Showing posts with label meteor Detects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteor Detects. Show all posts

09 July 2015

MBIQ Detects CA NV Meteor 08JUL2015

MBIQ Detects CA NV Meteor 2300 Pacific 08JUL2015

Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important; if you came here looking for an event you just saw others likely may have seen as well; report and share your experience.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
08JUL2015 William Taliaoa Las Vegas 11:00pm under 10sec S-from left to right blue and orange red sun not sure i saw alot of blue in the center and fiery red surrounding the blue

For all sighting reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!