24 May 2014

Camelopardalids Observation Reports From Around the World 23/24MAY2014 - Nearly LIVE

Camelopardalids Observation Reports From Around the World 23/24MAY2014
- Nearly LIVE

"click on image to enlarge"Camelopardalid Meteor in Milky Way
May 24, 0415 local (Eastern Daylight Time), or 0815 UTC
Photography used by Permission

c2014 Mark "Indy" Kochte
:click on image to enlarge"
Camelopardalids Observation
We were in Lanesville, Indiana for the shower, my wife and I saw only a handful, but I managed to get this photo.
Photograph used by Permission
c 2014 Chris Denny
Montana/ North Dakota Border, USA
Our observing began at 11pm (MST) and ended at 2:30 am MST. We are on a Ranch, far away from town with excellent view of the North/North Eastern sky.
This was by far an exciting night. Shortly after we began viewing, we saw many "bright flashes" and small streaking meteors, which lasted for the first hour. At Midnight, everything slowed down and we didn't see any for the next 45 minutes. At 12:45am things picked up, just as we were about to give up and come inside. Several streaking across in opposite directions and two very bright, very long, multi-colored CAMS.
Things died down again around 1:45 am and we gave it another 45 minutes and called it a night. There were several odd "satellite's (?)", drifting "fog"? and we did see the ISS.
All in all it was by far, a wonderful experience and our family had a wonderful time. No moon for us, so we had a clear, very dark sky to observe. - KC"

UWO, Ontario, Canada
There is now definite CAM activity in the radar.
"The plot in question maps all the radiants CMOR detected onto the sky during
the previous day. The update period is determined by the need to collect
data for a full day to minimize biases in any one particular part of the
sky. With CMOR's broad gain pattern this means we need a full day for the
radiants to fully sweep through the beam and be (roughly) equally
detectable. In principle, this means the updates occur just as a complete
degree of solar longitude is finished. In practice, there is some data
communication and additional processing time required even when all data is
"available" - this can produce another hour or two delay after the end of an
integer solar longitude bin before the maps are updated.
The bright radiant concentration which appeared a few hours ago when today's
update was complete shows moderately strong activity from the
Camelopardalids but does not identify them automatically as the shower is
not in the internal list used by CMOR to perform stream associations.

--DRPeter Brown, UWO"

Right now, CMOR is showing increased activity at the spot... no classification, but a nice intense red dot of activity. Best regards, Alex Daskalakis"

> http://fireballs.ndc.nasa.gov/
> At the predicted naximum time practically nothing was seen around
> there !
I do not know how this plot is created, but I followed it yesterday and
earlier today and it seemed that the same data was plotted, only shifted
to reflect current position of the objects in the sky.
I therefore think the fresh data has only now been added. The
appearance of the radiant will probably stay the same for one day now,
according to my experience from yesterday. Note also the activity from the first observations submitted to IMO is available at: http://www.imo.net/live/cameleopardalids2014/ Clear skies!, Javor"

B.C. Meteors Network, Canada
Well, I didn't set up my spectrographs as it was mostly cloudy over Courtenay, B.C. Went to sleep but woke up at about 1.30 a.m. and saw some stars, but only for a short time before the clouds were back, no meteors. Checked my WSentinel all-sky and it recorded nothing when there were short breaks in the cloud cover. The Asgard all-sky has not down loaded its results yet but I doubt it recorded anything either. Ed Majden"

Bonn, Germany
"And what about http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~hro/Flash/2014/CAM/ from radio
echos recorded at numerous stations, as far as I understand it? During
recent regular showers their "ZHR" tracked IMO's visual one quite well
(after the latter had stabilized; right now the CAM plot is still very
noisy).- Daniel F."

Southern Maryland, USA
"I saw three 'CAMs' this morning during a 3.15 hour watch this morning and a fourth as I was arranging my equipment before the watch. The meteors were faint: +3 (3) and +4, and very slow as predicted. They visibly disintegrated as they occurred, leaving a 'grainy' trail. There were no long enduring trains seen among the four.
Date and time: 24 May 2014; 5:09-8:30 UT (1:09-4:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time)
Location: Bel Alton, Maryland, USA: approx. 77 W longitude and 38.5 N latitude. Elevation about 10 meters  The sky was cloudless and very transparent but not very dark. The Milky Way was prominent and spanned the sky from about Cassiopeia to the southern horizon. The northern horizon was light polluted from Washington, D.C. and suburbs' lights.
Period 1: 509-615 UT, Teff=1.100 hour; F=1.00; Lm= 5.05 magnitude, center of field= Bootes to Northern Crown -CAMs: none -SPOs: +2 magnitude Total= 1
Period 2: 6:24-7:04 UT, Teff=0.667 hour, F=1.00, Lm=4.90, center of field=central Bootes
CAMs: +4- SPOs: +2, +3, +4 Total= 4
Period 3: 7:07-8:30 UT, Teff=1.383 hour, F=1.00, Lm=4.90, center of field= "Keystone" of Hercules- CAMs: +3 (2)
SPOs: -6 at 8:11 UT seen between Scorpius and Libra low in the southwest.- Total= 3
Even though the observed CAMs were few, the greatest number were seen close to the 7-8 hr.UT "maximum" predicted. The three were seen in the interval between 6:43 and 8:20 UT.
A report will be sent to the American Meteor Society and the International Meteor Organization- Richard Taibi  "

Hi there! a small update although perhaps not surprising. I observed also during morning (24th May) about 01:15-02:15 ut and saw 2 possible CAMS.

"See, http://fireballs.ndc.nasa.gov/  At the predicted naximum time practically nothing was seen around there !  Esko L."

Michigan's Upper Peninsula, USA
"In Michigan's Upper Peninsula: A BEAUTFUL, clear nite for star gazing. Spent 1.75 hrs between 2 am EST and 4 am EST. Saw 17 meteors, same as the number of satellites I saw during the same time period. - Kathy"

Gulf of Mexico 
"Observed the clear skies over the Gulf of Mexico from 2:30 to 3:00 AM and saw nothing but stars. Disappointing, but the night sky in paradise is always a thing of beauty.-Frank"

