18 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18MAY2012

Meteor Activity Outlook for May 12-19, 2012 | International Meteor ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for May 12-19, 2012. During this period the moon reaches its last quarter phase on Saturday the 12th. At this time the moon will be ...

Upper Mid-West Fireball May 11, 2012 | American Meteor Society
A fireball is a meteor that is larger than normal. Most meteors are only the size of tiny pebbles. A meteor the size of a softball can produce light equivalent to the ...

Is the Earth a cosmic feather-duster?
The metallic vapours recondense in the atmosphere to form nanometre-sized particles known asmeteor smoke. In 2014, the team will be involved in a Norwegian rocket experiment to measuremeteor smoke in ice particles in the upper atmosphere.

T-Rex Asian Cousin Beats Facebook IPO for Some at Auction
A glossy, black rock from Mars that landed during a meteorite shower last July is expected to bring $32500 to $40000. A dazzling pallasite meteorite is estimated to sell for $8000 to $10000. “Meteorites are the most collectible items,” Herskowitz said.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18MAY2012

UC Berkeley junior hot on the trail of Sutter's Mill meteorites
UC Berkeley
By Robert Sanders, Media Relations | May 17, 2012 Jason Utas, a junior majoring in geology and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, developed a passion for meteorites after his father gave him one at age eight. ...

Moon rocks space exhibit coming to Gadsden libraries
Gadsden Times
By Andy Powell Moon rocks, moon dust and meteor material will be on display next week at the Gadsden Public Library, as well as a touring display on astronomy. The moon material and meteormaterial will only be at the library through May 31, ...

Rumuruti's rare stones that came from heaven
Business Daily Africa
Facing Mt Kenya: A ranch near Rumuruti where the rare meteorite fell and gave the town a place in history. Photo/File By JOHN KAMAU (email the author) On January 28, 1934 at about 10.45pm, the skies over Rumuruti were showered with stones from heaven ...

Earth Gallery from the world 2nd largest meteorite ...
3 min
Earth Gallery from the world 2nd largest meteorite. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada http ://en ...

Have scientists finally found the meteorite which set off the 1908 Tunguska ...
Daily Mail
Now Italian scientists claim to have found chunks of a meteorite which might have caused the blast - from seismic and magnetic scans of nearby Lake Cheko. Lake Cheko, they claim is an impact crater for the blast - which devastated nearly 1000 square ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

17 May 2012

Alert -Breaking News- Newly Detected NEO to Make Close Pass Towards Earth 17/18MAY2012

Alert -Breaking News- Newly Detected NEO to Make Close Pass Towards Earth 17/18MAY2012 and for the Remainder of May 2012

Near Earth Objects (NEOs) (2012 KA), (2012 JV11), were just detected prior to their close Earth passes. Other close approach NEOs (2012 KW). (2010 KK37), and (2001 CQ36) are also likely to stir some meteor activity. Get outside and see if you can spot some meteor, fireball or bolide activity as other debris will certainly be accompanying them. If you have a security camera or allsky camera have it on!
 If you have a sighting please make a report:
Click here to report a meteor / fireball -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2012 KA) 2012-May-170.00150.65.1 m - 11 m28.614.50
(2012 HC20) 2012-May-180.123548.0130 m - 300 m21.516.96
(2001 BA16) 2012-May-180.115745.018 m - 41 m25.86.66
(2010 KK37) 2012-May-190.00582.319 m - 43 m25.710.94
4183 Cuno 2012-May-200.121847.43.5 km - 7.8 km14.414.40
(2012 KW) 2012-May-210.00863.413 m - 29 m26.510.14
(2012 JV11) 2012-May-220.01726.741 m - 93 m24.019.52
(2006 KY67) 2012-May-230.149958.368 m - 150 m23.013.88
(2011 KG4) 2012-May-240.121647.367 m - 150 m23.011.50
(2012 HZ33) 2012-May-240.159161.9230 m - 520 m20.312.76
(2002 KM3) 2012-May-240.184571.890 m - 200 m22.415.67
(1994 NK) 2012-May-240.118646.2270 m - 610 m19.96.87
(2012 HL8) 2012-May-250.131651.249 m - 110 m23.76.64
(2012 KX) 2012-May-260.056922.160 m - 130 m23.27.09
154330 (2002 VX94) 2012-May-260.186972.8670 m - 1.5 km18.013.62
(2002 AW) 2012-May-260.192474.9210 m - 460 m20.66.95
(2001 CQ36) 2012-May-300.025810.077 m - 170 m22.75.62
(2002 OA22) 2012-May-310.119746.6360 m - 820 m19.37.01
Table Source: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17MAY2012

