27 September 2011

Argentina Meteor NOT! 26SEP2011

NOTE-  Many of you are landing on the wrong page for the Argentina Bolide Event of 21APR2013-
This is the event that you may be seaching for-

Argentina has NO Meteor or Satellite Crash 26SEP2011

Uploaded to YouTube by  on 26 Sep 2011 303 views

Several readers from Argentina wrote asking about an explosion that destroyed some
houses, killed one person and injured 6 others.-----

One Reader writes:
Tell him to find his Nasa satellite or meteorite fell in Argentina, one person died, the explosion was heard several miles away:
some days before (18/9) , people rec this one

My reply:
Hello,  I have viewed the bottom video; it is a video of a jet aircraft with contrail taken at near sunset, thus the clouds are lit.  The video is NOT  from the same day (video is dated 9/18), thus totally unrelated.

I have read the newspaper reports about the house and viewed the photos.  It is my opinion that this was not a meteorite impact.  The damage is inconsistent with that of a meteorite impact;  there are no remaining meteorite fragments.

The UARS satellite fell to Earth last week so there is no possibility that this was cause by the UARS satellite; there is no satellite wreckage debris reported.

The most obvious explanation is a gas leak, chemical explosion,or  some other accident source.  Another possibility is that it was caused by an explosive. 
Thank you for sharing this information with me. Best Regards, LunarMeteorite*Hunter...Tokyo

Isabel from Brazil writes:
I live in Brazil and i dont speak english. But, with google translate i can read the blog;
This morning i see this text in Spanish, because the meteor is failing in Argentina.
sorry my bad english
use google traslate spanish to english to read

Thank you Isabel!

Another Reader from Buenos Aires, Argentina wrote:
 Hi! I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and today the breaking news cover
a possible ball of fire coming from the sky that destroyed some
houses, killed one person and injured 6 others. Local authorities are
investigating this issue. Here you'll find some links to this topic:

Local newspaper in English:

Local newspaper in spanish with photos/video:

Could be this delayed debris coming from UARS?  

Reply: No the satellite had already fallen on the 23/24.  There are no reports of wreckage or debris at the house site in Argentina indicating that anything fell from the sky.

Possible Meteorite Strike Kills One; Destroys Homes in Argentina
By Scott Corrales, One woman died and six other people were injured as a result of the event. A local resident told Radio 10 that the explosion was caused by a flaming object that fell from the sky and completely destroyed a house and several cars. ...

26 September 2011

Ontario, Quebec, Canada / New York, MASS,, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont Bolide Meteor 25SEP2011

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Ontario, Quebec, Canada / New York, Vermont Meteor 25SEP2011

Averill Park, NY (near Albany) Meteor Sighting ~11:48 pm 25SEP2011
I was outside walking my dogs around 11:48 PM and saw what I first thought was a shooting star. I kept watching it and it got brighter and orange in color. It had a tail that turned a greenish/whitish color as it crossed the sky over the trees. What did I see??? -Autum Pylant Thank you Autum!

Hazleton, Pa Hugh Ball of Blue Green Meteor ~11:49 pm 25SEP2011
I live in Hazleton Pa. and at appox 11:49 pm in the sky looking north I saw a hugh ball of blue green with a silver and orange trail I yelled into the kids I just saw a falling star then thinking that was hugh it had to be a meteor. I am wondering exactly what I did see it traveled from north to east in a down word motion. -Cathy  Thank you Cathy!

Nepean (Ottawa), Ontario Canada Bright Green Fireball ~11:45 pm EST 25SEP2011
I live in Nepean, Ontario, a suburb of Ottawa, Ontario Canada. At about 11:45 p.m. EST on September 25, 2011, I took my dog out for a walk in front of my house, which overlooks an empty field. As I was standing across the street with my dog, I observed a very bright green fireball fall from the sky to the south east. It fell in a completely straight trajectory and lasted about 5 seconds before it appeared to reduce to sparks/cinders. I am unsure if this was a meteor as I don't recall hearing any news releases about meteor showers for this time of year. Anyways, I thought you might be interested. Thanks, Jamie Warren Thank you Jamie!

