost 13MAR2010

Catamarca el 09-03-2010 Fuente: www.fiambalahoy.com.ar

Imagenes del Meteorito caído e

Asegura que un meteorito cayó en el patio de su casa
contexto.com.ar - ‎11 時間前‎
Muchos vecinos atraídos por la curiosidad se acercan hasta su domicilio para observar y poder tocar por un instante este supuesto meteorito. ...

Claim of meteorite found after fall in Argentina (all white "meteorite" see photo; perhaps Argentina has a new Aubrite!!!)

They find a meteorite in Catamarca
El Diario 24 - ‎17 時間前‎ Argentina
Vecinos de la localidad catamarqueña de Fiambalá aseguran haber visto caer durante la noche del lunes un meteorito y sus restos, que habrían sido ... Local residents Fiambalá Catamarca claim to have seen fall during Monday night a meteorite and its remains, which would have been ... (orginal in Spanish)

Norma Olmedo una vecina del B° Juan M. Salas de esta ciudad, se encontraba en la noche de ayer aproximadamente pasadas las 22:00 horas junto a su hijo en inmediaciones a su barrio, cuando de repente lo llamó la atención una fuerte luz que lo alumbraba desde atrás, fue entonces que giró y vio una luz que caía desde el cielo de color rojiza dejando por atrás una estela luminosa, según nos cuenta. ...
(ImTranslator 3.3.3-P modified translation from Spanish-English)
Norma Olmedo a neighbor of B ° Juan M. Rooms of this city,
she was finding them yesterday in the night approximately spent 22:00 hours
along with her son in precincts to her quarter, when suddenly it called it
the attention a strong light that was lighting it from behind, was then
that turned and saw a light that was falling down from the sky of color reddish stopping
for behind a luminous stela, as it tells us. ...

Meteorito cae en Fiambalá y habría sido encontrado intacto

13 March 2010


Participate in Global Astronomy Month This April
PR.com (press release)
Professional and amateur astronomers, educators and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide can chose between global star parties, meteor watching, ...

Canadian lasers key to NASA asteroid landing project

Montreal Gazette
The potential impact, says University of Calgary meteorite expert Alan Hildebrand — the principal Canadian investigator on the project — would be equivalent ...

12 March 2010


Proposed mission would return sample from asteroid 'time capsule'

EurekAlert (press release)
Meteorites, pieces of asteroids that break away and plunge to Earth, are "toasted on their way through Earth's atmosphere," Cutlip explained. ...

Meteor likely cause of sonic boom in Cenla

Alexandria Town Talk
By Stephen Largen • Gannett Louisiana News • March 11, 2010 A meteor hurtling through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound likely caused the sonic ...

Noise and light reported last week turned out to meterorite

Pierce County Herald
Judging from reader comments on the Hudson Star-Observer's Web site, wwww.hudsonstarobserver.com, a rare meteor fireball passed over the community at a low ...

Tunguska Catastrophe Occurred in Antarctica Too

A huge meteorite rammed into Antarctica about 480000 years ago. The meteorite weighed hundreds of thousands of tons. Debris and dust were scattered 3000 ...

4486 Mithra- 12March 2010 Earth Asteroid Approach

(click on image to englarge) (c) JPL/NASA
Asteroid 4486 Mithra March 12, 2010 as it passes

Near Earth Asteroids Encounters from NASA-JPL
MARCH 2010

Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs
) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones
all the time.
On March 4, 2010 there were 1105 potentially hazardous asteroids.

March 2010 Earth-asteroid encounters:
Miss Distance
2001 PT9
March 3
11.1 LD
305 m
4486 Mithra
March 12
73.5 LD
3.3 km
2001 FM129
March 13
44.1 LD
1.5 km
2002 TE66
March 28
48.0 LD
940 m
Notes: LD means "Lunar Distance." 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on the date of closest approach. Source: NASA-JPL/CalTech

Mithra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mithra (Miθra) is the Avestan language name of the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) of covenant and oath. In addition to being the divinity of contracts, ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithra - Cached
Mithraic Mysteries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mithraic Mysteries or Mysteries of Mithras (also Mithraism) was a ...
4486 Mithra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4486 Mithra is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid. ...

11 March 2010


Update on 2MAR2010 Norway meteor:
Page F30: Location of meteorite that fell over Norway last week ...

By 데이빛 / Mithridates
Luckily though at the time the meteor was coming down a man named Bernt Andreassen was doing some filming in Vignes (part of Lillehammer) as part of a project he has been working on with Østnorsk Film over the past 18 months, ...
Page F30 - http://www.pagef30.com/

[20:44] Ljusfenomenet har fått sin lösning
Dalarnas Tidningar - ‎8 時間前‎
Var meteoriten har slagit ner är osäkert, men från ett par platser i Norge har det kommit rapporter om misstänkta nedslagsplatser i sjöar. ...

on Louisiana 8MAR2010 meteor fireball:

Meteor probable cause of Monday disturbance
Monroe News Star - ‎1 時間前‎
By Stephen Largen • slargen@monroe.gannett.com • March 11, 2010 A meteor hurtling through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound likely caused the ...
(with photo of noctilucent cloud)

Amateur astronomer in Georgia snaps picture of what may be a meteor that ...