Iowa, USA
During the evening I thought the clouds would not go away, but gradually they began eroding from East to West , so I went out. Some haze/cirrus during all hours, but gradually worse after first hour, then crescent Moon up during last hour. The brightest CAM occurred entirely in cirrus, maybe as bright as - 2, very slow and yellow. Several of the brighter CAM's were yellow. While not a complete dud, certainly very disappointing. >From 06:03 - 06:10 UT a single ray of aurora extended into the Bowl of the Big Dipper, gradually moving to just East of the Bowl and expanding and shrinking in width repeatedly - very pale greenish, perhaps a bit reddish at top. At 06:09 only half as tall as at 06:03 and by 06:11 completely gone. Some very faint hint of aurora for next half hour along the NW horizon. -- 24 May 2014 05:00-06:00 UT 61 deg F; dew pt 46 deg F; wind SE 3 mph; "mostly clear"; average LM 5.5; facing North 50 deg; teff 1.0 hr. CAM: two: +3(2)  Sporadics: three: +2; +4(2)  Total meteors: five
24 May 2014 06:00-07:00 UT 59 deg F; dew pt 48 deg F; wind calm; a bit of haze/cirrus; average LM 5.3; facing N 50 deg; teff 1.0 hr.  CAM: two: +1; +3
Sporadics: two: +3(2)  Total meteors: four  24 May 2014 07:00-08:00 UT 56 deg F; dew pt 49 deg F; wind E 5 mph; some haze/cirrus; average LM 5.2; facing N 50 deg; teff 1.0 hr.  CAM: five: 0; +1(2); +2(2  Sporadics: five: -1; +1; +3(3)  Total meteors: ten
24 May 2014 08:00-09:00 UT 55 deg F; dew pt 45 deg F; wind calm; haze/cirrus; crescent  Moon up; average LM 5.0; facing N 50 deg; teff 1.0 hr.  ANT: one: -1  CAM: four: -2; +1; +3(2)  Sporadics: four: +1; +2; +3(2)  Total meteors: nine  Paul Martsching "

Here is the Report for Kim Hay and Kevin Kell, though both observing from the same location, we were looking in different areas of the sky. We had storms and rain earlier in the day, which cleared, but gave us sky and ground fog. Temperatures 10-12C fluctuated. Wind from the SE slight Location 44.22.39N 76.45.47W 155 M Elevation
Start Time 6:07 UT Finish time 7:12 UT 1.05 h of teff Meteor estimates, will be off due to fog.  Moon did not rise until 33:11:18 UT Kevin observing Cassiopia 6 stars which faded with the fog looking NE Camleopardalis- 2 ( 1 @ 6:17 UT) (2nd @ 7:10 UT by Polaris train 15 degrees) faint Sporadics- 3  Kim observing Muscida the head of the UMa. (mag 3.34)
Limiting magnitude (using 1999 charts from NAMN) Area 3 6:13 UT 10 stars 5.49
6:.30 UT 6 stars- 4.56 6:53 UT 5 stars- 4.48 7:07 UT 7 stars- 4.83 Camelopardalis-1 @ 6:17 UT mag -1 fast 60 degrees from FOV  I did see bright spots but unable to determine if meteors, behind trees and observatory. We had a very loud Eastern Whip-poor-will accompany us with background music, and a cat calling from the window.  Kim & Kevin"

Washington State, USA, near Walla Walla.
"Lovely evening, after seeing a beautiful rainbow near sunset. Rain off and on all day, and then partly cloudy. I watched the whole two hours (might have dozed from time to time) mostly cloudy, and, as we used to say in Kentucky - there was "nary a one" that I could see. I was glad to be out, though, so peaceful, and a time to think about the Creator and His Word. - Mary Lou"

South Carolina, USA
I was surprised to arrive at  my site and find four other members of my astronomy club. After a bit of  socializing and meteor observing discussions, I was able to begin
observing at 0130 local time (0530 UT). Almost immediately I recorded my first CAM, a +3 magnitude traveling  toward the zenith directly out from the radiant. During this first hour
of observing, the brightest meteor I recorded was a -2.0 magnitude CAM  (the brightest one I saw all morning). Earlier I reported I thought I  had seen maybe 15 CAMs, but that was optimistic, as after reviewing my  notes, it was only 8. But I was hopeful, as the 0300 hour was approaching! Unfortunately, activity declined quickly to only a handful per hour. The
remaining two hours netted 4 CAMs each hour, and only one other negative  magnitude meteor (a -2.0 sporadic). It was a nice morning though, and I was able to get some of my club
members out, so no complaints. Below is my report. Mark Davis"

Blackwoods, Colorado, USA
"Up at 1:00 am to view the spectacular hoax of a comet, probably perpetrated by crooked chiropracters and message therapists needing new customers. Risked being mauled by roaming black bears to see one satellite, and two aircraft pass overhead. Maybe the news anchors, sleeping away in their comfy beds, meant, “the aircraft formerly known as Comets”.
Ted Walker"

Laval, Quebec
"just got up, again. was watching from 2 to 4. watching like a hawk. a broken-heart hawk, with a stiff neck this morning. surprise, surprise, ONE shooting light of something around 3:15. duh. but still a thrill to be on the watch :) have a nice day ! - Helo Lo"

"I observed with Jure Atanackov from a place near Ljubljana.
Saharan dust and some clouds interfered but we managed to observe for
1.5 hours. Only one Camelopardalid was seen during this time.
Date: 2014 May 23/24 Start: 00:01 UT End: 01:31 UT
Place: Vrh nad Zelimljami Location: 45o 54' 21'' N, 14o 35' 57'' E, 530 m
Obserer: Javor Kac (KACJA) Period (UT) Teff F Lm ETA ANT CAM Spor
00:01-00:46 0.75 1.23 6.06 1 0 0 6 -- 00:46-01:31 0.75 1.07 6.04 1 0 1 8
Magnitude distributions: ETA: +2(1) +3(1) CAM: +2(1) Spor: 0(1) +1(3) +2(2) +3(4) +4(4)
Clear skies!-Javor"

Alberta, Canada-
"Disappointment here in Alberta as well. A dozen observers combined to see zero (0) unambiguous Camelopardalids. A few sporadics, a couple of maybes, & a whole lot of nothing. Skies were compromised at first but opened wide from 07-08:00 UT. My own obs consisted of one anthelion meteor we also listened on the car radio's FM band but there was nothing but white noise Swing & a miss. Bruce"

Dunmore, WV, USA
"Just a short note here to say that the "CAMs" were pretty much a bust as seen from here in Dunmore, West Virginia. Indeed, these meteors certainly could have done more. Renate and I watched from the comfort of two lounge chairs under a beautiful sky that conservatively was no worse than magnitude 6, with a spectacular Milky Way stretching from Cassiopeia to Scorpius. We were out from 1:45 to 3:30 a.m. EDT and saw 8 possible Camelopardalids. The best one by far was a slow moving dazzler of at least -5 magnitude at 3:20 a.m., which appeared below Arcturus. That was pretty much the highlight. . . we waited for > a possible bevy of meteors to appear but what few we did see were few and far between.joe rao "

Kingston, Ontario, Canada
"Weather reports for our area 20 miles north of Kingston, Ontario
didn't look promising, but I set my alarm for 2:00 a.m. to check. Hit
the snooze button, then dragged my groggy self out of bed. Clear sky!
Bundled up with warm clothes and big klunkety boots that would keep
my feet warm and dry in the rain soaked grass, collected camera and
tripod and headed out to where I had a view of Camelodorkus just over
the trees. Set up and waited. Held my breath with anticipation. And
waited. Fiddled with the camera. Whistled to the whipporwill. And
waited. Meteor "shower" my ***! Saw one fast little meteor whizz
across Ursa Major, watched the ISS and a couple of satellites come
over, but meteor "shower"? Nada. Once again my hopes for lovely
sparklies was dashed like fine crystal over a rock cliff.
This sleep-depriving bone chilling stiff neck inducing event of major
disappointment brought to you by the same sadistic fiends who promised
me that Comet Eyesore would be the comet of the century. Pfft!
Phooey! Rats! RoseMarie"

Mid-Florida Swamp, USA
"I attempted to see in the best crystal clear skies anywhere, mid-Florida
swamp... and other than every single star, I saw Zip... But I did chase an
interloping armadillo around my back yard with a headlamp on.. See Facebook
for details... Lol,   Greg"

Hawaii, USA
"Has anyone seen any of this elusive meteor shower? Out in HI, after an intermittent hour of observing, we saw 3 planes and a half dozen meteors, about what one might expect from any other night. Maybe someone else is having more luck; I think we may try setting the alarm clock for 2 a.m. and see if it picks up any.Best! Tracy L."

