27 April 2013

AWB Astronomers Without Borders Update - 27APR2013


AWB Updates

Hadfield ISS news

As we roll toward the close of Global Astronomy Month, how about preserving your GAM experience in the form of a poem—and submitting it to our GAM2013 AstroPoetry Contest?
The world of 2013 is sparkling with poetic ideas, and we’ve already received some 50 poems from 8 countries—China, Indonesia, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Sri Lanka, U.K., and U.S.A.  By the April 30 deadline, let’s double the number of poems and countries, for the best world poetry competition ever!
Anything or thought, whether large as the expanding Universe or small as a grain of comet dust, can furnish the content for an astropoem, as the Japanese poet Buson showed us with this haiku more than 300 years ago: “Twilight flower-field… / moonrise in the eastern sky / sunset in the west.”  And just last year, GAM2012 contest winner Christine Rueter followed in Buson’s footsteps with this: “HAIKU FOR SPACE SHUTTLE DISCOVERY / Through your small windows / we saw our fractious planet / blue and white and whole.”
Our contest is for everyone, with three categories—children, grades 1-6; young adults, grades 7-12; and adults, age 18 and older.  Submit your poem on the contest entry form.  And for inspiration, check out last year’s contest winners and our ongoing AWB AstroPoetry Blog.

Upcoming GAM 2013 Programs:

28 April:        Cosmic Concert (online live musical)
29 April to 8 May:    GLOBE at Night
30 April:        Cosmic Depths (online observing event)

GAM2013 events4

GAM 2013 Blog:

21 April - AstroArt: Daniela De Paulis
22 April - The Light at the End of the Telescope: Rogel Mari Sese
23 April - Working in Astronomy: Sarah Kendrew
24 April - Getting involved in Astronomy: Raven Yu
25 April - The International Year of Astronomy (STILL?): Ricardo Cardoso Reis
26 April - Fuelling the Fire: The Importance of Teaching Kids Astronomy: Maya Barlev
27 April - My Astronomy Awareness Journey: Fikiswa Majola
GAM 2013 Blog will feature 30 bloggers for the 30 days in April. Follow the blog for posts around the world.

Dark Skies Awareness Blog:

You Can Change the World’s Skies by Christopher Kyba

"The battle against light pollution will only be won once a large fraction of the population can explain in their own words what is wrong with current lighting. To get from here to there, we need everyone who understands the problem to talk about it with their friends, family, and co-workers. So how do you talk about light pollution?" Continue reading...

Mount Tai and the Starry Sky by Xiaohua Wang

"Mount Tai is located in Shandong Province in eastern China. It is called the "chieftain" among five famous mountains in China. In 1987, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) declared Mount Tai a World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site. However, after 90 years, light pollution has appeared at Mount Tai. The city of Tai’an near the mountain has grown 30-fold; it has a population of nearly 5.5 million and consumes 10 billion KWH of electricity a year." Continue reading...

A Statewide Star Party by Amy Sayle

"Across a 500-mile swath of North Carolina, from the mountains to the Outer Banks, 45 sites planned skywatching sessions for the public on April 5th, as the kickoff to the 2013 North Carolina Science Festival. Since the star party date fell at the beginning of International Dark Sky Week and during a GLOBE at Night campaign, each site was asked to educate their audiences about light pollution and encourage them to document the darkness of the sky at the star party and later on in their own neighborhoods." Continue reading...

GAM2013 DSA blog news 

AstroArt Blog:

Spaceflight Dolphin - An Art and Technology Payload for the Space Shuttleby Richard Clar

"The first real opportunity for individuals or institutions in the world to access space at a very reasonable cost arose from NASA’s Get-Away-Special Program (GAS) that was announced in 1976. Artists were not excluded per se from the GAS Program as long as they could satisfy the basic requirement that GAS payloads must have some human or technical benefit. NASA would not fly art just for art’s sake and was very strict about this requirement. Subsequently, four artists managed to meet this criterion and have their art payloads accepted into NASA’s GAS Program."Continue reading...

Shrimp Cocktail – since the Apollo days by Charles Bourland

"Shrimp Cocktail has been in NASA food systems since the Apollo days and is still one of the most popular astronaut foods. Shrimp are very conducive to freeze drying. When processed properly, the dehydrated shrimp are very similar to fresh shrimp after water is added. Astronaut Story Musgrave (STS-6, STS-51F, STS-33, STS-44, STS-61, STS-80)  liked shrimp cocktail so much that he requested it for every meal, every day for the duration of the mission." Continue reading...

