12 March 2013

Hawaii Fireball Meteor 11MAR2013

Hawaii Fireball Meteor 06'14 11MAR2013
Hawaii Fireball Meteor 11MAR2013
v.2 "C" 2013 LunarMeteorite"Hunter / Google Earth
"Click on image to enlarge"
Make a meteor sighting report-

Initial Sighting Reports-
11MAR2013 Antony Clarke Pahoa, HI 6:30 am LST (Hawaii) 3-4 sec Traveled NE to SW.  We were facing NW. Bright green Very bright. Brighter than Venus. Borke into 2-3 pieces before reaching surface Upper track obscured by cloud so only lower part of track visible.  Apparent angle of descent was about 45deg.

11MAR2013 dennis Kona HI 06:14 has 7sec ne-sw Facing W Large Green Ball with white center and green tail  Brighter than Moon. Less than sun no Into the ocean didnt see slash. Sky was still dark

11MAR2013 Wendy Morriarty Mililani, Hawaii, USA 6:15:00 Two seconds S-W Green ball with long tail, appeared to break into two parts Very bright, like a flare Yes, appears to break into two parts, one large one small Very green in color, tail was more white

For all sighting reports, see-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Dubai Astronomy Group

Dubai Astronomy Group - News

It is with great pleasure that the Dubai Astronomy Group would like to announce the opening of our new office at Itihad road (Suhail 2 building office 908). We cordially invite you all to visit us and use our recourse center, library and also we are free to answer your questions.

  In other matters, we like to announce the weekly opening of our Zubair camp to all members on Tuesday and on every Saturday we will be holding a General Astronomy Meeting at our office in Dubai.
  We would like to thank all our paid members, and we highly encourage you to become paid members as this will open a new world of privileges and facilities. Soon, the membership plan will change and fees will increase, so take this opportunity to register with more privileges at a very nominal fee.
  For details please visit our site http://www.dubaiastronomy.com/Group/Membership/tabid/54/Default.aspx

We highly encourage all web registered members to register with our Facebook: Dubai astronomy group and follow us on twitter @dubaiastronomy, this will ensure that you receive all our updates and news.

Here are some of the up-coming attractions in March and April:
- Comets Observation
- Stargazing trip
- Astrophotography trips
- 13th Gulf Colloquium in American University in Sharjah

We are opening another session of basic Astronomy Courses coming in March please see this link for details

Unique opportunity is opening for volunteer works this will give you special privileges as DAG member and will entitle you for free training courses, see this link for details.

Wish you all Astronomical times.
Best Regards
Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri
Dubai Astronomy Group

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 March 2013

WV VA MD NJ Fireball Meteor 11MAR2013

WV VA MD NJ Fireball Meteor approx. 04:35 EDT 11MAR2013
WV VA MD NJ Fireball Meteor 11MAR2013
v.1 "c" 2013 LunarMeteorite"Hunter / Google Earth
*click on image to enlarge*
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a report on this site; thank you!

Initial Reports'
11MAR2013 Lisa Cape May NJ USA around 4:45 am est dst I saw 2 seconds through window facing sw straight down white/blue moon no looked like a huge shooting star

11MAR2013 bwas Herndon, VA, USA 0430 EST 2-3 sec N-S Left to right. Facing South. low on southern horizon Green Moon none witnessed awesome

11MAR2013 Elizabeth Sanford Germantown, MD, USA approx 0435 Eastern (DST) Not longer than 3 seconds I was facing roughly southbound in my (moving) vehicle.  The start/stop location seemed very low in the sky, and moved from N to SSE. Color was a bright whitish blue.  No sound that I was able to hear, as I was in a car w/ windows rolled up. Very bright - brighter than Venus; as bright as moon on some nights A little bit, just as it was trailing off Most notable to me, novice, was how low in the sky and how much larger than others I've seen over the years.

11MAR2013 ANGIE CAPON BRIDGE, WV, USA 04:35 EDT 3-4 seconds E-SE WHITE/BLUE Very bright, like the moon. No There was a flash right before it reached the surface.

