31 July 2009

German Meteor/Meteorite News- Dog of Meteorite Kill! 31JUL09

Hund von Meteorit erschlagen!

by von jonsilver 26 mal gelesen
Genauere Untersuchungen ergaben, dass der Meteorit eindeutig vom Mars stammt.
Im Jahre 1911 wurde in Nakhla/Ägypten ein Straßenhund von einem Meteoriten erschlagen. Genauere Untersuchungen ergaben in den 80er Jahren, dass der Meteorit eindeutig vom Mars stammt. Bisher konnten zwölf Meteoriten als vom Mars stammend identifiziert werden. Dem Hund, dessen Name nicht überliefert ist, nützt das indes wenig. ...


Babel Fish German-English Translation:

Dog of Meteorite Kill!
by von Josilver
More exact investigations resulted in that the meteorite comes clearly from Mars. *
In the year 1911 in Nakhla/Egypt a road dog was killed of meteorites. More exact investigations resulted in the 80's that the meteorite comes clearly from Mars. So far twelve meteorites could be identified as of Mars coming. The meanwhile little is useful to the dog, whose name is not delivered. ... (more)

30 July 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Meteorites Delivered ET Platinum to Earth 30JUL09

Extraterrestrial platinum was 'stirred' into the Earth

Insciences Organisation -
“Following that, a steady rain of meteorites created the so-called Late Veneer – a thin surface layer of meteorite debris rich in platinum. ...

Pennsylvania Meteor/Meteorite News- PA Fireball Update- New Video 30JUL09

PA Fireball Update - New Video

Mike Hankey`s Update:

Sorry to disappoint but the video is not a direct sighting, just light
and shadows. all info, pics, LOS and meteor path best guesses


UK Meteorite News- Rob Elliot Auction Update 30JUL09

Meteorite chunks sell for thousands

Leicester Mercury
Harold Platt was delighted when he sold a bit of a meteorite which fell on Barwell in 1965. Villager Mr Platt received £39.50p from what was then Leicester ...

Worldwide Meteor News- Delta Aquarid and early Perseid meteors this week! 30JUL09

Aug. skywatch: Perseid meteor shower

AZ Central.com
29, 2009 09:36 AM While the skies are full of celestial delights - several bright, sprawling constellations and one of the most reliable annual meteor ...

Green Peas and Cheese

Be on the look out for Delta Aquarid and early Perseid meteors this week! The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is at its peak right now, and Earth is heading ...

29 July 2009

China Meteorite News- Jilin Meteorite Fall 8MAR1976 29JUL09

1976年3月8日 吉林地区天降世界罕见的陨石
腾讯网 - ‎2009年7月15日‎
大量碎小的陨石散落在吉林市郊区大屯公社李家大队和永吉县江密峰公社一带;稍大块的直落在金珠公社九座、南兰大队一带;最大的3块陨石沿着原来的飞行方向继续向西偏南 ...

Babel Fish Chinese-English Translation:
On March 8, 1976 the Jilin area day had the world rare meteorite shower
http://news.QQ.com on July 15, 2009 17:16   People's net    comments (0)