Chocolate Pudding Cake: a favourite at ISS by Charles Bourland

"Chocolate Pudding Cake is one of the popular ISS deserts and is easy to make compared to other space food recipes. The recipes are complex because many ingredients start from scratch and are commercial food service products. Some of the more complex space food recipes were not included in the Astronaut’s Cookbook because the ingredients were not available and special equipment is required to process." Continue reading...

GAM2013 astroart blog news

GAM 2013 Event Registration:

Have you registered your GAM 2013 events yet? Tell the world what you're doing! Below are some new events. Join them!

AWB thanks our sponsors of GAM 2013:

Media Sponsor - Sky & Telescope
GAM2013 sponsor ST

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Alberta BC Edmonton Canada Fireball Meteor 25APR2013

Alberta BC Edmonton Canada Fireball Meteor 22:10 Mountain / 21:10 Pacific 25APR2013
'click on image to enlarge'
Alberta / BC Meteor 25APR2013
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25APR2013 C Knight red deer, Alberta, Canada 22:12:00 3 sec South facing, heading west blue/white streak, then flash, trail out white venus - beautiful and unexpected, love to hear any other events regarding

25APR2013 Sylvia Root Kelowna B.C. 21:10 PT 3 seconds E-EW right to left facing East Bright white with reddish tail Small sun No Size of soccer ball

25APR2013 J. E. Farmer Edmonton, AB, Canada 22:10:00 2 E-W, looking south white Like a flash gun going off No fragments Looking south towards "Edmonton International Airport" from a second floor residence in south Edmonton.  Very brief trail. Flash lit up clouds momentarily. Mostly clear night.

25APR2013 Andy Dodsworth Calgary, Alberta, Canada 22:10:00 5 sec S-N Green, white, orange - no sound Quite bright - full moon-ish Saw a few off-streaks Crazy long tail, amazing.


All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

UK Meteor 26APR2013

UK Meteor ~22:14 Local 26APR2013
'click on image to enlarge'
UK / Ireland Meteor 26APR2013
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
26APR2013 Daniel Dulieu Stamford, Lincolnshire 22.14pm 3 Seconds West Green Colour Green like Venus No Meteor fell almost vertically, lasted no more than a few seconds and faded almost as though it disappeared in thin air. Looked like a green balloon / possibly a shooting star but looked considerably larger in size.

26APR2013 Mick Smith Barwell, Leicestershire, UK 2214 2 to 3 seconds. 40 to 10deg, E to W, facing west ball intense pale blue/green.  Surrounded by white light, small red/orange fading to white tail. As moon in clear sky. No Will submit artwork in due course.

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Mexico Meteor 25APR2013

Mexico Meteor ~20:40 Local 25APR2013
'click on image to enlarge'
Mexico Meteor 25APR2013
v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Búsqueda de caída de supuesto meteoro en Nayarit
Posted on YouTube by jartello 11,584 views

If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.

More info on GLP-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25APR2013 Maria Osorio Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico 20:43 CDT (UTC -5) 3 sec NW-SE I was facing NorthEast and saw it going from left to right The center of the meteor looked white but the outer "layer" showcased bright orange and yellow; & green on its tail. No sound. Similiar to the Moon Don't know. "Flashed" a few times until it disappeared from my sight.

25APR2013 Judy Parks Punta Mita, Nayarit, Mexico 20:40 CDT 3-5 seconds   NE-SW Left to Right toward Puerto Vallarta Bright ball of light with a green tail at first instant thought it was a spectacular fireworks about to explode - no sound As bright as the full moon No falling parts When I spotted it there was time to point, others turned and saw as it streaked toward Puerto Vallarta across the Bay of Banderas

All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27APR2013

Several celestial events lined up for sky gazers
Northern Voices Online
According to the Planetary Society of India (PSI), people can noticeably witness darkening of the moon's disk between 1.22-1.53 a.m.. The eclipse is coinciding with rare meteor showers, and it will be followed by conjunction of Saturn with the moon ...

Celestial events lined up for sky enthusiasts
The Hindu
The coming one month will be marked by interesting celestial events, starting with a lunar eclipse on April 25 and 26, and a daily meteor shower that will last through the month of May, representatives from the Planetary Society, India informed ...