Hawaii, USA
We did get up around 2:30 and went outside for about 10 minutes, saw nothing but several hungry mosquitoes, and gave it up as a bad job. Our first observing bout lasted from approximately 9:30 to 10:30 HST, only slightly more satisfactory. This is an instance of negative results still being a result. Best! -Tracy L."

Maussane-les-Alpilles, France
"Dear all, Observation from 23h50 UT until dawn from Maussane-les-Alpilles, France, between Avignon and Arles (43.72 N - 4.86 E alt 133). Lim = 5.70, clear sky, no wind, right after a big storm. Looking mostly to W.Just a single CAM seen (mag 2, very slow, with a double trail, at 0H54 UT) + 9 SPO.Some interruptions when playing with a DSLR on a refractor for comet imaging (the meteor shower was soooo dramatic that it was needed to do something for staying "alive" ;-). I hope you had better luck in N America. Christophe"

New Mexico, USA
"May 24, 2014 0140 UTC -While clouded out here in New Mexico I have been reading the chat comments from hundreds of hopeful observers all over North America.
Ouch. Despite clouds, no extraordinary radio meteor out burst here so far. Still, the potential event is pretty interesting in its various dimensions. Thomas Ashcraft"

"By now i assume that the N. American contigent is in "Aaaah"s and "Ooooohs" from CAMs. Did a 1.5 hour stint at 00:00utc till 01:30utc LM 4 last night and nothing seen. Expecting that the rest of you have better news.. :) 2-3am, 0 looking centered on the summer triangle, 0 CAMS, 2 others (both headed north roughly - Lyrids or Aquarids? 3-3:30am (cam in a few minutes ago), 1, mag 3? traveling south possibly in the constellation of Scutum (Sagittarius was in some trees.) Judging from some stars in the neck of Cygnus and checking in Stellarium limiting magnitude was 5 (I could see 4.9 stars with averted vision but not 5.5) I’m in central NC. Milky Way was beautiful. Nice clear night. = - - - - - - - = Steven Kolins"

New Iberia, LA, USA
I was out from 1 to 2 AM CDT (6 to 7 UT) but saw no CAMs from south
Louisiana. The sky was poor, however, with haze and some drifting clouds
and a limiting magnitude of between 4 and 5 at different times. My total
catch was a nice sporadic. I hope others are having some luck! -Dave Hostetter"

"I had a quick look of tonights' recordings from two of my cameras. As expected, there was only low Camelopardalid activity:- AVIS2 : 4 CAMs out of 49 meteors, observation end 01:50 UT- MINCAM1: 1 CAMs out of 15 meteors, observation end at 02:10 UT Best,
 Sirko Molau"

"Hello good morning all
By now i assume that the N. American contigent is in "Aaaah"s and "Ooooohs" from CAMs.
Did a 1.5 hour stint at 00:00utc till 01:30utc LM 4 last night and nothing seen.
Expecting that the rest of you have better news.. :) Best regards,- Alex SV1NZX"

"Hello to all! Ok we are (Greece) anyway outside the maximun, but still I
went out for 1.5 hours (1900-2030 UT). With a sky lm ~5-5.5 I saw 0 CAMs.
I hope you catch the rest! Cheers! -Grigoris"

Benningbroek, North Holland
A nice very slow -3 Camelopardalid was captured by EN95 in Benningbroek.
We also saw this beautiful coloured and very slow meteor in the
Dijkgatsbos in the northern part of the Netherlands.
The police was interested too.They heard on the radio that a 'meteorstorm' was going on,
so they went with 2 cars to the Dijkgatsbos to see some meteors. And just when a beautiful -3 Camelopardalid appeared, they looked at the  wrong side and missed it... -Jos Nijland"

Meteor Crater, AZ, USA
"Observing from Arizona, close to the Meteor Crater. Some clouds during the observing session from 6.30 UT to 8 UT. Best period was the first 15 minutes, with some nice CAM fireballs. The radiant was very low, so it is difficult to estimate the ZHR, but it was probably under 50. All the CAMs brighter than magnitude 3, despite the dark sky ( sky brightness 21,5 mag per sq.arcsec, SQM) .Clear skies! -Francisco Ocaña"

Brasilia, Brasil
"6:11pm May 24
NOT A METEOR STORM: As predicted, during the early hours of May 24th Earth passed through a cloud of debris from from Comet 209P/LINEAR. The encounter produced some fine meteors. However, contrary to some forecasts, there was no intense outburst. Meteor rates in many places were no more than 5 or 10 per hour.
Photographing such a sparse shower can be tricky. Nevertheless, Glen Wurden of Los Alamos, New Mexico, managed to catch one:
- http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=97643
"I photographed this Camelopardalid through clouds using a 30 second exposure," says Wurden. "We saw about one meteor every 10 minutes."
Although this is a far cry from predictions, it is hardly a surprise. The parent comet, 209P/LINEAR, is faint and currently produces only a small amount of dust. Most forecasters acknowldged that there might be less dust in Earth's path than the models suggested.
Another possibility is that the shower is not a dud, just delayed. If models mis-located the debris zone, an outburst could still occur later on May 24th
Mais fotos dos (poucos) Camelopardalideas aqui:
Carlos Augusto Di Pietro"

Near Chicago, Ill, USA
"On an early Thursday morning here in the midwest, near Chicago, at 0323 hrs, I arrived at my closest observing site to check out conditions. It has expected amount of Chicago Metro and Rockford/Belevidere/Beloit skyglow, but is in a shallow depression about eight miles north of the farm, so I get zero farmyard lights in my view... very handy. I faced my canoe chair away from the Moon and sat down.  At 0402 hrs CDT, I observed a -4 mag meteor traveling much slower than usual. It had 15 degrees of white, persistant train with orange sparks, and traced back to the CAM radiant. Even if we only see two or three of these BAD BOYS per hour on Friday into Saturday, I will be very happy. As Ever, Orin in Boone County, IL near Chicago - Orink"

Southern California, USA
"I had to drive over 100 miles eastward into Imperial County to escape the low clouds and fog over San Diego. My son and I pulled over in a clearing off highway 98 to see what we could. There were plenty of lights but at least the sky was clear. LM estimate was probably near +6.0. The temperature was in the low 70's F but the wind was blowing hard out of the west so it felt chilly. Meteors were scarce with only 2 CAM's and perhaps a dozen others being seen from 5:15 to 8:30 UT. The 2 CAMS were -1 and -3. Both were distinctly orange and the brighter one fragmented. Very nice meteors but we certainly expected more for our efforts :-(
Bob Lunsford"

Montclair, VA, USA
Not much from Montclair, va. - Kate P."

Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
"I'm a firm believer that negative data is still valuable data. I was only able to see one Camelopardalid meteor this morning in two hours of careful visual observing from the Indianapolis Southeast Side. So, as far as I can see, there was no meteor storm or even a major shower. There was perhaps a minor shower. Here are some details: First session 6:30 - 7:30 UT May 24. Center of FOV was 17h +65°. LM = 4.87 mag. No meteors seen at all even though by my standards, with city lighting, the sky was about as clear as it can get. Second session 8:00 - 9:00 UT May 24. Center of FOV = 19h +70°. LM = 4.82 mag. 1 CAM seen at 8:24 UT. This was a 2.0 mag. flare below Polaris and Gamma Cephei very close to the radiant. Dawn light ended my observing on this clear but chilly late May morning. I hope others had better luck! -Paul Z."

New Mexico, USA
"I've checked 56 images (60 sec exposure time each) of an all-sky cam located at the ISON-NM observatory (New Mexico) in the time period from 08:13 to 09:13 UT (24.05.2014). Stellar limiting magnitude on images was rather low at ~3 mag due to poor weather conditions. No meteors found. Best regards, Sergei Schmalz"

Chiloquin, OR, USA
"I can report sparse but definite Camelopardalid activity. I observed from 5:30-8:45 UT and counted 11 Camelopardalids, 16 sporadics and 3 Anthelions. Limiting magnitude ranged from 6.4-6.7. The Camelopardalids were faint with a mean magnitude of 3.2 (mean magnitude of the sporadics was 2.7). The brightest one was magnitude +1 and this was especially impressive because it was near the radiant and took several seconds to traverse its short path. It had a golden, teardrop-shaped head. A magnitude +2 Camelopardalid that passed very near Polaris was almost as impressive. The first Camelopardalid appeared at 6:05UT, and the last at 8:29. I saw no meteors of any kind during the last 16 minutes of the watch. With such low activity, there wasn’t much that could be called clumping, although 3 Camelopardalids in 6 minutes around 7:30 got my hopes up. Definitely nothing to justify the media attention, but not an absolute bust. -Wes Stone"

"23.05.2014 meteors and bolids in 21:30-23:58 UT I have not seen ... (new meteor shower in Camelopardalis)(2 observers) Clear skies! -Ivan"
Havana, Cuba
"It has been a long time since my last meteor observation and report. Work commitments and other difficulties had keep me away of the meteor radio observation.
However, one of my current task at my work place is the development and maintenance of a new acquisition system for the ionospheric sounder of the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy.
When monitoring the data I am very happy to watch how during the last few days mostly all of our ionograms has sporadic layers, probably due to the meteor stream.
For all those interested in watch a meteor shower from another perspective here is the link for the real time ionograms from the station I work.
I will try to compile an small report regarding the number sporadic layers during the last few days. Not all sporadic layers may have a meteor origin, but it will be nice to see how does the umbers behave during this particular shower. Best wishes, Raydel, CM2ESP"

Greenbrier, AR, USA
"Around midnight local time I thought the sky would clear, but other than
getting to see Mars in the SW and a blurry big dipper, haze was ubiquitous.
Never could see Polaris, so I called it a night around 1:45am. Saw no
meteors at all. -Terry Johnson"

French Alpes, France
"I was out this night to observe some camelopardalids in the french Alpes Mountains.
I observed between 22h UT and 03h UT, and saw 4 or 5 camelopardalids during 3h15 effective watch but i didn't observed a really increasing activity of the CAMs.
The observation was affected by clouds and so i did several pauses.
The report come later. Clear skies to all ! -Jens L."

California, USA?
"I agree with Bob that even a (mostly) negative report is of value. And in that spirit...
I was out from 1:45 - 3:50 AM local time and saw only the expected late-spring smattering of sporadics. There were two possible CAMs the entire night, one a splendid slow-moving +1 long-pathed meteor that didn't align all that terribly well, and another very brief and faint meteor near the given radiant, both just after 3:00 local time. Skies were very clear with about a +6 or better LM. Beyond these two maybes, I saw perhaps 8 - 10 SPOs. -Kim Youmans"

South Carolina, USA
I wanted to post a quick note of my results from near the coast of South
Carolina. Under clear skies, I observed from 0130-0430 local time
(0530-0830 UT) and did not see exceptional activity. The first hour was
my best with perhaps 15 CAMs. The second and third hour they dropped off
to being only a couple per hour. Based on what I witnessed, it seemed
the strongest activity occurred shortly after midnight local time. The
low radiant altitude at my location (32 degrees north) may have
contributed to this.
Full report to IMO next, and I will post my full data to the list as well.-Mark Davis"

Ottawa, Ontario
"I just got back home from a successful 5 hour observation under mag 6.4 skies. Mainly clear skies with a few dissipating passing clouds.
The Camelopardalids (CAM) were a disappointment - just a weak background activity. There was no sharp peak nor any hint of heightened activity near the predicted time of maximum. Instead, I saw a few CAM's each hour of the night. Overall, maybe 20-something CAM's... Still some beautiful meteors! Brightest CAM was a gorgeous mag -3 meteor that crawled ever so slowly, with a two sec train (possibly photographed by Raymond Dubois who was observing with me). The CAM's seen at the beginning of night were mostly bright, while the ones seen near the end of the night were predominantly dim. The brighter ones seemed to fragment (nebulous appearance) towards the end of their path. I observed until bright twilight in case of a late maximum, but nothing more happened.
Perhaps this comet has been almost completely dormant in the past centuries after all.
I'll listen to the tape and transcribe my data later this weekend. Clear skies!-Pierre Martin"

Courtenay, B.C., Canada
"I posted an Asgard All-sky Camera fireball video on my Facebook page, "Ed Peter Majden". It was captured on 2014-05-14 at 05.15.03 UT. Possibly an early CAM from the dust trail of Comet P/209 Linear. I was hoping to set up a couple of spectrographs to capture a spectrum or two, but sadly, the weather is not cooperating on this part of Vancouver Island. Looks like the peak will be cloudy! :-( Just the luck of this game! Sure would be nice to get some clear skies here.-Ed Majden"

Screech Owl Hill Observatory, Mountain Meadows, Mathias, West Virginia
                        May 24-26, 2014
    Date  Time (UT)  LM  Teff Obst. FOV  CAM ANT CAS ETA SPO