Hog Island, Tabor Point, Wanton, VT 11:43 pm 9 25 2011
Viewed large blue light plummet straight down. So bright viewed clearly from living room picture window. Thought perhaps a plane went down. Hopefully just a large meteor. -Phaegeoux  
Thank you Phaegeoux!

Montreal, Quebec Canada Meteor September 25th, at 11:50 p.m. EST
I was walking in Westmount Park at 11:50 about and I looked up and saw this huge fireball with a very long fiery tail. At the end of the tail you could see debris blowing up into nothingness. I have seen many meteors in my 52 years of living, but this was the biggest and weirdest one of all. just mainly because of the amount of exploding debris behind the long fiery tail.. It also seemed to be moving much slower than most other Meteors I have seen.
I am convinced it was not a shooting star at all. It was more like something falling and coming apart in the sky. Anyhow September 25th, at 11:50 p.m. EST -Paul Gallant  Thank you Paul!

Maidstone Lake,Vermont
About 11:45 at Maidstone lake,Vermont. Saw bright fireball,going northwest to southeast, white/yellow with blue too. Dark mass at front, fire tail ended w-sparks, lasted 3 seconds. Very impressive! -Mari  Thank you Mari!

Montréal Québec, Canada
J’ai constaté au dessus de Montréal (Québec, Canada) qu’une météorite est passée à 23h44 (heure avancée de l’est).
Sa direction était sud-est, elle était très brillante, principalement verte et visible pendant plus de 2 secondes. -Luc  Merci!

Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont.
The bright meteor arrived at 23:45 (+/- 1 minute) pm and it was green, with a bit of red light on the front edge.  It was bright, way brighter than any planets observable. It was approximately going from west to east. -Zijian  Xie-Xie Nin!

North Attleboro, MA large green meteor 11:38 pm EST 9/25/2011
I was sitting on my porch here in North attleboro, MA smoking a cigarette when I saw what I am guessing to be a large green meteor. It was over my neighbors house going northward. The size to me looked to be that of a minivan. It had a light green glow outside that got darker as it went in. It was teardrop shaped. This occured around 11:38 pm EST 9/25/2011. I have been researching as to what it might have been since and came across your e-mail. It had to have been somewhat low flying as the glow was on my neighbor across the streets roof. There are no street lights in my area so saw it very clearly. There was no sound either which I thought odd. Figured I would shoot you an e-mail as it seems this might be what your tracking. 
from the mind of -Christopher L Burns  Thank you Christopher

East Greenbush NY 11:48PM 9/25/11
At about 11:48 last night I was walking my dog and saw a burning object to the Northeast from my location travel from left to right. Weather conditions were very hazy as a heavy fog was setting in. It was low and traveled above the Horizon line changing from blue to green to red. What a fantastic sight! We had just been discussing these on Saturday night as I had seen one 6 Months ago that was crackling and popping as it traveled. Weird that I see an impressive one the next night. What are these Meteors? -Daniel F Bazinet  Thank you Daniel!

Farmington, Maine
My friends and I saw I giant meteor in the woods last night in Farmington, Maine. It was very bright, blue/green in color, definitely the largest meteor any of us had ever seen. -Kyle M.  
Thank you Kyle!

Corinth, NY
I saw the meteor last night at around 11:45pm, I was driving home on route 9N in Corinth, NY. It started small at first, and I thought it was just an average shooting star. As it travelled it got much bigger, and I could see all different colors in the tail and what looked like sparks flying off it. It lasted between 5 and 10 seconds, and traveled in a south-east direction. -Nicole  
Thank you Nicole!