Sky Watch: Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower - Newsday
On the morning of Sunday, May 5, fragments of this most famous of comets will pelt our planet's atmosphere in what astronomers know as the Eta Aquarid meteor shower. Meteors, or shooting stars, are specks of interplanetary dust hardly larger than a ...

Saturn's Rings Hit by Meteor Shower - National Geographic News
National Geographic
Streams of meteors may hit Saturn's majestic rings—kicking up clouds of dust—more often than thought, suggests surprising new results from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The orbiting probe managed to snap images of the rings showing mysterious dusty ...

Officials confirm meteorite hit Wolcott home - WFSB ...
Officials at the Yale Peabody Museum confirmed that a meteorite struck a home in Wolcott at ...

Meteorite Strike In Connecticut Sparks Interest In Weston Event
Thu, 25 Apr, 2013 02:18 AM PDT
WESTON, Conn. -- The crash of a meteorite through the roof of a house in upstate Wolcott, as reported by NBC Connecticut, has renewed interest in an earlier meteorite strike in Weston more than two centuries ago. Just like in the case of the Wolcott meteorite last week, ...Continue reading

Meteorite Smashes Through Roof Of Connecticut Resident
Last October, a meteorite struck the home of a San Francisco resident after blazing through the sky. Peter Jenniskens, a leading meteor hunter at the Seti Institute in Mountain View, said they could use the meteorite that struck Lisa Webber's home last...

Astronomer Claims Asteroid Will Make Dangerously Close FlyBy In 2026
2013 GM3 is comparable in size to the meteor that exploded over Russia on February 14, 2013, injuring more than 1,000 people. That same day the planet was treated to a close flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14, which passed about 17,000 miles above Earth's ...

Meteor shower webcast: Watch outside or onscreen - CSMonitor.com
Tonight's meteor shower can be viewed outside, if you have little light pollution and clear skies. City folk and those with cloudy skies can watch NASA's ...

Lyrid Meteor Over Georgia - Blogs - Nasa
A Lyrid meteor streaks though the dawn sky over North Georgia College and State University. Moving at 105,800 mph, this inch-diameter piece of Comet ...

Comet Could Blast Earth With Weird Meteor Shower Discovery News
A small but incredibly bright comet heading toward the sun could do more than dazzle Earth's skies when it arrives later this year.

سقوط نيزك امام جمهور حفلة غنائية في الارجنتين...‎ - YouTube
شاهد لحظة سقوط نيزك أمام جمهور حفلة غنائية في الأرجنتين. الاربعاء,24 ابريل 2013 01:56 م. مواد متعلقة: التعليقات. 21_02_13_01_06_000.jpg · أنباء عن ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 April 2013

Meteorite Hunt on for the MeteorZombies in Wolcott, Connecticut

If you think that you have found a meteorite from the Wolcott, CT meteorite house-hitter please email me @ LunarMeteoriteHunterATgmailDOTcom you will have to replace the AT and DOT to email.  The rock should be black like burnt and attracted to a magnet. Do send good clear photos if you wish.  Thank you!
-LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo, Japan

Related Initial Post of the House Hitting Meteorite in Wolcott, Conn.

Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 09:35 PM PDT
Meteorite crashes through roof in Wolcott, Conn. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A Yale scientist says a rock that crashed through the roof of a home in Wolcott was a meteorite.Continue reading

Meteor Crashes Into House: Baseball-Sized Space Rock Hits Home In Wolcott ...
Latin Times
Wondering what the difference is between a meteoroid, meteorite, and a meteor? The rock in space is called a meteroid, when it makes it past the Earth's atmosphere and touches the ground it is called a meteorite, and when pebble-sized particle leaves a ...

Authorities ConfirmMeteorite Ripped Through Connecticut Roof
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 11:34 AM PDT
The space rock damaged a home in Wolcott, when just before 10:30 a.m. Friday, a piece came crashing through the ceiling.Continue reading

Mineralogist at Peabody Museum confirms meteorite fall in Wolcott
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 07:48 AM PDT
An object that fell through the roof of a house in Wolcott on April 19 was confirmed to be a meteorite by Stefan Nicolescu, mineralogy collections manager at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.Continue reading

Officials confirm meteoritehit Wolcott home
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 07:20 AM PDT
Officials at the Yale Peabody Museum confirmed that a meteorite struck a home in Wolcott at the end of last week.Continue reading

Meteorite Crashes Into Connecticut Home
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 06:45 AM PDT
A baseball-sized meteorite smashes into a Connecticut home
Continue reading