5/24/14  6:00-7:00  6.6  0.95  5%  20+65  1  3  4  1  11
5/24/14  7:00-8:00  6.6  1.0  0%  21+65  1  4  3  0  7
    [Break 8:00-8:11 UT]
5/24/14  8;12-8:42  6.3  0.5  0%  22+65  1  2  1  0  3
5/25/14  5:55-6:55  6.4  1.0  0%  20+65  2  4  1  0  5
5/25/14  6:55-7:55  6.6  1.0  0%  21+65  0  3  1  1  7
5/26/14  5:55-6:55  6.5  1.0  0%  20+65  0  4  3  1  8
5/26/14  6:55-7:55  6.6  1.0  0%  21+65  0  2  1  1  6

A casual 2nd magnitude CAM was also seen earlier on the 24th
at ~3:20 UT that had a distinct orange-yellow color.
Possible radiant in Cassepeia (CAS) at 23.5+60 seen. Video
and radar observers may want to check on this. This possible
radiant was still active on the morning of the 26th.
Magn. Distributions 05/24-26/14, LM=6.5 Ave. Teff=6.45 hrs.
      0  1  2  3  4  5  total  Ave.
CAM  0  1  0  2  2  0    5    3.0
ANT  2  3  4  8  3  2  22    2.6
CAS  0  1  1  3  4  5  14    3.8
ETA  0  2  1  1  0  0    4    1.8
SPO  2  4  6  12  14  9  47    3.3

- George Gliba

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Brasilia, Brasil Fireball Meteor 24MAY2014

Brasilia, Brasil Fireball Meteor 24MAY2014
Carlos Augusto Di Pietro‎- BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
And with the camera pointed to just 10 degrees above the horizon, hoping to capture some Meteor Camelopardalis stray, behold, caught a bolide in a unexpected elevation, fighting light pollution to display.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24MAY2014 DELAYED

Strange Rocks Found in Earth's Crustal Graveyard
LiveScience.com By By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer
May 22, 2014 2:15 PM
Models of how the Earth's mantle works may need to change, thanks to two new studies that recreate the extreme conditions just above the planet's core. ...

NASA captures before and after shots of Mars impact crater
UPI - 7 hours
Brooks Hays PASADENA, Calif., May 23 (UPI) -- Mars weather scientist Bruce Cantor recently came upon evidence of a fresh crater, using ...

Research shows collision created Chelyabinsk asteroid
PhysOrg - 10 hours
(Phys.org) —On February 15 2013, an asteroid exploded about 30 kilometers above Chelyabinsk, Russia. The explosion, shared on video around ...

Asteroid collided with another before exploding over Russia with '30 times force of atomic bomb ...
ABC Online
Analysis of recovered Chelyabinsk meteorites revealed an unusual form of ... The form of jadeite found in the Chelyabinsk meteorites indicates the ...

Carambola spaziale per il meteorite di Chelyabinsk - YouTube
youtube.com ⋅ 01:48
E' una proprietà comune ai meteoriti che piombano sulla Terra quella di aver subito in passato uno o più scontri con altri corpi celesti. E anche quello ...

New Meteor Shower Expected To Light Up The Sky Overnight « CBS Pittsburgh
FILE PHOTO: A meteor (L) from the Geminids meteor shower enters the Earth's atmosphere past the stars Castor and Pollux (two bright stars, R) on ...

Man sees Jesus in meteorite - Video on NBCNews.com
Video on NBCNews.com: Dec. 17: A Texas man sees Jesus in a meteorite. KXAS-TV's Susy Solis reports. - DELUSIONAL JESUS! - Meteorite HOAX!

Don Hladiuk - meteor showers - Calgary Eyeopener - CBC Player
Our starman Don Hladiuk tells us about a surprise meteor shower this weekend that could be the most spectacular night of the year.

Chelyabinsk meteorite smashed into an asteroid 290 million years ago: Traces of jadeite mineral ...
Daily Mail
Footage of an asteroid that exploded last year over Chelyabinsk, Russia, leaving more than 1,000 people injured, quickly went viral last year.

Pioneering study of four billion-year-old Mars meteorite
Western Morning News
Gavyn Rollinson used ground-breaking technology to map the mineralogy of a section of the meteorite – which was discovered in North Africa and .

Camelopardalids Meteor Shower's Parent Comet Imaged | Exclusive Video: Investigator Interview ...
... in September 2013 and again in May 2014 (seen in video). The possible meteorshower may hold clues to how active the comet was in the past.

NASA Discusses Historic Meteor Shower - AOL On
aol.com ⋅ 03:10
A dazzling meteor shower is happening early Saturday morning. NASA's Dr. Michaelle Thaller talks to Fox59 from the Goddard Space...

What to expect from the Camelopardalids meteor shower - Science - CBC Player
What to expect from the Camelopardalids meteor shower. CBC News speaks with Michael Reid, an astronomer at the University of Toronto.

Israel News - Tonight: “Meteor Showers” in the Sky - JerusalemOnline
May 23, 2014 - Tonight, dozens of astronomy enthusiasts will be waiting eagerly for a meteor shower, the likes of which has seldom been witnessed ...

Meteor shower could be visible in NC Friday :: WRAL.com
wral.com ⋅ 03:42
NASA scientist Michelle Thaller talks with WRAL News about the Cameloparadalidsmeteor shower, which will be visible in North Carolina on Friday, ...

Skywatchers in North America could see a major meteor shower tonight | Mail Online - Daily Mail
Skywatchers could see a major meteor shower tonight. It's not clear how many shooting stars will be visible, but scientists expect it to range from ...

Fiery Meteorite lights up Italian sky | Video Library | The Asheville Citizen-Times
citizen-times.com ⋅ 00:33
A magnificent fireball was seen over Italy, believed to be a meteorite. Authorities have yet to find any remnants.

Meteor shower expected this weekend, public invited to star gazing parties | FOX13Now.com 
FOX 13 News' Dave Nemeth has more information on the meteor shower in the video above. The Salt Lake Astronomical Society is staging two ...

Meteor shower should be visible by the naked eye until dawn - Toledo News Now, Breaking News ...
A full-fledged storm is moving into the Toledo area Friday May 23 night. It's not a snow storm. It's not a rain storm. Rather, a meteor shower, and ...

Meteor shower to be visible from East Tennessee
KNOXVILLE (WATE) - If you want to see a “potentially amazing” meteor shower, Friday could be your night say NASA scientists. The Camelopardalids ...

NASA Predicts Spectacular Meteor Shower | Video - ABC News
go.com ⋅ 08:03
Dr. James B. Garvin of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center says the stars will align for a meteor shower 2 A.M. ET Saturday 5.23.2014.

What to know about the new meteor shower - The Washington Post
washingtonpost.com ⋅ 01:42
May 23, 2014 11:42 AM EDT — A meteor shower that is expected Friday night has never before been seen by humans, and astronomers think it could ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 May 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2014

Potential Weekend Meteor Shower Will Pelt the Moon Too!
by Bob King- Universe Today - May 21, 2014
If the hoped-for meteor blast materializes this Friday night / Saturday
morning (May 23-24) Earth won't be the only world getting peppered with
debris strewn by comet 209P/LINEAR. The moon will zoom through the comet's
dusty filaments in tandem with us....