Richmond, Maine Meteor With Sound ~11:55 PM Sept. 25 
Loud noise as something passed overhead, a roar loud as thunder that I could feel in my body like a car stereo with realy loud bass.I ran outside and saw a red light up in the sky then nothing as the tall trees obscured my view. The sound was incredible and had a low-frequency grind/rumble that cycled every few seconds even after the main noise had died away minutes after the comet passed. I had some friends in south Gardiner who hear it at the same time.It was going northeast to southwest. I am trying to find people around here who saw it better. Up north in someone saw it in West Paris, Maine at 11:40, about ten minutes before me. Other people felt ground tremors up in Bangor, Maine at 11:40 and then witnessed a fireball. Are we having fun yet?
Pete Lund -Thank you Pete!

MBIQ Data:
Ottawa, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball over eastern ontario sept 25 2011.
12:55:41 -- 20 seconds ago

Scarborough, Ontario arrived from ca.search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite september 26, 2011.
12:54:44 -- 1 minute ago

Waterbury, Vermont arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MA NY NJ CT PA ME VT MD Quebec, Canada Large Meteor Fireball 30APR2011" by searching for vermont meteorite tonight.
12:53:03 -- 3 minutes ago

Montreal, Quebec arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball falls from sky montreal september 25.
12:52:31 -- 4 minutes ago

We need your sighting reports:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Meteor/Meteorite News 25-26SEP2011

Meteorite Hunter Michael Farmer
1 min
Meteorite Hunter Michael Farmer discusses some meteorites in hismeteorite collection.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Antalya, Turkey Meteor ...
Meteor was travelling almost due east. Seen at 20:30 GMT on 15th Sept, from aircraft at 25000'. Looked close, but presume 20 miles away or more. So difficult to ...

"Moai Meteor" by Wally Pacholka (TWAN)
The southern Milky Way and a streaking meteor is captured over Hanga Roa, the main town of Easter Island.

Meteor shower to bring gold to Earth in October
In early October, a powerful meteor shower will come down to Earth. It will be brought by comet Giacobini-Zinner, which passes near our planet quite often. However, meteors shower are rear enough, but it is possible that they have contributed to the ...

Meteoroid impacts may explain some satellite mysteriesUSA Today
By Dan Vergano A cartoon depicts the impact and electromagnetic "plasma" made by a high-speed meteor particle smacking into a satellite. A cartoon depicts the impact and electromagnetic "plasma" made by a high-speed meteor particle smacking into a

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Outbreak in Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana 25SEP2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates Green Meteor Outbreak in Florida, Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama  25SEP2011

We need your sighting reports to confirm; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please emailLunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Meteor Event 1 (Florida - Daytime):
Milton, Florida Meteor ~7:30 EDT 25SEP2011
I was driving east on hwy 90 in milton florida around 7:30 pm 9/25/11 when a bright green light came shooting across the sky. It started at the clouds and shot down to the ground. It almost looked like a green shooting star
-Matthew Brown Thank you Matthew!

Meteor Event 2 (Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas - Daytime):
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Meteor USA 7:21 CDT PM Sept 25, 2011
It was bright red-orange, with a little blue and gold. It lasted two or three long seconds, traveling westward, it was bright as fireworks in the early evening sky I guess you can say, and before it shot out of view, sparks, or pieces seemed to break from it, as though breaking apart. It almost seemed mechanical because of the color. Thanks!-JoAnn  Thank you JoAnn!

Huntsville, Texas Daylight Meteor 7:20 pm CDT 25SEP2011
We driving on interstate 45 headed south and in the southeast sky the was a large bright falling object. It was still daylight and the object seemed to move slowly before it disappeared. -Frank I.
Thank you Frank!

Baton Rouge, LA Green Meteor 7:20 pm CDT
In back yard and saw meteor for a few seconds. White with tail and green leading edge. Looked fairly close. -Ken Armstrong  Thank you Ken!

Pass Christian, Mississippi  blue/green and also some red fireball 7:20 P.M. (CST)
We live on the beach, on HWY 90 in Pass Christian MS. and at 7:20 P.M. (CST), we saw a flaming object falling towards the west. It was blue/green and also some red. It certainly seemed more metallic to me as the flame behind was "organized" in that it was a rather "structured burn" instead of other meteors I have seen. Very bright and extremely easy to see. It was visible for at least 3 seconds, and it appeared that it may have "impacted". -Richard Stange  
Thank you Richard!