Rare Meteorite Grains May be from Supernova That Sparked Solar System
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 04:44 AM PDT
Two Antarctic meteorites contain sand grains that likely come from a single supernova
.Continue reading

Meteorite Strikes Connecticut Man's House
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 02:34 AM PDT
A rock that crashed through a Connecticut man's roof last weekend cracking his kitchen ceiling has been confirmed as a meteorite. Homeowner Larry Beck called...Continue reading

Yale scientists confirm rock that hit Wolcott house wasmeteorite, might have caused Friday 'boom'
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 01:53 AM PDT
WOLCOTT — A rock that caused damage to a Wolcott home over the weekend has been confirmed by the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History as a meteorite.Continue reading

Report: Possible meteoritehits house in Wolcott
Wed, 24 Apr, 2013 01:43 AM PDT
According to NBC Connecticut, a baseball-sized rock that crashed through a Wolcott house over the weekend is under consideration as possibly being a meteorite.Continue reading

Meteorite crashes through roof in Conn., scientist says
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 11:04 PM PDT
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A Yale scientist says a rock that crashed through the roof of a home in Wolcott was a meteorite. Police say resident Larry Bech called them Saturday morning to report that his home had been damaged by a falling rock the night before.Continue reading

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26APR2013

LAP 031117

Antarctica Meteorites Contain Supernova Dust - iTechPost
iTech Post
Does A Meteor That Hit Sri Lanka Contain Alien Life? Russian Meteor Fragments Fetching High Prices · Asteroid Detection Technology Needs Help, NASA Official Says 'Pray' · Asteroid To Be 'Captured' By U.S.. It appears as if the meteorites are older than...

Space junk needs to be removed from Earth's orbit, says ESA
Toronto Sun
A meteor, left, streaks past stars in the night sky over El Torcal nature park reserve in the southern Spanish town of Antequera, near Malaga early August 12, 2012. The Perseid meteor shower is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a ...

State and local laws, technology help protect night from light pollution
Santa Fe New Mexican.com
State and local laws, technology help protect night from light pollution. A meteor flashes through the night sky above Lamy on Oct. 18, 2012. Luis Sánchez Saturno/The New Mexican. State and local laws, technology help protect night from light pollution ...

Planets gather in the west
My Eastern Shore
A fairly important meteor shower also will present itself in early May, and Saturn will remain at its peak of visibility throughout the month. May will be a full month for skywatchers. Venus emerges in May after being behind the sun from our line of ...

Last Chance to Catch Lyrid Meteor Shower 2013: Where and When to Watch
The Lyrid meteor shower 2013 peak was Monday, but you can still catch the stars streaking across the universe. The shower is supposed to last through April 25, or Thursday. "While the meteor rates officially spike in the predawn hours of April 22 ...
See all stories on this topic »

ISON could blast Earth with meteor shower
ABC Science Online
First images just captured by the Hubble Telescope show the nucleus of the comet is no more than six and a half kilometres across. The comet's dusty head is nearly 5000 kilometres across, or 1.2 times the width of Australia(Source: NASA, ESA, J.-Y. Li ...

Experts: It's the season for fireballs
Night briefly turned to day over Argentina Sunday as a bright fireball fell through the sky, some say at about 80,000 mph. It didn't last long, but cameras were able to capture this rare occurrence just days before the peak of fireball season. NASA ...

شاهد لحظه سقوط نيزك هائل امام الجماهير في حفله .. بالارجنتين‎ - YouTube
صور حقيقية لسقوط نيزك في روسيا بتاريخ15/02/2013by Mohammed Idris ... انفجار نيزك عند دخوله جو الأرض فوق ...

Suspected meteor lights up sky in Argentina - CBS ...
CBS News video: Suspected meteor lights up sky in Argentina - CBS News Raw: Residents in ...