on March 8, 1976 the Jilin area day had the world rare meteorite shower

Jilin meteorite Display

on March 8, 1976 afternoon, a space meteor circled the solar revolution along the Earth the direction, crashed into the earth's atmosphere by each second several kilometer speeds. Because this meteor and the dense atmosphere has the fierce friction, when flies to the Jilin area sky, the combustion, the illumination, become a big fireball, 15:01 59 seconds has the detonation on 8th in the Jilin Suburb Gold Bead People's commune sky. After meteor detonation, scatters by the radiating to four sides. The massive dependents' meteorite scatters in the Jilin Suburb Tatun People's commune Li family production brigade and Yongji County Jiang Mifeng area the people's commune; Slightly bulk dropping down in golden bead people's commune nine, south area blue production brigade; The biggest 3 meteorites continue along the original flight direction to the W by S direction to fly, falls successively on the Jilin suburb nine station people's commune three platform production brigades, the orphaned shop people's commune serious famine production brigade and the Yongji County birch skin factory people's commune backer production brigade. Finally when 15:02 36 seconds fall down together, wear out 1.7 meter thick frozen earth levels, fall into the underground 6.5 meters deep places, create a depth 3 meter, the diameter 2 meters many big holes in the ground, at that time shook the earth wave reached as high as dozens of meters, the soil block splashes to hundred meters outside. At present according to meteorite analysis which already collected, this meteorite shower scatters the scope approximately has more than 500 square kilometers, during including the Jilin suburb, Yongji County, the Jiaohe River county's 7 people's communes, the population 10 ten thousand, has not caused any casualties or the loss. After meteorite shower landing, the local populace have made the report immediately to the Department concerned. The Chinese Academy of Science rapid composition union survey team rushes to the scene, in the province, under the city science and technology department's assistance, has carried on a series of scientific expedition work. So far, has collected the meteorite has more than 100 blocks. And the minimum weight below 0.5 kilogram, some 3 each weight has surpassed 100 kilograms. A maximum weight is 1770 kilograms, surpassed the US to collect, in greatly the present world the maximum stony meteorite weight (1078 kilograms). Regardless of this meteorite shower is the scope which quantity, the weight and scatter, is the world is rare. It regarding aspect and so on astronomy, heavenly body physics, high energy physics, cosmochemistry, heavenly body history, earth history research, has the very important value.

   According to the Chinese Academy of Science unites the survey team preliminary analysis appraisal, this landing's meteorite, the shape is diverse, has the cuboid, the hexahedron, the cone and so on. The meteorite surface has the black, the black brown melt shell and size different gas India. The meteorite contains the mineral is mainly the pyroxene, the olivine, for hard metallic minerals and so on grain stone, taenite, magnetite, has the model spherulitic texture few, therefore chooses a name as “the olivine - - bronzite chondrite”. These meteorites contain the chemical element, mainly has after the assay determination: Silicon, magnesium, iron, sulfur, calcium, nickel, aluminum and so on.

  What is called the meteorite?

  The meteorite, is the space objective existence one kind of heavenly body. As early as more than 3000 years ago, our country has about the meteor and the meteorite record, moreover very early has the correct scientific opinion to the meteorite. If "Shihchi · Day Published collection of laws" said: “the star falls to the place, then stone.”

   Solar system has the nine planets, in Mars and between Jupiter's track, has tens of thousands of planetoids. In addition, Earth nearby space, but also has many interstellar matters, small elephant dust particle, big elephant place mountain. These heavenly bodies defer to certain speed and the orbital motion. When the interstellar matter or the orbital special spot individual planetoid approaches the Earth, sometimes meets the atmospheric penetration, has the fierce hit, the friction with the atmosphere, the heat generation, the combustion, the illumination, this is the meteor which we see.

  The majority meteors in start from the ground 120 kilometers following upper airs to burn, small “the dust” is leaving the ground several dozens kilometers place to fire the ashes. The minority volume big as a result of air drag's influence, the speed falls from the sky more and more slowly, this kind falls the meteor remaining part which comes up to the ground, is the meteor, or is called the meteorite. Every year falls from the sky to Earth's on meteorite are many, but the majority volumes are very small, moreover falls mostly to the sea and the person mark rare place, very difficult to discover. Sometimes, the meteor first explodes in the upper air, then looks like one “the stone rain” such to scatter down, this is the rarer meteorite shower phenomenon.

  The meteorite surface has the seal brown hard shell generally, this is melts after the high temperature, also when the speed reduces cools gradually forms. Meteorite surface's another characteristic is, many likely anodonta shell shape small pit, this is it after the air friction combustion trace, the scientific term named is mad India. The people may act according to the dent the shape, which direction flight judges this meteorite is toward. Ingredient which contains according to the meteorite, may divide into three kinds, namely: Iron meteorite, pallasite and stony meteorite. Indicated to the meteorite chemical analysis that the composition meteorite's each chemical element, is on the Earth known, is also composes solar system other heavenly bodies the same element.