11MAR2013 Rob Lucketts, VA 438AM EST 3 seconds N-S direction of travel. Occurred east of my location bright white moon looked like small piece separated at end looked like a firework after it exploded - (but debris falling back to earth as one piece)

11MAR2013 Heather Rohrersville, MD, United States 4:36:00 2 seconds Facing East, looked like it feel behind the mountain, so traveling east? Bluish green color, no sound Brighter than the moon, not as bright as the sun Not that I could see No, I saw it just before it disappeared.

11MAR2013 Rich Ivy, VA USA 435 10 sec North to South Red with a white tail Venus None None
For all sighting reports, see-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAR2013

Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in Fireball Fragments NOT!
MIT Technology Review
On 29 December 20012, a fireball lit up the early evening skies over the Sri Lankan province of Polonnaruwa. Hot, sparkling fragments of the fireball rained down across the countryside and witnesses reported the strong odour of tar or asphalt. Over the ...

Comet? Meteor? Asteroid? Here's how to tell the difference
San Jose Mercury News
Meteor shower: A collection of meteors visible when Earth passes through a trail of debris left by a comet. Asteroid: An object larger than a meteoroid that orbits the sun and is made of rock or metal. Historically, objects larger than 10 meters across ...

Wow, the Russian Meteor Was the Biggest in a Century
The Atlantic
The meteor we all saw streaking across YouTube from Russian dashboard cameras was the largest in a century, a scientist who studied the event told Nature's Geoff Brumfiel. That would make it the biggest rock to hit the Earth since 1908's Tunguska wiped ...

To at Least One Earthling, Siberia Meteor Proved That Science Is Critical
New York Times
Twice on a recent Friday, the cosmos intruded rudely on us earthlings. A meteorexploded over western Siberia, shattering windows, injuring hundreds and scaring pretty much everyone else. That same day, an asteroid passed within 18,000 miles of us ...

Comets & Life On Earth: Impacts May Have Jump-Started Biological Evolution
Sun, 10 Mar, 2013 06:29 AM PDT
Life's building blocks can form in the harsh environment of deep space, a new study suggests, bolstering the odds that a comet or meteorite strike may have jump-started biological evolution on Earth.

meteorite couLD strike here tOO!
Sun, 10 Mar, 2013 04:59 AM PDT
SPACE experts at a unique Welsh asteroid monitoring facility have warned that the Russianmeteorite which injured more than 1,000 is an urgent “wake-up call” to the planet.

Has there ever been a big meteorite fall on the Ridgefield area?
Sun, 10 Mar, 2013 03:43 AM PDT
Has there ever been a big meteorite around here like Siberia’s last week? Around daybreak on Dec. 14, 1807, 14-year-old Samuel G. Goodrich had gotten out of bed to build a fire.

Meteorite fetches $50 at local auction
npc-news.standardspeaker.com Sat, 09 Mar, 2013 09:00 PM PST
By all accounts, the auction Saturday at J&J Auction Service in Sheppton offered the usual fare of old toys, antique pictures and furniture, and hundreds of other items that were once a part of someone's life. But this auction had something different: a

Welsh asteroid monitoring station's metorite 'wake-up' warning
Sat, 09 Mar, 2013 04:27 PM PST
Space experts at a unique Welsh asteroid monitoring facility have warned that the Russianmeteorite which injured more than 1,000 is an urgent “wake-up call” to the planet.

熱線追蹤2013-03-04 pt.1/5 隕石浩劫- YouTube
熱線追蹤2013-03-04 pt.1/5 隕石浩劫. ttv·4,122 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 9,029 ...

Meteor Falling Down To Earth Caught On Dash Cam
Recorded March 8th 2013 in Indiana just after 9pm est. Saw this good sized meteor falling to earth and couldn't believe I actually got it on dash cam. I have seen them before and always wished I had got it on film and now I did :) Quality is pretty ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 March 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10MAR2013

After Russian Meteor, Keeping Closer Eye on Sky « Science World
Earth resembled a cosmic shooting gallery this month after a meteor exploded over Russia. And then, a few hours later, an asteroid passed closer to Earth than ...

Russian Meteor Explosion - All You Need About Chelyabinsk's ...
Looking at all the data pouring in from all over the world, NASA scientists have determined the ...

Russian Guy's Reaction To Meteor While Driving | Geekologie
This is allegedly a real video recorded by some Ruskie's car cameras from when that meteor ...

Meteor that slammed into the Urals made the loudest noise ever ...
The low frequency waves emitted by the gargantuan blast were not audible to the human ear ...

