30 December 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28-30DEC2014 w/ videos

Christmas fireball lights up Spanish skies
The Local.es
A slow-moving meteoroid provided a dramatic spectacle as it streaked more than 1,200 kilometres (745 miles) across Spain during the new king's ... -Space Trash Re-Entry

AZ Meteor/s 27DEC2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports- 27DEC2014 Sybil Fountain Hills, AZ. USA approx 19:30 MST not sure - was initially obscured by surrounding ...

Mars Orbiter Spies Alien Ice 'Spiders'
Discovery News - 6 hours
The Martian surface is covered with a diverse array of landscapes and features, but this is one of the weirdest. ...

Week of excitement (meteors and moons) for sky-watchers
Saturday night, January 3, will feature the first meteor shower of 2015, the Quadrantids. The meteor shower appears to emanate from the Quadrans ...

4 Sky Events This Week: Jovian Eclipses, First MeteorShower of the Year, and More
National Geographic
This week you can say so long to 2014 with two Jovian eclipses, and you can say hello to the New Year with a meteor shower and a fast brightening ...

NEW YEAR: ​When to see the Quadrantids metor shower over Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes MKWeb
Meteor spotters will be keeping their eyes on the skies to try to spot a glimpse of the Quadrantids meteor shower this month. With up to 40 meteors an ...

Christmas Meteor Fireballs Over Japan - Dec. 25, 2014
Posted by Sheilaaliens 176 views

Blood Moons Total Solar Eclipse - Eyes On The Skies Part One 
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 1,754 views

Blood Moons Total Solar Eclipse - Eyes On The Skies Part Two
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity  303 views

Brasil Program UNAWE Brazil - Kit Universe in a Box
Posted to YouTube by Marcelo Souza 11 views

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Yamaguchi, Japan Meteor 29DEC2014 w/ video

Yamaguchi, Japan Meteor 29DEC2014

Yamaguchi, Japan Meteor 29DEC2014c2014 しゃあ / SonotaCo

SonotaCo Meteor Forum w/ video and more-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 December 2014

Puerto Rico Slow Moving Huge "Meteor" 28DEC2014 w/ Video

Puerto Rico Slow Moving Huge "Meteor" 02:18 local time 06:18 UT 28DEC2014 w/ Video
-meteor duration was 44 seconds
Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Impresionante Meteoro visto en Puerto Rico 12/28/2014
Posted to YouTube by kevinizooropa 17 views
  The Astronomical Society of the Caribbean captured images of an impressive and slow meteor visible from Puerto Rico on the early hours of Sunday, December 28, 2014. The biggest Astronomical Society on Puerto Rico and the Caribbean had reports confirming the meteor was visible from all the Island.
  There is an investigation about the possibility of space junk being related, because a Proton-M Russian rocket was launched carrying the Astra-2G communications satellite on December 27. Because the meteor was seen for 44 seconds, it is possible that the rocket body reentered Earth's atmosphere over Puerto Rico's skies.
  However, it can be a small asteroid and the incident was reported to NASA's Ames Research Center in California for further investigation.
  The meteor duration was 44 seconds ! and the video shows the meteor in normal (actual) speed.
SociedadAstronomia.com / Facebook.com/sociedad.astronomia


We have reports of a very slow moving huge "meteor" seen over Puerto Rico (in the Caribbean) on 12/28/2014 at 2:18 am local time (12/28/2014 06:18 UT).
It was moving SW to ENE, and seen for several seconds crossing all the sky.
We are trying to get video of the event; will share as soon as available.
Eddie Irizarry
Astronomical Society of the Caribbean 

News Reports-


2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil- US Space Trash Re-entry 28DEC2014

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil- US FALCON 9 Rocket Body 14052B / 40142 Space Trash Re-entry 01:50 Local (-3UTC) 28DEC2014
-Space Trash Found and Recovered - see below
"click on image to enlarge"
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil- Space Trash Re-entry 01:50 (-3UTC) 28DEC2014
Photo Credi
t- Astronomia em Dourados Facebook Page
Space trash re-entry was observed in several cities in Mato Grosso do Sul. 01:50 (-3UTC) this Sunday, December 28. Records in Dourados, Jardim, Campo Grande,, among others. -Renato Cássio Poltronieri

Video 1
Luzes sobrevoando a Via Morena em Campo Grande, MS
Posted on YouTube by Erika Espíndola 1,781 views
Published on Dec 27, 2014
Registro feito na madrugada de domingo, dia 28/12/2014, à 1h45.
Estou postando o vídeo porque estou curiosa para saber o que era aquilo.
A qualidade da imagem é péssima, mas é o que eu tinha em mãos.