  The meteorite has the important value in the modern science research. This kind of precious universe sample not only brings many spaces for us the information, will also provide the rare information for a series of scientific research domain.

  After new China was established, until this time, has discovered and collects three meteorite showers. The first time was in 1588 discovered in the Guangxi Nandan County our country Ming Dynasty time fell from the sky iron meteorite rain; The second time was in 1971 falls on the Jilin Province Shuangyang County domestic stony meteorite rain; This time is in the world history rare stony meteorite rain.

China Meteorite News- Villagers Claim 100 Years Rock a Meteorite 29JUL09


网易 -
本报讯(记者郑旭光见习记者黄见锦文/图)长乐鹤上镇有陨石?长乐鹤上镇有块怪石,当地村民都认为是数百年前掉下的陨石,世代呵护。经专家鉴定,这是一块“石灰岩”,是 ...

Babel Fish Chinese-English Translation:

The meteorite lies down ancient dwelling for several hundred years?
Net easy -
The newspaper news (by Zheng Xuguang application Reporter Huang Jianjin article/chart) on the Changle crane the town has the meteorite? On the Changle crane the town has the block strange stone, the local villagers thought that is the meteorite which several hundred years ago fall down, the generation protects. After expert appraisal, this is at the same place “the limestone”, is

Lithuanian Meteor/Meteorite News- Apollo/Jubiliejui paminėti – knyga su Mėnulio uoliena 29JUL09

Jubiliejui paminėti – knyga su Mėnulio uoliena

Jų dydis – nuo 0,4 gramų atplaišos iki 30,34 gramų akmens – vieno iš didžiausio Žemėje rasto Mėnulio meteorito. Knygos leidėjai „Taschen America“ dar laukia ...

Moon Meteorite News- Moon Rocks and Apollo Final Mission 29JUL09

NASA's Final Apollo Missions: The Last Footsteps on the Moon

Voice of America - I'm Shirley Griffith -
A large meteorite hit the area four thousand million years ago. The force of the crash spread material from deep inside the moon. Scientists wanted to study ...

Wolrdwide Meteor/Meteorite News- Asteroid Smaller Than Thought 29JUL09

Devastating asteroid smaller than once thought

Globe and Mail - Sue Major Holmes -
“A meteorite or asteroid coming into Earth's atmosphere has a lot of momentum,” he said. “The idea that it would push down into the atmosphere seems very ...

Canada Meteorite News- Winnipeg Flash and Bang 29JUL09

Did something crash in the Ottawa River?

Winnipeg Sun - Jon Willing, Don Wilcox - ‎13 hours ago‎
One witness speculates it could have been a meteorite. Their calls sent emergency crews from Ottawa and Gatineau racing to the area, and sparked a search ...

28 July 2009

Russia Meteorite News- Yakutia, Russia Meteorite Found JUN09 27JUL09

Жители Якутии передали ученым найденный около месяца назад метеорит

Метеорит, найденный в Якутии
© Фото: Центр общественных связей СО РАН

НОВОСИБИРСК, 27 июл - РИА новости. Жители Якутии передали на исследование ученым из Института космофизических исследований и аэрономии им. Ю.Г. Шафера (ИКФИА) Сибирского отделения РАН небольшой метеорит, весом около 200 граммов, упавший около месяца назад недалеко от села Улах-Ан в Якутии, сообщает в понедельник Центр общественных связей СО РАН.

По информации Центра, ведущий научный сотрудник ИКФИА СО РАН Владимир Козлов сообщил, что метеорит будет отправлен на исследования в лабораторию метеоритики Института геохимии и аналитической химии имени В.И. Вернадского (Москва).