Bright meteor lights up sky at Argentina concert ...
Video on NBCNews.com: Astronomers estimate the meteor was about 1.5 feet wide and ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 April 2013

Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013

Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013
Map Showing the Locations of the Booms Heard and the Fall Location at Wolcott, CT 19APR2013 at Approximately 10 pm EDT.  Red Lines Indicate Distance from the Meteorite Fall Site, Ledyard is about 50 miles away and East Haven about 20 Miles.
v.1 C 2013  LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013
 Booms from about 50 miles away in Ledyard, CT and several others from 20-30 miles away seem to have been the result of a meteoroid entering the atmosphere followed by a meteorite hitting a house in Wolcott, CT on April 19, 2013 at approximately 10'00 pm EDT. Police departments in Ledyard, East Haven, Milford, Madison, Branford, and Guilford all had calls from the public reporting booms being heard in their neighborhoods.
  According to a report by CBS Channel 5 - WOLCOTT, CT (WFSB), Larry Beck has found a baseball-sized meteorite? that crashed through his roof.
  I have viewed the photos of the rock and have determined that it is indeed a meteorite! Congrats to Mr. Beck. Unfortunately, most cases of a meteorite hitting one's house turn out to be a curse with a resulting flood of phone calls by the media and hounding meteorite seekers. Best of luck to Mr. Beck! -LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo, Japan

Possible meteorite crashes into home

Close up photo of the Meteorite showing fusion crust and the enterior

Photo 1 of the Meteorite that hit the house in Wolcott, CT

Photo 2 of the Meteorite that hit the house in Wolcott, CT

Mysterious "Boom" Rattles Windows in Connecticut

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25APR2013

Meteorite Crashes Through Roof of a House in ...
A rock that crashed through a house in Connecticut last weekend has been confirmed to be a ...

Meteorite Crashes Through Roof In Wolcott
Hartford Courant
Police also learned that there had been a meteor shower Friday night, so they contacted the Peabody museum. Nicolescu said this particular meteorite looks primitive and could have come from the very beginnings of our solar system. The crust tells ...

سقوط نيزك امام جمهور حفلة غنائية في الارجنتين‎ - YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/ArabicNewsBulletin Arabic News Bulletin يرجى الاشتراك للحصول على آخر المستجدات ...

'Meteor' lights up Argentinian sky
Pakistan Daily Times
'Meteor' lights up Argentinian sky. Concertgoers in northern Argentina have been treated to a light show with a difference. A suspected meteor lit up the night sky early on Sunday in Salta, as the folk music band Los Tekis performed at an outdoor venue ...
See all stories on this topic »

Concert Goers in Argentina Treated to Meteor Flash (Plus Top Videos From ...
While fans were cheering for a band finishing up their concert in northern Argentina, a suspected meteor flashed green and blazed in the stage's backdrop Sunday night. The folk music band Los Tekis played at an outdoor venue, according to the ...

Meteor Spotted in Argentina Sky
NewsPoint Africa
The fireball burst has resulted in thousands of people from northern and central Argentina being dragged to social media to enquire about the massive ball of light for shortly lighting up the night sky in the early hours of Sunday morning. A video clip ...

Meteor Shower 2013: Eta Aquarid Coincides with Lyrids Tail End, Peak ...
International Business Times AU
While viewers are catching the last look at the Lyrids meteor shower, the beginning of the Eta Aquarid spectacle coincides with the Lyrids tail end. The 2013 Eta AquaridMeteor Shower peak is expected to occur on the night of May 5 with 40 to 85 ...

Video: Sensational fireball over Argentina | The Lookout - Yahoo ...
From the blog The Lookout: The sudden burst of light that illuminated the dark sky over northern Argentina early Sunday morning is believed to be a meteor ...

Bright meteor lights up sky at Argentina concert
concert goers in argentina over the weekend would have been forgiven for thinks it was part of a pyrotechnics show. there it was. until they realized it was not. in the distance a bright streak before lighting up the sky, a brilliant meteor exploding ...

Heads up! 'Fireball season' hits peak this week!
NBCNews.com (blog)
For example, springtime is "fireball season," when the number of bright meteor sightings increases by as much as 30 percent, NASA experts say. And the three-day stretch this week from Tuesday to Thursday is perhaps the best time to watch for the next ...

Lyrids Meteor Shower 2013 Stunning Photos: Get Tips and See Images on ...
International Business Times AU
Lyrids Meteor Shower 2013 is both a cosmic and a social network event. Twitter is receiving updates from users regarding questions, tips and photos about this spectacular night sky show. On Instagram, an astrophotographer has wowed users with his ...

LiveLeak.com - Meteorite lightning the sky of ...
A meteor enlighted the sky of a big part of Argentina the night of 21/04/2013 at 03 :30. Locals ...

Argentina Meteor Wows Concert Crowd, Spark Filmed by Several Witnesses and ...
International Business Times AU
An Argentina meteor wowed a huge crowd watching a concert just before sunrise on Sunday. The night sky over the Argentine city of Santiago del Estero was ripped open by the very bright fireball. The spectacular event was filmed by several witnesses as ...