Chicago Field Museum's New Meteorite, Sutter's Mill, California
YouTube Published on 9 May 2012 by naturalbornclimbers 21Views
Chicago Field Museum's New Meteorite, Sutter's Mill, California

Medians are cool, rewriting history & meteoritesReno Gazette Journal
While visiting daughter Sheri Millhollin, Stony joined throngs of folks searching for meteoritefragments near Coloma where California's first gold was first discovered in 1848. Son-in-law Dave, and grandson Tyus, 14, hoping to earn a few dollars, ...

Largest Meteorite Hunt in History Yields Treasure for UA
UA News (press release)
Robert Ward with the largest piece of the Sutter's Mill Meteorite recovered so far. (Photo: Patrick McArdle/UANews) Its edges rounded during its violent entry into Earth's atmosphere, this meteoritewas splattered with dirt upon impact.

Meteorite Hunters Contribute to Future UA-NASA Asteroid Study
Arizona Public Media
Three meteorite hunters are donating fragments from a meteorite that hit the Earth in late April to the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. The donation will help local scientists prepare for a joint NASA mission to study an ...

Tucson Citizen
Flagstaff, AZ May 14, 2012 – Meteor Crater, the meteorite impact site located 35 miles east of Flagstaff and 20 miles west of Winslow on I-40 will be hosting an outreach program this weekend in conjunction with a group of Astronomy students from the ...

Trapped in the Past, Scientists Must Race to Save Earth
PR Web (press release)
In GV Chillingsworth's thrilling new science fiction novel “Moonshaker” (published by Trafford Publishing), scientists must rush to save the Earth when the moon is shoved out of its orbit by a meteor strike. Dr. Raul Western creates a satellite – the ...

Meteorite discovery spurs hunt for more pieces
(Phys.org) -- Meteorite fragments were recently scattered around Sutter's Mill in California ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worlwide ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Flagstaff, AZ May 14, 2012 – Meteor Crater, the meteorite impact site located 35 miles east of Flagstaff and 20 miles west of Winslow on I-40 will be hosting an outreach program this weekend in conjunction with a group of Astronomy students ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

默奇森陨石| Asian Scientist Magazine | Science, Technology and ...
陨石内提炼出地外氨基酸,能使老鼠癫痫症痉挛发作率减半. 奥尔巴尼医学中心的 科学家们发现,从默奇森陨石中提取的一种地外氨基酸可能完全预防或降低癫痫症 ...

Ancestral tree's branches proliferate
On April 22, sonic booms announced the arrival of a minivan-sized meteorite into earth's atmosphere practically in the SETI backyard, breaking up with high heat and dropping its remains over the Sierra Nevada mountains near Sacramento, California.

A remote control mining Inside the world 2nd largest ...
2 min
A remote control mining Inside the world 2nd largest meteorite. The Big Nickle Mine at Sudbury ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

16 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16MAY2012

Cosmic forensics: signs of a Tunguska meteorite?
Ars Technica
Others have also found meteorite-like microparticles in the remains of trees there. Still, there's no smoking gun. This week in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (or G 3 ), a team of Italian researchers reports that they've found ...

Meteor samples donated to UA lab
Arizona Daily Star
The researchers used an aerial search hoping to locate sites where large fragments landed after ameteor exploded in the atmosphere over the Sierra Nevada in late April. A trio of rock hunters have donated two fingernail-sized samples of the meteor ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- Meteor ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Breaking News- Long Duration with Fragmentation Meteor Fireball SC TN ~01:15 EDT 15MAY2012 We need your sighting reports; please submit one! Thank you! Dirk Ross...Tokyo (click here to report a meteor / fireball) Initial Sighting Reports ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Russia to resume hypersonic missile activities
Raduga and NPO Mashinostroeniye respectively carried out research work into the GELA andMeteorit hypersonic weapons during the Soviet era, but did not go ...