Russian meteor's origin and size discovered - CBS News
Scientists determine the meteor that injured over 1000 people in Russia came from the asteroid belt and flew at Earth from beyond Mars.

Meteor mania rocks Siberia
Kansas City Star
Shock waves from the explosion of an inbound meteor — the largest object from space to enter Earth's atmosphere since the Tunguska meteor strike of 1908 — blew out windows, damaged buildings and caused many injuries, mostly from flying glass.

Meteor streaks across Midwest sky
Many reports were made to the American Meteor Society from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and southern Ontario, Canada. The meteorwas reported around 9 p.m. as people reported seeing a streak of light ...

Source of Life on Earth?
Sat, 09 Mar, 2013 04:08 AM PST
Life's building blocks can form in the harsh environment of deep space, a new study suggests, bolstering the odds that a comet or meteorite strike may have jump-started biological evolution on Earth.

Police look into meteor shower relief expenses
YEKATERINBURG, March 7 - RAPSI. The police are reviewing whether the funds allocated to repair damage caused by a meteor shower in the Chelyabinsk region were spent legally, the Interior Ministry's press service told RIA Novosti. This is a routine ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 March 2013

Ontario MI OH IL IN Fireball Meteor 08MAR2013

Ontario MI OH IL IN Fireball Meteor 21'15 EST 08MAR2013
Meteorites have fallen over land!
MBIQ has just triggered on a a meteor event seen from Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana.
*click on image to enlarge*
Ontario, MI, OH, IL, IN meteor 21"15 EST 08MAR2013
v.2 *c* LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
Sandia Sentinel Allsky, Lake Station, In USA, Steve Witt

If you saw this event please file a meteor sighting report on this website;  thank you!

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
08MAR2013 Jeff Massecar Toronto, ontario, canada 21:15:00 2 seconds S - N  - facing west Bright streak little bit of orange Bright as a street lamp Tail Very cool!

08MAR2013 Gayann Reynolds OXFORD, MI, USA 21:15 EST 5 sec E-W Left to Right White and orange flames moon no I saw flames

08MAR2013 KP Rosemont, Ontario, Canada 21:15 PM EST 3 seconds south to north, left to right, facing west green/white like fireworks nope streaked

08MAR2013 cheryl stafford Bradford Ohio USA approx 9:20 ET 1-2 sec N, R to L Facing NE Vivid green with orange sparking tail brighter than any star orange sparks in the tail relatively low on the NE horizon.

08MAR2013 Maia & Leah Cleveland, Ohio 21:15:00 3 S-NW white and yellow flickering brighter than venus no very exciting!

08MAR2013 Jennifer Romeo, MI, USA 2115 3 seconds S/SW-N, from left to right facing W White with yellow, no sound as bright as moon no fragmentation but tail visible little bit scary but cool

08MAR2013 Jamie Richardson Kokomo, IN USA 2120 EST 5-10 seconds Facing northeast traveled from right to left reds, oranges Venus or a bit bigger yes fragmentation I thought I was looking at a falling star at first. It shot across at a steep angle and the grew brighter and then fragmented and then disappeared. There was no sound.

For all sighting reports, see-

MBIQ Data Set-
Sterling Heights, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over michigan march 8.
11:03:22 -- 25 minutes ago
Ferndale, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for just saw a meteorite.
11:19:11 -- 10 minutes ago
Dayton, Ohio arrived from us.yhs4.search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News -Breaking News- MBIQ Detects MA NY NH PA ME NC OH KY DC ONT TWO Bright Green Meteor Fireballs over NE United States 29MAY2011" by searching for just saw a meteor over sw ohio.
11:23:05 -- 5 minutes ago
Dayton, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor 2013 march ohio.
11:24:02 -- 6 minutes ago
Normal, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting march 8 2013.
11:24:29 -- 6 minutes ago
Wabash, Indiana arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
11:26:54 -- 4 minutes ago
Lorain, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shooting star over lorain oh.
11:27:18 -- 4 minutes ago

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09MAR2013

Meteor Activity Outlook for March 2-8, 2013 | American Meteor Society
As seen from the northern hemisphere, March is the slowest month for meteor activity. No major annual showers are active and only a few very weak minor ...