"Пока о метеорите можно сказать только то, что он не радиоактивен - мы замерили радиоактивность, и она оказалась в пределах нормы, что он не магнитный - компас на него не реагирует, следовательно в составе нет железа. Метеорит оплавленный, слегка пахнет гарью", - сказал Козлов.

В сообщении также отмечается, что, по словам местных жителей, которые не только обнаружили упавший с неба камень, но и стали свидетелями его падения, найденный метеорит был еще теплым.

Как сообщают местные СМИ, около месяца метеорит хранил у себя дома местный житель.

Всего на территории Якутии официально было зафиксировано восемь случаев падения метеоритов.

Google Russian-English Translation:
Inhabitants of Yakutia have transferred scientists found about one month back meteorite July 27, 2009
Novosibirsk, 27 июл - RIA of news. Inhabitants of Yakutia have transferred to research of scientists from Institute космофизических researches and аэрономии to them. Ю.Г. The best man (ИКФИА) the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Science the small meteorite, weight about 200 grams, fallen about one month back near to village Ulah-An in Yakutia, informs the Center of public relations of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science on Monday.
According to the Center, leading scientific employee ИКФИА Vladimir Kozlov has informed the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, that the meteorite will be sent on researches in laboratory метеоритики Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of a name V.I.Vernadsky (Moscow).
' While it is possible to tell about a meteorite only that it is not radioactive - we have measured a radio-activity, and it has appeared within the limits of norm, that it not magnetic - a compass on it does not react, hence in structure of there is no iron. The meteorite melted off, slightly smells as fumes ', - has told Goats.
In the message also it is marked, that, according to local residents who not only have found out the stone which has fallen from the sky, but also became witnesses of its falling, the found meteorite was still warm.
As inform local mass-media, about one month the meteorite was stored at home by the local resident.
In total in territory of Yakutia it has officially been fixed eight cases of falling метеоритов.добавить in блоготправить to the friend

27 July 2009

Greek Meteor/Meteorite News- Thessalonica Meteor and History 27JUL09

Επιστήμη - Αστρονομία και Γεωχημεία - Ο βομβαρδισμός της Γης από ...
epa - european pressphoto agency - ‎Jul 23, 2009‎
Όταν ένας μετεωρίτης εισέρχεται στην ατμόσφαιρα ενός πλανήτη, η ακραία θερμοκρασία που αναπτύσσεται, αναγκάζει ορισμένα από τα ορυκτά και την οργανική ύλη ...

English Translation of link (story in Greek):

SPECIAL SUBJECT: The [peftasteri] of Thessalonica - One solitary…

epa - european pressphoto agency - Jul 23, 2009

Big meteorites Famed meteorite in the history is the one that had fallen in [Frygia] (was worshipped with the name Kyveli), and which they transported

France Meteor/Meteorite News- France Meteor 21JUL09 27JUL09

Albefeuille-Largarde. Météorite : « J'ai vu une lumière intense et ...

LaDépêche.fr - ‎Jul 21, 2009‎
Joël Dolez, astrophysicien à l'observatoire du Midi ne dit pas vraiment autre chose : « Il s'agit probablement d'une météorite ou de chondrites», ...

Argentina Meteorite News- Más de mil objetos podrían chocar contra la Tierra 27JUL09

Más de mil objetos podrían chocar contra la Tierra

Lanacion.com (Argentina) -
El "evento de Tunguska", que dejó un escenario devastado en una superficie de 2000 kilómetros cuadrados, es considerado el mayor impacto de un meteorito en ...

Google Spanish- English Translation:
More than a thousand objects might hit Earth
Lanacion.com (Argentina) - 19 hours ago The "Tunguska Event", which left a scene in a devastated area of 2000 square kilometers, is considered the greatest impact of a meteorite in ...