Southwest Research Institute
The Cutting Edge
Although Vesta and its family are located between Mars and Jupiter, smaller pieces of these asteroids can be found in meteorite collections on Earth, including most eucrite, howardite and diogenite meteorites. Several large craters on Vesta were first ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

15 May 2012

Breaking News- Meteor Fireball SC TN 15MAY2012

Breaking News- Long Duration  with Fragmentation Meteor Fireball SC TN ~01:15 EDT 15MAY2012

We need your sighting reports;  please submit one!  Thank you!  Dirk Ross...Tokyo
(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Initial Sighting Reports:
15MAY2012 Clay Aiken, SC, USA 1:20 Eastern Time 8-10 sec Start in Western horizon and tracked E White with trailing orange/white streak Venus bright. There was 1 main piece and about 3 smaller ones. I have never seen anything like this.  I have seen meteors that break up and appear to fall to earth but this stayed on a constant track all the way across the sky.  There were several pieces that maintain the same distance from each other through out the complete sighting.

15MAY2012 Chris Woods Dayton TN 1:15:00 15 seconds NW to SE Fast moving fireball with chunks coming off Like a bright star yes Biggest and closest one I've ever seen

15MAY2012 Michele E. Tennessee 1:00:00 10 sec came from the N traveling S White/yellow/No sound/Traveled very fast - there were two of them - both had long tails/One was bigger than the other/the smaller one disapeared from my sight behind trees, the larger one continued out of my sight into trees in the horizon to the S. Brighter than the moon No falling parts I've never seen anything like this before, and I am not any sort of expert, or even amature of these sorts of things.  The brightness and fast movement caught the corner of my eye, as I focused on them I tried to imagine what they could be (a plane?) it wasn't until they were gone that I thought of a comet/meteor.  I only got online to look and see if any other reports had been made to figure out what it was that I saw.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15MAY2012

US horse pasture ground zero for exciting scientific find
Scientists say it is a rare type of meteor and they have few samples of this kind of material. Meteorites are interesting to scientists from an astrobiology perspective, as they contain molecules related to how the building blocks for life on Earth may ...

Supermoon, planets & meteor showers | kgw.com Portland
Featured Videos · Supermoon, planets & meteor showersadd to reading list. Become a 'citizen scientist'. Featured Videos · Become a 'citizen scientist'add to ...

NASA, SETI investigators look for Sierra meteorite ...
3 min
NASA and SETI investigators in a Zeppelin airship flew over the Sierra foothills Thursday looking ...

Meteorite Fragments Searched For In Sierra Nevada ...
2 min
NASA Ames, the SETI institute and other organizations are combing the mountainous region for ...

Extraterrestrials: Did an alien life form emerge from a Meteor?
Canadian National Newspaper
I wonder what will be found in the remains of the Meteor that crashed recently in America? The search is on for the fragments from the outer space visitor. When I was a young girl, I used to live at the English beauty spot Cuckmere Haven in Sussex.

Streaking fireball witnessed by area residents
In fact, the website lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com, which collects reports of meteor sightings, had over 65 eyewitness accounts ranging from Wisconsin to Manitoba, Canada, during the same time span Friday in which people saw the fireball in the ...

Fireball Streaks Low and Slow Over Fargo, Seen From Several ...
Valley sky watchers and anyone who happened to be outside at about 10 o'clock Friday night were treated to a special sight. This is what viewers have reported ...

The evolution of near Earth objects risk perception
The Space Review
The risk that a comet or meteor poses not only depends on adequate studies, but it implies that culture and technology evolve as well. NEOs have been understood differently throughout history. Every time we've observed a NEO, a different risk was posed ...

Astrophoto: Meteor Fireball Passing through the Milky Way
Universe Today
This beautiful astrophoto combines both — and more — as photographer Luke Arens captured a big meteor fireball reflecting off a northern Minnesota lake just as the Milky Way core rose above the scene. Luke took this image over the weekend as part of ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

14 May 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil April 19-21, 2012 - TV Video Reports

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu  2012/04/22 22views
Report about the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics produced by InterTV - Reportagem da InterTv sobre o 5o Encontro Internacional de Astronomia e Astronáutica

Especialistas divergem sobre objeto visto em céu do ES

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu 2012/04/22 52 views
Report produced by TV Gazeta. Reportagem produzida pela TV Gazeta.

Flagrante: Pedaço de nave espacial lançada há 27 
anos cruza céu de Campos (RJ)

Posted on YouTube on 23 Apr 2012 by CAMFWAYNE5 112 views
Um cinegrafista amador registrou o momento em que uma bola de fogo atravessou o céu de Campos, no norte do Estado. Trata-se de lixo espacial. O fenômeno é raro e fascinou as testemunhas. O objeto caiu no oceano entre a América do Sul e a África e fazia parte de uma nave americana lançada ao espaço há 27 anos.

