Showing posts with label Brazil meteorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil meteorites. Show all posts

23 June 2010

Brazil Meteor Fireball Produces Meteorites 23JUN2010

Brazil Daylight Meteor Fireball of June 19 Produces Meteorites
posted by LunarMeteoriteHunter (c) - Tokyo, Japan 23JUN2010 11:00 AM
(story embargoed until 10:00PM 13:00GMT 23JUN2010)

Photos and credits:
Wellington Rangel (Clube de Astronomia Louis Cruls/ Instituto Federal Fluminense)/ Astronomers Without Borders

A ~600 gram meteorite fell about 15 meters from a ranch hand in Varre-Sai, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil on June 19, 2010. The images show the meteorite and how it was found (though it was picked up first, and then replaced for the TV camera). The person talking to the reporter is Prof. Marcelo Souza, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, in Campos. The interview will be aired on Brazilian TV today.

Near Hit!
There is an interesting follow-up to the daylight meteor fireball in Brazil of June 19, 2010. At about 21.00 UT, a ranch hand (name withheld) saw the fireball and heard explosions, after which something fell about 15 meters away from him in a pasture. He walked over to the spot and picked up a 600 gram meteorite that had just fallen from the sky. He saw others fall at about the same time nearby but hasn't been able to find them yet. He commented that the air had a "strong smell of iron".
The meteorite appears to be an ordinary chondrite with both primary and secondary fusion crust. I expect several more meteorites to be found from this fall based upon eyewitness reports. The local university and others will be joining the hunt today and in the coming days; stay tuned-in for more.

Have information about this meteorite fall or others? Please email

Previously reported:

Brazil Daytime Fireball
A daytime fireball with sonic booms was reported by many people in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil on June 19 at about 21.00 UT. A local astronomy and physics professor, Prof. Marcelo Souza, was contacted by the fire department and others for explanation.

Map of the Campos dos Goytacazes area in Brazil:,-41.32782&spn=1.035766,1.796265&z=10

26 July 2009

Brazil Meteorite News- Farmer Finds Meteorite in Brazil 26JUL09

Agricultor encontra meteorito raro-

Farmer Encounters Rare Meteorite

Zero Hora - ‎Jul 20, 2009‎
Arvorezinha, Brasilia
O meteorito é do tipo Siderito, considerado raro pelo fato de que apenas 5% dos fragmentos já registrados são dessa classe – esse pode ser o quarto ...

"The rock is 50cm long, 40cm wide and 24 cm tall and weighs 145 pounds, three times more than a normal stone. The meteorite is a Sideritis, considered unusual by the fact that only 5% of the fragments that are already registered class - this may be the fourth located in the state. Throughout the country are recorded 56 meteorites, only 21 of that type. But it was not possible to end the day of fall. "

24 July 2009

Japanese Meteorite News- Recent 24JUL09


AFPBB News - ‎2009年7月22日‎
ブラジル・リオグランデドスル(Rio Grande do Sul)州Arvorezinhaのトウモロコシ畑で発見された隕石(いんせき、Arvorezinha当局提供)。(c)AFP/ARVOREZINHA PRESS OFFICE 【7月22日 AFP】ブラジル・リオグランデドスル(Rio Grande do Sul)州Arvorezinhaのトウモロコシ ...

English tanslation-
Meteorite found in corn fields of Brazil AFPBB News - 2009 July 22, Sunday RIOGURANDEDOSURU Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) Arvorezinha meteorite was found in corn fields in the (relative by marriage, Arvorezinha and authorities). (c) AFP / ARVOREZINHA PRESS OFFICE - July 22 AFP - RIOGURANDEDOSURU Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) in corn Arvorezinha ...


アストロアーツ - ‎2009年7月8日‎
しかし、1949年にモンゴルに落下した隕石に含まれていた花こう岩の年代測定から、地球の花こう岩の形成年代よりも古い約45億3000万年前という値が明らかとなり、初期の太陽系では微惑星上で花こう岩の形成が進んでいたことが示された。 花こう岩は、古くから城の石垣や ...