Earth to Experience a Never-Before-Seen Meteor Shower May 23-24
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 305 views

10 Tips For Photographing Meteor Showers (Get Reay For Tomorrow's Shower!) - DIY Photography
DIYPhotography.net -Hacking Photography, One Picture At A Time ⋅ Guest Author
Photographing a meteor shower is more like photographing a time-lapse than traditional still photos. You can never anticipate where or when a ...

How to hear tomorrow night's meteor shower - Holy Kaw!
Holy Kaw! ⋅ Kate Rinsema
Just in case it's cloudy where you are tomorrow night when the new Camelopardalis meteor shower is set to hit, check out how you can still tune into ...

NASA Mars Weathercam Helps Find Big New Crater
Researchers have discovered on the Red Planet the largest fresh meteor-impact crater ever firmly documented with before-and-after images. ...

NASA finds fresh Mars meteor crater, likens it to Chelyabinsk impact
Los Angeles Times
We keep such careful tabs on Mars that scientists have pinpointed, to the day, when a meteor smacked into the Red Planet, leaving a crater about half ...

Video: Meteor caught on camera during fireworks display - Telegraph
A Meteor is unexpectedly caught on film in the middle of a fireworks display in the US.

Cemelopardalid Meteor Shower May Be Storm of Fireballs; When to Watch, Where to Find It  -Leesburg Patch News ⋅ Greg Hambrick
Astronomers are united in their assessment of whether the spakin' new May Cameloparid meteor shower, due this weekend, will be the best celestial ...

Possible New Meteor Shower May 24th…Will it Sizzle or Fizzle? | The Quad-Cities Daily
The Quad-Cities Daily ⋅ Ronald Blake
FLORENCE-Astronomers are predicting a possible new meteor shower for the night of May 23rd/24th.Meteor showers occur when the Earth enters a ...

A once-in-a-lifetime meteor shower may be on its way -- Fire in the Sky -- Sott.net - Signs of the Times
Skywatchers in North America may be in for a once-in-a-lifetime meteor shower this weekend if the May Camelopardalis light up the night sky early ...

Weekend Meteor Shower | SkyNews
This coming Friday night/Saturday morning (May 23/24), sky watchers may get to witness a new meteorshower resulting from debris shed by the faint ...

Comet 209P/LINEAR Meteor Shower | Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
A new meteor shower, called May Camelopardalis, is expected to peak in the early morning hours on Saturday, May 24, with some forecasters ...

New Meteor Shower Friday Night: How to See It | Space.com
Learn about how you can prepare to see the new meteor shower Friday (May 23) night.

Russian Meteor: Chelyabinsk Asteroid Had Violent Past
MAY 22, 2014 02:39 PM ET // BY IRENE KLOTZ
Shock veins typically form when the parent body of a meteor or asteroid collides with a larger object in space. Heat and pressure from the impact cause rock to melt. It later reforms bearing vein-shaped patterns. ...

The awesome forces behind the Chelyabinsk fireball
Southland Times
Most of the 20-metre wide asteroid that blazed over Chelyabinsk in southwestern Siberia on February 15, 2013, was incinerated in a bright fireball, the ...

Chelyabinsk Meteorite Collided With Asteroid Before Hitting Earth
Discover - 8 hours
The chunk of space rock that streaked across a Siberian sky in February 2013 left its mark via tweets and viral videos shared around the ...

Dazzling meteorite shower to be seen in Israel
Haaretz Daily - 6 hours
Shower expected on Friday morning; best to watch it before dawn, as earth passes through tail of comet discovered in 2004.

NASA 'Go' to Start Building 2016 Mars Lander
SPACE.com via Yahoo! News - 8 hours
The next NASA robot to touch down on the surface of Mars will soon begin taking shape. NASA's InSight Mars lander, which is scheduled to ...

Earth to Experience a Never-Before-Seen Meteor Shower May 23-24 (Video) See n Share ...
(Before It's News). Earth to Experience a Never-Before-Seen Meteor Shower May 23-24. May 22 2014. Are you geared-up for this show in the sky?

What Are Meteor Outbursts & Why Do They Occur? : Planets, Stars & More - YouTube
youtube.com ⋅ 02:46
A meteor outburst are meteor showers that we are not expecting. Find out aboutmeteor outbursts and why they occur with help from an experienced ...

Major meteor shower could delight N. America May 23-24
Skywatchers in the United States and Canada could see a one-of-a-kind meteor shower late Friday night and early Saturday, astronomers say.

Meteor Shower Could Be Meteor Storm
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (May 22, 2014) A meteor shower that should be visible, weather permitting, from around 9:30 p.m. Friday to around 6 a.m. ...

Catch the meteor at LIGO
Catch the meteor at LIGO ... Science buffs and stargazers have a chance to check out LIGO during an upcoming meteor shower. The facility is home to ...

Meteor Shower Expected Fri Night to Sat Morning
1340 WJOL
The weather forcast is looking great for the holiday weekend, and means great viewing in the skies for Friday night's meteor shower, scheduled to run ...

Meteor shower may dazzle South Florida - Sun Sentinel
South Florida stargazers may be treated to a veritable meteor storm early Saturday and Sunday as the Earth passes through debris left by a newly ...

New meteor shower, the Camelopardalids, expected Friday - News - MSN CA
A meteor shower that has never been seen before is expected to hit Friday night and into Saturday; and it could be spectacular.

NASA Teams with Web Tech Company Slooh to Bring Universe to Everyone and Help Protect Earth Too
The live astronomy events on which NASA and Slooh will partner include the
LINEAR comet meteor shower, occurring Friday, May 23, and Saturday, May 24.
Slooh will provide live feeds of the event from 6 p.m. EDT Friday to 3 a.m.
Saturday on the company's website and the UStream feed for NASA's Marshall
Spaceflight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, at:

Psychedelic Meteor Storm THIS weekend! - The Psychedelic Experience - Shroomery Message ...
So who else is planning on tripping to the potential meteor storm this weekend!? They say there could be up to 1k meteors and hour (~15 per minute)! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING; NOW I HAVE HEARD OF EVERYTHING!

Meteor strike hits Plymouth...but don't worry, it was in 1623.
Plymouth Herald
It is one of only a dozen officially recognised meteorites to have hit England in the last 1,000 years. The strike is detailed in a book from the 1820s, ...

Telescope Reviews: Fireball Meteor Shower May 23rd/24th - Cloudy Nights
I remember being at a shower when I was just a kid, I am thinking around 1982. It was summer and we were in Vantage, WA at a boat race. That night ...

SPECTACULAR: A meteor shower is going to be seen early Friday morning in Israel, sort of like ...
JEWSNEWS ⋅ admin
SPECTACULAR: A meteor shower is going to be seen early Friday morning in Israel, sort of like this from 2013. Posted on 5/22/2014 by admin. Tweet.