More videos of the conference to be posted as they are made available.
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

More Photos and Story about the Brasil Conference:

GAM 2012 - again meeting an NC from another country, and much more ..........

Posted by: Joh.Stuebler in AWB Blog 


2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Donated California meteorite coated in stardust ...
2 min
Sutter's Mill California Meteorite donated to Chicago Field Museum.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) A meteor storm in Northern California has sent countless "meteor zombies" scrambling for a different sort of precious .
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteor Orbit Corrections
Meteor Orbit Corrections General Astronomy discussion.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

13 May 2012

Breaking News Alert- NEOs Close Approach May 2012

NEO (2012 JU) to Make Close Approach to Earth 13MAY2012 be Ready for Some Increased Meteor Activity!
  May 13 asteroid NEO 2012 JU will pass at approximately one-half Lunar Distance (LD) to Earth and other detected NEOs (Near Earth Objects) 2010 KK37 on 19MAY2012 and 2001 CQ36 on 30MAY2012 will safely pass Earth this month; all known NEOs remaining for May 2012 are shown below in the NASA table (with links to their orbits, etc)..  Be ready to view the night sky with eyes and cameras to witness the other debris that may be accompanying.  If you have a meteor/fireball/bolide sighting report please let us know by filing a sighting report:

Keep looking skyward!  -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

141432 (2002 CQ11) 2012-May-120.102239.8280 m - 630 m19.916.26
(2008 CB6) 2012-May-130.110342.910 m - 23 m27.110.85
(2012 JU) 2012-May-130.00140.57.7 m - 17 m27.713.39
(2010 SO16) 2012-May-130.142355.4200 m - 460 m20.69.53
(2001 QN142) 2012-May-150.191574.5140 m - 310 m21.413.43
(2012 GK) 2012-May-150.056422.089 m - 200 m22.48.28
(2011 KY15) 2012-May-150.158661.741 m - 93 m24.017.61
(2012 HN13) 2012-May-150.082332.073 m - 160 m22.88.02
(2012 HC20) 2012-May-180.123548.0130 m - 300 m21.516.96
(2001 BA16) 2012-May-180.115745.018 m - 41 m25.86.66
(2010 KK37) 2012-May-190.00582.319 m - 43 m25.710.94
4183 Cuno 2012-May-200.121847.43.5 km - 7.8 km14.414.40
(2006 KY67) 2012-May-230.149958.368 m - 150 m23.013.88
(2011 KG4) 2012-May-240.121647.367 m - 150 m23.011.50
(2012 HZ33) 2012-May-240.159061.9240 m - 530 m20.312.75
(2002 KM3) 2012-May-240.184571.890 m - 200 m22.415.67
(1994 NK) 2012-May-240.118646.2270 m - 610 m19.96.87
(2012 HL8) 2012-May-250.131651.249 m - 110 m23.76.64
154330 (2002 VX94) 2012-May-260.186972.8670 m - 1.5 km18.013.62
(2002 AW) 2012-May-260.192474.9210 m - 460 m20.66.95
(2001 CQ36) 2012-May-300.025810.077 m - 170 m22.75.62
(2002 OA22) 2012-May-310.119746.6360 m - 820 m19.37.01
Source NASA/JPL/CalTech: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13MAY2012

Astounding Revelations about the Port Orford Meteorite
Cosmochemical studies and dynamical models of hit-and-run planetary collisions suggest a new origin for the stony-iron meteorites called pallasites. (SALEM) - Coveted, analyzed, eulogized, and resurrected, the Port Orford Meteorite is the nucleus of ...

Maybe we need a meteor
Bakersfield Californian
Suppose a meteor the size of Alaska is plunging toward Earth, and will wipe out all life upon impact. Will it take a cataclysm of that magnitude for people to come together and change their deportment and thusly reinstate civility?

Mission to asteroid answers, raises questions
WRAL.com (blog)
For years, scientists have been studying howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteoritesamples believed to have come from Vesta. Dawn confirmed those meteorites to be from a Connecticut-sized crater at Vesta's south pole based on the unique mineral ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...
By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM) A meteor storm in Northern California has sent countless "meteor zombies" scrambling for a different sort of precious ...

Meteor Showers | sheilaaliens.net
“Highlights of the month include the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, which peaks on May 6th and an annular solar eclipse that will be seen in the western United ...