Incoming! Then Outgoing! Waves Generated by Russian Meteor
Waves Generated by Russian Meteor Recorded Crossing the U.S.. Network of stations with seismometers and air pressure sensors detected the blast waves ...

Southampton Scientist Investigates Russian Meteor
Science Daily (press release)
Mar. 7, 2013 — Dr Hugh Lewis from the University of Southampton has analysed the recent extraordinary Russian meteor event using the "NEOImpactor" tool, which was developed by researchers from the University and designed to investigate the risks faced ...

What Exploded over Russia? - NASA Science
"It was a meteor strike--the most powerful since the Tunguska event of 1908," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. Russian Meteor (splash ) ...

Russian Meteor Likely an Apollo Asteroid Chunk - Slashdot
astroengine writes "Helped by the extensive coverage of eyewitness cameras, CCTV footage and a fortuitous observation made by the Meteosat-9 weather ...

Meteor Terminology | American Meteor Society
Have you ever wondered what's the difference between a meteor and a meteorite or between an asteroid and a comet? Here are the answers to all your ...

 AOL On - Crashed Meteor Couldn't Be Detected ...
The meteor that crashed in Russia couldn't be detected due to Sun's glare.

Russian meteor crash Feb 15, 2013 - unrelated to Asteroid DA14
A meteor exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains on February 15, injuring more than 1,000 people and causing damage to the Chelyabinsk region. AGI aerospace engineers have used our Systems Tool Kit (STK) software to create a simulation based on ...

Taking stock in aftermath of once-in-century meteor impact (pictures)
A heavy meteor shower rained down on central Russia, sowing panic as the hurtling space debris smashed windows and injured dozens of stunned locals, officials said. According to a new NASA estimate, the meteor had likely been crossing the Earth's orbit ...

Cosmic Coincidence: Asteroid Careens by as Meteor Delivers 'Buzz Cut' to Earth
PBS NewsHour
On the same day as a meteor hit Russia, an asteroid careened towards Earth. Jeffrey Brown talks to astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson about this cosmic coincidence, how the meteor and asteroid came so close to Earth, what risks it poses and why this is ...

 Brillante Meteoro (Bright Meteor) Puerto Rico 3/05 ...
32 sec
Spanish / English Un brillante meteoro se vió sobre Puerto Rico a eso de las 10: 40 pm del martes ...

High-Tech Software Helps Asses Damage From Chelyabinsk Meteor
On Friday, February 15, a massive meteor exploded in the sky over Russia's Ural Mountains region, injuring more than 1,200 people and at least 200 children. Now, a lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Southampton has released the ...

Brillante Meteoro (Bright Meteor) Puerto Rico 3/05/2013 (SAC)
A bright meteor was seen from all Puerto Rico on March 5, 2013 at 9:40 pm ET. The Astronomical Society of the Caribbean received sightings reports from at least eight towns across the Island. The object seen was a bolide (a meteor brighter than planets).

Comets may have spurred life on Earth
Fri, 08 Mar, 2013 09:07 AM PST
Life's building blocks can form in the harsh environment of deep space, a new study suggests, bolstering the odds that a comet or meteorite strike may have jump-started biological evolution on Earth.

Comet Impacts May Have Jump-Started Life on Earth
space.com Fri, 08 Mar, 2013 07:09 AM PST
Life's building blocks can form in the harsh environment of deep space, a new study suggests, bolstering the odds that a comet or meteorite strike may have jump-started biological evolution on Earth.

Iowa Meteorite Crater Confirmed
Thu, 07 Mar, 2013 09:54 PM PST
3-D Perspective View of Decorah Impact. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey. Recent airborne geophysical surveys near Decorah, Iowa are providing an unprecedented look at a 470- million-year-old meteorite crater concealed beneath bedrock and sediments.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

08 March 2013

Oman Meteor 07MAR2013

Oman Meteor 07MAR2013

If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

07MAR2013 KEITH HARVEY Oman, Fins near Sur 2010(D) 10-20 secs Overhead to horizon Direction of travel South East Orange venus No Location: Approx 23N 59E


2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08MAR2013

Meteors have long captured the imagination of local residents 
Thu, 07 Mar, 2013 11:34 AM PST
A meteorite was discovered by two men in the 1940s outside of Rifle. The meteor, primarily composed of iron, is officially listed in the Catalogue of Meteorites.