'Meteor' appears in sky as concert closes
Byron Shire News
CONCERT-GOERS in Argentina may have been excused for believing the large flash they saw in the sky was part of a pyrotechnics display. The bright light appeared in the sky just as folk band Tekis closed their set. YouTube user Tuteloko uploaded the raw ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24APR2013

Yale scientists confirm rock that hit Wolcott house wasmeteorite, might have caused Friday 'boom'
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 04:18 PM PDT
WOLCOTT — A rock that caused damage to a Wolcott home over the weekend has been confirmed by the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History as ameteorite.Continue reading

Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 03:06 PM PDT
Meteorite crashes through roof in Wolcott, Conn. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A Yale scientist says a rock that crashed through the roof of a home in Wolcott was a meteorite.Continue reading

Meteorite crashes through roof in Wolcott, Conn.
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 03:00 PM PDT
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A Yale scientist says a rock that crashed through the roof of a home in Wolcott was ameteorite. Police say resident Larry Bech called them Saturday morning to report that his home had been damaged by a falling rock the night before.Continue reading

Possible meteorite crashes into home
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 01:53 PM PDT
Officials at the Yale Peabody Museum confirmed that ameteorite struck a home in Wolcott at the end of last week.Continue reading

Report: Possible meteoritehits house in Wolcott
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 12:26 PM PDT
According to NBC Connecticut, a baseball-sized rock that crashed through a Wolcott house over the weekend is under consideration as possibly being a meteorite.Continue reading

Meteorite Crashes Through Roof In Wolcott
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 11:35 AM PDT
A baseball-sized rock that crashed through the roof of a house at 2 Williams Court on Friday night is a meteorite, according to an expert at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. Continue reading

Rock that hit Wolcott house may be meteorite; report coming
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 11:18 AM PDT
WOLCOTT — A rock that caused damage to a Wolcott home over the weekend is currently under consideration as a possible meteorite.Continue reading

Possible meteorite crashes into Wolcott home
Tue, 23 Apr, 2013 09:55 AM PDT
It came from outer space - maybe.Continue reading

Large fireball lights up night skies over Argentina | The Extinction ...
Argentine authorities believe the spectacular fireball was caused by a meteor entering the earth's atmosphere and disintegrating. Some witnesses reported to ...

Dazzling fireball turns night into day over northern Argentina - Yahoo!
From the blog Geekquinox: An exceptionally bright fireball streaked through the sky over northern Argentina early Sunday morning, lighting up the night as ...

Suspected meteor flash briefly transforms night to day in Argentina
NBCNews.com (blog)
A suspected meteor flash wowed observers in Argentina early Sunday — and sparked memories of February's more serious blast over Russia. The fireball lit up the night in north and central Argentina at about 3:30 a.m. local time, according to accounts ...

Video: Suspected meteor lights up sky above Argentine city
Belfast Telegraph
... Suspected meteor lights up sky above Argentine city. Comments. Email; Print; Font Size. 23 April 2013. Amateur video filmed at the concert showed the suspected meteor falling towards earth and bursting into a dazzling light that turned the night ...

Raw: Suspected meteor at Argentina concert - USA Today
Raw: Suspected meteor at Argentina concert. Concert-goers in northern Argentina were this week treated to a light show with a difference. A suspected meteor lit up the night sky early on Sunday in Salta, as the folk music band Los Tekis performed at an ...
Meteor Lights Up Sky Over Argentine City of Santiago del Estero
Hispanically Speaking News
At around 3:30 a.m., the people of Santiago del Estero in northern Argentina were stunned and some frightened by a meteor as it burned up over near the city. Someone attending a nearby music festival managed to capture the event, which caused thousands ...

'Meteor' lights up Argentinian sky new
Belfast Telegraph
'Meteor' lights up Argentinian sky new. Concert-goers in northern Argentina have been treated to a light show with a difference. Two suspected members of al Qaida's North African branch have been arrested in Spain ...

Heads Up! 'Fireball Season' Peaks This Week
The dramatic fireball that exploded over Russia in February got many people wondering if there is any way to anticipate future dazzling meteors before they appear. Well, meteors not associated with an annual shower are certainly tough to predict. But ...
Метеорит в небе над Аргентиной
RT на русском
Посетители концерта в аргентинском городе Сальта стали зрителями незапланированного светового шоу. Во время выступления фолк-группы Los Tekis над городом пролетело НЛО. По предварительным данным, это был метеорит, который сгорел в теплых слоях атмосферы.