Fireball Streaks Across the Valley
Valley News Live
What you saw Friday night was a fireball, which is a brighter than normal meteor. Reports are coming in from North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Wisconsin, & Michigan. Most shooting stars are the size of specks of dust to pebbles.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects MI, WI, MN ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Webster, Wisconsin arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012" by searching for meteor may 11, 2012. 20:47:50 -- 30 minutes ago. Kalamazoo, Michigan ...Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteorites from fireball spark space-age 'gold rush'
Piecing together clues about the meteor could also help astronomers understand the early solar system and how the planets formed. "This is among the most chemically primitive meteorites," Greg Schmidt, deputy director of the NASA Lunar Science ...

Meteorites From Big Fireball Spark Space AgeGold Rush 
Yahoo News
From Yahoo! News: Scientists are on an epic treasure hunt for meteorite fragments from a spectacular fireball that lit up the daytime sky over California ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
NASA Ames and SETI Institute meteor astronomer Dr. Peter Jenniskens collects the Sutter's Millmeteorites using aluminum foil to not contaminate the stones by touch. April 24, 2012 Image credit: NASA / Courtesy of Dr. Peter Jenniskens ...Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

12 May 2012

MBIQ Detects MI, WI, MN, SD, ND and Manitoba Meteor 11MAY2012

MBIQ Detects MI, WI, MN, SD, ND, Manitoba Meteor 11MAY2012
MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot has detected a possible meteor event(s) over MI, WI, MN, and ND minutes ago for 11MAY2012.

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form
(click here to report a meteor / fireball) 

More than 85 sighting reports for this event!

Initial Sighting Reports:
11MAY2012 Lee Harvey 2 miles north of Argusville, North Dakota, USA 21:30/central Time 7 seconds E-W Green, Blue and Bright white Very Bright, way brighter than the moon Broke up into 4 parts, one larger and 2 medium and one small Extremely long trail, must have impacted earth 10 miles west of Highway 29, 1-2 miles north of Argusville, ND

11MAY2011 JaneM Pinewood 2215 4 sec from e to west facing south blue/green very bright had a tail amazingly bright

11MAY2011 Jeannie Crosslake, MN. 22:15:00 7-10 seconds Traveling E to W I was facing south Brilliant blue with green edges moon no Was size of a large platter.  Maybe 18" diameter. Right over the top of my barn angling downward and into the woods next to my house.

11MAY2011 J. Mather East St.Paul, Manitoba, Canada 22:00 CST 5 seconds ESE to WNW facing SOUTH Bright green in color Bright as a firework Definite fragmentation Observed bright green object break up into smaller parts. Appeared to be very low altitute

11MAY2011 Chelsea and Dylan Penner Ste. Anne, Manitoba Canada 2200 CDT 5-7 sec SSE to SSW, traveling west, facing south Pink, blue, white (possibly small boom) Approx magnitude -7 Yes, parts falling off. No photo

For all meteor sighting reports:

MBIQ Data:
Webster, Wisconsin arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012" by searching for meteor may 11, 2012.
20:47:50 -- 30 minutes ago

Kalamazoo, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012" by searching for meteor in michigan 5/11/2012.
21:03:19 -- 15 minutes ago

Rice Lake, Wisconsin arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012" by searching for meteor sighted in wisconsin may 11, 2012.
21:05:06 -- 14 minutes ago

New Rockford, North Dakota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for may 11 light in the sky over nd.
21:05:58 -- 13 minutes ago

Minneapolis, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012" by searching for green meteor may 11 2012.
21:11:24 -- 8 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAY2012

A 20 Ton Meteor Crashed Near Blackstone, VA
WFMY News 2
In 1922, a 20-ton meteor crashed near Blackstone, Va. In 1930, Chicago's Adler Planetarium first opened to the public. In 1949, the Soviet Union lifted the Berlin Blockade, which the Western powers had succeeded in circumventing with their Berlin...

Video: May 8, 2012 - Field Museum's New ...
10 min
A rock from the fireball that caused a sonic boom as it fell in Nevada last month will join the ...

Meteorites From Big Fireball Spark Space Age 'Gold Rush'
Scientists are on an epic treasure hunt for meteorite fragments from a spectacular fireball that lit up the daytime sky over California last month. The space rocks came from a minivan-size asteroid that plunged through Earth's atmosphere and exploded ...

