Scientists in Russia Create 3D Model of 2013 ChelyabinskMeteor
Sputnik International
Researchers presented their findings regarding the Chelyabinsk meteor, as well as new findings on a lesser-known meteor which struck Russia in ...
धरती पर उल्कापिंड की टक्कर वाले 340 स्थानों का अभी पता नहीं
Zee News हिन्दी
बर्लिन: धरती पर अब तक कुल 188 उल्कापिंड प्रभावित स्थलों की पुष्टि हो चुकी है और 340 की अभी खोज की जानी बाकी है ...
UFO Sighting 2015: Bright Fiery Object Stunned Witnesses; NASA Scientists Rule Fireball as ...
International Business Times, India Edition
However, NASA scientists have said that it is nothing but space debris re-entering the earth's atmosphere and five meteor cameras located in the ...
US Southeast Sees 'Out Of Space' Objects Fall Out
The Standard Daily
Fireball Space Junk On Monday, the US Southeast had what looked like a space junk fall off from its skies. Researchers stressed that the stuff that fell ...
Meteor in Huntersville
Me and my buddies saw theis meteor at 1am Monday morning, saw it as one big fire ball then it broke up and went from one end of the sky to the other.
NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Studies Rock-Layer Contact Zone
Jet Propulsion Laboratory -July 1, 2015
o Rover team members have resumed commanding Curiosity after a moratorium
while the sun was between Earth and Mars.
o Curiosity is examing a zone where two regional rock units neighbor each
other near "Marias Pass."
o The rover found a sandstone with grains of diverse size, shape and color. / more
NASA's Cameras Identify Monday Morning Bright Fireball as Mere Piece of Space Junk
NYC Today
People reported that this flash of light lasted for about a minute, streaking from one side of the sky to the other, with many identifying it to be a meteor.
Comet Sinkholes Generates Jets
Active pits on comet
European Space Agency -1 July 2015
A number of the dust jets emerging from Rosetta's comet can be traced back to active pits that were likely formed by a sudden collapse of the surface. These "sinkholes" are providing a glimpse at the chaotic and diverse interior of the comet.... more
Perseids meteor shower
By observing more than one night, you might notice a slight increase in meteor numbers, when closing August 11th. For people who enjoy witnessing ...
Just saw a very bright white meteor heading south to north.T
Stargazers Lounge
T - posted in Observing - Reports: Let the dog out to do her business and a pure white meteor crossed the sky from south to north. It lasted about a ...
AngloINFO Dordogne
Did anyone else see the meteor late last night.. it came in from the north west, from where I am in Levignac looking towards Duras.. it was quite ...
Video: Mystery fireball recorded by NASA above southeastern US was space junk
Belfast Telegraph
Based on current data NASA have said that the object was not a meteor or fireball. NASA has come up with a possible explanation; the light was ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!