Raw: Suspected Meteor at Argentina Concert
The Associated Press
Concert-goers in northern Argentina were this week treated to a light show with a difference. A suspected meteor lit up the night sky early on Sunday in Salta, as the folk music band Los Tekis performed at an outdoor venue. (April 22) ...

Huge white flash in the sky caught on camera in Argentina
ITV News
A suspected meteor lit up the night sky in Salta, as the folk music band Los Tekis performed at an outdoor venue. Amateur video filmed at the concert shows the suspected meteor falling towards earth and bursting into a dazzling light that turned the ...

Massive Meteorite Falls in Argentina - Meteor ...
31 sec
Massive Meteorite Falls in Argentina - Meteor FOOTAGE! This happened last night in Santiago ...

Suspected meteor lights up sky above Argentine city
Belfast Telegraph
Amateur video filmed at the concert showed the suspected meteor falling towards earth and bursting into a dazzling light that turned the night sky blue. Comments. Email; Print; Font Size. The Belfast off-licence was robbed by a man with a baseball bat ...

Night Turns To Day As Spectacular Meteor Explodes Over Argentina
A dazzling display of light appeared over Argentina on Sunday, April 21 and was captured on video by a concert goer filming the band playing on stage. In the video a giant fireball can be seen in the background lighting up the night sky as it exploded ...

Argentina's High-Fly: Suspected meteor flash caught on camera (VIDEO)
Amateur video filmed at a show by folk music band Los Tekis in the town of Salta on Sunday at about 3:30am local time showed what is suspected to be a meteor falling to earth and bursting into a dazzling light display, with the night sky turning blue ...

Suspected Meteor Shower in Argentina
French Tribune
It was nowhere in the thoughts of concert goers in northern Argentina that they will be treated with a suspected meteor flash. The suspected meteor shower took place at 3.30 am in north and central Argentina. "The sky lit up completely for a couple of ...

Meteor Shower In Argentina: Suspected Meteor Lights Up Sky At Concert [VIDEO]
Latin Times
Experts in Argentina have estimated that the meteor was traveling at 130,000 km (81,000 miles) per hour and reportedly disintegrated when it was 65 km (40 miles) from the ground. According to Jorge Coghlan, director of the Astronomical Observatory of ...

NASA to Broadcast Live Images of Lyrid Meteor Shower Tonight and Early ...
French Tribune
People, who missed the annual Lyrid meteor shower on Sunday and Monday night, need not to worry, as NASA has got them covered. Live images of the Lyrid meteorshower will be broadcasted tonight and early Tuesday by Scientists at the NASA's Marshall ...

Moon & Clouds Dim Meteor Shower
14 News WFIE Evansville
I've gotten several questions the last few days on the Lyrid meteor shower. Viewers have asked me when they can watch it. Here is my answer: It's going to be tough viewing this year due to the nearly full Moon which is nearly 95% full at this writing ...

Bright Meteor Rocks Argentina Rock Concert - Universe Today
Universe Today
Talk about a light show! A massive bolide was captured on video during a middle-of-the-night rock concert in Argentina on April 21, 2013. The band, Los Tekis performed at an outdoor concert venue and in perfect timing, right after the band concluded a ...

Taunang Lyrid meteor shower na nagaganap tuwing Abril, inabangan
GMA News
Taunang Lyrid meteor shower na nagaganap tuwing Abril, inabangan. Date posted: Apr 23, 2013 11:58am. Reporter: Hadji Rieta. Related Stories. Cloudy skies threaten to spoil meteor shower treat · Skywatchers to see streaking meteors. EMBED CODE: ...

Fireball Season Is In Full Swing [VIDEO]
Nature World News
For reasons scientists have yet to fully understand, spring is fireball season for planet Earth, which means the nightly rate of sitings suddenly jumps from 10 percent to 30 percent. All told, NASA reports that a person with the time and patience to ...

Whoa! Suspected Meteor Adds Fireworks to Argentina Concert (Video)
Some rock concerts use fireworks to dazzle concert-goers, but it is something else entirely when Mother Nature creates the light show. An amazing video released by the Associated Press on Monday (April 22) reveals just that: A dazzling fireball that by ...

Argentina meteor video: Fireball explodes in sky for ...
A fan filming the show on a mobile phone managed to capture the moment themeteor exploded ...