Missouri City, Texas Bolide 13 seconds 7:19 pm 25SEP2011
I was in Missouri City, Texas which is Southwest Houston. It was 7:19pm on Sept. 25, 2011.
The meteor started as a point just less than 15 degrees off the horizon when I was looking East South East. There were no clouds present, but a nice sunset...Venus Belt in the East that the bolide crossed through. I thought it was a bright plane at first, but quickly realized it was moving too fast and had a slight tail to it. It was in the sky for about 13 seconds total heading towards the horizon at roughly a 45 degree angle. It was brighter than Venus and about two times as large. The last few seconds it was in the sky it broke apart into smaller pieces...I'm guessing about 4 or 5. I didn't notice any particular color against the Venus Belt sky, except when it broke apart. The smaller trailing pieces turned red/orange Awesome show!!!!. -Christie B  Thank you Christie!

Scott, Louisiana
I was sitting on my patio facing South. I saw a bright green light with a red tail that was falling southwest. It was around 7:20 PM. No one has a explanation. -Chris  Thank you Chris!

New Orleans, Louisiana
We were walking tonight in New Orleans Garden District (with our backs to the French quarter) and we saw a huge fireball falling from the sky (left to right). Another patron at the coffee shop and a police officer saw it too. It's a mystery and we are left wondering what it was and found nothing online thus far. -Kerry Orlyk  Thank you Kerry!

LaPorte, Texas
@ 19:20 I saw a reddish orange fireball moving roughly north east. Sun had not set yet, yet it was easily visible. I would say it travelled about 60 degrees above the SW horizon to within 20 degrees of the north east horizon where it disappeared. Brightest meteor I have ever seen.
Shalom b'Yeshua haMoshiach! +Mar Michael Abportus  Thank you Mar Michael!

New Orleans, LA
At 7:21, While on break at work, I was sitting outside just kind of gazing in the sky when I saw a big bright blue green flaming meteor slowly descend from the atmosphere. As it slowly came downward it changed hues and all the sudden it burst into blazing orange flames then broke apart into like 4 or 5 smaller bits then faded out. It lasted several seconds. Was this part of the NASA satellite? I have never seen a meteor that was this brilliant. -Robert  Thank you Robert!

Katy, Texas Meteor ~7:15
Driving east on Clay Road, saw a bright blue object falling diagonally
towards the east. It was moving slower than I had seen other falling
stars and was brilliantly blue. It was around dusk. - Alx  Thank you Alx!

New Orleans, LA ~7:20
I was driving in Mid-City at around 7:20 p.m. and saw a large orange fireball in the sky. It was traveling left to right and was very bright. -Brittany  Thank you Brittany!

Arcola, Tx
I am a flight instructor and we were landing on runway 09 (facing East) at Arcola, Tx airport (indentifier KAXH) at 7:21pm CDT, Sept. 25, 2011 when we saw a very bright light appear from the Southeast. It was low on the horizon and moving Northward. It was so bright we thought it was a flare, or maybe space junk that was burning up. Very bright, with a trail, then faded out. Not sure of the colors. It's trajectory had a slight arc to it. -Valerie  Thank you Valerie!

Houma, Louisiana
Last night @ approximately 7:25-7:30ish 9/25/11 in Des Allemands, Louisiana heading toward Houma, it wasn't quite dark yet we witnessed a huge fireball in the sky. It lasted a good 10-15 seconds before it appeared to burn out. It was moving slowly. We weren't sure of what it was but were all so amazed. My 8 & 19 year old children got to see it too. I found you website a.d it seems as though we weren't the only ones. What was that thing??
Thank you for your help, Christa Falgout  Thank you Christa!
LaPlace, Louisiana
Around 6:30 PM headed home from Metarie as we exited I-10 in LaPlace, Louisiana, for about 3-5 seconds we saw lights off in a South Southeast direction. The lights were a yellowish to white color, no spectacular firework colors. There were 3-4 lights in a horizontal position then suddenly the lights appeared to be in an almost vertical alignment. Then all the lights went out. We thought it was a plane crash with a nearby airport Northeast of where we saw the lights. But there were no such reports. I investigated with my FB friends and was directed to this site.
Beth Bourgeois Thank you Beth!