Video 2

Luzes aparecem no céu de Navirai MS
Posted on YouTube by Fabiano Barbosa 5 views
Published on Dec 28, 2014

Video 3
Lixo espacial no céu de MS
Posted to YouTube by CorreioEstado 3,134 views

----Space Trash Recovered - COPV (composite overwrap pressure vessel type). PHOTOS!
COPV (composite overwrap pressure vessel type).
Photo Credit- 
Astronomia em Dourados / Facebook Page
Após "chuva de luzes", objeto gigante cai do céu e vira atração em chácara - Campos Grande News
After "rain of lights", giant object falls from the sky and turns attraction in farm- Campos Grande News
After the flash in the sky, a roar, a scare and many doubts lurking Santa Rita do Pardo, 266 km from Campo Grande. In the sky of the city of seven thousand inhabitants, fireballs were seen this morning. ...
Google English Translated Link-

Brilho visto no céu de MS trata-se de lixo espacial, explica especialista- correiodoestado.com
More images from Paraguay:

Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

NEOs Close Approaches for December 2014

NEOs Close Approaches for December 2014
Update- Alert for end of month large meteors!
Meteors December 2014
c2014 Dirk Ross...Tokyo
There are currently 3 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 19 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass within approximately 10LD or less, LD stands for "Lunar Distance", in the month of December; expect that 10 or more NEOs will be discovered before month end. Be ready for some bolide, fireball, and meteor activity!  Unfortunately we will be Moonblind for ground-based detection from 02DEC until about the 12DEC  and from 30DEC-JAN2015 so expect several asteroids that will go undetected.  There are three small mountan-sized asteroids that will safely pass this month
LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2014 WC2012014 WX202 ,2014 WU200 ,2014 WD366 
2014 WO365, 2014 WB3662014 WY365 ,2014 WC366,
2014 UV2102014 XB6, 2014 YN, 2014 YR14,
 2014 YW142014 YV, 2014 YE152014 YD15,
2014 YU342014 YT15, 2014 YC42  

updated 31DEC2014
(2014 YC42) 2014-Dec-300.01074.228 m - 64 m24.818.86

updated 30DEC2014
(2014 YU34) 2014-Dec-290.02118.237 m - 82 m24.310.47
(2014 YT15) 2014-Dec-290.00983.89.6 m - 21 m27.26.40

updated 29DEC2014
(2014 YE15) 2014-Dec-300.00752.95.7 m - 13 m28.44.75
(2014 YD15) 2014-Dec-310.00411.612 m - 26 m26.87.98

updated 27DEC2014
(2014 YR14) 2014-Dec-260.00230.916 m - 36 m26.115.14
(2014 YW14) 2014-Dec-280.00281.18.2 m - 18 m27.68.53
(2014 YV9) 2014-Dec-290.01254.913 m - 29 m26.69.50

updated 18DEC2014
(2014 YN) 2014-Dec-180.027010.514 m - 30 m26.52.78

updated 10DEC2014
(2014 XB6) 2014-Dec-140.01947.513 m - 30 m26.57.19

updated 05DEC2014
(2014 UV210) 2014-Dec-130.01857.213 m - 29 m26.51.50

updated 02DEC2014
(2014 WD366) 2014-Dec-010.02128.38.6 m - 19 m27.57.37
(2014 WO365) 2014-Dec-010.00823.216 m - 36 m26.110.90
(2014 WB366) 2014-Dec-050.02068.031 m - 68 m24.75.65
(2014 WY365) 2014-Dec-060.02268.818 m - 41 m25.88.72
(2014 WC366) 2014-Dec-090.01094.226 m - 59 m25.014.81