NASA: New Meteor Shower Could Rival Perseids « CBS Sacramento
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – It could rival the famed Perseid meteor shower from later in the summer, or it could be a dud. But, NASA scientists are ...

10 Tips - How To Photograph A Meteor Shower - Shutter Muse
These 10 simple tips will show you how to photograph a meteor shower and capture amazing photos of showers such as Perseids, Geminids and ...

Meteor shower - The Homestretch - CBC Player
Astronomy author and photographer Alan Dyer tells us about a meteor shower happening this weekend.

Interview Alert - Wayne State astronomy professor available to discuss raremeteor shower ...
Wayne State University Public Relations ⋅ Wayne State University
A rare meteor shower is expected to light up the night sky Saturday, May 24 as Earth passes through streams of cosmic debris produced by the faint ...

The Camel-what? Your guide to viewing the one-time-only Camelopardalis meteor shower ...
Friday night could offer the most spectacular meteor shower of their lives with as many as 1,000 meteors per hour between 1 A.M. and 3 A.M. Eastern ...

Chelyabinsk Meteorite Was Struck By An Asteroid Before Hitting Earth
Scientists studying the fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite have concluded that the object was separated from its parent body after being struck by ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 May 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2014 -Final

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2014 - EARLY
Sao Paulo, Brasil Meteor 21MAY2014 - Meteor Across the Moon ... Queensland Australia Meteor ~22:50 21NOV2012 If you witnessed this meteor .

Martian mineral could be linked to microbes
Australian National University- May 20, 2014
Scientists have discovered that the earliest living organisms on Earth
were capable of making a mineral that may be found on Mars.
The clay-mineral stevensite has been used since ancient times and was
used by Nubian women as a beauty treatment, but scientists had believed
deposits could only be formed in harsh conditions like volcanic lava and
hot alkali lakes. ...

2015 IAA Planetary Defense Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN !
International Academy of Astronautics
2015 IAA Planetary Defense Conference
April 13-17, 2015
Frascati, Roma, Italy
Call for papers
<http://iaaweb.org/iaa/Scientific%20Activity/callpdc2015.pdf> soon
available. ...

Stardust in Meteorites
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Sao Paulo, Brasil Meteor 21MAY2014
Sao Paulo, Brasil Meteor 21MAY2014 - Meteor Across the Moon ... Queensland Australia Meteor ~22:50 21NOV2012 If you witnessed this meteor ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest WorldwideMeteor/Meteorite News 20MAY2014
He said the debris trail from comet 209P/Linear, discovered in 2004, is the originator of this meteor shower and the Earth will cross the comet path on .

'Once in a lifetime' meteor shower
DUBAI Dubai residents will get to experience a once in a lifetime meteor shower this weekend as the shower could turn to a meteor storm providing ...

Michigan Will Have the Best View of Weekend Meteor Shower - 97.5 NOW FM
Okay, try to process this one: According to NASA, a meteor shower that will occur late Friday night will be of dust that a comet “ejected” in the 1800s.

Meteor Shower Coming To Mid-Michigan This Weekend - 100.7 WITL
Get out those fishing net, kids - Uncle Banana's paying TEN BUCKS a meteor!

[Space] New meteor shower.. - Kerbal Space Program Forum
We have a new meteor shower on its way! YAY I present the Camelopardalids! https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/b5bad1d9f4d9.

Potential weekend meteor shower will also affect the moon
The speckled area shows where on the moon impacts from meteoroids from the new Camelopardalidmeteor shower could occur. Telescopic ...

Meteor strike hits Plymouth...but don't worry, it was in 1623.
Plymouth Herald
Two new realtime maps have now been created, one which follows the position of meteors in the sky using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR).

The violent history of the Chelyabinsk meteorite
The Hindu (blog)
With the second largest air burst recorded in history, a meteorite exploded over the southern Ural region of Russia in February 2013 and crashed near ...

Dazzling meteorite shower for Israel on Thursday
Most meteorite showers occur when the tail of a comet intersects with the Earth. “Comets are part of the solar system and are the remains of its creation ...

meteor shower Archives - DIY Photography
Photographing a meteor shower is more like photographing a time-lapse than traditional still photos. You can never anticipate where or when a ...

Camelopardalid Meteor Shower: You can hear shooting stars!
Delhi Daily News
The stargazers in the United States and Canada could witness as well as hear (on radio) the impressive Camelopardalid meteor shower late Friday ...

Meteor Shower Star Party | Calendar | UND: University of North Dakota
The first public star party of the season will be held at the UND Observatory on Friday May 23, 2014 starting at 9:30pm (right around sunset.) ...

Astro-Alert: Possible meteor storm Friday-Saturday, May 23-24! | The Manitoba Museum Science ...
UPDATES to this story are listed at the bottom of the page! On the early morning of Saturday, May 24, we may see a brand-new meteor shower.

Meteor Storm History Data? - Astronomy Magazine - Interactive Star Charts, Planets, Meteors ...
Does anyone know of a source of data on previous meteor shower storms? I'm interested in going back abour 50 years. And if not quite storm ...

Qatar to witness meteor shower tonight | Qatar Living
Qatar residents will be able to witness a meteor shower tomorrow night, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported, quoting Qatari astronomer Sheikh Salman ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Dubai Astronomy Group Event 23/24MAY2014 
Predictions suggest that a new meteor shower will be seen on the 24th May as Earth is expected to cross the debris trail left by comet 209P/Linear.

Utahns could witness history-making meteor shower this weekend :: The Salt Lake Tribune
From midnight to 2 a.m., Earth is set to pass through a dust cloud left by a comet, and it could result in the Camelopardalid meteor shower, which many ...

Into The Night Photography: Photographing Meteor Showers
Written by Muench Workshops Guest Pro, Thomas O'Brien: Photographing a meteor shower is more like photographing a time-lapse than traditional ...

Another meteor shower to happen tomorrow
Khaleej Times
Dubai Astronomy Group spokesman Keith Cobby said the shower could last up to several days, depending on how widely dispersed the meteor trail is ...

Mysterious fireball may have landed in western Qld
ABC Local
An amateur astronomer says a mysterious fireball seen in Queensland skies last week may have landed in the small outback town of Jericho.

Telescope Reviews: Brightest meteor I have ever personally seen - Cloudy Nights
All of a sudden I saw a meteor start at about the zenith, just due north of Leo, and travel west to about the level of Jupiter. It started at about the ...

Camelopardalid meteor shower targets the moon too – watch for impact flashes | Astro Bob
To monitor the moon for possible impacts from the Camelopardalid meteor shower, focus your attention on the speckled area in the darkened upper ...

Ready for May's Surprise Meteor Shower?
By: Kelly Beatty - Sky & Telescope- May 21, 2014
Dim, obscure periodic comet 209P/LINEAR is about to pass close to Earth
- and bring with it a trail of debris that could make for an exciting
meteor shower in May, during the predawn hours of the 24th....