Baton Rouge, LA
We were traveling south on Staring Lane , at intersection of Highland Road , Baton Rouge , 7:20ish pm on 9/25. It was bright green and white lasting for about 5 seconds from when we noticed it. Kate Landry/ Kirk Landry  Thank you Kate and Kirk!

Baton Rouge, LA
I was on millerville heading towards the interstate from harrels ferry rd, and saw an object going westward. it was very bright and had a long green tail. as it finally broke up and died off i swear i could see a silhouette falling agianst the sunset. this happened at around 7:19 pm. i figure it was remnants of the satellite? Answer- NO. -Graham Black Thank you Graham!
Paulina, Louisiana
My husband and I were on our way home from church around 7:20pm yesterday, and we took the river rd being on our motorcycles, as we passed the funeral home, a bright something caught our attention, it was very clear, very bright, like a huge and long lasting firework. It was a bright white ball about the size of a beach ball at first, with orange and red in the center and blue/greenish and some silver throughout it. It visibly shrank in size as it came down from the west side of the Mississippi river, until right before hitting the levee, when it just disintegrated into nothing. Amazing to see...disappointed that i was on nu motorcycle and couldnt take some pics! But we had a nice fairly long view, aad saw great detail! Where it was was actually in Paulina, louisiana...on the river rd. Sunday September 25, 2011...7:20p.m...thanks, amyo:)  Thank you amyo=)!

Mississippi/Alabama State line heading to New Orleans on Interstate 10
I was driving across the Mississippi/Alabama State line heading to New Orleans on Interstate 10 at 7:20/21pm Central Time when I saw a green glowing meteor falling across the sky. It lasted aprox 5-7 seconds... Enough time for me to think about getting my phone out for a picture before remembering my iphone was broken and my digital camera was in the backseat out of reach. Has anyone checked with the New Orleans/Mobile tv news stations regarding their sky cameras? It was fairly low in the horizon where I was so it would likely show up on a camera aimed at the west. - Stephen  Thank you Stephen!

Meteor Event 3 (Oklahoma, Missouri):
Cleveland, Oklahoma Large Green Streak shortly after 8:00 pm CDT 25SEP2011
Shortly after 8pm cst 9/25/11 large bright green streak seen from Cleveland, Oklahoma.
- Amanda K Thank you Amanda!

Missouri meteor ~8:20 pm CDT 25SEP2011
We are in Missouri & we saw saw what appeared to be a meteor falling from the sky at around 8:20 p.m. Thanks, Loretta  Thank you Loretta!

Mississippi 39475 ~8:15 Central Time
I`m in mississippi 39475 an from here looking west there was something huge white/blue edges falling thru the sky at about 8.15 central time,,this lit the sky up a good 3-4 secs,,has anyone else reported this,,or what is really was? -Torie  Thank you Torie!

West Plains, MO, sometime between 8:15-8:20pm.
Saw through a window facing south, the object moving from east to west.
It was a bright blue-green, almost like a flare. Much bigger than stars,
etc., and looked like a ball instead of the streak that a meteor usually
makes. I did not see a tail, but rather it seemed perfectly round.
Moved slower than a flare or meteor (shooting star) usually does.
Slow enough for me to notice, stand up and move closer to the window, before
it appeared to burn out. It looked like it just "turned off" but turning orange and smaller right
before it disappeared. -Sherry  Thank you Sherry!