Monroe News Star
By Stephen Largen • slargen@monroe.gannett.com • March 10, 2010 A meteor hurtling through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound likely caused the ...
(8MAR2010 Georgia meteor- see also previous posts Louisiana 8MAR2010 boom meteor?)

other Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:

Tunguska Catastrophe Occurred in Antarctica Too

A huge meteorite rammed into Antarctica about 480000 years ago. The meteorite weighed hundreds of thousands of tons. Debris and dust were scattered 3000 ...

Nyt stort meteorkrater måske fundet
TV2 - ‎14 時間前‎
Skovrydning har sammen med Google Earth afsløret, hvad der kan være et kæmpe nedslagskrater fra et meteor i Centralafrika. Det 36-46 kilometer bredde, ...

Gigantikus krátert fedeztek fel
Hírszerző - ‎18 時間前‎
... és társai rövidesen a helyszínre utaznak, hogy földtani vizsgálatokkal derítsék ki a jelenség eredetét, ami akár hatalmas meteor-becsapódás is lehet. ...
Meteoritai – neprašyti svečiai Žemėje?
Alfa.lt - ‎4 時間前‎
1947 metais Tolimuosiuose Rytuose, Sichote-Alinio kalnuose, nukritusio ir kalnų pavadinimą gavusio meteorito masė yra 60–100 tonų. ...

Meteorite Men: The End of the Beginning

Tucson Citizen
When the final episode of Meteorite Men Season One aired, and the future of our show remained a mystery to me, I could not help but be reminded of Churchill ...

10 March 2010


ring may be giant 'impact crater'

BBC News - ‎9 時間前‎
The 36-46km-wide feature, identified in DR Congo, may be one of the largest such structures discovered in the last decade. Italian researchers considered ...

The politics of cosmic catastrophe
WASHINGTON, DC—ONE WEIGHTY DECISION that the world will need to make in 2010 is whether to support an idea raised by Anatoly Perminov, the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, to launch an unmanned mission to redirect a large asteroid that might collide with Earth after 2030.
Philippine Daily Inquirer - Mar 09 8:39 AM on Yahoo Search

Louisiana enormous "boom" 9MAR2010

Loud sound that rattled windows possibly a sonic boom or meteor

Monroe News Star- Louisiana
“If indeed there was a meteor, they can come in at supersonic speeds,” Wheeler said. There have been no reports of area residents seeing a meteor, ...

Did you hear a boom Monday? It could possibly be...

SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) – An enormous "boom" heard across parts of Louisiana on Monday (8MAR2010) remains a mystery. Lots of people are still wondering what caused the earth to shake. ...

YouTube - 彗星の日本衝突を映像化 Comet collides with Japan.

隕石のようにも見えます。ルーリン彗星接近にあわせた放映でしょうか。 ... レゴで 2028年10月26日隕石衝突シミュレーション. 10852 views. kobakobakobayashi ...


Include Full-text and/or link. 7p-D-1 隕石中の宇宙線起源核種について [in Japanese]. 緒方 惟一; 阪大・理学部・物理学教室. Read/Search Full Text ...

Meteors put on cosmic show over Derry

Derry Today- Derry Ireland
The celestial objects were s(potted shooting across the sky in the early hours of Sunday morning by Derry man Niall Smith who says he saw the meteors as he ...

Meteor Strikes Alabama Neighborhood, Citizens Brace for More - The ...

Scientists and civil defense authorities quickly determined the most likely cause -- a small meteorite that had blasted its way through the Earth's ...

Astro Bob blog: Another fireball update plus a Saturnian sun

Duluth News Tribune
Mike alerted me to the American Meteor Society's fireball sighting log. There I found more than a dozen additional reports on the meteor plus sightings of ...

Ken Macleod part of international team investigating dinosaurs' extinction

That clay layer has been located at 350 sites around the globe, indicating a large displacement of minerals and other materials upon impact of the meteor. ...

08 March 2010


Slováci hledají u Košic meteorit
tn.cz - ‎5 時間前‎
Na území Slovenska spadl meteorit. Podle odborníků má být na východ od Košic - ilustrační foto. Tento týden osvítil oblohu nad Slovenskem meteorit. ...

Nite Sky Girl: March Of The Meteors

By NiteSkyGirl Blog
March Of The Meteors. My Meteor page has this month's meteor shower there for you. ... Niteskygirl's Cool Sky Watcher's Stuff ! *Meteor Showers-February · *Jack Stargazer's Video's For February · *Question's I've answered in email ...

Analyzing the Moon's Largest Crater An impactor struck shortly after the Moon ...