Spain Meteorite News- Molina, Spain Meteorite 1858 144Kg 27JUL09

Un meteorito de 144 kilos despertó a los vecinos de Molina
Foto: efe

Hace 150 años

Un meteorito de 144 kilos despertó a los vecinos de Molina

A las 2:45 horas de hoy se han cumplido 150 años del impacto del mayor meteorito caído en España, según informa la Plataforma multimedia de comunicación científica de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología.

ESPAÑA, julio 26.- El meteorito, el más grande de la península ibérica, cayó a las 2:45 horas de la Nochebuena de 1858, y hoy puede verse en el museo nacional de ciencias naturales de Madrid.

Las crónicas relatan que inicialmente quienes lo vieron creyeron que iba a tocar la torre de la catedral de Murcia, pero "pasó por encima...y recorrió tres leguas más, salvando esta ciudad y su término", y el impacto se produjo en un bancal de cebada de Molina de Segura, con tal sacudida que levantó a los vecinos de sus camas, como relata Rafael Martínez Fortúm, en cuya parcela cayó el meteorito.

Los expertos lo catalogan como una condrina H5 por su alto contenido en hierro y por el grado de alteración sufrido, es decir, un meteorito rocoso procedente de la solidificación de polvo y gas de la nebulosa solar primigenia que dio origen al Sistema Solar.

En la madrugada de la Nochebuena de 1858 "las personas que estaban en las calles, en los caminos y en los campos vieron aparecer un magnífico globo de fuego de una brillantez extraordinaria y deslumbradora, que ostentando los colores del arco iris, oscureció la luz de la luna y descendió majestuosamente desde las regiones aéreas". Así se recoge en un informe encargado por Rafael Martínez Fortún, vecino del municipio murciano de Molina de Segura, en cuya hacienda cayó el mayor meteorito recogido en España.

Este es el relato de este vecino: "Se oyó de repente un gran ruido parecido al que produce la electricidad en las nubes y las personas que estaban en las calles, en los caminos y en los campos, vieron aparecer un magnífico globo de fuego de una brillantez extraordinaria y deslumbradora que ostentando los colores del arco iris oscurecía la luz de la luna, y descendió majestuosamente desde las regiones aéreas, atravesando nuestro horizonte en dirección oblicua del Mediodía a Norte".

Más tarde, segando la cebada, a un labrador le llamó la atención un hoyo y escarbando encontró una piedra de figura cuadrangular, color negruzco y de un peso extraordinario comparado con su volumen, pues tenía diez arrobas y quince libras, lo cual le llamó la atención.

Actualmente una reproducción del meteorito se puede contemplar en el Aula de la Naturaleza que la concejala de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura tiene en la pedanía del Rellano de Molina.

EFE http://www.terra.cl/actualidad/index.cfm?id_cat=1167&id_reg=1225584

English Translation by Google:

A meteorite of 144 kilos woke neighbors Molina

A meteorite 150 years ago of 144 kilos woke neighbors Molina at 2:45 pm today have been completed 150 years of the largest meteorite impact crash in Spain, according to the multimedia platform of scientific communication in the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.

SPAIN, July 26 .- The meteorite, the largest in the Iberian Peninsula, fell at 2:45 hours on Christmas Eve 1858, and today can be seen at the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid.

The chronicles relate that those who saw him initially thought he was going to play the tower of the Cathedral of Murcia, but "passed over ... and walked three more miles, saving the city and its boundaries, and the impact occurred in a bench barley Molina de Segura, with such a jolt that lifted the neighbors from their beds, as reported Fortum Rafael Martinez, in whose land fell meteorito.Los experts categorized as a condrina H5 because of its high iron content and the degree of alteration suffered, ie, a rocky meteor from the solidification of dust and gas from the primeval solar nebula that gave rise to the System Solar.En the morning of Christmas Eve, 1858 "People on the streets, in the roads and fields saw a magnificent show of a fire balloon extraordinary brilliance and dazzling, which holds the colors of the rainbow, obscured the moonlight and descended majestically from the air regions. This is reflected in a report commissioned by Rafael Martinez Fortun Murcian neighboring town of Molina de Segura, whose wealth fell in the largest meteorite collected in España.Este this is the story of neighbor: "They suddenly heard a noise similar to producing electricity in the clouds and people in the streets, roads and fields, they saw a magnificent show of a globe of fire dazzling brilliance and extraordinary showing that the rainbow obscured by moonlight and decreased air majestically from regions across our horizon in the direction of the oblique Noon to North. "