I-30 in Arkansas between Arkadelphia and Malvern between 8-9p.m. on 9/25/2011 
Driving east on I-30 in Arkansas between Arkadelphia and Malvern between 8-9p.m. on 9/25/2011 and witnessed a bright green fireball with a tail shoot across the sky north of the interstate. It was falling toward the West and lasted about 5 seconds. It looked to be very large in size. Weird color, was almost slime green. -Matt Huskey  Thank you Matt!

New Bloomfield, Mo
Last night at 2030 in the SW sky seen a large green meteor streaking across the sky. We are located in New Bloomfield Mo. -Rick  Thank you Rick!

Bakersfield, Missouri
At about 8:20(cst) Sunday September 25, 2011 we saw a bright white meteor with a green tail streak from northeast to southwest in the Bakersfield, Missouri area. Duration was probably 2-3 seconds and it got very bright and lost its tail as it ended. If a star is a "pencil dot", this was "pencil eraser" sized. -Mike S. Thank you Mike!

MBIQ Data:
Baton Rouge, Louisiana arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor baton rouge september 25.
10:35:54 -- 36 seconds ago

Baton Rouge, Louisiana arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flaming ball in sky, september 25, 2011.
10:41:31 -- 5 minutes ago

Ozark, Arkansas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for sep 25 meteorite.
11:01:53 -- 7 minutes ago

San Antonio, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Falling to earth 09/25/2011 over san Antonio texas.
10:20:55 -- 17 minutes ago

Jackson, Mississippi arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for what was bright light in southeastern sky about 7:20pm central time on September 25, 2011.
10:21:27 -- 17 minutes ago

Dallas, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite over arkanses september 25 2011.
10:23:34 -- 15 minutes ago

Houston, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for have you just seen something falling down the sky.
10:25:19 -- 14 minutes ago

Pearland, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for saw bright light in sky houston.
10:26:06 -- 13 minutes ago

Lafayette, Louisiana arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for what's falling from the sky in lafayette la.
10:27:15 -- 12 minutes ago

Malvern, Arkansas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green meteor 2011.
10:27:35 -- 12 minutes ago

We need your sighting reports to confirm; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

25 September 2011

Sci-Fi Pioneer One Re-entry - TV Series

Uploaded on Youtube by MovieManiacsDE on Dec 19, 2010 11,032 views

24 September 2011

UARS Said to have Downed Near Okotoks, Alberta ???/ BC, Canada Meteor Sighted 24SEP2011

RCMP calls reports of satellite debris falling in Alberta 'hoax'
By: The Canadian Press

Update: NASA has confirmed that "NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. EDT Sept. 24. The Joint Space Operations Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California said the satellite penetrated the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. The precise re-entry time and location are not yet known with certainty."

Early reports are just in; UARS fragments have been discovered south of Calgary in Canada.
NASA has confirmed that "NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. EDT Sept. 24. 
LunarMeteorite*Hunter`s Note: The video taken at Okotoks appears to NOT be related to the UARS fall or debris trail; it is still unknown whether the reports of debris and craters  near Okotoka have been confirmed.

This said to be the actual Canadian UARS Landing Site (spoof)

Meteor was observed falling over St. John, British Columbia, Canada
Tonight between 8:30 pm and 8:45 I saw a meteorite fall as I was driving home. September 23, 2011 @ approximately 8:30-8:45 pm. Fort St John, British Columbia. I was driving in my car. North East. Latitude my location 56 degrees 14'29" 120 degrees 46'11" I was three minutes away from home. When I first saw it I thought it was a plane, because we live close to the airport. I thought the plane was crashing actually. It was in the sky as long as it took my brain to think, what is that, is it a plane crashing, no not a plane a meteorite. Then it was gone. The angle to the ground was approximately 45 degrees but that is just an estimate. It was moving from left to right so north to north east. About 5 seconds from the time I saw it to when it stopped burning. To my eye, it did not hit the ground but burned up before it could do that. I can't really tell how high in the sky it was, not far above the trees. It was not high in the sky but close to hitting the ground. I don't know if that is helpful or not, it really happened so fast. Very bright, seemed brighter than a star because it seemed to be close. White light.-- Christine  Thank you Christine!
If you witnessed this or another meteor event please email your report:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Meteor/Meteorite News 24SEP2011

Cosmic Coincidence: Meteor Spotted Over Portland, Oregon Skies
But it was just a meteor – and quite a coincidence. With my camera sitting in the dark of SW Portland/Beaverton, trained on the SW portion of the sky, I was lurking here between 9:16 pm (Pacific time) and 9:26. Local authorities said it would be around ...