Meteorite Crater Under Iowa
Thu, 07 Mar, 2013 05:38 AM PST
A three-dimensional view of Decorah, Iowa, and the Upper Iowa River with the location of the Decorah Impact Structure marked with the white dotted line. Scene is looking due north.

Searching for Comet Pan-STARRS
Thu, 07 Mar, 2013 05:34 AM PST
Scan the west after sunset J. Alex Knoll After last month’s near-passing asteroid and the exploding meteorite over Siberia , we have another interloper passing through: Comet Pan-STARRS. Given clear skies and an unobstructed view of the west horizon at dusk, you can spot this comet over the coming week. read more

Meteorite perfume to be launched
Wed, 06 Mar, 2013 08:47 PM PST
Moscow, March 6 : Authorities in the Chelyabinsk region, which was hit by a meteorite Feb 15, have announced plans to launch a new perfume with the scent of the celestial body, which brought the Urals city to international fame.

Giant Ancient Impact Crater Confirmed in Iowa
Wed, 06 Mar, 2013 08:01 PM PST
A monster lurks under northeastern Iowa. That monster is in the form of a giant buried basin, the result of a meteorite impact in central North America over 470 million years ago. (...)Read the rest of Giant Ancient Impact Crater Confirmed in Iowa (860 words) © David Dickinson for Universe Today, 2013. | Permalink | [...]

Russian-Meteor-Sized Space Rock Seen Flying By ...
The Virtual Telescope Project's Gianluca Masi captured the asteroid on March 3rd, 2013 on ...

Siberian Meteor Spurs Dash for Data, Calls for Safeguards
Science Now
Summary. When a meteor shot through the dawn sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on 15 February, people rushed to watch the contrail streak past at 18 kilometers a second. But what came next were shattered windows, blown down walls, shock waves that set ...

Chelyabinsk meteor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The dazzling light of the meteor was bright enough to cast moving shadows during the morning daylight in Chelyabinsk and was observed from Sverdlovsk, ...

Russia calls for united meteor defense | KurzweilAI
Asteroid (credit: NASA) Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin says the world should unite to establish a defense system against space objects that.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Fireball Meteor 05MAR2013 火球

Japan Fireball Meteor ~23:11:44 JST 05MAR2013
2013年3月5日 23時11分44秒の低速火球

SonotaCo Link with photos and details:

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 March 2013

California Meteor 07MAR2013

MBIQ Detects California Meteor 07MAR2013
(click on image to enlarge)
California Meteor 07MAR2013
Red Markers = MBIQ Queries
Neon Green = Sighting Reports
v.1 (c) 2013 Lunar Meteorite*Hunter /  Google Earth
Initial Report:
07MAR2013 DNA Entertainment Montebello, CA 90640 USA appx 1221am appx 4 seconds  was facing south east there was a very light blue flash at first then in middle of that flash there was a even brighter blue green big flash that covered a large part in sky no noise heard before or after  it was very bright and had more color and larger of flash that would come from lighting no see anything falling off This was a very big and colorful flash in the sky like I`ve never seen before

MBIQ Data Set:

Moreno Valley, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite spotting 03-07-13.
17:20:09 -- 11 minutes ago

Santa Ana, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball meteor 3-7-13.
17:30:28 -- 1 minute ago

Whittier, California arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright green light in the sky.
17:32:48 -- 2 minutes ago


2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07MAR2013

Confimed: Massive Meteor Hit Iowa... 470 Million Years Ago
Confimed: Massive Meteor Hit Iowa... 470 Million Years Ago. It's confirmed. The city of Decorah sits atop a 470 million-year-old meteorite crater. That's according to scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey. They released a statement Tuesday ...

NASA Meteor Talk Scheduled At Transylvania County Library – Brevard NC
The Transylvania Times
This image provides a glimpse of the spectacular meteor that exploded over Russia last month, injuring more than 1,000 people. NASA's Dr. Bill Cooke will discuss the latest scientific findings about the meteor during a talk hosted by PARI at the ...

Update on Russia's Mega-Meteor
Update on Russia's Mega-Meteor. The asteroidal fragment that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, last month delivered the kinetic-energy equivalent of at least 400 kilotons of TNT. Damage was limited because it disrupted so high up — but the situation ...