This is the story of the neighbor: "We suddenly heard a noise similar to that produced electricity in the clouds and people in the streets, roads and fields, they saw a great show balloon fire a dazzling brilliance and extraordinary showing that the rainbow obscured the moonlight, and fell majestically carriers from regions across our horizon in the direction of the oblique Noon to north. Later segando barley is a labrador drew attention to digging a hole and found a stone figure quadrangular blackish color and a special weight compared to their volume, arrobas since I was ten and fifteen pounds, which he called the atención.Actualmente reproduction of a meteorite can be seen in Nature's Classroom to the councilor of the Municipality of Environment Molina de Segura is on top of the parish of Molina.

26 July 2009

Brazil Meteorite News- Farmer Finds Meteorite in Brazil 26JUL09

Agricultor encontra meteorito raro-

Farmer Encounters Rare Meteorite

Zero Hora - ‎Jul 20, 2009‎
Arvorezinha, Brasilia
O meteorito é do tipo Siderito, considerado raro pelo fato de que apenas 5% dos fragmentos já registrados são dessa classe – esse pode ser o quarto ...

"The rock is 50cm long, 40cm wide and 24 cm tall and weighs 145 pounds, three times more than a normal stone. The meteorite is a Sideritis, considered unusual by the fact that only 5% of the fragments that are already registered class - this may be the fourth located in the state. Throughout the country are recorded 56 meteorites, only 21 of that type. But it was not possible to end the day of fall. "

Mexico Meteor News- Xochitepec Reports Fireball 26JUL09

Bola de fuego pasó sobre Xochitepec

El Sol de Cuernavaca - ‎Xochitepec, Mexico 26JUL09
... cinco minutos la presencia de un objeto brillante en el cielo a una altura media, que parecía un meteorito para terminar en un relámpago y desap...

*Five minutes of viewing most likely excludes a meteor!

Puerto Rico Meteor/Meteorite News- San Sebastián Meteor Reported to Impact- Hoax? 26JUL09

Bastante raro que un meteorito acabe en incendio

Primera Hora - ‎Jul 21, 2009‎
La bola de fuego que vio caer una adolescente en San Sebastián podría ser un meteorito, pero es bastante raro que este cuerpo celeste logre alcanzar la ...
33 Comentarios

Cae presunto meteorito en San Sebastián

Primera Hora - ‎Jul 21, 2009‎
El incendio en la finca de don Manolín ocupó toda la propiedad. (Para Primera Hora / Olimpo Ramos) Una joven de 15 años, vecina del sector Aibonito Beltrán, ...

UK/Japan Meteorite News- Monica Grady Lecture 1/6 in Japanese You Tube 26JUL09

Monica Grady Lecture in Japanese 1/6

モニカ・グレイディ - 宇宙への大航海~誰かいますか?1/6

Posted on You Tube by

私たちは、皆時間と空間を移動する 旅人です。レクチャー当時(2004年)、英国自然 史博物館員でしたモニカ・グレイディ博士とともに、銀河系や、彗星、惑星、爆発する星 、太陽系の惑星たちを訪ねます。地球の成り立ちや、星に生命が誕生するにはどういう条 件が必要なのか考えます。

Monica Grady (born 1958) is a leading British space scientist, primarily known for her work on meteorites. She is currently Professor of Planetary and Space Science at the Open University. Grady was formerly based at the Natural History Museum, where she curated the UK's national collection of meteorite.