By Tudor Vieru, Science Editor Not long after the Moon formed around Earth, a giant impactor, most likely a meteorite or large asteroid slammed into its ...

According to New Comprehensive Review, a Giant Meteorite Caused the Dinosaur ...

Popular Science
Now, after reviewing 20 years worth of data and research, an international team of scientists concludes that it was aa huge meteorite strike that triggered ...

07 March 2010


Hungary Meteorite Update 7MAR2010:

Keresik, de sehol sem találják a meteoritot
Új Szó Online - ‎9 時間前‎
Továbbra is keresik az újságírók a február 28-án éjjel, fél tizenkettő után néhány perccel észlelt meteorit darabkáit. Folyamatosan új történetek látnak ...

Other worldwide meteor/meteorite news:

网易 - ‎2010年3月5日‎
... 为期近40天的考察中,克服暴风频繁、冰裂隙密布等恶劣自然条件的不良影响,顺利开展了地质调查、陨石采集、测绘、生态环境研究及冰盖演化等科学考察任务,取得多项突破。

Βρέθηκαν σωματίδια «αρχαίου» μετεωρίτη στην Ανταρκτική
iKypros - ‎3 時間前‎
Η ανακάλυψη μικροσκοπικών σωματιδίων μετεωρίτη και στρώματος «εξωγήινης» σκόνης που βρέθηκε στην Ανταρκτική, αποδεικνύει ότι κάποιος μετεωρίτης εξερράγη ...

Ditegaskan lagi, Meteor yang Punahkan Dinosaurus
Media Indonesia - ‎55 分前‎
WASHINGTON--MI: Sekelompok peneliti top kembali menegaskan bahwa penyebab punahnya dinosaurus adalah jatuhnya sebuah asteroid raksasa ke Bumi. ...

06 March 2010

Hungary Meteorite Hunt 6MAR2010 - updated

Kis magyar meteoritopera
Hajdú Online - ‎5 分前‎ TYO6mar 18:17
A csillagászok első perctől a meteorit verziónál maradtak, bár bizonyítékkal sokáig nem tudtak szolgálni. Meteoritláz uralkodott el az országban, kár, ...
Little Hungarian meteoritopera
Hajdú Online - 5 分 前 TYO6mar18: 17 minutes
The astronomers first version of the meteorite remained, although they could not provide evidence for a long time. Meteoritláz prevailed in the country, damage, ...

"Arra repült, arra repült" - a szlovák hegyekben lezuhant meteor nyomában
Origo - ‎10 時間前‎
Latest In-Depth Report about 28FEB2010 Hungary /Slovakia Meteor (!!)

"Ha földet ért, akkor is legfeljebb néhány méter átmérőjű krátert hagyott maga után az a meteorit, amely hatalmas villanás után vasárnap éjjel csapódhatott ...
"We flew to fly" - the Slovak mountains crashed meteor trails
Origo- "If you landed, even up to several meters in diameter crater left behind After a meteorite, a huge flash csapódhatott after Sunday night ...

Original Link:

Google Translate Hungarian-English

Posted on YouTube

(more info) Some new video links inside info about Hungary (Slovakia meteor)
Did a meteorite shower have any effect on Chili's 8.8 Earthquake and could the Meteors also play a role in what witnesses claimed the saw when sky turned and changed colors? UFO fireball was seen ...

Image of Hungarian/ Slovakian region from meteor view (click to enlarge)
Kiszámították a meteoritbecsapódás lehetséges helyét
Paraméter - ‎26 分前‎ (2:30am TYO)
A fenti feltételezés alapján - ha a meteor (meteoritok) délnyugati irányból érkezett, és körülbelül 10 kilométer magasban robbant –akkor a felszínt esetleg elérő ... (more)
Meteorite searchers calculated the possible location (image of map)
The above assumption - if the meteor from the south-west direction, and exploded about 10 miles overhead, perhaps reaching the surface ... (more)

Biztos, hogy földet ért a vasárnapi tűzgömb

Szent Korona Rádio
Ugyanakkor a Kassától 45 kilométerre északkeletre fekvő cervenicai szeizmológiai állomás érzékelt egy olyan jelet, amelynek alapján a meteor legalább egy ... (!!)


Meteor View* from above Bratislava, Slovakia and Budapest, Hungary looking towards Kosice, Slovakia; white line is projected path towards Kosice, Slovakia. Red circle line is 200 km distance measure from Budapest.

Meteor view* looking towards Koice, Slovakia from Miskolc / Bocs Region, Hungary
Emod, Bocs, Miskolc; any videos or witnesses?
Red Circle line represents 200 Km from Budapest
, Hungary

Concentration still needs to be used to search for more video footage before security camera tapes are recycled! Seismic data alone may not be enough.

*"meteor view" is used to refer to viewing from the viewpoint of a meteor
6MAR2010 lunarmeteorite*hunter


Two newly posted videos:

Italian TV news