Meteor Mashed Ancient Iowa
Discovery News
The recent meteor explosion over Russia was a close call, but Iowa wasn't so lucky 470 million years ago. An ancient meteor gouged a 5.5 kilometer (3.4 mile) crater into was it now northeast Iowa. Aerial surveys recently confirmed the presence of the ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MBIQ Detects Puerto Rico Meteor 05MAR2013

MBIQ Detects Puerto Rico Meteor  05MAR2013

We need your meteor sighting reports to confirm this event;  please file a report on this website;  thank you!

MBIQ Dataset:

Guaynabo arrived from google.com.pr on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - Caribbean Meteor News -Puerto Rico, Aruba, Curacao, Jamaica, Dominican Republic Meteor Fireball 16JAN2012" by searching for meteorite in puerto rico.
01:18:25 -- 51 minutes ago

San Juan arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: March 2013" by searching for meteorite march 5 2013.
01:28:44 -- 41 minutes ago

Puerto Rico arrived from google.com.pr on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - Caribbean Meteor News -Puerto Rico, Aruba, Curacao, Jamaica, Dominican Republic Meteor Fireball 16JAN2012" by searching for meteorite fireball over puerto rico.
01:44:26 -- 26 minutes ago

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 March 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06MAR2013

How a cold, irradiated Siberian city hopes to cash in on meteor tourists
Christian Science Monitor
Before last month's meteor strike, Chelyabinsk was best known for a 1957 nuclear waste disaster. Now officials there are trying to turn the meteor into a tourist attraction. By Fred Weir, Correspondent / March 5, 2013. A local resident shows a fragment ...

Scientists find evidence of Iowa meteor crater
KCCI Des Moines
Scientists find evidence of Iowa meteor crater. UPDATED 11:46 AM CST Mar 05, 2013. Tweet · Share · NEXT STORY. Snow showers return, 1,000 flights canceled. Text Size: ASmall Text; AMedium Text; ALarge Text. USGS. View Large ...

隕石非僅毀滅科學家:攜生命要素- YouTube
隕石非僅毀滅科學家:攜生命要素. ttvnewsview·2,003 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 2,824 ...

Russian Meteor Fragments Found, Origin ...
Using amateur video footage, astronomers have been able to determine the orbital path the ...

NASA explains meteor explosions over Russia
3 min
After an asteroid exploded over Russia's Ural mountains, scientists are making progress ...

How Fast Would a Small Meteor Travel? | Wired Science | Wired.com
An older report states a boy was hit by a meteor going 30000 mph. Could this be true?

Asteroid Apocalypse? Why Scientists Worry About 2036 'Planet ...
While Russia was still reeling from the shock of this meteor impact, just a few hours later, 17,200 miles in space, an asteroid three times larger than the Russian ...

Russian Meteor Was A Chondrite | February 25, 2013 Issue - Vol. 91 ...
The meteor that exploded over the Chelyabinsk region of Russia on Feb. 15 was an ordinary chondrite, with a stony composition common to most of the ...

Ancient meteorite impact in Iowa studied 
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 03:54 PM PST
DECORAH, Iowa, March 5 (UPI) -- Airborne surveys are providing an unprecedented look at a 470-million-year-old meteorite crater in Iowa concealed by bedrock and sediment, geologists say.

Iowa: Scientists confirm that Decorah sits on impact crater
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 03:34 PM PST
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Federal researchers confirmed Tuesday that the city Decorah sits atop a 3 1/2-mile wide hole that formed 470 million years ago when a meteorite hit the area, one of just 180 or so known impact craters on earth.

Scientists confirm Iowa city sits on impact crater
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 03:15 PM PST
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Federal researchers confirmed Tuesday that the city Decorah sits atop a 3 ½-mile wide hole that formed 470 million years ago when a meteorite hit the area, one of just 180 or so known impact craters on earth.

Meteorite Perfume to Be Launched in Chelyabinsk
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 02:33 PM PST
Authorities in the Chelyabinsk Region, which was hit by a meteorite on February 15, on Tuesday announced plans to launch a new perfume with the scent of the celestial body, which brought the Urals city to international fame.