English translation: Topics Astro from granite has been used in stone and the tomb of the ancient castle, the well-known rock on Earth is. The continental crust of the earth are in plenty, and I would say the typical rock. But in fact our solar system are not universally present. The formation of "water" is thought to be involved and required. Venus and Mars, the planet Earth as the asteroid is dry and has not been found so far. Therefore, it was accepted view that the planet Earth is a unique rock water. However, the discovery has been reported to reverse the accepted theory. That is, Kentaro Terada of Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science (DAKENTAROU partly) Associate Professor, 1949 is a common analysis of the meteorite that landed in Mongolia on. This meteorite, breccia (KAKUREKI) in normal quality meteorites called rock, clastic broken apart by geologic activity on the bodies of the meteorites ...

小惑星帯の岩塊の多く、もとは彗星 仏研究チーム

AFPBB News - ‎2009年7月16日‎
また、議論が盛んになされている、微小隕石の起源の謎を解く手がかりにもなるかもしれない。微小隕石とは、地球の大気圏に突入しても燃え尽きなかった地球外から降り注ぐ粒子だ。微小隕石は組成も構造も通常の隕石とは異なるが、彗星に由来すると考えると、生来の小惑星 ...

English Translation: Many of the rocks in the asteroid belt, comets under the French research team AFPBB News - 2009 July 16, also has been actively discussed, may also help solve the mystery of the origin of micrometeorites . Micrometeorite and is KINAKATTA extraterrestrial particles fall into the Earth's atmosphere. Meteorites and micrometeorites are usually different from the composition and structure, and considered to be derived from comets, asteroids natural ...

21 July 2009

Brazil Meteorite News- Brazilian Farmer Finds two Rare Meteorites 20JUL09 21JUL09

Agricultor encontra meteorito raro

20 de julho de 2009 | N° 16036 Alerta

THANK YOU Gabriel!!!

Ao aplicar veneno na lavoura de milho de sua propriedade, na zona rural de Arvorezinha, no Vale do Taquari, o agricultor Danilo de Oliveira surpreendeu-se com o que encontrou pelo caminho, na quinta-feira.

Caída no terreno, uma pedra pequena e pesada chamou sua atenção porque nunca esteve ali. Geólogos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) estiveram no local para realizar testes científicos e confirmaram: o fragmento se trata de um raro meteorito.

A rocha tem 50cm de comprimento, 40cm de largura e 24cm de altura e pesa 145 quilos, três vezes a mais que uma pedra normal. O meteorito é do tipo Siderito, considerado raro pelo fato de que apenas 5% dos fragmentos já registrados são dessa classe – esse pode ser o quarto localizado no Estado. Em todo o Brasil estão registrados 56 meteoritos, apenas 21 desse tipo. Mas não foi possível terminar a data da queda.

Segundo o geólogo Antônio Pedro Viero, do Instituto de Geociências da UFRGS, é provável que a rocha pertença ao núcleo de algum planeta. Antes de ser levado ao Museu Nacional, no Rio de Janeiro, o meteorito vai passar por análises químicas no Canadá, cujo resultado vai ser publicado numa revista científica para registro oficial.

Esse não é o primeiro meteorito encontrado no Vale do Taquari. Em 1937, uma queda de uma pedra foi vista em Putinga, cidade a cerca de 20 quilômetros de Arvorezinha.

Geólogo crê na chance de região registrar outros casos

O meteorito, de mais de 200 quilos, provocou buracos profundos no solo e até hoje atrai curiosos ao município. Uma pequena parte da pedra – apenas 1,7 quilo – encontra-se exposta no museu local: é o único fragmento recuperado pela prefeitura até hoje.

– É provável que existam outros e, por isso, os moradores devem ficar atentos. Este é um registro científico muito interessante – diz o geólogo Ari Roisenberg, da UFRGS, que também esteve na cidade.