Asteroid Belt Planetoid Somehow Escaped Being Eaten by Earth, Mars
Scientists have pinpointed Vesta's handouts to a special type of meteorite -- howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) -- which account for approximately 6 percent of the total meteorites that collide with Earth yearly. Their source was confirmed by ...

Photos Fireball Drops Meteorites On Calif | Meteorites | Spacecom
See meteorite photos from the daytime fireball over California and Nevada on April 22, 2012. NASA is actively searching for fireball meteorites.

Astrophile: Two craters that launched 1000 meteorites
New Scientist
And those strikes dug up enough material to create an entire class of meteorites. If Helen of Troy had "the face that launched a thousand ships", then Vesta has Rheasilvia and Veneneia, the craters that launched a thousand meteorites.

Meteorite discovery spurs hunt for more pieces
NASA Ames and SETI Institute meteor astronomer Dr. Peter Jenniskens collects the Sutter's Millmeteorites using aluminum foil to not contaminate the stones by touch. April 24, 2012 Image credit: NASA / Courtesy of Dr. Peter Jenniskens (Phys.org) ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

11 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2012

NASA mission confirms: Ex-asteroid Vesta is a planet that almost was
Christian Science Monitor
Data from NASA's DAWN mission to Vesta, and later to another protoplanet, Ceres, have essentially confirmed the broad outlines of Vesta's history and structure, initially inferred from meteorites thought to be chips off the old protoplanet.

Asteroid collision that spawned Vesta's asteroid family occurred more recently ...
This image shows three slices of a class of meteorites that fell to Earth that NASA's Dawn mission has confirmed as originating from the giant asteroid Vesta. The meteorites, known as howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites, were viewed through a ...

Meteor prospectors mine hills looking for remains | Mountain Democrat
DR. PETER JENNISKENS, right, is a Meteor Astronomer with the SETI Institute. He was in Coloma on Saturday with NASA staff and volunteers in search of more ...

Hunting meteor fragments, older than the Earth | | EggheadEgghead
Hunting meteor fragments, older than the Earth. May 2nd, 2012 @ 11:07 pm by Andy Fell. The minivan-sized meteorite that broke up over the Sierra on Sunday, ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

10 May 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10MAY2012

Scientists charter zeppelin to hunt for meteorite
Bend Bulletin
The scientists searched for a meteorite that fell over El Dorado County on April 22. By Matt Weiser / McClatchy Newspapers SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It's not every day that NASA descends on your backyard, hunting for clues to extraterrestrial life.

Starry-eyed lover melts meteorite into engagement ring to ask his girlfriend ...
Daily Mail
By Eddie Wrenn A man went to the stars and back to make his engagement one of a kind - by carving a meteorite rock into a ring for his loved one. The now happily-married husband, known 'Laporkenstein', posted a photo catalogue on Reddit of his project ...

Meteorite could rock theory on how the universe was created
Medill Reports: Chicago
by Katie Dzwierzynski A small cardboard box in the basement of Chicago's Field Museum holds ameteorite that probably contains particles older than the earth itself. Terry Boudreaux, a meteoritecollector from Lake Forest, donated the 10-gram pieces ...

Supermoon may block out weekend meteor shower ...
The biggest full moon of the year is set to rise Saturday night, coinciding with the eta Aquarid ...

Rare Meteorite from California Fireball to be Donated to The Field ...
The Field Museum will receive a high-quality meteorite from a fireball that exploded over California and Nevada last month. The 4.6-billion-year-old meteorite, ...

'Amazing' meteor dazzles stargazers across Midwest
Boston Herald
It's probably safe to say interest in the Lyrids - and in the upcoming prime stargazing season - is building after the meteor burned brighter and longer than most others. "That would be a big plus," said Dan Joyce, an astronomer at Triton College in ...

Donated meteor coated in stardust | Chicago Field Museum ...
The earth is about 4.5 billion years old. And a meteor donated to The Field Museum Tuesday is even older.

Photo: Ouarkziz Impact Crater in Algeria
Space Ref (press release)
According to scientists, the crater was formed by a meteor impact less than 70 million years ago during the late Cretaceous Period of the Mesozoic Era or "Age of Dinosaurs". Originally called Tindouf, the 3.5-kilometer in diameter impact crater ...

Coloma CA Meteorite Hunt - YouTube
2 min
Coloma CA Meteorite Hunt Sutter's Mill. ... SUTTERS MILL METEORITEby cetuspa1 view ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!