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2011 AH37) 2014-Dec-010.173367.5330 m - 750 m19.512.87
(2014 UY) 2014-Dec-010.035513.822 m - 49 m25.43.19
(2014 WC201) 2014-Dec-020.00371.416 m - 37 m26.011.42
(2014 WL365) 2014-Dec-020.054421.229 m - 65 m24.816.58
(2014 SF145) 2014-Dec-020.061123.880 m - 180 m22.67.98
(2014 WZ120) 2014-Dec-030.046918.3220 m - 500 m20.417.95
(2014 VH2) 2014-Dec-030.140554.7130 m - 290 m21.68.57
(1998 XX2) 2014-Dec-030.196276.4280 m - 620 m19.914.30
(2014 WY201) 2014-Dec-040.059223.023 m - 52 m25.35.15
(2006 SY217) 2014-Dec-040.163463.6130 m - 300 m21.55.28
(2014 JV54) 2014-Dec-040.096937.718 m - 41 m25.84.11
(2014 VP35) 2014-Dec-050.058422.778 m - 180 m22.77.41
(2014 WG6) 2014-Dec-050.120546.923 m - 52 m25.36.21
(2010 TK7) 2014-Dec-050.197176.7180 m - 410 m20.814.58
(2014 WW363) 2014-Dec-060.169365.935 m - 79 m24.46.70
345705 (2006 VB14) 2014-Dec-070.149958.4530 m - 1.2 km18.516.10
(2014 WN365) 2014-Dec-070.040615.826 m - 59 m25.08.10
(2014 WX202) 2014-Dec-070.00251.03.5 m - 7.7 m29.41.67
(2014 WC364) 2014-Dec-080.030611.928 m - 63 m24.911.06
(2008 WJ60) 2014-Dec-080.163863.7150 m - 340 m21.29.42
(2014 WJ201) 2014-Dec-080.052920.630 m - 67 m24.87.57
(2014 WP362) 2014-Dec-100.064825.261 m - 140 m23.216.92
(2014 WU200) 2014-Dec-100.00301.24.2 m - 9.4 m29.02.17
(2012 LA11) 2014-Dec-110.057622.416 m - 36 m26.13.23
(2014 VU6) 2014-Dec-110.112143.643 m - 97 m23.94.62
(2014 WJ365) 2014-Dec-130.124948.663 m - 140 m23.17.44
(2014 MR5) 2014-Dec-140.153059.537 m - 82 m24.310.57
(2014 JR24) 2014-Dec-140.189973.93.7 m - 8.2 m29.34.22
204131 (2003 YL) 2014-Dec-140.069327.0290 m - 650 m19.822.31
(2003 MM) 2014-Dec-140.140254.6130 m - 280 m21.67.22
(2014 UC115) 2014-Dec-140.124948.651 m - 110 m23.64.53
(2014 WE121) 2014-Dec-140.117645.855 m - 120 m23.44.04
(2014 WM365) 2014-Dec-160.054521.219 m - 41 m25.85.89
(2005 XV77) 2014-Dec-160.130450.8200 m - 450 m20.614.15
(2014 KF39) 2014-Dec-180.112243.724 m - 54 m25.22.68
(2009 VZ) 2014-Dec-190.161662.9150 m - 330 m21.37.80
(2014 WX119) 2014-Dec-200.118346.039 m - 88 m24.13.07
(2008 WM64) 2014-Dec-200.159562.1200 m - 450 m20.617.19
(2011 OJ45) 2014-Dec-200.164564.017 m - 38 m26.05.63
(2014 WD7) 2014-Dec-200.172467.1120 m - 260 m21.817.59
(2014 LW14) 2014-Dec-220.074128.8130 m - 300 m21.513.06
(2001 XY10) 2014-Dec-220.123948.2400 m - 900 m19.116.71
(2012 YK) 2014-Dec-220.045917.973 m - 160 m22.89.27
(2014 WG121) 2014-Dec-230.102940.0140 m - 310 m21.416.85
(2014 VG2) 2014-Dec-250.065225.479 m - 180 m22.65.19
(2013 YT102) 2014-Dec-290.147857.527 m - 59 m25.07.20
(2011 CP4) 2014-Dec-290.183971.6150 m - 340 m21.225.94
(2012 UV136) 2014-Dec-300.101639.521 m - 47 m25.53.06
(2014 QK434) 2014-Dec-300.135852.9400 m - 900 m19.112.26
NASA/JPL- Original Source Table and for the latest updates- http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

updated 31DEC2014
updated 30DEC2014
updated 29DEC2014
updated 27DEC2014 reposted 28DEC2014
updated 10DEC2014 reposted 11DEC2014
updated 05DEC2014
updated 02DEC2014 repost 02DEC2014
original post 30NOV2014 1806JST

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

AZ Meteor/s 27DEC2014

AZ Meteor/s 1900/1930 MST 27DEC2014

Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
27DEC2014 Sybil Fountain Hills, AZ. USA approx 19:30 MST not sure - was initially obscured by surrounding buildings and vegetation. I saw it for about 5 sec W to E bright green rimmed with yellow Quite bright in a dark sky.. Can't compare with something as large as sun o moon. Certainly no shadow effect but if you were looking in that direction you could not have missed it. Slight fragmentation One of the largest and brightest I've ever seen

27DEC2014 jenna Hulette Apache Junction, Az United States 19:00 MT 4 -5 seconds seen north traveling east Orange turned blueish BRIGHT white with explosions as it was breaking apart moon yes started north and travelled east over Superstition Mountain.. If you hold your fist at arms length .. that's how big it was in the sky... lasted about 4-5 seconds.. started out orange but turned very bright bluish white as it started breaking apart with explosion...

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Osaka Japan Large Fireball Meteor 27DEC2014

Osaka Japan Large Fireball Meteor 0318 JST 27DEC2014
"click on image to enlarge"
Osaka Japan Large Fireball Meteor 0318 JST 27DEC2014c2014 上田昌良
SonotaCo Meteor Forum with details and video-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!