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 May 2014

Dubai Astronomy Group Event 23/24MAY2014 Camelopardalis Meteor Shower

Dubai Astronomy Group Event 23/24MAY2014 Camelopardalis Meteor Shower

Location: Bab Al Shams Desert Resort, Click Here for Location map.
Event start: 21.00pm of Friday 23rd May Event ends: Sunrise on Saturday 24th May

Join us to witness a potentially ‘once in a lifetime’ event. Predictions suggest that a new meteor shower will be seen on the 24th May as Earth is expected to cross the debris trail left by comet 209P/Linear. Based on professional forecasts this meteor shower could turn out to be a unique meteor storm. A meteor storm could see dense outbursts of bright multiple meteors and provide in excess of 1000 shooting stars an hour during its peak. Lowest expectation would be 60-100 meteors an hour. You won’t want to miss this…

This Dubai Astronomy Group event will also provide visitors an opportunity to look through the club telescopes at other celestial objects including; Saturn, Mars, double stars, globular clusters, nebula and other deep sky objects. In addition, the Moon rises in the morning, just before sunrise, in a close conjunction with the planet Venus. The event will feature live presentations and videos about the night sky plus featured online broadcasts to the wider international astronomy community.

The event is working in collaboration with Astronomers without Borders and will feature live links between Dubai and California.

The event is also supporting a global broadcast from Slooh Telescopes. Slooh operate a network of robotically controlled telescopes which are used by its worldwide membership for Astronomy imaging and observing. Slooh is a major worldwide outreach facilitator of public astronomy and hosts regular online events. Dubai Astronomy Group is a listed partner.

The event will also include periodic Live Google+ Hangouts On Air and will be available on YouTube for those unable to attend in person;

Google Hangout Part 1

Google Hangout Part 2

Google Hangout Part 3

Google Hangout Part 4

Dubai Astronomy Group YouTube

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Sao Paulo, Brasil Meteor 21MAY2014

Sao Paulo, Brasil Meteor 21MAY2014 - Meteor Across the Moon
BRAMON - Tiro na Lua
Posted to YouTube by BRAMON 1 view
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21MAY2014

Phil Plait promises us a spectacular meteor shower on Friday! » Pharyngula - Freethought Blogs
Experts are predicting we may be in for quite a show: a brand spanking new meteor shower that will peak on the evening of Friday, May 23, 2014!

Night sky spotting: Meteor shower expected - CBS46 News
As for the upcoming meteor shower, NASA says the best viewing time will be from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Saturday. The comet 209P/LINEAR is leaving a ...

Telescope Reviews: Fireball Meteor Shower May 23rd/24th - Cloudy Nights
People do not seem to be taking this possible/probable new fireball meteor shower seriously. And it starts on Sunday morning EDT at 1:40 AM!

meteorite du 18/05/2014 a 3h52 - YouTube
youtube.com ⋅ 00:13
meteorite du 18/05/2014 a 3h52 cam bosch ltc0498/51.

Meteor shower due Friday night/Saturday morning; see photos from last big one over Alvord Desert
The Oregonian
The Alvord Desert is a 400-mile drive from Portland, but you may not have to go that far to see this year's biggest meteor shower. Weather forecasts ...

Meteor shower expected to dazzle Valley
The Camelopardalis meteor shower is expected to be visible overnight Friday into early Saturday morning, said Carl Hergenrother, a science team ...

Possible meteor shower night of May 23-24 | Pine Mountain Observatory
Story about possible new meteor shower due to comet 209P/LINEAR.

Live webcast of Comet LINEAR and new meteor shower, 23-24 May
On the night of May 23rd, a new meteor shower, now named the Camelopardalids, will appear in the night sky with potential to become a full meteor ...

FM radio will pick up sounds from upcoming meteor shower "Camelopardalis ... - the cosmos news
THE COSMOS NEWS ⋅ tap taru
It's one thing to see a meteor shower. But did you know that you can “hear” one, too? Just turn on the radio this coming Friday after-hours, and you will ...

National Space Centre - Spectacular new meteor shower expected.
Spectacular new meteor shower expected. 20-05-14: Written by Josh. This weekend we are going to be going a little comet crazy here at the National ...

Society for Popular Astronomy - Meteor and Fireball News
As you may be aware, there are predictions that significant meteor activity may be seen from North America on the morning of May 24th 2014 when the ...

Meteor shower of the decade this Friday: When and where to watch in Dubai
Emirates 24/7
UAE residents are promised spectacular meteor showers this weekend, with sky-watchers set for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to witness a brilliant ...

Meteor Shower Expected Friday Night
KMPH Fox 26
Sky watchers across the country and right here in the Valley could be in for a real treat this Friday. Astronomers are anticipating a new meteor shower.

Comet 209P/Linear US and Canada on Alert A New Meteor Superstorm Expected May 23-24 (+ ...
Comet 209P/Linear US and Canada on Fire – A New Meteor Superstorm on May 23-24. Two years ago,meteor experts Esko Lyytinen of Finland and ...

Meteor Fireball Boom over West VA May 16th 2014 - YouTube
youtube.com ⋅ 04:37
Meteor Fireball Explosion over West VA May 16th 2014 & Mystery Booms http://www.wchstv.com/newsroom/eyewitness/140515_25475.shtml ...

Could largest-in-century meteor have been stopped? - YouTube
youtube.com ⋅ 03:13
Despite the huge size of the Russian meteor, its appearance in the skies was a surprise. It entered Earth's atmosphere completely unnoticed by ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 May 2014

"UFO-nonsense" - Russian Spacecraft Debris Fall in China 16MAY2014 - Photos!

"UFO" - Russian Spacecraft Debris Fall in China 16MAY2014
"UFO" - Russian Fuel Cell / Spacecraft Debris Fall in China 16MAY2014
Photo Credit- http://weibo.com/
生活 · 坑爹一號 · 發表於 2014-05-16 22:32

Three UFO crashed in Heilongjiang cited arguments
(CNA Taipei 16 (Xinhua)) CPC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee Propaganda Department confirmed Yian, three unidentified flying object (UFO) fell from the sky today, has plunged into Yian and Baiquan municipal territory under Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. ... HINT- USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE

三個UFO 墜落黑龍江引議論

三个“UFO”坠落黑龙江 现场已封锁
16日13时,记者经黑龙江省依安县委宣传部证实,依安县双阳乡孟常村村民今晨听到了巨大的破空声,然后有村民目击看见一个大火球划过天空,坠落在农户家菜园内。随后,中新社记者从村民处拍摄的照片上看到,该物体为圆形金属物,外围有锯齿状包围物。 ...

Web Report in English-
Update: Eight Mysterious Spheres Now Found in China After Russian Rocket Gets Hit By UFO, May 16th, 2014 ~ Video Updated-Sunday, May 18, 2014 8:06
... shot down by UFO... B.S.!

Related video-  Sorry skip the UFO shoot-down Nonsense! Rocket Failure!!!

8 Spheres Fall Over China
Posted to YouTube by BPEarthWatch 12,937 viewshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-T2Y-YpkmA

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!