It's confirmed: Decorah sits on meteorite crater
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 01:36 PM PST
It's confirmed. The city of Decorah sits atop a 470 million-year-old meteorite crater.

City in Iowa sits on meteorite crater
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 12:59 PM PST
It's confirmed. The city of Decorah sits atop a 470 million-year-old meteorite crater.

DEEP IMPACT: Decorah Built On Meteorite Crater
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 12:17 PM PST
The U.S. Geological Survey has confirmed the northeast Iowa town of Decorah is built on top of ameteorite crater...

Geological survey: Ancient meteorite crater sits below Decorah
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 11:56 AM PST
Recent aerial surveys in the Decorah area have confirmed that a huge meteorite crashed into the earth there about 470 million years ago. “Yeah, we have a very high confidence level” that ameteorite about 200 meters across struck there, said Robert McKay, a geologist with the Iowa Geological and Water Survey, which is partnering [...]

Confimed: Massive Meteor Hit Iowa... 470 Million Years Ago
Tue, 05 Mar, 2013 11:36 AM PST
It's confirmed. The city of Decorah sits atop a 470 million-year-old meteorite crater.

Will comet Siding Spring make a meteor shower on Mars?
The Planetary Society (blog)
However, you make a good point; we should consider if the dust could produce a Martian meteorshower. This scenario reminds me of the occasional meteor storms that occur on Earth after a close comet flyby. One that comes to mind are the meteor storm of ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 March 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05MAR2013

Incoming! Then outgoing! Waves generated by Russian meteor recorded ...
Meteor trail over eastern Russia is seen in this image from the Russian Emergency Ministry. Credit: Russian Emergency Ministry. (Phys.org) —A network of seismographic stations recorded spectacular signals from the blast waves of the meteor that landed ...

Planet of sound: Meteor blast resonated around Earth
(CNN) -- The meteor that exploded over the steppes of southwestern Russia sent a low-frequency rumble bouncing through the Earth, giving scientists new clues about the biggest cosmic intruder in a century. The big boom over Chelyabinsk on February 15 ...

Asteroid 2013 EC Similar to Russian Meteor Passes Inside Moon Orbit
Science World Report
Asteroid 2013 EC Similar to Russian Meteor Passes Inside Moon Orbit. Print; E-mail. Benita Matilda. First Posted: Mar 04, 2013 06:50 AM EST. Asteroid 2013 EC Similar to Russian Meteor Passes Inside Moon Orbit on March 4. (Photo : Reuters) A newly ...

Russia's meteor came from asteroid belt between ...
1 min
Colombian astronomers used amateur video footage to plot the path of the space rock, and ...

After meteor blast in Russia, Laurel lab plans to smack an asteroid ...
A meteor blast over Russia is putting new focus on a transatlantic effort to crash a spacecraft into a far-flung asteroid in a bid to prove that incoming objects from ...

Jim Sensenbrenner wants NASA's meteor answers - Breanna ...
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner is demanding answers from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden about the agency's preparedness to deal with incidents such as the ...

Info on Russian Meteor Pours In - News from Sky & Telescope ...
The fireball that exploded over Russia on February 15th left more than a million square feet of damaged windows, bringing home how fragile life on Earth can be ...

Russian Meteor Kicks Up Cloud of Mistrust Alex Jones' Infowars ...
The world saw the meteor thanks to the dashboard cameras that are so common in Russian cars. U.S. publications from the New Yorker to Wired delighted in ...

Planet of sound: Meteor blast resonated around Earth - CNN.com
The meteor that exploded over the steppes of southwestern Russia sent a low- frequency rumble bouncing through the Earth, giving scientists new clues about ...

DNews: GIANT Meteor Hits Russia : Discovery News
The meteor that hit Russia was fairly big, but the larger asteroids that fly by are filled with ...

Russian Meteor Explosion - All You Need About ...
Looking at all the data pouring in from all over the world, NASA scientists have determined the ...

Newly found asteroid to pass within Moon's orbit on March 4, 2013 
Mon, 04 Mar, 2013 05:06 AM PST
A newly found asteroid will pass just inside the orbit of the Moon, with its closest approach on March 4, 2013 at 07:35 UTC. Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is about the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, somewhere between 10-17 meters wide (the Russian meteorite is estimated to be about 15 meters wide when it entered Earth's atmosphere). 2013 EC was ...