Suspected Meteor Lights Up Argentinian Sky | KTLA 5
ARGENTINA (KTLA) -- The night sky over Argentina was lit up early Sunday morning by what ...

Comet could blast Earth with odd meteor shower
NBCNews.com (blog)
Scientists say Comet ISON, already shedding dust at the prodigious rate of about 112,000 pounds per minute, could spark an unusual meteor shower. Computer simulations predicting the location and movement of the comet's dust trail show Earth will be ...

Meteor Shower: When And Where To Watch Livestream Of Spectacular Lyrid ...
The Lyrid meteor shower is an annual meteor shower that occurs every year around April 21, when Earth passes through a curtain of dusty material left over from Comet Thatcher (a comet discovered in 1861 that orbits the sun every 415 years). Like Us on ...

Lyrid Meteor Shower Happening This Week
(UNDATED) - AccuWeather.com meteorologists continue to monitor sky for the viewing possibilities of the Lyrids, the first major meteor shower since early January. The shower will be visible through Friday. While the Lyrids average 10 to 20 meteors an ...

Meteor Shower April 2013: NASA Live Stream Lyrids (+Feed)
The Epoch Times
“If you'd like to catch a last look at 2013 Lyrid meteor shower, this is your chance!” MSFC officials said Monday, according to Space. “Although a bright moon may interfere with viewing, you should still be able to see Lyrid meteors at an anticipated ...

Suspected meteor in Argentina lights up the sky
SALTA, Argentina - A suspected meteor lit up the skies in northern Argentina early Sunday morning. The meteor was spotted by concert-goers at an outdoor venue. They saw the flash at around 3:30 am local time. According to local media, the flash could ...

Watch the best concert ever end with exploding meteor over the stage
This Los Tekis concert in Salta, Argentina, got a sign of approval from the heavens when a meteorapparently exploded in the sky above the stage. The folk music band had just finished playing when the fireball began falling to Earth and lit up the sky ...

Fireball Season for Earth: Meteors Light Sky in Cosmic Display (Video)
Science World Report
It's fireball season for Earth. But don't worry; it's not literal. Instead, you'll get some amazing opportunities to see cosmic lightshows from your very own backyard. A bright flash of light streaked across the early evening sky over several northeast ...

'Meteor' lights up Argentinian sky
Irish Independent
A suspected meteor lit up the night sky early on Sunday in Salta, as the folk music band Los Tekis performed at an outdoor venue. The spectacle happened at about 3.30am local time (6.30am GMT), according to local media reports. Amateur video filmed at ...

Piece of meteor falls through Wolcott roof?
WOLCOTT, Conn. (WTNH) -- Officials are working to determine if a rock that crashed through a Wolcott roof Friday night might be a piece of a meteor. Wolcott Police said local resident Larry Beck called them on Saturday to report that a baseball-sized ...

The Curious History of the Lyrid Meteor Shower - Astrobiology Magazine
Astrobiology Magazine
The Lyrid meteors occur annually right around April 21st to the 23rd. A moderatemeteor shower, observers in the northern hemisphere can expect to see about 20 meteors in the early morning hours under optimal conditions. Such has been the case for ...

Suspected meteor bursts into atmosphere above concert in Argentina
Music fans got the ultimate light show as a suspected meteor exploded into a ball of light as it entered the Earth's atmosphere during a concert in Argentina. The spectacular moment the fireball lit up the sky was captured on video as fans watched folk ...

NASA to Webcast Lyrid Meteor Shower
NASA to Webcast Lyrid Meteor Shower Tonight in case you missed it over the weekend. You can watch the Lyrid meteor shower webcast on SPACE.com courtesy of NASA's feed. The Lyrid MeteorShower happens every year in the month of April. In 2013, the ...

Intense Ball of Light Fills the Sky in Argentina (21 April 2013)
130,000km per hour meteor turns night to day as it enters atmosphere over concert in Argentina. The moment a meteor exploded into a ball of light last night as it entered the Earth's atmosphere has been captured on video. The footage was taken by a ...

Fireball lights the sky over concert in Salta, Argentina (video) - Digital Journal
Salta - As the folk music band "Los Tekis" performed at an outdoor venue, a suspected meteor lit up the night sky early on Sunday in Salta, Argentina. Just as they finished their song, the sky lit up like day. The incident was caught on an amateur ...

Suspected Meteor Lights Up Sky Above Argentina ...
Thousands of residents of the Argentine city of Santiago del Estero witness a massive fireball ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!