Meteorite hits California house
The Perseid meteor shower was taking place, and Mike thought maybe, just maybe it was a meteorite that hit his home. That's when his son, Ben, joined in the search in the front yard plants. "Grabbed some gloves, brought it over, started lifting it up, ... (HOAX!)

Satellite crash: UK to see spectacular 'fireball' display
By Mirror.co.uk 23/09/2011 The six-ton satellite hurtling towards earth could give stargazers in the UK a spectacular 'fireball' display tonight moments before it crashes. Providing visibility is good then people across the country should look to the ...

23 September 2011

Colorado / Nebraska / South Dakota / North Dakota Daytime Meteor Fireball 22SEP2011

Denver, Colorado (Metro Area) bright white fireball fall 3:30 MST 22SEP2011
Hi there. Just wanted to let you know one of these things (or something) hit here, in Colorado, yesterday (9/22/2011). My husband saw a bright white fireball fall straight from the sky yesterday on his way home from work at around 3:30. He estimated that it hit about a mile away from where he was driving (I-25?) in Colorado, it was somewhere between Lakewood and Wheatridge. Our first thought was the satellite that's supposed to be re-entering the atmosphere however, when I told our 15 year old, she informed me that meteors were expected to hit our area this week. Darn teenagers, they really do know everything, lol. Anyway, we didn't see anything about it on the news, but multiple calls were made to at least one of our local stations.
Your page said to e-mail with info, so here I am. If you would like more information, please send a response. Alas, I was at home when this took place and missed out on seeing such an awesome event. Take care and happy hunting. -L2TB  Thank you!

North Platte, NE 4:30 central time
Hi I saw the same meteor that the lady reported in Colorado. We saw it in North Platte, NE driving northbound. It looked like a fireball just fell out of the sky in the north west with several sparks behind it! It looked as big as a plane and disappeared seconds after it started! It was 4:30 central time so the time is the same as the Colorado viewer in mountain time! We thought it was the satellite because of the size but turns out it was a meteor!!! Very pretty sight!!! Also two people from Arnold, NE reported seeing it at the same time!!! -Casandra  Thank you Casandra!

We need YOUR report IF you saw this or any other event; please email:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Meteor/Meteorite News 23SEP2011

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Oregon Meteor Fireball ...
I have seen many many meteor showers and odd things in the sky before; this is the topping on the cake for the shows and wonders I have witnessed in the sky! ...

Fireball Streaks Through SkyKEZI TV
By Kate Renner A fireball streaked across the Oregon sky with sightings in Portland, Bend, Medford and Eugene. It moved through so fast it doesn't look like anyone got a picture of it. "It looked like a giant large blue softball just flying through the 
Fireball seen over Western Oregon | kgw.com Portland
fireball streaked across the Oregon sky Wednesday evening. Described as blue or green with a small tail, the object appeared shortly after 8 p.m. Reports of ...

Bright Fireball Blazes Across High Desert, Oregon
A bright fireball streaking across the sky Wednesday night was seen by dozens, likely hundreds or more Oregonians as it blazed a west-to-east trail over the Cascades and apparently well out over the Pacific Ocean. But an expert in such matters said it ...

A Falling Satellite Catches the Popular Imagination
New York Times
A dead hulk of a NASA satellite the size of a bus is skimming the top of the atmosphere, and as air molecules bounce off, its orbit is decaying until gravity will finally pull it down as a fiery meteor. To be specific, 26 large pieces of the Upper ...