Belgian boffins find colossal meteorite
Mon, 04 Mar, 2013 12:19 AM PST
18kg rock is largest Antarctic meteorite find since 1988 Belgian meteorite hunters scooting about Antarctica on skidoos have found the largest meteorite found on the frozen continent since 1988.…

Additional Details on the Large Fireball Event over Russia on Feb ...
The large fireball (technically, a "superbolide") observed on the morning of February 15, 2013 in the skies near Chelyabinsk, Russia, was caused by a relatively ...

Fireball Falls From The Sky, Starts Fire In Tasmania | Space
Tasmanian police and firefighters are unable to explain the source of a beam of light which reportedly fell from the sky and formed a circle of fire in a Hobart ...

Scientists find large Antarctica meteorite
BRUSSELS: An international team of scientists at Belgium's Antarctica research station has ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 March 2013

MBIQ Detected MI MN Meteor 03MAR2013

MBIQ has Detected MI MN Meteor ~2055 EST 03MAR2013

03MAR2013 Michael Jewett Ypsilanti, Michigan U.S.A. 2055 EST Less than 5 seconds. VERY FAST! NW to SE. I was walking SE. Bright, Golden, star like in brightness Star like in brightness None that I noticed. Thrilling! I've never seen anything move that fast!

 If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you!

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot:

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04MAR2013

Russia Meteor Fragments Found Near Chelyabinsk Suggest Space ...
MOSCOW -- Scientists have found more than 50 tiny fragments of a meteor that exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains, and preliminary tests are turning up ...

Another asteroid similar to Russian meteor zooming past us harmlessly
NBCNews.com (blog)
Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is roughly the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, measuring somewhere between 10 and 17 meters (33 to 55 feet) wide. The asteroid that sparked the Russian meteor is estimated to have ...

Newly Found Asteroid to Pass Within Moon`s Orbit on March 4, 2013 
Sun, 03 Mar, 2013 03:00 PM PST
A newly found asteroid will pass just inside the orbit of the Moon, with its closest approach on March 4, 2013 at 07:35 UTC. Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is about the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, somewhere between 10-17 meters wide (the Russian meteorite [...]

Antarctic Scientists Discover 18 kg Meteorite
Sun, 03 Mar, 2013 01:13 PM PST
Posted: Mar 03, 2013 03:58 pm EST (Press release Brussels, Belgium) An international team of scientists, working at Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station, has discovered a meteorite with a mass of 18kg embedded in the East Antarctic ice sheet, the largest such meteorite found in the region since 1988.

Wayne's World: Make the most of science behind meteorites
Sat, 02 Mar, 2013 11:16 PM PST
Okay, what were the odds of the 10,000 pound meteorite unexpectedly plowing into the Russian City of Chelyabinsk at 43,000 mph on Feb. 15, smashing glass, injuring 1,500 people and damaging buildings?

麻辣直通車20130225 太空隕石撞地球神秘碎片現預兆?! part3 ...
麻辣直通車20130225 太空隕石撞地球神秘碎片現預兆?! part3. vmsbox002·1,156 videos. Subscribe ...

Fire ball falls from sky, scorches field
CLAREMONT, Australia, March 3 (UPI) -- Officials on the Australian island of Tasmania said they have received several reports from people who saw a beam of light fall from the sky and start a fire. Concerned residents of Claremont began reporting ... (The Fire could NOT has been caused by a meteor!)

中国新闻2013-02-26 俄罗斯专家找到大块陨石碎片- YouTube
中国新闻2013-02-26 俄罗斯专家找到大块陨石碎片. 2909TianGong2011·2,236...

Meteor Capable Of Destroying Nuclear Reactors
French Tribune
There are a number of things that are capable of destroying nuclear reactors. Currently, supersonic rocks and that too from outer space are acting as a threat for the survival of nuclear reactors. Meteor shower took place on February 15 in Russia and ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Poland Fireball Meteor 02MAR2013

Poland Fireball Meteor 02MAR2013 - videos

This event was detected by MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot about 24 hours ago but there was no confirmation via Meteor Sighting Reports.

If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you!
Meteoryt nad Łodzią Uploaded by Sławomir Gręda 306 views

Spectacular meteor lit up the Polish sky

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!